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Stage Protocol/ Personal Greetings

Good evening Ladies, Gentlemen, family and friends.

A warm welcome to everyone and thank you so much for sharing Charmaine’s 18th birthday
with us tonight. It just wouldn't have been the same without all of you all the people who have
played such an amazing role in her life.

Introduction/ Attention Getter

Tonight is Charmaine’s night and we hope it will be a night that she remembers fondly in the
years ahead. Eighteen years have seen Charmaine through many milestones. We've seen her
journey into adulthood. We've seen Charmaine learning to make friends, have fun, and enjoy
life unsteadily at first but growing in confidence daily.

Rationale/ Overview and Purpose of Gathering

And those determined footsteps have continued through elementary and secondary school,
through academic achievements. We have seen obstacles overcome and accolades
accomplished and we've witnessed such remarkable growth and development in every facet of
Charmaine’s life. What an honor and a privilege it has been to witness this amazing young lady
and her journey towards adulthood. And tonight, Charmaine as you stand on the brink of a new
chapter in your life, please know that we are so incredibly proud of you and we love you

Goodwill and Welcome the audience to the gathering

May you continue to walk as sure-footed as you always have, may you remain as grounded as
you have always been...and may you stay in mind and spirit, forever young .
Happy 18th birthday! to my younger sister, Charmaine
May you all have fun and enjoy Charmaine’s 18th birthday

Thank you!

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