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Antiviral drugs.

Article  in  Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific Edition · May 1991

DOI: 10.1007/BF01974982 · Source: PubMed

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2 authors:

Ed Wiltink Rob Janknegt

Retired Zuyderland Medical Centre


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Antiviral drugs
E.H.H. Wiltink and R. Janknegt

Introduction coating). The released genetic material (DNA or

Viruses have too simple a structure to multiply RNA) activates the cellular biochemical ma-
themselves. For multiplication, a virus invades a chinery, after which viral multiplication in the
cell, using the biochemical mechanisms of this nucleus or cytoplasm can occur (4: multi-
cell to make new viral proteins and genetic ma- plication). When the new viral genome formation
terial. So, virus and host cell are intimately con- is finished and viral proteins are formed (5: pro-
nected and an effective antiviral drug must be tein synthesis), the genetic material is coated by
able to distinguish the virus from the host cell. In these proteins (6: assembly). The virus is re-
the last twenty years there has been a growing leased and is able to infect other cells (7: release).
understanding of viral multiplication, which has The viral genetic material m a y be a single-
allowed us to develop new drugs in the battle strand or double-strand molecule of either DNA
against viral infections. or RNA (DNA or RNA virus), which only carries
The development and m a r k e t i n g of aciclovir in a few genes, coding for enzymes, regulatory pro-
1981, was a break-through in antiviral therapy. teins, neccesary to interfere with the host cell in
Aciclovir is effective in a n u m b e r of viral herpes order to multiply itself and its structural pro-
diseases with only limited adverse effects. Mor- teins. In the case of a DNA virus the first step in
tality and morbidity of herpes virus infections multiplication is transcription to mRNA. In the
have decreased dramatically. RNA virus there are two possibilities: RNA di-
Together with the increasing use of immuno- rectly behaves like mRNA or after transcription
suppressive drugs, bacterial and viral infections by viral transcriptase to mRNA.
have become a more pronounced problem and re- Viral infections can express themselves in sev-
quire the development of new drugs. This proces eral ways. In a so-called 'lytic' infection the host
was accelerated by the h u m a n immuno-de- cell bursts when releasing the newly formed par-
ficiency virus (HIV) outbreak, which required ticles and dies. Lytic infections are characterized
anti-HIV drugs and antiviral drugs for viral by a rapid spread throughout the population (e.g.
infections secondary to AIDS. At this moment common cold and polio). In a 'persistent' or
enormous amounts of money and time are spent 'chronic' infection the virus is released gradu-
in the research for new antiviral drugs. ally. The host cell is not always killed and is able
The aim of this review is to look at the avail- to reproduce itself whereby the viral genetic ma-
able antiviral drugs, their use and disadvantages terial is also multiplied. Examples of this kind of
and to discuss the therapy of common viral dis- infection are hepatitis B viruses, h u m a n im-
eases and the possibilities for the near future. muno-deficiency virus and h u m a n leukaemia vi-
ruses. This type of infection can proceed for m a n y
Modes of infection years without causing symptoms. The third kind
In developing new antiviral drugs, it is impor- of infection is the 'latent' infection. The virus is
t a n t to understand the modes of viral infection. not reproducing itself, but the genetic material is
One can determine a number of steps when a vi- integrated in the cellular genome or in episomes.
rus is infecting a cell. Intervening in one of these During cell division the genes of the virus are re-
steps gives the opportunity to control a viral in- produced together with the genes of the cell and
fection. The following steps can be distinguished transmitted to the daughter cells. A latent virus
(Fig. 1): the virus binds to the surface membrane is characterized by periods of active viral repli-
of the cell (1: attachment), enters the cell (2: cation. Many of the herpes viruses occur as
penetration) and sheds its protein coat (3: un- latent infections: herpes simplex type 1 and 2,

Antiviral agents
Clinical trials Wiltink EHH, Janknegt R. Antiviral drugs. Pharm Weekbl [Sci] 1991;13(2):58-69.
Drug evaluation
Pharmacokinetics Abstract
Side-effects There are only a limited number of effective, non-toxic antiviral drugs for clinical use,
whereas there is a great need for such drugs. Especially for the treatment of patients
E.H.H. Wiltink (correspondence): infected with the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) anti-HIV drugs are required. At the
Department of Pharmacy, same time viral infections secondary to AIDS cannot yet be treated effectively. An
University Medical Centre, increasing problem is the development of virus strains resistant to the available drugs. At
Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ this moment a great effort is made in the research for new antiviral drugs. In this article
Amsterdam, the Netherlands. the available antiviral drugs are reviewed. Their antiviral properties, mechanism of action,
R. Janknegt: Department of clinical use, pharmacokinetic properties and side-effects are discussed. Some attention is
Clinical Pharmacy, Maasland paid to the future directions in the search for new anti-HIV drugs.
Hospital, P.O. Box 5500, 6130
MB Sittard, the Netherlands. Accepted 5 February 1991.

58 Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific edition 13(2) 1991

varicella zoster, Epstein-Barr and cytomegalo- from host cell, the fact that symptoms of the in-
virus [1]. fection only appear after some time, after repli-
Figure 1
Viral infection cation and tissue damage have been going on for
at host-cell Modes of treating infections a while, provides a second problem. A first con-
level Besides the problem of distinguishing virus tamination frequently occurs without serious
symptoms or even unrecognized, whereafter the
virus can be latent for many years before ex-

pressing itself. Moreover, virus identification is
difficult and time-consuming, where quick thera-
peutic intervention is needed to avoid spread of
the virus. The possibilities for therapeutic inter-
1 ventions are summarized in Table 1.

1. attachment The best method of dealing with viral infec-
2. penetration tions is to avoid them. This can be done by means
of stimulating the immunological system to pro-
duce antibodies against the virus. Vaccination
3, uncoating
offers such an opportunity, using passive or ac-
i i
tive immunization. As a rule, vaccination is used
i i prophylactically and in some cases therapeuti-
4. multiplication cally (rabies virus). A number of vaccines are in-

Y 9
I i

6. ,
a) RNA synthesis
b ) D N A synthesis

5. viral protein
cluded in the Dutch vaccination programme,
such as mumps, measles, rubella and poliomyel-
itis, while others are used in patients at risk: in-
fluenza or hepatitis B. Such vaccines stimulate
the production of antibodies against these vi-
ruses. This leads to protection ranging from a
' I couple of years to the whole life-time.
S Immuno-globulins (antibodies) are proteins,
used for passive immunization. These antibodies

G 0 6. assembly
are specific immuno-globulins with a high con-
centration of antibodies against one or more
exactly described antigens. They can either be

1 used therapeutically or prophylactically.

