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The Glory of Africa Part 3

Africa is home of the rise of the entire human race. All in inhabitants of the world directly or indirectly has a definite, transparent connection to the Motherland of Africa. Black Africans are the first humans on Earth. My past is from Africa and I will forever cherish and respect my own black ancestry. I'll always love my blood. Now, in the 21st century, we live in a more complicated world atmosphere. In the past few months, my mind expanded in numerous subjects pertaining to black culture. This growth has enabled me to be more opposed to the white supremacist system and its slick tactics. Long term, our people will be stronger and better, but we will have to fight evil in the process of becoming more enlightened in our consciousness. Here, more issues will be shown about Africans worldwide. I am an African that was born in America. We are the first people in existence. That is why we as black people have been strong, resilient, precious, and a gift to the entire human race. Real Black Queens and Black Kings have done excellent work for humanity in general. I will never omit nor omit these gems of truths. Since this is 2011, more information about our present conditions will be presented from education, relationships, and to life in general. With God's help, I will be a better human being myself. That's a promise. I'm nearing 30, so my perspectives

on life are more focused like a telescope lens. Disagreeing with white supremacism has

nothing to do with mind control or perpetual, unjust antagonism. The powers that be want black people to ignore issues of oppression, injustice, and institutional racism continuing today (like the events from Hurricane Katrina to the death of Sean Bell. These incidents are recent not centuries ago) to keep the status quo going forth. Standing up for the essence of your cultural identity has nothing to do with adhering to the concept of racial hatred. This act of standing up relates directly to the precise and concrete goals of asserting our natural human rights and preserving our excellent legacy. Sorry, but more and more blacks aren't buying into some fake propaganda like colorblindness & groveling at the feet of the establishment (to seek acquiescence). I respect the real truth, but not cultural elimination. You dont beg another man for your freedom. You demand freedom in a firm fashion. It is also important to never use the truth about the greatness of Africa as an excuse to promote unjust hatred of any human being that is a different background or creed. If a human being sincerely & honestly seeks to have resolution, cooperation, to embrace the fight against injustice or prejudice, and possess a true measure of ending tensions, then that human being ought to be respected regardless of their background or color. Yet, its fine and legitimate to promote Black Unity and Black Power. The real interests of the Black Race ought to be respected. We cant unite with some racist, or some interloper trying to exploit people. We should never respect either some deceiver. My soul and heart are still though intact and natural. Again, I am an African who happens to live in America. I can be limited in what I can do by myself. Yet, if I and others work together in a collective effort, I can do more to build education, health services, businesses, etc. I like to rebel against evil. Forget that politically correct piece of lies that the establishment promotes on a daily basis. The truth is a much more sufficient antidote to the situations in mines and others lives. Since people like this series of African issues so much, I will create a part 4 really soon in 2011. You know, the sister Beka Shakur certainly gave more motivation to talk plus write about these issues since she provided a lot of history on real black pioneers.
The contributions and gifts of the black African people are found in a multiple amount of ways. The black soul is strong. These gifts are found in the means of creativity, music, architecture, intellectual pursuits, oratory, dance, art, and spiritual enlightenment, resilience against obstacles, the love of family, athletics, and other realms of human living. The future is here. 2011 is here. It's a new time with culture flowing, technology rapidly advancing, and more controversial topics coming up (relating to politics, sexuality, race, gender, class, and other themes). It's a great time to alive. It's also a time that we have that right to discuss more of the truth in a truth seeking type of fashion. This work is controversial and I like it like that. The reason is that I am controversial and I make no bones about it. It's important to keep my conscience clear, but it's time to lay the truth out there for as many people as possible to witness. Life isn't about being colorblind, but color respectful. Not to mention that the world can't punk me.

The world can never limit or cripple the strength of a black man or a black woman. Ive been growing in my intellect after all these years. Im just getting started in
my life. Hopefully, I can keep on doing what Im doing and take things into that next level in the years and decades ahead in the future. Learning new information is a long journey. It never stops and I like to learn about issues, especially about controversial matters. Im 27 now. Life is like chess not checkers in that you can win in life, but you should be conscious of the moves that you

make. In

the end, good will triumph over evil and Black people will still be here within the Universe. We dont war against each other. We fight against the evils in society and white supremacy. Thank God I woke up and Ive seen the Light about these topics. A person has got to keep it real. Anything else would be uncivilized. I act the same and treat people the same in private and in public. This work is much more politically incorrect and honest. It shows exactly how I feel on certain issues without apology. I have to tell all of you that this is the fastest read work on this issue that Ive shown here. This work really resonances with people. I do like to thank the ancestors for their strength and I will never forget what my ancestors had to suffer, so I could live here in the 21st century. The memory of my ancestors will never be forgotten.

Unsung Heroes
We know about Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, and other great black leaders in history. The unsung heroes in some cases did more for black people than well known black leaders that we know from school, the newspapers, books, and other forms of communication. That is why the unsung heroes ought to be known for a regular person can make differences in our daily world. There is nothing wrong with being a regular black man or a regular black woman having love for your people in contributing to the advancement of black people in general. Mary McLeod Bethune is an original black hero. She lived from 1875 to 1955. She became a

great educator, a Presidential advisor, and did a lot of work for her people. She was famous for being a civil rights advocate and one of the most influential black

leaders in the world. She was the daughter of former slaves. Her parents desired greatly for Bethune to receive and education. A Quaker woman gave her an office to attend school and she did. Bethune created a school for African American girls in Daytona, Florida. In 1923, she became the co-educational leader of Bethune-Cook man
College. Mary McLeod Bethune served as the college President of Bethune-Cook man College until 1942. She united all major black women's organizations nationwide into the National Council of Negro Women. She fought against segregation and discrimination as President of the National Council of Negro Women for 14 years. There were many Presidents that sought her advice on issues that relate to the lives of black Americans. Their names were Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, and Truman. Franklin Roosevelt once appointed her as the director of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administration. She was the first black woman to ever head a federal agency. Ida B. Wells lived from 1862 to 1931. Both of her parents were slaves until after the Civil War. Her father James was a master at carpentry and her mother was Elizabeth (she worked as a cook for the Bolling household). Wells attended the Freedmen's Show Shaw University (or Rust College today) in Holly Springs. Her life was made up of a fruitful exercise of promoting freedom and justice for black people. She was a journalist, and an advocate for civil rights. Ida Wells was known for being vehemently opposed to the evil action of lynching. Springfield, Mississippi was the place of Ida Wells' birth. .He created the Negro Fellowship League. She was forced off a train for refusing to sit in the Jim Crow car permitted for only black people. She was awarded $500 by a circuit court. The decision was overruled by the Tennessee Supreme Court in 1887. This rejects caused Ida B. Wells to promote justice even more. She reported in 2 black newspapers, the New York Age and Chicago Conservator about the violence and justice being done by racists against African Americans (some of these people were pro-Democrat since the Democrats back then had heavy pro-Jim Crow forces in their ranks). In 1889, she became co-owner and editor of Free Speech and Headlight, an anti-segregationist newspaper based at the Beale Street Baptist Church in Memphis that published articles about racial injustice. In 1941, a low income housing project is named after Ida B. Wells (and the U.S. Postal Service issued an Ida B. Wells stamp back in 1990). She was indeed a strong. Ida B. Wells fought for women's rights like women's suffrage too. Women's suffrage dealt with allowing women the right to vote in America. It's hard to believe that women were even denied the right to vote, but that was a reality less than 100 years ago.

There was a person named Benjamin Pap Singleton. He is the man in the above image. He was a former fugitive slave. After the Civil War, Singleton (worked once with other runaways) returned to his native Tennessee to help other black people. Some white Tennesseans refused to sell land at fair prices. So, Singleton and his ally Columbus Johnson stake out land in Kansas for black people. This movement was called the Black Exodus or the Exoduster Movement of 1879. Singleton therefore has been known as the Father of the Exodus. He relocated hundreds of black Tennessean to the Midwest. At least 50,000 African Americans left the South for the Midwest from 1879 to 1881. This was in response to the federal governments policies in the time of Reconstruction.

There are many black scholars then and now that accurately record the real history of the Black People. One such black scholar was Joel Augustus Rogers. He lived from 1883 to 1966. Dr. W. W. E. B. wrote of him that: No man living has revealed so many important facts

about the Negro race as has Rogers." The eminent anthropologist and sociologist J.G. St. Clair Drake wrote that: "No discussion of comparative race relations would be complete without consideration of the work of the highly motivated, self-trained historian Joel A. Rogers. Endowed with unusual talent, Rogers rose to become one of the best-informed individuals in the world on Black

history, writing and publishing his own books without any kind of organizational or foundation support." In April 1987 interview, Professor John G. Jackson (19071993) said that: "Rogers came from Jamaica in the West Indies. He settled in Chicago. He eventually took a job as a Pullman porter so he could visit different cities and libraries and do research. I got an interesting story about that. The story was that in a lot of large cities a lot of libraries were for whites only. Black people weren't permitted to go into them. So Rogers had to pay the Pullman conductor to go to the libraries and take out books from them. The conductor said, "Rogers, I believe you're a d___ fool. But if you want to throw away your money that way, I'm willing to cooperate."

Now, Rogers was an active scholar. He traveled to 60 countries and studied culture being a field anthropologists. Rogers always believed in the dignity and equality of his people. He just passed away at the beginning of the Black Studies movement (for colleges, universities, public schools, and private schools). Dr. John Henrik Clarke (a great scholar and historian in his own right. Dr. Clarkes lectures mix information, relevance, and humor into the conversation to allow people to think critically about African people in order to get solutions accomplished). His widow was named Helga M. Rogers. Indeed, Rogers, in the words of Dr. John Henrik Clarke, "looked at the history of people of African origin, and showed how their history is an inseparable part of the history of mankind." J. A. Rogers knew Marcus Garvey from his youth in Jamaica. Tons of Caribbean brothers and sisters have always been at the forefront of black liberation (just like black Americans and other human beings). That is why Im thankful for my Caribbean ancestry. J. A. Rogers wrote for the UNIAs weekly newspaper called The Negro World and he lectured to local UNIA chapters. He exposed racism in his 1917 book entitled From Superman to Man. He is very famous for his book entitled, One Hundred Amazing Facts About the Negro With Complete Proof: A Short Cut to the World History of the Negro. This book went through many printings and at least eighteen editions. Rogers Sex and Race book series went to various volumes from 1941 to 1944. He wrote literature talking about the Black African presence in Africa, Europe, Asia, and other locations worldwide. There are illustrations and other forms of documentation to validate the essence of his arguments.

There are many black inventors in history as well. Charles Drew created his blood plasma bag device in about 1945. O. Dorsey has a patent for the door knob back in December 10, 1878. Garret Augustus Morgan was another great African American

inventor. He lived from March 4, 1877 to August 27, 1963. He originated a respiratory protective hood. This was similar to modern gas masks. He is credited with having a patent for a type of traffic signal. He is renowned for a heroic rescue in which he used his hood to save workers trapped in a tunnel system filled with fumes. He is credited as the first African-American in Cleveland to own an automobile. He was born in Paris, Kentucky and he died in Cleveland, Ohio. Morgan had a constant love affair with dealing with mechanical items and working with businesses. He owned many businesses like a sewing machine and shoe repair shop. In 1908, Morgan helped found the Cleveland Association of Colored Men. That same year, he married Mary Anne Hassek and together they had three sons. In 1909, he expanded his business to include a tailoring shop. In that shop, the company created suits, dresses, coats, etc. Granville T. Woods was another famous black inventor. He held more than 60 patients for inventions. He invented the multiplex telegraph. This device sent messages between moving trains and train stations. He lived from April 23, 1856 to January 30, 1910.

Its certainly reasonable to show the truth about how many Brothers and Sisters from the Caribbean and from Africa assisted the movements of black liberation in America. Marcus Garvey was from Jamaican and he introduced modern Black Nationalism in America. Garvey inspired the birth of the NOI, the civil rights movement (with groups like the NAACP, SNCC, CORE, and SCLC), the Black Panthers, and the whole nine yards. He set up the first black shipping company. Even the first Black Secretary of State Colin Powell has Jamaican ancestry. Kwame Ture was the first man to introduce the term Black power in a modern sense in America. Kwame Ture was Trinidadian. Jamaica is the largest Caribbean Island with fewer than 3 million black people living there. There is one billionaire from Jamaica and he donates $105 million to NCU. There is a great African scientist Philip Ameagwali. The Jamaican women by the name of Connie Matthews joined the Black Party in Copenhagen when she was working in the U.N. Matthews became the Panthers International Coordinator from 1968 1971.

As International Coordinator, she used her contacts and skills to help disseminate the Panthers ideology in Europe, and facilitate trips abroad for Panther leaders to meet with supporters. Blacks from the Caribbean have been moving America forward since the 1600s. Also, Jamaican Maroons defeated the British slave masters on many occasions. They have beaten the British so bad; they had to give us our freedom and much land just to keep us from the Maroons from wining. In 1739-40, the British government in Jamaica recognized that it could not defeat the Maroons. Both the grandparents of Nat Turner and Harriet Tubman were from Ghana. Gabril Prossor had African grandparents being slave liberator. Bartholomew Nnaji, Olufunmilayo Olopade, Winston Wole Soboyejo, Nat Quansah, E. B. Abo, and other people are African researchers, scientists, university leaders, and other scholars (from Nigeria, Ghana, and other countries in Africa) that made great contributions in the world. There is a lot of appreciation in human contributions. There should more inspiration for us to do better, be better, and achieve better duties (as a means to grow our minds, hearts, and spirits in the essence of presenting our gifts, which exists from the Creator). *The lesson here is that regardless if youre black and live in America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Asia, etc. we are all in these together. We have the right to have black unity in real terms.

In the 21st century, independent black people have made great contributions in the world. Edwidge Danticat recorded the history of her history of Haiti as a Haitian novelist. She wrote about many events from the Haitian celebration of Carnival to the other parts of Haitian cultural elements. She desires to write for children and adults. Her latest book Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at

Work came out in November. ""The Haitian people,"" the Haitian author told theGrio. Danticat also said that: "Their strength and courage, compassion and spirituality, which has continuously been tested since they gained their independence in 1804." Many Haitians want radical improvement in their nation of the Western Hemisphere. People are doing their best to make sure that in the years down the road that Haiti will be a much stronger and much more resilient nation, especially after the terrible earthquake (that inflicted Haiti in January 12, 2010). The earthquake in Haiti murdered about 230,000 human beings. Adriane Brown is another person working with technology in order to incorporate innovation in the world.

