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HRM 360: Human Resource Planning

Submitted To:
Mr. Shafquat Rafiul Alam (SQT)
Department of Management
School of Business and Economics (SBE)
North South University
Submitted By:
Business as Unusual
HRM 360 | SECTION 3 | FALL 2019

Nafis Ibn Alam 171 1802 030
Arsh Anwar 171 1622 630
Sumaiya Noureen 171 3065 030
Rukshar Rahman 171 1216 030
Md. Assaduzzaman Shawon 172 1216 630
Sharose Islam 173 1810 630
Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Letter of Transmittal
December 21, 2019

Mr. Shafquat Rafiul Alam (SQT)

North South University
Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka – 1229

Subject: Submission of HRM 360 Report of FASTFORWRD

Dear Sir,
Let me please start off with thanking you for this opportunity to apply our knowledge from the
class to the real world and conveying my heartiest gratitude for your exemplary guidance and
excellent mentorship throughout the course of this semester. This Human Resource
Management (HRM) course has been a great learning experience for all of us.

Without a trace of doubt I can assure you that we have given our best to make the most out of
the opportunity of working under you as a researcher and do justice to the task you have assigned
us with. Every criterion was fulfilled with the utmost diligence therefore we are now submitting
to you the report of our group project on our own creative consultancy agency FASTFORWRD in
hopes that we have been able to deliver accordingly.

We have tried our best to incorporate all the necessary details you have asked for and hope that
you will find this report 100% error free and sufficiently informative. We are eagerly waiting for
your feedback and humbly request you to accept our report. I sincerely thank you for taking the
time to read through this letter and hope that you will find our project worthy of your

Sincerely yours,

Sharose Islam 173 1810 630

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Nafis Ibn Alam 171 1802 030

Arsh Anwar 171 1622 630

Sumaiya Noureen 171 3065 030

Rukshar Rahman 171 1216 030

Md. Assaduzzaman Shawon 172 1216 630

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

We would like to forward our utmost gratitude to our course instructor, Mr. Shafquat Rafiul Alam,
for his undeterred guidance and support throughout this course. HRM 360 has been the inception
of HRM major courses for most of us and we have all thoroughly enjoyed and benefitted from his
interactive approach to teaching.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Table of Contents

Letter of Transmittal ...................................................................................................................1

Acknowledgements .....................................................................................................................3

Executive Summary .....................................................................................................................7

About FASTFORWRD ...................................................................................................................8

Story Behind the Name: ..........................................................................................................8

Founders of FASTFORWRD ......................................................................................................9

Company Logo: .......................................................................................................................9

Workflow Process Diagram ...................................................................................................10

Entrepreneurs’ Backgrounds .................................................................................................11

Organogram: .............................................................................................................................13

PESTLE Analysis .........................................................................................................................14

Political: ................................................................................................................................14

Economic: .............................................................................................................................14


Technological: .......................................................................................................................15


Environmental: ......................................................................................................................15

SWOT Analysis: .........................................................................................................................16

Human Resource Policies: .........................................................................................................17

Company Budgeting ..............................................................................................................17

Budgeting Strategy: ...............................................................................................................18

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Analyzing Real Time Performance Data: ................................................................................18

1. Employee Salary: .....................................................................................................18

2. Statutory Compliance: .............................................................................................18

3. Training and Development: .....................................................................................18

4. Employee Engagement: ...........................................................................................18

Employee Classification .........................................................................................................18


Vacation Policy ......................................................................................................................19

Termination Policy ................................................................................................................20

Voluntary Termination: .....................................................................................................20

Involuntary Termination: ...................................................................................................20

Exit Interview ........................................................................................................................20

In-Person-Interview: ..........................................................................................................20

Telephone Interview: ........................................................................................................20

Pen and Paper Interview: ..................................................................................................20

Recruitment & Selection .......................................................................................................21

Objective of Recruitment/ Selection ..................................................................................21

Recruitment Regulation .....................................................................................................21

Selection Regulation ..........................................................................................................22

The Process of Recruitment & Selection ............................................................................22

Salary Administration – Grades .............................................................................................22

Code of Conduct ....................................................................................................................23

General Behavior toward the Company and All Other Stakeholders ..................................25

Keeping Records ....................................................................................................................26

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Human Resources Information System (HRIS) .......................................................................27

Performance Appraisal System ..............................................................................................27

Performance Evaluation Factors ........................................................................................28

Methods of Performance Appraisal ...................................................................................28

Employee and Community Relations .................................................................................29

Leave/Attendance Policy ...................................................................................................30

Training & Development .......................................................................................................34

General Purpose of Training for employees: ......................................................................35

General Purpose of Training for the organization: .............................................................35

Workplace Harassment Training for Employees:................................................................36

FASFORWRD Ascend Process: ............................................................................................36

Promotion policy ...................................................................................................................38

Merit – ..............................................................................................................................38

Seniority - ..........................................................................................................................38

Grievance Policy ....................................................................................................................39

Compensation and Benefits:..................................................................................................41

Job Analyses: .............................................................................................................................43

Member Contribution List: ....................................................................................................84

Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................85

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Executive Summary
The raison d'être of this report is to lay out a Human Resource Plan for the company
FASTFORWRD - a creative consultancy agency. The report starts off with a brief overview of the
industry that we are operating in along with a company profile consisting of details regarding the
product offerings of FASTFORWRD, the founders’ introduction, and the company logo. As you
read on, you will find an industry relevant external and internal analysis for FASTFORWRD. The
report then delves into its HR Policies which is inclusive of Human Resource Planning, Company
Budget, Salary Administrations, Recruitment and Selection Process, Record Keeping, Training &
Development, Promotion Policies, Performance Appraisal Systems, Leave/Attendance Policies,
Grievance Policies, Code of Conduct, and a Work Process Diagram.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

FASTFORWRD was born with the intention of introducing a new approach to Influencer
Marketing to Bangladesh. While the hype of using influencers for marketing by brands was
soaring, the founders of FASTFORWRD could not help but cower at all the potential marketing
efforts that were being lost to generic marketing practices not fit for the respective category.
Therefore, FASTFORWRD was conceived with the idea of bringing the full package (ideation and
execution) to its selective and exclusive clientele.

Product offering of FASTFORWRD is as follows:

 Ideation (Concept)

 Logo Creative

 Digital Marketing Plan and Illustrations

 Photography

 Set Design

 Fashion Direction

 Website Curation

 Social Media Handling

 Press Event Organization (Launch Parties, Promotional Events, etc.)

Our vision is to take the Creative Consultancy industry of Bangladesh to the next level by
consistently providing our clients with the most innovative and inventive ideas which belong to
a class by themselves.