Examples are cytomegalovirus-immuno-globu-
lin, hepatitis B-immuno-globulins and tetanus-
immuno-globulin. So formed (vaccines) or admin-
J 7. r e l e a a e
istered (immuno-globulins) antibodies bind to the
virus particles and prevent the virus from in-

1 vading a cell. Strictly spoken these vaccines and

immuno-globulins cannot be considered as real
drugs, but they are useful in certain groups of
people at risk.
Only one drug with immuno-modulating
Table 1 properties is in use: inosiplex (inosine pranobex).
Mechanism of action of antiviral drugs Interferons have at least partly immuno-regu-
lating functions, but they are not strictly anti-
1 attachment viral agents.
vaccination, immunoglobulins, inosiplex (interferons)
2 penetration Penetration
(amantadine, rimantadine, tromantadine) Penetration into the host cell is the next step in
3 uncoating the development of viral infections. It is possible
(amantadine, rimantadine, tromantadine) but not actually proven that amantadine, riman-
4 replication tadine and tromantadine interfere with pen-
- RNA synthesis etration.
(amantadine, rimantadine, tromantadine)
foscarnet, ribavirin Uncoating
- DNA synthesis Amantadine, rimantadine and tromantadine
idoxuridine, trifluridine, aciclovir, ganciclovir, foscarnet inhibit the uncoating of the viral genome. Per-
zidovudine haps they interfere with the transcription to
5 viral protein synthesis mRNA.
6 assembly Replication
metasizon (interferons) Most of the antiviral drugs interfere with the
7 release synthesis of the genetic material of the new vi-
(interferons) rus. There is a difference between inhibiting
RNA synthesis (ribavirin, maybe amantadine)

13(2) 1991 Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific edition 59

OH B ring genital herpes aciclovir is more efficacious
CH3 CH3 t h a n inosiplex [4].
~" N There is limited experience with this drug in
I I patients with AIDS [5]. It is suggested t h a t com-
He-OH C = 0 bined therapy with inosiplex and zidovudine
I I makes it possible to lower the dose of zidovudine
and to prolong the dose interval. Moreover, inosi-
HOCH2 3 plex enhances the immunological response of the
host [6]. Recently, it was described t h a t treat-
H a C - NH ment with inosiplex could delay progression to
I AIDS in a 24-week period in patients with HIV
infection, but without manifest AIDS. However,
the duration of this beneficial effect, the optimal
OH OH dose, and the mode of action of inosiplex has to be
clarified [7]. It is too early to establish the thera-
peutical value of inosiplex in viral infections.
Figure 2 and DNA synthesis (idoxuridine, trifluridine, Inosiplex has been well-tolerated without
Structure of aciclovir and ganciclovir). serious reported side-effects.
Protein synthesis Amantadine, rimantadine and tromantadine
Interferons could play a role in the protein syn- The mechanism of activity of amantadine, ri-
thesis of the new virus. On the one hand they mantadine and tromantadine (Fig. 3) is not yet
break down replicating virus, on the other hand elucidated. It is possible that they prevent the
they activate an enzyme capable of interrupting penetration of the virus into the cell, but it is
the protein synthesis [2]. more likely that they interact with the uncoating
of the virus. Amantadine and rimantadine are
Assembly only active against influenza A and minimally
Metasizon is able to interfere with the as- active against influenza C and B. In vitro all sub-
sembly of the virus, but it is also involved in in- types of influenza A virus are sensitive to aman-
hibiting RNA synthesis. tadine and rimantadine at levels of 0.2-0.4 mg/1
[8 9].
Antiviral drugs Recently, it was published t h a t rimantadine
was ineffective in protecting members of the
Inosiplex same household from influenza A infection.
Inosiplex is the p-acetamidobenzoic salt of N,N- Moreover, a major problem consists in the rapid
dimethylamino-2-propanol and inosine in a 3:1 selection and apparent transmission of drug-
molar ratio (Fig. 2). It has a weak antiviral and resistant influenza A viruses [10].
anti-tumour activity. An immuno-modulating ef- The recommended dose is 200 mg per day (less
fect probably plays a role, but inosiplex also in- in the elderly or children under 10 years old)
creases cell ribosomal RNA and protein syn- once a day or in 2 divided doses. Amantad~ne is
thesis, while simultaneously inhibiting the use well-absorbed after oral administration, reaches
of cell ribosomal RNA for viral replication. peak levels 2-4 h after a 200 mg dose and has a
Inosiplex is claimed to be effective in several serum half-life of 14 h. It is excreted by the kid-
viral infections, such as mucocutaneous herpes ney (95% of a dose unchanged). In renal failure
simplex, sub-acute sclerosing panencephalitis, the dose should be reduced according to creati-
influenza, herpes zoster and type B hepatitis, but nine clearance. Central nervous system side-
various reports are conflicting [2 3]. effects of amantadine occur in 11% of patients
Very little has been published on the pharma- using 200 mg per day.
cology and pharmacokinetics of inosiplex. The Low-dose (100 m g a day) amantadine for 8 days
usual daily oral dosage is 25 to 100 mg/kg or 3 to has been reported to be effective in both preven-
6 g divided into 4 to 6 doses. The elimination tion and therapy of influenza illness [11].
half-life is 50 min. Uric acid is the major ex- Rimantadine is well-absorbed and peak levels
cretion product in the urine [2 3]. This leads to occur 3-8 h after a 200 mg oral dose. The serum
Figure 3 transient increases of uric acid concentrations in half-life is about 30 h and the drug is extensively
Structures of serum and urine, so, one should be cautious in metabolized. 80% Of the administered dose is ex-
amantadine patients with renal failure, gout or hyperuri- creted in the urine as hydroxylated metabolites
(left), rimanta- caemia. [8 9].
dine (middle)
and tromanta- In the t r e a t m e n t of first-attack genital herpes, The clinical use of amantadine and rimanta-
dine (right) as well as in the t r e a t m e n t of frequently recur- dine is limited to the prophylaxis (with or with-
out concomitant vaccination) and therapy of in-
fluenza A in certain high-risk groups of patients
NH2 including adults and children with chronic car-
I diovascular or pulmonary disease or patients with
immunological disorders. People who have ex-
tensive contact with high-risk patients also have
to be considered for receiving the drug. Amanta-
dine is prophylactically effective in 70-90% of ex-
perimentally induced and naturally occurring in-

