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HYDRALICS £ FlUrD Mechanics Fluid 0) det Fluide o7 Tmagirary Fluids Fluids sloth how Mo VISCesity , Surface Eensron -f thay ot perfect} incompressible. However *n notun the idet Pluie ea AS ¥ b) Reat 6r) prace'cat Fluids Those Fluicy ort afeoagg ove oble These. Pluicy prossess Che Prpalt: Srrat!, @mount of Gompresst bili Ey + . Certein arnount of wecistance If alweoys Offered by Bree fioy when they ore Cet fn mreobion , Conversions & Constantly ONTTS > h bere = (oem)? =1h3 mt + Pascal(ey = Nfm* = 108 o/mnent Me = N/mm > Poise CP) = 10! N-S/pye in @nature. g of Viteosty , Surface bension ¢ Unrk Constants > Pure uctr@ Ure Specific Gravity CG) = Specfr weght Gv) B10 Nay JOD KSCPI/mn Dene'tg (Ra) = 1000 Fyfe” | > Sboke(s)= 10% mie | = 1 kay > | kgct) = 98IN Defror bons ay Mess pencrty Density cA) p = = Ro = (0006 ka/me b) Specifre weight @) wseight Pensty Cus) us = PF = Ga =ASl0G Yinz ©) SpeciPe Volume Cy) B Nolamee a eesee el age! Va po or i S Gaee 9 a) Specifre grov'ty Ca) “a No units Oras aE. TC Ropesties of Fluids a) Viscosity 69 Absolute Vi The property of fiquid Which ot ene layer of frquid /cubstena OW adgecent layer f Fluid. Due be Cohesion & Mnterocton bn Plaid porticly. wore, Fiche Swim in-worn due te VCs: petrol Ace of Wate B Spree alo defines 4 “The Shear treo wepuinea Lo scotty 6) Dynamic wiscesty C4) offers Besistance to the movement: eg: Roat Pleat ove Shean SbesseE < Hence, Viscosity Produc unre wake of Angular ceformaton Morthemetcat ly [Rate of onguler de formoton -stepresented by Vesocity— Grasent C =) Shear Stress paps Way > Bef aquie deforroton NeSfqe 69 ppoice Note: ; for Wqutes , viscesity C4) A pena | fe, xe viscosity (Ja) A Temperature b> Kinematic vescoscty CV) The Velocity of fluid Chea corty 1b denerty (ea: Fishy Sem encily in weter Gren mercury) Ve Tynamis ViCcesity Xe nee moss Density. | ©) Vapour pressure All Liguicy passes evaporate Cie Chore inte Sas when poe) Confined Ino Clerea vessel f heated, Thn the : toren the Iguis & Vapoor proleculey Presucey Pressure on bop Sirfaa ff. Ox vercel Gaile Voyppour precsure” of Iequs = Mercury hey Vey Jas oper preatire + (Hence uses im Rare A Benzene hop High Vapor Potessure. — d) Compressibitits 7] the applitakon of external Al Liqudy meg Shghtly Compres sek Pressure fore q ay _ Chonge '0 Volume “Wy ee comercsbtg * FE pan SF Co ete rede) = &) oy N, > Air 18 9,000 bimg Comprseble thon y dp wate, of 100 Eire Compressible then Steel. ae tg eee ten Se ee, ee . @) Sur, Tension D Property of Ligucd whith erobky Cohesion € resist “Tenate Stresses” on Surface # Agytning te Tenaile Force ——__N unre feagtn Yon J? Dampness 07 tre wwailg 2 belo Me Sunshody ig due t Surface tension bo (i) Presae intensity inside a Soap bubble CP) - Pecaptionts | @) Pressure me iwde a Deple: Cp) = 207 ¥ (i) powssure Intensity nse a Lqwe Jee Cp) . gm “aT v £) Capilarity Property of Liquid Which €nobly boty Cohesion 4 Ackhesvon £0 Ipeeen eter Ch ae ara) Soreth tube, ak Capillary Rive 67) Depession h=- Ua cse san Fr wots (0=0°) sy las a 13s} Cgquid howe Se how 2% @>a0" Presser of ee eta Contidn a Dam aTntensney fairer Cen alee a) PT a Precow of figs acstgy on camer J fre Surfo of Walle Us= Spwl of hgee CN) he Verkca height fem Free Sorface of. lige « 6) h= Pressue head @7) Stabic heod = aa And , M Forte Excerted on te Surforr CE) = Pea CUA= Bree L Surface) Hence in ethercoerds pis =Enbens! testes = cme nen Pascal's law | a Pressure Applied o€ ony Point ina Piura ~ \~ eg, at ect, “Then the pressure is epusalty \ Eroncmrtte in all civections. Px Congtant for ae | | hy Gus beGes hy Ges “Fre ssures on Atr: 2 Atmospheric Pressure. The pressure ecient above tre Surface ef the earm, Hora cb is Alto Cotes Earths Atmospheric Pressure, ©) Rovemebr'c pressure Since Abmospheric PrecSury ore mcasurea by Berrometer” 2 Atmospher#c pressut at Sea Tevet is Colles Standard atmosphere Pressure = fol-3 kpa = Jor2m of Wokr 7 Rarometey = O16 m of Hyg Readies, i Como) b) Absolute pressure The Pressure measurea Ot ogy Point in Ere