Project Budget

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Questions and answers:

1. What is a budget?

Ans1: A budget is an estimation of income and costs over a predetermined future timeframe and
is typically ordered and reconsidered on an intermittent premise. Spending plans can be made for
an individual, a family, a gathering of individuals, a business, a legislature, a nation, a global
association or pretty much whatever else that makes and goes through cash. At organizations and
associations, a spending limit is an inner device utilized by the board and is regularly not
required for detailing by outer gatherings.

2. List three (3) types of budget.

1. Project budget: an expectation of the expenses related with a specific organization venture.
These expenses incorporate work, materials, and other related costs. The venture spending plan
is frequently separated into explicit errands, with task spending plans allocated to each. A quote
is utilized to build up an undertaking spending plan.
2. Zero based budget - A spending type where each thing added to the spending needs
endorsement and no things are conveyed forward from the earlier years spending plan. This sort
of spending plan has a reasonable preferred position when the restricted assets are to be
assigned cautiously and equitably. Zero based planning sets aside more effort to make as all bits
of the spending should be checked on by the executives.
3. Capital budget - used to decide if an association's long haul speculations, for example, new
hardware, substitution apparatus, new plants, new items, and research advancement ventures
merit seeking after.

3. List three (3) factors you would consider when developing a budget.


1. Salary Structure : The manner by which cash comes into your pay proclamation is basic for arranging
income. Here are a few inquiries to pose to yourself and a few manners by which your answers may
figure out what your spending limit ought to resemble:

a. Fixed Income: Are you paid a fixed yearly pay, or a time-based compensation where your hours are
pretty much steady? On the off chance that your salary is fixed and unsurprising, planning will be
simpler, yet somewhat less energizing.

b. Variable Income: Are you paid a time-based compensation where your hours fluctuate a considerable
amount? Is it true that you are independently employed or a commission deals worker? Do you possess
a joined business?
2. Your Spending Habits : How cash leaves your salary proclamation is similarly basic to your income.
a. Do You Have a Few Larger Expenses that You Need to Save For Throughout the Year? For us, property
duties and protection are 2 of our bigger costs (outside of the home loan), and we have to spare ahead
for them so as to stay away from a money crunch.

b. Is it true that you are Spending More Than You Would Like in One or More Categories?

The best way to make sense of this is to take a gander at a nitty gritty rundown of cash coming in and
cash going out. On the off chance that it doesn't adjust, it doesn't work.

3. Your Use (or Not) of Credit and Debt : Regardless of whether, and to what degree, you are conveying
liabilities on your asset report will decide the amount of your spending should go to support that

a. Do You Use Credit as a Crutch or a Tool?

Credit as a Crutch: If charge cards are your rainy day account and you are prone to tap them consistently
for needs instead of necessities, your asset report won't balance and your spending will progressively
consolidate obligation administration costs as opposed to reserve funds.

b. Is Your Housing Liability Too Big for Your Income Assets?

Have you, as such huge numbers of others, purchased more home than you can truly bear? Have you,
additionally like numerous others, endured a major drop in salary because of a vocation misfortune,
work change, separation, or ailment

4. List five (5) types of data that may be considered while developing a budget.


1. Revenues: In accounting, revenue is the income that a business has from its normal

business activities, usually from the sale of goods and services to
customers. Revenue is also referred to as sales or turnover. Some companies
receive revenue from interest, royalties, or other fees.
2. cost: In production, research, retail, and accounting, a cost is the value of
money that has been used up to produce something or deliver a service, and
hence is not available for use anymore. In business, the cost may be one of
acquisition, in which case the amount of money expended to acquire it is
counted as cost.
3. expenses: Businesses incur various types of expenses. An expense is a type of expenditure that
flows through the income statement and is deducted from revenue to arrive at net income. Due
to the accrual principle in accounting, expenses are recognized when they are incurred, not
necessarily when they are paid for.
4. assets: Historically, there have been three primary asset classes, but today
financial professionals generally agree that there are four broad classes
of assets: Equities (stocks) Fixed-income and debt (bonds) Money market
and cash equivalents.
5. liabilities: Liabilities are obligations of the company; they are amounts owed to creditors
for a past transaction and they usually have the word "payable" in their account title.
Along with owner's equity, liabilities can be thought of as a source of the company's