60 Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific edition 1~(2) 1991

Figure 4 0 O urine as arabinoside hypoxanthine, which ac-
Structures of
idoxuridine (left)
and trifluridine
counted for 40 to 50% of the dose; vidarabine ap-
pears in the urine unchanged for 2% of the dose
[14]. Arabinoside hypoxanthine is much less ac-
tive than vidarabine itself, but synergism occurs
between arabinoside hypoxanthine and vidara-
bine [9].
Vidarabine is mainly used as an eye ointment
in the treatment of herpes simplex keratocon-
HOCH2 HOCH 2 junctivitis. For systemic use, it has been almost
totally replaced by aciclovir, which is less toxic
and more effective. Vidarabine has the disadvan-
tage of poor solubility in water, so large amounts
of fluids are needed for administration. The
better soluble vidarabine monophosphate ester is
OH H HO H far less effective.
The most important adverse reactions involve
the gastro-intestinal tract (10-15%). These ad-
fluenza A. Rimantadine is used extensively in verse effects seldom require termination of treat-
the USSR. It has greater activity and fewer side- ment. When the dosage exceeds 15 mg. kg 1. d-1
effects than amantadine. It has been submitted central nervous system adverse effects and bone-
to the Food and Drug Administration. Both marrow depression have been observed.
drugs also have been demonstrated to be active Vidarabine may be important when drug re-
in the therapy of influenza A virus [8]. sistance should occur in the herpes viruses to aci-
Tromantadine acts similarly to amantadine. It clovir or the commonly used antiviral agents.
is only used locally in skin and eye infections The suggested dose is 15 mg/kg bodyweight a day
caused by herpes simplex virus. Tromantadine is for 10 days [2 9 13].
available as a 1% ointment. Contact dermatitis
frequently occurs [12]. Aciclovir a n d desciclovir
Since its introduction in 1981, aciclovir has
I d o x u r i d i n e a n d trifluridine been one of the mainstays in the treatment of
Idoxuridine and trifluridine are both halogen- herpes simplex virus (HSV) and varicella zoster
ated thymidine analogues (Fig. 4). They are in- virus infections, because it is both an effective
corporated instead of thymidine during the and a safe drug. Aciclovir is an acyclic analogue
building of viral DNA. They can only be used to- of guanosine (Fig. 6). To exert its antiviral ac-
pically, because they are too toxic for oral or par- tivity it is necessary that aciclovir is phosphoryl-
enteral use. Trifluridine is used in ocular infec- ated to aciclovir triphosphate (Fig. 7). In the host
tions caused by herpes simplex virus. It seems to cell aciclovir is converted by a virus-specified
be more effective than idoxuridine. Idoxuridine thymidine kinase to aciclovir monophosphate.
is available for use in eye and skin infections This first step in the metabolism of aciclovir ex-
caused by herpes simplex, vaccinia and varicella plains directly its limitations in therapeutic use.
zoster virus. Its use, dissolved in dimethylsulf- Only herpes simplex virus and varicella zoster
oxide, in skin infections is controversial [2]. Aci- virus are able to induce thymidine kinase. The
clovir has become drug of choice for these infec- clinical experiences with the treatment of the
tions. other important herpes viruses, Epstein-Barr vi-
rus and cytomegalovirus, are disappointing.
Vidarabine There are no data about the activity of aciclovir
The first antiviral agent available for par- against the newly discovered human herpes
enteral use was vidarabine. Vidarabine is a pu- virus-6 (HHV-6).
rine nucleoside (Fig. 5). Intracellularly vida- Aciclovir monophosphate is phosphorylated to
rabine and its main metabo]ite arabinoside aciclovir diphosphate and triphosphate by cellu-
hypoxanthine are phosphorylated to their corres- lar enzymes. Aciclovir triphosphate inhibits the
NH2 ponding monophosphate, diphosphate and tri- viral DNA polymerase and/or is a chain-termin-
phosphate, which competitively and selectively ator of viral DNA. As phosphorylation starts by
inhibit virus-controlled DNA polymerase [13]. means of a virus-specific thymidine kinase, aci-
Vidarabine is active against pox virus and clovir is a safe drug: in the non-infected cell there
rhabdovirus but most of all, herpes viruses: will be little phosphorylation and aciclovir will
herpes simplex 1 and 2, varicella zoster, cyto- hardly be converted to the active form. This
megalovirus and vaccinia. It can reduce herpes means that aciclovir has a high therapeutic in-
HOCH2 simplex virus plaque formation for 90% at dex and few side-effects.
10 mg/1 [13]. Unfortunately, aciclovir is only active against
Vidarabine given intravenously is quickly de- replicating viruses. It does not eliminate latent
aminated to its principal metabolite arabinoside herpes viruses [2 15]. The in vitro median ID50
hypoxanthine, which appears promptly in the (50% inhibitory dose, concentration required to
OH H plasma with a peak of about 3 mg/1 at the end of inhibit viral replication by 50%) for herpes sim-
Figure 5 an infusion of 10 mg/kg over a 12-h period. The plex virus 1 is 0.1 mg/1 (range 0.02-41.5), for her-
Structure of serum half-life of arabinoside hypoxanthine is pes simplex virus 2 0.4 mg/l (0.13-83) and for va-
vidarabine about 5 h. Most of the drug is excreted in the ricella zoster virus 2.6 mg/1, as measured by the