There are tons of more black inventors as well. William H. Bennett and George Edward Alcorn dealt with the spectrometer. Janet Emerson Bashen was issued U.S. patent #6,985,922 on January 10 2006, for a "Method, Apparatus and System for Processing Compliance Actions over a Wide Area Network." Doctor Patricia Bath was given the patent (#4,744,360) was for a method for removing cataract lenses that transformed eye surgery by using a laser device making the procedure more accurate. Dr. Patricia Bath was a great black female doctor. Edmond Berger invented an early spark plug on February 2, 1839. Otis Boykin improved the electrical resistor. This resistor is used in computers, radios, television sets and a variety of electronic devices. His resistor helped reduce the cost of those products, a variable resistor used in guided missile parts, a control unit for heart stimulators, a burglarproof cash register and a chemical air filter. In total, Otis Boykin patented twentyeight electronic devices. Marie Brown made the first video home security system to be patented (patent #3,482,037) on December 2, 1969. This patent belonged to Marie Brown. The system used television surveillance. All these people not only created inventions, they also maintained and "taught" others to do likewise.

More blacks in America own more businesses than in years. This is great news indeed. Now, we should make even more solutions to benefit our own black people in the present and the future too. There is nothing wrong with learning about the past, but the past should be used as motivation to build a more magnificent present and future for our people.

African Kings and Queens

For years, tons of black or African people have learned about Kings and Queens for years. Some people may not know that much about them. That is why I will show information on many of them for historical reference and inspiration. Their lives prove that anyone regardless of their color or background can achieve mighty achievements if they strive to do better. Life can be a means to achieve succeed. All peoples need inspiration once and a while. One King in Africa was named King Mutato. King Mutato lived in the 1400's. He reigned in the Empire of

Monomotapa. His Empire covered many areas that are today known as Rhodesia, Kalahara, Mozambique, Transvaal, and as far south as South Africa. King Mutato made his
political rule to exist in an effective fashion and he promoted economic development plus prosperity. This is why the Monomtapa used iron technology and allied crafts even before the Christian era. Queen Nzinga was a real Queen and a real soldier for black people. She has been called Jinga and Ann Nzingha. She lived from the time of 1582 to 1663. In her lifetime (during the sixteenth century), the Portuguese stake in the slave trade was threatened by England and France. This event caused the Portuguese to transfer their slave trading activities southward. They want to conquer the Congo and South West Africa. Then, they tried to conquer Angola. There was Queen Nzinga who was a great head of state, a military leader, and few peers in her time. Professor Glasgow of Bowie, Maryland exposed much of the achievements of Queen Nzinga's life. The professor described her life in these terms:

"...Her extraordinary story begins about 1582, the year of her birth. She is referred to as Nzingha, or Jinga, but is better known as Ann Nzingha. She was the sister of the thenreigning King of Ndongo, Ngoli Bbondi, whose country was later called Angola. Nzingha was from an ethnic group called the Jagas. The Jagas were an extremely militant group who formed a human shield against the Portuguese slave traders. Nzingha never accepted the Portuguese conquest of Angola, and was always on the military offensive. As part of her strategy against the invaders, she formed an alliance with the Dutch, who she intended to use to defeat the Portuguese slave traders."

She was 41 in 1623. In that time, Nzingha was the Queen of Ndongo (in southern Africa). She wanted to be called King and lead armies in battled dressed in men's clothing. In 1659, she was 75. She signed a treaty with the Portuguese. She resisted the Portuguese's evil imperialist campaign among the span of most of her adult life. The great African woman died in 1663, which resulted by the massive expansion Portuguese slave trade. She is known for defending her own homeland from imperialists.

In summary, and in the words of Dr. John Henrik Clarke, "The first accomplishment of the African woman, in partnership with the man, was the creation of a functioning family unit. This major step in human development laid the foundations of the organization of all subsequent societies and institutions. In Africa the woman's `place' was not only with her family. She often ruled nations with unquestioned authority." The image above the caption of African Kings and Queens to the left is the figure named Askia the Great. His name is also known as Muhammad Toure or Mohammed Ben Abu Bekr. He was the general of Sunni Ali Ber. Muhammad Toure made a vast Empire in the Songhai Empire. The Songhai Empire was one of the richest Black Empires in the period of the 1400s-1500s. He was a Muslim, so he made a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1496. He took 300,000 gold pieces. He even met the Caliph of Egypt and wanted the Caliph to appoint him as his representative in West Africa.

You cant really in my opinion discuss about Black African Kings or Queens without discussing about Chaka Zulu. He lived from 1768 to 1828. He was a warrior and was an absolute ruler. He has been compared with Napoleon. Chaka Zulu was a strong leader and he was a military th innovator. Chaka revolutionized 19 century Bantu warfare. He had heart and great power. He used hand to hand war tactics without rifles to defend his land plus people. He was the son of the Zulu Chief named Senzangakona and his mother was named Nandi. Chakas father wasnt

killed (for in that time his parents were blood relatives, which was a crime punishable by death) because he was a chief. He suffered a lot in his youth. He was forced as a boy by his enemies to eat hot food and hot meat down his throat. Sijuana or Chakas son was in the throne when his father died. Chaka was 26 years old. Sijuana was killed by Chaka in ambush. So, Chaka was the head of the Zulus. He came into power in 1820. He used

soldiers to act efficient in battle that revolutionized military tactics. He trained his men to use modern weapons and special tactics. He used a short stabbing spear, so his enemies feared him. Chaka Zulu build his nation of more than 1 million and united people in South Africa against European colonialists. Chaka Zulu and other African Kings planted the seeds of African independence movements that transpired decades after Chaka Zulus death. Other books talk about similar issues. They are Vincent Thomspons Africa and Unity, Walter Radneys How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Kwame Nkurnahs Ghana: The Autiobiography of Kwame Nkhumah, Kwame Tures Ready for Revolution, and other books. The Brother Kwame Ture was right to say in 1966 that:

We must wage a psychological battle on the right for black people to define themselves as they see fit, and organize themselves as they see fit

21st Century Issues

2011 is a new era of time. There are issues of race, class, education, culture, health care, education, romance, etc. that are common in the black community. You can't really understand

black culture unless you get a feel of real information that describes the diverse issues that accumulate in the black experience. The black experience is worldwide. One constant among real black people is the love of black people. One important thing in the black experience is legacy. We should desire an excellent legacy for us, our relatives, and our people. We as black people have made great progress in the world. That is defined by many businesses, leaders, and others who made great contributions who are black. Yet, we still have a long way to go to build up the black family in a more effective manner. One example is the turmoil going on in Haiti.
There are real people making a difference in Haiti in helping the sick, giving aid, and so forth. Yet, Haiti experienced an U.S. military occupation, and corruption is occurring by some U.S. corporations. According to the New Orleans based writer and activist Jordan Flaherty, there are politically connected U.S. corporations using their contracts to profit from the Haiti Earthquake. There are still disease infested areas and tons of homeless people in Haiti. There are 1,268 displacement camps and some have been forcibly closed.

UNICEF estimates that more than 1 million people 380,000 of them children still live in displacement camps. One problem in Haiti is that there is little building of adequate housing in Haiti. According to a study conducted by CUNY Professor Mark Schuller before both Hurricane Tomas and the outbreak of cholera, 40% of displacement camps did not have access to water, and 30% did not have toilets of any kind. Only 10% of families even had a tent, many of which were ripped beyond repair during the hurricane season; the rest were sleeping under tarps or even bed sheets. So, real people from across the political spectrum are calling for the international community to assist the Haitians to have real housing. Housing is an extension of human rights not just forcing people away from displacement camps. There should be real solutions for re-housing and protections for homeless people in Haiti. According to Haiti's Public Works Minister, of the 390,500 buildings destroyed by the earthquake in the capital, fewer than 1,000 have been repaired. So, Haiti's infrastructure ought to be radically improved upon. Crime in America should be exposed to.

The nature of crime has been a destructive force in the black community. This history of crime and crime enforcement is very complex. For example, not every black person in jail is guilty. Some crime laws are unjust or excessive. Michelle Alexander is a female author that outlines an articulate reasoned view that the mass incarceration of black people has been related to a reactionary backlash against black progress (what she deems as the New Jim Crow). This doesn't mean that every black person in jail is innocent or we have no personal responsibility in our lives, but it does mean that evil forces are in place (like institutional racism) that causes some problems in the world today. Back in the 1960's, the same white supremacist segregationists like Senators McCellean, Erwin, and Thurmond would promote harsh anti-crime proposals (as a means to scapegoat minority citizens). They used this law and order rhetoric in order to establish a new, slick Jim Crow type of society. Now, much progress was made after the civil rights revolution gained steam in society. The problem was that the civil rights movement wasn't used to address economic problems at the same time in a radical way. The Civil Rights Movement brought real social changes, but economic inequality ought to be addressed. For socioeconomic inequality mixed with racism causes problems in any community. You have to make economic reforms and civil rights reforms in order to make reasonable social reforms among the black community. The law and order deceptive rhetoric was popularized by President Richard Nixon (under the time of riots and widespread police harassment plus police abuse against citizens. Riots are wrong, but they are the voice of the unheard as King said. If you want to stop rioting, then you have to address why the riots occur in the first place. They occurred because of the strangling conditions of poverty, oppression, and injustice occurring in various areas of America). This caused the FBI to use slick means to suppress dissent against mainstream governmental policies via COINTELPRO, Operation Chaos, etc. Many reactionaries made no distinction between genuine protests, and real crimes (and that crime was caused by culture not by structural factors like socio-economic factors. Crime is heavily caused by socio-economic factors). From the early 1980's to now, globalization, the excesses of the Drug War, and deindustrialization harmed many black communities as well. The Drug War allowed unfair punitive sentences for crimes (like if you have mere possession of certain drugs, then you can get multiple years in prison straight up). The get tough on crime rhetoric didn't solve our crime issues. It caused America to jail more people than any nation on Earth. The 3 strikes laws, bad minimum sentencing rules, and other bad policies aren't pro-black power at all. As the Justice Policy Institute has observed, the Clinton Administrations tough on crime policies resulted in the largest increases in federal and state prison inmates of any president in American history. Now, we have to provide real reforms. We should allow felons the right to vote nationwide after they have paid their debts to society. The 3 strikes laws nationwide should end. The war on drugs should end since the War on Drugs target poor communities of color in evil ways. Even when I was a child, I didn't agree with the War on Drugs. Three Strikes rules should end. Those out of

prison should be afforded real opportunities to live their own lives in the pursuit of happiness. Unfair imprisonment of black people should be gone. A radical change in the system ought to exist. As Dr. Martin Luther King mentioned: For years I labored with the idea of reforming the existing institutions of the society, a little change here, a little change there. Now I feel quite differently. I think you've got to have a reconstruction of the entire society, a revolution of values. - M.L. King

We want our descendants to remember us by since anybody can go out with a spouse (but can you take care of that spouse), many people can make children (yet can you take care of that child and instill in that child real values to live by). Everyone knows that being an Uncle tom is a disgrace. These people include Jesse Lee Peterson, Pastor Manning, etc. One thing Ive noticed about them is that these sellouts use offensive rhetoric against their own people, yet suck up or acquiesce to whites (or non-black people. They have that mentally enslaved mind. Some of these Uncle Toms view that non-black person as superior, which is false. Im not sucking up to

no one. A lot of people feel the same way that I do indeed. Im not the only person thinking like this). Even Slim Thug made errors (saying that all black men should
lay up with white women in memory of MLK). Slim Thug also made other stereotypes against black women too. Slim Thug is no threat to the system, because the system want people to act like him (since he embraces materialism without long term economic planning to benefit the community of black people collectively, wants females to be utilized as basically social doormats, and he uses music & other forms of entertainment that degrades his own race). Anybody bashing black women isnt a real honorable person to me. So, Im not joining that club.

Any man that demonizes a black woman is a punk and a coward period. Anybody that speaks ill of any gender of the black race is not an ally of the black race period. A man who puts his own race of women down is NOT A MAN. The black women bashers are a disgrace and they should open their eyes (and realize that tons of black women have great personalities and treat human beings with respect). Therefore, the bash black women movement is just as evil as the bash black man movement. Both movements benefit white racists, not black people. Also, I do believe that in 2011, more black people are exposing these lying black women bashers (who are traitors that disrespect their own bloodline & people) more often. I am. We shouldnt disrespect any women of any background plainly speaking. In the final analysis, we all are in this together, both black men and black women. Black women were with us in the buses to protest the occurrences in Jena, LA, they with us to protest against Jim Crow & lynching, and they are with us fighting for equality. They were with us in supporting real rights and they cared and nurtured us when we were children. We who are black men owe a lot to black women. All of the truth is here. The light of God is still strong, the mantle of righteousness never ceases among real people, and pure inspiration glow firm like a mountain. No one can intimidate me since I am a freeman. I will
never turn against the same women that gave birth to me at all. Im joining people that have real love for sisters forever. Black men have the right to love, marry, have children with, and cherish black women. Slim Thug is acting as a disgrace and his statements show how deluded Slim Thug really is. Even if he was joking, that's still a foul statement to make. You wonder why Latoya Luckett left him. Latoya isn't perfect, but she has a lot of class.

