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Finite-size effects in the Bose-glass transition

S. A. Grigera
Instituto de Fı́sica de Lı́quidos y Sistemas Biológicos (IFLYSIB)-(UNLP-CONICET-CIC), Casilla de Correo No. 565,
1900 La Plata, Argentina
共Received 29 September 2000; published 8 May 2001兲
We present the scaling relations for a Bose-glass superconductor in the case in which the sample is limited
in size in the direction of the correlated defects. In this situation, which corresponds to the experiments found
in the literature, we show that there are several differences with the predictions based on an infinite sample size
analysis, notably, the usual anisotropy in electrical transport, which was shown to be reversed near the Bose-
glass transition, is found to be re-established by the finiteness of the sample. In addition, we also derive the
general anisotropic scaling relations for a continuous vortex transition in three dimensions which should be
applied, for example, in the case of a single family of parallel twin boundaries.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.63.212509 PACS number共s兲: 74.60.Ge, 74.62.Dh

Among the many efforts to understand the properties of columnar defects兲 and derive the scaling relations and the
the mixed state of the high-temperature superconductors with phase diagram for the case in which the sample has a finite
moderate anisotropy, the concept of glassy vortex states1–3 size L in the direction of the correlated defects.
stands as a very successful one. Several experiments4–6 have
probed the various predictions of the Bose-glass scaling
theory for correlated defects.3,7,8 Although they all agree in To make a scaling theory of a three-dimensional 共3D兲
the qualitative features, the numerical value of the character- continuous transition with spatial anisotropy we start by con-
istic exponents varies considerably between different experi- sidering three different characteristic lengths, l x (T), l y (T),
ments. In all cases the analysis was done by using the ex- and l z (T), which diverge at the transition with exponents ␯ i ,
pressions derived in Ref. 7 for infinite samples, however, the
l i ⬃ 兩 T⫺T BG 兩 ⫺ ␯ i . 共1兲
samples used in these experiments vary from thick films with
c-axis dimensions L of the order of a few microns to single An additional exponent z ⬘ is necessary to relate the correla-
crystals with L of the order of several tenths of microns; in tion time and length of fluctuations,
all cases the dimensions on the a and b directions are of the
order of a millimeter. This strong geometric anisotropy is ␶ ⬃l z ⬘ . 共2兲
due to two main facts: sample growth techniques 共like, for In order to relate the physical quantities to these correlation
example, flux-growth techniques for single crystals兲 rend lengths we follow the usual assumption of hyperscaling.2,3
plateletlike samples with a c-axis dimension which is an or- Accordingly, the free-energy density in the critical region
der of magnitude smaller than the other two, and second, due scales as
to energy considerations, the irradiation of samples with
heavy ions to produce columnar defects can be performed 1
f⬃ . 共3兲
successfully only in samples with size limited to a few tenths l xl yl z
of microns in the direction of irradiation. As a consequence, Our main interest is to describe the behavior of the transport
the experiments found in the literature were conducted in properties in the critical regime. The current and the electric
samples in which the direction of the correlated defects 共ei- field are defined through
ther twin boundaries or columnar defects兲 is smaller by an
order of magnitude with respect to the other two. The neces- ⳵f 1 ⳵A
sity to take into account finite-size effects is clearly demon- J⫽c , E⫽⫺ , 共4兲
⳵ A⬜ c ⳵t
strated from a series of experiments using the dc pseudo-
flux-transformer method9 which show that the velocity and since the gauge-invariance of Ginzburg-Landau free-
correlation length in samples with correlated defects 共both energy functional implies that the vector potential enters as
twin boundaries10,11 and columnar defects兲12 is of the order an inverse length, the critical behavior of A is presumably
of 100 ␮ m at temperatures of about a degree above the A i ⬃1/l i . This hypothesis, together with Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲,
Bose-glass transition temperature. allows us to write the J and E in terms of the three correla-
The objective of this paper is to provide experimentalists tion lengths and the correlation time,
with a Bose-glass scaling theory better suited for the experi- 1 1
mental situation. The structure of the paper is twofold; first J i⬃ , E i⬃ , 共5兲
we present a general scaling theory for a continuous vortex l jlk l i␶
transition in three dimensions with spatial anisotropy in all where the subindices i, j, and k, take the 共mutually exclud-
directions 共the case of a sample with planar defects for ex- ing兲 values 兵 x,y,z 其 . These dependencies of J and E allow us
ample兲. Second we consider the particular case in which only to write the relation between them in a homogeneous form,
one direction is different from the other two 共the case of i.e., using scale invariant 共and consequently temperature in-