13(2) 1991 Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific edition 61

Figure 6 O The dose should be reduced in renal failure.
Structures of There is only one important metabolite: 9-car-
aciclovir (top), boxy-methoxymethylguanine without antiviral
(middle) and activity. About 10% of the dose is excreted in the
ganeiclovir (bot- urine as this metabolite [18].
tom) Repeated intravenous doses of aciclovir
5 mg/kg every 8 h resulted in a steady-state
mean peak plasma aciclovir concentration of
9.7 mg/1. Oral administration of 200 mg aciclovir
every 4 h resulted in concentrations of 0.5 mg/1
Aciclovir is the drug of choice for the treatment
H2N--L~ J N-CH~O-CH2-CH2-OH of herpes simplex virus. It is an effective treat-
ment for initial and recurrent episodes of genital
herpes (HSV-2). Aciclovir does not cure genital
herpes, but diminishes the symptoms. Oral as
0 well as intravenous treatment of initial genital
herpes with aciclovir reduced the duration of vi-
HN ~g"'~i~, N~"~ CH2OH ral shedding, new laesion formation, and the dur-
ation of both local and systemic symptoms; the
overall mean healing times were halved [19].
"~N / - - - 2 For initial treatment, oral therapy, with a dos-
age of 200 mg 5 times a day for 10 days is re-
commended. In severe cases aciclovir 5 mg/kg
plaque reduction assay. The in vitro sensitivity of every 8 h intravenously is an effective therapy.
human cytomegalovirus varied from 18.2 to For external laesions 5% topical aciclovir (in
more than 200 mg/1 (median 63.1 mg/1) and the in polyethylene glycol) may be beneficial [19]. The
vitro sensitivity of Epstein-Barr virus is about benefits of aciclovir in recurrences of genital her-
1.5 rag/1 [15]. pes simplex virus are less pronounced. It is im-
An increasing problem in antiviral therapy is portant that therapy is started early. Prevention
the development of aciclovir-resistant strains of of new laesion formation by early aciclovir ther-
varicella zoster and herpes simplex in patients apy has been reported [19]. Suppressive therapy
with AIDS. Erlich et al. describe 12 AIDS has to be considered in patients with severe and
patients with ulcerative mucocutaneous laesions frequent (six or more) recurrences a year. With
who failed to heal with high-dose aciclovir ther- continuous oral therapy (400 mg twice daily) the
apy. Aciclovir-resistant HSV-2 was recovered genital herpes recurrence rate is reduced by
[16]. Jacobsen et al. report about four patients about 85% [20].
with HIV infection where varicella zoster, re- In 99% of the cases orofacial herpes is caused
sistant to aciclovir in vitro, was isolated from by HSV-1. The virus remains latent in neural
skin laesions [17]. ganglia following a primary infection and recurs
The bioavailability of oral aciclovir is only more or less frequently. In immuno-competent
about 15-20%. The volume of distribution of aci- patients HSV-1 can be treated with topical aci-
clovir at steady state is 70% of the total body- clovir (5% aciclovir cream). In case of severe re-
Figure 7 weight. Plasma protein binding is about 15% and currences oral drug therapy may be worthwhile
Mechanism of
action of plasma half-life is 2.5-3.0 h. Approximately 70% (200 mg 5 times a day). Herpes simplex kerato-
aciclovir of aciclovir is excreted unchanged in the urine. conjunctivitis can effectively be treated with 3%
aciclovir ointment [15].

Reactivation of HSV-1 infection can be effec-
tively suppressed by oral (800 mg a day) and in-
travenous (5 mg. kg -1. d -1) aciclovir in immuno-
compromised patients [9]. Herpes encephalitis
can be treated with aciclovir (10 mg/kg intraven-
%, Deoxynucleosides ously every 8 h for 10 days). It is superior to vida-
cellular TK Viral TK (HSV, VZV)\ \ rabine (15 mg. kg -1. d -1 for 10 days). The morta-
or cellular kinases (EBV, CMV)
no reaction lity was 19% in the aciclovir-treated group
versus 50% in the vidarabine group [2!]. In the
case of neonatal herpes intravenous aciclovir can
l cellular e n z y m e s be used (10-15 mg/kg thrice daily intravenously
for 10 days). This therapy is equally effective as
~ cellular e n z y m e s vidarabine 30 mg. kg -1. d -1 for 10 days but the
mortality rate is still 20% [22].
uninfected cell viral DNA Deoxynucleoside The primary varicella zoster virus infection is
po ymerase triphosphates
chickenpox. When a varicella zoster virus infec-
DNA tion is reactivated it expresses itself as herpes
zoster. Especially in neonates and immuno-
compromised patients varicella zoster virus
causes considerable morbidity and mortality.
infected cell Immuno-compromised hosts can be effectively