People like crammasters accurately expose the mentality of people like Slim thug, the traitor Vybz Kartel (you are a disgrace to real brothers and sisters from the Caribbean that are really holding it down for black people worldwide) & Albert Haynesworth in an eloquent fashion. Sisters especially and brothers have talked about the following information for years. At first, I was hesitant in believing in a lot of this stuff, but the truth is the truth. The truth is that some interracial relationships (not all such relationships) are a product of the person of color having serious self hatred, low self esteem & inferiority complex issues (regardless of class, wealth, or whatever. You will notice that even the skeptics will sub consciously realize that this is true. Some of these unfortunate people have hatred of their African features and culture, which is wrong). Malcolm X exposed people who promote the evil bashing the beautiful black African features on a human being:
When you teach a man to hate his lips, the lips that God gave him, the shape of the nose that God gave him, the texture of the hair that God gave him, the color of the skin that God gave him, youve committed the worst crime that a race of people can commit. Malcolm X

This black person with this mentality of low confidence, etc. sees the white spouse (or a non-black spouse) as a figure of admiration to seek psychological or mental validation in a white supremacist system. Some Black men especially in my opinion succumb to this low self esteem mindset. In many cases, the non-black spouse exploits the black person (when tons of black women and black men have plenty of great personalities, charm, intelligence, and achievements). Some of these non-black potential mates (they know who to try) intentionally target either the black person with low self esteem, the person with rich socio-economic status (in other words, if the black man or black woman was a regular Joe, 9 times out of times, these non-black people wouldn't be checking them out for romance at all. They target the person especially with their stuff together. I have to keep it 100 percent real on this issue), or the person that they perceive as malleable (or weak, regardless if it's true or not. I've seen this with my own eyes since I'm a great observer of human behavior. My mother is like that too). The self hating black person knows that he or she cant run game on a real black person for a relationship, so they figure they try to run game on an non-black person for romance in order to seek some sense of validation (when real validation comes when a black person appreciates his or her own identity with true love for their own people. You have to be comfortable with allying with a wide spectrum of your own black people). Also, I know the following. Some of the brainwashed black people who are self haters will intentionally treat their own people with disrespect, fear, or disgust (being afraid of hanging out with their own people except those they deemed tolerable or family members), while they treat non-black people with

admiration or with a submissive attitude. Crammasters exposed these self haters in these terms:
Like Malcolm X once said, "If the house negro's master was sick, he'd say, "We sick, boss?" and if the master's house caught fire, the house negro would work harder to put it out than the master. These "house negroes" are in love with their oppressor and have become "sympathetic racists" who have the same (racist) attitudes toward other blacks that white racists have. They will condemn blacks, discriminate against blacks, mistreat blacks, and refuse to love, date, or marry blacks JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK. These are the kinds of blacks who betrayed the slaves who attempted to escape, and were the MAJOR CAUSE of most slave rebellion failures. Harriet Tubman would kill slaves who attempted to turn back, because she knew they would go back to their white masters and betray the slaves who were escaping. The reason I'm writing all this is to say, "house negroes" are the most sick negroes of all, and MOST cannot be saved or changed. They have been totally denatured and are a DANGER to the black nation, just like the house negroes during slave rebellions. With that in mind, I will focus my efforts where they will do the most good, with black people who want to overcome their oppression, and who love themselves and black people MORE than they love their oppressors...
which goes to show that (some) black folks make a LOT of negative assumptions about other black folks all the time, but let you make ONE negative ASSUMPTION about a rich and famous white folk they like? All hell breaks loose And dont let the media convince you that you have to imitate anyone else to be beautifulor allow them to take your place as the woman, wife, lover and raiser of the black manwith those natural black kinks in your head that match the ones on minethe only way the black man can become the proud African men we were born to be is with our beautiful black queens by our sides

Also, some non-black people in these relationships laugh at their self-hating black spouse behind their backs since the black spouse is acting in contrary to the interests of his or her own people. That is why in real life, these non-black people exploiting black people romantically (not all of them) stare at me with a strange look in the sense that they know I know what the deal is. I have a lot of intuition and discernment. Also, you will notice that they will try to stare at you from a far to see if you approve of their relationship when most of us brothers and sisters dont have an inch of concern about who they go out with. We are concerned with promoting Black Love, Black Unity, and Black Power period. You dont seek acceptance by begging acceptance from whites or non-blacks. When a person hates their own black people and worships non-black people, then

that is an evil slave tradition. We ought to reject that slave mentality completely. We are a strong people. You treat a person as an equal without kissing up to white peoples coattails in a deliberatively subordinate fashion. Just treat any human being as you would want to be treated. You have to understand the game that these self haters use in order to solve the problem. People know exactly what Im talking about. As crammasters mentioned, the establishment glamorizes IR relationships above black love in order to promote covertly white supremacy (and try to destroy real black love. They use the low self esteem black person [whether he or she is rich, poor, or middle class] as a guinea pig in order to give that black person a false sense of self esteem). This guinea pig in the eyes of the white supremacist power structure is a social token. THIS ISNT ROCKET SCIENCE. As black people, we cant let anyone use us for some sexual fetish or some social experiment. We have the intellectual maturity and social strength to oppose evil and live with true honor plus dignity. That is why the black community shouldn't support anyone that consciously chooses to degrade their own people (from the Internet, TV, books, music, etc.). Some non black people in an IR relationship show racism against their own black spouse. So, it is extremely naive to think someone can't be a racist because they are sleeping with a black person. Only a weak man promotes hatred or stereotypes against the same race of women as their mother, sisters, aunts, nieces, grandmothers, etc. A real self respecting black man will always cherish a black woman. Therefore, everybody should want their legacy to be as glorious and transparently legitimate as possible. Nowadays, you get call racist for telling the truth about these things, but I dont have fear about that. Standing up for the preservation of black people, to promote more black families, and to harbor a love of real African culture is never a part of racism at all. It isnt racism either to prevent black people to be ethnically and culturally extinct either. Its takes real love for a person to love a human being in the same ethnic or racial group like Black Love. Thats basic common sense and real wisdom. The sellout should have no admiration, but the sellout should have that opportunity to wake up. If they dont, then we should leave them alone and allow them to reap what they have sown. The truth is the truth and I wont compromise in order to appear politically correct. That's all the more reason why real black men and real black women should continue to love each other. Love is love (you have the right to be in love with who you want to. You are a human being. I'm not a dictator and I am not a hater). We have to encourage & assist brothers and sisters with low self esteem to have that confidence to live their lives in real happiness and glory. Also, for those of us who are black men, we should defend black women when they are being assaulted or slandered by society. Thats one out of our many jobs as men. The lesson presented here isnt about hating a mans color or hating a mans relationship choices. Its about telling a human being to love a person for sincere reasons without internal self hatred. The other lesson is that we need more black unity and more solidarity in our realm of existence too. Statistics show that the majority of Black males (even celebrities) are married to Black Women plus vice versa. We will continue to love our black people now and

forever. That is why I will forever respect my dark skin color, my African physical features, and my own black identity 100 percent. That is why I will never go out with a person that doesnt know my culture or isnt interested in e building up my community So, it isnt a secret that I am a nationalist. I always community. have been even in my youth.

Black Men and Black Women are One.

Black is always Beautiful. We must be bound to have tolerance for each other, but we have that duty to help a brother or a sister out to have the impulse of confidence in their lives that excludes hurt. Weve been through enough pain. Now, its the time to have healing, solutions, and self improvement We have improvement. every right to fight against racism in our time too We can learn that tearing too. people down who possess the wounds of low-confidence isnt a provision thats real confidence or morally correct. We should never emotionally tear down a person at any circumstance. Our state of mind would be to use our inspirational power to build up a brother or a sister suffering in life, to make a culture thats consists of tolerance ng with a more revolutionary quality, and to adhere to the belief of equality among all quality, peoples. In other words, we should tell a black person their worth, their great value, and their own great being. No one should feel left out or be ostracized if they wear a certain item of clothing, if they speak with an unique accent, if they are poor, if they hey have eclectic tastes, if they look a certain way, or if they are different from you in any measure. Its better for a person to have dignity, moral idealism, positive character, and spiritual renew than so-called swagger. On the real, if youre renewal comfortable in your own skin, you dont need to disrespect anybody without a legitimate cause at all. People that try to intentionally hurt someones feelings are insecure about their own selves. For we judge a human being on their conscious udge

behavior not on a human's inherit physical appearance. I dont believe a man is a lesser man than me if he differs from me in any shape or form. We can do our part to stand up for rational ideals and view our people as allies not aliens, family not foes, and real partners being created in the image of God. All black people should be treated the same regardless of what a black person looks like. Treating people as an individual is fine with me too.

.We are not Africans because we are born in Africa, we are Africans because Africa is born in us -Chester Higgins, Jr.

*Yet, people should never exploit love as a tool of self hatred, bashing black women, bashing black men, or to be used an attack on Black Love & Black Consciousness.

Black Love is very beautiful. Race building for black peoples (in having communication, have fun with each other, build businesses together, grow our culture together, and have justice together) is fine with me.
Deceivers cant play me because my mind is sharp and I comprehend adequately the ways of the world. Although, with the conditions in the black community now, we should promote more black families and more black children to be born to grow the socio-economic & political base of black people in general. People should reject the population control evils in the world that desire to decrease the black population rate. We don't have to lay up with people of another race (these people dont know my pain, struggle, joy, history, and culture like a black woman can. With a man as smart as me, you know I will never fall for some foolishness. I know how the game works) to prove our equality or our value in the world. Its just plain common sense to respect your own blood and your own heritage. For promoting ethnic identity will develop culture and mutual cohesiveness. The powers that be dont want to see black men uplifting and loving black women or vice versa. Our equality existed since conception. Personally, I prefer to be romantically involved with a black woman. Demographically, Black women treated me with the most respect and dignity in my entire life. I have that connection with sisters that's unshakable and firm. Thank God I woke up. Thank God. *This is also for the Sister Jill Scott for telling the truth. The sister got crucified by the mainstream establishment for telling the truth, but the truth always wins out. She is also is promoting scholarships to assist lower income human beings to get an opportunity to help young people to go to college (including people to help their own selves in developing a work ethic or hustle in their lives). Thanks, Jill Scott.

There is also a corporate culture that we ought to fight against too. This evil culture glamorizes killing people, anti-intellectualism (there is nothing wrong with being free to express yourself in unique ways, but there is no shame in wanting to have wisdom in your life), and glamorizing nihilistic behavior (from underachievement, etc.). The entertainment community use peer pressure to try to get black people (especially the youth) to go along with calling people slurs, to view a person different from you as inferior, sexuality being exploited, and promote drug/alcohol abuse. That is why people reject wicked music that promotes these things. Especially for me, I'm too old to be P.C. Mentors should be made more available, especially for boys to teach the right way to live a life. Young people should be taught more often to defend women, there is no long term value in being a player (that manipulates people in an illegitimate fashion), and being truly educated (in book and street smarts especially) is no vice. There is nothing wrong with true music, true athletics, having humor, having a social mature outlook in life, and having true fun in one's life. Yet, we can't discount the need to be intellectually mature to handle the new realities that transpire in the 21st century. Not all white people are our friends. There are people like Rush Limbaugh, Chelsea Handler, and Bill Maher (on war on terror issues, he's 100% politically correct) using either hatred or condescending rhetoric against black people. One way we can fight against interlopers is to confront corporatists and others promoting garbage in the first place in a peaceful fashion. We should be in the streets, in the middle class places, and even in other places to tell the world that righteousness is so much better than social degradation. In our time, we can't be moral relativists. There are moral absolutes that should be promoted like: respect for your neighbor, no degradation of males or females, the preservation of the black family, the promotion of black love, fight against any sexual crimes or sexual abuse, the rejection of materialism (that is an offshoot of numerous centuries long white supremacist system), no sexual exploitation in a bad fashion, and the fight against white supremacy. When people want black unity, people aren't saying we ignore our problems. One of the best ways to fight for black unity is to confront our issues from health to our economic status. When the black man and the black woman are united, it's a very powerful force. Regardless of the propaganda, the mainstream media pushes, the vast majority of black men and black women love each other very much. That is why only a small number of black men date and marry interracially. If a black man can't love and respect a black woman, then there is something wrong with that black man period. Now, it's important to support real black businesses too. The media and the elite constantly hate real black unity in the world. You will notice that they usually call other ethnic groups racist for doing this. Yet, businesses are not to be taken lightly. If someone

wants to create a business, he or she must have real qualifications, real strength, and real discernment to take their livelihood into the next level. We have to take our business skills to the next level in having assets, we have to be financially literate, and other forms of financial resources to compensate in an evolving market. Black people have the right to be self sufficient and not seek social/cultural validation from anyone else to create our own standards. Assimilating to a corrupt system leaves enslavement a real possible, but creating independent power will grow real power. We Africans can't have complacency since real crisis from education, HIV/AIDS (that can affect anyone irrespective of background. Its a cruel disease), and to health are here now in 2011. More and more black people are questioning the establishments version of integration. We dont need Jim Crow segregation, but we should have fought mainly for equality and economic liberation primarily as human beings. The corporations and the elite exploited integration in order to strife true black economic independence (that can help black folks in Africa to develop its infrastructure too). In other words, since the 1960s, white elitists control the lions share of resources, power, and wealth in various places (then blacks are given token crumbs and some blacks are used to protect their white bosses). That is why corporate dollars fund people like Alan Keyes, Gates, etc. telling the lie that corporate forces and institutional racism have no role in racism, problems in Africa, etc. The CIA sent agents to try to gut real means to have true black liberation. Now, the establishment used integration in their version not to equalize the playing field truly, but to have control in the black community via color blinded assimilation. This assimilation is about the promotion of the elimination of cultural characteristics among black people basically in order to dominated by a white supremacist system socially (or a form of mental slavery). For true independence deals with PROGRESSION AND UNITY OF BLACK PEOPLE IN BLACK COMMUNITIES IN ORDER TO DEVELOP REAL POWER, REAL BUSINESSES, BLACK LOVE (being appreciative of our heritage and what we think, what we look like, how we express ourselves, and how we talk to each other as human beings), CREATING INDEPENDENT ENDEAVORS, REAL STRENGTH, AND REAL JUSTICE. Now, we have the evils of gentrification (this just isnt happening in some neighborhoods, but the South side in Chicago, Harlem, in parts of Brooklyn, and even in parts of Northwest, Washington, D.C.) harming black cohesiveness. That is why more and more black people are living in the suburbs or in rural areas. I have no issue with the rural areas since they have a serene environment. My people and relatives are from there. Other cultures or ethnic groups establish