0163-1829/2001/63共21兲/212509共4兲/$20.00 63 212509-1 ©2001 The American Physical Society


dependent兲 variables. In this way the IV curves for all tem- FINITE-SIZE SCALING
peratures within the critical region are represented by two
Now we turn to the analysis of the finite-size effects. We
curves, one above and one below the transition. Considering
mentioned previously that the geometry of the samples used
E and J collinear, the relation is given by
in the majority of the experimental works is such that one
E i l i ␶ ⬃F ⫾
共 J i l j l k ␾ 0 /c 兲 , 共6兲 axis 共the crystallographic c axis兲 is about an order of magni-
tude smaller than the other two. Consequently, we consider
where ␾ 0 ⫽2 ␲ បc/e is added in order to make the argument the case in which the length of the sample in the z direction
of the scaling function work done by the Lorentz force on a 共the direction of the correlated defects兲 is L and the a⫺b
critical fluctuation of size l j by l k . The physical interpreta- plane (x,y directions兲 is effectively infinite. For L→⬁ the
tion of this variable is that the contribution to the dissipation system is three dimensional and we should recover the case
comes from vortex loops which extend in the plane j⫺k of the previous section. On the other hand, L⫽0 implies that
perpendicular to the direction i of the current, of typical area the system is two dimensional, the glass phase exists only at
l j ⫻l k . The superindex i in the scaling functions F ⫾
is added T⫽0,2 and the scaling field related with H⬜ becomes irrel-
to take into account possible spatial anisotropies, due to cor- evant. When L has a finite value we are in a case in which
related defects, and the privileged direction defined by the the system is neither two nor three dimensional in behavior.
applied magnetic field. The system still has a genuine phase transition at a finite
To take into account a small magnetic field applied per- temperature, the value of which becomes a function of L, but
pendicularly, which would induce a tilting of the vortices, an the critical fluctuations show a crossover from 3D to 2D
i critical exponents as the transition is approached. To de-
additional scaling variable should be added to F ⫾ . We fix z
the direction of the applied magnetic field, and x the direc- scribe this situation we need to consider a size dependence in
tion of tilting. Since H⫽ ⳵ f / ⳵ B and B⫽“⫻A we get for H x the expression of the free energy.
The homogeneity relation for the free energy of the Bose
H x ⬃1/l x , 共7兲 glass is generalized through the addition of a scaling field
␨ ⫽l z /L namely
and consequently the generalization of Eq. 共6兲 reads
F 共 t,H⬜ ,L 兲 ⫽t 4 ␯ F 共 1,H⬜ t ⫺ ␯ ,L ⫺1 t ⫺2 ␯ 兲 . 共12兲
E i l i ␶ ⬃F ⫾
共 J i l j l k ␾ 0 /c,H x l x / ␾ 0 兲 . 共8兲
The scaling law for the tilt modulus is obtained through 共the
To this point we have considered a general continuous inverse of兲 the second derivative of Eq. 共12兲 with respect to
transition in a system which can be described using a H⬜ ,
Ginzburg-Landau free energy. In the particular case of the
Bose glass it can be shown that the four exponents are not c 44共 t,H⬜,L 兲 ⫽t ⫺2 ␯ A⫾ 共 1,H⬜ t ⫺ ␯ ,L ⫺1 t ⫺2 ␯ 兲 . 共13兲
independent. First, since the system has isotropy in the plane ⫺1
We have said that for finite nonzero values of L the sys-
perpendicular to the direction of the defects we have ␯ x tem has a shift in the critical temperature 共i.e., t⫽0 is no
⫽ ␯ y ⫽ ␯ . On the other hand, it has been shown that the vor- longer the transition temperature兲, consequently, for the tilt
tex system can be mapped into a fluid of interacting bosons modulus to show a singular behavior, A should have a sin-
in two dimensions, where the trajectories of the vortices gularity in ␨ ⫽L ⫺1 t ⫺2 ␯ at some critical point ␨ c ; in the
along the direction of the applied magnetic field 共which we neighborhood of ␨ c it can be written
have defined to be z in our case兲 are isomorphic to boson
world lines with imaginary time, kT corresponds to ប, and A共 ␨ 兲 ⫽Ac 共 1,H⬜ t ⫺ ␯ 兲关 1⫺ ␨ / ␨ c 兴 ⫺ ␯ 2D , 共14兲
the vortex line energy ␧ 1 to the mass.13 As it was shown in
where ␯ 2D is the critical exponent which corresponds to the
Ref. 3, the uncertainty principle satisfied by the coordinate
two-dimensional case (l⬜2D ⬃T ⫺ ␯ 2D ). This comes from the
and momentum variable in the quantum analogous leads to
the relation fact that for any transition at t⫽0, that is, at any finite L,
only l⬜ diverges, since l z is limited by the sample size. On
l⬜ the other hand, from Eq. 共14兲 we can infer the value of the
␧1 l ⬃kT, 共9兲 critical temperature as a function of the thickness T BG (L),
lz ⬜
given by15
where the uncertainty in the momentum has been estimated
as ⌬p⬇␧ 1 (l⬜ /l z ); l⬜ is the correlation length in the x⫺y T BG 共 L 兲 ⫽T BG 共 ⬁ 兲关 1⫺ 共 ␨ c L 兲 ⫺1/2␯ 兴 . 共15兲
plane. This leads in turn to the relation Similarly, Eq. 共11兲 can be generalized to take into account
the finite size L of the z axis, and the generalization of Eq.
l z ⬃l⬜2 , 共10兲 共8兲 reads
which implies ␯ z ⫽2 ␯ . Consequently, the relevant scaling E i l i ␶ ⬃F ⫾
共 J i l j l k ␾ 0 /c,H⬜ l⬜ / ␾ 0 ,l z /L 兲 . 共16兲
exponents of the Bose glass are only two: one spatial, ␯ , and
one temporal, z ⬘ . In particular the relation between the cur- For ␨ →0 the system is three dimensional (d⫽3) and the
rent and the electric field 关Eq. 共8兲兴 becomes scaling relations of the previous section are recovered. The
same arguments applied to the scaling function A should be
E 兩 t 兩 ⫺ ␯ (z ⬘ ⫹1) ⫽F ⫾ 共 兩 t 兩 ⫺3 ␯ J ␾ 0 /c,H x 兩 t 兩 ⫺ ␯ / ␾ 0 兲 . 共11兲 applied to the function F ⫾ ; that is, the parameter ␨ controls


