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Journal of Hepatology 46 (2007) 1143–1148

Meeting report

Genetics in liver diseases

Antonello Pietrangelo1,*, Ronald Oude Elferink2, Jesus Prieto3, Bruce R. Bacon4
Center for Hemochromatosis, University Hospital of Modena, Via del Pozza 71, 41100 Modena, Italy
AMC Liver Center, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Medicine, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO, USA

In recent years, few fields in medicine have witnessed discoveries as momentous as those pertaining to the liver. Dramatic
advances have been made, particularly in the areas of molecular biology and genetics. A joint EASL/AASLD Monothe-
matic Conference was held on June 23rd–24th, 2006, in Modena, Italy, to bring the latest breakthroughs in different fields
of genetics to hepatologists. This article reports the highlights of the conference and summarizes the main conclusions and
implications for clinical and experimental Hepatology.
 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the European Association for the Study of the Liver.
Keywords: Hereditary diseases; Polymorphisms; Gene therapy; Genetic screening; Quantitative trait loci

1. Genetic screening and diagnosis: methods and strategies may exist [2]. Vittorio Fineschi (Siena, Italy) detailed
numerous aspects related to ethical issues in genetics
The completion of the human genome project and including informed consent, genetic counseling, privacy
the development of new technologies for DNA testing and confidentiality or inappropriate access to genetic
have initiated a revolution within the classic diagnostic data by third parties, as well as stigmatization and
laboratory. Mutation detection is an important area of discrimination [3].
molecular diagnostics today and advances in DNA In the research field, a new and fascinating area is
analysis have led to development of methods that are the study of complex traits in humans. Paolo Gasparini
increasingly specific, sensitive, fast, simple, automatic (Trieste, Italy) discussed the use of isolated inbred pop-
and cost-effective. Dr. Maurizio Ferrari (Milan, Italy) ulations to reduce disease heterogeneity of complex dis-
reported on recent and exciting developments in the orders, detect association of disease phenotypes with
use of ‘‘DNA chips’’ for the identification of discrete specific traits, and identify modifier or pathogenic
mutations associated with human genetic disorders genes. Large projects have been implemented using
[1]. However, as the use for genetic testing is dramati- inbred populations from small villages, settled by only
cally expanding in clinical settings, societal fears of a few founders, and with a high percentage of endog-
misuse of genetic information are also growing. This amy. These projects involve full clinical and biochemi-
occurs both in diagnostic settings, where the informa- cal examination, along with the establishment of DNA,
tion obtained can be used to establish a specific sera and urine banks, creation of genealogical data and
diagnosis and have treatment implications, and in pedigree drawings. While this approach looks very
screening settings, where testing target populations is promising, at present, it remains extremely difficult to
performed to detect future disease risks in individuals undertake a broad, unbiased search for modifying
or their progeny for which preventive interventions genes in a human population. As an alternate way to
address this issue, Nancy C. Andrews (Boston, USA)
reported exciting new data on an ongoing search for
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 05 9422 2714. quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that modify iron loading
E-mail address: (A. Pietrangelo). in mice. The strategy involves the choice of quantita-

0168-8278/$32.00  2007 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the European Association for the Study of the Liver.
1144 A. Pietrangelo et al. / Journal of Hepatology 46 (2007) 1143–1148