tight-knit communities somewhere in town nationwide. They set up shops and even sell their culture from back home. Racist whites love it when blacks buy from them, but they stand to lose billions of dollars if black people buy more from their own businesses, etc. Black social mobility to build up the black community in general is a crushing blow to the white supremacy. That is why these bigots destroyed the black community in Tulsa, Oklahoma (including Rosewood, Florida) since Tulsa was a shining example of Black Nationalism. In the early 1900s, black people created over 50 towns in the state of Oklahoma including Tusla. This was Black Wall Street in Tulsa where the town had its own bus line, library, theater, stores, bank, and businesses. It was marveled by other people since Tulsa was doing so well. Kwame Ture explained these accurate words on Black Power: The Black Power movement has been the catalyst for the bringing together of these young bloodsthe real revolutionary proletariat, ready to fight by any means necessary for the liberation of our people. The Black Power movement in the US is exposing the extent of the racism and exploitation which permeates all the institutions in the country. It has unique appeal to young black students on campuses across the US. These students have been deluded by the fiction in white America that if the black man would educate

himself and behave himself, he would be acceptable enough to leave the ranks of the oppressed and have tea with the Queen We have to extend our fight internationally, not only because such a consciousness would destroy within black communities the minority complex so carefully calculated by the American press, but also because we know that if the black man realizes that the counter-insurgency efforts of the US are directed against his brothers, he will not fight in any of their wars. He will not go. Then it will become crystal clear to the world that the imperialist wars of the US are nothing less than racist wars. During the past year we have initiated a black resistance movement to the Draft, which is being led by our hero, the World Champion, Mr. Mohammed Ali. Not only because were against black men fighting their brothers in Vietnam, but also because were certain that the next Vietnam will either be in the Congo, in South Africa, in Zimbabwe, Bolivia, in Guatemala, in Brazil, in Peru, or indeed in the West Indies. And we are not going to fight our brothers And to the end, we are going to work with our common brothers and sisters in the Third World to fight this oppression There is only one place for black Americans in these struggles, and that is on the side of the Third World (Kwame Ture on Individual Racism and Institutional racism from 1969).
By inspiration from God & research from other great brothers and sisters, I just found new information about this issue. You can further than the early 20th century. In the early 1800s, Afroseer wrote about how African Americans dominated maritime trades especially shipbuilding. There were African American carpenters, sail makers, caulkers, riggers, and rope markers. Even some merchant ships often had 1/3 to African American crew members. There was the African American Caulkers Association or a trade union that allowed them to negotiate wages and working conditions with ship writes. This has been exposed by the book entitled, Freedoms Port: The African-American Community of Baltimore, 1790-1860. The author of the book is named Christopher Phillips. He documents how African Americans built autonomous churches, purchase land, start businesses, schools and eventually the beginnings of a political voice. In a review of this book, Laura Croghan Kamoie describes the intense backlash by Euro-Americans (native and immigrant) which culminated in a failed re enslavement movement by native EuroAmericans and a successful job-busting campaign by some German and Irish immigrants. The brother and researcher Afroseer wrote about Detroits Paradise Valley that existed between the 1920s to the 1960s, African American had a thriving commercial and entertainment district. This district gave jobs and supported a profession class. It was bulldozed out of existence when Interstate 75 was constructed. Many interstates as Dr. King said harmed African American communities. There is nothing wrong with infrastructure growth, but not using it to achieve wrong results. Whats the point here? The point is that autonomous African American communities have always existed here in America and this isnt a part of bigotry. Its about self identity, cultural growth, and honest appreciation of black strength & ingenuity. Even Dr. King before he was assassinated in 1967 said that he wanted black engineers, architects, lawyers, businesses, and other power existing throughout the South. Dr. King and Malcolm X united and shook hands by 1965 in order to fight for real black liberation worldwide. Both men were murdered before their plans were realized. Malcolm X by In fact by 1968, Dr. King was sounding more like a non-violent version of Malcolm X by supporting African revolutions, opposing Vietnam, rejecting the mainstream capitalist system, calling for reparations, and accepting Black Power. So, Dr. King and Malcolm X were radicals and

had more ideological similarities than some folks give credit for. Dr. King wasn't some "good" civil right leader acting as some token. He was a revolutionary that believe in the ending of the corrupt economic power structure in order solve the massive poverty issues plaguing the USA.

There are even new research coming out about the life stories from Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King. Each man was converging in their ideological belief systems. Malcolm X was becoming more progressive and Dr. King was becoming more radical. Malcolm X before he died became more progressive. He disagreed with the current economic system in America. He criticized the Vietnam War as exploitative and evil. Malcolm X desired education for women, because a society isnt a real society unless women have progressive rights. He even wanted to work with other civil rights organizations in order to promote some sense of voting rights and human rights for black Americans. Malcolm X was the first mass leader in America to oppose the war in Vietnam and viewed the oppression of African Americans in the USA as the same as the struggles of other oppressed people in the world. Fundamentally, we still have individuals that suffer from mental colonialism in America. He could have led anti-Vietnam War demonstrations in America. In 1962, Malcolm X supported labor rights for Hospital Workers Local 1199 in NYC during 1962. The Western imperialism against Cuba and Vietnam (along with the Wests attacks in that nation) was about a social struggle for human rights. Malcolm X worked with revolutionaries in order to bring up charges against the U.S. government for its unjust, horrendous treatment against blacks of African descent in America. The CIA wanted to find out about the foreign travels of Malcolm X. This is why the FBI, the CIA, and the New York Police Bureau of Special Services (BOSSI) united in an effort to monitor Malcolm X. Karl Evanzz wrote his book called The Judas Factor to expose this reality. FBI leader William C. Sullivan worked with the directors of BOSSI to infiltrate the Afro-American Organization for Unity organization. The FBI and the

CIA didnt like the success of Malcolm X linking the struggle of African Americans with the national liberation struggles in Africa all over the Third World. Hurricane Katrina, the killing of Sean Bell, the killing of an innocent 6 year old girl in Detroit by savage cops, the lynching of a black man in Mississippi, the killing of a black man in the Bay Area, the immoral wars going on, and other crimes have all occurred in the 21st century (in our time not in the 60s or the 70's). So, we look forward in the future with inspiration, but we don't forget the struggle. Its ironic that Malcolm X said the following in 1965: They also know that the only way we're going to do it is through unity. So they create another trap. Every effort we make to unite among ourselves on the basis of what we are, they label it as what? Racism. If we say that we want to form something that's based on Black people getting together, the white man calls that racism. Mind you. And then some of these old white-minded Negroes do the same thing, they say, "That's racism, I don't want to belong to anything that's all Black." A lot of them say this. But it's only because they themselves have been bitten by the bug, the white bug. And they think the only way they can belong to something that is going to be progressive or successful, it has got to have the white man in it. Many of them think that. But these are traps. He traps us because he knows it's impossible for us to go forward unless we get together. But what basis are we going to get together on? We've got to get together on the same basis they got together. Italians got together because they were Italian, the Jews got together on the basis of being Jews, the Irish got together on the basis of being Irish. Now what basis are you and I going to get together on? We've got to have some kind of basis. But as soon as we mention the only basis that we've got to get together on, they trick us by telling our leaders, you know, that anything that's all Black is putting segregation in reverse.[Laughter] Isn't that what they say? So the people who are Black don't want to get together because they don't want segregation. See, the man is tricky, brothers and sisters. I mean the man is tricky. He's a master of tricks. And if you don't realize how tricky he is, he'll have you maneuvered right on back into slaveryI shouldn't say back into slavery because we're not out of it yet.[Applause] These are traps that he creates. If you speak in an angry way about what has happened to our people and what is happening to our people, what does he call it? Emotionalism His words sound like the stuff I hear in 2011. Even decades later, his words presented the cultural reality or the modern age in Western society. Evanzz found out there was a special meeting scheduled for March 3, 1965. Ahmed Ben Bella, the leader of the Algerian Revolution, had invited Malcolm X along with Che Guevara and other leaders of independence movementsto a special conference in Bandung scheduled to begin on March 3, 1965. Malcolm X had also been able to get Ethiopia and Liberia to include human rights violations against African Americans with their petition on South African human rights violations before the International Court of Justice at The Hague. The petition was scheduled to be heard on March 12, 1965. Evanzz found evidence that Dr. King would support Malcolm Xs efforts to bring the struggle of human rights before the United Nations and identity with the human rights of the peoples of Africa. Malcolm X died before the Bandung conference could take place (a week and a half after February 21, 1965). Evanzz

provides circumstantial evidence that John Ali, a former friend of Malcolm X who became a national secretary of the NOI, was more than likely an FBI agent/informer and hence the Judas Factor. In fact, Evanzz provides quotes from Malcolm X to Lomax indicating that Malcolm X blamed John Ali for his expulsion from the Nation. The FBI tried to neutralize King via COINTELPRO and other programs. Dr. King exposed the current economic system as paralyzing the poor in America. The FBI monitored Dr. King all of the time. Dr. King wanted the economic nightmare to end or that poverty should end amidst prosperity among the rich. He opposed the war in Vietnam. In his last letter, requesting support for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1968, he wrote: It was obdurate government callousness to misery that first stoked the flames of rage and frustration. With unemployment a scourge in Negro ghettos, the government still tinkers with half-hearted measures, refuses still to become an employer of last resort. It asks the business community to solve the problems as though its past failures qualified it for success. So, Dr. Martin King wanted to have an annual minimum and livable income for every American family. He wanted to end poverty as we know it. Since poverty is big business literally, the corporate power structure didnt like Dr. Kings new stance for social & real economic equality. If the anti-war movement, the labor movement, and the civil rights movements united to make solutions, then we would see a new level of social reform. We should build our ideas based on the authentic principles from Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King in order to fight for real justice for black people. Black people have always made independent developments for eons of time.

One lesson of life is to serve the interests of our people (and respect humanity). When I mean serve, I dont mean compromising, acquiescence, being fake, or do betrayal. I mean honestly helping to make the world a better place out of altruism and a valid moral intention. Thats spiritual and its holy plus right. We will have to end any form of evil bigotries if we want to take our lives into a higher plane. Anybody can be great and anybody can out and feed the homeless, anybody can go out and promote justice, and anybody can defend the meek & the outcast in using a God-given heart with soul (plus love). I have total love for Black Nubian Queens. I dont want something

new when home is where I need to be in order survive and maintain my own cultural & ethnic integrity.
There was a Black man by the name of Isadore Banks. He was a WWI veteran and he came back to Arkansas. He became a wealthy land owner and he set up electrical power for Black people in his own community. He was a very successful entrepreneur. He was a strong Black man and racists murdered him, because he made contributions for his people. Isadore Banks would have made a power company with the capital that he had if he would have lived. Even the FBI closed the case and backed off. This proves that tons of businesses can be done by the black community. That is why it takes a real man and a real woman to stand on your own 2 feet and build for their communities. Thats only natural and common sense. People want to see how it is in the world. Real people will respect you for exposing the truth and not sugarcoating information. The establishment wants

to make an one world society or a new world system via eliminating ethnic distinction and cultural uniqueness (in promoting cultural degeneracy and compromise with the world). On our own, we can succeed with strength. Then and now, we have our own homes, businesses, and we protect our own self interest. Even Malcolm X said that we cant be uniting with anyone else unless we get our own house in order. Eliminating ones culture by radical assimilation does nothing to benefit black people long term. We can communicate with other human beings and still maintain our cultural identity. If people like Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King wasnt

assassinated (even innocent Black Panther soldiers got killed. They were just setting up peaceful breakfasts for children and the FBI immorally compared them to domestic terrorists), the black community in America would have been more united and intact in my opinion. Even in the churches in the USA (not just in various outlets), some folks act very materialistic to flash their wealth in order to intimidate and disrespect those less fortunate. A religious place is a religious place not a fashion show. Back in the day, this was a rare occurrence. Also, a
real man is afraid nothing, but God. It

doesnt matter how many degrees or cash that you have, you need to build and help out black people (especially in the poorer black communities). This fashion show/money pimp circuit of phony religion

has been promoted by the establishments evangelists as well. Fake religion is used as mind control and the leaders of this movement heavily made up of CFR members, Masons, Rosicrucians, Boule members, other members of political groups, etc. Yet, there is no shame when a human being embraces true spirituality that seeks to help a neighbor out instead of promoting the economic & social exploitation of a neighbor. Do for self is a strong and controversial phrase. We need to be very careful not to use the Do for

self idea as a means to poor bash our people or promote some laissez faire or reactionary, cartel unregulated capitalist agenda that does nothing to radically end poverty. Do for self should be a philosophy that we should use in order to be self sufficient especially long term (I do believe in a safety net & public services to help the poor and disadvantaged in society though. I dont agree with saying to a man that is extremely poor the old bootstraps lie. I do believe in programs to help the poor). How can you tell a suffering man [who is at below the poverty line] get up by their own bootstraps when he has no boots to begin with? You have to give the man some boots first. The poor are not to be blamed for institutional racism, international wars, and the drug epidemic in society. In other words, long term, we should learn to feed (with farms, etc.), clothe, house, educate, defend, and protect our own people like a nation in a higher level. For individual solutions alone or collective solutions alone arent going to cut it. We need both individual & collective efforts in order to grow the black peoples cultural base. The Do for Self mentality ought to be never be used to promote a toxic radical me-ism or a bad form of selfish individualism (that harbors sole concern for the individual instead of promoting real black unity or a community orientated solution). Self reliance in my mind doesnt mean allow folks to suffer without any assistance though. Ive never bowed before a white person in my life and I never will. I worship God alone.

We need economic justice beyond the legitimate need of social justice. Its immoral for those who want the super rich to make no sacrifice, while they want the poor, the working class, the middle class, & others (who are financially struggling) to have their social safety net to be radically cut. We should end tax breaks for the wealthy, get rid of corporate tax breaks, end the war on terror, end oil subsidies, and execute other populist solutions here. With economic power, you have real political power. A person needs self-reliance in order to not be so dependent on the current corporate apparatus. You being self-reliance mean that you make up your own power base. We also should make demands on the government for changes. That isnt equivalent to begging. Thats common sense since demanding power in a real fashion can make reforms (It was our relatives and ancestors demanding an end to Jim Crow, voting rights discrimination, and an end to lax job opportunities. These demands were authentic). Demanding change is a part of the freedom of speech. Im not saying we revert back to Jim Crow (I
reject bigotry against anybody), but we can do a whole lot better than the times we see today. We have made great progress in the world, so I want to make that clear. We still need to take our progress into a higher level (by communicating with our people more, etc. We also need to deal with issues of education, crime, economics, fighting against materialism, foreign policy, and other subjects from across the board). The supremacist knows full well if you integrate with him, then that increases the changes of this supremacist to control you mentally (leading to the destruction of your African soul). Cultural unity is necessary to preserve your own talents and gifts to build up the African community in America plus worldwide.