13(2) 1991 Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific edition 62

treated intravenously with 500 mg/m 2 thrice 2.15 t~mol/1).For HSV-1 the ID50 ranged between
daily for 7 days. In otherwise healthy persons 0.2 and 3 t~mol/1 and for HSV-2 between 0.2 and
often oral therapy with aciclovir (800 mg 5 times 13.2 ~mol/1. The ID50 for varicella zoster virus
a day) for 7 days will be sufficient [2 15 23 24]. 4 g
ranged between 4.4 and 8.8 ~mol/1 [26].
A day is a rather high dose, which is connected Recently, three cases of cytomegalovirus re-
with the poor absorption of aciclovir. sistant to ganciclovir were described. The mech-
Adverse effects of aciclovir are rare. The major anism involved in the development of ganciclovir-
problem has been the deposition of aciclovir in resistant cytomegalovirus is not clear. So, ganci-
the kidneys following rapid bolus infusion. This clovir has to be used carefully and only in
problem can be avoided by sufficient hydration of patients in whom cytomegalovirus disease is po-
the patient (1 1 of fluid for each g of intravenously
tentially fatal or in whom loss of vision is likely
administered drug) [15]. Gastro-intestinal side- to occur [27].
effects have been reported: nausea, vomiting and Ganciclovir exhibits bi-exponential decay, with
abdominal pain, but these effects are not severe. a terminal half-life of approximately 2.5 h and a
Very occasionally central nervous system tox- relatively large volume of distribution (V=
icity has been noted [2 9 15]. Intravenous aci- 32.8 1/1.73 m2). Oral bioavailability of ganciclo-
clovir therapy has been associated with inflam- vir is poor (3%). At steady state the mean maxi-
mation and phlebitis at the injection site (15%) mal plasma concentration is 32.6 ~mol/1 (dose
[18]. 5 m g . k g 1 twice daily). No ganciclovir metab-
For a couple of years efforts have been made to olite has been detected. Urinary recovery aver-
develop a better absorbable aciclovir analogue. ages more than 90% in 24 h. Renal insufficiency
Desciclovir (BW A515U, 6-deoxyaciclovir) is an requires a lower dose according to the creatinine
example of such a drug. Desciclovir has no de- clearance [26].
tectable antiviral activity in vitro. However, it is Cytomegalovirus disease is a major problem in
well-absorbed (75%) from the gastro-intestinal immuno-compromised patients, caused by im-
tract and rapidly converted by xanthine oxidase muno-suppressive drugs or acquired from an
to aciclovir. The half-life of desciclovir was underlying disease, such as AIDS. Serological
0.85_+0.16 h. Desciclovir orally 250 mg thrice evidence of cytomegalovirus infections are pre-
daily gave aciclovir plasma levels comparable to sent in over 90% of patients with AIDS. The mor-
a dose of 2.5 mg/kg aciclovir intravenously thrice tality and morbidity of cytomegalovirus disease
daily [25]. Almost two-thirds of the absorbed dose is considerable. Until recently no therapy was
was recovered in the urine as aciclovir. No available for the treatment of cytomegalovirus
serious or consistent adverse effects were noted. infections and ganciclovir is the first antiviral
This may give us the possibility to treat serious agent with antiviral properties against cytome-
infections with oral desciclovir instead of par- galovirus. Because of its toxicity (myelosup-
enteral aciclovir, but this needs to be confirmed pression), ganciclovir is only used in the treat-
in clinical trials. ment of cytomegalovirus infections. In the case of
herpes simplex virus and varicella zoster virus
Ganciclovir infections aciclovir is preferable [26]. In several
The new antiviral agent ganciclovir is closely clinical investigations ganciclovir appears to be
related to aciclovir. Both are guanosine deriva- a promising antiviral drug for cytomegalovirus
tives (Fig. 6). The mechanism of action resembles infection.
the mechanism of aciclovir. Ganciclovir is phos- Collecting the data on 314 immuno-compro-
phorylated to ganciclovir monophosphate. The mised patients with serious cytomegalovirus in-
cellular enzymes responsible for this phosphoryl- fection, the intravenous administration of ganci-
ation of ganciclovir are not known. As far as we clovir shows good clinical response: 84% of cyto-
know cytomegalovirus is not capable of encoding megalovirus retinitis, 83% of gastro-intestinal
a virus-specified thymidine kinase. Probably the cytomegalovirus infection and 26% of cytomega-
phosphorylation to the monophosphate is caused lovirus pneumonia improved [28]. After discon-
by a virus-induced cellular enzyme (deoxyguano- tinuation of ganciclovir relapse of cytomegalo-
sine kinase). Cellular kinases are able to phos- virus disease occurs and a life-long maintenance
phorylate the monophosphate to ganciclovir di- treatment is necessary.
phosphate and ganciclovir triphosphate. Firstly, The initial dose is 5 mg/kg twice daily in a
ganciclovir triphosphate, competitively inhibits 1-h infusion for 14 to 21 days. Maintenance ther-
the incorporation of deoxyguanosine triphos- apy requires doses of 6 mg/kg a day for 5 days a
phate into DNA by DNA polymerase. Secondly, week or 5 mg/kg a day for 7 days a week by intra-
the incorporation of ganciclovir triphosphate in venous infusion. The most important side-effects
viral DNA causes ending or strong limitation of include neutropenia (42%) and thrombocytopenia
viral DNA elongation. Ganciclovir is preferen- (19%), central nervous system effects, like head-
tially phosphorylated in infected cells. However, ache, psychosis, confusion and depersonification
the uninfected cell is capable of producing ganci- (18%) and gastro-intestinal problems, like
clovir triphosphate in low levels. Accumulation nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Severity of side-
of ganciclovir triphosphate may result in myelo- effects is dose-dependent and neutropenia seems
suppression [26]. to be the dose-limiting adverse effect. However,
Ganciclovir in vitro is a strong inhibitor of all it is not known whether neutropenia is dose-
herpes viruses, including Epstein-Barr virus and related or idiosyncratic. Because of this side-
cytomegalovirus. The ID50 for cytomegalovirus effect it is sometimes necessary to stop infusion
strains varies from 0.8-11 t~mol/1 (median therapy. For the treatment of cytomegalovirus