Story Behind the Name:

The etymology “fast forward” literally refers to the fast tracking of audio or video tapes to be
stopped at a desired time. The reason behind naming the company so, stems from its value of
giving its customers a smooth and efficient run for their money whilst never compromising on

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

quality. The quirky spelling is where the edge comes in as, by eliminating a redundant syllable
that will be spelled out in speech anyway, the company represents its vision for only dealing with
aspects that are necessary to satisfy the needs of their clients rather than wasting resources just
for a longer bill. The slanted transition from black to white is also representative of one of our
core values which is to think in a manner which is anything but predictable. The unconventional
visual of the logo furthers develops on the company’s theme of bringing about the most out of
the box and innovative ideas the market has ever seen.

Founders of FASTFORWRD:

Chief Executive
Officer (CEO)

Vice President
Vice President Vice President
Vice President Vice President Human Vice President
Public Information
Finance Marketing Resources Operations
Relations Technology

Company Logo:

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Workflow Process Diagram

Assignment: Creative Brief:

Client: Meet the client, understand CRM Executive takes
Approach or be their needs and creative brief from the
approached by potential requirements. If they fit, customer and
client. accept and proceed to next communicates it to
stage. Operations Managers.

Creative Executive
Ideation Idea Presentation
takes lead.

Acceptance or Budgeting – Budget

Rejection. Finance Manager Presentation

Execution Evaluation

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Entrepreneurs’ Backgrounds
Chief Executive Officer and Vice President – Human Resources
Sharose Islam

With an unwavering passion for creativity and leadership, Sharose Islam completed her
undergrad from North South University in Marketing and Human Resources Management. With
the inception of FASFORWRD, Sharose Islam intends to bring about a sea change in how
marketing works and is perceived in Bangladesh. Her goal in life is to contribute towards woman
empowerment in her country and to build a world, at least within her industry, where success is
measured and achieved solely through talent and hard-work.

Vice President – Finance

Arsh Anwar

Unlike most of her co-workers, Arsh Anwar, thrives on numbers. Her ability to make sense from
the most incomprehensible set of numbers is what makes her a thriving expert in her field. Arsh
Anwar oversees all financial operations with regards to FASTFORWRD and aims to always keep
the company’s financial ground rock solid for all adversities and all opportunities.

Vice President – Marketing

Md. Assaduzzaman Shawon

For Assaduzzaman Shawon, customer satisfaction stands first in every list of priorities. His goal is
to keep the company moving through unparalleled creative marketing efforts that will keep the
company thriving regardless of how long the company has been running for.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Vice President – Information Technology

Rukshar Rahman
A tech-genius who not only makes FASTFORWRD’s website standout, but also ensures our clients
are always a 100% satisfied with every single digital content that is made for them. Without the
ever so tech savvy Rukshar Rahman, FASTFORWRD is immobile.

Vice President – Public Relations

Nafish Ibn Alam

The image of FASTFORWRD lies in this man’s hands. Nafish Ibn Alam leaves no stones unturned
to present FASTFORWRD in the best way possible to the world outside. With his extensive
knowledge in social media and brand management, he is the epitome of what it takes to keep
the name of the company alive.

Vice President – Operations

Sumaiya Noureen

For Sumaiya Noureen, it seems a clock resides within her. Her knack for punctuality is what makes
FASTFORWRD live up to its name and be the most efficient and timely company out there. She
gets things done with the utmost precision and diligence and makes sure she utilizes her
resources in the most sustainable way possible while at it.

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Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

PESTLE Analysis
The acronym PESTLE, elaborates to Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and
Environmental. These aspects are factors that can directly or indirectly affect operations of
FASTFORWRD and below, there will be a dissection of each category to analyses how every one
of these things can end up effecting the business.


Political Legal




Given the currently stable state of the political factors in Bangladesh, FASTFORWRD seems to be
in favorable conditions. In addition to that, FASFORWRD’s operations are completely void of any
possible political affiliations or contradictions, thus, its running should not have any political
impact. As for barriers, taxes may be considered one as for a start-up succumbing to high rates
of tax is a challenge, however, FASTFORWRD, aims to run an ethical business, therefore, paying
the rightful dues back to country will not be considered as too big of an obstacle.

Economic factors are normally consisting of interest rate, foreign exchange rate, inflation rate,
economic growth, GDP loss or growth, company debt etc. For FASTFORWRD, most of the
resources or raw materials needed to provide customers with the ultimate experience is human

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

based, therefore, an import/export factors play very small of a role. The increasing economic
growth is rather an advantage as higher standards of living will lead to increased purchasing
power and thus, more affordability of our services accompanied by increased demand of our

One of the most important factors is social and culture. Also that should be emphasized by any
business those who are functional in the global place. FASTFORWARD needs to operate in
obedience to the social system. FASTFORWARD must also focus on social factors to achieve
effective public relation and a good reputation. To understand several needs of different cultures
from different individual’s culture aspect plays a vital role. In these factors, the things matter the
most are career attitudes, age distributions, population’s growth rate, religion, culture and
consumer’s behavior.

This factor plays a huge role in FASFORWRD’s operations as an increased dependency on the
digital world, is the main capitalizing factor for the company. Increased use of smartphones and
social media apps is the platform of the company’s product and service. However, given that this
is a new phenomenon to the nation itself, sourcing equipment necessary to exploit this
opportunity will prove to be a challenge.

FASTFORWARD will abide by all types of rules and regulations while also trying to keep up the
basic standard of the company’s actions. Additionally, FASTFORWARD will be in obedience of all
tax related policies.

Because of the nature of FASTFORWRD’s business, no environmental factors play a direct role in
its operations. However, the humid weather of Bangladesh may act as a disadvantage for the
company’s logistics team as they will have to travel to and from various places at arbitrary times
during the day in order to collect and purchase resources. In order to make their commute easier,
FASTFORWRD will be providing them with conveyance costs and any other necessary benefits.
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SWOT Analysis:

• Digital Fluency • Lack of Experience

• Extensive Industry Knowledge • Possibility of Inexperienced Task
• World Class Professional Force
Equipments • Less Strategic Partners and Ties
• Social Media Savvy • Comparatively Smaller Brand
• Strong Virtual Presence Image
• Masters in Data Management

Strength Weakness

• Lack of Competitors
• Booming Industry • Intrusion from Imitation Start-ups
• Target Audience falls under • Shrinking Advertising Budget
Highest Growing Population Chunk • Little Social Media Knowledge
• Increasing interest and knowledge
of Social Media

Opportunity Threat

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Human Resource Policies:

At FASTFORWRD, abiding by set policies and rules will be of utmost importance. To all the
employees, being in obedience of company policies is imperative and absolutely non-negotiable.
The mantra of the company is to run smooth and safe operations, therefore, an elaborative
written form of all the policies is one of the most important documents that will be prevalent in
FASTFORWRD’s existence. Since FASTFORWRD is a new company, it cannot afford to fritter away
valuable time and resources on drawn out policy disputes. The expenses of the lawsuits can be
outrageously expensive and lengthy. Therefore, it is better than the company has a well-written
and periodically revised policy.

