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(A Classroom Action Research)


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of
Sekolah Tinggi Keguruandan Ilmu Pendidikan
Muhammadiyah Bulukumba


2013 310 4077



Iskandar Fausia, 2017. Improving students’ vocabulary by classroom shop
game at the first grade students of SMAN 9 Bulukumba (A Classroom Action
Research at the first grade student’s of SMA Negeri 9 Bulukumba). The thesis of
English Education Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Bulukumba. ( guided
by H.Dahlan and Andi Nurhikmah).
This research is aimed at finding out the improvement of the student’s vocabulary
and memorize through classroom shop game at class X IS 2 of SMAN 9
Bulukumba. In order to explain the improvement used Classroom action research
(CAR) that consist of two cycles. Each cycle consisted of three meetings. The
subject of this research was taken at the first grade students’ of SMAN 9
Bulukumba with the number of subject about 28.
The research findings all the mean score of cycle I was 50.5 then increased to be
75,64 in cycle II. They were greater than the mean score of diagnostic test namely
43.82. It means that there was the improvement of the students’ classroom shop
game in terms of vocabulary and memorize. Based on the findings students’ of
vocabulary can be improved by gave the students’ motivation to be more
discipline about the time and delivered the material with more interesting picture,
before start to do assignment the researcher should ask the students about
discipline seat, researcher gave more explanation about the steps in classroom
shop game, researcher should be active in engaging the students to get involved in
the teaching learning process and giving the students the equal chance to ask
questions, delivered the materials should be more interesting to make the students
motivated and the researcher should gave more time and control for the students to
do the task.

Keyword : Classroom Shop Game, Vocabulary, Noun


Iskandar Fausia, 2017. Meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam kosakata melalui
metode permainan berbelanja kata di dalam kelas pada siswa kelas satu SMA
Negeri 9 Bulukumba (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada siswa kelas X IS 2 SMA
Negeri 9 Bulukumba) skripsi STKIP Muhammadiyah Bulukumba.( dibimbing
oleh H. Dahlan dan A. Nurhikmah).
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam
kosakata dan hafalan melalui permainan berbelanja kata kelas X IS 2 SMAN 9
Bulukumba. Dalam hal ini untuk menjelaskan peningkatan kemampuan dengan
menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan dalam dua siklus.
Setiap siklus terdiri dari 3 kali pertemuan. Subyek dari penelitian ini yaitu diambil
dari siswa kelas X IS 2 SMA Negeri 9 Bulukumba dengan jumlah 28 orang siswa.
Dari hasil temuan penelitian jumlah hasil rata-rata keseluruhan pada siklus 1
adalah 50.5 kemudian meningkat menjadi 75.64 pada siklus kedua. Hasil tersebut
lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan nilai rata-rata diagnostik tes yaitu 43.82. Itu
berarti bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam kosakata yang
merujuk pada hafalan. Berdasarkan hasil temuan kosakata siswa dapat
ditingkatkan dengan cara memberikan motivasi kepada siswa untuk lebih disiplin
tentang waktu dan memberikan materi dengan gambar agar lebih menarik,
sebelum memulai pemberian tugas, peneliti bertanya kepada siswa cara duduk
yang tertib, peneliti memberikan penjelasan terlebih dahulu tentang langkah-
langkah permainan berbelanja kata, peneliti harus aktif dalam menarik siswa
untuk terlibat dalam proses belajar mengajar dan memberikan kesempatan kepada
siswa untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, menyampaikan materi harus lebih menarik
untuk memotivasi siswa dan peneliti harus memberikan lebih banyak waktu dan
control siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas.

Kata kunci : permainan berbelanja kata, kosakata, kata benda



“Allah Tidak Akan Menguji Hambanya Diluar

Batas Kemampuannya, Ujian Diberikan Karena
Allah Tau Kita Mampu Melewatinya”. 

~Fausia Iskandar~


“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.”

Alhamdulillahi robbil Aalamiin, the researcher expresses her sincere

gratitude to our God almighty, Allah SWT, who has been giving guidance, mercy,

love and good health, so that she could accomplish writing this research proposal.

Peace and salutation ways be given for the last messenger, Muhammad SAW

(peace be upon him) who has been guiding us from jahiliyah era into islamiyah

era namely Islamic religion that we love.

In this good opportunity, the researcher would like to remark the utmost

thanks from her deep heart following people, who have helped, contributed, and

empowered her to achieve a success in completing this thesis.

Firstly, the greatest gratitude goes to the head of STKIP Muhammadiyah

Bulukumba Dr. Jumasse Basra, M.Si as the charirman of STKIP

Muhammadiyah Bulukumba and Dr. Fahmi Room, M.Hum as the co. chairman

of academic affairs in STKIP Muhammadiyah Bulukumba.

The most appreciation is addressed for first supervisor Dr. H. Dahlan,

M.Hum and the second supervisor Andi Nurhikmah,S.Pd.,M.Pd for having

piloted the finishing of this thesis. Without their constructive suggestion, the

improvement in this thesis would not have been made.


The head of English Education Study Program, Anugerah Febrian

Syam,S.pd.,M.pd and the secretary of English Education Study Program Nur Ina

Syam,S.S.,M.Pd wih all related lectures, who had give a great attention

particularly relating to academic affair.

The researcher wishes to extend everlasting appreciation and deepest

thankfulness to both her beloved parents Iskandar and Masniati who are always

giving motivation, never stop caring ad always sending prayers for her. Her

highest appreciation and deepest than to the strongest brother Amrullah someone

who never give up dreaming finished and successful.

The last thanks are due to her best friends in F4 pagi, F3 Sore, and f3

Pagi, and especially for Nurwahidah Binti Herman, Shinta Damayanti,

Khaerunnisa, Lilis Nopriana. Thanks for sharing their lovable experiences, both

in sadness and happiness. Thank you again for showing us that we are family.

You would never be forgotten and would be pleasant memories till the end.

May Allah bless us all now and forever, Aamiin.

Bulukumba, 2017

Fausia Iskandar


TITLE OF PAGE.............................................................................................. i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN .............................................................................ii

APPROVAL SHEET........................................................................................iii

COUNSELLING SHEET.................................................................................iv

SURAT PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI ...........................................v

ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................vii

MOTTO ...........................................................................................................viii

ACKNOWLEGMENT ....................................................................................ix

TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................xi

LIST OF TABLE .............................................................................................xiv

LIST OF CHART ............................................................................................xv

LIST OF APPENDIX.......................................................................................xvi


A. Background....................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement............................................................................ 2

C. Objective of the Research................................................................. 3


D. Significant of the Research............................................................... 3

E. Scope of the Research....................................................................... 3

F. Definition of Term............................................................................ 4


A. The Previous Related Research.........................................................5

B. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary......................................................6

C. The Concept of Vocabulary..............................................................11

D. The Concept of Noun........................................................................14

E. The Concept of Media.......................................................................15

F. The Concept of Game.......................................................................18

G. The Concept of Classroom Shop Game............................................21

H. The Concept of Classroom Action Research....................................23

I. Conceptual Framework ....................................................................28


A. Research Design................................................................................30

B. Research Subject...............................................................................30

C. Research Variable and Indicator.......................................................30

D. Research Instrument..........................................................................31

E. Indicator of successful.......................................................................31

F. Research Procedure...........................................................................32

G. Technique of Collecting Data...........................................................34

H. Data Analysis....................................................................................35


A. Findings…………………………………………………………….37

B. Discussion………………………………………………………….50


A. Conclusion………………………………………………………….52

B. Suggestion………………………………………………………….52







Table 4.1: Result of Observing students’ activities……………………….39

Table 4.2: Frequency distribution and percentage the students learning

achievement of the first cycle test……………………………...41

Table 4.3: Result of observing students’ activities cycle II……………….44

Table 4.4: The students’ score for cycle II………………………………...46

Table 4.5 The percentage of students’ vocabulary……………………….46



Figure 4.5: the percentage of the students’ achievement in



Appendix A : Lesson Plan Cycle I and Cycle II

Appendix B : Research Instrument Cycle I

Appendix C : Research Instrument Cycle II

Appendix D : The Picture Test

Appendix E : Keyword of Cycle I and Cycle 2

Appendix F : Data Analysis

Appendix G : Test of Cycle 1 and Cycle 2

Appendix H : Observation Sheet




This part deals with the background, problem statement, objective of the

research, significance of the research, scope of the research, and definition of


A. Background

English is important as a tool of an international communication. So,

most of the people in the world use English to communicate with each others.

In Indonesia, English has been taught as a foreign language. In fact, it proves

that learning English is very important for everyone, so that the people can

communicate to express idea or opinion.

English involves four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

These skills support each other and cannot be separated each other. These four

language skills are developed of basic language components such as, structure,

vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling.

In this research, the researcher’s attention focuses on the vocabulary as

one of the English language components. The importance of vocabulary in

teaching a foreign language is clearly stated by Allen (1997:149) as follow

vocabulary is an important factor in teaching words, sound system, structure

and other essential area of language learning. therefore, the researcher

concludes that vocabulary as one of the elements of language which is


important to be learned. Without having enough vocabulary, the ability to

communicate and convey our idea cannot be established to each four skills.