There is a higher law than the law of government. That's the law of conscience. -Kwame Ture

African Lifestyles
Like any other continent, lifestyles in Africa have always been complex. There are numerous ethnic groups that exist in various nations that legitimate seek their power and strength. Post-colonial Africa have caused a new reality in Africa. There have been some improvements in Africa since after World War II and there is a long way to go in radically enhancing nations in Africa (from wars, corruption, authoritarianism, violence, etc.). Although, greatness still exists in Africa. Africa then and now is made up inspiration, great people that are working day in and day to contribute their talents to assist the people in Africa. Africa has always been a great blessing for the human race. Africa is the worlds second largest and second most populous continent in the world. It has about 1 billion people as of 2009. The Encyclopedia Britannica mention that 45% of Africans are Muslims, 40% of Africans are Christians, and less than 15% of African continue to follow traditional African religions. There are Africans who are Hindu, Bahai, follow Judaism, and other faiths as well. A small st minority of Africans are non-religious. Africa in the 21 century exists with a great deal of modernization regardless of what stereotypes you may hear. There are tons of growth and development throughout Africa (not just in South Africa). These places of develop accumulate in the locations of:

-Nairobi, Kenya -Luanda, Angola -Windhoek, Namibia -Johannesburg, South Africa -Cape Town, South Africa -Pretoria, South Africa

-Port Elizabeth, South Africa -Addis Ababa, Ethoipia -Kampala, Uganda -Yaounde, Cameroon -Brazzavile, Congo -Maseru, Lesotho -Lagos, Nigeria -Kigalia, Rwanda -Bujumbura, Burundi -Dakar, Senegal -Oran, Algeria -Ouagadougou, Bunkina Faso -Abjua, Nigeria, -Accra, Ghana

And the list goes on and on.

African culture has a very long history and a great measure value in the world today. African culture influenced the landscape of the world and real people are appreciative of this fact. That love of African culture is a great blessing that black people and other people possess in their hearts. To understand African culture, we have to understand that African culture is very diverse among languages, ethnic groups, political groups, and other social groups. One big part of African culture is the essence of marriage. Marriage in the African world then and now represented an unification of families, clans, and even whole communities into one. Marriage was strongly respected in Aksum, Kemet, Songhai, the Zulu Kingdom, and other places all over Africa. Marriage among nations and clan fostered efficient trade and peace. Balance, unity, and peace (key parts of the African tradition) interrelate to marriage. In Ghana, the marriage has the groom accompany his family to ask for the brides hand in marriage (in front of family, friends, and well wishers). The marriage

ceremony starts with the "knocking" (kokooko) on the door ceremony. In the knocking ceremony the groom, along with his father and some elder members of the family visits the brides house to announce their marriage intentions. Often times this ceremony is performed a week or two before the actual marriage ceremony. The knocking ("kookoo ko") is derived from the Ghanaian tradition of knocking on at the entrance of a house before entering as a visitor. There are African names for children as well. One is called Akinwole (or the Yoruba name of Nigeria meaning bravery enters this home). Akello is the Alu or Uganda name for I have brought or bring forth. Asad is the Somalian name for lion.

Sudan had their vote to see if separation and independence for south Sudan could be a reality. There are legitimate questions on both sides on this issue. One side says that if Sudan is split, more Western interests could carve up Africa even more in exploiting its resources. Another side said that if southern Sudan was a new nation, then the racism and attacks against animists plus black Christians would radically decrease in that part of the world. One thing is true. The suffering in Sudan is wrong and imperialists should not oppress black people in Sudan at all. This vote is important since it could be the beginning of a southern Sudanese nation free from

oppression. Freedom sometimes involves separation. There are many examples of this. Algeria separated from French colonists to develop their own nation. America even separated from the British Empire to form the modern American nation. Not all separations are wise, but some are. The vote began on January 9th, 2011. "I grew up during the war, I suffered during the war," says Gabriel Anyuon, a 28-year-old Southern Sudanese from Jonglei state. "An independent Southern Sudan has been what our people have been fighting for. If we don't get 98%, we will get 95%. Separation is inevitable." There are about 3,393,000 registered voters in Sudan. This is big news in Africa. The referendum on Southern Sudan's independence follows the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLA) and the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in 2005. The accord, signed in Nairobi, provided for a six-year interim period to allow the Southerners to make up their minds on the best way forward. "I don't want to hear anything to do with unity. What unity when the Jallaba (the Southerners' pejorative reference to their Northern compatriots of Arab descent) killed my husband," said Ms Catherine James, 34. "I will wake up on Sunday and vote for separation," she added. If southern Sudan is a new nation, I hope it develops fast and becomes a huge power. Southern Sudan has most of its oil reserves and has fertile, arable lands. Radical Islam hasn't benefited Sudanese peoples neither the pro-Nicean Christianity either. Imperialists can't lecture me about anything and the agenda of the geo-political elite have been exposed for all to see. Even Brzezinski had to admit to that recently. A woman of 115 years has cast her vote in Juba for the first time in her life. She asked the government of southern Sudan and the government of North to maintain peace in the country. I and other brothers and sisters do wish the Sudanese black brothers and black sisters well in their journey of their nation. Even Darfur might break off Northern Sudan if Southern Sudan exists as an unique nation. We should be very careful that Europeans won't exploit Africa if Sudan is divided. All Sudanese are Africans, but to deny the genocide in Sudan is wrong.

The African Diaspora

The African Diaspora didn't just exist in North America. It occurred throughout the world. The African Diaspora is like learning a new treasure chest of history, politics, and especially culture. Some of this information is made up of facts that I have never knew before in my life until recently. The Diaspora spread African culture worldwide and developed new cultures along the way. This is similar to the exchange of ideas, languages, foods, cultures, and other parts of social interactions among the Old World and the New World. It's a function of human activity and human existence in general. The tragedy of slavery has caused some people to be conditioned, programmed, and brainwashed to despite themselves and believe in the lie that they are inferior (when all peoples are equal and created in the image of one God). That is certainly why tons of people in 2011 are breaking those chains of mental slavery in order instilling real confidence & authentic appreciation of black human beings worldwide. Our ancestors and our people now have fought and overcome challenges. Our people defeated the Maafa, Jim Crow segregation, overt colonialism in Africa, and other abominable evils in our time span. Thats a part of our manifested DNA (or the success in our lives against odds). Black people should craft policies for Black people. These liars and historical revisionists say that Africans sold Africans as slaves. That's a half truth. The truth is that some Africans sold each other in warfare. They usually sold each other during a war, which was still wrong. The European slave kidnappers and traders exploited Africa to use rival factions against each other as a means to

conduct their slave trade more effectively. This occurs today when you have the prowhite supremacist crowd using propaganda to divide black people in factions. Yet, we know the people who created the ships, the auction blocks, the identity of designations of it, who design the trade routes, who have exploited the Transatlantic economic system for plunger & greed, the inventors of the whole deal, which church originally sanctioned it, etc. of the international slave trade. They were Europeans not Africans. Some Arabic people and Jewish people (exposing this truth is taboo even now in 2011) had involvement in the evil slave trade as well. Even today, bigotry and slavery are still in Mauritania and Sudan. Many antioppression groups are fighting these things going on in Africa to this day. That is why I dont suck up to bigoted non-blacks. I respect my own people. Yet, we shouldnt be manipulated by reactionaries who want to promote evil, unfair attacks collectively on every Muslim, Jewish person, Arabic person, or any other people (or like a divide & conquer strategy). We dont lay up with a beast system and we promote the honor and dignity of black people. Europeans used slave labor from Africans to build the modern Western hegemonic world today. Many corporations like AIG, Aetna, Lloyd's of London, JP Morgan Chase Manhattan bank, and others benefited from slavery. People like Harvard Professor Gates refuse to expose these things. Brother Rodneys How Europe Underdeveloped Africa is a great source on the slave trade. He exposes the truth that European colonialism harmed African development via the stagnating development for Africans (and robbing the wealth of Africans). The Zimbabwe Culture by Innocent Pikirayi exposes the true history of the black Zimbabwe Culture. As crammasters mentioned:
Now name me ONE African multi-national corporation that benefited from slavery OR one corporation owned by black Africans that began during slavery and is STILL STANDING. There were Jews who profited from the Holocaust, but do the Jews bring that up and say, hey, since some Jews did the wrong thing, let the Nazis off the hook? Dont fall for the hype of these black lackeys, like Harvard Professor Gates, who is paid to do his white masters dirty work. Funny thing, for all the loyalty he has shown them over the years, if I remember correctly, the police handcuffed you like a common criminal, didnt they, Professor Gates?
ABSOLUTELY. Neither Europe or America would have become super powers without 400 years of FREE SLAVE LABOR in America and the Caribbean, and this is not just my opinion, those who understand the reason for and the scope of slavery, will see that there would have been NO EXPANSION of European power, wealth, and influence without slavery

Walter Rodneys How Europe Underdeveloped Africa exposed how European colonialists hated the educated African since they believed in the evil, false, and stereotypical view of Africans being inferior from a cultural and mental standpoint. Walter Rodney exposed the fact that Europeans hypocritically amassed wealth form colonialism to give wealth to build up nations via the Marshall Plan, but wont use that wealth to rebuild the African countries that they have destroyed (and stagnant their development via colonialism). The European imperialism wanted to dominate African in population control tactics absent of true liberation. Its silly to think that people enslaving you desire you to be liberated. Rodney wrote in his book How Europe Undeveloped Africa that:
The missionaries asked for control of schools, because that was one of the drawing cards for the church itself and because they considered themselves as experts on the side of cultural imperialism (which they called "civilizing"). However, there were other Europeans both within and without the colonies who were absolutely opposed to schools, be they Christian, Independent, government, or Islamic. Starting from a racist position, they asserted that offering education to Africans was like throwing pearls before swine. Some of the most violent expressions of racism were directed against educated Africans. Starting from the time of individuals like Lord Lugard and through to the days of the last colonial administrators like sir Alan Burns, many colonialists demonstrated hostility to educated Africans. Educated Africans made colonialists extremely uneasy, because they did not conform to the image which Europeans liked to harbor of the "unspoiled African savage." (p. 272)

There are 2 million people who are of African ancestry from Peru. They are from African and Malagasy people who were sent to Peru as slaves. Many Afro-Peruvians have festivals like Verano Negro that celebrate their heritage. Slavery was abolished in Peru in 1856 by President Ramon Castilla. Even Costa Chica has a large black population in Mexico. There are also Veracuz and Yucatan in Mexico of course has a significant black population. There are tons of people with African ancestry in Panama. African slaves were taken to Panama during the translatlantic slave trade. Panama gained its independence from Colombia back in 1903. Afro-Carribean people assisted even in the building of the Panama Canal. Of course, Puerto Rico has a huge black African population in Loiza and Carolina. Loiza was populated with freed or escaped slaves that were taken to the island from Africa. March 23, 1873 was the date when slavery was abolished in Puerto Rico. People of African ancestry make up 8% of Ecuador's population. Most Afro-Ecuadorians live in the Esmeraldas region, Valle de Chota and the Imbabura region. Afro Ecuadorians have made great contributions from Marimba music, its people and the beautiful culture. There are tons of Afro-Venezulans. Some of them live in Barlovento in the Miranda state. Even President Hugo Chavez of Venezueal has African heritage. I knew this before. The famous Afro-Venezulan singer Oscar de Leon has done music before.

These are Afro-Brazilian human beings. The person to the left is named Joaquim Benedito Barbosa Gomes. He is the only black Supreme Federal Tribunal Justice Minister in Brazil today. He was born in October 7, 1954. He was the third black justice minister in the Brazilian Supreme Court. The person to the right is named Daiane Garcia dos Santos. She was born in February 10, 1983. She is one of Brazils most successful female gymnasts. The person to the far right is named Jorge Mrio da Silva. He is a famous musician from Brazil.

The black consciousness in Brazil is still very strong. The new census according Italo Ramos has found that 2 million more Brazilians now describe themselves as black (than 10 years ago). Italo Ramos is an Afro-Brazilian. The black consciousness movement and Brazils relatively recent affirmative action programs have had their impact in Brazil. Like in America, racism in Brazil is still rampant. Even in cosmopolitan New York City, people of color especially are frisked at will. Affirmative action came in Brazil in about 2003. This was when an university in Rio de Janeiro had the first Brazilian system of quotas for students originating from public schools, blacks and indigenous peoples. But the quota system is also a university success. The last research made by the Universidade Federal da Bahia states: the quota students performance improves every year. The poorer the students, the better their progress. Brazils people are now trying in a higher level to improve their conditions. Afro-Brazilians make up the largest black population in the Americas. There is also a large black population in Nigeria too.