onivense 61) frrecsuct developed dee te Gre Exteretet force (ie Pushifact) On (GAS AS CHC ed PhoSo (ute Absolute pressure =O , then ¢& ts Cattes Complete Yecum pressure Ce "S observes tn G| ee drovty “ 1 Ther ix ne ~% Absolute PpeSsort @ Cbvesphere of Ge eontny = Atmocphersc pPressun 6) Local Rarometric Pressure C) Gauge pressere Te joressue measured With Pressure gauge Is Caltea “Gouge Pressure Atl pressure gouges vecorS aa | Gouge presse = Absolute ppressure — A€mecpherre pressure | _A } Gouge presse GA Local atm: preccur ca eeneca) i Cd, CU EO? = Nacuwm pressure 6) © ; d -Ve Gouge pressue OR 3 5 3 ¥ Go a a a & Sle : | 3 s x] w g 3 g 4 Absober 2eO a ¢ (or Complete vacummn) | ¥ uke > Gouge Pressure Ss Crve) iS Colles * Pentive Gouge pressure” Gauge Pressun is Ve) fs Gollea " Negabive Gouge Pressun™ 6") Vacunum jorescure ” @) “ Sucken pressure” wa Gouge Pressure is Cero) ts colted “ Lecel Aémosphenc Pleccure”’ problems |. Gorrvert FExjored poresture Trbumsity of BS kg km Ineil Precive 07 $8) Presse Inttnsty (se Gage presue) CP) = TS kICP Lm = TS TEIN Pe = TS K10? x VET ane resson hed Ch) = EB TWSxtotxay . Presse feod Ch) =Ee-. TSK a5mq of wed FsI0 TSH 48 | = = 5.St m4 Aeroni26 pat acer) 7. Plosolute pressure = Ab morphen'c Pein + Grouge Pressure = 1ols3 Rpa + 15x98] lop = $2705 lepa = [ottIS = FS 2M af wasn BN Posrert Sst On etnectars 2. Find bre depty ofa point betas “wot Sirface in Sea. usedte, Where, Preset intencrgy os [6 006 MAM/onr 4 Spr Gir of Sea sey > foRS Sd Depin of point Ch) __froe6xto® Fans © “Sqeiepers B Convert % prectun head of [oom ef wosr bo a) kerarine of Spar OP! b) Carbon Lekrachlon'se of Gprar 16: Sol) We brow AiGes WG. = he Geo? a joan t = bearel © hs (22-U6 mM of Icerarine Oe peo ue Seren, opicackenl Cbechionds he Joon of wasers Sh2ziUs m of feempine = 625m of Corbon tebrachiome Nokes; b EP the preciure on the air iS Greate thon Abmasphen'c Pressure Cie eve Gouge Premre €7 Comply goege Pressere 2 Frteneity of Pressut ) Tren tre pressure Will by & puch the liquid. Tf te precane onthe afr/veciel Spire ae lece thon Ab mothers fPresue (crs GS oes ey vocuum Presine G7 Seton Pressure ) Tren te pPrectun voil bry fe Suck fre Lyid "The monoretixy wanky on the Principle of “Sega af. be Preseure 2S a ee Mesurement of Pressure ob @ paint in Fluid Since, The fluid is ak yest ond open te Atmosphere, Chere ir ne Negsisias te Bog out poresgut. Recon the Precant in Ite = Abregphene Precen | > Rue TA Cose ft Flurs ges additronch pea oes (Ga eterk Pore. 1) DIO Gack @H Flawiny ina Ohonnek 6 Pipe). TE Need de meacun Che jorscun in tee Fhe @ CG & Gabel be operation, > Pressure in Cre fluid Con be meacura in Palteving 4. Moinome tas Uses te meosure the pressure ak a point tno Iiqse ly betoncieg tre Coban of Inguid By Same of Anetra Column of gus” ( Principle) A morometn iS Used Ex meacure Accurately a) Ligh Presson of Wgusrey The rmoncmetire Beadngy incdicate b) Vacuum pressury Gouge Pressury. ideny ore £ Pressme heady moy be ©) Pressure mm pipa 4 Chonnely . oe ee 6) Simple Mmenometerg Zr sed te meacure presse ob a Poiob- Connected Ee Emt poiot £ anotre, ond vemeigy Sper ke ak mar pheve Per amas Faber Htbe hone ond iezome ber lees ube Bs fiquea ea eke it Same op Oe Plurd = USes te meacun Moderate Precsary ? Ligh: Prectay lights fiqusgh Goo Pre csury Cannot be rreaswet a osu, Prezometer , b) Urabe Mano meter The Spgr in the Ges bie Some e) . efferent» = & ure’ an SS wee meosure™ ony type “€ pressure Se Woes dine he P Especralty Heh 4 foo presures Aolee ee > For las pressury , lo Spse om oer | ha ventteat stence Rom high Pressury , high spor or oo (ete 4 Eecrauee Generel Fquetog fA st ZG/thG, | lmbe a 2 EET] +Z fo lePE limb wr abow A vats +h for igh limb IS Oboe genes oat Ses Becta peace | ay Si LA i. Ave Gorge Pressuy Sucttan/Vocuum Pressury Preccun cqvetis fr te obow ye @) Fe zerthe, [Cams Pache (testes 24 &)4e@) & 22 artes <|© Pe 226) —hoe 80 mn ty Difbrerstetnanonemet ) Siogte _ Glumn morometa (as Te bey Bre Sarre Pheneersn $y u-tubs or rronomedes, Eee her us mech only , ae Single