2020-09-01 - A Plan For Economic Reovery and Reorientation

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ACHIEVES For years, innovation experts have said
POST-PANDEMIC that one essential element for sustained
regional growth is the presence of

PROSPERITY significant concentrations of 'scale-up'

companies. These companies are
innovative, high-growth businesses
whose ability to scale from millions to
COVID-19 has taken a shocking hit to billions provide lucrative returns to
Canada’s economy. The virus has national economies.
shuttered businesses operations, halted
trade and forced the government to Without a strong base of domestic, high-
spend money that was never budgeted growth companies in Canada, our
for so that Canadians and the businesses governments will not have the critical
they work for could financially survive public wealth necessary to pay down the
the duration of the pandemic. deficit incurred during the pandemic,
which is now slated to be over $350
Meaningful recovery should not just aim billion.
at recouping the economic losses but
also positioning Canada for success in
the global economy that awaits us on the
other side of the pandemic. For that,  we
A successful
need a new set of policy strategies and
tools focused on enabling our job and
prosperity engines – Canadian high-
growth innovative technology companies
recovery starts
– to scale globally. A successful green
recovery means developing strategies with a national
that advance national clean
champions particularly in segments such
as smart cities, IoT, agriculture, energy,
mining, forestry, transportation, etc. strategy.
Era of Traditional Infrastructure Era of Intangibles (Digital, IP, Data)

National National
Transportation (railways, canals, Updated foreign direct investment
seaways, highways, airline) (FDI) strategies
Energy (hydro dams & transmissions, Updated trade strategies
pipelines, nuclear reactors) Updated research funding strategies
Communications (Bell TransCanada Updated Competition Bureau
Microwave, Telesat Canada regulations
Satellites) Domestic media/content strategies
Culture (CBC, Canadian Content National data strategy
Rules) National cyber strategy
Global Institutions (UN, Bretton National IP strategy
Woods, NAFTA) Strategic procurement
Digital Stability Board (DSB) for
Cooperatives international digital governance
Agricultural (feed supply, processing,
equipment, butteries, processing, Cooperatives
marketing) Data trusts (energy, mining, forestry,
Financial (credit unions) agriculture, cities, healthcare, etc.)
Insurance (mutual companies) Patent cooperatives (key vertical
Energy technologies (AOSTRA SAGD, sectors key horizontal technologies)
CANDU Reactor) Digital standards

Social Social
Universal education Data governance regulations to
Labour Regulations protect private and sphere and
Environmental Regulations personal autonomy
Social welfare programs Data governance regulations to
Socialized healthcare protect democracy/elections
Canada Pension Plan Utilize tax code to address
externalities from digital realms
Future of Work (social programs,
Source: Digital Transformation: Implications for Innovation & Prosperity Policy, Jim Balsillie, April 2020

The foundation of a sustainable and Every national transformation requires
smart economic renewal needs to be fearless effort by those in power. This
built through market-tested, innovative moment calls for bold policymaking with
Canadian companies commercializing a sense of mission and a generational
their ideas to scale globally and effort to make the country resilient and
expanding their freedom-to-operate into prosperous for the decades to come.
global value chains for the knowledge- Here are our recommendations on a
based and data-driven economies. meaningful economic reorientation:

It’s critical that Canadian policymakers

1. Introduce clear standards and
begin working closer with market-
guidelines for a safe return to
proven, innovative companies to address workplaces
their challenges to scale. Tangible
production-based economy relies on a 2. Utilize market-proven Canadian
different set of policy levers than the companies as a central part of the
economy of IP and data which are the rebuilding of the economy and revisit
critical assets of the global economy the analytical framework for FDI
driven by innovation.
3. Improve the government's supply
Given that the innovation economy is chain resiliency through strategic
created, managed and regulated by domestic procurement, especially in
government, a more strategic hands-on healthcare & clean-energy sectors
management is required for success.
4. Increase Canada's IP capacity to
As seen in the United States, Sweden, help capture the benefits of COVID-
Singapore, South Korea, Germany and 19 related R&D
Israel, governments that work closely
with their private sectors to create an 5. Create national data strategies for
ecosystem that allows them to scale up Canada's most strategic sectors
globally are seeing the greatest
innovation outcomes. It is no 6. Increase access to capital for
coincidence that Germany, South Korea Canada's fastest-growing firms
and Singapore are the top 3 ranked
countries in innovation performance. 7. Reverse tech talent brain drain in
this rare labour market opportunity
Canada must be ready to adopt new
thinking on innovation and not get stuck 8. Fast track the adoption of national
looking to the past for solutions for the standards and regulations for
future. healthcare and cybersecurity