Far too often, many people have written about issues in the black African experience, but didn't devise solutions too many problems. Even some people who have sincere intensions to help their own people have done this once before. There are tons of solutions to improve the black community. Yet, there are limitations on how much information that I can write on this issue. So, here are quick solutions

that we can use to help black people to take that social consciousness and building real power to the next level:
1. FAMILY DEVELOPMENT: There are tons of great black families, but it is true that many single parent households have a father that isn't involved in their own childrens lives. There are tons of examples of this. This is all the more reason for the black family to grow more thoroughly in order for black children to incorporate an authentic self identity. So, any black man with children should have an active role in the lives of their children (even if they are no longer romantically with the children's mother). The black fathers should be in their children's lives to build up structure and self identity among their children. Black fathers and Black mothers have a great value in the development of black children. Even if the black father and black mother arent romantically united, they should unite socially to help their children (for the interests of their children). We should never collectively bash black men, black boys, black women, and black girls either (as the white supremacist, corporate media does on a constant basis. The division and conquer strategy against black men and black women should cease. I know the tactics of these racist reactionaries since I've done my research for years). We have to encourage all black people of any gender to be better with strength & confidence. The family should continue to be on the front lines of educating their children too. The USA 2010 Census says that 40 million black people live in America. I THINK THE NUMBER IS HIGHER AND WE KNOW WHY THE NUMBER IS HIGHER. THATS ALL THE MORE REASON FOR US AS BLACK PEOPLE TO BE ENCOURAGED TO HAVE MORE CHILDREN (IF WE CAN) IN ORDER TO GROW OUR POPULATION (AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC & POLITICAL POWER BASE). SO, WE HAVE TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THESE WHITE SUPREMACISTS BY FORMING MORE CHILDREN AND MORE POWER IN OUR COMMUNITIES. One of the best books exposing white supremacy is called The Choice: The Issue of Black Survival in America that was written by the late Samuel Yette. Samuel Yette was the brother that was one of the first men to expose the radical population control agenda in the black community. This agenda has been promoted by the Rockefellers, various rich bloodlines, and of course the great enemy Margaret Sanger. Sanger promoted eugenics, blatantly wanted infant to be killed (regardless of your views on abortions, we cant support infants to die period), and wanted a depopulation of people of color like black Americans. She went into a Klan rally st and many black people have exposed her agenda today in the 21 century. She invented the Birth Control League and it evolved into Planned Parenthood. White supremacists and the global elite allied, funded, and aided PP for decades. I cant support eugenics & population control in our communities. If a black person support eugenics or similar tactics, then that black person is dead wrong. Today, an increasing number of black people are legitimately fighting against population control, eugenics, GMO foods, and any method to intentionally destroy the lives of innocent black babies. There is nothing wrong with real sexual education presented to human beings and other solutions though. The brother died at the age of 81 in January 21, 2011 for the reason of Alzheimers disease (that can destroy human memories, cognitive abilities, and its a horrible illness). He was a journalist and in the 1950s onward, he studied in an analytical fashion the historical components of the Civil Rights Movement. 2. ECONOMIC GROWTH: Business skills and financial literary are the waves of the future, especially in the 21st century. So, black people in a higher level should encourage business development and create their own businesses to help their own people. Arabs, white people (in their ethnic groups of the Greeks, the Polish, Italians, Irish, Germans, Serbs, Russians, Croats, etc.), Hispanics, Jewish people, Asian peoples, Armenians, Indian people, and other ethnicities have been doing this for years. We have the right to do this. We blacks should look out for our own self interests since fundamentally no one else will do it in a fashion that we can. Black businesses already exist now, so that is very fine. So, black people should learn trades to build up their own businesses in dealing with trade, technology, community development, legal services, and many services. We should unite with blacks in Africa, the Caribbean, South

America, Latin America, Canada, Europe, and all over the world to build cultural and economic ties too. One site called is promoting local black businesses in America. This group is called the Empowerment Experiment Foundation or the EEF. There is a Black owned bank in Chicago as found in We have to promote reforms in foreclosures, we have to make health care available for everyone, and have fights to improve education & other infrastructure systems in the world. Still, Im not some cartel-capitalism. Big corporations have had record profits in the West including record tax breaks. Capitalism that's unregulated is obviously predatory and has been instrumental in

the derivatives crisis, the opium wars against the Chinese people, and the international slave trade. Competition among humans is a reality, but humans for thousands of years have used safeguards to protect humans too (like environmental and labor standards. Even the most reactionary person accepts some regulation among capitalism as beneficial). Im not supporting fascistic policies. There are alternatives to unregulated capitalism (like cooperatives, dirgism, etc.) that can build businesses, have technology, have fair trade, and other means of economic development. My people have made great economic contributions before long before Magic, Bob Johnson, and other people (this isnt to de-legitimatize their real accomplishments, but to prove a point). There was the Tulsa, OK black Wall Street community in the 1920s that was destroyed by reactionary racists. Our economic or financial literary ought to be very strong since we live in a 21st century world.
As a man, I have to support the interests of the poor, my own people, and other minorities. Using policies to promote economic development especially among the poor and middle class are pristine ways in order to have that sense of real economic renewal.

*Also, power shouldnt be solely individual. If an individual hoards wealth exclusively, that is a futile effort to handle the issues spiraling in the black community. Collective power in the financial/economic sphere can pool wealth to assist tons of human beings in the black family. Also, we as black people ought to use modern technology (in building inventions and manufacturing other advanced tools), modern science, and other business skills to help our people worldwide (not just in the Diaspora). We (as black people) should build homes, air conditioning, cars, televisions, phones, have real estate, schools, farms, computers, restaurants, other technologies, banks or banking services, and other resources growing for the betterment of black people (as well as own and control these resources). This is economically legitimate and just plain common sense.

3. WISDOM: It's fine to promote athletics, entertainment, and other forms of fun. These things are fun and there is nothing wrong with having a good time in life. Yet, anti-intellectualism is just as wrong as scapegoating Black men or Black women. The anti-intellectualism that is common in Western society is a huge epidemic. It should cease. This problem and others exists across ethnic and socioeconomic lines, so I want to make that clear. Calling women outside of their names, condemning black men in a fraudulent fashion, and using slurs aren't apart of having fun. These acts are nihilistic and evil. There is nothing wrong with being athletic; being street smart, having a fruitful social life, and being gifted in comedy, but there is nothing wrong with being an intellectual too. There is nothing wrong with a brother or a sister with eclectic tastes in life either. Being different in a real fashion is never some curse, but its a blessing. Also, some of the intellectuals (both males and females) need to realize that there are plenty of black people that love them. There are a lot of black women that love smart black men and there are a lot of black men that love smart black women too. It is a lie that black people don't like intelligent black people among both genders (or any professional or intellectual black person collectively wants to go out with a non-black person). I'm not talking about people going out with each other when they have no chemistry, no attraction, and little things in common, etc. This is not what I'm talking about. You shouldn't go out with a person if there is no connection or real romantic attraction at all. Romantic love shouldnt be faked or based on a lie. All women like

different types of men, just like all men like different types of women. This is fine and theres nothing immoral about it. I'm talking about treating a person as an equal (or treat
that person with respect) even if you're not attracted to that person. Also, if someone is not attracted to you romantically, that doesn't mean that you're worthless, you're socially inferior, or they hate you. That is a normal part of human nature. You can still be cordial and friendly to people not romantically attracted to you and vice versa. You can still unite with people for black unity and black power even if a person isn't attracted to you. It's not a big deal. Also, an intellectual (who isn't a sellout) shouldn't be demonized if he or she doing the right thing in life either. So, an intellectual should desire love & marriage, but they need to love the person that loves them for sincere reasons (without desiring some fantasy that isn't going to occur anyway). Just because a brother or a sister is smart, that doesnt mean that person is weak or a coward. So, we should end that stereotype and bury it 6 feet deep inside of the ground. It should be placed in the graveyard. Also, we shouldn't be superficial and obsess with someone's physical appearance for it will wither and die as the years go by. In other words, if you live to be 85 years old, you wont have the same

physical appearance as you did when you were 25. We should judge a mate on character, responsibility, what that person brings to the table of the responsibility (the mate should be compatible emotionally plus socially. The mate should possess that great quality of honesty). *As the Revolutionist from the UK wrote:

"...You should never have to change your appearance (if you are happy with yourself) just to attract a partner, the person with you should accept you for who you are MORE than what you look like, or it will be a very superficial relationship that is doomed from the start...You should always be yourself; when you meet someone, they will be better able to asses more accurately, whether you are the right person for them or not, if you are pretending to be a bad-boy who oozes confidence, when actually you are not, it will be revealed at some point in the relationship, or you will go crazy trying to keep up the facade."

Likewise, a black man doesnt have to be a thug to be a man. A thug doesnt make constructive contributions in society or in the black community, especially long term. These people should wake up and change their ways. A black man should be himself with his unique style. You don't have to be in the middle (like some advocate), but exist beyond some spectrum in being independent. A black woman should be herself without mimicking the crowd. Now, the wisdom involving education, learning about conscious issues, learning about science (plus technology, architecture, etc.) are great endeavors to achieve. A special emphasis on studying, mentor ships, and other academic pursuits ought to be taken to the next level, especially among low income black people. Just because a black man or a black woman is smart, doesn't mean that they are weak or trying to be white. Some of the greatest black civilizations in history (from ancient Nubia, Mali, Songhai, etc.) required a lot of brainpower and we shouldn't be ashamed of that at all. Our great black inventors and scientists have great brainpower too. Wisdom is more than intellectual growth though. Wisdom is using common sense or street smarts to have respect for black men, black women, and black elders. Wisdom is making self improvement and spiritual growth a reality among black people as well. Wisdom and intellectualism are gifts indeed (in other words, we should have more inventors, scientists, researchers, engineers, doctors, lawyers, etc. in the black community). It doesn't hurt for us to learn various languages like Swahili, other African languages, Chinese, Spanish, French, Arabic, etc. in being a jack of all trades. Wisdom also includes that we should learn about our black brothers and sisters in Africa, Europe, Asia, Latin America, South America, Canada, and the world over. This doesn't mean basic knowledge, but real information about global black culture, history, societal structure, and the cultural diversity of black people internationally too.

We should have business, cultural, and moral contact with brothers and sisters worldwide too. It doesnt matter how poor you are, you can still make it in life. Im living proof of that. There should be emphasis on learning and
intellectual pursuits (like math, science, technology, engineering, etc.), but we should balance that out with the interests in art, creativity, music, dance, even cooking, and other forms of creative endeavors. Boys should do male-orientated activities (for real men would always have the spark of invention, creativity, power, and domination over their own lives) and girls should do femaleorientated activities as well. This is done to develop personal identity. We have every right to have intellectual curiosity and not be ashamed of it. Its always been a tactic of

corporate elitists to promote ignorance or anti-intellectual tripe in society, especially among people of color. Its obvious that certain people in society want to
marginalize and hate on the black intellectual, but I wont. Ill always oppose extreme

moderation or capitulation to evil. We cant be silent and we have to stand up for our

brothers and sisters. Also,

the black intellectuals must have a better connection with the poor in the black community in order make improvements more efficient. For some black intellectuals (not all of them) act rather distant toward brothers and sisters in a lower socio-economic status out of fear (or they possess a hesitant attitude sometimes with the poor. All parties should communicate words with each other in a decent way). This is a common occurrence in the black community. One simple example is that the intellectual Juan Williams admitted that he gets nervous when hes around young black people. Juan made the bigoted remark that if a group of black men wore certain clothing, and then they look like thugs. Thats false since just because a group of brothers wear flashy clothing, doesnt mean that these brothers are criminals or thugs. There are Wall Street thugs with suits and ties sucking the economic funds of America. A thug is defined by their deeds not on attire. That stuff should stop since we are all in this together and we ought to have peaceful camaraderie with brothers and sisters of any age group. This should end again since a poorer brother and sister should be treated with respect, empathy, and dignity in order to be inspired to make a huge difference in the world.

Therefore, the black intellectuals and all black people should unite in making solutions without fear. We should have strength, common sense, and courage as our ancestors had. All black people should be treated with respect plainly. This can further grow black unity. The poor arent to be used as scapegoats for the enemy uses the poor readily as scapegoats. I want to mention the following: SOCIETY IN NUMEROUS OCCASIONS HATES AN EDUCATED, STRONG BLACK MAN AND AN EDUCATED, STRONG BLACK WOMAN, BUT WE SHOULDNT FOLLOW WHAT MAINSTREAM SOCIETY WANTS. WE SHOULD LIVE OUR LIVES TO THE FULLEST, BE EDUCATED, BE STRONG, BE CONFIDENT, EXPRESS OUR REAL SOULS WITH RHYTHM, AND BE ANIMATED TO PROMOTE REAL TRUTHS. So, the black man and the black woman have every right to be strong, intelligent, full of common sense, and full of soul. Soul is something that you feel which cant be totally quantified. Soul is natural and is from the Creator as a beautiful gift that is found in black people.

Black men and black women equally should be encouraged to get higher education and not be ashamed of wanting to be the best that they can be

academically, socially ly, academically, emotionally, socially,

spiritually. and spiritually. These people are our role models (especially
if they give back to their community) not our punching bags. This is a part of a revolution of values. Real Black Unity means real black unity. We should unite completely and with love with our brothers and sisters in America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, South America, Latin America, and throughout the world period. This is PanAfricanism.

Certainly, Knowledge and Wisdom are Power

4. COMMUNICATION: Some black men especially have a problem with communicating their emotions to people. It isnt non-masculine for a man to express feelings in a concrete way. That is very masculine and its very feminine to deal with feelings as well. Therefore, we should communicate in a full manner about how we feel to people and not be withdrawn from emotional attachment within especially our own race. One thing that Ive noticed in my life is that the white supremacist crowd & the smart aleck type promote disrespectful communication in order to break down unity among black people in general. Its also some of the Beatnik, liberal type that want to disregard any questions on race, but solely focus on class issues (when you need to discuss issues both of race and class

in order to manufacture solutions revolving around the issues of black people). We need to reject disrespecting black men in an evil fashion and disrespecting black
women in an evil fashion. Using the B word, the N word, and the H word isn't about getting back at "the man" either is it about promoting black cultural liberation (or reclaiming derogatory vocabulary). These words are counterrevolutionary tactics to harm BM and BW emotionally. These words promote tensions and the lie that black people are these words. We are not these words. These words are beneath us. We are a strong people and forget using those words. Then, some

of these artists (movie stars, etc.) use these evil words to make money (for nihilistic purposes) in a corporate system that sees these same so-called stars as decent House Negroes (not as black men or black women. I could use another 2 word phrase to describe them, but I wont go there). Im not letting the bourgeoisie class of the hook though since

some of them get a degree and dont do a single thing to help their own community either. The bourgeoisie black people need to realize that accommodating the system doesnt work to enact real black liberation. We should fight against the system and make a better system. Boule members heavily make up the sellout, bourgeoisie people. I havent forgotten to expose these people either. The Boule mimics the Skulls and Bones secret society in order to have influence in the establishment. We must always reject the evil bourgeoisie ethic of snobbishness, arrogance, a false stereotypical perception about some black people, fear of those who are different, a hatred of those in poverty (or those suffering in a poor neighborhood), and ignorance of real black cultural strength. Some of the ignorant bourgeoisie people (or elitist blacks. They refuse to explicitly condemn the white supremacist system) fail to see the great value in the brother and the sister in a poor community doing the right thing and contributing to the interests of black people in general. We should always embrace the authentic ethic of love, strength, concern for all peoples, the love to be around our black people, and love for those suffering in poverty. We should wish for these people (in the entertainment world and the bourgeoisie folks) to see the errors of their ways, wake up, and do the right thing. Yeah, these puppets (from the entertainment world & some in the black bourgeoisie class) do token charities in the poorer neighborhoods once and while, but do they call for radical economic reforms in the streets (like ending the economic gap between the rich and the poor, the redistribution of the wealth fairly, etc.)? Do these puppets promote the end of materialism or the promotion of black self worth among all black people regardless of what a black person looks like? Do they explicitly condemn the false standard of Eurocentric so-called beauty and promote black beauty in African terms? Do they condemn the evil war on terror and the corporate empire? Do they promote authentic moral principles? Do they promote kindness for their fellow man in private and do these puppets have a real hatred of the current system [that glamorizes debauchery, the evil privatized prison system, strife, profanity, hatred, murder, self-hatred, the recreational usage of drugs & alcohol, selfishness, materialism, and other evils]? We know the answers to those questions. How can I as a black man support some of these musicians bashing women and treating them (including black women) as sexual objects? I cant. When you think about it, the puppet musicians and the bourgeoisie elitist types are bounded under the corporate elite point blank period. They are getting played and we as black people should inspire these people to wake up and improve their lives. To align our hearts into greatness, people need to learn not only about music & fashion (which I have no issue with as these cultural icons are a great part of black culture. I love real music and I love real fashion), but the mastery of the arts, science, technology, manufacturing (since skilled labor like plumbers, electricians, construction workers, & other manufacturing related occupations is just as important for the improvement of our people as are other jobs. All legitimate labor has dignity and worth), language, mathematics, the use of Nature in positive ways, and have that intellectual curiosity to contribute to mankind (& human civilization). This isnt rocket science. Dr. Claud Anderson is a doer and has used business techniques to help black people for a long time. We wish any brother and sister much success in life.

