Key Signatures and Their Personalities

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Key Signatures and their Personalities

Major Keys

C Major is innocent in nature. What you see is generally what you get, but this isn’t to say that they lack
depth. They are generally kindhearted people and can find joy in the small things.

C#/Db Major is the type to curl up in the library with a book for hours on end and shut the world out.
They are generally quiet but the things they do say are extremely insightful.

D Major is a very determined person. They are extremely loyal and passionate. They would die for you,
but they would also kill for you.

Eb Major is very methodical in their actions. They believe that there is a rhyme and a reason for
everything. However, they also have an emotional depth to them that isn’t extremely visible when you
first meet them.

E Major is very playful. They are similar to C Major, but are a bit more outgoing. They are generally loud
and are not afraid to let their opinions be known. They are very passionate about the things they love.

F Major is, like Eb Major, methodical in their actions. F Major loves nothing more than the satisfaction
they get after tidying their workspace and they thrive off of organization.

F#/Gb Major is an adrenaline junkie. They love anything that gets them to see the world. They are
generally optimistic and outgoing. They enjoy trying new things and hate routine.

G Major is the personification of a warm hug. They are the kind of person who you would feel
comfortable telling them just about anything. They are great listeners and overall very kind.

Ab Major comes across as very cold when you first meet them, but are incredibly dedicated and
hardworking when you get to know them. They can come off as obsessive, but they are also some of the
most knowledgable people on the planet.

A Major is the sort of person that other people really aspire to be. They probably dress really trendy and
have cool lights in their room. Despite coming off as basic, they actually have a really nice depth to

Bb Major is incredibly pragmatic. They are goal oriented and always are looking toward solutions
instead of wallowing in their own problems. They are sometimes emotionally closed off, but can be
really understanding of others’ emotions regardless.

B Major is kind of quirky, but it’s a genuine quirkiness that makes other people love them. They are true
to who they are and are probably artists in some sort of form, whether it be visual, dramatic, or musical.

Minor Keys

A Minor is someone that you can trust. They are generally quiet but always ready to listen to you when
you have something you need to vent about. They don’t believe in playing games.

B flat Minor is very overdramatic. They have a tendency to make a mountain out of a molehill. With that
being said, they are great storytellers and fun to talk with.
B Minor loved Harry Potter as a kid. They are the type to reminisce on the old days and wish that
everyone could be nicer to each other. This makes them appear melancholy a lot.

C Minor is the kind of person who loves silvery things. They find pride in their aesthetics, which they
tend to fine tune for fun. They can sometimes come off as vain, but it’s simply a love for certain visuals.

C# Minor is someone who is overall a pretty anxious person. They do not like change, and when it
happens, they are apprehensive. However, they are also some of the most hardworking people that you
will ever meet.

D Minor is the sort of person who lives on the internet. They like to immerse themselves into different
worlds because it’s more interesting and stimulating than the world they actually live in. They have great
senses of humor.

Eb Minor does not reveal much about themselves until they trust people. Once they open up, they
prove to be complex creatures with an amazing mind. They are some of the smartest people that you
will ever meet.

E Minor is someone who seems to be ‘fake deep’. They think very highly of themselves and sometimes
have a tendency to be arrogant or cocky. However, their confidence is through the roof, and this
confidence can be contagious.

F Minor is extremely ambitious, but in a way that can almost be toxic. They will do anything to get ahead
and are very cutthroat. They are not afraid to say what is on their minds and do not take others’ feelings
into account.

F# Minor typically is not very good at responding to messages. They sleep a lot, and often are really sad.
They could probably use a hug. They probably write poetry, and it’s probably really good because they
are in touch with their emotions.

G Minor is hurt by someone or something. They want to say how they feel but are scared to due to a
societal pressure or norm holding them back. They have big dreams and are just now starting to chase

Ab Minor is probably really good at math. They are another person who thinks that everything happens
for a reason, and they are curious about the universe and all it holds. They are probably going to go into
a STEM field.

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