The company will be keeping in mind the following basic human resource aspects:

 Equal Opportunity Policies

 Employee Classification

 Vacation Policies

 Festival Bonuses

 Sick Leaves

 Termination Policy

Company Budgeting
HR Budget includes funds that are required to conduct all necessary HR process enterprise-wide.
This includes hiring, training, salaries, benefit, succession planning, and so on. Forecasting the
number of available employees for the coming year and allocating funds accordingly are also a
concern of HR Budgeting of this firm. FASTFORWRD’s HR budgeting focuses more on earning long
term ROI, the quality of their service, and engagement of their employees in their due activities
within the firm. The following concerns will be assessed with utmost diligence:

 Understand the staffing needs for next year and allocate budget

 Keeping redundant expenses in check

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

 Prioritizing tasks which are more valuable for the company

 Helping in budget management

Budgeting Strategy:
FASTFORWRD will look into incremental budgets since the cash in-flow is lower than the cash
out-flow as a new company. Even the salary compensation will go up to an optimal level.

Analyzing Real Time Performance Data:

FASTFORWRD will look into their employee’s performance and chalk a benefit plan according to
their performance. For ensuring statutory compliance budget should be given as gratuity, labor

1. Employee Salary: FASTFORWRD will ensure their employees due payment on date and
forecast every employee’s salary on right time. Budget will include their basic pay, special
allowance and flexible allowance

2. Statutory Compliance: Funds for employee welfare program, Medi-claim, employee

children education subsidy, opportunity to take bank loans etc.

3. Training and Development: Things like training aid, stationary and printout and external

4. Employee Engagement: Festival Bonus, Tours.

Employee Classification
Employees are identified as follows

Probationary: The 1st three months of employment will be considered as probationary period just
to observe if the new recruit is capable for the job. Usual benefits and salaries are not applicable
for such employee.

Full Time Regular Employee: Employees working more than 35 hours in a week.

 Non-Exempt Employees: Employees are entitled to hourly wages paid at an overtime rate
of hours they work in access of 40 hours.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Employees: Photographer, Assistant Photographer, Copywriter, Social Media Handler,

Stylist, Assistant Stylist.

 Exempt Employees: Employees will receive salary pay for their work week cycle. Bonus,
commission, vacation will be given upon their basic salary and the salary will be reduced
to the extent of overusing non-worked days.

Employees: Accountant, It Manager, Marketing Manager, Operational Manager.

Part-Time Regular Employee: Employees working at least 20hrs per week entitled to regular

Part-time Temporary Employee: Employees working less than 20hrs per week not entitled to
privileges to privileges and benefits.

The orientation is to educate the employees about the goals and responsibilities of their position
and organization. It also answers few of the questions on HR, benefits and payroll. The follows
are conducted as orientation:

 The job incumbents will conduct a grooming session for the new employees and talk
about their lifestyle and nature of their jobs

 Etiquettes, behaviors and patience for a particular job will be cleared out

 Job expectation and job satisfaction will be cross checked so that employees can avoid
activities which may be potentially damaging to their work

Vacation Policy
Depends on employee’s length of service. Each employee’s vacation depends on the following

 1 year of service: 1 week

 2 – 5 years of service: 2 weeks per year
 5 – 10 years of service: 3 weeks per year

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

 10+ years of service: 4 weeks per year

Policies for Taking Leaves:

 Yearly vacation cannot be transferred over the following year if not taken on the current

 Employees will not receive any payment for accrued vacation upon termination

 Leaves should be scheduled prior to the vacation in a written form submitted to the HR

 Cannot accrue vacation during unpaid leaves of absence

Termination Policy
FASTFORWRD must ensure their compliance with federal and state laws related to termination.
Numerous legal issues found with the context of termination

Voluntary Termination: Employee receives necessary benefits that he/she is entitles to. The
organization will also make sure that any employees are not forced to take voluntary termination
and records the reason behind it.

Involuntary Termination: FASTFORWRD holds the right to terminate any employee with no
realistic hope of calling them back. Company can use it upon implementing RIF or being
dissatisfied at any employee’s performance.

Exit Interview
The organization holds three kinds of interview for departing employees

In-Person-Interview: Many clandestine information can be retrieved apart from a face to face

Telephone Interview: Many of our employees work from overseas or leave for abroad
immediately after they leave the job. In that case online or telephone interviews are necessary.

Pen and Paper Interview: By writing information as the employee is important because it is a solid
statement made by the employee and has no chance of distortion.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Recruitment & Selection

FASTFORWRD is committed to attracting people of great caliber with creative mind. Since it is a
creative fashion ad agency the employee should be independent and self-sufficient. They should
have the capacity of taking decision promptly in a creative way. The recruitment and selection
processes of FASTFORWRD are fair, efficient and endured by legislation. FASTFORWRD is
committed to equality of opportunity in recruitment, selection, promotion and all other areas of

Objective of Recruitment/ Selection

1. Ensure the recruitment and selection processes meet all the criterion of accomplishment
and mottos pertaining to their sustainability

2. Be reflective of the strategic aims and mission of the company

3. Ensure equal opportunity for every candidate irrespective of their race, color, gender and

4. Ensure that all the candidates are treated equally

Recruitment Regulation
1. Advertising should be done on online platform authorized via online recruitment system
and HR budget department.

2. The ordinary recruitment process is applicable for the positions (required more than 6
months). Other positions have a customized procedure of recruitment.

3. Campaign and career fairs should be held in Art Schools, Photography Schools, Creative
Workshops, Universities, Ad Agencies and other media pertaining to business and
creative channels.

4. Job incumbents will carry out seminars to give candidates an idea of their experience and

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Selection Regulation
1. Selection panel must comprise of minimum 3 members of mixed gender or religious or
ethnic composition.

2. An employee in the selection panel must declare if he she has any familial relation with
the candidate ensuring zero biasness.

3. The panel composition must be approved by the employing department.

4. At least two members of different group of the selection panel must participate in short

The Process of Recruitment & Selection

Needs and Selection
Recruitment and
Developing Advertising and Offer of
Planning Selection
Position Employment

Salary Administration – Grades

The salary administrative policy of FASTFORWRD will be applicable to all regular employees. The
purpose is to provide effective equitable and market relevant compensation. The policy will
identify the salary level and create a competitive advantage. Employees will also understand the
structure of the salary.

The Vice President for business and finance, with the help of consultants will illustrate the
compensation structure. FASTFORWRD’s salary structure of office/ service/Managerial/
Professional/ staff will be limited by salary bands. Employees of same family will receive nothing
more or less than the given range. The salary band is created depending the following factors:

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

1. Market Relevance

2. Other company’s salary structure

3. Competencies of employee

4. Financial resources available

Category for Salary Salary Range

Grade 1 BDT 78,000-1,00,000

Grade 2 BDT 60,000-78,000

Grade 3 BDT 45,000-60,000

Grade 4 BDT 30,000-45,000

Grade 5 BDT 20,000-30,000

Grade 6 BDT 15,000-20,000

Grade 7 BDT 10,000-15,000

Grade 8 BDT 8,000-10,000

Code of Conduct
All the employees of FASTFORWRD are required to follow this code of conduct guideline and to
act ethically, morally, lawfully and keep in mind the company’s brand image. These policies are
set to prevent our employees from doing wrongful activities and showing them the proper way
to act in the workplace towards their superiors, subordinates and colleagues.