The corporatists use this 21st century minstrel show mess (which is worse than the minstrel show from back in the day since we know that brothers and sisters back in the day had to put food in the table for their loved ones during Jim Crow oppression. With our ancestors fighting for their lives, we wouldnt be here. There are no excuses now for this stuff) as a means to cause a distraction in not allowing the people to understand real issues or the real world (like population control, the prison industrial complex, the military industrial complex, revolutions in the world, real black history, real black culture, etc.). One thing Ive noticed is the following and people know this to be truth: Some of these sellout entertainers (not all of them) do their best to disrespect, intimidate, and harm their own black people (like that savage rapper 40 Glocc using 30 people to attempt to harm a black man thats 5 feet 6 and only 160 pounds). Yet, when a richer white person comes their way, they act all scared, intimidated, and subservient like a mental slave. They treat their brother and sister like dirt (by saying you need a pass to come to certain neighborhoods. Do they tell non-blacks the same thing) & like adversaries, but worship non-blacks like a sellout. Disgraceful is a term to describe these types to put it lightly. A real man treats their brother and sister with respect, dont glamorize violence, and try their best to help out their own people in plain view. I was never intimidated by some fake thug bully, because Ive held my own against them. Im a strong brother and I get stronger all of the time. If

a man tries to put their hands on me, Im going to defend myself like a man period, no questions asked. Then, these pop culture puppets have the nerve to
call us haters when we call them out on their hating. No, we arent haters. We just wish that these puppets would wake up and change their ways. We wish no harm to any brother or sister at all. The real haters are those (especially black folks who do it are a disgrace) that get a kick out of disrespecting black men and black women. These puppets arent to be blamed for all our problems, but they are like the foot soldiers of the originators (or the elite) of much of these problems. Also, the critics say that we let elected officials of the hook, which is false. Some of us have been the strongest critics of corrupt elected officials for years. Corrupt politicians dont justify the evil acts of corrupt musicians or corrupt entertainers. People have the right to teach and preach for truth and justice. These types cant front on me since Im really smart and strong socially.

Yet, many of these artists are right on one thing. A lot of the wicked deeds among white supremacist Western culture (with their agents in Congress, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, and other like minded organizations) are so much worse than what the musicians and actors are doing in the world. You have to deal with reality not just music. Music alone never caused the problems of drug abuse, crime, terrorism, illiteracy, imperialism, violence, and other ills in our community. We have to deal with a comprehensive approach in solving our own problems. We fight in short term goals and long terms goals. For example, people can ban all music (deemed inappropriate) in the whole world and it wont solve anything. If we want to solve something, we have to confront those trying to hurt our people, we have to build up real education, build up more confidence in our people suffering, build up more activities for folks, fight against poverty, and be active to help our own people (especially those who are poor and struggling in life). We will have to speak out and demand change. We have to be

the change in our communities. Yet, we have to be more moral. We cant support immorality from adultery, fraud, deception, to lying. Morality is always tied to social prosperity. Embracing the Hollywood shuffle and evils hustles is incorrect, but embracing the true, dynamic tussle against corruption is great. If youre a real man or a real woman then you fight against the evils in the system period without exceptions. We
will have (both black men and black women) to unite to benefit the interests of black people. Some in society want black men especially to have no intellectual curiosity in order to promote the agenda of white supremacy. So, its our job to promote the worth of young boys and men to have that right to be multifaceted in thinking and action. We should promote programs and any legitimate actions to help single parent homes, to prevent more cowardly dead beat dads, to solve the prison industrial complex problems, to handle drug issues, and radically decrease murder rates. When you think about it, white supremacy promotes materialism, arrogance, ignorance, and self hate. These evils are antithetical to real black culture. Black culture is about the love of family, the unity

of black men and black women or Umoja, tolerance, Balance, justice, growing more Black Power (and giving brothers and sisters suffering hope, inspiration, and confidence too) and a seeking a true social & spiritual strength in the eyes of our black people.
We dont tear women down and we dont degrade women period. We love and respect women. Sisters respect honesty and they are intuitive. If you fake the
funk and promote some phony tough guy image, then the sisters detect that in an instance. Yet, if (being a man) you are honest about yourself (and not care about what others perceive you as in a negative way), you develop your social skills in an advanced way, and you are active to hang out with sisters with similar interests that you have, then a relationship has a higher chance of working. So, its not a secret that I love black womens intelligence, strength, discernment, beautiful hair, nose, lips, body shape, harmonious soul, and their beautiful dark skin complexion. A real brother will always respect and love a sister. Also, men should not be disrespected either.
Communication between black people should always be honest though. We as a people ought to never sugarcoat how we think verbally or with our body language. We have to keep it real to check someone acting in an inappropriate fashion (we all need legitimate correction from time to time) and encourage people doing the righteous thing. Real, rational communication can end disputes and fights too.


black people respect is great way to live one's life. Regardless of what brother or a sister looks like, they shouldn't be disrespected publicly or privately. Snide comments about what black folks look like are fraudulent deeds (Some people doing that wickedness of course have self hatred or self esteem problems straight up. They obsess to confirm to an image and try to keep up with the latest fashion in order to submit to some Eurocentric style of fashion). All black people should be respected and encouraged to do better in their own life experiences. This means giving greetings, helping brothers and sisters out in various actions, and living out the truth via deeds. A person can talk all day, but your fruits will bear out in the correct way via your deeds. If a person is cruel, their fruits will bear that out. So, it's important for anybody to never disrespect, harass, or assault any human being at any circumstance. Black women know more about Black men, black culture & the black historical experience than non-Black women, which is true. Tons of Black Women in America & worldwide have a diversity of interests, personalities, are intellectually mature, are fun to be around, etc, Balance is a key part of Black African culture. We dont
need to worship some pseudo-Eurocentric standard of beauty in order to find social standing in the world. We have to be conscious about the interests of our people not lust after dead

Presidents on a dollar bill, Greenbacks, or dollar signs. A black man and a black woman unified in common cause to advance justice, black power, and black unity is a threat to the establishment. I'll always break those chains of injustice, have love for all of the black sisters out there, and promote black unity for the rest of my life. We have to respect ourselves and love our people. We cant submit to the white supremacy temptation of greed in order strip our God-given gifts. We have to promote our own culture and build up our communities. CULTURAL ORIENTED UNITY IS A MUST FOR OUR BRETHREN AND SISTERS.

6. CONFIDENCE: The person on the top left is a Jamaican father having joy with his son. The black woman to the right is the Nigerian actress Dakore Egbuson. These 2 images present the essence of confident people. There are many black people (both males and females) that lack self confidence. This exists from numerous experiences. It could be because of unjust treatment that they have suffered by some people, the propaganda shown by the mainstream media (that some black people accept, which I don't agree with), peer pressure, a harsh childhood, or other factors. Just because you may have suffered unjust treatment from the past, doesn't mean you have no value or you ought to give up. You should never give up. You have great worth and you have great value in the Universe. Life is worth continuing forth. Life is beautiful. All people have worth. In life, we all go through ups and downs. Yet, through resilience and confidence, we can overcome injustices to be a better person. Now, it's very important to promote confidence among any black person worldwide. This includes telling black people about their real, glorious history and contributions in world society. Us showing the unique value of being unique is key as well (in proving the fact that all black people have unique personalities, self worth, etc. The world should be told the truth that all of us ought to be never be ashamed of our being from a physical plus emotional standpoint). Also, we have to educate especially children how to stand up for themselves in a verbal way, not necessarily physical (since permanent violence never solves problems long term). In order words, we should verbally tell people (trying to mess with us) that I'm not afraid of you, I have dignity and worth, and you can't intimidate me. All people have the right of self defense in extreme circumstances, so I have no issue with self defense in extreme circumstances. You have every God given

right to stand up for yourself and defend yourself as a human being (including black men to stand up, protect, and defend black women). The
increase of social skill education or developing "street smarts" is another means to improve the confidence of black people as well. One great confidence builder is to use words to outline a person's strengths in life and cultural black history in an accurate way. There is beauty in

black people in all of its skin tones, shapes, sizes, and personalities. This beauty ought to be cherished. Our mental consciousness should be strengthened to understand our glorious past and present. That can instill confidence. That is why I back down from no man and I use my body language of
strength and confidence all of the time. One thing that I know to improve confidence is exercise. After I exercise, I do feel more confident in my life and personality. Thats common sense having better health (including better moral and social activities) equates to better intelligence, better confidence, a long life expectancy, better fertility, and a better standard of living in general. We should have fitness and survival training (among both genders not just men, so we can protect ourselves and know the lay of the land. We have no choice, but to fight for survival. I do want peace, but a man or a woman must fight for legitimate causes in order achieve that peace that we all seek. We have no choice, but to fight back) in martial arts, boxing, shooting, camping, hiking, learning a trade if we desire, and other forms of physical fitness. Now, being healthy doesnt always mean skinny. There are plenty of healthy of people in numerous sizes. In fact, anorexics are unhealthy and they are extremely skinny. So, we should love the skin that we are in and love humanity in numerous sizes and shapes.

Inspiring a suffering person to have confidence and that person transform into a more confident individual is one of the greatest things in the world to do. Dr. King said the following:

As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free. Psychological freedom - a firm sense of self-esteem - is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery,'' expressed Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. - Where Do We Go From Here' August 16th 1967, The Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Martin Luther King gave more words of confidence for black people:

Nobody else can do this for us. No document can do this for us. No Lincolnian Emancipation Proclamation or Johnsonian Civil Rights Bill can totally bring this kind of freedom, King determined. [The Black man] will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own Emancipation Proclamation. And, with a spirit straining toward true self-esteem, [Blacks] must boldly throw off the manacles of self-abnegation, and say to himself and to the world, I am somebody. I am a person. I am a man with dignity and honor. I have a rich and noble history.'"

The following is real talk: Brothers and sisters, Ive notice that these racist reactionary types hate you even more when you show strong confidence in their face (since they are threatened by your power. A human being with low confidence is no threat to the white supremacist system). Thats all the more reason why we should present our gifts, power, influence, confidence, and strength to the world and not care what others may think. We exist in a myriad of great colors, shapes, sizes, and this is a great reality. A man asserting his natural manhood and a woman asserting her natural womanhood is fine and real. In the final analysis, confidently showing the truth and presenting our real black African image is a blessing and it can inspire others to continue in the right path of black cultural liberation.
7. REJECTING PROPAGANDA, LIES, & STEREOTYPES: The white supremacist system caused a lot the propaganda and lies about black people in general. That isn't a secret. So, black people shouldn't blame each other for all of the problems we have in our own communities. Our real role models are our relatives, friends, people doing great work in our communities, etc.

Reality TV peoples (that massively depict black people as mean-spirited, lusting after non-black people, unintelligent, agitating, etc. The elite use psychological warfare against real black people in general. That is why in 2011, I and others are fighting back in a higher level. Im not going to let my people to be slandered while Im alive), many sports figures, and many entertainment figures aren't our real role models at all. These folks are entertainers. So, we should always reject the lie and stereotype of Black men being called ignorant people, thugs, savages, extremely weak, and bullies (along with the lie of Black women being gold diggers, materialistic, and always wants criminals for romance) by the white supremacist, corporate dominated system. One smoking gun refuting the lie about Black women is the following. Good black men who have fruitful, great relationships with Good black Women include the following:

Dr. Carson, Bill Cosby, Smokie Robinson, many of my relatives, McNabb, Malcolm Jamal Warner, Courtney Vance, , Hill Harper, Lebron James, Rodney Peete, Colin Powell, , Pat Neely, etc. Hollywood can be a dangerous and even deadly place for people.
Some people are humiliated through a lot of self hatred. The entertainment world has also demonized black people in offensive ways via people like Eddie Cantor, Al Jolson, George Burns, Sophie Tucker, George Jessel, Fannie Brice, Ted Danson even, and other pieces of work in their make-up blackface shows to falsely imitate & demean black people. That is why we should never let Hollywood or popular culture define our culture. Hollywoods hypocritical agenda can go into hell. Some black stars are pressured to promote white supremacy in some form or fashion.