FIG. 2. Behavior of the finite-size scaling functions for the re-


l ylz x
␳ x⬃ g 共 l z /L 兲 , 共19兲
FIG. 1. Phase diagram as a function of the perpendicular field l x␶
and the inverse sample thickness 1/L. As the system crosses from
three to two dimensional the cusp is gradually rounded off, until H⬜ l xl y z
becomes irrelevant in 2D; the transition temperature initially decays ␳ z⬃ g 共 l z /L 兲 , 共20兲
as 1/2␯ 关Eq. 共15兲兴, and becomes smaller until it reaches the 2D l z␶
value of zero. the ratio ␳ z / ␳ x , which in an infinite sample and close to the
transition was shown14 to be opposite to the usual anisotropy
a dimensional crossover phenomenon, the singularities ␨ c of 关since ␳ z / ␳ x ⬃(l x /l z ) 2 ⬃ 兩 t 兩 2 ␯ Ⰶ1], becomes in a finite
F ⫺ should give information about the two-dimensional be- sample 共with ␨ ⬎1)
havior, 关 F ⫺ ( ␨ )⬃( ␨ ⫺ ␨ c ) s 2D 兴, and the dependence of the
temperature with the thickness should be given by Eq. 共15兲. ␳ z / ␳ x ⬃ 共 l x /L 兲 2 ⬃ 兩 t 兩 ⫺2 ␯ Ⰷ1, 共21兲
Figure 1 shows a schematic view of the predicted phase dia- that is, the usual relation is recovered.
gram using this argument. In conclusion, we have derived expressions for the critical
For the transport properties in the linear regime we can behavior of measurable quantities which are best suited for
simplify Eq. 共16兲 making the ansatz F ⫹ i
(␣,␤,␥) the interpretation of actual experiments performed on geo-
⬃ ␣ f ( ␤ )g ( ␥ ), that is, F is linear in the current and a prod-
i i
metrically anisotropic samples. In particular we have given
uct of functions of one scaling variable. This means that the an expression for the tilt modulus 关Eq. 共13兲兴, for the critical
resistivity is temperature 关Eq. 共15兲兴, for the current-voltage response 关Eq.
共16兲兴, and for the in- and out-of-plane resistivity. We have
l jlk i
␳ i⬃ f 共 H x l x 兲 g i 共 l z /L 兲 . 共17兲 pointed out how the two-dimensional behavior can be seen
l i␶ not only directly in the measured properties 共like the round-
ing off of the transition temperature cusp as a function of the
In the limit ␨ →0 the functions g i should go to unity, so as to
perpendicular field兲 but also in the singularities of the uni-
recover the three-dimensional results, for ␨ →⬁ the length l z
versal functions 关e.g., Eq. 共14兲兴, which give quantitative in-
should drop out of the resistivity. This means that
formation about the two-dimensional critical exponents. Fi-

nally, we have showed that the predicted reversion of the
1/␨ if i⫽z
g i共 ␨ 兲 ⬃ , 共18兲 resistivity ratio near the transition is frustrated by finite-size
␨ if i⫽z effects. In addition, an anisotropic scaling theory, suited, for
example, for an analysis of the case of a sample with a single
that is, g i ( ␣ ), behaves differently whether the resistivity is
family of twin boundaries has been derived.
parallel or perpendicular to the direction defined by the ap-
plied magnetic field and the correlated defects. Figure 2
shows a schematic view of the two different behaviors of
g i ( ␣ ). It is a pleasure to acknowledge fruitful discussions with
Now we can consider the relation between ␳ x and ␳ z , D. R. Nelson. This work was supported by the Fundación
since Antorchas.

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