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Rays Boys component =| ——_= | Chapter = > is E LOADS. IML GENERAL To produce a successful design of a ship structure for seaway operations, it is imperative that the wer be able to determine loads that correspond to the largest actual load the vessel is expected to encounter during its entire life of service. These toads must include shear forces and bending moments along the length of the vessel in both the vertical and the athwarthship planes. Very \pfien empirical me- thods based! on past exnericnee ire used to predict the ala servic Tons the ves will be set to uring its operation, Although an empirical approach nay prov'de a safe design for common displacement type vessels, an efficient design must be based on proper determination of lands, ineluding those in the athwartship pine and dynamic loads (skimming and whipping), as well as on the cet of vessel speed ne other relevant factors. ‘Any individual section of a hull form is subject to external loads consisting mainly of the fluid pres- sures on tho. hull surface, gravity forces, aad inertial forces due to the clastic and rigid body motions of the section itself, The Muid pressures are integravcd foyer the hull surface in order to determine the hydro dynamie fore, whi then be saddled to the gravity and inertial forces to obtain the total extern: forees acting on the section, The first’ and second integrations of these forces along the length of the vessel provide the hull girder shear forces and bending Js. respectively. The hull-girder primary sieess- ‘eval the deck and bottom lengitudinal plate-stiffener combinaiions are due to such bending moments, which are rather large at or near the midship section ‘of a vessel and rapidly decrease to zero at both ends Ivis, therefore, quite logical that from the point of Thirte view of structural design the midship scetion is of primary inportanee. In presentalay practice it is assumed that a ship is balanced statically on a trochoidal wave having a Jength equal to that ofthe ship ar a height equsl to cither tt JL, or Ly /20. For the determination of scaway bending moments (wo extreme cases are consideved, namely, hogging and sagging. In hogging the wave troughs are sup- posed (o be at the ends, while in sagging the wave crests are placed at both ends of the ship. To determire the load curve from the weight and buoyancy distribution along the ship's, fength, the buoyancy forces on the ship sections are calcula- {ed for cach condition (namely, hogging and sagging). along with the Smith correction. which takes into account the orbital motions of the uid particles in a wave. The corrected buoyancy forces are taken to be the total hydrodynamic forces on the ship sections, the effect of stip motions on the hydro- dynamic pressures being neglected. The buoyancy forces s0 determined are then combined with the gravity (weight) forces on the sections to determine the resulting forces (loads), which are integrated successtully ‘along the length for shear force and benuiing moment. In the design of the hull-girder by this conventional method the hull-girder shear forces and bending inoments, as well as the impact loads and intertial forces, are generally ignored With the advent of large tankers, the effect of bending moments on ships has become of great importance. A study of this subject must include theoretical development, model tests in experimental tans, and full-scale measurements in the sea. To begin this study, we must frst consider bending moments. The bending moments that a ship has to 9 289 WAVE LOADS OD oS igure 181 withstand in the seaway are of three kinds (see Vig. 13.0; 1. Vertical bending moments, producing deflections about the oyanis. +2. Lorizontal berding-moments, producing defle tioms about the azavis. 