tive parameters (e.g., liver iron loading and spleen iron well-characterized acetaminophen mouse model. It is
loading), the analysis of such parameters in a variety of striking how many genes turn out to modify the
inbred mouse strains and intercrossed strains, followed response to this model drug. They foresee an advance-
by a genome-wide screen for linkage between charac- ment of this field at the preclinical level by integrating
terized genetic markers and the quantitative pheno- transcriptomics, proteomics and metabonomics in com-
types [4]. This has allowed Dr. Andrews and paring paired compounds and sensitive and resistant
colleagues to identify discrete chromosomal regions strains [8].
which carry modifier gene(s), the cloning of the rele-
vant gene products, and the determination of their 2.1. Take home messages
functional assay as well as a directed search for analo-
gous human modifier gene(s). 1. The liver is central in drug metabolism. Yet, phar-
macology of the drugs subject to inherited variabil-
1.1. Take home messages ity in metabolism is very complex and only partially
understood. As an example the genetic predisposi-
1. While genetic testing is rapidly expanding, hepatolo- tion towards certain drug–drug interactions (via
gists should be aware of the potential misuse of nuclear receptors) must be increasingly taken into
genetic information and its inherent ethical, social, account.
and legal consequences, particularly when dealing 2. While a few genotyping tests are regularly used in
with monogenic diseases with low or uncertain phe- clinical practice, it is anticipated that studies will pro-
notypic penetrance. pel the routine use of many more tests in the future
2. New and potent high-throughput methods are being and ultimately lead to genetically guided decisions
implemented in molecular diagnostics and mouse– about drug therapies in patients at risk to develop
human comparative genetics that allow the identifica- drug-induced liver diseases.
tion of susceptibility genes to complex diseases
through discrete gene loci (Quantitative Trait Loci,
QTLs) analysis.
3. However, before we move to the diagnostic applica- 3. Genetic predisposition to liver diseases
tions, mathematical models for data analysis need
to be standardized and interpretation validated There are numerous examples in hepatology of how
through analysis of large databases in different genetic components have profound effects on develop-
patient populations. ment and progression of an underlying disease. Liver
fibrosis, which is common to many forms of liver
injury and disease, is a highly dynamic process in
which multiple genes interact with environmental fac-
2. Genetic components in hepatic response to drugs and tors. Transgenic mouse models and epidemiologic stud-
toxins ies have revealed single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs) in many genes that modulate hepatic fibrosis,
The liver can be acutely or chronically exposed to a as reported by David A. Brenner (New York, USA)
variety of damaging agents including natural toxins, [9]. In specific disorders, such as alcoholic liver disease,
environmental contaminants, drugs, viruses, and many studies have focused on the association of disease
abnormally accumulated metabolites. Matias Avila progression with specific SNPs in different genes: alco-
(Pamplona, Spain) reviewed the liver defense mecha- hol dehydrogenase, cytochrome P4502E1 (CYP2E1),
nisms against injury and stress, with particular empha- antioxidant enzymes (e.g., manganese superoxide dis-
sis on novel cytokines and growth factors, such as mutase or glutathione S-transferase), inflammatory
cardiotrophin-1 and amphiregulin, involved in protec- cytokines (TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-10), cytokine modulating
tion and regeneration [5,6]. Recently, there has been factors (IL-1R antagonist), the endotoxin receptor
a change in the understanding of how variations or CD14 and cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated antigen-
mutations in genes involved in drug metabolism or dis- 4 (CTLA-4) [10]. Emanuele Albano (Novara, Italy)
ease pathophysiology affect response to therapy. Bruno reviewed this work and underscored that the results
Stieger (Zurich, Switzerland) discussed recent develop- obtained are quite promising, but still non-conclusive.
ments in pharmacogenetics and the genetic background Similar data have been collected in NASH and
in susceptibility to acquired forms of cholestasis, NAFLD [11]. According to C.P. Day (Newcastle Upon
including drug-induced cholestasis [7]. Neil Kaplowitz Tyne, UK) recent reports of family clustering indicate
and colleagues have focused on both intracellular that susceptibility to NAFLD may have genetic com-
metabolism and stress responses as well as intercellular ponents. A discrete number of genes is likely to play
interactions of the innate immune response using the a particular role in determining the development and
A. Pietrangelo et al. / Journal of Hepatology 46 (2007) 1143–1148 1145

