The Illustrated Man Prologue - Activities (9296)

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The Prologue:

Read the prologue and then answer the following questions:

1) In which month do we first meet the illustrated man?

We met him in September
2) What did the narrator stop to eat?
Pork, beans and doughnut
3) How is the Illustrated Man first described?
He was tall, well muscled, but going to fat. His arms were long and him hands were
thick, but his face was like a child´s.
4) Where would the Illustrated Man usually find work?
He usually finds work at local carnivals o side shows celebrations.
5) Give 2 reasons why the Illustrated Man keeps his collar buttoned up.
Because his tattoos changes all day
Because he don´t like them.
6) What has the Illustrated man got tattooed at his neck?
He was covered with illustrations from a blue tattooed ring about his neck, to his belt
7) What was tattooed on the palm of his hand?
A Freshly cut rose, with drops of crystal water among the soft pink petals.
8) Name five other tattoos he has on his body.
A riot of rockets, fountains and people
Yellow meadows and blue rivers and mountains and stars and suns and planets spread in
a Milky way across his chest
The people in groups upon his arms, shoulders, back, sides, wrist and chest.
Forests of hair, lurking among constellation of freckles or peering from armpit caverns,
diamond eyes aglitter.
Each seemed intent upon his own activity, each was separated gallery portrait.
9) What different ways had the Illustrated Man tried to get rid of his tattoos?
Walking ours under the sun to burn his skin, sandpaper, acid… a knife.
10) What do the illustrations predict?
Thant a witch from the future had tattooed him.
11) How old is the Illustrated Man?
1900, twenty years
He was born in 1880, so he must have 140 years now. But at that time in the story he
had about seventy years.
12) What will the Illustrated Man do when he finds the woman that tattooed him?
He will kill her
13) How are the tattoos described once the sun goes down?
The future
14) What did the Illustrated man have on his right shoulder blade?
He have clouds that shows women´s life and how would they look in sixty year and
shows men´s death, falling from a cliff or under a train.
15) Where did the old woman come from?
From the future, I supposed. She came from the Forest
16) How does the illustrated man describe the feeling of the pictures moving?
Like ants walking in his body
17) How many tales does the narrator count?
Eighteen tales, counted one by one.

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