13(2) 1991 Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific edition 63

9retinitis intravitreal injection appears to be a tain coxsackie strains, Venezuelan equine en-
good alternative [29]. cephalitis, herpes simplex types I and 2, Lassa
fever, hepatitis A, and h u m a n immuno-de-
Foscarnet ficiency virus. With this spectrum ribavirin can
H2N-CO Foscarnet (phosphonoformate) has been known be considered a broad-spectrum antiviral agent.
for over a decade as an antiviral compound. It is However, results from clinical trials are con-
a pyrophosphate analogue (Fig. 8). How foscarnet flicting and clinical uses are limited [35]. The in
exactly acts is unknown. It inhibits reversibly vitro minimal inhibitory concentration against
and competitively viral DNA polymerase of all respiratory syncytial virus is 3-32 mg/1 [34].
HOH2C O. [
herpes viruses and the RNA polymerase of influ- Ribavirin may be administered orally, intra-
enza viruses probably by binding with a pyro- venously or by small-particle aerosol. Oral ad-
phosphate binding site on the polymerases. Fos- ministration (3 mg/kg) to healthy subjects results
HO OH carnet also inhibits retroviruses and HIV by in peak plasma concentrations of 1-2 mg/1 after
Figure 8 non-competitive inhibition of reverse transcrip- 1 to 1.5 h. The elimination half-life is about 24 h.
Structure of tase. Because foscarnet is not a nucleoside ana- Intravenous administration of 1,000 g followed
foscarnet logue, no (viral) thymidine kinase is involved in by 4 g/day in 4 doses for 4 days and for the next
the mechanism of action [30]. 6 days 1,500 mg/d in 3 divided doses leads to
In vitro foscarnet exerts activity against all hu- plasma levels of about 20 mg/]. Renal secretion is
man herpes viruses and some retroviruses (e.g. the main route of elimination (32-53% in 72 to
HIV). Most of the clinical cytomegalovirus cul- 80 h). A small portion o f the drug is faecally ex-
tures are sensitive to 200 t+mol/1 foscarnet. creted (15%). The bioavailability of ribavirin
Foscarnet is a virustatic agent and effective aerosol is unknown [9 34].
t r e a t m e n t needs continuous administration. The At this moment ribavirin is only indicated for
oral bioavailability varies from 12-22% and con- the t r e a t m e n t of lower respiratory tract infec-
tinuous infusion is necessary. Another problem tions due to respiratory syncytial virus in hos-
of foscarnet is its incorporation in the bone pitalized neonates and young children with
matrix. About 10 to 28% of the cumulative dose severe underlying diseases like pre-existent car-
may have been deposited in bone 2 days after in- diovascular and pulmonary disease or immuno-
fusion [31]. Plasma protein binding is 17%. Fos- deficiencies. Respiratory syncytical virus infec-
carnet is mainly eliminated unchanged by the tion has to be confirmed. Ribavirin is admin-
kidneys and nephrotoxicity has been described. istered by small-particle aerosols. T r e a t m e n t has
Because of these inconveniences the use of fos- to be started within 3 days after the infection oc-
carnet is limited to cytomegalovirus retinitis in curred and has to be continued for a period of
patients with AIDS as an efficacious alternative 3 to 7 days, 18 to 20 h a day. The suggested dose
+to ganciclovir, but direct comparative studies are for children is about 1.4 m g - k g - l - h -1 and for
needed [32]. Recently, it has been described t h a t adults 0.82 m g . k g - 1 . h - L This route of admin-
foscarnet appears to be an effective, relatively istration has as the major advantage t h a t very
nontoxic drug for cytomega]ovirus retinitis by high levels of ribavirin are reached at the site of
intermittent intravenous administration. viral replication, with only little systemic ab-
10 Patients received 60 mg/kg bodyweight every sorption. No side-effects were noted [34]. How-
8 h for 14 days and 9 of them had stabilized or im- ever, there is doubt about the efficacy of riba-
proved. Maintenance therapy consisted of virin in the t r e a t m e n t of respiratory syncytical
60 mg/kg as a single daily infusion for 5 days a virus. Only a limited number of publications are
week [33]. This could be an interesting new appli- available about the benefits of ribavirin in the
cation of foscarnet, but additional studies are t r e a t m e n t of respiratory syncytical virus. There
needed. is a lot of criticism about the methods of investi-
In the t r e a t m e n t of herpes simplex and vari- gation [35]. Beside the doubts about the efficacy,
cella zoster infections aciclovir remains the ribavirin therapy is very expensive. Ribavirin is
t r e a t m e n t of choice. reported to be effective in patients with Lassa
fever. Intravenous therapy (1 g intravenously
Ribavirin 4 times a day for 4 days followed by 0.5 g every
Ribavirin is a synthetic nucleoside t h a t struc- 8 h for 6 days) reduced the mortality rate from 76
turally resembles a pyrimidine nucleoside (Fig. to 32%. Oral ribavirin 333 mg 3 times a day for
9). It is rapidly transported into cells and metab- 10 days reduced it from 76 to 30% [36]. The most
olized by cellular enzymes to monophosphate, di- important side-effect of intravenous therapy is
phosphate and triphosphate derivatives, which anaemia. Increases in inconjugated serum biliru-
I then inhibit viral nucleic acid synthesis. The bin and decreases in reticulocyte count have
HO--P--C--OH mechanism of action is not yet fully elucidated. been described [9]. The results of the trials until
II I Ribavirin monophosphate is able to interfere this moment do not justify extensive use of this
0 0 with the formation of guanosine monophosphate, drug.
Figure 9 so viral enzyme systems dependent on guanosine
Structure of are therefore unable to complete their own tran- Interferons
ribavirin scription. Probably ribavirin also interferes with Interferons are glycoproteins produced by each
the capping and translation of mRNAs [34]. species of animals. They are a part of the natural
Ribavirin exhibits a virustatic effect against a host defences and have a broad-spectrum anti-
variety of both RNA and DNA viruses, such as viral activity. Interferons can be divided into
influenza A and B, respiratory syncytical virus, three main types: interferon-a, interferon-/~ and
measles, para-infiuenza, mumps, reoviruses, cer- interferon-% Interferon-a and interferon-/~ are in-