5. List three (3) types of information sources to consult while developing a budget.


1. The business plan: A business plan is a written description of your business's future. It's
as simple as that a record that describes what you intend to do and how you intend to do
it. On the off chance that you write down a section on the rear of an envelope depicting
your business technique, you've composed an arrangement, or if nothing else the germ of
an arrangement.
2. Historical information from the organization's accounting system: An accounting as an
information system (AIS) is a system of collecting, storing and processing financial
and accounting data that are used by decision makers. An accounting information system is
generally a computer-based method for tracking accounting activity in conjunction with
information technology resources
3. The knowledge of key personnel in the organization: The personnel are the assets and as
such, identifying and retaining key personnel is a major concern for knowledge-based
enterprise. Identifying key personnel in organizations has been a main topic of study for many
social network researchers.

6. When analyzing internal and external factors for potential impact on budget answer the

a) What are 'internal factors'? Provide two (2) examples

Ans: The internal business environment comprises of factors within the company which impact the
success and approach of operations. Unlike the external environment, the company has control over
these factors. It is important to recognize potential opportunities and threats outside company
operations. However, managing the strengths of internal operations is the key to business success.

1. Thevalue system of an organisation means the ethical beliefs

that guide the organisation in achieving its mission and objective.
The value system of a business organisation also determines its
behaviour towards its employees, customers and society at large.
The value system of the promoters of a business firm has an
important bearing on the choice of business and the adoption of
business policies and practices.
2. The objective of all firms is assumed to be maximization of
long-run profits. But mission is different from this narrow
objective of profit maximization. Mission is defined as the overall
purpose or reason for its existence which guides and influences its
business decision and economic activities.
b) What are 'external factors'? Provide two (2) examples

Ans:  External factors are elements that influence a business' results and

performance from the outside. These factors are often part of the economic,
political and social environment of the locations where the company operates

1. Computerized reasoning, brilliant web look, and other innovative capacities all sort of
innovation has been at the cutting edge of numerous business for a long time. For example,
American Airlines began utilizing a mechanized flight booking framework and Bank of America
took on a robotized registration framework. Regardless of what the size of your endeavor is, both
unmistakable and elusive advantages of innovation are notable.

2. One of the most basic elements we learn in financial matters is that delightful client request is
an unquestionable requirement for each business endurance. Clearly your item is served for the
requirements of clients then under any condition, your business can create without following this
strategic. Adjacent to be the main organization business visionaries ought recognize as well as
tailor their client's advantage.

7. List three (3) aspects of providing colleagues with an opportunity to contribute ideas.


1. Meetings: At the point when your associates will in general keep occupied and have
restricted time to save, it's anything but difficult to accept that the best group meeting is
one that covers all destinations as fast as would be prudent. While short conversations are
surely productive, they are not generally the best methodology.

Planning better group gatherings includes utilizing group commitment as your system for
progress. From setting up goals and making a participant rundown to building up a
motivation and a subsequent methodology, center around building a feeling of
collaboration. With this procedure, you can empower more noteworthy interest and the
inspiration to work together.
2. Secret ballot: Secret polling forms are utilized related to different democratic
frameworks. The most essential type of mystery polling form uses clear bits of paper,
whereupon every voter composes their decision. Without uncovering the votes to
anybody, the voter would crease the polling form paper and spot it in a fixed box, which
is exhausted later for tallying.

3. Employee Feedback Form: Employee feedback is defined as a process of giving

constructive suggestions to the employees by their reporting managers, supervisors and
peers. However, this process is not just restricted here, employee feedback also comprises
of the feedback that the employee would want to give to his/her manager, peers or the
organization as a whole.