The researcher will observed about vocabulary in SMAN 9 Bulukumba

by using classroom shop game in applying this game. The researcher hopes the

student vocabulary can be improved. It is due to the lack of vocabulary

belongs to school. It was detected when I conducted PPL at that school.

This media or the game that researcher choose provides language

elements for the students to explore the language skills of the students.

Furthermore, it can be able to rise the student’s interest in learning a foreign

language, because it can make students’ to learn the language easier.

Classroom shop game can enrich students’ vocabulary, word comprehension

and good understanding. Classroom shop game can enrich English learners’

vocabulary, because through this way they have to find the memorize many


Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in

conducting a research with the title “Improving student’s vocabulary by

classroom shop game at the first grade students’ of SMAN 9 Bulukumba”.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background, the researcher formulates a problem

statement as following:

“How can students’ vocabulary be improved by using classroom shop

game at the first grade of SMAN 9 Bulukumba?”


C. Objective of the Research

The objective of the research was to find out the appropriate actions to

improvement students’ vocabulary through classroom shop game at the first

grade students of SMAN 9 Bulukumba. 

D. Significance of the Research

The significances of the research are important for:

1. The teachers; it can be useful information for the teachers of English in

varying their teaching media in class.

2. The students; it can be applied to motivate the students in increasing the


3. The curriculum designers; it can be a consideration material for

formulated the curriculum.

4. The next researcher; it can be useful information for the next

researchers in teaching vocabulary.

E. Scope of the Research

The scope of the research was restricted to the discipline, content and


1. By discipline, this research is limited in noun, which talk about the

teaching subject in term of vocabulary.

2. By content, the researcher applied teaching vocabulary through

classroom shop game in the classroom of the first year students in

school year 2016/2017 of SMAN 9 Bulukumba to improve their


3. By activity, the researcher applied some words, they are given fifty

words of shop owners, and shoppers have to bought noun vocabulary

from the shop owners.

F. Definition of Terms

The following are some definitions in terms of the study. The

definition was to make a better understanding about the studied :

1. Vocabulary = Vocabulary is the main key to learn English. It is to be

master by students to communicate with others, such as expressing

ideas, emotion and desires. Richard (2001: 4) states that vocabulary is

one of the most obvious components of language and one of the first

things applied linguistics turned their attention.

2. Classroom shop game = This activity gives learners at an intermediate

level and above the opportunity to use interactional language in a role-

play situation, depending on the categories and words used.




This part deals with the previous research findings, concept of teaching

vocabulary, the concept of vocabulary, the concept of noun, the concept of media,

the concept of game, the concept of classroom shop game, the concept of

classroom action research, and conceptual framework.

A. Previous Research Findings

There are some researchers who have conducted researches through

techniques in teaching vocabularies, as follows:

1. Jannah (2010) reported that a few simple changes can increase the

quantity and quality vocabulary that students learn. By creating word –

rich environments through our vocabulary use and the inclusion of

games, teachers establish their classroom as word laboratories that

encourage students to try out and play with new unfamiliar words. The

researcher point of view, there are many other ways to make the

students interest in learning not only establish the classroom as

laboratory but also the teacher may use out door class to introduce the

students new vocabulary.

2. Putri Indah Sari (2011) conducted a research on The Effectiveness Of

The Odd word out Game To Improve Vocabulary Mastery of the first

grade students of SMAN 3 Banjarsari in academic year 2010/2011. She

found that using odd word out game as a media of teaching could make

the students increase their vocabulary and understood the vocabulary


3. HaeruddinHasan, (2012, Unismuh Makassar) in his thesis. Using cross

word puzzle to improve students’ vocabulary at the first years (a

classroom Action research at the first year students’ of SMP Negeri 2

TompobuluBantaeng). He found that, the mean score of the students’

vocabulary mastery in diagnostic test was 4.91, cycle 1 was 6,28 and

cycle II was 7,68. It indicated that there was a significant improvement

of the students’ vocabulary mastery. The target score (7,50) that had

been said in chapter I could be achieved after conducting cycle II.

Meanwhile the students’ participation in Cycle I was 67% and Cycle II

was 75%. It indicated that the students were interested n teaching and

learning process through cross-word puzzle technique.

From some findings of the research above, the researcher is interested

to create variety in increasing vocabulary of the students. Therefore, the

researcher chooses to use classroom shop game, because classroom shop

game can classify the words based on the word given. It has an influence to

increase the students’ vocabulary.

B. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching English vocabulary was integrated into the four skills of the

language. It means that vocabulary holds significant role in mastery of the

four skills of the language. In the teaching of English or any foreign language,

teaching vocabulary is one of the important aspects because the unlimited


number of vocabulary in a language. Teaching vocabulary should be

presented interactively in teaching of the four language skills. To support this,

River (1972:28) points out “it is impossible to learn a language without

words”. Therefore, vocabulary is the most important subject in teaching and

learning process.

1. Principle of Teaching And Learning Vocabulary

Wallace (1989:27-31) indicated the main principle of teaching and

learning vocabulary as follows :

a. Aims

We have to be clear about our aims of how much vocabulary we will


b. Quantity

Having decided on what in involve in vocabulary learning we may

decide on the quantity of vocabulary to teach to become parts of

student’s active vocabulary, and then we put number we will depend

on number of factors varying from class to class and learners. When

there still students may become confused, discouraged and frustrated.

c. Need

In most cases to decide what vocabulary is to be taught to the students,

teacher may use course book or syllabus. In any case, the teachers in

choose the vocabulary to be taught we refer to the aims of the course

and the objectives of the individual lessons. It also possible for the

teachers, in any case, to give the responsibility of choose vocabulary to


be taught to the students which are put in a situation where they need

them by using the teachers as an informant.

d. Frequent Exposure and Repetition.

In teaching and learning vocabulary lessons, there is needed certain a

moment of the repetition until there is evidence tha the students learn

the target words.

e. Meaningful Presentation.

In presenting the vocabulary lessons, the students must have a clear

and specific understanding of the words denotes.

f. Situation and Presentation

Situation and Presentation, the word presented are appropriated to the

student’s situation.

g. Presenting Context

Words seldom occur in isolation, so it is important for the students to

know the usual context the words occur from beginning as it were

among the words.

h. Learning Vocabulary in the Mother Tongue in the Target Language.

Teaching in the target words teachers should use words of the mother

tongue as a toot of compare similarities and differences of the words.

i. Guessing Procedure in Learning Vocabulary.

Guessing Procedure in Learning Vocabulary is a way in learning

vocabulary. It leads students to think the meaning of the new words


When teaching or learning vocabulary, several principles should be

kept in mind. Cameron (2001:93) writes down the general principles to help

children for learning vocabulary :

a. Teachers can model how to use strategies and draw children’s attention

explicitly to aspect of strategy use.

Example : teacher can show how to find clues to the meaning of new

word in picture.

b. Teacher can teach the sub skill needed to make use of strategies.

Example : to use a dictionary efficiently requires knowledge of

alphabetical order and lots of practice with it.

c. Classroom task can include structured opportunities for using


Example : when teacher reads a story, teachers explicitly encourage

prediction of the meaning of new word.

d. Independent strategy used can be rehearsed in classrooms.

Example : students can be helped to prepare list of words that they

want to learn from a lesson, can shown way of learning from lists and a

letter and a letter can be put in pairs to tets each other.

e. Young learners can be helped to reflect on the learning process through

evaluating their achievement.

Example : at the end of lesson, students can be asked how many new

words they have learned and which words they need ton learn more


Words they have learned and which words they needs to learn more about.

Nation (2004), the first decision to make when teaching a word is to

decide whether the word and is not a useful technical word and not one that is

a low frequency word and is not a useful technical word and not one that is

particularly useful for the learners, it should be dealt with as quickly as

possible. He also said that when words come up in the context of a reading or

listening text, or of learners need a word or phrase when speaking or writing,

they need quick help which does not interrupt the activity too much.

Nation (1990) states that there are four ways that can be used in

teaching vocabulary. As follows :

a. Material is prepare with vocabulary learning as a consideration. This

step means the preparation of simple materials and the careful graded

of the first lesson of learning English.

b. Words are dealing with as they happen to occur. This means unknown

words that appear.

c. A vocabulary problem is taught in connection with other language

activities, for example, the vocabulary deal with the learners who have

known before.

d. Time is spent either in class or out of class where vocabulary is study

without an immediate connection with some other language activities.

From the statement above, it may be conclude that a good teaching of

vocabulary should be presented in a group work in order to involve all

students because vocabulary is one of the important aspects in language.


2. Issues on Teaching Vocabulary

Robert Lado (1955) talk about patterns of difficulty in vocabulary

teaching. The issues on teaching English vocabulary have increase widely

spread for the last several decades. They give the students sense of

knowledge of this language in order to use it actively in daily interaction

and communication both writing and orally.