progression of NAFLD, such as genes influencing the 2. In most cases, with a few notable exceptions (i.e.
pattern and magnitude of adiposity and insulin resis- autoimmune hepatitis), the relative importance of
tance, the severity of steatosis, fatty acid oxidation, these genes in liver disease progression remains to
oxidative stress, the amount or effect of TNF-a and be defined and validated in well-controlled large scale
the severity of NAFLD-related fibrosis. Among studies involving different populations.
different liver diseases, autoimmune hepatitis is likely 3. Genetic predisposition to disease may derive from
one with very strong genetic associations that influence abnormal gene expression or from gene mutations
its occurrence, clinical phenotype and treatment causing disturbed liver cell biology (due to changes
outcome, as outlined by Albert J. Czaja (Rochester, in enzymes, receptors, ligands, transporters, cofac-
MN USA) [12]. DRB1*0301 and DRB1*0401 are the tors, signaling molecules, cytoskeletal proteins, etc.)
susceptibility alleles for type 1 autoimmune hepatitis or altered immune reactivity. The time is getting ripe
in white North American and northern European to compile all the reported genetic mutations and all
patients, while in other countries typically alleles of the changes in gene expression relating predisposition
HLA DRB1*4 are seen. Single amino acid substitu- to liver disease in order to construct potent molecular
tions at DRb71 can enhance susceptibility (lysine, scans (of two types: to identify SNPs and to analyze
arginine), protect against the disease (alanine), or sug- changes in gene expression) that might help to better
gest another etiology (glutamic acid). characterize the specific nature of the patient
In both HBV and HCV infections, epidemiological disorder.
research has revealed a number of factors which influ- 4. Experience teaches now that studies reporting on a
ence outcome and point to the host genetic background correlation between specific SNPs and complex clini-
as being one of the key determinants. Identification of cal phenotypes must be interpreted with caution. In
specific genes may provide novel therapeutic targets for many cases the number of patients under study is
the future. Functional candidates, which influence sus- too small and coincidental correlations often are
ceptibility to persistent infection, the rate of liver fibro- found. Reported correlations must always be repli-
sis induced by HCV or the response to interferon cated in prospective studies with sufficient numbers
therapy, have recently been reported. In contrast, of well-defined patients (see for discussion Ref. 31).
Mark Thursz has used a positional candidate approach
in parallel with disease association studies and found a
polymorphism in the IL-10 (and IL-22) receptor II
gene strongly associated with HBV infection [13]. In 4. Hereditary liver diseases
patients with chronic viral infections, as reported by
Marie Annick Buendia ( Paris, France), SNPs or hapl- The liver is central to many metabolic activities and
otypes affecting tumor suppressors, cytokines, growth in recent years the genetic basis for numerous diseases
factors and several metabolic enzymes are associated involving malfunction of this organ has been clarified.
with increased or reduced risk of hepatocellular carci- Dramatic progress has occurred in hemochromatosis,
noma occurrence [14]. Besides viral infections, other the most common hereditary metabolic disorder in adult
conditions have been convincingly linked to an whites. According to Antonello Pietrangelo (Modena,
increased risk of developing HCC, including hereditary Italy), at least five genes have been identified whose
metabolic diseases, diabetes, and obesity. In addition, a mutation may lead to a hemochromatotic syndrome:
number of germline mutations may confer susceptibil- HFE, Transferrin receptor 2 (TfR2), Hemojuvelin
ity to HCC development and cooperate with environ- (HJV), Hepcidin and Ferroportin [16]. HFE, TfR2 and
mental risk factors in increasing the probability of particularly HJV are required for transcription of hepci-
HCC incidence. A fascinating and rapidly developing din, the iron-regulatory hormone, in the liver; ferropor-
area of research deals with the role of microfilaments tin is the hepcidin target–receptor. Lack of hepcidin
in response to liver injury and disease progression. leads to uncontrolled release of iron from intestine and
Bishr Omary (Palo Alto, CA, USA) showed how kera- macrophages, responsible for circulatory and tissue iron
tin variants may predispose to end stage liver disease overload. Bruce Bacon (St. Louis, USA) reported that
and disease progression in patients with hepatitis C approximately 85–90% of patients with typical hemo-
infection [15]. chromatosis are homozygous for the C282Y mutation
in HFE (prevalence of 1:250/300 Caucasians). However,
3.1. Take home messages not all homozygotes have symptoms and many have
very mild degrees of hepatic iron overload. A great deal
1. Polymorphic variants in genes involved in the devel- of effort is ongoing, attempting to understand the contri-
opment and regulation of inflammation, apoptosis, bution of environmental, physiological, and genetic
regeneration and fibrosis have a role in susceptibility cofactors in determining a fully expressed disease
to different liver diseases. phenotype.
1146 A. Pietrangelo et al. / Journal of Hepatology 46 (2007) 1143–1148