3, Transverse bending moments, producing dellee- tions about the ox-anis, In addition, ship may expericuee a torsional or Covisting moment, as also shown in Fig. 13.1 Hogizontal bending moments pray be caused by rolling motion and quartering seas of by wave ote fon ane side of the ship being in phase with troughs fou the other. It can be inferred from bot’s model tests and sea trials that horizontal bending moments may five the same magnitude as vertical bending moments, Except for eitamaran vessels, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic foree combinations do not pro vce the significant bending moments in the transver= se phine. Thus the maximum resultant stress point of the erossseetion ducto vertical and horizen hhendling. moments is given as Jl (ay a ig aries Deng Various kinds of moments where My. = vertical bending moment Mj, ~ horizontal bending moment y-" = distance from z-axis (horizontal) fistance from Oy-axis (vertical) Jy. = moment of inertia about Oy-axis {jy = moment of inertia about O=axis h_of these bending..moments.c again be considered as the sum of three component LThat due to the ditferenee in the disuibution of weight and huoyaney when af rest in eal water. 2 That_caused by ship-generated waves when in :motion in calm water. 3. That induced. by waves-when underway. in a scaway. These three components when added together constitute the taral bending moment; the second and third components together are known as the ware ending moment, ‘Une wave bending moment itself is composed of various components: a. Loads due to changes in the distribution of under: water volume, These changes are due to the wa as well as to heaving aml pitching motions b, Londs due to. the Smith effect, that is, due to the nt zontsd) again be ribution of water. when in pay. ina together nd and the ware pent itself of under. he waves, luc to the STH. WATER LOADS 281 modified water pressure in the wave raused by the orbital movement of the water particle e, Lois de (inertial forces, These forees are functions of the ship's mass as well as the added mass ana their respective distribution along. the ship's length U. Loads due to damping forces, These forces are composed mainly of #0 consponents: wave damping sind viscous amping. The calm water bending moment experienced when a ship isat rest is dependent on the arrangement nul the distribution of weights within the ship, The wave bending moment, however, depends on. the form of the waterplane, (ransverse sections, moments of weight, radius of gyration, speed. and s0 on, As previously mentioned, the total bending moment M is considered to be a swunmation of two different kinds of hencling momen: Mutt My (132) where Mg is the still wyler bending moment, and ‘My. is the moment caused by the difference in the distribution of the displacement over the ship's fenpth Ge, between the condition in smooth water aul (Tat in waves, The still water bending moment can be found by st lation, whereas the wave bending moment M, isonly a function of the ship form and the wave. Finally, the wave endi-g moment is expressed by My = MM, + My (13.3) where Me is the moment produced by the wave profile, M, is the moment produced by the heaving motion, and My is the moment produced by the pitching moti~n, ‘i 18.2 STILL WATER LOADS: ‘Ship in SUM Water at Rest The still water shea lenth eurses) At any point along tine ship be abtained from hydrostatiedata (Bonjesn weight distributions over the ship length as tallow: . no fia flue finae (134) where V, = shear force at a distance x from the bow (orstern) [10] vw e:weight per unit length [1b/1] b= buwyaney per unit length [lhvfe] W = w =F load per unit length [lbyft) Therefore the bending moment_atany_point is determined as [esa fone f fa (13.5) M, where Mis the bend The first step in the determination of the still water bending moment isto “haanee" the ship for @ certain weight distribution, so Uat the total weight and the longitudinal couter of gravity of the ship coincide with the displacement and the longitudinal center of buioyaney. This is Gone by trial and error. According to the rules of the American Bureau of Shipping, to. audition of section modulus is required if the still