8. List three (3) methods of canvassing your colleagues' opinions.


1. votes: Voting is a method for a group, such as a meeting or an electorate, in order to make a
collective decision or express an opinion usually following discussions, debates or election
campaigns. Democracies elect holders of high office by voting. Residents of a place represented
by an elected official are called "constituents", and those constituents who cast a ballot for their
chosen candidate are called "voters". There are different systems for collecting votes.
2. discussion: A discussion group is a group of individuals, typically who share a similar interest,
who gather either formally or informally to discuss ideas, solve problems, or make comments.
Common methods of conversing including meeting in person, conducting conference calls,
using text messaging, or using a website such as an Internet forum.
3. Feedback form: To ensure that you're getting proper feedback, you need a feedback
form template that captures all relevant information. Using the JotForm form builder you can
then format and fully customize your own feedback form. This customer satisfaction
survey form allows getting feedback .

9. List five (5) types of Information you would analyse when drafting a budget.


 It should cover 12 to 24 months of business operation.

 You can use paper spreadsheets that you fill out in pencil.
 Computer programs like Excel will enable you to change numbers quickly.
 You should work out a complete budget before beginning business operations.
 Each month, you should review, revise and update your budgets for the next 12 months.
10. What action could you take if you having difficulty gelling started with your draft


Are monetary difficulties making you think about your own budgetary circumstance? You might
be stressed over losing your employment or how much obligation you have. Keep away from a
potential individual monetary emergency; return to nuts and bolts with a spending you can
adhere to. Here's the manner by which to begin:

Stage 1: Set Realistic Goals

Objectives for your cash will assist you with settling on keen spending decisions. Ask yourself:
What do I need my funds to look like in one year? Choose what's imperative to you and start
there. Increasingly about this

Stage 2: Identify your Income and Expenses

You most likely expertise much you win every month – yet do you likewise know where
everything goes? Discover by following what you're spending. Spend as you ordinarily would,
however for half a month, write down each penny you spend. It's simple and you may be
astounded by what you discover. More information on this

Stage 3: Separate Needs and Wants

Ask yourself: Do I need this or do I need it? Will going through this cash get me closer to my
money related objectives or further away? Would i be able to live without it? Set clear needs for
yourself and the choices become simpler to make. Find out additional

Stage 4: Design Your Budget

Ensure that you are not spending more than you make. Parity your spending limit to suit all that
you have to pay for. One simple approach to do this is with our free, simple to-utilize spending
mini-computer spreadsheet and worksheet that is worked for Canadians. Get familiar with
making a spending limit
Stage 5: Put Your Plan enthusiastically

Match your spending to when you get your pay. Choose early what you'll utilize each check for.
Ask yourself: Have I apportioned cash for my necessities (lodging, nourishment, utilities,
transportation, and so forth.)? Have I set cash aside for my obligation installments, surprising
costs, investment funds and the enjoyment stuff? This will shield you from straying into the red
further on the grounds that you won't depend using a loan to pay for your everyday costs. Find
out additional

Stage 6: Seasonal Expenses

You realize that things will "simply come up" – school costs, new shoes or a yearly participation.
Put cash aside to pay for these costs so you can bear the cost of them without straying into the
red. More on this

Stage 7: Look Ahead

Jumping on target with a spending limit can take a month or two. You've experienced this time
without a spending plan, so give yourself an opportunity to change. Try not to be reluctant to
request help if things aren't becoming alright – help is only a call away.

11. List three (3) examples of fixed costs/overheads.


1. Depreciation
Progressive discounting of an unmistakable resource over its life is called devaluation. It is a
fixed expense as it is brought about with a similar incentive over the life of the benefit. It doesn't

2. Amortization
Amortization is utilized to bring down the cost estimation of immaterial resource a timeframe. It
likewise incorporates reimbursement of a credit. For instance, assume ABC Corporation burns
through $50,000 to secure a patent that will terminate in 5 years. It ought to be amortized over
the five years before it terminates. Amortization cost of $10,000 will be brought about as a fixed
expense in books.
3. Insurance
This is an occasional premium paid under the understanding of arrangement. For instance, the
expense of protecting the industrial facility building is a fixed cost regardless of the quantity of
units created inside the processing plant.

