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A Conceptual Model for Assessing Quality of

Care for Patients Boarding in the Emergency
Department: Structure–Process–Outcome
Shan W. Liu, MD, MPH, Sara J. Singer, PhD, Benjamin C. Sun, MD, MPP,
and Carlos A. Camargo, Jr., MD, DrPH

Many believe that the ‘‘boarding’’ of emergency department (ED) patients awaiting inpatient beds com-
promises quality of care. To better study the quality of care of boarded patients, one should identify and
understand the mechanisms accounting for any potential differences in care. This paper presents a con-
ceptual boarding ‘‘structure–process–outcome’’ model to help assess quality of care provided to boarded
patients and to aid in recognizing potential solutions to improve that quality, if it is deficient. The goal of
the conceptual model is to create a practical framework on which a research and policy agenda can be
based to measure and improve quality of care for boarded patients.
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2011; 18:430–435 ª 2011 by the Society for Academic Emergency

oncern about the quality of medical care in the contending boarding adversely affects quality and access
United States has increased over the past to care.5 Others consider causes and consequences of
20 years.1,2 Within emergency medicine, many ED boarding one of the most important areas for imme-
believe that the ‘‘boarding’’ of emergency department diate research.6 Literature exists on why boarding occurs
(ED) patients awaiting inpatient beds compromises qual- and innovations to try to decrease it,3,4,7–14 but to our
ity of care.3 The Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2006 knowledge, no study has yet examined the general belief
reported that ‘‘… boarding not only compromises the that boarded care is likely to be of lower quality than
patient’s hospital experience, but adds to an already inpatient unit care. Intuitively, while it may be reasonable
stressful work environment, enhancing the potential for to believe that boarding leads to lower quality, research
errors, delays in treatment, and diminished quality of should confirm this association and determine its magni-
care.’’4 Further, authors recommended that hospitals tude. While there may be a time when boarding does not
end boarding, except in extreme cases. The American exist, there is merit to examining how to deliver quality
College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) board of direc- of care to boarded patients and to mitigate any negative
tors emphasizes that the ED should not be used as an consequences of boarding until its elimination.
extension of inpatient units for admitted patients, Determining whether boarding, per se, compromises
care may be easier through identifying and understand-
From the Department of Emergency Medicine, Massachusetts ing the mechanisms accounting for any potential differ-
General Hospital, Harvard Medical School (SWL, CAC), and ences in care. Such a theoretical approach motivated
the Department of Health Policy and Management (SWL, SJS) the development of the ‘‘input, throughput, output’’
and Epidemiology (CAC), Harvard School of Public Health, model by Asplin and colleagues6 that has helped
Boston, MA; and the Department of Medicine, University of researchers and policymakers understand the causes
California at Los Angeles and the VA Greater Los Angeles and consequences of ED crowding. A similar model is
Health System (BCS), Los Angeles, CA. needed to facilitate a more systematic way of assessing
Received July 15, 2010; revisions received August 22 and quality of care for boarded patients.
September 13, 2010; accepted September 16, 2010. The topics of boarding and ED crowding are, of
Dr. Sun received support from the UCLA Older Americans Inde- course, interrelated. The Government Accountability
pendence Center, NIH ⁄ NIA Grant P30-AG028748. The content Office (GAO) stated that the main contributor to ED
does not necessarily represent the official views of the National crowding is the inability to transfer patients to inpatient
Institute on Aging or the National Institutes of Health. units once they are admitted.9 We currently know that
Supervising Editor: Lawrence M. Lewis, MD. ED crowding compromises care, being associated with
Address for correspondence: Shan W. Liu, MD, MPH; e-mail: increased mortality,15 delayed door-to-thrombolysis for Reprints will not be available. myocardial infarction,16 worse pain control,17 and