mearerement Gite ha) meommwe Peosen @A- 2 The Column MY be Verba Jnclrned 7 os eros on ath, Gr Sin thr fr te gorse pesme '-e@ D is above 2 | — hy fr he D& bews B Vacounm presin = AsGe (ooken Cohmn eg vertical J > The major Adventaye %, the eet of Fluids Cre Spar of Plait) & nok Yreded E> Cofeukle = Brecsan @ A. O°) Deffeentiot monometey For meacuring the Serene of Prcsen between ny bee pointy ina prpeline “Tio ping / Cen kanes ‘ ae é nek Meccestery te ure a nea [quid CSPS¢ Gi) 19 Ur bube BHairclec inverted U-bwbe yee Feces Urbube difleroetal om, Grenerot Equetion Pa Pe hésecn = ZS, *s aig © tsp ee ace +1 Gys Spar of Fluid » Age Gare Spor ef Manemeder frqard Eh for “h is below AFB 4 ee +Z for RK ts below B @) = Seme bmg , in Tavertat rkube Monometeyy Hh Per U EMDE | Atr Used. Phan Ciranometes Mtqutd) , ty foc Fontes O-eES DB Gyso FeO Fh Firm heey, aot eS c's ree) ee Mechenical mscumenty Uses Fo Mmeosurt Pressus Pros @) Revadon “Tabe presse Goge (mest Gmmen, cheap, Simple onstrement) 4) Diaphrogm pressure Gage (ona © mecsure ©) Reffows Presa Gage lous pressure incerseb'y ) prteeiste of. balance A) Dead -wosht prssue Goxye @ eae Horizon be! fame Surfaces Stal pressure (P When a Stabe mass Pbnc/cuves, a Fora exerted known ay — Hokeh Prescot (Ess) Center of pressure (CP) The pParre ef appiicoty f Mo tes: of Plaid Comy in Contect with & Surface, Citron bay the Pina on the Surface, Ths Pore & + precsun a Point P= Uh Fake! Pressont (o-€ Febe! fore) > Pan Are = Ushxa _) Lnotal pressure On tre Surfirce. Fics Praia Ge Peis @ rest) No tongentat Picco @xiSty on Surface, > Since for a Stabe Pona Tétal precsect act Norme! to the > OGL Erp will Cinscde only, Cop with ahuscegy betas O« CO. @) Plane Surface imomerces Hori rental ly Pp = wah E) Plane Sprface Mmmeres Verb tally P = wax Bay yates eae ©) Plane Surface immense 9 Inctinca P= WAL h=k+ Eres Ax d) Curves Surfaa trmmersed pe Irt+r Gaels) 0: ea &) * Rae (ushda Seno ee ee, Te (ehdacas (Tat pressure FA wenbcok prt © = Angle of (B)) wtem herrretal Notes; 5 ties we gerctecen Che © tncvesny y Lohn Seefoce is horizontally Pmrmercet , Oth se Distonce bla CP 4 OG wl decease (ie be ) Lock Gata * Total Precsuw ajop ved en the Surdtac of tre Goes Pa(R-R)= Fue Hz) ® Reactin/Fora needed Eo Oper Ene _goty > These type sf geey used to mor bea Frm ue te Dis & vivre versa Rucyandy £ Floatoben Equilioaum of Floating Goss 6) Dkable Equi librum Return back te anginal pasition Chy formipy Rertorig Couple) - When givin Srrot! Arguion displacement 4) Unstable Equi hbium Doane back bearyinal Posi Hon Cley Poems Overtuning Couple) D Neutral Equilibrien Adopts New pacikon and Stable, without ofCillat eng. ucyency Avemrmede's _precple Whea a1 boly ix tmmerted in a Fluid O72 tA wholly 6 Por brally ies bucyes fs equel to Fre weight of Gre Plutd dicplacea ky tre body, Ruoyent fore (fe) i & The Farce needed by the Phd to Phe up tre body Yat =~ G Centre of Ruoyensy CB) = At vohet Cre vecvitont buoyort Poree oa | act G Noke « (watun bedy silt Ploat Via Fqui'briem tg wen oe] oa] ( We sear of Rhus Crvn2) a= = > WV & ae We fe T= Volumes of Gibmeset a) a oe he W> Wersht of hole bedy een fp >W CRosy will Float on bre Serface =f Plore ) ea! Ciedy will Float ome by Some depression ) | Ty aye. ( Boks Gellectars Sak te be Fed LY When “Angvier Usp ment given ke Flocit'gy basy al Meta Centre(m) The paint Tatevsecton Hm the anis of Fleer body Passing Eneurh Points B4G, ont % Vertiee! Ine proesing Chroush o new Centr sf bes egeney Metacentric Height Com) sctance foerween CiGCG) 4 Meta centre cm) ee. ee ea Canna i ae Determination ef Metacenta'e Height D Experimentel Method he [Per =k | Cten9 = 5) Theorittial Mesthed eS — Volume of Gabmensea be s -BG en = ) } te fe Sable Contiten ROD Ro, ———_—_— —Ve for uncteble Condon RM ERG #) Tie of o5citlation(T) of Prootesy body Dee a Te ) ee <——— Equiltorum Cand*Eons Flocking Rody ~ ee | er oe 2 | vee | Miy Reva | Big | = Neutro} a 2 hy below & | Mt cmd & nor, Rant G Coinciegy Fluid imemorvree ( stugy f Plowing Plus) Rrarch of Ploid Mechanty whch deal with the Stacy