64 Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific edition 13(2) 1991

duced by stimuli like viruses, bacteria and triphosphate by thymidine kinase, thymidilate
double-stranded RNA and are produced by leuko- kinase and other cellular enzymes which phos-
cytes and fibroblasts, respectively. Interferon-7 phorylate thymidine. These enzymes are cellular
is produced mainly by lymphocytes in response enzymes. HIV does not code for its own kinases
to mitogenic or antigenic stimuli. After release, nor stimulates HIV cellular kinases. Zidovudine
interferons bind to cell surface receptors, where- has no effect on extracellular virions. Zidovudine
by interferon-a and -~ have a common cellular re- triphosphate inhibits HIV multiplication by in-
ceptor and exert probably a similar mechanism hibition of viral reverse transcriptase and ter-
of action. Interferon-~ has a separate receptor. mination of the viral DNA chain [41]. In vitro
Interferons can inhibit many stages of the vi- zidovudine has been found to be active at concen-
rus life-cycle by induction of cellular enzymes in trations of approximately 1 ~mol/1.
cells exposed to interferon. As a result break- Zidovudine can be administered intravenously
down of viral RNAs and inhibition of viral pro- or orally. The bioavailability of oral zidovudine
rein formation occurs. But there may be more is approximately 60% and peak plasma concen-
mechanisms of action. For retroviruses it has trations are reached 0.5 to 1.5 h after adminis-
been described t h a t they inhibit assembly and re- tration. The peak plasma concentration varies
lease of viral particles [2 37 38]. approximately in a linear fashion with the
Interferon-a and interferon-~ have activity dosage. An oral dose of 200 mg results in a peak
against a broad range of viruses. Interferon-~ has plasma concentration of about 2.4 t~mol/1. Zido-
also an antiviral activity. Interferon-a is the one vudine is metabolized in the liver by glucuroni-
mainly used as antiviral agent. dation, which product is excreted in the urine.
Interferon-a can be administered intra- The elimination half-life is about 1 to 1.5 h [41].
venously, intramuscularly, intrathecally, intra- Zidovudine is licensed for the t r e a t m e n t of
laesional]y, as a nasal spray, or as topical cream. patients with severe manifestations of infection
Peak serum levels are about 15-50 IU/ml for a with AIDS or AIDS-related complex. However,
3-108 IU dose intramuscularly. Serum half-life after a couple of years experience with zidovu-
is 6-8 h. Metabolization occurs mainly in the dine it seems that the benefits are limited to the
kidney although uremic patients do not show ac- first 6 months of therapy, where the m a x i m u m
cumulation [37]. effect is reached. After 6 months the clinical effi-
Interferons have a limited clinical role as anti- cacy strongly decreases. One of the causes of de-
viral agent. Intranasal interferon-a is used in the clining effectivity could be haematological tox-
prophylaxis of rhinovirus colds. Given by spray icity of the drug, which led to interruption of
or on cotton pledgers it has been shown to protect t r e a t m e n t [42]. The other possibility is the ap-
for about 80% against the transmission of rhino- pearance of mutants of HIV with decreased sen-
virus to family members, but it was not active sitivity to zidovudine [43].
against colds caused by other viruses [39]. Unfor- Besides the licensed indication zidovudine is
tunately, prolonged prophylactic use is associ- under investigation in treating patients with
ated with nasal discomfort, dryness of the mu- lymphadenopathy, central nervous system dis-
cosa and the discharge of blood-stained mucus ease, symptoms of HIV infection and in treating
(14%). seropositive asymptomatic patients. Prophylac-
Under investigation is the t r e a t m e n t of papil- tic use of health-care workers after needle-prick
lomavirus-related conditions, like condylomato- injury is also under investigation. Recently it
sis or juvenile papillomatosis, but it is yet to be was described t h a t after injecting a minimal vol-
established. P a r e n t e r a l interferon-a may have a ume of seropositive blood, fast onset of zidovu-
role in chronic viral diseases like non-A, non-B dine therapy did not prevent HIV-1 infection
hepatitis and chronic hepatitis B, but the results [44]. The recommended dose of zidovudine is
of small-scale studies need to be confirmed [2 38]. 200 mg every 4 h, but there are m a n y experimen-
In vitro interferon-a has a weak activity against tal variations on this dose and interval. Opti-
HIV, but synergy with zidovudine, foscarnet and m u m dosage in children and in elderly patients
dideoxycytidine has been described. In clinical with renal or hepatic function insufficiency are
trials combination t h e r a p y of interferon-a with not known.
zidovudine is used. Because of the side-effects The main adverse effects are anaemia, neutro-
(bone-marrow toxicity), high-dose interferon-a penia and leukopenia indicating bone-marrow
(> 9 MU) is incompatible with full dose zidovu- suppression (45%). At the start of therapy gastro-
dine. Trials with the combination against HIV intestinal disturbances, headache and myalgia
are ongoing [40]. frequently occur, but these diminish or disappear
o Side-effects are a influenza-like syndrome, per- with continued administration. Especially the
HN , ~ / , CH3 sistent fatigue, peripheral neuropathy and bone- haematological complications lead to dose reduc-
marrow suppression. Persistent fatigue is the tion or transient interruption of zidovudine
most important dose-limiting side-effect. Bone- treatment. Maybe combination t h e r a p y of low-
HOCH2 I marrow suppression (mild neutropenia, mild dose zidovudine with other antiviral drugs will
anaemia and thrombocytopenia) are reversible. become the future strategy.
Zidovudine Future directions in antiviral therapy:
Na H Zidovudine (azidothymidine, AZT) is a thymi- highlights
Figure 10
dine analogue (Fig. 10). It is active against HIV. Most efforts in developing new antiviral drugs
Structure of As for the other nucleoside analogues, zidovu- are made in the development of anti-HIV drugs.
zidovudine dine is intracellularly converted to zidovudine On theoretical grounds there are m a n y modes of

13(2) 1991 Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific edition 65

intervention as described earlier. Agents t h a t h u m a n cells, dideoxyinosine is metabolized to its
block a t t a c h m e n t to the cell inhibit infection of active moiety, dideoxyadenosine triphosphate.
new cells, but do not affect chronically infected Dideoxyadenosine triphosphate acts as a sub-
cells. By blocking transcription of the retroviral strate and inhibitor of HIV reverse transcrip-
genome to HIV-specific messenger RNAs it is tase, blocking the synthesis of a DNA copy of the
theoretically possible to stop new infections by viral genome. In combination with antacids the
inhibiting ]ate steps in virus replication. This bioavailability of dideoxyinosine is 40%. (Dide-
leads to a considerable list of 'hypothetically' ac- oxyinosine is acid labile so combination with
tive agents. From these agents only a few have antacids is necessary). Intravenous doses of
already reached the clinic, while others are in 1.6 mg/kg and oral doses of 3.2 mg/kg showed
the laboratory stage [40]. We will describe here favourable effects. Dideoxyadenosine triphos-
the most promising agents for the near future. phate has a long half-life of over 12 h in cells ex-
posed to dideoxyinosine, so 12 h dosing seems
Soluble CD4 sufficient [47]. Only limited clinical experience is
The first important step in HIV infection is at- available, but on the ground of these data the
tachment to the cell. A specific cellular receptor Food and Drug Administration have decided to
on the CD4 molecule is the binding place. Prob- make dideoxyinosine available for 'compassion-
ably the HIV envelope protein gpl20 is involved ate' use. Daily doses of dideoxyinosine below
in this interaction. So, blocking the receptor on 1.5 g were well-tolerated in the short term. The
the CD4 molecule or blocking the viral protein CD4 lymphocyte count increased and p24 anti-
gp120 is a possibility to prevent cellular viral in- gen levels decreased, suggesting antiviral ef-
fection. Modern biotechnology allows production ficacy [47].
of recombinant-soluble-CD4 (rsCD4). Main side-effects were peripheral neuropathy,
Soluble CD4 can be administered by intramus- hyperuricemia, skin rash (3.8%), increased liver
cular or subcutaneous injection. The bioavail- enzyme concentration, severe pancreatitis (3.8%)
ability is 51% and 45%, respectively. The rsCD4 and seizures (7.6%).
is rapidly cleared. After intravenous adminis-
tration the serum half-life is approximately Viral r e s i s t a n c e
45 min. After intramuscular injection peak se- As mentioned before, there are an increasing
r u m levels are reached after 4 to 6 hours, sug- number of reports dealing with viral resistance.
gesting t h a t the intramuscular compartment It is not always clear what kind of mechanism
serves as a reservoir [45 46]. underlies this resistance. Rimantadine re-
CD4 is under clinical investigation now in sistance of influenza A virus (H3N2 subtype) was
phase I-II studies. In a small-scale escalating dos- correlated with the presence of point mutations
age trial 25 patients received 27 courses of CD4 in the RNA sequence coding for a specific protein
intramuscularly or by intravenous infusion. Dos- (M2 proteins), which results in resistance to ri-
ages used were 0.9, 3, 9 or 30 mg a day. The drug mantadine and amantadine [10]. There are at
was well-tolerated and provided preliminary evi- least 3 mechanisms for aciclovir resistance. First
dence of antiviral activity in vivo [45]. In another of all and most important is the selection of thy-
study 42 subjects received doses of up to midine kinase-resistant mutants of virus. Other
300 ~g/kg bodyweight per day intravenously. It possibilities consist in alteration of the substrate
was concluded t h a t rCD4 was safe and well- specificity of the viral thymidine kinase and in
tolerated [46]. However, much more data about the selection of viruses with an altered DNA
long-term toxicity and efficacy are needed. polymerase [15 16]. Because of structural resem-
blance between aciclovir and ganciclovir it is
Dideoxyadenosine and dideoxyinosine expected t h a t ganciclovir resistance would be of
Closely related to zidovudine are dideoxyaden- the same type as aciclovir resistance, but the
osine and dideoxyinosine. Both are purin ana- exact mechanism is not yet elucidated [16 27]. It
logues (Fig. 11). Dideoxyadenosine is extra- and is not known whether the resistant strains are as
intracellularly converted to dideoxyinosine. In virulent as the original virus and therefore clini-
cal significance of viral resistance has to be de-
termined in more extensive studies. It is clear,
Figure 11 NH2 O however, that antiviral drugs must be used care-
Structure of fully, like antibiotics.
dideoxyadeno- HN/JJ~N~,~
sine (left) and
dideoxyinosine Conclusions
(right) Despite much research, progress in antiviral
therapy has been slow. An important problem is
the close connection between virus and host cell,
which makes it difficult to distinguish between
HOCH2 HOCH 2 them. Nevertheless, we are able to t r e a t viral in-
fections to a certain extent and some new devel-
opments are promising (Table 2).
The first antiviral drug (idoxuridine) was too
toxic for systemic use, but is still available for lo-
cal t r e a t m e n t of herpes simplex virus. Aciclovir
is useful for the t r e a t m e n t of many herpes virus
H H H H infections (HSV-1, HSV-2, varicella zoster virus)