ISSN 1069-6563 ª 2011 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

430 PII ISSN 1069-6563583 doi: 10.1111/j.1553-2712.2011.01033.x
ACAD EMERG MED • April 2011, Vol. 18, No. 4 • 431

delays in antibiotic administration.18 Thus, boarding, as is also likely to play a role. The literature is mixed on the
it leads to ED crowding, is likely to compromise care. financial effects of ED admissions.9,25,26 Overall, it is
However, the question of whether and why boarding likely that profitability of boarding depends on each hos-
compromises care for boarded patients independent of pital’s patient pool and the patients’ insurance status.27
crowding has not been adequately addressed. Other contributors to boarding include hospital-wide
Research on quality of care for boarded patients is factors such as inadequate or inflexible nurse-to-patient
challenging. There is no standard definition of what staffing ratios, delays in patient discharges, or increased
constitutes high quality of care for these patients. The need for isolation precautions.6,9,28 If ED visits continue
IOM’s dimensions of quality of care include mortality to increase without an expansion of the number of hospi-
and morbidity, cost and cost-effectiveness, and patient- tal beds, boarding will likely be more prevalent. Hence,
centered outcomes such as quality of life and satisfac- there is increasing need to assess the quality of care
tion.19,20 However, studying outcomes alone would these patients receive.
ignore the causal mechanisms, making it difficult for
policymakers to design interventions to improve qual- CONCEPTUAL MODEL
ity. Also, multiple mechanisms may lead to compro-
mised quality of care for boarded patients. To assess the quality of care for boarded patients, we
A conceptual model that outlines such potential used the ‘‘structure–process–outcome’’ framework
mechanisms is important for organizing research as described by Donabedian.29 His three-part approach
well as for designing more specific solutions to comple- makes quality assessment possible assuming structure
ment the current focus on how to reduce boarding (e.g., attributes of material or human resources and
itself. Currently, no conceptual model exists, potentially organizational structure) influences process (what is
hindering the understanding of boarding and its conse- actually done in giving and receiving care), which influ-
quences. This article proposes a conceptual model that ences outcome (e.g., health status).29 We chose Donabe-
breaks down the main question of how quality of care dian’s model as it is widely used and allows both
may be compromised into more manageable, discrete researchers and policymakers to conceptualize the
components. After a discussion of boarding, we present underlying mechanisms that may contribute to poor
our model’s components and describe how they can be quality of care for boarded patients. We considered
used to frame research. focusing only on outcomes, but such focus fails to give
insight into the location of the deficiencies or strengths
DEFINITION OF BOARDING to which the outcome might be attributed.30 If outcome
criteria are credible, it should be demonstrated that dif-
A lack of consensus exists on the definition of unac- ferences in outcome will result if the processes of care
ceptable boarding times. Boarding has commonly are altered. Similarly, if quality of care criteria based
been understood as referring to the time a patient only on structure are to be credible, it should be shown
spends in the ED after a bed request has been that variations in that structure lead to differences in
made.6,9,21 In 2006, participants in the ED Performance outcome.31 A measure of quality of care that includes
Measures and Benchmarking Summit defined ‘‘board- all important meanings of the concept under consider-
ing’’ as the process of holding patients in the ED for ation is more valid than one that only includes one of
extended periods of time. Boarded patients were these dimensions.32 On the other hand, disadvantages
defined as those for whom the time interval between of Donabedian’s model include the difficulty in estab-
decision to admit and physical departure of the lishing the relationship between structure, process, and
patient from the ED (decision-to-ED-departure time) outcome.30 Furthermore, there may be difficulty deter-
exceeds 120 minutes.22 However, these binary cutoffs mining whether some factors are strictly part of struc-
are not evidence-based. ture and ⁄ or process or outcomes, as overlap between
them may exist.
THE FREQUENCY AND DETERMINANTS OF To develop the model, we started with the structure–
BOARDING process–outcome framework; we then incorporated
other quality domains such as the IOM quality mea-
Boarding is widespread. In a 2002 GAO survey, 31% of sures. We added further components that had face
responding hospitals reported that three-fourths of validity based on clinical and research experience. All
patients spent 2 hours or more boarding in the ED; co-authors participated in the development of the
nearly 20% reported patients boarding for 8 hours or model. The model was reviewed by health services
more.9 In an ACEP survey of U.S. ED directors in 2005, researchers not involved in its formulation.
16% reported having more than 10 boarded patients To summarize our boarding model, we propose that
per day.23 impediments posed by structure ⁄ organization (i.e.,
Several causes contribute to the high prevalence of physical environments, provider skill sets ⁄ practice, dis-
boarding: ED visits rose by 10.8% from 2001 to 2006,24 tractions, and handoffs inherent in providing care to
and ED admissions to hospitals increased by 13% from boarded patients) may compromise processes (such as
1993 to 2003.4 At the same time, 703 hospitals and 425 patient observation, comfort, diagnosis, and therapy).
hospital EDs closed in response to cost-cutting mea- These structural ⁄ organizational and process ⁄ perfor-
sures.4 The decision on how to allocate the scant inpa- mance weaknesses may ultimately lead to poor out-
tient bed resource between the ED and other sources of comes (i.e., the IOM six components of quality of care,
inpatient admissions to best enhance revenue generation liability, provider satisfaction, profit ⁄ efficiency, and

