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3 Complete the first conditional

sentences with the correct form of

the verbs.
Language Test 7B* 1 If we spray graffiti on the walls, our
teachers (be) very angry.
2 If it (not rain), we’ll go
1 Complete the sentences with the skateboarding.
correct form of will and the verbs. 3 If she (run) fast, she’ll
1 She’s an awesome singer. She catch the bus.
(be) famous one day. 4 If I (finish) my
2 “Please tell Greg about the party.” homework, I’ll watch TV.
“Don’t worry. I (tell) him.” 5 If he (not get) good
3 I (carry) those books for grades on his exams, he won’t
you. They look heavy. graduate in June.
4 He can run fast, but not very fast. 6 If they buy some cheese and
He (never / win) any races. tomatoes, they (make)
5 “We don’t have any sugar.” pizzas tonight.
“I (buy) some from the 7 If you don’t help me, I
supermarket.” (not finish) my work.
6 “She has tickets for a classical 8 If they (arrive) early,
music concert.” we’ll go to the movies.
“She (love) it. The 9 If she doesn’t practice the piano
musicians are awesome.” every day, she (not be)
7 “They want to see the new a good musician.
science movie.” “They (not 10 If I have some money, I
enjoy) it. It’s boring.” (buy) my mom a present.
___/7 marks ___/10 marks

2 Make questions and short answers

with the correct form of will.
1 A (they / come)
to the soccer game next 1 Choose the correct answer.
week? 1 They listened to a new last
B √ night.
2 A (Harry and a chart b digital c album
Bert / pass) all their 2 This is a new by my favorite
exams? singer.
B × They aren’t a playlist b digital c CD release
very good students. 3 Who is your favorite ?
3 A (Tessa / a singer b CD release c station
graduate) with good 4 I looked at the on my MP3
grades? player.
B √ a station b playlist c composer
4 A (you / have) a 5 They often listen to this radio .
good time with your It has great music.
cousins? a station b playlist c release
B ×

___/8 marks

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4 d

6 The wrote some great music.

a album b radio c composer
7 We went to a(n) in the park
last night.
a concert b album c hit
8 That song is number three in the
pop .
a singers b charts c tracks 5 v
9 They often music from the
a track b download c hit
10 I listened to the fourth of the
a pop b digital music c track
11 This song is amazing! It’s going to
be a .
a pop chart b hit c station 6 p
12 You listen to music on the
a digital b download c playlist

___/12 marks

2 Label the instruments.

1 s

___/6 marks

3 Complete the sentences with types

of music.
1 They’re Americans, and they
2 g listen to c music.
2 I love h m , but my
parents don’t. It’s very loud.
3 He enjoyed the o last night.
All the singers were very good.
4 Te is Tanya’s favorite
dance music.
5 People usually play p music
at parties.
3 k 6 We really like j , and Miles
Davis is our favorite musician.
7 Do you like h h ? I do,
and Jay-Z is my favorite singer.

___/7 marks

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1 Complete the dialogues with the
words and phrases in the box.
all right can I get
can I help do you want
for sure go for it
nervous no please
A I haven’t got any nice
clothes for the party.
B to wear my
jeans and shirt?
A No, 2 . I’ll buy
some pants tomorrow.

A I’m singing in a concert,

and I’m really 3 .
B you some
A Yes, 5 .

A We’re going to start a

B ! You’ll be
C That’s 7 !

A I have a lot of work in the

house today.
B you to tidy the
A , it’s 10 .

___/10 marks

Total: ___/60 marks

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