of vehciey cv) and Accefaraton F without tak'rg inte Concduaton of ay Force. Equaton sf _ Conk! nuke (Deeds with laut of Cercesvaten of Energy) Thon Tncampressibfe Plurd ex Conk'nuces y Prowsing, Chengh a pipe e; Chormel, The ISiechoge Some at atl Seckvar. be y= Qa= Ope r-> OF) OV = Gavan > pve - > Velocity of Plus Mase @ Centre £ Min @ Nece watts Noe Conkinuity equeten in Carkesion Co-ord'nodey dB av, aw "BA WV BY > Coqvectve Ba ees A 3g Oz 67 Accelerating = ees oe Tmpuise momentum principle ae Tmpulce Exertea on o body (Fira nappies Boe) & = Cheege in momenturn (mass x velocity) of Me body Timpilge Momentum Equation for Steady Piow bn Sectoo 122 EF = Pacm-v) ike Fost) =scry | a eee Technica terme tn Piuid Plovs a) Path line The jpoth fellowes by @ Pluie Porercie én motion 5) Stream Sine The imagines Langent ne at ogy Polne, Inditedy tre direction of Mmot’on ot tet Pornk © Streak Sine The fine aoncsipg Chroush tre /nStentareow foacib ens ( Parton of aif Porticles at tme t' of Gil Park'cty , Y Equipstential e+) poken Gol Iraec The (iny [ecig Through tne Pose Fowig Ere Came Vetoctty (aba bre), fers: = Skeeom I D Flove net: Be ia The pattern obbaines by the intersection sf SErtomf petentiel linc Types of Plows imo Pipe 1. Uniform Plow (2 = The fquid Porticks at ail Sectors of PIPY/ Cheney hove Came Nretocib'es Non-oni form Plow Cc AO) The [quid porte at different Sectonr of Pe howe diferent Veloctiey, BR. Steady - Plows C8Q=O) (Crew) = > Creep tm) = 3 Caves) =o) Un. steady Flow Crate) i ee se 3. Streamline Pow ( d¢Path) =0) 6) Laminar Plow Tarbulent flow CdCpetn) #0) i coe Bieehay (Goch) aCeenniw) = o) ccoble Fiod (SC Veena} 4 BC deneity) +0 ) rorces - 4 Equotane ef Motions Voriour Porcer thot may influence the moten of o Fluid are due Ee Growty (Fy), Pressure (Fp) - WS cosnty CR), Turbulence (Fe) Surfoce Tensen CF), ant Compresscrbivty (Fe). According te Newtons Second low of motion Equation of motion (May = fg t+iptivthe th +f 8) Reynol& Fquaton (Fo 4 Fe Neglectes ) Me = Rt hth +h (Uter for anatynre °F Tarbutent Flow ) b Navier- Stolee« Equation (Fi Fe 4 Fe Neglectea) Ma = Fatt +f Cusea for Anslysis of Lominor4 Viccour Plow) ©) Euler's Equeton (Fv fe £ Fe Neglectes) Moa = Fyt+h (Uses Bor analysis -F Non-NrScous Press) Eapery aon Fulerts Equaten \ Ae discusses Carlier add tenet Puce ae sty ig oe 4+ gd2 +Vdv =0 Rernovilte E quote rs obkaree by Totecgotry the Eulerty eqvoton te ve + (vdv + (gaz =o =Gisit ¢ och berm ‘weprécenty) ) Cm Kee) zs £ 4+ VE +92 Energe per unre mots Bach berm represen ) (m) ze = ington! p Ss tes Beng. | = Censtenk (ies PeSonte wen ht Where Se reac potent-e! Hel iebabe heck Caos head 67) Pre 7) heod @) Réneve Enegy Po Unik We: scare Enegy Per unit Ub - VE 2 Velocity heed 07 Finet'e ; 3 petum head 6 potent! head 67) potenbl Enegy pu unt eat ze 42) prezametrie Heed Gr) Hydroulic gradient Beri(ilewreean ys algo canteen & bynes abee Ero oso - a MWHe me nt: . R page Bk / is applied te Venturimeter orifice mettn ¢ pitot bude ry Chere Some fors of energy Gurikecaebey ft Real Flu’ | A * The Bernoulli's Enoten Reet Flute 9° by = Uesever, for the Pos Rernauitiis Emotion fe Lee Fite este ' Hu draulre CoePhicren tS _ Coefficient 4 Cantrocton( Ce) _ Aree of fee oConbocta Di Case eee co) jeer Mere sae Cy = Acta veliof ree @ ene = ae ae Aue Theevi ticet Vttoo'ty Van Jesh Fes — ©) Cocfhcient of Dischorge Cea " a c oe 7 foc : y= O50 Se re ae = PSS Qs oss 06s 8) CoefRennt at Recistante Cr) a loss