Behavior in the Workplace

1. Discrimination or Harassment in the Workplace: Employees cannot make comments or

jokes about an employee’s physical appearance whether it be how they or what they
wear. Any kind of harassment such as physical contact without consent, making fun of
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their religion, bullying or asking for sexual favors will be subject to strict disciplinary
actions. It is strongly encouraged for victims of these harassments to come forth and
complain to the necessary disciplinary authorities. If any employee witnesses any
discrimination or harassment, they are also expected to report it to the concerning

2. Abuse of Power: It is important that our senior position employees realize that any form
of work that is not included in an employees work activities should not be given to them.
An employee in a higher position does not get the authority to give an employee their
tasks and duties or humiliate them because of the difference in hierarchy. An employee
should immediately report it if such a thing occurs.

3. Privacy, Security and Freedom of speech: Behaviors such as stalking, staring, asking for
personal information, invading personal space and taking photos without permission are
strictly prohibited and should be reported if seen being done or subject to. Every
employee of FASTFORWRD is entitled to their opinions and we strive to ensure that they
are treated equally and their rights are protected. Our company has strict policies to
protect employees’ personal information and has clearly stated in the employment
contract in which situations we may use their personal information.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

General Behavior toward the Company and All Other Stakeholders

 Responsiveness: We take our customer’s opinion very highly and aim to respond
concerning any complaints, inquiries or praises they may give. Feedback can take a
company a very long way and FASTFORWRD appreciates any and every one of them.

 Conflicts of Interest: FASTFORWRD believes its employees to take all actions decisions
with the company’s best interests in mind. A conflict of interest arises when an action
might be of personal gain to an employee but may not be good for the company. In such
a situation, the employee should refrain from taking that action. Another conflict of
interest may arise when an employee may be responsible for hiring a close friend or
relative and romantic relationships may also be an issue in some situations.

 Confidential Information: Information that is stated as ‘confidential’ should not be

disclosed to anyone unless it is authorized and agreements should be made for the people
who are allowed to know such information. In cases of where an employee is not sure
what to tell other people and what not to, they should consult the code of conduct policy

 Competitors: Ethics has a big role when thinking about our competitors, it is not right to
try to find out our competitors’ secrets. This can cause huge consequences for our
company if it is revealed that any of our employees have used private information of
another company for any reason. Therefore, it is in the best interest for our company to
not take or use our competitors’ private information.

 Company Equipment and Facilities: The Company has the rights to monitor and access
all the equipment provided by the company such as mobiles, network, computers, other
physical documents etc. The activities of employees may be monitored by the
government or the company for security reasons, investigation purposes etc.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

 Financial Reporting and Responsibility: It is important for all employees to record all
financial transactions and report it to the person in charge. All the financial reports should
be accurate and if anyone suspects any errors, they should immediately report it.

 Signing a Contract: All contracts signed in the name of the company should be reviewed
thoroughly and needs to be approved by the company in advance.

 Training: It is compulsory for all employees to be trained and given knowledge about all
of the workplace conducts so they know what to do in which situation and the
consequences of doing what they should not do.

Keeping Records
The Human Resource (HR) department of FASTFORWRD collects and stores information about all
their employees. Their job is to constantly make changes and improve certain aspects of the
records. These records are very handy every time there is a problem with an employee and can
be very helpful during recruitment, succession planning and in other areas. The types of records
kept by the HR department are:

 Personal Details

 Contact Details

 Job Details

 Employment Details

 Salary Details

 Achievements and awards records

 Training and Development records

All of these records help the HR department of FASTFORWRD to decide which employees need a
promotion, who are lacking in performance and need training, which employees need to be fired
or require warnings and when an employee’s salary needs to be increased. Basically these

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records act as a guidance system for HR managers and are therefore very important and should
be regularly updated.

Human Resources Information System (HRIS)

FASTFORWRD uses a HRIS to make HR record keeping easier and more efficient. A human
resource information system (HRIS) is HR software that combines information technology with
human resource. This software handles all the activities involving HR such as salary, finance,
management among others. It helps our managers make decisions, reduce costs and solve
problems in the most efficient way possible. Some benefits of HRIS are it easily and quickly
suggests candidates when there is an empty job post waiting to be filled. It reduces the need for
physical documents and saves costs. It is easier to update new information on this system.
Information can be passed to everyone very easily. It allows employee self-service (ESS) options
which make processes for employees less time consuming. Lastly, it reduces errors in salary
procedures so all in all, it is a very useful system that has largely helped our company with
managing our human resources.

Performance Appraisal System

The Performance Appraisal process of FASTFORWRD provides a framework for the employees to
contribute to the accomplishment of the organizational vision and objectives. By providing a
performance feedback structure, it will facilitate communication between the employees and
their immediate supervisors. Our performance evaluation team will work to establish
performance standards, and communicate the performance expectation to the employees.

We will be performing different appraisal methods twice a year to evaluate employees at a

regular interval. In addition to your semiannual performance appraisal, managers will hold
periodic assessments throughout the year to measure the progress of the worker and compare
the actual performance with the standards and will resolve ongoing issues by taking corrective

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

actions. There will be a method to reward employees based on their performance in order to
motivate and encourage them.

Performance Evaluation Factors

Performance evaluation of FASTWORWRD will consider some main factors and factors based on
specific department and job levels. The list of the general factors are given below-

1. Knowledge of work

2. Communication

3. Teamwork

4. Decision Making/Problem Solving

5. Interpersonal relations

6. Leadership

7. Professionalism

8. Dependability

9. Others: Extra skills of the person that compliments his/her position

Methods of Performance Appraisal

1. 360-Degree Appraisal - Since the works inside a creative agency is done in a team and are
linked to one another, 360-Degree appraisal will be a suitable method to evaluate
employees. In this method, subordinates, co-workers, and supervisors all anonymously
rate the employee. This also includes the employee himself/herself evaluating his/her
performance. The aim of this method is to understand how efficiently an employee
functions in the area of teamwork, leadership, interpersonal communication,
management and other skills based on the job profile.

2. BARS (Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale) - Through this method FASTWORWRD will be
able to receive both qualitative and quantitative data of an employee’s performance. An

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employee’s performance will be compared to some particular behavioral criteria which

will then be classified and defined as a numerical value used as the basis for performance

3. MBO (Management by Objective) – Being a startup company, FASTFORWRD will use MBO
method in the initial years. This method will evaluate the employees based on their
performance outcome and results. The managers of FASTWORWRD will set up a goal. To
support the goal set by the manager, the employees according to the hierarchy will set
their own goals. This is how the whole department will be linked together to obtain the
organizational objective.