Based on the principle, the students are expected to memorize as

many words as possible, in order that they can express their ideas or

feelings in the language. Having vocabulary mastery will enable the

students to learn and develop other language sciences, mainly the language

components and language skills. Without knowing any words a foreign

language, ones can not understand the structure of the language perfectly

because structure deals with the word arrangement. Ones can arrange

words well if they know the meaning of the words. To successful in

vocabulary teaching, there are some strategies used by the teacher. The

strategies can make the teaching process more lively and interesting. The

learners do not get bored if the teacher uses various strategies that make

them participle actively in the learning process.

C. The Concept of Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the main key to learn English. It is to be master by

students to communicate with others, such as expressing ideas, emotion

and desires. Richard (2001: 4) states that vocabulary is one of the most

obvious components of language and one of the first things applied

linguistics turned their attention.

Richard (2002: 580) states in his book “Longman dictionary of

language teaching and applied linguistics” that vocabulary is a set of

Lexemes, including single words, compound words and idioms.

Based on the statements above, the researcher concluded that

vocabulary is the list of words with their meaning used for teaching

learning process.

a. Types of Vocabulary

Harmer (1991:159), divides vocabulary into two types, as follows:

1) Active vocabulary refers to vocabulary that has been learned

by students. They are expected to be able to use it.

2) Passive vocabulary refers to word which the students will

recognize when they meet them but which they will probably

not be able to produce.

3) General Principles in Selecting Vocabulary

One item of teaching vocabulary is how to select what words to

teach. Harmer (1991:155), presented criteria which are rather

more specific have been used, among which two of the more

important, as follows:

a) Frequency

We decide which word we should teach on the basis of how

frequency they are used by the speakers of the language.


The words which are most commonly used are the ones we

should teach first.

b) Coverage

A word is more useful it covers more things than if it only

has one very specific meaning, so the argument goes.

b. What Do the Students Need to Know

Harmer (1991:156-158) states there are four what  the students

need to know relates to vocabulary item than just one meaning, as


1) Meaning

The first thing to realize about vocabulary items is that

they frequently have more than one meaning. As far as

meaning goes, then, students need to know about meaning in

context and they need to know about sense relation.

2) Word Use

What word uses means can be changed, stretched or

limited by know it is used and this is something students need

to know about.

c. The importance of vocabulary

1) An extensive vocabulary aids expressions and communication

2) Vocabulary size has been directly linked to reading


3) Linguistic vocabulary is synonymous with thinking vocabulary


4) A person may be judged by others based on his or her


Learning vocabulary is a complex process. The students’ aim to be

reached in learning vocabulary process is primarily their ability to recall the

word at will and to recognize it in its spoken and written form.

All words in vocabulary can be divided into verbs, nouns, pronouns,

adverbs, adjective, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections, collectively

known as the eight parts of speech. But in this research, the researcher

focuses on noun.

D. The Concept of Noun

This part of a speech refers to words that are used to name persons,

things, animals, places, ideas, or events. Nouns are the simplest among the 8

parts of speech, which is why they are the first ones taught to students in

primary school.

1. There are different types of nouns, as follows:

a. Proper– proper nouns always start with a capital letter and refers to

specific names of persons, places, or things.

Examples: Volkswagen Beetle, Shakey’s Pizza, Game of Thrones

b. Common– common nouns are the opposite of proper nouns. These are

just generic names of persons, things, or places.

Examples: car, pizza parlor, TV series

c. Concrete– this kind refers to nouns which you can perceive through

your five senses.


Examples: folder, sand, board

d. Abstract- unlike concrete nouns, abstract nouns are those which you

can’t perceive through your five senses.

Examples: happiness, grudge, bravery

e. Count– it refers to anything that is countable, and has a singular and

plural form.

Examples:  kitten, video, ball

f. Mass– this is the opposite of count nouns. Mass nouns are also called

non-countable nouns, and they need to have “counters” to quantify


Examples of Counters: kilo, cup, meter

Examples of Mass Nouns: rice, flour, garter

g. Collective– refers to a group of persons, animals, or things.

Example: faculty (group of teachers), class (group of students), pride

(group of lions).

E. The Concept of Media

1. Definition of Media

Media is something which can give massage and simulate the brain

of the students, their feeling and desire so in learning process the use

media creatively can objective that will get. Media is a set of helping tool

or object which can use by the teacher or educator to communicate with

the students.

From the definition above, the research can conclude that media is

a tool transfer message and also can stimulate one’s mind, feeling and

audience wishes (students) so it can encourage learning process on the

students themselves

2. The function of media

One of the main function learning media is as a helping tool of

teaching that also influence atmosphere, condition and learning

circumstance and created by teaching

According to Asnawir and Usman (2002:11) that the function of

media are :

a. Media can overcome the limited of experience, which is have by the


b. Media can overcome the classroom.

c. Media can make the direct interaction between students and


d. Media can result variety observation.

e. Media can increase new desire and interest.

f. Media can increase the motivation and stimulates students to study.

g. Media can gibe integral experience from the concrete to the abstract


Media is only as a tool help teacher in learning process it means that it

is only as a tool who can give a visual experience to the students in giving the

students motivation make clear and easier the complex concept and abstract

to be simple.

3. Kinds of Media

Classify media into four namely :

a. Visual : visual aids are things that can be seen. For example film strip,

transparencies, micro projection, blackboard, picture, globe and real


b. Audio-Visual : Audio-Visual can listen and sign, example: film and


c. Dramatize, example: role play, socio-drama, pantomime and so on.

d. Audio : Audio aids just can distend, for example : photograph,

recorder, tramples, electronic and radio.

Learning media is anything that can be used to deliver a message from

the sender to the receiver so that it can stimulate the mind, feelings, concerns

and interest as well as the student’s attention such that the learning process

occurs ( Sardiman. 2001:16). Learning media can enhance the learning

process of students in the teaching that is expected to improve learning

outcomes. The use of educational media is very dependent on the purpose of

teaching, teaching materials, access the necessary media and the ability of

teachers to use in the teaching process (Rumampuk. 19988: 12). Media

teaching as one of the factors supporting the accomplishment of teaching

provides a huge influence. It is therefore necessary prudence in selecting the

teaching media, because when the media is not appropriate will likely hinder

the achievement of learning goals. There are many kinds of media, such as :

visual, audio-visual, dramatize, and audio .

F. The Concept of Game

1. Definition of game

The term game has been defined by several linguistic. Briefly

Dobson (1979:4) stated that game is an activity with rules, goals, and a set

a fun. While Byrne (1986) further stated game may be defined as a form of

play govern by certain rules convention. In other words games are not

meant to enjoy wherever they are play.

Carrier in Husnul Hatimah (2015:18) provides some reasons for

using games in language teaching as follows:

a. Game can use to change the phase of the lesson and so maintain the

learners motivation.

b. Game can use to punctual long formal teaching unit and review

students’ energy before returning to formal learning.

c. Game can hidden practice of specific language points.

d. Game can encourage students’ participation and can remove the

inhabitations of these feel intimidate by formal classroom situation.

In the language classroom, simply, games are not just a diversion

or a break from routine activities. They must also contribute to language


proficiency in some ways by getting the learners to use language in the

course of the game.

2. Benefit of Teaching Game in Teaching Vocabulary

vocabulary games has become more widely use recently because of

these two main reasons, Wallace (1989:27-31) first, vocabulary games

will encourage students’ motivation and create appropriate kinds of

positive effective atmosphere in the classroom. Second, vocabulary games

will supply a genuine in the classroom. Game is an activity with rules,

goal and element of fun. Game is a part of an art, so it is interesting to

students’. They can learn, while they are playing. It can guide the students

I communicating efficiently and property with their peer, it can be helpful

to teacher of foreign language in a number of different ways. It can be

brighten up the class and bring more variety into the language lesson.,

especially teaching vocabulary. It also can give a kind of satisfaction in

the ways of thinking. Be the one hand, states the classroom should be

place of fun as well as instruction students motivation can increase with

the use of game to reinforce skill and concept learn. Accomplished teacher

use game to reinforce skill though and large group they also use carefully

choose games to asses mastery of skill or content. Games also have value

for teaching and reinforcing social skill and for deepening discourse about


3. The Importance of Game in Learning Vocabulary

Learning vocabulary through games become very important

because the students can facilitate to learn and make the students relax.

There are many advantages of using games in the classroom:

a. Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the language


b. They are motivating and challenging.

c. Games help students to make and sustain the effort of learning.

d. Games provide language practice in the various skill speaking, writing,

listening, and reading.

e. They encourage students to interact and communicate.

f. They create meaningful for language use.

g. From the reason above, it can be conclude that using game is a course

important in language learning including vocabulary. Games can help

students to learn vocabulary by themselves.

4. The Role of Game

Game play some necessary important roles, especially in

education term. According to Byrne (1986) games can do this in two main


a. They can use to improve the students’ command of particular item or

item of language: sounds, vocabulary, spelling, grammatical, items or

function. Games in this kind are concern with accuracy and their

purpose is to reinforce and possibly extend what has already been

though so far.

b. They can use to provide the students with opportunities to use

language rather than simply practice it: that is, they are concern with

fluency rather than accuracy.