water bending moment does not exceed moment at point «. FMC y +05) (13.6) where 8 and_f are coefficients (see Table 12.1), B is the beam, Cy isthe block coefficient (not less than 0.68), and C = 1.00 for normal cargo ships and 1.03 for oil tankers. in Calm Woter at Speed ‘When a ship moves in calm water at a given spred, the underwater hull forin, and this wave. pattern produces an additional bending moment. At high speed a hogging morvent is normally produced by the wave pattern of fast, I ships, witereas for fine ships a sagging moment is expected at high specds due to bow and stern waves. Figuee 13.2 [226] shows the dimensionless ship-wave bending moments for various. block coefficients as. function of Froude number. The bending moment caused by the ship-generated ve system can also be estimated by method described in Section 16.3 ‘TABLE 13.1 BENDING MOMENT COFFFICIENTS OF THE AMERICAN BUREAU OF SUIPPING Length In f s For Qi For Other Ships a0 so am 42s 00) is am 425 100 121 390 438 ae 22 WAVE: LOADS T T 10x10 4 + 2 060 7 1 i 10x10 o or om 330 igure 132 Vertis! be speed and block cosicient (225) Lali Bening Momer Water (during, Heaving-Motion_j Fach item of the weight curve issunject to acceleration during heaving motion. Therefore the weight per foot is considered! to be increased by the inertial force: Hat is, the modified weight is represented by Yer Gutt a3 ‘where w's, is the maximum heaving acceleration [sec }, wif is the “added mass per foot of run {It-sce?/it and wis the civeutar frequency of heaving notion (equal 16, ina sewway) [rad/see} Similarly, the buoyancy eure is also to he modified because of the “heaving motion as illustrated in Fig, 13.3. For example, if itis assumed that the ship 's wall sided, the heave-indueed inevease of basoyaney is expressed as puyayy Thus the maxinun increase ‘cours when the ship is farthest away fiom: its equilie briuan position fie. when == 2). ing. moment in calm water as funetion of It should be noted that the arcas uneler the heaved weight and buoyancy curves should be the same and that the centers of gravity and buoyancy must be in the same longitudinal position, Therefore the benditg moment during the heving motion is written BM = ft Jn cant . sf [Joss ers . (138) Sete wan Bending moment due te heaviug motion in he heave same and moust,be fore the notion is pas i (138) ti buoyancy aaa. on Where liv} is the sectional area at point x in the stivig condition, s(x) i the halGsreinate of Ue waters plane, and z, is the amplitude of the having motion, Therefore the change in ber: sing moment duc to heaving motion only can be expressed as [Effort }oce ff fost a (13.9) sat Bending Moment during P Water ichivg Metion i Calm Every point on x ship is not subject 1 tie same acceleration during pitching motion, «6 is the ease with heaving motion. The vertical acceleration point situated at a distance x away from the LCG. of the ship is given as vo ‘at here is the pitehing: moton. ly-state cordition in a regular scaway acceleration is given as eo (10) where, from (4.19m), A, sino The vertical acceleration force for each item during pitching motion is thew +e b a3. ona ‘The modified weight curve is then obtained as given in Fig. 13.4 For the bucyaney distribution curing. pitching motion the ship is considered to be inclined at an angle 0 10 the staiie position; therefore the increased buioyancy at any point (assuming a wall-sided ship) Fiqure 114 Bending. moment due 10 pitching motion in ‘ein water WAVE LOADS IN A REGULAR SEAWAY 253 (13.12) where x) is the halFbreadtl of the waterplane at position x ‘The bending moment is the same as that obtained in the ease of heaving motion, 2ogxl x) 12.3 WAVE LOADS IN A. REGULAR SEAWAY In the preceding sections loads due to heaving and Pitching motions in ealm water were treated separa- tely; however, these two motions oecur simultaneous: ly it, actual seas, since the waves passing along a ship's hull generate both the exciting force for heaving nd the exciting momert for pitching. Inthe