Employee and Community Relations

1. Flexible Work Schedule - FASTFORWRD will be providing employees with flexible working
hours. Normally the office hour will be from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, but the employees are
allowed to come to office between 8:00 Am to 10:00 AM and leave between 4:00 PM to
7:00 PM. They need to fulfill at least an 8 hours at work schedule. However, in case of
completion of the task assigned, employees can leave early. Fridays and Saturdays are
granted holidays.

2. Attendance and Discipline - For all FASTFORWRE staff, timely and daily attendance is an
expected requirement. To ensure proper discipline, employees will be held accountable
for any adherence to work schedule. If an employee is unable to adhere to the schedule
for some valid reason, he/she must obtain an approval from the superiors.

3. Award/Recognition Program - An annual recognition program will be arranged at

FASTWORWRD to recognize and reward the best performing employees.

4. Suggestion and Grievance Program - Employees are encouraged to bring all suggestions
and concerns to the supervisors. There will be grievance policies and programs to resolve
and complaints. This program is implemented to ensure a healthy work environment and
reduce any kind of conflict.

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5. Employee Communication - Better communication paves the way of better business, with
that in mind FASTFORWRD will ensure proper employee communication by being
consistent with the message, maintaining correlation between employee communication
and organizational goals, notifying employees about any decision taken and by
emphasizing on face to face communication.

6. Regular Compliance - FASTFORWRD will have a written compliance program to ensure that
employees are committed to comply with rules, regulations and laws .It will provide
specific guidelines and regulations for smooth operations as well as for safeguarding
company’s data.

Leave/Attendance Policy
FASTFORWARD’s leave policies are in accordance with Bangladesh labor law 2006.

Procedure of Leave
An employee who wants to avail a leave of absence must apply for it in writing to the employer
specifying the leave address. The application has to be submitted at least 14 days prior to the
date of leave applied for. The employer or the approved officer shall issue orders on the request
within seven days of the request or two days before the commencement of the applied leave,
whichever will be suitable. In the event of an emergency, a request for leave shall be made on
the same day or 3 days prior and the employer's decision shall also be issued on the same day.

If the leave is granted, a leave pass will be provided to the employee. If the leave requested is
denied, the reasons for the rejection will be conveyed to the employee before the date on which
the leave is expected to begin.

An employee may also apply to extend the leave on reasonable ground before the expiry of the
period of leave and the employer may accept or deny the leave.

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Paid Leave Policy

1. Annual Leave- Employees who have worked for a year are entitled to have 18 days of
annual leave. Unused annual leave will be carried forward to up to 60 days. However if
any employee does not avail the leave, it will be compensated as leave encashment. But
the leave encashment will be given for the accumulated 60 days, not more.
2. Sick Leave- Employees will get a sick leave for 14 days per year. To avail the leave, proper
medical certificate should be presented if the leave is for more than 3 days. The leave will
not be carried forward.
3. Casual Leave- Employees are entitled to 10 days of casual leave each calendar year. The
leave will not be carried forward to the next fiscal year.
4. Festival/Public Holidays- Holidays will be provided as per the government mandatory
5. Compassionate/Family- For any family urgencies or unavoidable circumstances,
employees can avail the following leaves:
6. Marriage – 2 Days
7. Child’s marriage – 3 Days
8. Death of spouse, child or parent – 7 Days
9. Death of close family members – 1 Day
10. Maternity/Paternity Leave- Female employees who have served the company for 6
months and more are entitled to 8 weeks of paid maternity leave before and 8 weeks of
paid leave after the birth.
Women who have worked for less than 6 months and has 2 other surviving children are
generally eligible for unpaid leave. Male workers are allowed to have 15 days of paternal
To avail this leave employees need to submit relevant documents with the expected date
of delivery. Male workers can take this leave twice in their job tenure.
11. Earn Leave- Employees will get 1 day for every 18 days of work, 3 days for 1 month of
service 1 week for 2 years of work as earned leave. Employees who have served for

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minimum 5 years without any abrupt leave will receive 40 days of Earn leave per year.
This leave will not be carried forward.
12. Pilgrimage/Religious Leaves- Employees of any religion will receive a considerable
amount of paid leave for any religious events or to fulfill any religious believes.

Unpaid Leave Policy

FASHFORWRD holds a 90 days unpaid leave of absence in order to retain the important
employees. This leave will only be accepted if employee’s time off from work is not covered under
paid leave. However there is no guarantee that the leave will be accepted. Employees should
apply for leave of absence to the department head with proper justification and reason.
Employees need to get the consent from their head in order to receive the leave. An employee
may also apply to extend the leave on reasonable ground before the expiry of the period of leave
and the employer may accept or deny the leave.

Employee Attendance Policies

Employees at FASTFORWRD are expected to be present at office on time and 5 days a week. 8
hours per day work hour should be maintained. Regular attendance is necessary for the
organization to maintain punctuality and attain organizational goals.

Procedure for Reporting an Absence

Employees who are absent are required to call or have someone call within one hour of their
scheduled reporting time to the immediate supervisor or department head. During this initial
phone call, the explanation for the absence and the anticipated duration should be explained.
Employees who do not call their office or arrange contact will be deemed on unauthorized leave.
If an employee is absent for three consecutive working days of unpaid leave, there will be grounds
for dismissal. A certified letter shall be sent notifying the worker that the dismissal that will take
place unless there are mitigating circumstances that can be verified.

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Calculation of Attendance Infrastructure

 Informed Absence- If an employee informs an absence by providing proper reason within

an hour prior to the shift no points will be added. Any informed absence past one hour or
past the shift time will apply to an addition of 1 point from the total point.
 Uninformed Absence- Any employee, if does not inform an absence will add 2 Points to
the total point.
 Late Attendance- ½ Points to the total point will be added if an employee is late without
providing proper justification for being late.
 Early Departure- ½ points will be added to the total, if an employee leaves early without
completing the assigned task. However, no points will be added for early leave if the task
for the day is completed.
 Late return from Lunch or break- if an employee takes over 30 minutes to come back
from lunch, ½ points will be added.

Employees will be given a 10 minute grace period for every start and end of schedule and breaks.
Employees should report for an absence by (Procedure for reporting an absence).

Disciplinary Actions
After every 3 months the points will be starting from fresh.

 4 points: Verbal Warning

 5 points: Written Warning.

 6 points: Meeting with supervisors or possible suspension.

 8 points: Employee is subject to suspension.

If an employee is absent for 3 or more consecutive days, proper evidence for excusing the
absence has to be provided. In case of absence for 3 or more consecutive days without calls, will
be considered to be job abandonment. Termination will be granted without notice. The
Personnel Records Clerk shall maintain attendance records and advise the respective supervisors
if the absence or lateness of an employee exceeds the guidelines of this policy.