Areoy © inlet £ ueeE @ = Bore faph eae mag ele vse, Gea eas one|F. Venturi heed er] Pressure Difference h = Ven tur’ heook Ae G Eoin eve av h- B-B -xfi-Ga] Grea) 7 el aoe 6 ae = Spust of Ped > ane mG] G = Sprgrority of Piura Fe Gm = Spgr of menomeser Ian's L Orifrce meta + Norrie meter we a et Same Phenomenon a Venturi meta bat it is Cheaper. M om Prtet tube iB Used Le mesure Velocty of tre Ie quad J Actual velocrty Ff flo eh = Vin Wetrleny apa asa Vortex Flow a) Free vortex Flaw Fy, No Externet torque required ke pokale Le Pluie macs > Flows of liquid ote around a Ctroulor bend in a pipe \ > Fw of fqud through a hole provided ot tre bottom of the Contairen \ > A vohirpoel in a Riven & Flow of Plurd in & Centrifugal Pump-Gas = Rote sf Chenge of anyiter momenten B- Cmva) =o ce Giese o> [Wir = Ganctert | Oe eee sf fie A acess seats Radiol distence foo “Gente toi ee a tl [a a +e ea 5 +| by Forced Vortex Flow ee de Some External torque S required be votate He Plurd moss. > Flow of hquie incide the Impeller of o Cenkrifiigad pump. + Flow of water Chroush a sunner of a burbine * Velocity of flow of any Iquid Partcle lye wr | a Us = Contant angular Ve locity ) eal Height of Parsboletd formes = YE afar Percea Vortex Pte in On Open tank a Fat) of. iguic. (eve e& Centre = Rese of [Nqued [evel ok endy , Notes: Vk ae (Free vortex Flee) oa CFeecee vortex Ptovs) . * Time Requires ko Empty the tahle ts Some gy Ori fre. Orifiees £ Mouth pieces Ori fice "Ts an opening having Cloted Perimeter, made in the walle 67 bettom

Empty Ene ton _ 2ayii T= Casa TQ Mouth prece erat perk tebe tees non CSE to the or/Prce = < Of Same hameler, Hnrowgh which alto Plus mey dchege. | “| Rorda's 6) Re-entront Mouthpiece iS On Internal mouthpiece. ©) Rordats Mouthpiece Bvrning Free | Fe Fluted deecntt touch the Sreley of moutn pie ce 9) | = | Lengén -f- mouth prea = Diometer ef or Rice eat b) Border Mouthpiece Bunning Fall NE Fura Pits vp the Whole moutmpiece: Dy ce "Length of montn pica = 3x Diameta ef ove, eS %) Discherge Ehrough a Mout piece Q = Caa S2gh [SURE eet oe er erate | + | External movthpiece | ogss| — | Q Tnternal movin piece | | z | (@ Running Free | 52 O52 f-o © Ronnig Fal | one 1-0 ong 3 | Convergent, Divergent + | o.ang | a= | Convengent Cum IDivegente ES lo L |_ Mourmpiece. te] and Weirs [The Size 4 made -f motervols Mo hes 9 a TS Seeme different for Nobchs weir 4. Notch: - Rut Pheromencn is Some Is an openicgy Provited On tre bop Side £ the taime , Ee Aischerge over fleas — Ujoter. PNokcher mack

Haif tre height ef we! PT hy wound edge Coxner. Cretu) Boa ne Rood. Crect ° en ects Weir > Sub merges Wweirs 64) Drowned YU Water levek on the Dfs of weir % above the Cres . u. Ogee weir H A weir, Generally Used a Spiliosey ohe Bam gee vieiy Ventilation of weirs (Due t Nappe) tue & Dis neppe, Av will Beckees, FereIly Vacuum poressan , net ees een eee ane Here: Wecmiloeent ore (pecieles ee tity ease tna cee L] 9 Free Nappe = TR Ere obragprent pressure exists beneath Ene Noppe. = ©) Depressea Noppe TF Eke orarune beled tre akppe ie Ve Ce Vocuim pecuay [4 | > Adherng 67) Clinging Nopee on Due te tre Complete mennned of air Cly Suckin presse) vie tne Nappe wilt adhese to the Surface of weir Wall, Velocity opprach (va) The Velocity wlth which water apprches o Nobeh/twerr Dischoge Ehrovgh the notch 6) Weir Ss Al Va = = Cross-Sectional area ef Channel. “The heoc wise dhe be velocly approach, Ta = Nee 5 2g ® Replace Cu) in Porevle - cohen Co) of Concrderes Replece |H > Clt+ ha) | [H? = aMrshedieean nace End Contrations fr Rectagguion eine Effective lens st Cres e of Weir 67) Nee Lh =CL-o-in henner tnd G-oink) Care) * ; ) Re ploce CL) in Pocrevio, whan End Gentroobay Can. deua Replece | L > CL-oint) Discharge formulas (Wwrereut Vat naileoners ann charge | 3) ulay No&th 6) weir 1 Rectang a =e atgt We (Le fengen tnerr/noten fopenseg ) | Francis Formula Q = hee Lust (1 Ca > 0623) Razin's Formula @ = mSyln ae (crm 2 ones + SE? ) Q. Trianguor Notch 6 weir at “ Q = 15 C4 [ag ban ye Right angle Errcagle ee fers Wve Ge TanQ =1 4 Assume Ca> 0-6 ) Bs Trapersicat Notch 6) weir Q = E64, RACH 4 HH Cor OS bane HW Cipolleber with Erd Contraction Q = 5% Lu (Ton #12) 4 Broad Crestes weir Q = Cath Jegch-») aE : H LQ wer © ee Ge he S4) noe Qo = joc f Ry te By | = 5. Submerged 6) Drones weir a @ = Ses, BL(H- Wy) 4 ca, Lh TECH 4* G Ogee Spillwoy wey te Renee ee (C= Cecthiciene ot Spitiiaey ) D Time Requires t+ Empty 0 [Reservelr * tank 1. Rectangulor Notch/werr ee pent BA Su al Wot aboe Crect 7 oe Ste Ju = Pinot height Water above Crest 2+ Triangular Nokh user (Duc be Sir fice bentin ) ti to \ \ BA ee A = Area ct Reservoir 7 eee re A # Error in Discharge (4a) due t Evrorin Heod( 3h) Effece of Discharge due t+ Error | d= Error wor mode, while | meosurig. Ene heeel over oe = 2 ain (Rectogular) the Nokch | do = Evror wy meele while ea S = ee (Trrargalor) | Meosurigg Che [Di schege Limittyg volues ue b Fervor GP too ye Blaor #0 Head ® Dischage = 2288 So igo = % Ener in Dicege Head = HEH Disehage | Over ¢ oO Stepped Neth a 22alg [uct n + dh) + Lo CH SW) +te ui? | ® Advantages of Trangular Nw ove Rectegqulon Nae Has no end Conbrac Hons = 4 Nappe Emerging, hy tre Som hope for ait the heady Hence, Cy iS Potrty Conctant for all heady, > More accurate Por low dischages > The effect of Va 8 less > For Right -ongled trioggle, Dec choge Caluilodion te So simple Co Qe IvzAe™ ) KL KL —l,—— Dimension Arolycis gs Forces 0) Lnertio Force (FH) = Mass (ks) x ACRerPan(mIgec) = £8 mex Se = PLeve b) vescous force CH) = Sheer Stress KAvea =( Xa -mx(Beye™ = AVL © Elacberty fora (Fe) 2 Bulle medubs of broly 2eiren = Keo FRE 4) Pressure Force (Fe) =p a ws = Pr@y) - oa pressure A Rreo 2) Grovity force CH) : spose (tg) 4g = RpulnPrd ied, P) Surfece Tension Force ) = Surface Tension(o) x unie fengt» sot a. Dimension less Numbers a) Renolds Number (Re) = Ee Re ee alec AV AA v b) Cauchy Numb a RUEGy ee een eee oe trae ee ee ae E/P Velie Sound in Pluss Mach Number (ma) = Be a a ) (3) ie Cc Euler Number (Ex) = iE -{ eee WP Newken Number = 3 Peeve ) Froude Number (Fr) cs eal e) Weber Number Ce) = FC oe Be Signifreance of Mach Number Subsonic Flew Ma6 HyperSonee Flow Flow Thoush pipes Prees uses for Corgying Piuigy onder Pressure , TAS pipy Corry Phy onder Pressure, Che PiPy “aluieye yup Pa TP Ge aurnteg ts not Rul, Chen trey behove Ile an Open Chonrel Pha 4 Head fosces in pipes a) Mager fesces © Due & friction) by Minor losses (Due to Stidaden enlegemen’, Exponsion, Caotrecvon, bend Onc olactructon in pipe ) ClassiPcatten of Plows. @® Laminor @:) Viscoue 69 Streom line Flow (Re< 2000 £ V= loo) The fluid. prortclec move ology Strioght Porellel potty fa > They co-not Even by te Crts f B Tronciteon 6) Crrbtal Velocity Flos (2000 The State f Choming Fam Lominar— turbulent . Geageere 2 Torbulen—E &) Mined Floo (RemtHow 4 v= medion high) The potins of flutd Por biclg interme due b hgh Nelecity - te Smphy fou vitcosity , Critcat poornis 4 Velo ber J Upper Crietcol Potat Ov) Velocity (occur while mcrae a oe wach hp Be The power trang mitiea uart be ment nnimn es =o ne @ jhe =H] Si ot fie mito u oh | The efficiency of Prrser Eroncmith fee ret = MEM & Gero The moximem effcery of trensmibton Orroyh pipe = 66-107, Dromety of Nozzle Grorsmilyey rretimum poor @ bp=H % Yi ps ie 1G)" 1 (-8P on Voor >= Te Sp) Re das yanst = yCene)er [ean Yelotty + Tett Eturd ee fae cety-w de Nee e's Rp? > Q@= ESE pe Comy) = gp \ SH. an a = 2V 2 Mamlt- GP] 2b %m = y oy ane lye we AE fo 0-107 a The locos Velocity C¥) = Mean velocity CV) By actin eisai: +) Head lost Due Pivcton @= ee Je a r : , ren. [hp = S| eet ae ws ia 2 | hp Povt _ Powe ~ GUns tae = Tape Ore (P= RiolP | ee BR Lominor Flow b/n Teo _porotick Flet ploter 9) Sheor Chas Dis trbston | ao Y= (38 )CE-8) (“Mey ong)" 2) Velocity dstriaton of Portcle al le ou (FE) es-¥9) Ci win mes a de. Rerobate tee ge Saigo RE (-2P “gu Meon Velocity of Tebat Lhd = Qt (-2P Vere eax Bonet = [one vatuxn 4 @=(he)v J SN = EZ Pmow Axe my pore PY Ur Bojer’ Fo an ss Velocity dst: button Lees me, voy Flot hil treesvey Re p= 2218 (suswereci Flow in Open _C honnele Tn Open Channele - the bop Surfers Shourd be Openca and Cuibgectcs be Bemosphere prectoe » “The (ota Yun due te Qravity Fores by diting Propa Slope be tne bed of Oe Chennet. rT ClagerPceton of Chonnely 1- pPrismat'c Chonnel - We cfs £ hed Stope & Constart Non-poSmetc Chonnd-The Oe ¢ bed Slope 5 not Cangtant 9. Uniform flow - Dep ef Piao @ Secton Non-uniform flood - ao “ Gj dieu ZB. Laminar Flow - Re < Seo = %S Content + Nok Gas bant = Trensiton Plow - Boa < Re< 2000 Ir “Re = = WR | Turbulent Flows - Re > 2000. Total Energy per oni Wwoght \ ve 293 + y+z Speohe Enegy The. tol Enegy jr nik Weight Werk