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Advanced Diploma in Business Management 18.1F

Organizational Behaviour ADBM–M06
Date: 03 October 2018 Time Allowed:3hrs
Answer any five (05) questions out of Seven (07)

Question 01

a) A manager found that there are three categories of employees in his department.
i. Some of them are self-motivated and hence posed no problems to the department.
ii. Some of them were arrogant and needed excessive admiration so they could be
managed to achieve the department goals
iii. There were few other employees who were pragmatic but was moderately distant with
the peers therefore the manager was helpless in dealing with their attitudes.

Identify the above personality attributes and elaborate them in brief. (Marks 10)

b) Bring out the importance of Organizational Behaviour for managers in an organisation.

(Marks 10)

Question 02

a) “Resistance to change is an unreasonable response”. Do you agree or disagree with the

statement? Explain. (Marks 08)
b) Elaborate Kurt Lewin’s Three-Step Model by applying an example of your choice.
(Marks 12)

Question 03

a) “Stress has an impact on the behaviour of employees”. Explain . (Marks 08)

b) Explain four employee responses to dissatisfaction and satisfaction depending on their job
attitudes. (Marks 12)

Question 04

a) Explain any theory of leadership and bring out its relevance to an organisation. (Marks 12)
b) Explain the following terms;
i. Perceived Organisational Support (POS)
ii. Anthropology

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iii. Extroversion
iv. Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Marks 08)

Question 05

a) What is known as perception? (Marks 04)

b) Briefly explain why lecturers need to understand Contrast Effect, Stereo Typing & Halo Effect
when judging about their students. (Marks 06)
c) Describe the “Attribution Theory” and how it affects people. (10 marks)

Question 06

a) Explain the concept of organisational culture. (06 marks)

b) Using an example of a suitable organisation, suggest how a newly appointed senior
manager would try to create an ethical organizational culture. (08 marks)
c) Distinguish between a strong culture and a weak culture. (06 marks)

Question 07

a) Identify the five primary conflict-handling intentions (05 marks)

b) “Not all conflicts are bad; in fact managers may prefer some conflict.” Do you agree?
Explain your answer. (10 marks)
c) Name five power tactics people use to influence others. (05 marks)

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