66 Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific edition 13(2) 1991

orally, systemically and locally, while vidara- All antiviral drugs mentioned are only virusta-
bine could be an alternative in case of aciclovir tic. None of them is able to kill the virus, so re-
resistance. Amantadine (and rimantadine) is currences always occur and ask for maintenance
used in the prophylaxis and the treatment of in- therapy. There is a need for drugs that can kill
fluenza A. Two new drugs, ganciclovir and fos- a virus.
carnet have shown benefits in the treatment of Two major pathways in developing new drugs
cytomegalovirus infections. Ribavirin is under can be distinguished. Firstly, preventing the vi-
discussion. rus from infecting the cell. An example of such
Aerosolized ribavirin is effective for severe an approach is soluble CD4, binding to HIV and
respiratory syncytial virus. Intravenous and oral preventing the attachment of HIV to a host cell.
therapy is reported to be beneficial for Lassa fe- Secondly, to prevent a virus in a host cell to mul-
ver. Interferons play only a limited role as antivi- tiply itself. One of the new drugs dealing with
ral agent until now, but trials in combination that approach is dideoxyinosine. Both drugs are
therapy are ongoing. Against HIV zidovudine is under clinical investigation now.
extensively used. Another problem we are facing is an increasing

T a b l e 2

Therapeutic use of antiviral drugs

Antiviral drug Virus and indication Treatment schedule

Amantadine or influenza A
rimantadine - prophylaxis 100-200 mg/day orally for 5-7 days
- treatment
Tromantadine herpes simplex 1% (eye) ointment until 10 days after healing
Idoxuridine herpes simplex 0.2% cream or ointment for 4 days
0.1% eye drops for 4 days
varicella zoster 0.2-0.5% eye ointment for 4 days
5-10% in dimethylsulfoxide
Trifluridine herpes simplex 1% eye drops
2% eye ointment until 8 days after healing
Vidarabine herpes simplex 3% eye ointment for 3-5 days
varicella zoster 5% eye drops
15-30 mg. kg -~- d -1 intravenously for 10 days
Aciclovir herpes simplex
- keratitis 3% aciclovir eye ointment
- herpes labialis 5% aciclovir cream
- genital herpes
- primary and recurrent 1,000 mg/day orally for 5-10 days
- prophylaxis 400-1,000 mg/day orally
encephalitis 10 mg/kg thrice daily intravenously for 10 days
neonatal herpes simplex
virus 10-15 mg/kg thrice daily for 10 days
immuno-compromised host 250 mg/m2 thrice daily intravenously for 7 days or
- treatment 1,000 mg/day orally for 10 days
- prophylaxis 250 mg/m2 thrice daily intravenously or 800 mg/day
varicella zoster eye 3% eye ointment until 5 days after healing
shingles 5-10 mg/kg intravenously for 5 days or 4,000 mg/day
orally for 7 days
immuno-compromised host 500 mg/m2 thrice daily intravenously for 7 days
Ganciclovir cytomegalovirus in initial: 5 mg/kg twice daily for 14 days
immuno-compromised maintenance: 5 mg. kg -1. d -1 intravenously for 7 days
host or 7 mg-kg -1. d -1 intravenously for 5 days
Foscarnet cytomegalovirus in initial: 20 mg/kg in 30 min
immuno-compromised maintenance: 230 mg
host intermittent 60 mg/kg thrice daily for 5 days
Ribavirin respiratory syncytical virus aerosolized
- adults 0.82 mg-kg-l-h -1, 12-24 h, 3-7 days
- neonates 1.4 -1, 12-24 h, 3-7 days
Lassa fever 4 g/day for 4 days, 1.5 g/day for 6 days
Interferons rhinovirus intranasal spray
5-106 IU/d for 7 days
Zidovudine human immuno-deficiency 200 mg 6 times daily, life-long
virus investigational other dosages regimens

13(2) 1991 Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific edition 67

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