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Training & Development

Because FASTFORWRD is a one of a kind company in terms of its structure and product offering
in the context of Bangladesh, it is imperative that its employees are continually engaged in a
training and development process in order to keep up with the needs of the ever-changing
industry as well as to be on top of its game. This will surely come as a challenge considering we
are also a start-up with very limited funds. However, FASTFORWRD believes that training is
indeed the essence of transformation and the company is in the field to transform the way
Influencer Marketing is done in Bangladesh.

In order to further emphasize on how seriously FASTFORWRD takes training & development, the
company will be implementing a program called “FASTFORWRD ASCEND” which will comprise of
all its T&D efforts in departmental form. Meaning, there will be training and development
programs designed for every department of the organization and the sessions will be conducted
by the Vice Presidents of each department, as they are experienced and qualified in their own
fields and purview, along with the occasional special guests relevant to the field and work.

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General Purpose of Training for employees:

 Familiarize employees with industry needs

 Increase employee skills in relevant areas

 Familiarize employees with the workplace environment and etiquettes to be followed

 Introduce employees to new skills needed acquire maximum productivity

 Expedite acquisition of the KSAs required for effective job performance

General Purpose of Training for the organization:

 Ensure the organizational workforce are on par with standards promised by the firm

 Ensure the organizational workforce are sufficient to meet future demands

 Ensure potential employees are introduced with relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities
required to progress to more important roles in the future

 Make employees feel invested in to increase their loyalty towards the company

 Help employees achieve individual career goals whilst simultaneously achieving

organizational ones

 Ensure there is relevant linkage between corporate goals and business strategies

 Ultimately reduce the organization’s training costs by ensuring excellent training

programs are conducted which are successful in increasing learner retention

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Workplace Harassment Training for Employees:

All FASTFORWRD employees, including CEO and Vice Presidents, will be required to follow
through with an online sexual harassment training course. As soon as new employees are
appointed, they will be emailed a link which will direct them to the website. By filling out the 45
minute quiz, they will be trained in all the DOs and DON’Ts with relations to sexual harassment
in the workplace and presented with an e-certificate at the end of the course. The certificate will
have to be mailed back to the appropriate personnel who will then preserve it as a form of record-

This initiative will be supported by Inspire eLearning.

FASFORWRD Ascend Process:

1. Needs Analysis: The Company will first conduct a needs analysis to find out the problems
that actually need to be resolved through training. In accordance with that, the actual
program will be designed.

In order to facilitate needs analysis, the following subsets will be followed:

- Organizational Analysis

- Task Analysis

- Manpower Analysis

2. Design: During the designing process, heads of respective departments will set training
goals and objectives that they wish to wish from their needs analysis. A proposal
comprising of the most effective training program will then be presented to Accounting &
Finance department and CEO who will then collaboratively allocate budget required which
will then be reverted back to the planner who will make necessary changes and resend for
approval. While doing so, the planner will have to ensure the following aspects are
incorporated into their plan:

- Employee Mentoring

- A Formal and Physical training session/sessions

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- On-The-Job Training

- Interactive Content

- Assessment Criteria

3. Implement: Implementation will be aimed to be done diligently and efficiently with the
help of a Training Supervisor who will be assigned by the Head of the relevant department.
Depending on the nature of the training program, help from external sources may or may
not be sought. As mentioned earlier, trainers specializing in the respective agenda will be
brought in to provide their valuable insights with relation to the topic in hand.

FASTFORWRD will also be resorting to Job Rotation as an effort to increase its resource
flexibility. This will also help employees mingle with people from various departments and
facilitate better liaison among organizational members.

Members of the organization will also be religiously sent for attending relevant
conferences, seminars, and symposium related to the industry where they will not be able
to learn but also keep up with the latest of the industry and its workings.

4. Evaluate: It goes without saying that a lot time and money is invested into the training and
development process. Therefore, it is crucial that the company assesses exactly how much
of it, if at all, was it useful. In order to do so, FASTFORWRD will be seeking aid from a
software developed and provided by The Mercer | Mettl Story. This is an online training
assessment software that helps companies to measure the effectiveness of their training
efforts by tailor making a Pre-Training and a Post-Training assessment test. By taking these
tests, the trainees will be able to assess how much they have actually benefitted from the
training program and the organization will be able to pin point their lacking in order to
come up with even better and more effective programs in the future.

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Promotion policy
The promotion policy of FASRFORWRD shows details of how an employee gets a promotion.
Mainly offered when employees can meet the firm’s objectives, duties and responsibilities. The
company ensures that policy is nondiscriminatory and balanced.

Promotion is of FASTFORWRD is Based on:

Merit – This is where the promotion is given based on the knowledge, skills ability and efficiency
the candidate has gathered from their educational qualification, past records and training.
Following this method:

 New employees feel motivated, so they try to perform better.

 Reward for the capability of an employee

 Employees can feel more inclined towards the job.

 Interests and recalls young talented employees.

Seniority - This type of policy is based on measurement of employees working in the company.
When the employee joins the company and how long they have organization. This method

 Harmony in the office

 The seniors will have less worries about corporate politics

 Reduces the possibility of grievances.

 Senior employees feel a sense of job satisfaction.

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Factors that are considered for a Promotion:

 Work reports and attendance

 Appraisal of performance

 Recommendation letters from previous supervisor

 Job experience

Grievance Policy
Affairs, difficulties or complaints that employees can voice to their employees regarding issues
that incur in environment of the workplace, job related difficulties or disagreement with
coworkers, health and safety, company policies or rules that employee cannot adjust with.
FASTFORWRD is responsible to resolve these issues informally through discussion with the
employee and HR resources should assist as well. When these types of complaints are issued the
matter should be investigated carefully and resolved through a mutual agreement with the
person who raised this issue with the person being accused or adjustments made with the
policies implied. The organization encourages their employees to talk about their grievances, so
that the workplace can be more inclusive and comfortable.

Moreover If this the issue doesn’t get solved in the informal way the employee can gather
information or fill up the formal documents, where the complaint being issued has to be
confidential and employee can bring a person along with to talk about the issue, last but not the
least if the issue aggravates even more then legal procedures should be followed.

Applicable to: Anyone within the organization can follow this procedure and talk about their

Grievance policies can be applied in FASTFORWRD:

 Harassment in the work premises

 Changes in work policies

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 Safety and Health issues

 Behavior of the manager

The HR department of FASTFORWRD will be following these policies:

1) Tell the employee to fill up a grievance form

2) Talk with them to assure that their problems are heard

3) Give them a copy of grievance

4) Conduct a meeting

5) Investigate the matter carefully

6) Let employee know about the entire process

7) Take actions if required

8) Handle the complaints and investigate more

9) Keep records

Informal procedure:

In this procedure the matter is being tried to resolve informally through a discussion with the
manager of FASTFORWRD along with the employee, if the matter were minor then following the
code of conduct would be sufficient. If the complaint is against the supervisor employees should
directly talk with the HR department. Then the complaint would be informed to the disciplinary
committee. And solve the issue through discussion with both the parties. It may take up to fifteen
days to solve these issues

Moreover, employees can drop their complaints in the complaint box namelessly, that would be
checked by the CEO and take action if required.

