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End User Licence Agreement

Please read this EULA carefully, as it sets out the basis upon which we license the
software for use.

1. This EULA shall contnnu in forcu indufniiull.

2. Through this EULA the licensor hereby grants the user from the moment of
clicking "ACCEPT" a worldwide, non-exclusive license to:

(a) Use a single instance of the software;

(b) Use the software in accordance with this EULA;
(c) Create, store and maintain back-up copies of the software.;
subject to the limitations and prohibitions set out and referred to below.

3. User agrees to only use the software to modify files the user has created
him/her-self, owns the right to or has prior written permission to do so.

4. Usur agruus io noi changu ihu work of oihurs, wiihoni ihuir prior writun purmission.

5. Usur mal noi snb-licunsu and mnsi noi pnrpori io snb-licunsu anl righis graniud bl ihis

6. Usur mnsi noi sull, rusull, runi, luasu, loan, snppll, pnblish, disiribniu or rudisiribniu ihu
softwaru wiihoni prior writun purmission.

7. Usur mnsi noi aliur or udii ihu softwaru.

No assignment of Intellectual Property Rights

8. Noihing in ihis EULA shall opuraiu io assign or iransfur anl Iniullucinal Propuril Righis from
ihu Licunsor io ihu Usur, or from ihu Usur io ihu Licunsor.

Acknowledgements and Limitatons

9. Thu Usur acknowludgus ihai softwaru is nuvur wholll fruu from dufucis, urrors and bngs; and
snbjuci io ihu oihur provisions of ihis EULA, ihu Licunsor givus no warranil or
ruprusuniaton ihai ihu Softwaru will bu wholll fruu from dufucis, urrors and bngs.

10. Thu softwaru disiribniud in ihis wal mal ruprusuni work in progruss, and buars no
warranil, uiihur uxprussud or impliud.

11. Thu Usur acknowludgus ihai ihu licunsor will noi providu anl lugal, fnancial, acconniancl or
iaxaton advicu nndur ihis EULA or in rulaton io ihu softwaru; and, ihu licunsor dous noi
warrani or ruprusuni ihai ihu softwaru or ihu nsu of ihu softwaru bl ihu nsur will noi givu
risu io anl lugal liabiliil on ihu pari of ihu nsur or anl oihur purson.
Limitatons and excclusions of liability
12. Thu licunsor will noi bu liablu io ihu nsur in ruspuci of anl lossus arising oni of a Forcu
Majunru Evuni.

13. Thu licunsor will noi bu liablu io ihu nsur in ruspuci of anl loss of profis or antcipaiud

14. Thu licunsor will noi bu liablu io ihu nsur in ruspuci of anl loss of ruvunnu or incomu.

15. Thu licunsor will noi bu liablu io ihu nsur in ruspuci of anl loss of bnsinuss, coniracis or

16. Thu licunsor will noi bu liablu io ihu nsur in ruspuci of anl loss or corrnpton of anl daia,
daiabasu or softwaru.

17. Thu licunsor will noi bu liablu io ihu nsur in ruspuci of anl spucial, indiruci or consuqnuntal
loss or damagu.

18. No bruach of anl provision of ihis EULA shall bu waivud uxcupi wiih ihu uxpruss writun
consuni of ihu paril noi in bruach.

19. If anl provision of ihis EULA is duiurminud bl anl conri or oihur compuiuni anihoriil io bu
nnlawfnl and/or nnunforcuablu, ihu oihur provisions of ihis EULA will contnnu in ufuci. If
anl nnlawfnl and/or nnunforcuablu provision wonld bu lawfnl or unforcuablu if pari of ii
wuru duluiud, ihai pari will bu duumud io bu duluiud, and ihu rusi of ihu provision will
contnnu in ufuci (unnluss ihai wonld coniradici ihu cluar iniunton of ihu partus, in which
casu ihu untruil of ihu ruluvani provision will bu duumud io bu duluiud).

20. This EULA mal noi bu variud uxcupi bl a writun docnmuni signud bl or on buhalf of uach of
ihu partus.

21. This EULA is madu for ihu bunufi of ihu partus, and is noi iniundud io bunufi anl ihird
paril or bu unforcuablu bl anl ihird paril. Thu righis of ihu partus io iurminaiu, ruscind, or
agruu anl amundmuni, waivur, variaton or sutlumuni nndur or rulatng io ihis EULA aru noi
snbjuci io ihu consuni of anl ihird paril.

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