determination of the bending moment, fore, the effects due to both heaving and pitching € to be considered simultaneously. tn the simplest ise the aecelerations at any point on the ship can be consilered as additive so that, for any piven Position of the wave, the combined effects ean be obtained by adding the acceleration duc to heaving and that due to pitching. Since heaving and pitching motions are not independent of each other, bat are coupled together, the theory af coupled motions as given by the strip method of Korvin-Kroukovsky and Jacobs [121] should be followed. The deiermination of the bering ‘moment requires successive conditions of dynamic ‘equilibrium; thus a complete solution to the problem cannot be found without first determining the motions. As mentioned in Chapter 9 on the strip theory of ‘coupled pitch and heaving motions, it-is necessary to determine the hydrodynamic forees and inoments, ‘which ate obtained in two superimposable parts namely, those associated with the wave passing a restrained vessel (exciting (erms), and those acting ‘on the vessel, which is foreed to osci‘late in calm water. ‘The sttip theory approach for the determination of hydrodynamic forces and moments enables one {0 solve the equation of motions and to determine the amplitudes and phase angles of motion. The fongitucinal distributions of all forecs, including those that are dependent on motions, are calculated for each strip. Integration of the difference between the hydrodynamic and the gravity forces, known as the load, gives the shear force, and by a further integration one can determine the benuing moment for any particular position of the wave along the ship's length. ‘The: shearing forces and bending 2st WAVE LOADS ° ous f= oar core 0 os [= oo f= (Series 60) Gyr 070 6.005 be oo 1.006 ° 9.005 ooo Figure 145, moments are generally determined for the midship section for any instant in the motion eyele, The Tongitudinal bending moment in a regular seaway is a harmonic function of time, ws illustrated in all the curves were ablined during, cular speed. Therefore wiiishiys booneting, moment can be defined asa funetion of : M, = (M,),costen,t+ ft) (13.13) for the condition where the wave erest is amidships inne history of vertical henving manent 6) It is alo necessary to determine by systemitic calculations whether the bending moment at any other section ew be larger than that at the saidship section; thus the computation should be perfor oon the basis of regubir waves of various lengtis, he dist ituution of the masdiiusie iting along the ship's lengih is shown in Pig, 13.6, The ‘curves represent the envelopes of the bending moment curves occurring over one period. It should be noted hit the section in which the hogging moment attains its smaxianum value is different trons the seetinn Whic!, the sagging moment is maximum, However, the location where the maximum hovging or sagging ; | ae WAV) LOADS IN A REGULAR SEAWAY 288 yore 146 Distribution of mi A bending moment in regular head weaves 6 tematic * bring: moment occurs depends on the ship's speed, 2. When the weight distribution is such that larger any as well as the ratio of wavelength to ship length, ‘moments of weight occur in both fore-and aflerbodies, midship —- ‘The following conclusions can be drawn trom — the bending moment in waves is generally smaller. bsformed bot analytical and experimental investigations Alternatly, ten the load distribution gives a hogging as 6 . ending moment in still water, the bending moment nwment + re generally two peaks in che response it waves is smaller than che bending moments in the 3.6. The “and these peaks are higher and sharper when load distribution, which give a sagging bending bend moment : ship's speed is increased and the loads within ing moment in still water. noid —« the ship are so distributed that smaller moments of 3. Theinfluence of weight distribution on the bending at weieht ocear in hoth fore- and afterbedies, On the moment response is dependent to a grcater