By the role shown above, it can state that the games can change the

students’ learning behavior from being passive in language classroom to

active. In this case, the students force themselves to participate by giving

command or at least answering the questions.

G. The Concept of Classroom shop game

1. What is classroom shop game

Classroom shop was a great game in teaching vocabulary, through

it can also be playing with whole class or groups, be playing by children

or adults, from beginners to advanced students, This activity gives learners

at an intermediate level and above the opportunity to use interactional

language in a role-play situation, depending on the categories and words

used. In a classroom, divide students into 2 groups, group 1 of shoppers

and group 2 of shop owners, and distribute sheets with lists of fifteen

words per set.

The classroom shop is the game where the students has provide the

article for sale, picture, drawing, fruit or models of them or simply their

names or cards to each groups. For example shop owner there are fifteen

noun for sale to shoppers. . In addition, each list also has a short task

typical of normal interaction in the class, for example : a. can I help you ?

b. have you got a…?, c. I want to buy…pounds or kilograms of …. please

give me.. d. how much is (all) that…? is that right ? ( when handing over

the exact money ). e. I’m sorry we’re out of stock we haven’t got that,etc.

This game needs students’ understanding in vocabularies, if they have

many vocabularies the game will be easy for them.

2. Preparation

Before the class, copy and cut up the cards on group A and B, so

that there are an equal number of shoppers (Group A) and shop owners

(Group B). The ideal number is five of each, you can duplicate the cards if

your class is larger than 10. If you have less than 10, your learners won't

be able to find everything on their lists, so warn them.

a. group A (shoppers)

b. group B (shop owners)

3. Procedure

a. If you are practicing language, review useful structures with the

class first, example a. can I help you ? b. have you got a…?, c. I want

to buy…pounds or kilograms of …. please give me, etc.

b. Hand out the cards to the students making sure there is an equal

number of shopping lists and shops.


c. Give the students time to read their cards and ask them about any

problem language. They also need to think about what they are going

to say, and what language they will need. You can group the shoppers

together and shop owners together to do this.

d. Point out to the shop owners that they may need to decide how

much their products cost before starting.

e. Set up classroom to represent a street, with each table being a shop

if possible. Ask the students who own a shop to prepare a card (folded

piece of paper) saying what shop they own.

f. Start the role-play. The shoppers need to find everything on their

lists and complete their short task also.

g. Monitor the activity for interesting language or for problems,

which you can feedback afterwards. Try not to intervene too much at

this stage.

h. Keep the role-play going until enough shoppers have completed

their tasks.

i. Put the class into groups and ask them to explain how the shopping

(and selling) went, and what problems they had.

j. Feedback open class on any interesting language points.

H. The Concept of CAR

1. Definition of Action Research

According to Kemmis and Mc. Taggart in Nunan, “action research

is a group of activities and a piece of descriptive research carried out by a


teacher in his or her own classroom, without changing the phenomenon

under investigation”.1 While, Harmer states that action research is the

name give to a series of procedures teachers can engage, because they

wish to improve aspects of their teaching or because they wish to evaluate

the success and/or appropriate of certain activities and procedures.

In the classroom, problems are always found, that can be a reason

for the teacher to conduct an action research to achieve the target that

becomes her expectation in the process of teaching and learning.

According to Arikunto, the advantages of action research are:

a. The research result is beneficial in improving teachers’ way in


b. Teacher develops professionally since he/she is able to evaluate his/her

own teaching.

c. Teacher gets a chance to actively develop his/her knowledge and skills.

d. It improves students’ ability in their learning process. 21 David Nunan,

Research Methods in Language Learning, (New York: Cambride

Univesity Press, 1992), p. 182 Suharsimi Arikunto, Penelitian

Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2006), p. 10729.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that action research

is a research which is done by a teacher in his/her own classroom

systematically through his/her self-reflection to solve the problem faced by

the students with the purpose of improving his/her teaching so that the

result of the teaching is improved as he/she will.


Action research has the advantages to know about teachers and

learners deeper. As teachers, we have to know the weaknesses of the

students and how affective our methods are. So, teacher didn’t do wrong if

he/she uses an action research.

2. Characteristics of Action Research

Action research is different from other research. It has its own

characteristics. According to Gabel, there are six characteristics of action


a. On the job problem oriented. The problem of teaching and learning

which are investigated in action research are the problems found in

every day life.

b. Problem-solving oriented. The main aim of action research is to solve


c. Improvement oriented. Action research is meant to make changes and

improvement by making use of the elements in the process of


d. Multiple data collection. An action research consists of several

methods which are used to collect the data, such as observation, tests,

interview, and questionnaire.

e. Cyclic. A cyclic consists of certain steps that are planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting. They are implemented in an action research.

f. Participatory/collaboration

The researcher cooperates with other people to heighten the

validity of the observation. In addition, Graham Hithcock said that the

evaluation of action research is systematic, about both products and

process, concerned with policy and practice, defines and explores


From those characteristics, researcher concludes that action

research has the specific/special characteristics different with the other

research designs. Those characteristics are systematic enough and

prospective enough to solve any developed educational problems now a


3. The Steps in Action Research

A classroom action research is conducted cyclic. According to

Kemmis Cited by Mills, a cycle consists of four steps. They are planning,

action, observation and reflection. The steps can be seen in the figure

below :

Figure 2.1 : The Steps in Classroom Action Research

Cycle 1

1. Planning 3. Observing
2. Acting

Cycle II 4. Reflection

The steps which are carried out are presented below:

a. Planning

Planning is the important step in conducting an action research.

It is conducted before the research starts her action research. The

purpose of this activity is to know the problems them the researcher

and the collaboration find a good solution to the problems.

b. Action

Doing an action is the main phrase of action research. It is

followed by observation and reflection. This phase is the

implementation of the plan that the researcher has made to solve the


c. Observation

In this steep, the researcher has to observe all events or

activities during the research.

d. Reflection

A reflection is an effect to inspect what has been done. The

result of reflection is use to establish the next steps of the research. In

other word, a reflection is the inspection effort of success or the failure

in reaching the research purpose.

From the explanation above, it can said that planning always

becomes the first step in doing any activities. Without planning, the

researcher will not has direction. Planning become the references in doing

the action. While, action is the second step which is the realization of the

planning the researcher has made. Then, observation is needed to know the

quality of the action. Based on the observation, the researcher can

determine whether it is necessary to revise the action or not in order to

achieve the purpose the research.

These are the steps in conducting the classroom action research in

this study:

a. Preliminary Research

Before conducting the research the researcher this activity

which is call preliminary research. The activity is looking for the

problem face by the first grade students of SMAN 9 Bulukumba.

I. Conceptual Framework

Vocabulary mastery is one of the most important for us because

without knowing a little technique in this process we cannot express our ideas

in written form and orally. One of vocabulary activity that helps students to

construct their ideas is hangman game because it presents the students ideas

visually and easier them to organize their idea.

Teaching vocabulary through hangman game concept aims to increase

the students’ vocabulary mastery which presenting the related of each words.

The vocabulary materials that applied by the researcher related to the themes.

The researcher conducts classroom action research to improve the students’

vocabulary mastery through the classroom shop game.


The conceptual framework in this research is given in the following diagram :

Shop Game

Classroom action research

1. Planning 2. Action

Cycle 1 and cycle 2

4. Reflection 3. Observation

Improving Students’



This chapter presents about the previous research design, research subject,

research variable and indicator, research instrument, indicator of successfulness,

research procedure, technique of collecting data, data analysis.

A. Research Design

This research used classroom action research (CAR) that consist of

planning, action, observation and reflection. It was conducted in two or more

cycles each cycle comprises two or three meetings. Cycle one was to observed

the students’ skill vocabulary by classroom shop game. After finding the result

of cycle one, the researcher continue to the second cycle to improved the prior


B. Research Subject

Research subject in this classroom action research was the first grade

students X IS 2 of SMA Negeri 9 Bulukumba consist of 28 students.

C. Research Variable and Indicator

1. Independent variable

The independent variable was the implementation of classroom

shop. This media used by the teacher to teach students how to arrangement

vocabulary into good sequence.


2. Dependent variable

The dependent variable was improving students’ vocabulary.

3. Indicators

The indicators of this research are used to measure the variables.

These variables were good understand vocabulary.

D. Research Instrument

There were two instrument of the research that used, they were:

1. Observation

Using sheet of observation was to get information about the using

Classroom Shop game in teaching vocabulary.

2. Test

Test used for measuring the result of student’s achievement. So, the

researcher can identify whether the students make progress in good

understanding vocabulary or not.

E. Indicator of Successfulness

The Indicator of successfulness in this research as follows:

1. If the mean score of the students could be improved from cycle I to

cycle II. At least the students’ mean score is 75 (Minimum Criteria of

Achievement) or their mean score is over 75.