Many different mutations of the ATP7B gene are (mutated in PFIC1) flips PS to the inner leaflet of the
associated with Wilson disease (prevalence of approxi- canalicular membrane so as to increase the rigidity of
mately 1:30,000), a disorder characterized by impaired the outer leaflet and reduce bile salt sensitivity of the
copper biliary excretion and reduced copper incorpora- membrane. Mutations in various genes involved in bile
tion into ceruloplasmin. G. Loudians (Cagliari, Italy) salt synthesis also cause inherited cholestasis. Mario
reported that most mutations are rare or population Strazzabosco (New Haven, USA) has highlighted the
specific and only a limited number are relatively fre- importance of CFTR in bile formation [22]. Mutation
quent [17]. This limits the use of genetics in diagnostic of the CFTR gene in cystic fibrosis causes impaired bile
settings. For symptomatic patients, treatment with che- flow and progressive liver disease. In conjunction with
lating agents (d-penicillamine, trientine, tetrathiomolyb- other electrolyte transporters in the cholangiocyte mem-
date) is first line therapy. Michael Schilsky (New York, brane CFTR ensures bicarbonate excretion which drives
USA) emphasized that targeted goals of therapy in water flow in the biliary tree.
symptomatic patients include stabilization of clinical In recent years, much has been learned about the
disease, neurological or hepatic, biochemical normaliza- physiological role of peroxisomes, thanks to the identifi-
tion of circulating non-ceruloplasmin copper and stabil- cation of a growing number of inherited diseases in man
ization of liver tests [18]. Liver transplantation is in which either the biosynthesis, or their metabolic func-
indicated for patients with acute liver failure and severe tions, is disturbed [23]. R.J.A. Wanders (Amsterdam,
hepatic insufficiency not responsive to medical therapy, The Netherlands) has reviewed the peroxisomal disor-
but remains controversial for patients with neurological ders (PDs), which include peroxisome biogenesis disor-
disease. ders (PBDs), whose prototype is Zellweger syndrome,
Mutations in the UGT1A1 gene are responsible for and peroxisomal enzyme/transporter deficiencies (e.g.,
both type I and type II Crigler-Najjar (CN) syndromes, X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy). The genetic defects
characterized by very high serum levels of unconjugated of peroxisomes involve fatty acid b- and a-oxidation,
bilirubin [19]. A dinucleotide TA insertion within the etherphospholipid biosynthesis and glyoxylate detoxifi-
TATA box of the promoter region of UGT1A1 gene is cation. Joost Drenth (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) dis-
responsible for the much milder Gilbert’s syndrome. cussed the impact of autosomal dominant polycystic
CN1 patients are refractory to phenobarbital treatment, liver disease (PCLD) in hepatology [24]. PCLD patients
while in type II CN syndrome, enzyme activity can be suffer from the appearance of numerous cysts spread
induced by phenobarbital administration. Achille Iolas- throughout the liver resulting from overgrowth of bili-
con (Naples, Italy) underscored that definitive diagnosis ary epithelium. Drenth and colleagues, using a posi-
of the CN syndrome requires high performance liquid tional cloning approach, have identified PRKCSH
chromatography analysis of bile or liver enzyme assay, (protein kinase C substrate 80K-H) as the gene impli-
while genetics may confirm specific mutations in the five cated in PCLD; its product participates in an ER pro-
exons of the UGTA1 gene. tein processing pathway and is involved in the biliary
P. Harper (Stockholm, Sweden) nicely reviewed the epithelial luminal structure.
porphyrias caused by deficiencies in the activity of spe- Urea cycle disorders (UCDs), whose estimated prev-
cific enzymes in the heme biosynthetic pathway [20]. alence is at least 1/30,000, are caused by enzymatic defi-
The most common porphyria is porphyria cutanea ciencies such as ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
tarda, genetic or sporadic, caused by decreased activity (OTC), N-acetyl glutamate synthetase (NAGS), carba-
of the hepatic enzyme uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, myl phosphate synthetase (CPSI), argininosuccinic acid
and characterized by cutaneous and hepatic abnormali- synthetase (ASS), argininosuccinic acid lyase (ASL) and
ties, while iron overload, excess alcohol use, viral hepa- arginase I (ARG1). Brendan Lee (Houston, TX, USA)
titis or estrogen therapy are important aggravating discussed the genetic basis, pathogenesis, and heteroge-
factors. neous clinical presentation of UCDs [25]. Classically,
Several forms of progressive familial intrahepatic patients with null activity present in the neonatal period
cholestasis (PFIC) are caused by malfunction of the can- with severe hyperammonemia, whereas patients with
alicular membrane [21], as reported by Ronald O. Elfer- residual enzyme activity present later with a variety of
ink (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). This mainly symptoms ranging from cyclic vomiting to psychiatric
involves canalicular ATP-dependent transport proteins disorders. Urea cycle intermediates are also important
such as the bile salt export pump (BSEP, mutated in in other pathways of metabolism. As an example, argi-
PFIC2). The elucidation of these diseases has also high- nine is also the primary substrate for nitric oxide (NO)
lighted the role of various proteins in the protection synthase; hence, clinical features of the UCDs that are
against toxic bile. Thus, the phospholipid flippase not related to hyperammonemia may be due in part to
ABCB4 (mutated in PFIC3) translocates PC to the outer dysregulation of NO synthesis. Some recent exciting
leaflet of the canalicular membrane to allow excretion developments in the molecular pathogenesis of alfa-1-
which inactivates bile salt toxicity. Conversely, ATP8B1 antitrypsin deficiency, the most common genetic cause
A. Pietrangelo et al. / Journal of Hepatology 46 (2007) 1143–1148 1147