degree Sania ‘othce hand, when the loads are shifted in fore- and on the moments of weight of both fore- and after owen. aicrbodies, resulting in larger moments of weight bodies than on the radius of gyration. In over words, saauing in both halebodies, the response curve has only the moments of weight or the centers of gravity of > . which is sharp at higher speeds, both fore and afterbodies are better parameters — 286 WAVE LOADS for the representation of lond distribution than is the radius of gyration. The load distribution giving lurger momenis of weight in both fore- and afterbodies will give a larger radius of gyration: however, the bencing moment response depends more on the moments of weight of both halves of the body and lesson the radius of gyration, Beading Momed in Regular Waves (Strip-Thenry) For study of a ship's longitudinal strength, i is most desirable (0 be able to find the hending moment at any point along the length. An alternative to the standard method! of balancing the ship on a trockoidal wave and computing the static bending monent is an extension of the solution of ship's motion by the strip theory of Korvin-Kroukovsky. and Jacobs, In using this inethod one-caleulates tie sinusoidal variation of load with a passing wave in a head sea condition. The amplitudes of the shear foree and bending moment and. their respective phase lags to the wave exciting force and moment are then obtained by suecessive integrations. In Chapter 9 the forees acting on a ship in a regular sea were analyzed by the strip method, To be able to calculate the bending moment at any station by using this method, ie sulution of the equation of motion should be available, For any instant of time, the bending moment is found by determining the ton; tudinal distribution of the total foree. The distribution of both the static and the dynamic forces along the lengths ofthe ship fie. the load curve) are obtsined from the hydrodynamic forees and the nitss inertial foes acting at various ship sections, after the notions, have been determined, ‘The sh at any point is obtained by integrating the landing over the length ofthe ship, while the bending, moment At any slation is found by integrating the shear force to that station. I should be noted that, if the model is kopt restrained, that is, iF does not heave, pi ‘or surge, the only forces that affect it are those due to the rise and fall of the waves and to the resulting vertical water velocities and accelerations, load of-the.ship isa summation of the, following, [07] 1. The loading Ue to uneven distribution of the weight and! the buoyancy force in calm water, dfyfdx. ‘This Joacling is ignored in.the ealeulation, here, siney only. the dynamic forees juud_moments.due, (@ the waves i a seinway are to be considered. These static tanotents should eveututlly beaded Wy Uae dyna bending. moment in order to determine the total bending moment, (It sheukd ‘be noted, however, that this load, which is ignored inthe bending moment consideration, has av any lorward speed a value different irom that sinee then a stzady wave pattern is formed hecaus of the ship speed in ealin water, ul vere speed, 2. The oadine: caused by the change in buoyancy distribution due to wave pattern and alse due to ote hexving amd pitelinge motions, "Th Gras i re (see Fig, 1) 7 fe —aBe~E0—0) (13.14) were ¢, = pa B,. . 3. The fondling’ due to the Smith effet tha i, the effet ofthe pressure gradient inthe wave, ~estl yUds) = putt §. The loading due to the relative of wave and ship motion, a, Mo — iu, + ules dg 7 Bee tari day a(-haeit\( a3. The free surface damping effect is given by the first term, whereas the second term is vblatsted from Une development ofthe potential theary. 