2. If the students’ participation, interest, and motivation were more


F. Research Procedure

This Classroom Action Research applied into two cycles, first cycle

present into three meetings. The second cycle present into three meetings. It

means that the activity of the second cycle continue and repair based on the

reflection the first cycle. In every cycle divide into four steps :

1.Cycle I

a. Planning

This step is done with the following procedure:

1) Analyze curriculum applied at SMA Negeri 9 Bulukumba

2) Made and developed a lesson plan that will implement during

learning and teaching process.

3) Prepare sources of learning.

4) Prepare media.

5) Made sheet of observation for observer to observe activities of

the students during learning process.

6) Developed test task to evaluate learning result of the students.

b. Action

The procedures in action were:

k. If you are practicing language, review useful structures with

the class first, example a. can I help you ? b. have you got

a…?, c. I want to buy…pounds or kilograms of …. please give

me, etc.

l. Hand out the cards to the students making sure there is an equal

number of shopping lists and shops.

m. Give the students time to read their cards and ask them about

any problem language. They also need to think about what they

are going to say, and what language they will need. You can

group the shoppers together and shop owners together to do


n. Point out to the shop owners that they may need to decide how

much their products cost before starting.

o. Set up classroom to represent a street, with each table being a

shop if possible. Ask the students who own a shop to prepare a

card (folded piece of paper) saying what shop they own.

p. Start the role-play. The shoppers need to find everything on

their lists and complete their short task also.

q. Monitor the activity for interesting language or for problems,

which you can feedback afterwards. Try not to intervene too

much at this stage.

r. Keep the role-play going until enough shoppers have

completed their tasks.

s. Put the class into groups and ask them to explain how the

shopping (and selling) went, and what problems they has

feedback open class on any interesting language points.


c. Observation

In this step, the researcher observed and made note all activity

during learning and teaching process. And then made a note in all

activity of the students based on the revision and evaluation in the first


d. Reflection

The procedures in reflecting stage are:

1) The result of monitoring collected and then analyzed by the


2) Discuss and evaluated the result of monitoring with the observer

to know and consider effect of the action.

3) Revised the implementation of acting based on the result of

evaluation. The result of the reflection is revised for the next


2.Cycle II

In the second cycle, all activity was same generally with activity in

the first cycle. This cycle continue from cycle one. Here, researcher

improved the weakness from cycle one include planning, action,

observation and reflection.

G. Technique of Collecting Data

The data gain from cycle I and cycle II. It analyzed through the

following steps:

1. Observation

Observation aim to collect data about the students’ participation in

learning process during the implementation of classroom shop game. It

used to find out the improvement during action step in each cycle. The

process of the observation dealing with :

a. Observation toward the students’ activeness

b. Observation toward the teacher’s way of teaching.

2. Test

Vocabulary test items were given in each meeting after the action

to know whether the students’ vocabulary improved or not.

H. Data Analysis.

In this research, the researcher used some patterns/formulates to find

out the score of the students and also to find out the improvement of the

students reading comprehension.

1. Calculating the mean score of the student’s vocabulary test by using the

following formula: X́ =

Where :

X́ = Mean Score

∑X = Total Score

N = The number of students


(Gay, 1981: 298)

a) Computing the frequency and rate percentage of the student’s


P= X 100

Where : P : Rate Percentage

F : Frequency of the correct answer

N : The total number of students

(Gay, 1981: 298)

a. Calculating the development of the student’s vocabulary in percent, the

researcher used the following formula:

x 2−x 1
P= X 100

Where :

P = Percentage of the students

X1 = The first mean score of cycle I

X2 = The second mean score of cycle II

b. To classify the student’s score, there are five classifications which

used as follow:

No Qualification Score
1. Excellent 90 – 100

2. Good 80 – 89

3. Fair 70 – 79

4. Poor 60 – 69

5 Very poor 0 – 59
(Depdikbud, 2004)



This chapter consists of findings of the research and its discussion. The

findings of the research presents the result of the students’ improvement in

vocabulary through classroom shop game, and the discussion of the research

covers further explanation of the findings.

A. The Findings

1. Cycle 1

a. Plan

In this step, the researcher prepared what have to do in action step.

The Researcher prepared all required materials namely: lesson plans, and

observation sheet.

During the teaching and learning process, the researcher observed

the students by using the observation sheet to know the students’

activeness towards the application of classroom shop game in improving

students’ vocabulary.

b. Action

The first meeting, the researcher explained the material about

classroom shop game and the researcher asked the students about

vocabulary that have been given.

The second meeting, the researcher divided the students into

groups, and then gave groups of words to the each group.

The third meeting, the researcher gave vocabulary test, to know the

ability of the students’ vocabulary.

c. Observation

1) Observation result

The researcher and the observer observed the first, the second and

the third meeting. They observed teaching and learning process in order to

know improvement of the students’ achievement in vocabulary by using

classroom shop game and observed the students’ attitude toward the use of

picture . They also wrote the success and the problem when teaching and

learning process in progress which was not enough sufficient in reaching

the objectives. They use observation sheet to observed it. The result of the

observation was analyzed to find the weakness.

The aspect which were observed during teaching and learning

process were the seriousness of the students during learning process, the

enthusiasm of the students in doing the task and the students’ participation.

All of them focus on the students’ behavior in teaching learning process.

The result of the observation in the first cycle was as below :


No. 1: students presenting in class

No. 2: students paying attention to researcher’s explanation

No. 3: students giving question to the researcher

No. 4: students doing assignment

No. 5: students doing other activities beside the learn in class

No. 6: students out from class without researcher’s permission

The result of observing will be presented as follow:

Table 4.1 Result of Observing Students’ Activities

Students’ Activities/ Total number of the

Cycle Meeting 1 2 3 4 5 6

28 28 28 28 28 28

I 20 22 5 28 10 0
I II 25 22 5 28 6 0

III 28 25 8 28 5 0

a. Number students presenting in class

In the first meeting, there were 20 students who were present in class,

in the second meeting there were 25 students who were present in class

and in the third meeting there were 28 students present in class . It means

that presence of the students is very good.

b. Number students paying attention to researcher’s explanation


In the first and the second meeting there were 22 students who were

present and the third meeting there were 25 students paying attention when

the researcher was explaining the material. It means that some students do

not pay attention to researcher’s explanation in class and they do other

activities while researcher gave explanation.

c. Number students giving question to the researcher

There were 5 students in the first meeting and 5 students in the

second meeting gave question to the researcher when they were writing of

vocabulary, In the third meeting there were 8 students give question to the

researcher. It means that amount students giving question to the researcher

is more than previous meeting.

d. Number students doing assignment

In the first meeting until the third meeting , there were 28 students

doing assignment from the researcher. It means that willing of the students

to do assignment from the teacher is very good.

e. Number students doing other activities beside the learn in class

Some of the students did other activities during the learning such as

making a noisy, disturbing one each other, etc. In the first meeting there

were 10 students, the second meeting there are 6 students doing activities

beside the learn. In the third meeting there were 5 students doing activities

beside the learn. It means that their interest in answering vocabulary is still


f. Number students out from class without researcher’s permission

During three times meeting of cycle I there was no student out from

class without researcher’s permission. It means that students’ awareness to

present in class is very good.

Beside observing the students’ attitude in teaching and learning

process, the researcher also gave the students a competence test in the third

meeting. It was to know the students’ achievement of the material during

teaching and learning process. The students’ result of the competence in

the first cycle were shown During the implementation of cycle I.

2) Learning achievement

After the researcher evaluated the students, the researcher found

the data about the students vocabulary. The result of the students

vocabulary is presented in the following table :

Table 4.2: Frequency distribution and percentage the students learning

achievement of the first cycle test

No Classificat Range NonClassroo The Application of

ion m Shop Classroom Shop Game

D-Test Cycle I
Freq % Freq %
1 Excellent 90 – 100 0 0 0 0

2 Good 80 – 89 0 0 0 0
3 Fair 70 - 79 0 1 3.58%

4 Poor 60 - 69 5 17.85 4 14.28%

5 Very poor 0 – 59 23 82.15 23 82.14%

Total 28 100 28 100
The table above shows that the percentage of the students’ vocabulary in

Diagnostic Test indicates that 5 students (17,85%) got poor, 23 students (82,15%)

got very poor and none of students for the other classification.

After taking an action in cycle I by using classroom shop game, the

percentage of the students’ vocabulary is 1 students (3.58%) got fair, 4 students

(14.28%) got poor, 23 students (82.14%) got very poor and none of the students

for the other classification.

d. Reflection

After the researcher evaluated the students, the researcher found

that most of students still have less vocabulary.

Based on the result, it can be stated that the implementation of

classroom shop game to improve the students’ vocabulary was not

successful yet. The criteria of success was accepted if average of the

students achievement reach 75.

In the first cycle still did not succeed because there were some

students hoped their friends in their groups so that they just played. But in

the second cycle the researcher change the lesson plan, the researcher did

not divide the students into groups again, so that the students had to do

their task alone and learning process became more effective. So, second

cycle need to be conducted to improve the students’ vocabulary through

classroom shop game.