bedl of Chonnel 4 Datum (ie Z>0) ve Fe Froole rene. Gs [Energy lott Matnemum a er on isiNST OS eee — FIDE Hydenve dep. Suls seeal Flow [Scapen-< Creal Or) ee Flew) FV 5 pare ————_<— ia Dept figs (Y) S4e Beptu sf fins (3) > Ye a L Fy a] Corvenv'al) | 2 5) Crreqet flew) ~ >see Tmpertenb Terme Roem = Hydroule Roses iy Hydrenie mece dept = AL. Arent honnd URES erie D = Hyrvoulic Depty = A _ Area of Chennel See = Stope of Of} Choerd Rottom Tap udty of Plow Meen veloc Cv) of Plos in Chowrely “ a) Cheeys formula ( V>CSRS =cSmi ) [-cekee ] 5) Mannigt formula ( ys Lets’ ) Measurement ef meen Veloviny @) pjtek tbe +b) Crene metrn © Floaty (Ry Simple wonder ore Skegnaten [Dink The Paint ok Where fluid is Bese (he Velocty>o) AL Stagneton pont, he leinetic Energy if Gonventes into Pressan Energy Most Econamieal 0) Most Efficient Chanel Secon @ 8 =0) We yon bnotdee mm &® Rectargulor Sectan (B=29 6) R= 3) eae : Treiperoract Sect’on ( BHety -yfae 61) RY 5 be Ab Half le Tape Lordy = one of be Slopin cide Radius sf Sem!-certe = a may aN © Trangular Section CR A € 6-45") z Mex velocity thous a Greil seceog (Y= 0-810 . R= o-3eD ) Mex Dischage troyha Girailn fection (Yyro955 , Reoan ) Achennet i¢ Said te be mam eenomcat if DIL Gry mor Divchoye Rr a ghen Crersectronat Area ¢ bed Slope , b ze ha minimum Welted Perimeter © Te Invelvy [essen excaver'en Por Ene derrgned crmount of Biochege Flow of Compressible Lluis Fluid wens, a Gubrtance Liquid @) Grog, Ehot is Capable of Fhoasing ont Chongey je'c Chape Under tre actors of force. ". Dentity Choagy due te Plow Ecatiea Comprescisle fe Sia, Liquid hep negleghble Comprecs’bi Wty Gre © Trcomprscible ) » Hence, the study of Flos of Compre csi He Pe'y deo vai, Fla f Gores. Contnuity Equator (Deals oth leo ot Crngerveton of Enevsy) DThe Rate f Chose of Density due t= bme & Conceant (Three Azmencional analy; he = BP, BCP, ACH) , ACP) _ , [Fr Stcoty foo BP io BES On 3y oz > ey 1207 3c 5 D The Rose of Cheye of Mags duc te Ung i |For ‘manent Pos 2P a0 Gonstant C one - denen ronal Plows) S a s ; aa 6 ez Cee +s +555. =0 ke AV = Congfent Mec} ae > PV IPH PVIA+ PROV-0 > ae + SBN { Rvig witn Pay a N quetion of Stake Due be Campreman , The prccue (PI, ersity CP)Kseigh tos) ont Temperobe(yma Chege, The relator b/y thy 1 dee pr] or B&=RT oe Puseet/ Pe Presse Cryana) T= Abotlute 6 Thermaynenic Leap Cin kelvig eR) Sic [eelotion Chipr of = eae Gre Ce pend ig on eas) saa 0. estes (Groveincd by Roylets Lows) r due bo Compr ction aa {$e FeGntent D RTs orstont) = Congtent THT be Voried che ES Compression eros se ee ee ee fRasic Releton She of Thermo dynomicr O) Tso trermat Process (Grovernes y Reyle’s Lew) ©) Revertal_Prececs } During tr proces) ne Eemperotue Shoule be Modntwned Constonbty, (Be Fp TeoPrermet Proce. Ore gy ey obferks on) Jats heat, Hence we need & Qie/take Som Eemperotee be mointein Fempcrotie Crottankly i £ = Congtent Cr F-@r > eve) b) Adtabot'c process 6) Efentropic Precest Occuring Witrout govn 0 loss of heot of gag duney procery , Hence The —Temperotere Will! mesatain Constarty 4 So Smole. ep ee a k = Adiabete Trdex - ier Seatteet Spent ak Conttent prettare _ Cpchect or Conrhent Volume = ete for Adlebabte Gtr Ire F Rernoull'tS Energy Equereo ~ (2e Be < gz = Contere (The Stender Bernoulli's cqeenon) Ben Conipren bles (oone ne Con Ce) ts nak Conrbont, Mere 5 an ap = Ci Ceonntet) > Cre? = OR ©) Under Tgotnermel Cand Hon age a ciate) ict ane eee eel > ¢, (22 = ctoh = Flas og.P oS ae Oe rttont 5 (loge) ts + “2g | Shia o E> %- tae va ef eh ap = x eee [Gp B23 oe pe OP te et b) Under Aweborc Condon Velocity of Gourd wove 17 Compre yl Phe “Frverme “bulk moos ees 40) o- |e al Coe @) For Taothermel proces o-\e-IRt | Feour * Se aCh)-> eo ai ger - CBE > Se F sent 3 SE EPSP 20 bh) Foe Batabek’c prvetl pr ee eee jee ie = Snead ae [= = \eRT a seer opti Hy asoule Terbines | f Machines & Hycvauke energy Convestea tote Mechonical energy Leng Ta ines . This Mechanital energy furthen Convenes inks Plectrical energy Sieg Electric Generator (ohicw ie sree ly Couples be Shoft of te Eurbine) ® Weoa