5. Lastly, the loading due to inertial forces of the ship mass m, per unit length, the added mass, and the inertial effect of the water Bow 1 al forees are opposite in direction w the accelerations and are equal to the mass multiplied by the acceler tion with apposite sign. Thus, U, x. “t velocity = Hew —for am } aye = 6lb + Qu — or The term ade represents the inertial effect the water (low in waves ancl arises from ti e interference. Finally, the loading is setermine. by adding all the tern:s described above as folhows oh ir : SMe ne, agi hy, ll Zan ay Mat tae tl, ue aM where 20 ce fo (9.105 the qotal however, dynamic 1y forward 0 sperd, sd because buoyaney Iso due to Je loads in ) (13.14) hat is, the «a3ts) br velocity (13.1 en. by’ the ined om ees of the ss, and the the inertial rclerations e aceelera- (13.17) I effect of he body elermined 5 follows: My (13.474) 0) aha ale * = Gia dul Se u318) putlge = &0~ te (419) Substituting the values of & g and {from (9.48), (9.16) and (9.17), we have ay iy al bcd yc i) ag HEA Qh Ct me Sa " inde wine] ie - ( = yl = + ua Eo, co8 wie — »| 2-00 G,sintkg = 0,20 | ~ pa, = 4,24 mil + agi) ~ alia, aagsandsintks ne (ore oon) ~ pale) + pM QEOD + esi KS = 00 = = (mn, + a)é + im, +0) — 2ula, da, ‘ da, \ ng =e) an) + (4g = ate ( wel * a) +( we ) dk — paz + pa GO) + ux (13.20) where dF/ilx, the load due to waves, is expressed by (621). The dynamic shear force is then given by integra- tion of the load a WAVE LOADS IN A REG Mf fiaforss (13.21) Fquations 13.20 and 13.2 show that the dynamic shea force isthe sum of the hydrodynanvi force F die to waves andthe forecs uc to ship motions Similarly, the dynamic vertieal bending moment is LAR SEAWAY 287 misi= f yond mst (1322) where m, is the amplitude of the bending moment ince the heaving displacement is 2 zyfeosung eos 3 + st oy in 3) the velocity and aves respectively, Bes — engzg(sin ont €08 5 — €08 «2, Sin 8) and cost cox 9 | sin ent sin 8) Similarly, the pitching motion is deseribed by = Mcoston,t =) (= {cos w,1 cos « — sin ,¢ sin e) from whielt the velocity and acceleration are O = ~,0,psin e086 —eo80,1 sine) and B= — o2,(coser,tc0s 5-4 sin os sine) respectively. Using these relations, we can express the Toning sesrited by (13.20) as tha cosing +49 simon (1323) where in, + a, rds, cos 5 — 280, c08 0) = a,(2u,0, sin 0) - (. \ (ae sind — w,80,sine ~ontecand econ eM 52 and dh DB win, + a,)io}z,sin 5 — 0320, sin 0) de + a,2u0,0,008 6) 2sh__ WAVE LOADS. da, by — 0th) (asc0ss — e000 +( w\( Me 0, = usin *) a = putife,sind ~ 50, sine) 652 (13.340) where dE/dx and diy/dx represent the exciting forces consisting of the wave elevation terms only, as given in (9.21a) and (9.216). Like the exciting forces, both the shear foree and the bending moment are sinusoidal, Thus we can write Jef cosiags +fysin ant = fy cos(e +2) {13.24e) where fq is the amplitude of the shear fore, Comparing (13.2de} with 113.23), we see that, Sr=Sye0R dy fy =fysinengt som () fies t= fhe and the force ainplitude is In MRE (nad niilirly, she bending moment is m= my 6ostenst + ft) (13.289) where my is the amplitude of the bending moment, at is, sng = id + mt (13255) and = —1ni() (13.250) Thus ‘in ° ite where dts ge dx dx (13.26) being the lever of the force from the seetion at which BM is to be determined, Similarly, - fe d= mysin(on) (127) dx and at, ih ice ty ‘where the positive bending moment isin the elvckwise diseation It should be pointed out that through the same process thm bending moment at any point ean be found simply by intepra’ing the sheae force moments upto that point, ‘The vending moment so atermined cean be termed the seaway bending moment. The effect of the imbakinve cue to the initia’ distribution of weights and buoyancy in still water, as mentioned in item 1 above, should be'defermined separately and then added {0 thé wave effects (considering both ship-generated waves at spsed in ealm -water and the seaway effet) in order to obtain the total vending moment in a scaway. As mentioned in Seerion 9.3 for heaving and pitching motions, the meshod of determination of the wave bending’ moment can be applied also for oblique seas if the wavelength L., is replaced everywhere by the effective wavelength defined as ne jis the direetion of ship travel relative to the waves. There are discrepancies