2. Data Description of Cycle2

a. Plan

Planning was done in second cycle was an improvement of the first

cycle. Planning at the first and second cycle were same because there were

lesson plans, teaching materials, writing test, and observation sheet.

b. Action

The first meeting, the researcher explained the students’ mistakes in

their vocabulary and the researcher explained the material about vocabulary

and gave paper to the each students

The second meeting, the researcher asked the students to memorize

the vocabulary.

The third meeting, the researcher evaluated the students. The

researcher gave the students vocabulary tests.

c. Observation

1) Observation Result

The result of observation of the students’ activeness in teaching and

learning process toward the application of classroom shop game at the class X

IS 2 of SMAN 9 Bulukumba which is conducted in 4 meetings is taken by the

observer through observation sheet.

Observer used observation sheet to observe six activities of the

students. The activities as follow:

No. 1: students presenting in class

No. 2: students paying attention to researcher’s explanation

No. 3: students giving question to the researcher

No. 4: students doing assignment

No. 5: students doing other activities beside the learn in class

No. 6: students out from class without researcher’s permission

The result of observing will be presented as follow:

Table 4.3Result of Observing Students’ Activities

Students’ Activities/ Total number of the


1 2 3 4 5 6
Cycle Meeting
28 28 28 28 28 28

II I 28 15 5 28 10 -

II 28 15 8 28 8 -

a. Number students presenting in class


In the first meeting of cycle 2 there were 28 students who were present in

class, in the second meeting there were 28 students present in class. It means

that presence of the students is very good.

b. Number students paying attention to researcher’s explanation

In the first and in the second meeting there were 15 students paying

attention when the researcher explained the material. It means that some

students do not pay attention to researcher’s explanation in class and they did

other activities while researcher gives explanation.

c. Number students giving question to the researcher

There were 5 students in the first meeting who asked about the material

the researcher presented when they were taught about writing of vocabulary

and in the second meeting there were 8 students gave question to the

researcher. It means that amount students giving question to the researcher is

more than previous meeting.

d. Number students doing assignment

In the first meeting, there were 28 students doing assignment from the

researcher. And the second meeting there were 28 students did assignment. It

means that willing of the students to do assignment from the teacher is very


e. Number students doing other activities beside the learn in class

Some of the students did other activities during the learning such as

making a noisy, disturbing one each other, etc. in the first meeting there were

10 students of 28 students doing activities beside the learn and second


meeting there were 8 students of 28 students doing activities beside the learn.

It means that their interest in writing is still low.

f. Number students out from class without researcher’s permission

During two times meeting of cycle II there was no student out from class

without researcher’s permission. It means that students’ awareness to present

in class is very good.

In the cycle II, teaching vocabulary through classroom shop game shows that

memorized of the students is more improved than cycle I. and all students have

achieved the criteria of success. The minimal standard criterion is the mean

score of the students’ vocabulary is 75. The students’ score for cycle II can be

seen in the following table:

Table 4.4The Students’ Score for Cycle II

No Cycle II Total

1 The Number of Students 28

2 Total Score 2118

3 Mean Score 75,64

Table 4.5 shows that mean score of the students for Cycle II is 75,64. It

means that students’ vocabularyis achieved the criteria of success. The

minimal criteria is said to be successful if the students achieve 75 score in term

of mean score. If the data and score are converted into qualification of Dirjen

Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.


2) Learning achievement

After the researcher evaluated the students, the researcher found the

data about the students vocabulary. The result of the students vocabulary

is presented in the following table:

Table 4.5: The Percentage of the Students’ Vocabulary

No Classificat Range Non The Application of Classroom

ion Classroom Shop Game

Shop Game
D-Test Cycle I Cycle II
Freq % Fre % Fre %

q q
1 Excellent 90 – 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Good 80 – 89 0 0 0 0 9 32.14%
3 Fair 70-79 0 0 1 3.58% 17 60.71%
4 Poor 60-69 5 17,85 4 14.28% 2 7.15%

5 Very poor 0 – 59 23 82,15 23 82.14% 0 0

Total 28 100 28 100 28 100

The table above shows that the percentage of the students’

vocabulary in Diagnostic Test indicates that 5 students (17.85%) got poor,

23 students (82.15%) got very poor, and none of students for the other


After taking an action in cycle I by using Classroom Shop game, the

percentage of the students’ vocabulary is 1 students (3.58%) got fair, 4

students (14,28%) got poor, 23 students (82.14%) got very poor and none of

the students for the other classification.

In cycle II, the percentage of the students’ vocabulary is 9 students

(32.14%) got good, 17 students (60.71%) got fair, 2 students (7.15%) got

poor and none of the students for the other classification. The result above

also proves that the use of odd word out game is able to improve the

students’ vocabulary which the result of Cycle II is greather than cycle I and

Diagnostic test (Cycle II > Cycle I and Cycle I > Diagnostic test)

Figure 4.5: the percentage of the students’ achievement in vocabulary



The chart above shows that the result of the students’ vocabulary. After

applying Classroom Shop game in cycle I and cycle II, the result of students’

vocabulary achievement improve significantly which Cycle II is greater than


D-Test and cycle I. The students’ vocabulary achievement in cycle II is 32.14%

students got good, 60.71 students got fair, and 7.15% students got poor categorize.

While in cycle I is lower than cycle II where the students’ vocabulary

achievement in cycle I is 3.58% students got as fair categorize, 14.28% students

got as poor categorize and 82.14% students got as very poor categorize. The D-

Test is the lowest than the other where the students’ vocabulary achievement is

82.15 students got very poor ,17.85% students got as poor categorize and none of

students for the other classification.

d. Reflection of cycle 2

After analyzing the observation results in the second cycle, the

researcher did reflection in order to evaluate the teaching and learning

process. In this cycle, the researcher found some improvements such as:

a) The students participated actively in the class.

b) They gave their full attention to the researcher’s explanation and

responded every instruction and question from the researcher.

c) The students were also motivated and interested in teaching learning


Based on the data above, it could be seen that there were some

findings found in the research that could be concluded in order to reduce

the weaknesses from every cycle and to gain the success in the next

learning, students are expected to be more active. It is why then researcher

do some revises in term of planning as follows:


a) Before start to do assignment the researcher should ask the students

about discipline seat.

b) The researcher gave more explanation about the steps in classroom

shop game based on vocabulary noun.

c) Gave more motivation to the students to be active in learning process

and gave pressure for believe their self in work assegnment.

d) Gave more motivation to the students in using the time and ask the

students to more discipline about the time in the next meeting.

e) The way to deliver the materials should be more interesting to make

the students motivated.

f) The researcher should give more interesting picture associated with

their age and interest.

g) The researcher should be active in engaging the students to get

involved in the teaching learning process and giving the students the

equal chance to ask questions.

h) The researcher should give more time and control for the students to

do the tasks.

i) Ask the students the meaning of any difficult vocabularies or new


Based on the data above, it is concluded that the students’ vocabulary

have improved. In the other side, the criteria of success of this research

was achieved. Where the average of the students achievement is 75.So

that, the researcher did not need to continue the research to the next cycle.

B. Discussion

In this part, the discussion dealing with the interpretation of findings

derived from the result of findings about the observation result the

improvement of the students’ vocabulary.

The result of the data analysis through written test shows that the

students’ vocabulary improvement significantly. It is indicated by the mean

score of result of the students’ D-Test is 4,5 it is classified as poor

achievement. It is also lower than the mean score of the students’ vocabulary

in cycle I is 5,9 that is classified as fairly good and cycle II is 7,6 it is

classified as good. Those scores are got from the result test of the students’


The mean score of the students’ vocabulary in the cycle I have

improvement from Diagnostic test. The improvement can be seen after testing

and observing the students which the improvement of the students’

vocabulary from D-test to cycle I is 1,4 and the students’ vocabulary mean

score in cycle I is 5,9 it is classified as fair. In cycle II, the students’

vocabulary mean score also improve from Cycle I to cycle II which the

improvement is 1,7 and the students’ mean score is 7,6 that is classified as

good classification. The improvement of cycle I to cycle II is bigger than the

improvement from Diagnostic test to cycle I.


The significant improvement is got in cycle II because the teaching

classroom shop game is really suitable for the improvement of the students’

vocabulary. Because of the target score has been achieved, the research is not

continued to the cycle II.



A. Conclusions

Based on the research findings and discussions in the previous chapter, the

following conclusions are presented:

1. Classroom Shop Game can improve the students’ vocabulary in cycle I and

cycle II which the students’ achievement in cycle II is greater than in cycle I

(75,64 > 50,5) at the first grade students of SMAN 9 Bulukumba.

2. The percentage of students’ participation in the first meeting of cycle I is

50.5% and it increases to be 75.64% in the last meeting of cycle II.