Formal Procedure:

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If the matter does not get resolved informally then the employees of FASTFORWRD follow the
formal steps. The formal grievance should include:

1) Description of the grievance.

2) Details of the issue, relevant facts and proof if anyone is involved.

3) Mention whether any action has been taken by employee or not to solve their problem.

4) Employee’s perception regarding how to solve the issue.

Compensation and Benefits:

1. Basic salary with benefits: Along with the basic salary, the FASTFORWARD will be
provided house rent, transportation costs and monthly medical allowance with its
employees. 60% of their total salary will be consisting of these mentioned benefits. For
example, if an employee’s total salary is 30,000 BDT then 40% of the total salary is
considered to be his basic salary which is 12,000 BDT and the remaining 60% of the total
salary will be the extra added benefits (house rent, transportation cost and medical
allowance) which is 18,000 BDT.

2. Promotion: Based on FASTFORWARD employee’s performance promotion will be given

to them. The promotion policy segment discusses about it in details.

3. Annual Increment: The term annual increment FASTFORWARD employees can get up to
15% raise of salary. Of this 15% increment, 5% will raise consistently but the rest of 10%
will be performance based increment, that is, it will be depending on the employee’s

4. Overtime Pay: If FASTFORWARD any employee who works overtime he/she gets the
double amount of his/her daily income.

5. Moonlighting: FASTFORWARD provide 20% extra if any employee gets a second job inside
the company.

6. Communication: FASTFORWARD will be given SIM cards with an amount of 300 BDT
monthly post-paid recharge for official communication employees.
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7. Festival Bonus: FASTFORWARD will provide two festival bonus to its employees each year
which will be scheduled before the two Eids. Employee to employee vary from the bonus
amount. Also, the bonus will be provided as percentages of the employees’ basic salary.
80% of the employee’s basic salary will be the festival bonus. Moreover, the basic salary
is 40% of the total salary.

8. Health Insurance: The benefits of health insurance FASTFORWARD provide to the eligible
employees. The medical expenses will cover by this type of insurance. Also, this type of
insurance will be requiring for their treatment. Moreover, the health insurance benefits
will be provided from the low level employees to the high level employees.

9. Life Insurance: FASTFORWARD will be provided life insurance for employees working for
more than a year. If any employee dies his/her family will receive a compensation based
on the employee’s salary and position.

10. Severance Pay: If any FASTFORWARD employee is terminated earlier than his/her
contract then the FASTFORWARD will provide the employee with 3 months of extra salary.

11. Provident Fund: Each month, 8% of the FASTFORWARD employees’ basic salary will be
subtract and saved in the provident fund. 40% of the total salary is the basic salary. The
FASTFORWARD employer will also pay the same amount the employee pays for the
provident fund. If the employee gets terminated before two years then the employee will
get only the amount paid by him. But if he/she terminated after two years then he/she
will get the full payment paid by both him/her and the employer.

12. Gratuity: If any FASTFORWARD employee quits after working for 5 years or more then
the employee will receive an amount of his/her 1 year’s basic salary. Also, for 10 years or
more then he/she will get 1.5 year’s basic salary. Moreover, for 15 years or more then
he/she will get 2 year’s basic salary and so on. (Salma, 2019) (Israt, 2019)

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Job Analyses:
Position Title – Copywriter

Department- Operations

Reporting Relationship -

Reported to- Content Ideation Team Leader

Reported by- none

Job Summary:
Will be responsible for articulating client’s vision and mission into slogans and catchy taglines and
phrases. Meeting with the client, understanding who their target audience are, then tailor-
making a message structure with the right content until the client is satisfied fall within the
copywriter’s purview. Web content, social media descriptions and captions, and all other relevant
textual work shall be done by the copywriter.

Reporting Manager:
Content Ideation Team Leader

Job Description
● Discuss with the client about their product, the tone they wish to set for their brand, and
the kind of audience they wish to reach.
● Design and construct a message which suits the cognitive level of the target audience to
ensure maximum understanding while adhering to the clients’ desired theme and tone of
● Present the clients with two to three drafts and ideas.
● Write articles, social media content, and website content for the firm’s personal
promotional campaigns.
● Coin terms, names, and phrases that go well with the brand.
● Conduct extensive research in order to come up with the most relevant and up-to-date
content for apt message construction. (Under superior’s supervision)
● Conduct interviews and do further research to find the best and fastest way to sell the
clients’ products. (Under superior’s supervision)

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● Stay updated in terms of the latest trends in every respect.
● Review research data to ensure latest information is being relied upon.
● Research on clients’ products and competition to come up with the best and the most
unique content to help them stand out.
Job Specifications

● English Language – Extensive knowledge about words, their meanings, and their
appropriate usage along with proper sense of sentence composition and construction.
● Marketing and Communications – Knowledge of intermediate level marketing and
promotional aspects along with message construction and dissemination techniques.
● Customer Service – Knowledge of how to deal with different kinds of customers and
understand their needs and desires.
● Writing – Ability to articulate the knowledge of English language into relevant media.
● Listening – Being an attentive listener and transcriber to pick up what they customer
wants even if the client is being vague about it.
● Speaking and presenting – Ability to confidently represent the company to the client and
convince them to believe that the firm is the best fit for their requirements.
● Observant – Ability to pick up what the client wants through observing their behavior.
● Expressive – Ability to communicate with the clients.
● Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in any subject. (Marketing and English majors shall be
● Minimum 1 to 2 years’ of experience in the realm of content writing.
Job Type- Full-time job

Office Location- Banani, Dhaka

Compensation and Benefits

The starting salary for this position is from 15,000-20,000Tk.

Benefit- According to salary grade and company policy.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Position Title- Operations Manager

Department- Operations

Reporting Relation-

Report to- Vice President Operations

Reported by- Creative Executive, Logistics Executive & Inventory Management Executive

Job Summary- Responsible for overseeing the company’s operations objectives. Operations
strategies and planning through research and analytics. Coordinate, plan or direct the operations
of public and private sector organizations. Documents the outcomes of operations to senior
management- Vice President of Operations.

Job Description


 Develop Operations Strategies and plans in accordance with the Organizational

 Supervising the operations budget of the company.
 Making products or providing services directly related to direct administrative activities.
 Create staff work schedules and assign certain duties.
 Coordinate and direct activities of departments concerned with the production, pricing,
sales, or distribution of products.

 Manage and direct operations team to gain business targets.

 Find out ways to measure the outcome of the operations strategies.
 Managing standard operating procedures for all business operational activities.
 Provides operational support and guidelines to staff.

 Maintain proper relationship with staff.

 Monitor and control cost according to budget.
 Manage work assignment for staff.
 Work accurately compliance with company policies and procedures.
Job Specifications-

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 Knowledge of principles and methods used in Operations.

 Knowledge of contents and structure of basic English language rules, spellings, and
 Knowledge of Administration and Management.
 Knowledge of Personnel and Human Resources.
 Knowledge of Customer and Personal Service.