Public and private sector organizations ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK FOR
around the world are evaluating digital FOREIGN-DIRECT INVESTMENT
strategies to reopen workplaces safely.
Business leaders are keen to It is critical to acknowledge that during
appropriately reopen offices with public this downturn; our innovators are not
and employee safety as the top priority. merely surviving but are working
Most parents have been reticent to overtime to grow. This is because their
return to the office environment until companies will be the driving force for
they know their children will be safe in the post-pandemic economy and
school environments. Canada's future prosperity.

Governments should create Local wealth creation is important

standards and regulations because the taxes domestic companies
pay on their revenues are reinvested by
for the responsible use of governments into the important social
contact tracing, tracking and infrastructure programs all
and monitoring solutions businesses use and Canadians care about.
to maintain the health of Governments need to harness
employees to reopen the proven ambition and
safely. ingenuity of Canadian
innovators, who can help the
Standards development organizations government achieve their
(SDOs), like the CIO Strategy Council, are
already working to develop national
recovery and public health
standards for the safe return to work. goals while refuelling the
Once complete, the government should economy.
work to amplify these guidelines and
standards to business leaders, to Throughout the pandemic, Canadian
encourage a safe reopening and technology companies operating in the
appropriate management of sensitive healthcare, education, remote work, and
personal employee health data related to enterprise sectors have actively provided
COVID-19. their services and products to help fight

the spread of COVID-19 in Canada and
keep people safe. Some companies have 3. IMPROVE GOVERNMENT
had more of an impact outside of SUPPLY CHAIN RESILIENCY
Canada, helping foreign governments on THROUGH STRATEGIC
their recovery efforts, particularly DOMESTIC PROCUREMENT,
financial technology (Fintech) companies ESPECIALLY IN HEALTHCARE
helping to deliver stimulus aid. Canada
opted not to use domestic Fintech
companies to distribute capital
throughout the pandemic. In the global innovation race, having the
Canadian government as a purchaser of
Despite the sizeable contribution domestic goods and services is
domestic technology companies make considered a major validator for
toward Canada's economic prosperity, domestic companies that helps to
government policies regarding accelerate future sales with other
innovation have featured incentivizing governments around the world. This also
the expansion of foreign tech branch enhances Canada’s innovation export
plants across Canada over developing potential. In the post-COVID economy,
strategies to grow domestic innovators. the government should move swiftly to
The nature of IP and data-intensive modernize its procurement policies to
economy is such that foreign-direct enable to entry of more domestic firms
investment in knowledge-based economy into the fold.
is extractive as evident by flows of IP
and data out of Canada and By utilizing government procurement
multinational tech giants pay little or no processes to drive economic growth and
taxes in jurisdictions they operate in. enhance supply chain resiliency to
support economic regrowth, these firms
will substantially contribute to Canada’s
The Canadian government economic recovery and become more
needs to revisit the equipped to offer unique ‘made-in
analytical framework for Canada’ solutions to the international
foreign direct investment
(FDI) in technology Canadian governments
because FDI has different need to become larger
features in the traditional purchasers of "Made-in-
economy than in the Canada" digital products
intangible economy. and services.

Emerging general purpose technologies CCI’s recent survey also found that 75%
(GPTs) such as Artificial Intelligence will of Canadian companies surveyed have
impact the social and economic either decreased their IP investment
character of Canada as we find our way activities, in research or patenting, or
out of the pandemic. Only by have kept investment levels at pre-
modernizing Canada's procurement COVID-19 levels. For an economic
processes can we start to unlock the recovery, we will need to refocus on
economic power of Canada’s purchasing generating and commercializing
power for new entrants and innovative intangible assets especially since the
scale-ups. global race for their control is not
abating. Governments must come to
terms with what shores up value in
4. INCREASE CANADA'S IP today’s global economy: ownership of IP
and control of data.
THE BENEFITS OF COVID-19 Governments must come to terms with
RELATED R&D what shores up value in the digital
economy: ownership of IP and control of
data. When it comes to ownership, it
means holding the rightful title to your
Using a traditional “shovel-ready
IP so that you can extract economic rents
physical infrastructure” lens for Canada's
from them.
economic recovery – whether it be roads,
bridges or hockey rinks – to stimulate
demand and drive productivity has no The Canadian government
traction in a 21st century global should expand the national
economy where IP and data are the most
valuable business and national security IP Collective to focus on
assets. generating and preserving
Unfortunately, as the recent Statistics
the intangible assets
Canada report shows,  as the global race created with current
to accumulate IP and data marches on, emergency government
the intangible assets as a percentage of
Canada’s economy shrunk while during funding.
the same period these assets in the
global economy soared.  Implementing the overdue IP Collective
to optimize the value of taxpayer
We need to teach our entrepreneurs the investments into R&D will further
strategic value of IP. increase freedom-to-operate for