Structure Process/ Outcome

Boarding in ED Quality of care

Physical environment Observation limited

Patient perspective
Adverse events/errors
EP skill set/practice Comfort Morbidity
EP distraction Timely
Patient centered
ED Nurse skill set Diagnosis delay/error Efficient
ED Nurse distraction

Handoffs Hospital perspective

Therapy delay/error Liability
Provider satisfaction

Figure 1. Model of assessing quality of care for boarded patients in the emergency department.

access) from the patient and hospital administrator per- distracted ED staff working outside their skill sets may
spectives (Figure 1).19 The following sections describe lead to delays or errors in diagnosis and ⁄ or therapy
our model in detail. from a host of issues including delayed or omitted
laboratory testing, other diagnostic testing, inpatient
Structure consultations not commonly ordered from the ED,
Care for boarded patients and that provided on inpa- medications, or procedures.
tient units involves inherent structural differences.
Structure, according to Donabedian, can be thought of Outcome
not only as the physical setting in which the care takes Examining structure and process measures is important
place, but also the organization of care and the qualifi- because they ultimately can affect the quality of care
cations of the care providers.30 Boarded patients are outcome from the viewpoint of the patient and hospital
often placed in hallways to make their ED rooms avail- administrator (Figure 1). For patients, we chose to
able for new or more unstable patients and may be sub- define quality according to the IOM six components of
jected to disruptive and unpredictable fluctuations in quality of care: safety, timeliness, patient-centeredness,
environmental noise by the high traffic through the ED. effectiveness, equitability, and efficiency.19 Errors or
Hallway patients may also be taken off central cardiac delays in diagnosis and treatment can compromise all
monitoring. Furthermore, ED design frequently fea- six components. Poor monitoring, delays, and errors
tures high visibility for instant observation of changes may compromise patient safety. Decreased comfort and
in patient stability. This can compromise patient pri- delays in diagnosis ⁄ therapy reflect lack of patient-
vacy, especially if the patient is in a hallway or sepa- centeredness. Questions of inequity arise if boarded
rated from other gurneys only by thin curtains.33 patients wait because inpatient beds are reserved for
Emergency physicians (EPs) and nurses focus more on more profitable patients. Finally, delays in diagnosis
stabilization, disposition, and preliminary diagnosis and therapy may lead to increased hospital length of
than on inpatient management; essentially their skill set stay (LOS), thereby compromising efficiency. Any
does not include the management of boarded patient outcomes study should account for individual
patients.34 Boarded patients may hold lower priority for patient characteristics such as age and comorbidities.
ED staff distracted by new patients. Finally, more hand- From the point of view of the hospital administrator,
offs between EPs may occur than on inpatient services minimizing errors and delays in diagnosis and therapy,
as inpatient admitting physicians usually follow patients aside from improving quality of care, can also minimize
throughout their admission.35,36 These structural differ- liability for the department and staff. Additionally,
ences may explain why boarded patients could experi- working outside skill sets and continuous distractions
ence compromised quality of care. from lack of resources can lead to decreased staff
satisfaction,37,38 potentially causing burnout and staff
Process attrition.
Many potential causal pathways link the above struc-
ture with ways that processes can be compromised for Model-driven Research on Quality of Care
boarded patients. Our model highlights potential prob- for Boarded Patients
lems with observation, comfort, diagnosis, and therapy Our model attempts to illustrate how certain structural
(Figure 1). First, observation of boarded patients in problems inherent in providing care to boarded patients
a hallway may be compromised, especially in terms of can affect processes and lead to poor outcomes. Studies
arrhythmias missed due to the structural lack of central need to demonstrate whether such relationships exist.
cardiac monitoring. Second, boarded patients may find We searched PubMed using terms (‘‘emergencies’’ OR
comfort compromised if they are subjected to a noisy ‘‘emergency’’ AND ‘‘department’’ AND ‘‘boarding’’),
environment or lacking privacy. Third, handoffs and which yielded 64 articles. We then searched the
ACAD EMERG MED • April 2011, Vol. 18, No. 4 • 433

Table 1
Potential Research Topics Using Boarding ‘‘Structure–Process–Outcome Model’’