3. Classroom Shop Game can make the students more active in learning


B. Suggestions

The researcher would like to give some suggestions to the English teacher and

the researchers as follows:

1. For the English teacher.

The application of Classroom Shop Game can significantly improve

the students’ vocabulary at the first grade students of SMAN 9

Bulukumba. Therefore, it is strongly suggested to apply Classroom Shop

Game in teaching vocabulary in the classroom.


The teachers should be creative in teaching English especially

vocabulary because to master English, it needs the appropriate technique

or method to improve it.

2. For the next researchers

In this research, the researcher focused attention on improving of

the students’vocabulary. So for the next researchers, it can be useful

information for the next researchers in getting information in improving

the students’ vocabulary either they use this method or the other methods.

But, it is better to use Classroom Shop Game in order to know the

improvement of the students’ vocabulary.

The result of this research can also be used as an additional

reference or further research with different discussion variable of

vocabulary for the next researchers, like adjective and verb are suitable to

use Classroom Shop Game.


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Arsyad, Azhar, M.A. 1997. Dasar-dasar Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris : Pustaka


Burns, Anne. 1999. Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers.

Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Carrier, Michael. 1980. Games and Activity for the Language Learners. London: The

Central for British Teacher Ltd.

Cameron, Lynne. 2001. Teaching language to young learners. Cambridge:

Cambridge university press.

Hasan. Haeruddin. 2012. Using Cross Word Puzzle to Improve Students’ vocabulary

at the First years ( a classroom action research at the first years students’ of

SMP Negeri 2 tompobulu bantaeng). Thesis : Unismuh Makassar

Harmer, Jeremy, 1991. The practice of English language teaching. London : longman


Hopkins, David. 1993. A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research. Buckingham:

Open University Press.


Johnson, K. and K. Morrow (eds.) (1981) communication in the classroom. longman

Nation, I.S.P. (1990) teaching and learning vocabulary . Retrived June 13,2015.


Nation, I.S.P. (2004) teaching vocabulary. Asian-EFL-Journal.7.3. Retrived June

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Sari, P.I (2011) The effectiveness of the odd word out game to improve vocabulary

mastery of the first grade students’ of SMAN 3 Banjarsari

Robert, Lado (1955) “ patterns of difficulty in vocabulary” international journal

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Wallace, Michael, J (1989) Teaching Vocabulary ELBS New York : oxford




Subject : English

Class / Semester : X/1

Time allotment : 8 x 45 Minute

Academic Year : 2017/2018

1. General Instructional Object

The students will be able to understand about English vocabulary

based on the material which has been learnt.

2. Special Instructional Object

Through this activity, the students are expected to be able to :

a. Get some vocabularies

b. Know the meaning of vocabularies

A. Learning activities

The first meeting;

No Time
Learning activities Description
. Allotment
1. Opening  The researcher will greet and 15

- introduction introduce herself in front of the

2. Core Activities:  The researcher will give explain 60
what is classroom shop game.

 The researcher will give the

diagnostic test to measure the

students’ capability.

 The researcher will give

vocabulary test.
3 Closing  The researcher will ask the 15

students to change their answer

with their friends

 The researcher will point the

student to answer the question.

The second meeting

No Learning Time
. activities Allotment
1. Opening  The researcher will do 15

feedback about the lesson.

 The researcher will ask the

students to make some groups

2. Core Activities:  The researcher will give some 60

paper to each group about


 The researcher will ask the

students to know the meaning

and find vocabulary to shop


 After answering, the

researcher will collect the

3 Closing  The researcher will point the 15

student to answer the question.

The third meeting

No 1. Learning Time
2. Description
. activities Allotment
1. Opening  The researcher will do 15

feedback about the lesson.

2. Core Activities:  The researcher will give a 60

list of vocabularies for each


 The researcher will ask the

students to know the

meaning of each word and

find vocabulary to shop


 The researcher will give a

test for each student to

know the improvement of

the students’ vocabulary.
3 Closing  The researcher will point 15

the student to answer the



Subject : English

Class / Semester : X/1

Time allotment : 8 x 45 Minute

Academic Year : 2017/2018

1. General Instructional Object

The students will be able to understand about English vocabulary

based on the material which has been learnt.

2. Special Instructional Object

Through this activity, the students are expected to be able to :

c. Get some vocabularies

d. Know the meaning of vocabularies

B. Learning activities

1. The first meeting;

No Time
Learning activities Description
. Allotment
1. Opening  The researcher will greet the 15

- introduction students and give supporting to

2. Core Activities:  The researcher will give a list of 60

vocabularies for each student.

 The researcher will ask the

students to know the meaning of

each word and find vocabulary to

shop owner
3 Closing  The researcher will ask the 15

students to change their answer

with their friends

 The researcher will point the

student to answer the question.

2. The second meeting;

No Learning Time
. activities Allotment
1. Opening  The researcher will do 15

feedback about the lesson.

 The researcher will ask the

students to make some groups

2. Core Activities:  The researcher will give some 60

paper to each group about


 The researcher will ask the

students to know the meaning

and find vocabulary to shop

 After answering, the

researcher will collect the

3 Closing  The researcher will point the 15

student to answer the question.

3. The third meeting;

No 3. Learning Time
4. Description
. activities Allotment
1. Opening  The researcher will do 15

feedback about the lesson.

2. Core Activities:  The researcher will give a 60

list of vocabularies for each


 The researcher will ask the

students to know the

meaning of each word and

find vocabulary to shop


 The researcher will give a

test for each student to

know the improvement of

the students’ vocabulary.

3 Closing  The researcher will point 15

the student to answer the

Appendix B
Research Instrument
Test Cycle I
Find out the appropriate things with words below and write the meaning !

NO Indonesian English word NO Indonesian English word

word word
1. Appel 20.
2. 21.
Sapu Dompet
3. 22.
Palu Telur
4. 23.
kelinci Bantal
5. 24.
Ikat pinggang Sendok
6. 25.
arloji Cincin
7. 26
Burung Tas
8. 27
Kentang Kue
9. 28
sayur Bunga
10. 29
Wortel Garam
11. 30
Topi Paying
12. 31
mangkuk Pot
13. 32
Gelang Ember
14. 33
daging Kertas
15. 34
sabun Kacamata
16. 35
pakaian Buku
17. 36
Kaos kaki Kepiting
18. 37
Burung Hantu Ular
19. 38
Itik / Bebek Ikan
39 45 Kipas
40 46 Sisir
Jas Hujan
41 47 Kelapa
42 48 Nenas
43 49 Roti
44 50 Minyak
Appendix C
Research Instrument
Test Cycle 2
Find out the appropriate things with words below and write the meaning !

NO Indonesian English word NO Indonesian English word

word word
1. Jeruk 20.
2. 21.
Penghapus Gula
3. 22.
Palu Telur
4. 23.
Ayam Bantal
5. 24.
Ikat pinggang Susu
6. 25.
Arloji Piring
7. 26
Kunci Kue
8. 27
Kentang Garam
9. 28
Spidol Payung
10. 29
Kalung Tas
11. 30
Pulpen Pot
12. 31
Mangkuk Pensil
13. 32
Cermin Ember
14. 33
Helm Dasi
15. 34
Bendera Mentega
16. 35
Pakaian Buku
17. 36
Telepon Teh
18. 37
Ular Cat
19. 38
Itik / Bebek Madu
39 45 Obat
40 46 Sisir
Jas Hujan
41 47 Mangga
42 48 Surat kabar
43 49 Minyak
44 50 Roti
Appendix E
Keyword Cycle I
Test Cycle I
Find out the appropriate things with words below and write the meaning !

NO Indonesian English word NO Indonesian English word

word word
20. Appel Apple 20.
Keju Cheese
21. 21.
Sapu Broom Dompet Wallet
22. 22.
Palu Hammer Telur Egg
23. 23.
kelinci Rabbit Bantal Pillow
24. 24.
Ikat pinggang Belt Sendok Spoon
25. 25.
arloji watch Cincin Ring
26. 26
Burung Bird Tas Bag
27. 27
Kentang Potato Kue Cake
28. 28
sayur vegetable Bunga Flower
29. 29
Wortel carrot Garam Salt
30. 30
Topi Hat Paying Umbrella
31. 31
mangkuk Bowl Pot Pot
32. 32
Gelang Bracelet Ember Pail
33. 33
daging meat Kertas Paper
34. 34
sabun soup Kacamata Glasses
35. 35
pakaian Clothes Buku Book
36. 36
Kaos kaki Socks Kepiting Crab
37. 37
Burung Hantu Owl Ular Snake
38. 38
Itik / Bebek Duck Ikan Fish
39 45 Kipas Fan
Televisi Television
40 46 Sisir Comb
Jas Hujan Rain coat
41 47 Kelapa Coconut
Botol Bottle
42 48 Nenas Pineapple
Radio Radio
43 49 Roti Bread
Kamus Dictionary
44 50 Minyak Oil
Asbak Ashtray
Appendix E
Keyword CycleII

Find out the appropriate things with words below and write the meaning !