Canadian companies and help generate a patent application and other related
and protect the new intangible assets costs.
created to fight COVID-19.
The SR&ED tax incentive, and
The IP Collective should quickly increase particularly its refundable portion, will
in scale and scope to address threats and deliver material and long-term value to
opportunities for our economy, Canada only if and to the extent that the
particularly regarding publicly funded IP flowing from the investment is
research. situated in Canada. This will ensure that
our firms and our economy are able to
The Canadian realize the benefits of the
commercialization of the technology.
government should
include the costs of STRATEGIES FOR CANADA'S
filing and prosecuting MOST STRATEGIC SECTORS
a patent as an
eligible expense It has been over two years since
Canada’s innovators called for the
under the SR&ED creation of the national data strategy
program. and we have seen no progress on this
file. The lack of a national data strategy
compromises Canada’s competitiveness,
Canada’s innovators invest heavily in security, and democracy.
creating and acquiring intellectual
property and data related to their R&D In the data-driven economy, the
projects. Yet very little of these collective ability to amass, control, own,
expenditures currently qualify for and commercialize these new assets will
SR&ED treatment even though they are determine our ability to provide social
necessary to capture and grow the value services, security, and jobs for
of the investments supported by the Canadians. Canada must act fast to both
SR&ED. The average cost of filing and enshrine our regulatory principles,
prosecuting a patent application to a including data property rights, as part of
granted patent is approximately $10K the foundation of the global innovation
per country, per patented invention. This economy and provide our innovators
does not go as far to cover affiliated with competitive advantages in the
costs such as prior art search, drafting of ecosystem so they can support Canada’s

economic recovery while scaling up Canada needs updated Digital Policy
globally. Infrastructure that facilitates
productivity, prosperity, and security via
The Canadian government global value chains. Governments that
adapt quickly, invest in the right
should accelerate the institutions, sectors, and regulatory
development of a frameworks to generate the proper
incentive and support, will have a
national data strategy significant advantage in the post-COVID
with considerations for economy.

the economic and

non-economic impacts of
data-driven sectors to CAPITAL FOR CANADA'S
drive prosperity and FASTEST-GROWING FIRMS
Canada’s future economy relies on
The transition to the data-driven innovative companies increasing their
economy has been expedited as a result R&D investments into intangible assets,
of COVID-19. While the transition was like IP and data and expanding their
underway thanks to the increasing freedom-to-operate globally.
number of connected devices through
the Internet of Things (IoT), the To facilitate this, companies need access
pandemic has created new opportunities to skilled talent and growth capital.
as the world becomes more conscious of Preserving employer-employee
the value of our data security. relationships is critical for the survival
of any company and for a successful
economic recovery.
The Canadian government
should create data Canada’s current wage subsidy programs
strategies for strategic have provided some companies the
means to avoid lay-offs and where
sectors such as healthcare, possible rehire workers who were laid-
clean-energy (including off during the pandemic. Companies will
keep investing as long as they have a
smart cities), agriculture, perspective of partial support from the
energy and mining. government.

