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Sc Nsg Ist year

INTRODUCTION :- The nervous system is our body's decision and communication center.
The central nervous system (CNS) is made of the brain and the spinal cord and the peripheral
nervous system (PNS) is made of nerves. The brain and spinal cord are the two main
structures of the central nervous system.

DEFINITION:- Brain is an organ made up of soft nervous tissue which is present inside the
cranium, function as the coordinating centre of sensation & intellectual and nervous activity.

The brain is made of three main parts:
 Forebrain.(Prosencephalon)
 Diencephalon
 Cerebrum
 Midbrain.(Mesencephalon)
 Tectum
 Tegmentum
 Hindbrain.(Rhombencephalon)
 Cerebellum
 Pons
 Medulla oblongata

There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves originating from the nuclei in the inferior surface of the
brain, some sensory ,some motor and some mixed.

I. Olfactory Nerve: Responsible for sense of smell

II. Optic Nerve: Plays a role in vision
III. Oculomotor Nerve: Controls movement of the eyeballs and eyelids
IV. Trochlear Nerve: Also involved in movement of the eye
V. Trigeminal Nerve: Performs a wide variety of functions, including chewing and
facial sensation.
VI. Abducent Nerve: Involved in eye movement
VII. Facial Nerve: Controls taste and facial expressions
VIII. Vestibulocochlear Nerve: Responsible for hearing and balance
IX. Glossopharyngeal Nerve: Responsible for controlling saliva, taste, and swallowing
X. Vagus Nerve: Plays a role in the motion of the lungs, throat, heart and digestive
XI. Accessory Nerve: Moves the shoulders and neck
XII. Hypoglossal Nerve: Controls speech, tongue, and swallowing

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