between the ied and the experimental bending thoment Fesults, and these ean be attributed mainly 10 the following, a The difference between the wo-dimensional flow (as assumed by the strip theary) asd the wetuat Hnree-dimensional flow, especially at both ends of te ship. The interference eff cross sections may be signi ranges b. ‘The assumption that the coetficients of motion do not change throughout the motion eyele. s hetwween the adjacent for certain frequency Example 13.1 wlate the seaway (reputar) bending moment at the midship section of a ship: moxiel deseribed by the foitowing data; Length of model 1, = 19.21 Maxinium ben 2592 Draft Tm 1144 0 Displacement A= 2897.75 Ib : - ‘the sume permined pent. The Kiribution nc fone ately ring both rater and I bending ction 9.3, thou of can be ngth 1, velengthy ve to te seen the momeyt y to the nal How actual ends of jee equeney motion WAVE LOADS IN A REGULAR SEAWAY 289 Tame 1 sa oS Wout Ne Te) fet, per Foot fesse 2 Tia} , " 0 Leo meson ‘ 2992 1th 2988 IRI S08 © fer Vi Sau noel sa " hawt tae dae asta ™ ow 27 LOG = + OAR N forward of 00) Model speed w= 4.7KR sce wo, = 4811 radjsee 9384 Ips /4 iw fresh water at 59°F The values for breath, draft of individual sections, sectional areas, weight distribution, and added mass. (from Fig, 44) for Table 12.2 (sce also Si tion 9.4), riven in In addition, the following data are available VALE 133 CALCULATION OF THE WAVE. BENDING MOMENT [19] fe Weite Stang ean Hm Im il OAK ke No min) Thom tise} ftoacetmty ec!) oa ® 2 © © © o ® 8 » © ° ve Me amo ono dm agro ‘ a mn fo Wwe 8x7 S01) WGI SUS Saaz = Tas ‘ ie 1a OTN Wek SFR sao ” a TNS ar a) wae hast Me iuegeon 8 0 PMc) doatane © sand na =e) aso <6 “Aas «® a haw xiot ms o “ o asain omen) asm “ 0 wus 45010 =m sists 1 855% 1079 09104 “ o ” a @ one 1 one 0st 1 081 a ‘ wre nai 4 smng2 uw > “oa 0 2 . 0 nam ‘ = sox tose ‘ arm ‘1a 1 oad fey 1 = 1a SUM, aha Sumy S80K09 2a WAVE LOADS TANLE TAY ¢Cinnnned) 0,sine a alan 4 ® ups osm 061 “0399 = aur tooo = sind 060204 « wont oon an Lneseripton of Tale = and Qa Ota 92 = 69 Tube ME a-Oxm . WOO . oem htt sgcod) ot NARs)» 2,0 DeUrarvelx inal oe s.xind«@) sine xO TOR xO = Fan «@ = sor3s% 10° x ® ° ® o ° 0 4196 6358 3st 4% = 638% -009 m3 m8 04x ° ® ° tease O wey ah ‘Simp Pre duct 20875 xO ‘ie as Muir Ox ° e ° 9 ° sei ar 2265 ' Sk “a9 aan a 4s a: 3650 we ers7 i ? 200 2K 22m su 4 baw =m vest xt pal 0 SUM, 58.78 Simpson's Proust Mutter Oxo ° ® 2744 1 2m A396 4 = 17 se o 2 o m6 4 owes m4 ' = Mas SUM, K2657 Description Stovion Number Hever Ag [stance fo °C, pte fan Distance from Station 101) Weight per Ulait Length (average weight over interval €— AS/2 v0 4 84/2) Mase per Unit engl Sectional Adked Mass a2 Seca Viral Miso, Sectional Restoring. Fo bowie mba (1-0) leotsyeme al ta ah (oteoned x tre ae Chigiisine x Gomi xe, Wheoee <6) 1 Coelfcente, WAVE LOADS INA REGULAR SEAWAY 261 pone Gs ( eae © = eof Labie 96 “ey ° a 03st 0%? a hPL O- BANE 0AM . ay 0 rs Sins Map Han eh ee : one ° Simpons Buber 2s faci a ntand ee sade, ocilseney Min te 8 ‘ 1,008 “ tee eee ae . mysoea «(tt . 4 65 ea e860 40108-68464 Tt tga Sin © Sings Muti Oxo rot a in Sims's Minh react regarding heaving and pitching motions Jy }x AR SUM, mys jedan aUM, 4 Heaving amplitude 2, = 0.09935 ft =} x 48 x (55.978) 4 * 48 x (~ 82.657) Pitciing amplituke 6, = 01819 = = BROS Ih = = 132,251 ft-lb eave phase angle 6 = = 89.98" “The fee ample wf (L424) ie Pitch phase angle = 17842 Be fer teu ee A Nete that both phise angles are relative 69 the Jom det = 9597 Ib wave mode al the CG ofthe wesc Furthermore, Satin The calewations for the shear force and bending J, fo cose moment duetaregulir wavesare performed byfollow= °F ing (13.21) through (13.27), as shown in Table 13.3, AMOIR = 94.557 cos a which is fase om Ref. 109 From ths tabulated values one obtains the following fr= hosing . Sys! 4R x SUM, m= 5x48 SUM, ~ 88,605 ~ 94.597 sin a {x48 x 20.636 = x dR x 556.819 Thus 7 = 33018 Ib = 890.910 ft-lb ~~ 69.56" :

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