were level = Woter sinface level in Storage zeservoir Tail wace level = Water Surface [evel in Channel after power house urge Gres head &) Static head 67 tal head = Head Bore - Tail soce level Net Head 69 Effective head = Heod availble at tre entrance the Tirbine = Gros head - hp ( Mead less chee to ferckivy ) "9 Penctect) ® bydreutic EfRciency € 2h) = Power developed by the Munner Neé power Supplied by woter@ Turbine cotrang Mechanical Efficiency (Xn) a Power Ovailabe at the 7 Ticbine Shake Power developed by the dunner Overall — EPfieiengy (Yo) = Power vellable oF the Turbine chate Cte = tax hn) Net Power Supplied by water © Rrbine one Volume tre Efbciengy (My) = Nelume of umter octuaty Cevicting the aenaen SE Ere Volume of Geter Supple, be tne Eurbing RK Closseoten <2 TUirbines ‘Impulse “Turbine : > Mea hozzie tc Provided , Hence, Woke dimectly Stricty TUNE buttery) >The total enegy at the inlet of turbine ic only kinekc energy > only ckmocpherse pressure Gantleble of Usoter Greileble ot both entering and feoving the Vones- 2 Te vuced at high heod of Woke Ovoilable . eg: Pelton Wheet (TEngentut flav “mpulse buvbine) Reacten Turbine : > Norrie s provided, Guster Badiolly Skrich Che Tenner Luckey Groush Penctock > The beotal energy ot the inlee of Tavbing “s Kinebe energy os Well of prescure energy 2 TE Used at fo heod of Water aver lable 3: kaplon (Aria Plow weactron turbine) Froncis CTauord Yedut Plas Yeoction turbine) Modern Fronois ( Mixed Plow xeac tion Eurbine) & Miscellaneoug in Turbines Maximum hyeroulie Cficiency of an impulse turbine Urea S ee Cid = Prge of bucker Lip at: ontlet) Thus “Crmex When (Rucket/iwheeh Speed = of Veko'ty «f get) 5 = DL, Pitch Divrreter of heel 19 (in Ganerat) | +Jet Pato (m) = | Seca ie 2 Pelton wheel Tarbine I Not buctey sf petten beh = (Beis) = osm+is Mon Nowof Teg emplyed = 6 =Dyeft The Ts a Pipe @r) Pacsage ef Groduoliy. increasing Crvse-Sectynal Qrea which Connects the munner exe to the bail race. Run Awey Speed = Mowmum 6) Limiting Speed of Tirbine Yanney occurs ot Mat head £ fait gove opcnivg) Sarge tank Zs the emergency tank Provides on Che frenstuck be Stare Lobten When the Wschorge through Reservoir ix Suddenly weducea er Stopped. | * Performence of Turbines Specife Terbine Ts an imaginary turbine whieh ag iden Bical in Shope, blade aay. etc, with the oct Grbine but Yeckices to Size. Specrfic Speed (Ns) = ad (oem 69 =) Unit Speed (Nu) = N Tr Unit 19 chor uy) 2 19 techogge CQu) tae Unit Power Cay 2 Pe H ay Cavitation ; The formation. Growth and Collapse of Vapour CAiilea Cowitig 0 babi in a Plowing Wiquid » (€spectally t9 Terbings) | }) Cures 3 Moin Choroctericbe Ourve = Constant head Curvy perk Cheracreriste Curry = Conttent Speed Curve Muschet Curvy = Conftant €Pcrenay Cae Dischorges ; @) = Le eg CPetton wheel) = ITDRYp CFenus Tarbine) > TE COF- 0) Vp Cleapen Turbine) ee ee 8 OES * Centrifagal [Pumps Manometric Head = Head ogainst Which a Conkrifugal ump Cm) works = [ead imparted: by impeller be watey — Head focs ty impetiea 4 Cagingy = gods -Cher + hee) Malbstage Centrfyjal Pomp Called usher Gantrifiujat (ramp Cones ef Geo er more impellers - Mul bictase Centrifugal JPrmps are used te Precuce o jerigh heade Cushen impellers Connected * Serves) B) hgh Dischoryey Cuohen impelloy Connect In porallel) Cooma Charatterishc Cure * Heaach) u i= Phrciency Cy Per) 7? Discharge (Q) * * x Ship of the Pump = tne - Sach Specthe Specs (ney= NIG Hae Dischoge @) = mObvye WRHm Qo " Power (Pp) Reciproceting _ pumps Discharge CQ) = LAN = Q2LAN 60 Power (©) = WACH: tha) = RU@ CHs +Ha) Net porrtive Sucten Heads CNRS) (For Single (Fos Double CPx Siygte (Fen Double = Absolute pressure head ot fre iniee — eso) ack ry) oy) octg) } Vapour precsure head Corresponding to the beme ff igus. FE Frvenc’g W Manometric CFR tency Meanomebic Head (Hed imported by Pmpellen be wtoten Mechanical eProency = overall — €fF-vengy yp Power ot the Smpetien Power o& the Shaft Power output of the Pamp eats Power Fnput of the Pump.

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