Jobs B2

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Jobs: Matura p. 45.

Student jobs: If you need some pocket money, you can take on a student job. In Hungary
student jobs are available from the age of 16. Most students work during the summer
holidays and they work full-time (the English say, they have a nine-to-five job). And there
are some who take on the job during the term, they normally have a part time job. To work
legally, you must have a work-permission and a contract. There are some really popular jobs
for students, e.g. lifeguard, delivery boy, waiter or waitress, cashier, etc.

During the secondary school years it is compulsory for students to do community service in
50 hours. Of course, it is voluntary work, students don’t get any money. The choice of
possibilities is big: you can work in old people’s homes, kindergartens, libraries, animal
shelters, etc.

After leaving the secondary or graduating from university, you can apply for a well-paid job,
if you have the proper qualification. First you have to send in your CV and then go on a job
interview. The CV should contain your personal details, education and qualifications, your
relevant skills, your work experience and it might include your interests. If you are lucky
enough and get the job, you will be an employee at the company.

Many of us dream about an ideal work place. What is it like? Maybe, you have an
understanding boss, reliable work mates, the atmosphere is friendly and relaxed and most
importantly, you get a competitive salary to be able to go on a shopping spree on pay-day.

Which are the most popular jobs today? The answer is not easy, maybe the well-payed ones.

Different types of jobs:

Pink- collar jobs (tipikusan női munkák): hairdresser, nail polisher, eye lashist, cleaning lady

Blue-collar jobs (fizikai munkák): soldier, engine driver, butcher (hentes), florist (virágkötő), plumber
(vízv.), maintainer (szerelő), carpenter (asztalos), joiner (ács), trainer, builder, electrician, mason
(kőműves), shop assistant, firefighter (tűzoltó), architect (építész), gardener (kertész), factory worker
(gyári munkás), florist (virágkötő), chef (szakács), waiter (pincér), firefighter (tűzoltó), butcher
(hentes), policeman, baker (pék)

White-collar jobs (szellemi munkák): doctor, teacher, priest (pap), lawyer, journalist, engineer,
accountant (könyvelő), judge (bíró) teacher (tanár), actress/actor (színész(nő)), author (szerző,
könyvírő), artist (művész), lawyer (ügyvéd), journalist (újságíró), priest (pap), vet (állatorvos)

What is your dream job?

After high school I want to go a good university and then I would like to work as a ……………
Advantages of my job: Disadvantages of my job:
Computer programmer: Computer programmer:
It’s a highly-paid job. It’s stressful, tiring and boring a little bit.
It’s prosperous job. You have to sit in front of your computer all
It’s profitable. day. It’s monotonous job.
It’a typical home-office job. It’s very flexible job, you don’t have fix working
It’s a comfortable job, what I can do in a hours.
comfortable office. You have to study a lot.

Trainer: Trainer:
You can do sports what you like. It’s not a well-paid job./ It’s an unpaid job.
It keeps you fit. It burdens your stamina in longer time. (Az
You can be successful (sikeres) and popular állóképességedet hosszútávon megterheli).

Actress: Actress:
You can be very popular and well-known in your If you are not successful, you are low-paid.
country. Everybody knows everything about you.
You can act different characters. (A It’s very flexible job, you don’t have fix working
szerepekben különböző karaktereket hours. (Nagyon rugalmas munka, nincs fix
formálhatok meg.) munkaidőd.)
I can try myself in situations which I wouldn’t do
in the reality (olyan dolgokban is kipróbálhatom
magam, amit a valóságban, nem tennék).
I can get familiar with several people (Sok
embert ismerhetek meg.)

Accountant: Accountant:
It’s a well-paid job. You have to study before you become
I can get familiar with several people (Sok accountant.
embert ismerhetek meg.) It sometimes boring and tiring.
It’s a comfortable job, what I can do in a You have high responsibilities (felelősség) about
comfortable office. money.

It’s a comfortable job, what I can do in a Secretary:
comfortable office. It’s an unpaid job.
It’s tiring and it has flexible working hours.

Car sale manager (autóértékesítő): Car sale manager (autóértékesítő):

It’s a well-paid job. It’s tiring and you have high responsibilities
You can do what you like. about money.

Physchologist: Physchologist:
You can help people about their problems. You can get overburdened (túlterhelt).
It’s not a boring job. You can take the problems of your patients.
Your salary (fizetés) is good, it is a well-paid job You have to study a lot to become a
(jól fizető állás). psychologist.
You can meet different people and different You take your job into your home, and it can be
problems. harmful (káros) to your family.
Animator: Animator:
You can have creative freedom and you can do At first you are very low-paid, you don’t get a
what you like. lot of recognition.
People can see your abilities and creativity. You have tight deadlines (szoros határidőre kell

You can help the animals.
You can cure them.
You can give some good advice (tanács) to pet Vet:
owners (tulajdonosok). You have to make hard decisions (döntések).
Your salary (fizetés) is good, it is a well-paid job It’s a stressing job.
(jól fizető állás). You have to study a lot to become a vet.
You can cure (gyógyítani) your own animals,

Nurse, speech terapist: I can speak with

children and helping them is very relaxing for
me. Nurse, speech terapist: It’s not a well-paid job.
However, it is really tiring.
Soldier: It’s uplifting feeling to protect your
country. Your salary is good, too.
Soldier: It’s very dangerous and you are always
far from your family.

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