NO Indonesian English word NO Indonesian English word

word word
20. Jeruk Orange 20.
Nenas Pineapple
21. 21.
Penghapus Eraser Gula Sugar
22. 22.
Palu Hammer Telur Egg
23. 23.
Ayam Chicken Bantal Pillow
24. 24.
Ikat pinggang Belt Susu Milk
25. 25.
Arloji Watch Piring Plate
26. 26
Kunci Key Kue Cake
27. 27
Kentang Potato Garam Salt
28. 28
Spidol Marker Payung Umbrella
29. 29
Kalung Necklace Tas Bag
30. 30
Pulpen Pen Pot Pot
31. 31
Mangkuk Bowl Pensil Pencil
32. 32
Cermin Mirror Ember Pail
33. 33
Helm Helmet Dasi Tie
34. 34
Bendera Flag Mentega Butter
35. 35
Pakaian Clothes Buku Book
36. 36
Telepon Telephone Teh Tea
37. 37
Ular Snake Cat Paint
38. 38
Itik / Bebek Duck Madu Honey
39 45 Obat Medicine
Kupu-kupu Butterfly
40 46 Sisir Comb
Jas Hujan Rain-coat
41 47 Mangga Mango
Televisi Television
42 48 Surat kabar Newspaper
Rusa Deer
43 49 Minyak Oil
Kamus Dictionary
44 50 Roti Bread
Kayu Wood

Data Analysis

The Classification Students’ Score in Vocabulary of D-Test, Cycle I, Cycle II

Test Test
Students' D- of of
Classification Classification Classification
Code Test Cycle Cycle

E1 35 Very Poor 58 Very Poor 84 Good

E2 35 Very Poor 40 Very Poor 76 Fair

E3 20 Very Poor 28 Very Poor 73 Fair

E4 40 Very Poor 42 Very Poor 80 Good

E5 60 Poor 64 Poor 86 Good

E6 40 Very Poor 50 Very Poor 76 Fair

E7 50 Very Poor 58 Very Poor 75 Fair

E8 40 Very Poor 42 Very Poor 70 Fair

E9 40 Very Poor 42 Very Poor 72 Fair

E10 20 Very Poor 26 Very Poor 76 Fair

E11 60 Poor 64 Fair 70 Fair

E12 59 Very Poor 60 Poor 82 Good

E13 50 Very Poor 54 Very Poor 72 Fair

E14 60 Poor 60 Poor 82 Good

E15 50 Very Poor 50 Very Poor 74 Fair

E16 40 Very Poor 42 Very Poor 70 Fair

E17 40 Very Poor 50 Very Poor 62 Poor

E18 50 Very Poor 58 Very Poor 74 Fair

E19 69 Poor 74 Poor 82 Good

E20 35 Very Poor 50 Very Poor 74 Fair

E21 35 Very Poor 50 Very Poor 84 Good

E22 40 Very Poor 50 Very Poor 72 Fair

E23 35 Very Poor 50 Very Poor 66 Poor

E24 42 Very Poor 50 Very Poor 84 Good

E25 60 Poor 60 Poor 84 Good

E26 45 Very Poor 50 Very Poor 72 Fair

E27 42 Very Poor 50 Very Poor 72 Fair

E28 35 Very Poor 42 Very Poor 74 Fair

Total 43,82 50.5% 75.64%

mean %

After calculating the result of the students in cycle I and cycle II, the mean
score were presented below :

1) Mean score of the students D-test

X́ =

= 43.82 %

2) Mean score of the students cycle I

X́ =
= 50.5 %

3) Mean score of the students cycle II

X́ =

= 75.64 %
Activities Activities Activities  
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6  
1 Nurmala √ √ − √ √ − √ √ − √ − − √ √ √ √ − −  
2 Muh.Asriyadi − − − √ − − √ − − √ − − √ − √ √ − −  
3 Nurhelmawati √ √ − √ √ − − − − √ − − √ √ √ √ − − T
4 Nurul Azizah √ √ √ √ √ − √ √ − √ √ − √ √ − √ − − E
5 Putri Ma’rifatul Jannah √ √ √ √ √ − √ √ − √ √ − √ √ √ √ − − S
6 Sukmaeni √ √ − √ √ − √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ √ − T
7 Yuniati √ √ − √ √ − √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − −  
8 Muh.Abrar L √ − − √ − − √ √ − √ − − √ − − √ √ −  
9 Syahriadi √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ √ − F
10 Nurul Qalbi √ − − √ − − √ √ √ √ − − √ √ − √ − − O
11 Risky Agung − − − √ − − √ √ √ √ − − √ √ − √ − − R
12 Sakinah Putri √ √ − √ √ − √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − −  
13 Endri Gunawan − − − √ √ − √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ √ −  
14 Ely Elfirawati √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ √ − √ √ − √ − −  
15 Nainul Rahmy − − − √ √ − √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − −  
16 Aidil A − √ − √ √ − − − − √ − − √ − √ √ − − T
17 Andi Syahrial F Syam − √ − √ √ − √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − − H
18 Aisah √ √ − √ − − √ √ √ √ √ − √ √ √ √ − − E
19 Ardina Rasti √ √ √ √ √ − √ √ − √ √ − √ √ √ √ − −  
20 Fitri Handayani √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − −  
21 Atifa Nur Afifah √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ √ − √ √ √ √ − −  
22 Haris Munandar − √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − −  
23 ariandi √ √ − √ √ − √ √ − √ − − √ √ √ √ − −  
24 Irmayanti √ √ √ √ √ − √ √ √ √ − − √ √ √ √ − −  
25 Indra Frisa Putra √ √ √ √ √ − √ √ √ √ √ − √ √ − √ − − C
26 Ebi nurfadillah − √ − √ √ − − − − √ − − √ √ − √ − − Y
27 Hasmawati √ √ − √ √ − √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − − C
28 √ √ − √ √ − − − √ √ − √ √ −
Andi Nurfatimah − − √ E
20 22 5 28 10 − 25 22 5 28 6 − 28 25 8 28 5 −
Activities :
1. students presenting every meeting
2. students paying attention to researcher’s explanation
3. students giving question to the researcher
4. students doing assignment
5. students doing other activities beside the learn in class
6. students out from class without researcher’s permission





Acivities Acivities  
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6  
1 Nurmala √ √ √ √ − − √ √ − √ − −  

2 Muh.Asriyadi √ − √ √ − − √ − − √ − − T
3 Nurhelmawati √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − − E
4 Nurul Azizah √ √ √ √ − − √ √ − √ − − S
5 Putri Ma’rifatul Jannah √ √ − √ − − √ √ √ √ − − T
6 Sukmaeni √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − −  

7 Yuniati √ √ − √ − − √ √ √ √ − −  

8 Muh.Abrar L √ − − √ √ − √ − − √ √ − F
9 Syahriadi √ − − √ − − √ − − √ − − O
10 Nurul Qalbi √ − − √ √ − √ − − √ − − R
11 Risky Agung √ − − √ √ − √ − √ √ − −  
12 Sakinah Putri √ − √ √ √ − √ − √ √ − −  
13 Endri Gunawan √ − √ √ − − √ − − √ √ −  
14 Ely Elfirawati √ − − √ − − √ − − √ √ − T
15 Nainul Rahmy √ − √ √ √ − √ − − √ √ − H
16 Aidil A √ − − √ √ − √ − − √ √ − E
17 Andi Syahrial F Syam √ − √ √ √ − √ − √ √ √ −  

18 Aisah √ √ − √ − − √ √ √ √ − −  

19 Ardina Rasti √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − −  

20 Fitri Handayani √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − −  

21 Atifa Nur Afifah √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − −  

22 Haris Munandar √ − √ √ √ − √ − − √ √ −  
23 ariandi √ − − √ − − √ − √ √ √ − C
24 Irmayanti √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − − Y
25 Indra Frisa Putra √ √ − √ − − √ √ √ √ − − C
26 Ebi nurfadillah √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − − L
27 Hasmawati √ √ − √ − − √ √ √ √ − − E
28 Andi Nurfatimah √ √ − √ − − √ √ − √ − −  
28 15 5 28 10 − 28 15 8 28 8 −

Activities : −

1. students presenting every meeting −

2. students paying attention to researcher’s explanation −

3. students giving question to the researcher −

4. students doing assignment −

5. students doing other activities beside the learn in class −

6. students out from class without researcher’s permission −

Picture Of Cycle 1 and cycle 2

Fausia Iskandar. was born on August 13rd, 1996 in

Bulukumba. She is the second child of two children,
from the marriage Iskandar and Masniati.

In 2002 the writer registered as a student of

elementary school, SD Negeri 266 Toroliya,
Kecamatan Gantarang, Kabupaten Bulukumba, and
she graduated in 2007

The next in the same year, the writer registered as a student in SMP 2 Gangking ( SMP 5
Bulukumba), Kecamatan Gantarang, Kabupaten Bulukumba and graduated in 2010. Then
the writer registered in senior high school, MAN 2 Bulukumba, Kecamatan Gantarang,
Kabupaten Bulukumba and graduated in 2013. In 2013, the writer registered to study in
English study programe of Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan Bulukumba.

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