One successful business support program For IAP 2.0, Canadian innovators would
announced during the pandemic was like to see the government make more
IRAP's Innovation Assistance Program strategic investments into R&D-intensive
(IAP). IAP has helped Canada’s most companies with proven track records of
innovative companies preserve their commercialization and growth. By
highly skilled workforces, allowing them empowering these market-tested
to continue investing in R&D and scaling companies to be the leaders of the
globally as they weathered the recovery, the government would be
pandemic’s impacts. The $250M funding helping to fuel job and public wealth
envelope was quickly subscribed to by creation, all necessary for Canada in the
Canadian innovation firms who were post-COVID economy.
unable to access the Canada Emergency
Wage Subsidy (CEWS) program because of
the ways their companies operated.
To spur job creation and keep Canada’s BRAIN DRAIN IN THIS RARE
tech sector growing, the federal
government needs support strategies for
domestic companies that enable them to
expand their footprints globally while
creating more well-paying jobs here in Highly skilled workers are like jet fuel
Canada. for Canada’s high-growth technology
firms who are constantly looking for
The Canadian government experienced talent to help them scale
should extend the globally.

Innovation Assistance The Canadian government

Program (IAP) until at should work to increase
least December 2020 for access to skilled talent for
R&D intensive companies. Canada’s high-growth
By extending IAP to December and firms by creating a
possibly longer, the government will be
giving companies the confidence they
pipeline of recent STEM
need to hire new workers, knowing that graduates and displaced
if their monthly business activities do H-1B Visa holders into
decline, the alternative wage subsidy
will be there to keep their workers on
Canada’s recovery-fuelling
payroll. firms.

The government should create an
‘Innovation Corps’ to mobilize thousands 8. FAST TRACK THE ADOPTION
of our brightest co-op students who had OF NATIONAL STANDARDS AND
their Silicon Valley job offers rescinded.
CCI has created a Tech Talent Radar
portal to help connect thousands of AND CYBERSECURITY
recent graduates with Canadian
innovators. We encourage the
government to build on it and use this We live in a world with zettabytes of
opportunity to reverse the extraordinary digital data. The amount of global data
costs of brain drain and engage these has been growing exponentially, doubling
brilliant young minds to support our every two years. This growth trend is
domestic innovation ecosystem. expected to continue toward 2021 and
beyond, especially with the lasting effects
To effectively seize the opportunity of of COVID-19 on the marketplace. Much of
the U.S.’ recent H-1B visa ban, Canada this data is private and sensitive, and
should make sure our Temporary Foreign therefore, it requires protection. Current
Workers Program, with its Global Talent data security needs exceed the current
Stream for tech workers, is connecting security techniques and are not capable of
Canadian employers with these displaced addressing future challenges.
skilled workers first instead of allowing a
‘nearshoring’ of displaced tech workers
for the uncertain future.
Governments should
accelerate the
Governments should adoption of digital
examine the health and digital
opportunity for identity standards to
upskilling to address support the protection
for future labour needs. of citizens and their
The government should also look to data.
organizations such as Palette for
strategies to help transition some Governments should have meaningful
traditional sector jobs (such as retail) by discussions with industry on how to best
expediting and doubling down on leverage existing work in the health care
upskilling through programs already space to support remote patient care and
funded through the government. encourage the growth of digital health

platforms. Outlining priorities and prepared for modern pandemics,
leveraging the work of the CIO Strategy governments should: incentivize value-
Council on digital trust and identity based healthcare using 'Made-in-Canada'
standards is essential to support the tech Innovations, create procurement
ecosystem and will help unleash new processes for provincial vendors of
technologies to meet the post-COVID innovative health solutions, and increase
needs of our provincial and federal data spending on hospital innovation.
A greater partnership between healthcare
Canadians must be secured and regulated systems and Canadian healthtech
through progressive standards innovators will achieve greater patient
development within the digital tech outcomes and adoption.
sector. This is also an opportunity for the
Government to work with partners
worldwide and to set new global
standards for the protection and access
of data. This will necessitate a
modernization of current privacy
legislation to reflect well-grounded data
protection and security measures and ABOUT THE COUNCIL OF
ensure that access to and usage of the
platform is properly regulated.

Provincial governments The Council of Canadian Innovators (CCI) is

should develop a national business association representing
the fastest-growing technology companies
domestic healthtech headquartered in Canada. All our members
strategies to increase are innovators, job creators, investors and
philanthropists who care deeply about
technology adoption to Canada's future prosperity. Since September
improve patient 2015, CCI has advocated for strategies
focused on accelerating the growth of
outcomes Canada's scaleup community and updating
Canada's digital policy toolkit for the 21st
Governments should create new billing Century innovation economy.
codes for testing non-standard solutions
and for clinical trial activities for new Contact Information:
innovative medical devices. Further, to Benjamin Bergen, Executive Director
ensure our healthcare system is better bbergen@canadianinnovators.org


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