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Diana Ruiz

Edu 214

Why I want to become a teacher

Hi everyone, my name is Diana! I was bored in California but grew up in Las Vegas. Growing

up I went to Rose Warren Elementary school! Honestly by far one of my favorite schools. That is

where I met a lot of teachers that helped me out and made some cool friends. During my third

grade I noticed my teacher had been such great help to me. I saw how kind and excited she was

for class every day it is almost like she never had an off day. This is where it all started for me.

Where I would stay after class and help students read books or ask the teacher if she needed me

to clean anything up. I know it does not seem like much, but to me I was so happy being able to

help my classmates out. Unfortunately, not every teacher I got was like her, some teachers were

mean and had a short temper. And as I got older, I started noticing the problem increase. Many

of the teachers I had seemed; to be stressed and just wanted their day to be over. That is when I

knew, I needed to become that change for students. To give them a reason to be excited for class

and help one another out.

We go to school for 12 years and once we get to graduate, we wonder “did I even learn

anything?” Often teachers work a normal 9-5, they come to the classroom and hand out papers

and sit back and relax. The education system in Nevada is ranked 35th in nation for academic

achievement, 50th overall in K-12 education report card. We have an ongoing pattern of failing

our students, and we do not allow them to truly get a feel for what education is.

Becoming a teacher is not something that happens in a day, it takes hard work long hours

of understanding material and preparing mentally. I appreciate all my professor that take the time

out of their day to stay past lecture hours to make sure we understand the material. It’s teachers
like that that make me excited for the day I step foot in the field. I knew this is what I wanted to

be since I was in elementary school. It all started with my teacher from second grade, she was so

nice and understanding she pushed all of us and told us we could become whatever we wanted if

we set our minds to it. And I have. Being the oldest of three I was always the one to read

homework assignments to my siblings and made sure they understood. I feel like naturally I have

the patience and companion for kids.

I am not coming into this degree for the money, I am coming into it this with the mindset

I can help my students become something great. I know that I can benefit the education system

as much as it can benefit me. I know I want to grow in the field and become a role model to

future students. I want to improve our ranking! More importantly improve the mindset kids have

about school. Many kid’s dropout at the age of 15 because of bad experiences or they think that

they have nothing to offer, I want to be that difference. I know it is easier said than done but I

will always try my hardest.

In conclusion becoming a teacher takes a lot of skill and education. I will be the teacher

that has compassion for her students and patience. I will be enthusiastic, make the lesson plans

excited and get kids ready for our week! For many teachers they take their job as a 9-5, but I

want it to be a challenge for me. I want to conquer Something every day I am there. Give my

students the best year of their life.

Vark score : Visual 6 , Aural 4, Read/Write 5, Kinesthetic 9

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