They don't control the companies that run the networks, music companies, distribution outlets, radio station, or the sponsors who advertise. THAT IS WHY WE OUGHT TO DEFINE OUR
OWN CULTURE WITH OUR OWN UNIQUE STANDARDS. We dont need to lay up with nonblacks or suck up to them to prove our worth. We are equal to any other human being living on the Earth period. We should control black financial, political,

and educational institutions in the world. These evil stereotypes about both genders should be opposed and fought against tooth and nail. My race is a race of winners since we have made great contributions in society spanning the eons of time. I'm not saying that all portrayals of black people ought to
be some homogenated, fake 1950s Ozzie and Harriet type of stuff. Yet, it should be real, accurate, and fair. We also need to defend black women. If a black man doesn't, he isn't acting like a real black man in my eyes. The media tries to brainwash people to act as buffoons, but we shouldnt follow the trends of pop culture or the mainstream media (that harbor concept contrary to real black culture). Not to mention that we should fight against materialism. WE SHOULD STAND UP FOR EACH OTHER. We should promote more accurate and positive images of black people (and support black people that do so). WE MUST PROMOTE BLACK MANHOOD AND BLACK WOMANHOOD IN THE WORLD, because these racist devils want the stereotypical weak, anti-intellectual, savage, criminally minded, unaggressive black people constantly represented in the consciousness of society.

REAL MEN AND REAL WOMEN (OF BLACK AFRICAN DESCENT) WILL ALWAYS UNITE IN LOVE & UNITY TO FIGHT FOR REAL SOLUTIONS. *We black people all have the responsibility to help those less fortunate, even if they are at first resistant. That's our blood and we should try as hard as we can to make meaningful cultural growth inside of black America. I don't care if some people hate you. It is better to try than to do nothing and allow things in some cases to get worse. If people still want to go into the wrong direction (after real people try to assist them), then you have to allow them to reap what they have sown. I dont believe in coercion against a human being. You reap what you sow. Many decent black men & decent black women can't use compliancy or a hands off approach when dealing with the most vulnerable of our people. On the other hand, its a cruel, offensive stereotype and lie to assume that decent black men and decent black women collectively are weak or are afraid of certain black people. People are tired of that piece of trash lie promoted by pop culture all of the time. Sometimes, people in a bad lifestyle will fall flat on their faces until they get a wakeup call and desire change. People like that definitely deserve our assistance. I don't think decent black men are afraid of extremely wicked black men (since tons of decent black men know how to fight verbally and physically). It's just that in this generation, we have to use more radical efforts in solving problems in our communities. More activism is necessary if we want to get our complications corrected. We should allow a man or a woman (of our people) the opportunity to change and live a better life. Also, the term ghetto is real silly (when used to describe a mentality) to me because the word ghetto means a location simply not a mentality. There are people in richer areas with the mentality of thuggish acts, materialism, crime, and other ills. SO, ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF BLACK AFRICAN DESCENT SHOULD STAY STRONG, LEARN OUR HISTORY, LEARN OUR CULTURES, HELP OUR BLACK PEOPLE OUT, NEVER FORGET THE STRUGGLE, HONOR PLUS LOVE BLACK PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, NEVER BOW BEFORE SUPREMACIST DECIEVERS, LIVE IN HOPE, LIVE IN STRENGTH, AND LIVE IN POWER FOR THE SAKE OF OUR ANCESTORS (AND OUR BLOOD). 8. INTERVENTION: It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, we have no choice, but to help out our own people. If you're middle class or rich, you can use your resources to assist black people in a poorer neighborhood in various means (like mentorships, a civic league, workshops that deal with education, a neighborhood watch program, ways to make resolutions, and gang intervention).

We should fight against violent gangs, drug addiction, degrading forms of music, and other social ills in our own communities. We have to fix our own communities since frankly no one else will. Even now, some brothers want to fight at the drop of a hat in order maintain a sense of hardness. Yet, true grit is using constructive means (like being a peacemaker, being a motivational leader, being involved in mentorships in the neighborhood, working to end violence, etc.) in order to create a more peaceful

atmosphere in our communities. Violence only breeds violence without enacting a reformation of values. We should reject the white supremacist acts of violence, murder, rape, recreational drug use, etc. We should grow connections with our own families. We need to build up our families too. To incorporate a real reformation of values is self appreciation of what God created us to be (with our great dark skin pigmentation, our great noses, our great hair, and our great rhythm of life that is a part of our common soul), cooperation with our community to build up the fabric of our culture, and to have intervention to seek justice & moral improvement. You dont have to front some fake bravado to be a man. You can just be a man with strength, dignity, and a determined, real attitude. Even if you're poor, you should be
involved in helping your own communities by going to the local civic outlets, speaking out about issues, communicating with your brother and sister in real fashion, etc. We cant be content

with where things are since we have a huge potential to make our situation a whole lot better in its composition. When we help our people, we have to do it as a part of a sincere heart. It cant be a token measure or faked. Our motivation to help human beings must be authentic, sincere, and for altruistic reasons.

Black Nationalism is another solution that can work wonders in improving the lives of African peoples. Malcolm X said it best about promoting Black Nationalism as well:
"...The social philosophy of black nationalism only means that we have to get together and remove the evils, the vices, alcoholism, drug addiction, and other evils that are destroying the moral fiber of our community. We ourselves have to lift the level of our community, the standard of our community to a higher level, make our own society beautiful so that we will be satisfied in our own social circles and won't be running around here trying to knock our way into a social circle where we're not wanted. So I say, in spreading a gospel such as black nationalism, it is not designed to make the black man re-evaluate the white man -- you know him already -- but to make the black man re-evaluate himself. Don't change the white man's mind -- you can't change his mind, and that whole thing about appealing to the moral conscience of America -- America's conscience is bankrupt. She lost all conscience a long time ago. Uncle Sam has no conscience. They don't know what morals are. They don't try and eliminate an evil because it's evil, or because it's illegal, or because it's immoral; they eliminate it only when it threatens their existence. So you're wasting your time appealing to the moral conscience of a bankrupt man like Uncle Sam. If he had a conscience, he'd straighten this thing out with no more pressure being put upon him. So it is not necessary to change the white man's mind. We have to change our own mind. You can't change his mind about us. We've got to change our own minds about each other. We have to see each other with new eyes. We have to see each other as brothers and sisters. We have to come together with warmth so we can develop unity and harmony that's necessary to get this problem solved ourselves. How can we do this? How can we avoid jealousy? How can we avoid the suspicion and the divisions that exist in the community? I'll tell you how..... Join any organization that has a gospel that's for the uplift of the black man. And when you get into it and see them pussyfooting or compromising, pull out of it because that's not black nationalism. We'll find another one. And in this manner, the organizations will increase in number and in quantity and in quality, and by August, it is then our intention to have a black nationalist convention which will consist of delegates from all over the country who are interested in the political, economic and social philosophy of black nationalism. After these delegates convene, we will hold a seminar; we will hold discussions; we will listen to everyone. We want to hear new ideas and new solutions and new answers. And at that time, if we see fit then to form a black nationalist party, we'll form a black nationalist party...Let me explain what I mean. A segregated district or community is a community in which people live, but outsiders control the politics and the economy of that community. They never refer to the white section as a segregated community. It's the allNegro section that's a segregated community. Why? The white man controls his own school, his own bank, his own economy, his own politics, his own everything, his own community; but he also controls yours. When you're under someone else's control, you're segregated. They'll always give you the lowest or the worst that there is to offer, but it doesn't mean you're segregated just because you have your own. You've got to control your own. Just like the white man has control of his, you need to control yours..." -Malcolm X

Encouragement and Love

In closing, it's important to leave in a positive note. Encouragement and love for all black people is a great way to inspire people to move forward. When you get older, it's time to not obsess with the past in a vindictive fashion. The past should be utilized as motivation for us to improve ourselves, our families, and our race. As men, we have to be more responsible for our actions and not take the road leading into destruction. Life is hard, but life isn't impossible for us to succeed. So, I'll never hate my blood and I will always love my people, especially sisters who gave me my life literally. If you want revolutionary

changes in the world, you have to have revolutionary frame of mind like my ancestors had for thousands of years. This frame of mind lasts for a lifetime, because real change is never stagnant or placed in a finite time. The youngbloods out there cant be nave about the real world. I am hopeful for the future, because the future will get better. We just have to fight for the truth and still have humor, joy, and inspiration to move on into a better plateau of human existence (in maintaining our moral and cultural base). We are better than our enemies. We have done better in the past and we will do better in the present and the future. The surge of energy that incorporates compassion for our fellow people, an energy that will promote ingenuity & free thought, and inspires the hopes of black people in the world is an excellent energy to embrace. Being wise is important. A wise person would advocate black people to acquire assets like real estate, commodities, business, land, etc. to benefit black people in general. Therefore, when we die, we can pass on our resources and

assets to future generations. Also, we who are black men need to better unite with black women to build up culture plus society better.

There is a revolution occurring. People of color are not assimilating or integrating to a white supremacist wicked system in increasing numbers plainly speaking. Assimilating to that system can destroy your soul and cultural integrity. That is why in my late 20s; Im wiser to the game of these serpents. We are sheep. We are neither serpents nor wolves. We fight against the evils in society. More black families and more black babies being born are great and natural developments indeed. Thats all the more need for us to have more self-determination and independence of action to assist our people in constructive avenues. We must to continue to have a knowledge of self in order to develop wisdom about black people.
By Timothy

This is for my brothers and my sisters that live across the Globe.

Here are extra words of encouragement from Brothers & Sisters: "...I appreciate this thread. It makes me feel warm and wonderful!!! Brothers, you are appreciated in our lives... as husbands, sons, brothers, uncles, fathers, lovers...and most of all...OUR FRIENDS AND TEACHERS!!!! Peace..."

-Donalia ___________________________________



_________________________ In reviewing some of the many pages I've missed, I came across this little gem. Not long after my mother separated from my father she began dating this man that worked as a Naval cook. He could tenderize all cuts of meat like nobodies business. To this day I wish that I had asked for his recipe and the manner in which he cooked his meats. That Pat Neeley is a man after my own heart. His love for his wife is obvious and inspiring. That is Black Love in an open, honest, and respectful way. -WowTheBoogieDown ________________________________

OMG! I'm trying to invest in real estate and small business down the way aka the hood. There are so many old homes and store fronts for next to nothing. I'd like to bring more green projects with the result being homes for families and efficient commerical space. Churches don't pay taxes so they are supported by tax payers who don't even attend. They're doors should be open to community outreach efforts more than they are and we are working on that as well over here. Boys need to be boys too. I'm a woman and I don't want my future son to be feminized by a lack of male-oriented activities. The girls need to be given their virtue again too. Older women telling girls it's okay to be loose is common now. If there was ever an example of hating that is one for sure. See this is what I enjoy. Eveybody has something to offer to community improvement. I like diversity in solutions because we can't all be on the same page. We need different groups networking together. Group for Child Development, group for Community Economics, Group for Black Senior Citizens, Group for Education, Group for Health, etc. The goal is to improve things and give everyone a chance to contribute using their interests and talents as they see fit. -DualMarauder

I am glad to see that men are getting their rights, but I want women to get theirs, and while the water is stirring I will step into the pool. -Sojourner Truth

I am glad to know there are many many black men out here holding it together and doing what has to be done for you to be come successful. I am genuinely happy for you and proud. Stay strong keep your head up and continue to strive for the best. Your blessings are coming just keep on keeping on. -Kathy Kat

As the late great historian and Pan-African political scientist - John Henrik Clarke has said several times: Doing for self entails concentrating on, and figuring out ways to feed, clothe, house, educate, defend, and protect a people or nation. Billy Holiday also said: God Bless The Child That's Got His OwnBlack unity, Keeping the Black family unit strong, financial literacy, and financial strength should be right atop of the Black Agenda alongside other major issues of the day. I believe in good social safety nets and public service, but I part ways with some Black leftist when they fail to see things for what they are NOW and then start realizing that we must first master THE HERE AND NOW in order to have enough power to nudge the future into what we think it should be. This requires a little realism.
-Cynical Negro _______________________________ Thanks ladies, we have good people that want to provide the solutions, and I have said that many times and I want you to know that the respect is mutual, and there will be no negativity from me. I applaud this stance and we can make a go of having a good conversation with total admiration for what is good and meaty for the soul, and that is love and respect for each other. Thanks ladies for bringing me into this world, thats what you did, in the form of mother, and I am your brother, and you know that I could be your father as well, as we are born of the same means and I will not degrade any of you here. We all have problems, but its best to use the print with good words of hope, not dejection, but one of restoration, and also an ear of compassion, and a vial of happiness, which in turn will bring a case of unity, to bring a sky of opportunity, to show a chest of all that's best, in great admiration of those who rise above evil and never settle

to be less. Thank you all sisters that reminded me that there are good women like you out there, thanks for showing that you care, thanks for bringing the sunshine so real, thanks for giving me words of encouragement to heal. Here's a hand to show friendship for life, we both need each other, let that be the motto for our lives. -soul brother in London Soul Brother



we are NOT going to disrespect our women, our female ancestors, our female relatives, or the WOMEN WHO RAISED US by uplifting another race of women ABOVE OUR OWN. if our kids see the BM and BW loving each other, standing up for each other, working together, cooperating together, supporting each other, and

raising their children TOGETHER, there will be NOTHING on this earth that will shake the self-esteem of our boys and girls -Crammasters

"If there is not struggle there is not progress. Those who profess to favor freedom are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightening, they want ocean without the awful roar of the many waters." -Frederick Douglass

African nationalism is meaningless, dangerous, anachronistic, if it is not, at the same time, pan-Africanism. -Julius K. Nyerere

^^^Beautiful posts brothers and sisters, and make sure you you show that love and respect, and make it an example to your children, relatives, and any other brother or sister you come across! Black Love And Unity Forever -Drogba (a Brother)

111Treasury 5 months ago 2 @ryan519636 Oh it is too much to tell. I have straight white teeth that give me a lovely smile and I have dimples to add to that smile. I love the fact that I can just go outside and absorb vitamin d without turning red. In the spring and the summer, I love how I can watch the sun rays hit my skin and just make rainbows against the contrast of my skin. There is a certain flavor that black people have that everyone wants to obtain. It's the Charisma and the happiness we have for being black.


Black Men I appreciate you. Your Strength Your Love Your Power Your Will Your Protection I know some people including some of us don't say it enough but I hope that's beginning to change. God made us from you and for you. You are Kings and It's time to take your place. I love you let's keep on pushing I promise to never letting go.

For my (Future)Husband, Father, Brother and Nephew. And to all of wonderful Brothers doing it every single day. Stay Strong We Need You


Brothers and sisters in harmony and in love with each other are fine with me.

Black is Beautiful Peace

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