of liver disease in children, were outlined by David H tested and duration of expression at therapeutic levels
Perlmutter. The classical form of the deficiency is caused was limited to a period of 8 weeks [27]. Gene ther-
by a mutant protein, a1ATZ, that is retained in the apy can also be applied to the treatment of chronic
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of liver cells. Accumulation viral hepatitis using vectors enabling expression within
of a1ATZ activates a distinct profile of cellular the liver of transgenes encoding siRNA against viral
responses, including activation of the autophagic transcripts or antiviral or immunomodulatory cyto-
response, NFjB, mitochondrial- and ER-caspases. kines such as IFN-a or IL-12, as reported by Gloria
Liver injury/carcinogenesis results from a gain-of-toxic Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza (Pamplona, Spain). Jesus Pri-
function mechanism in which mutant a1ATZ elicits eto (Pamplona, Spain) showed the results of clinical
cytotoxic effects on liver cells. Accumulation of this trials applying intratumor injection of a first genera-
mutant protein in the ER also has profound effects on tion adenoviral vector encoding IL-12 to treat hepato-
cell proliferation and survival that may explain the cellular carcinoma and liver metastasis of colorectal
mechanism of hepatocarcinogenesis [26]. cancer [28,29]. The therapy was well tolerated but
antitumor effects were modest. This low efficacy was
4.1. Take home messages related to a short duration of transgene expression
and to the development of neutralizing anti-adenoviral
• The genetic defect responsible for a variety of antibodies precluding repeated transduction of the
hereditary liver disorders has been identified and neoplastic lesions. Clinical trials using long-term
the underlying molecular pathogenesis clarified. expression vectors equipped with inducible promoters
While this teaches us much about disease mecha- should be performed in the future.
nisms, these disorders generally represent relatively
rare prototypic phenotypes. In the future emphasis 5.1. Take home messages
will have to shift towards milder mutations in the
respective genes and their role in predisposition 1. Adeno-associated viruses (AAV), third generation
towards more complex but also more frequent (gutless) adenoviruses and lentiviruses represent the
disease phenotypes. most promising tools for long-term expression of
• However, in numerous hereditary liver diseases a transgenes in liver cells. For specific transgenes the
clear discrepancy exists between the presence of a use of inducible promoters would be mandatory to
pathogenic gene mutation and clinical expressivity. ensure proper control on gene expression. Hurdles
• Research should be directed to dissect the interac- that remain to be taken are immune responses against
tions of environmental and host-related factors that the transgene product as well as against viral proteins
affect the rate and extent of phenotypic penetrance (as in the case of AAV).
of monogenic defects. 2. Future gene therapy strategies to combat cancer
should include the use of long-term expression vectors
encoding transgenes directed against different targets
leading to: (a) interference with tumor biology by
5. Gene therapy blocking survival factors or neutralizing angiogenic
molecules, (b) direct destruction of tumor cells by
Gene therapy is a plastic procedure consisting of using suicide genes or oncolytic virotherapy, (c) stim-
the introduction of genes into cells to control disease ulation of antitumor immunity, (d) inhibiting the
through the use of vectors. Inder Verma (La Jolla, mediators of the immune tolerance to tumors (e.g.,
CA, USA) has presented data showing the potential Tregs). Possibly, success may depend on the proper
of third generation lentiviral vectors able to transduce combination on several of these strategies. Much
liver, brain, muscle and hematopoietic stem cells. The research should be done using animal models with
most promising applications for hepatic gene therapy tumors closer to the human counterpart than the
are not only the correction of hereditary diseases of transplantable tumors that are so frequently
the liver but also non-hepatic genetic disorders (e.g., employed for the preclinical proof of concept.
hemophilia) or acquired liver diseases. Hemophilia B
is a bleeding diathesis caused by mutations in the
gene encoding blood coagulation Factor IX (F.IX).
Katherine A. High (Philadelphia, USA) undertook 6. Conclusions and perspectives
an open label, dose escalation study of AAV-F.IX
delivered through the hepatic artery in seven subjects The EASL/AASLD Monothematic conference has
with severe hemophilia B. Vector infusion was not brought together for the first time clinicians, geneticists,
associated with acute or long-lasting toxicity, thera- epidemiologists, bioethicists and molecular biologists to
peutic levels of F.IX were achieved at the highest dose discuss key aspects related to genetics and liver disorders.
1148 A. Pietrangelo et al. / Journal of Hepatology 46 (2007) 1143–1148

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