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Group exercise

From: Ed Sent:01st , August

To: Simon
Hey, Simon.
I´m fine. I have had great grades on my exams.
I`m thankful that you sent me an e-mail. About going to
Malaga, I asked to my mom and she said yes! So I’ll see you
soon. The household chore I hate most is washing dishes
and cleaning the bathroom.
Friend let me tell you, I don`t have photos with Susan`s. I`m
so sorry for it.


amaze amazing amazed

amuse amusing amused
annoy annoying annoyed
astonish astonishing astonished
bore boring bored
confuse confusing confused
convince convincing convinced
depress depressing depressed
disappoint disappointing disappointed
disgust disgusting disgusted
embarrass embarrassing embarrassed
entertain entertaining entertained
excite exciting excited
exhaust exhausting exhausted
fascinate fascinating fascinated
frighten frightening frightened
frustrate frustrating frustrated
interest interesting interested
relax relaxing relaxed
satisfy satisfying satisfied
scare scaring scared
shock shocking shocked
surprise surprising surprised
terrify terrifying terrified
tire tiring tired
worry worrying worried

Fill in the gaps with the adjectives in brackets

1. He's such a monotonous speaker. I was bored stiff. (bored / boring)
2. Most sequels are disappointing. (disappointed / disappointing)
3. I had such a tiring day I went straight to bed. (tired / tiring)
4. Everyone's very excited about the news. (excited / exciting)
5. That lamp produces a very pleasing effect. (pleased / pleasing)
6. The whole school was saddened by the tragic event. (saddened /
7. I don't like watching depressing films on my own. (depressed /
8. I was amazed when she told me she'd got divorced. (amazed /
9. He's such a boring guy. He only ever talks about himself. (bored /
10.I'm very interested in films and theatre. (interested / interesting)
11.No one knew what would happen next. We were all intrigued
(intrigued / intriguing)
12.It was a very interestingsituation. (interested / interesting)
13.There's been some very surprising news. (surprised / surprising)
14.His mother was disgusted by what she found under his bed.
(disgusted / disgusting)
15.Their hamburgers are disgusting. (disgusted / disgusting)
16.Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly exhausting.
(exhausted / exhausting)
17.He's always showing off. It's really annoyed. (annoyed / annoying)
18.I think Alex is one of the most annoying people I've ever met. He
can't keep still for a second. (annoyed / annoying)
19.I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange
woman. He seemed really embarrassed (embarrassed / embarrassing)
20.She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night. It was
rather embarrassing. (embarrassed / embarrassing)

Write the correct form of words

1.The instructions in the exam were very complicated and left the
students feeling totally confused .

2. I don't think that horror films are frightening - in fact, I find them
quite funny.

3. Would you be interested in coming to the theatre this evening? I have a

spare ticket.

4. Can't you fix that dripping tap? It's getting on my nerves - it's really
irritating .

5. I didn't expect to see Peter at the party. I was really surprised to see
him there.

6. He's had a lot of bad news recently and is feeling a bit depressed . Let's
go and cheer him up.
7. I find it relaxing to lie on the sofa and listen to music after a hard day's

8. I was told the film was really good but I felt utterly bored by it.

9. I get really annoyed when people throw rubbish down in the streets. It
makes me furious.

10. If I said anything as stupid as he did in front of a thousand people, I'd

feel really embarrassed.

11. The kitchen hadn't been cleaned for ages. It was really disgusting .

12. I'm starting a new job next week. I'm quite excited about it

13. The lecture was boring . I fell asleep.

14. It's sometimes embarrassing when you have to ask people for money.

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the

word in the box
confuse disgust bore interest disgust amuse
disappoint surprise depress

1. I do the same thing every day. My job is very boring

2. I have nothing to do. I'm bored
3. My job is very varied. I find it interesting
4. I'm interested in applying for the job.
5. I heard some very depressing news. I'm going to lose my job. I feel terrible.
6. Cheer up . Don't feel so depressed There are plenty of other jobs.
7. I heard a very amusing story. It will make you laugh.
8. It's not surprising that you failed the exam. You never did any work.
9. I don't understand this exercise. I'm very confused
10. I thought your behaviour at the party was disgusting. You were sick in the
middle of the room.
11. My trip to Paris has been cancelled. I'm really dissapointed. I really wanted to
12. The performance of the English team was very issapointing They played much
worse than expected.
13. There are a lot of road signs. It's all very confusing
14. I am very interested in this subject. I find it fascinating.
15. The lesson was really boring . I almost fell asleep.
16. I was amused by her behaviour. It was very funny.
17. I was surprised by the news. I didn't expect it.
18. I was disgusted by his behaviour. It was outrageous.
19. I'm interested in finding out more about this. Where can I look?
20. When the students did badly, the teacher became really depressed and didn't
smile for weeks.

Complete these sentences

1. Grammar rules frustrate me. They're not logical. They are so  frustrating.

2. They frustrate me but they don't bore me. I am never  feel bored when I study grammar.

3. Normally a language class stimulates me. Of course, it depends on the teacher. With
some teachers I don't feel  stimulated.

4. Their classes bore me. And I'm not the only one, Many students find these classes very

5. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use  material. How can teachers
interest students? One  way is to have interesting discussions.

6. Certain subjects interest almost everybody. For example, most  students are  interested
in the subject of crime and morality.

7. It's important to speak in a language class, but it frightens many students. They are too
frightened to speak in front of so many  people.
8. And me? Well, certain things frighten me, but not that I am never  frightened when I
speak in class.

9. Exams, however, really frighten me. Exams are the only  frightening thing in a language

10. Exams tire me, both physically and emotionally. After a two-hour tiring exam I am
really  tired.

11. All the mental effort exhausts the student. Ask anybody. They all agree. Exams are

12. But if I get a good grade, now that excites me. And if I get more than ninety percent, I
am really excited.

13. In conclusion, I must confess that languages fascinate me. I will always want to learn a
new and  fascinating language.

Choose the correct adjective from the pair to

complete the sentence.
1. What are we going to do tonight? I'm so (bored/boring) just sitting here
watching TV. Let's go out and do something (exciting/excited)

2. Did you watch that (interesting/interested) documentary on TV last night?

3. If you don't mind my saying. I think his (baffled/baffling) attitude is due to the
fact that he isn't (interested/interesting) enough in his studies.

4. The (astonished/astonishing) fact that almost 20% of Americans are obese is, in
part, due to the fact that they eat too much junk food.

5. His abilities were so (amazed/amazing) that people traveled from far away to
hear him play.

6. (excited/exciting) particles in the nucleus center caused a chemical

7. I was (humored/humoring) by his reply to my question.

8. Do you find that so (surprised/surprising)?

9. I'd really hate to see him loose because of his (shocked/shocking) lack of

10. One of his favorite colors is (shocked/shocking) pink.

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