12. List three (3) factors on which you may base ambitious estimates of 'income and


 Project Planning – the Income and Expenditure budget is a foundation document for project
planning, identifying the project resource requirements, anticipated costs and funding. All
budget lines are coded using the organization’s chart of accounts. Budgets are used to build an
accurate picture of what an organization or a new project will cost to run and to help raise
 Project Implementation – once the project is approved, the budget and associated codes are
used to ensure that costs are accurately recorded in the books of account. The budget guides
decision making when allocating financial resources. It gives an overview of the income targets
and limits on spending so the team is clear how much money is available for each part of the
project implementation.
 Project Monitoring – it is essential to have information on your project’s financial situation to
manage it effectively. Budget monitoring reports help us to assess the project’s performance
compared to the plan (budget). Action may be needed to get things back on track if we are
spending more or less than the budget.

13.List three (3) relevant parties you may choose to consult for their input on your draft


 The first thing you may notice is that this training program and the information. Draft
budget, based on analysis of all available information and in accordance with enterprise
 Co-operation is always best when stakeholders are consulted and included in the budget
process.  Always best when stakeholders are consulted and included in
the budget process.
 Estimate income and expenditure and support with valid, reliable and relevant
information, including income and expenditure for previous time periods
14. List three (3) ways to inform those concerned with budget allocation


 the outcome of any budget decisions should be communicated to all relevant staff
 responsibility for each element of the budget allocation should be delegated to a named
 the named individual will normally be the 'person responsible' or the 'approver' in the uBASE
system. If not, the department should be clear on who is monitoring expenditure against
budget and/or is accountable for the use of the budget

15. List three (3) types of potential budget modifications.


a) Informal Modifications • The original line item is less than $5,000 dollars. You may increase/decrease
any amount of the original budget line item up to the original amount. • If the original line item is
greater than $5,000 and the change is less than or equal to 10% of the original line item.

b) Formal Modifications • If the original line item is greater than $5,000 and the change is greater than
10% of the line item, grantee must obtain prior written approval before incurring any expenses
requested in the modification

c) Program Modification requests involve changes that directly impact the activities listed in the Scope
of Work (and may impact the Statement of Work) but do not impact the budget. Any requested changes
that impact the budget are considered budget modifications.

16. List three (3) factors on which modifications may be based.


 Unbalanced Bud Mods

 Insufficient Funds

 or New Chart-fields.

17. What does it mean to ensure your budget proposal is easy to read?


It means I have to consider the following points:

1. Be realistic
Budgeting often gets a bad rap because it can feel like a restrictive diet. The key to
budgeting effectively and saving money is being realistic.

2. Consider automating your savings

Have you ever thought, “Saving is too much trouble”? Luckily, there’s one trick that can
ensure that you put aside some money each month: automation.

3. Consider using online tools

In order to keep an eye on your budget, consider using online tools that can track your
income and expenses. Online tools can offer you an easy way to create a budget and track
your expenses. The key to successful budgeting is to spend less than you earn, and these
resources may help you quickly see where your money is going and where you can cut back.

4. Try budgeting for additional expenses

One of the things that can get in the way of budgeting is surprise expenses, such as car
repairs after a crash or an illness. Even recurring expenses like annual insurance payments
or paying your taxes may catch you off guard.

5. Adjust as needed

A budget is a spending plan that should reflect your life and match up with your goals and
lifestyle. In order to budget successfully and save money, try to review your budget every
few months and adjust as needed

18. List three (3) ways documenting budget decisions and responsibilities helps the overall
performance of your organisation.