Structure Process Outcome

Boarding in ED Decreased comfort Decreased patient satisfaction
Patient with rate-controlled Missed or delayed administration of Increased frequency of rapid atrial
atrial fibrillation boarding in ED chronic atrial fibrillation medications fibrillation
Increased number of handoffs Perception of inaccurate handoff by Decreased provider satisfaction
for patients boarding in ED both ED and receiving inpatient team
Elderly patients boarding in Increased noise Increased frequency of delirium ⁄
ED hallway disorientation, increased hospital
length of stay
ED staff working outside skill set Perception of providing care outside Decreased provider satisfaction
their scope of practice
Prolonged boarding in ED No DVT prevention Increased frequency of DVT

DVT = deep vein thrombosis.

references of those articles to identify other literature (process), ultimately leading to adverse events (out-
that may have been relevant. We included articles that comes). We list other potential topics in Table 1. While
examined ED processes or outcomes. We excluded arti- a large multicenter study comparing preventable
cles that only reviewed ED crowding or flow. We do not adverse events among a cohort of ED-boarded patients
review all the literature here, but mention several studies compared to a similar cohort of patients who did not
that illustrate the applicability of our model and to iden- board in the ED might be ideal, there is ample opportu-
tify gaps in the literature. Regarding structure, Guthrie nity at this early stage for researchers to conduct smal-
et al.39 and Garson et al.40 surveyed a convenience sam- ler qualitative and quantitative studies that can begin to
ple of patients and showed that a majority of them analyze how the components of structure and process
would prefer boarding in an inpatient hallway to board- relate to outcome. Multiple studies will likely be needed
ing in the ED. to ultimately determine how to weight structural and
In terms of process measures, Liu et al.41 found 28% process components in terms of their importance as
of patients (42 ⁄ 151) had an undesirable event while causal factors.
boarding, largely due to missed home medications. The
study was limited by a small sample size and lacked LIMITATIONS
comparison with nonboarded patients. Diercks et al.,42
in a volunteer cohort analysis of 42,780 patients with Our conceptual model has limitations. It was developed
acute coronary syndrome (ACS), found that patients by a small group of researchers and does not represent
with longer ED LOS were less likely to receive ACS a large expert panel consensus; hence, this is not a typi-
medications. However, they did not examine locations cal consensus paper. Moreover, the model does not
where medical therapies were given and therefore address the causes of boarding or its solutions, as we
could not attribute medication delays to ED-based thought this would detract from our central message.
health care providers or system failures. We did not quantify the importance of each component
In terms of patient-oriented outcomes, few studies in the model as this would largely rely on value judg-
have specifically examined boarding, with most focus- ments. We did not explicitly include case mix in our
ing on ED LOS, where most suggest poorer outcomes model because it does not provide insights into how
with increasing ED LOS.42–45 While boarding is a com- boarding specifically may compromise outcomes,
ponent of ED LOS, we believe that boarding time is suf- although there may be differences in outcomes in
ficiently distinct to warrant separate analysis. One boarded patients, based on the complexity and severity
study by Viccellio et al.46 appears to show that board- of their disease. Future outcome studies of boarding
ing in inpatient hallways (at least for selected patients) should include case mix adjustment, since preexisting
is safe, with mortality rates and intensive care unit comorbidities and severity of illness are powerful con-
transfers being higher in standard bed admissions than founders in studying outcomes. We also did not
in patients admitted to hallway beds, although this may address the potential limitations of inpatient resources
have been due to patient complexity and acuity rather in some hospitals. Boarding may be safer for some
than a hallway benefit.46 patients in certain hospitals where EPs are the only
There may be publication bias in that only studies physicians present overnight. Likewise, patients may
showing that boarding is associated with negative pro- have quicker access to radiology tests while boarding.
cesses or outcomes are published. Future studies may Furthermore, we focused on the boarded patient her-
show that boarding is not associated with poor out- self or himself, to avoid creating an overly complex
comes. model, acknowledging that queuing of these patients
The literature on boarding is just emerging. We fore- leads to a cascade of outcomes that affects other ED
see researchers using our conceptual model to design patients, such as crowding and ambulance diversion.
future studies. For example, one could analyze how Finally, placement of certain factors in our model is
many handoffs boarded patients undergo (structure) to ambiguous. For some, delays in treatment would be
see if it relates to diagnosis ⁄ therapy delays and errors considered an outcome, whereas others believe that

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