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3/8/2020 Animation Quiz 14.

1. Emissions arising from food production:

differ vastly
from one type
of food to the
from food
differ vastly
from one type
of food to the
arise more
from the
of foods than
differ vastly,
depending on
how heavily
processed a
food is.
are similar
among food
with the
exception of
Score: 1 of 1

2. The food substitution that would result in the greatest reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is:

choosing turkey bacon instead of traditional pork bacon.

choosing a baked potato instead of French fries.
choosing a vegan bean burrito instead of a cheese quesadilla.
Correct. Choosing a vegan entrée instead of a cheese-based entrée would
result in a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for the meal.
choosing a side of rice instead of pasta.
Score: 1 of 1

3. Beef is high in greenhouse gas emissions because:

beef cattle are more efficient at converting feed to meat.

beef cattle contribute greenhouse gas emissions from their digestive systems.
Correct. Beef cattle contribute greenhouse gas emissions, including methane,… 1/2
3/8/2020 Animation Quiz 14.5

from their digestive systems.

beef cattle strip fields of grass, reducing plant coverage to convert carbon
dioxide to oxygen.
beef requires more processing than other types of animal food, such as dairy
or chicken.
Score: 1 of 1

4. Lacey wants to reduce the carbon footprint of her diet. The change that results in the greatest
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is:

choosing more locally sourced foods.

limiting her intake of red meat.
Correct. Red meat, especially beef, is a significant contributor of greenhouse
gas emissions in the diet.
avoiding dairy products, especially cheese.
reducing her intake of heavily processed and fast foods.… 2/2

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