• Strike right balance between detail and aggregation. – Some ways of presenting budget make it easer
to integrate performance information eg: by grouping individual line items into a single operational
costs category

• Program classification combined with good information on results (eg evaluations, performance
measures) can assist decision-makers make more informed judgement on competing policy objectives. –
If Governments want to use performance information in budget setting, they need to integrate
performance into budget decision making process, not just budget paperwork

• ‘Presentational performance budgeting‘ (OECD) - performance information is presented in budget

documents as background information for accountability and dialogue with legislature and citizens but is
not intended to play a role in decision-making – Parliament and the public can be kept informed via
program statements presented with the budget documents accompanying the annual budget

19. Explain why is it important to review your budgets?

Ans19: I need to review and revise budget frequently because using up-to-date budgets will help
me manage my cash flow effectively and identify what needs to be achieved in the next
budgeting period. For examples:- Analysing variations will help me to set future budgets more
accurately and also allow me to take action where needed.- regularly review your actual
expenditure against budget. This will help me to predict future costs with greater reliability

2O. List three (3) functions of a 'budget committee'.


(1) To lay down general policies of management in relation to the budgetary system.

(2) To lay down the various guidelines for the preparation and implementation of the

(3) To provide historical data to help managers in forecasting.

21. Why do 'deviations' occur?

Ans21: A budget variance is the difference between the budgeted or baseline amount of expense
or revenue, and the actual amount. The budget variance is favorable when the actual revenue is
higher than the budget or when the actual expense is less than the budget.

Deviation is a measure of variance that tells

1) whether a given process differs from an agreed-upon requirement or course of action and

2) how much the variance is. It helps determine if the process's performance is affected by the
22. List three (3) examples of what can change after preparing a budget.


 Next, list out your expenses. Start with the essentials (what we call
the Four Walls): food, utilities, shelter and transportation. Then,
add in the nonessentials like TV streaming services, restaurants,
adult kickball league fees, subscription boxes, personal spending,
and such.
 This means you need to use the zero-based budgeting method we
talked about earlier. If you still have money left over after you list all
your expenses—chuck it at your current Baby Step! Boom. And if
you have negative money left over—that means you’ve spent too
much. Adjust your budget lines and take some money out of all
those nonessential categories until you get to zero.
 This last step is key: Track. Every. Expense. When you spend
money, log that purchase into the correct budget line. This is how
you’ll keep an eye on everything. Budgeting is how you plan.
Tracking is how you keep up with the plan.

23. Describe the process of negotiation and list three (3) skills required for successful
negotiation of a budget.

Ans23: Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a

beneficial outcome over one or more issues where a conflict exists with respect to at least one of
these issues. Negotiation is an interaction and process between entities who compromise to agree
on matters of mutual interest, while optimizing their individual utilities.

1. prepare2. information exchange and validation3.bargain4.conclude5.execute

3 skills required:

-Asking question

-Making decision

-Manage wins and losses

24. How would you store and file the budget reports according to organisational policy?

 Separate it: Separate spending plans into classes to make evaluating simpler. Make
reasonable forecasts of required assets for every classification. Make spreadsheets to
catch spending subtleties. Utilize the computing capacities for precision and to make it
simpler to alter the financial limit.

 Condense and Evaluate: Sort out spending subtleties so they can be condensed by
classification and time span. Break down the consequences of your forecasts. Make
alterations where required. Print out rundown and class detail reports. Staple the rundown
to the front of the detail pages. Utilize a Colored Expanding File to sort out spending
reports for a whole year. The dividers keep reports isolated by month and quarter. Keep
the spending record in a document cabinet with the fold open. Close the fold while
moving the record.

 Screen and Compare: Audit the monetary allowance consistently to contrast genuine
figures and your spending forecasts. Print intermittent rundown reports. Document in the
suitable segment of the growing record. Cause changes if real figures to fluctuate from
spending desires. Submit for endorsement if necessary.

25. Provide one (1) example of an 'accounting software program' used to prepare and
monitor budgets and list key features and functions

Ans25: That is ‘FreshBooks’ software, one of the best cloud solutions for small business owners
Key features:-Dynamic solution for SMBs-Time-saving auto-bills and recurring payments-
Responsive mobile design-Preserved simplicity Key functions:-Online Invoicing-Expense
Tracking-Accounting Reports & Taxes-Payments

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