 Strong analytical and project management skills.

 Proper writing, speaking, presenting and convincing skills.
 Technical skills- expertise in MS Word, Access and Excel.
 Language skills- Efficient verbal and written command over English and Bangla.
 Monitoring- Assessing performance of staff to make improvement of their work.


 Ability to identify problems and take corrective actions.

 Ability to think critically and come up with ideas.
 Ability to read and understand information.
 Ability to communicate with proper exchange of meanings.

Education- Minimum B.B.A degree in Operations Management

Job Experience- 2/3 years in similar job titles

Job Title- Full Time

Job Location- Banani

Compensation and Benefits

Salary- Minimum 20-30k depending on experience

Benefits- According to salary grade and company policy.

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Position Title - Social Media Handler

Department- Public Relations

Reporting Relationship-

Reported to- Customer Relationship Management Executive

Reported by- None

Job Summary:
Will be responsible for all things related to the company’s social media platforms, namely,
Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Behance. Managing and monitoring the company’s social
media feed, posts, and reach fall within their purview.

Reporting Manager:
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Executive

Job Description
● Create a general theme and aesthetic for all social media platforms.
● Regularly upload posts regarding recent works and accomplishments of the firm.
● Regularly posts on important dates and events (E.G. Internal Women’s Day/Eid).
● Work towards increasing reach of posts.
● Oversee communications with customers (E.G. Replying to DMs and comments).
● Create a day-to-day posting schedule.
● Oversee the creation of high-quality and trendy content.
● Integrate all important marketing channels into social media promotions.
● Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to increase reach.
● Turn fans into customer through unique social media promotions and activities.
● Create interactive content to maintain good liaison with customers and followers.
● Work closely with photography, graphics, and content creation team to ensure coherence
among visual aesthetic.
● Stay posted on what the latest trends are among target audience of the company to
reduce waste coverage.

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● Make sure the theme and tone set at the beginning is being adhered to and if there are
changes made to theme, the transitions should be smooth and seamless.
Job Specifications
● Social Media – Extensive knowledge about Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Behance.
● Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Ability to maneuver SEO.
● English Language – Extensive knowledge about words, their meanings, and their
appropriate usage along with proper sense of sentence composition and construction.
● Marketing and Communications – Knowledge of intermediate level marketing and
promotional aspects along with message construction and dissemination techniques.
● Writing – Ability to articulate the knowledge of English language into relevant media and
come up with catchy but succinct captions.
● Time Management – Ability to keep up with post schedules to ensure tractions are not
● Written Expression – Ability to communicate in proper and relevant tone whilst writing
to fans and customers in different platforms. Should adapt to appropriate decorum with
regards to the respective platform.
● Creative – Ability to come up with unique and innovative ideas to ensure company’s posts
are not getting lost in the crowd.
● Expressive – Ability to communicate with the followers.
● Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in any subject. (Marketing and English majors shall be
● Minimum 1 year experience in the realm of social media management.
Job Type- Full-time job

Office Location- Banani

Compensation and Benefits

The starting salary for this position is from 15,000-20,000Tk.

Benefit- According to salary grade and company policy.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Position Title- Marketing Manager

Department- Marketing

Reporting Relation-

Reporting to- Vice President marketing

Reported by- Sales Executive, Advertising Executive & Research Executive

Job Summary- Responsible for overseeing the company’s marketing objectives. Direct marketing
strategies and planning through research and analytics. Supervise all the promotional and sales
activities carried around in the department. Documents the outcomes of marketing and sales to
senior management- Vice President of Marketing.

Job Description


 Develop Marketing Strategies and plans in accordance with the Organizational objectives.
 Supervising the marketing budget of the company
 Ensure Sales and profitability of service and analyse business development through sales
forecasting and strategic planning.
 Evaluate the service development through financial aspects- budgets, return on
investment, expenditures etc.
 Promote the services through formulating marketing policies for advertisements or

 Coordinate marketing campaigns to increase customer engagement.

 Find out ways to measure the outcome of the marketing and sales strategies
 Manage all promotional efforts for the company and within the marketing department
 Produce useful and engaging content to attract our target audience.

 Manage the brand and the identity of the company

 Maintain proper relationship with agencies
 Maintain effective inter communication to keep the company functions informed of
marketing goals.
 Stay up to date with latest trends in online marketing.

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Job Specifications-


 Knowledge of principles and methods used in Sales and Marketing.

 Knowledge of structure and contents of basic English language rules, spellings, grammar.
 Knowledge of processing customer’s need through assessments, meeting standards.
 knowledge of website analytics tools (e.g.-Google Analytics, NetInsight, WebTrends)

 Understanding the potential consequences for existing and future problems and finding
 Strong analytical and project management skills
 Proper writing, speaking , presenting and convincing skills
 Skilled in Digital Marketing
 Technical skills- expertise in MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
 Language Skills- Efficient verbal and written command over English and Bangla

 Ability to communicate with proper exchange of meanings.

 Ability to think critically and come up with ideas.
 Ability to read and understand information.
 Ability to identify problems and speak up about the issue.
Education- Minimum Master’s degree in Sales/Marketing

Job Experience- 2/3 years in similar job titles

Job title- Full time

Job location- Banani, Dhaka

Compensation and Benefits

Salary – Minimum 30 – 40k depending on experience

Benefits- According to salary grade and company policy.

Position Title-Sales Executive

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Department- Marketing

Reporting Relation-

Reporting to- Sales Manager

Reported by- None

Job Summary

Responsible for the overall implementation, management and supervision of the sales strategy
set by the Sales manager. Will be involved in selling products and services to customers and
clients. Set up strategies to negotiate deals and maintain customer satisfaction, find new
prospects and leads in sales and turn them into paid users.

Job Description


 Directly monitor sales performance across the territory to attain and exceed goals set by
the sales manager.
 Observe the trade relation by paying attention towards intermediaries to have
competitive advantage.
 Meet targets on informing and spreading awareness to customers about the business
which is subjected to increase and decrease based on demand.
 Increase the percentage of sales and convert potential customers to paid users.


 Conduct Market Research to recommend new business opportunities.

 Progress towards the sales manager's activity targets and KPIs
 Meet with potential customers to determine their needs and to create and maintain
professional networks.
 Stay up-to-date with developments and competitors strategies to detect further
improvements in products and services.
 Report to the supervisor from time to time.


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 Create sales report by collecting, analyzing and summarizing information.

 Maintain and obtain record of sales from all the appropriate sources.
 Ensure that the company’s resources are being utilized properly to enhance sales.
 Maintain client reports.
Job Specification


 Knowledge of English language composition and contents including the meaning and
spelling of words, framework and grammar.
 Knowledge of concepts and techniques by which goods or services can be promoted and
sold. This includes marketing strategy and tactics, sales techniques, product
demonstration, and sales control systems.
 Knowledge of dealing with customers and providing services according to their needs to
meet customer satisfaction.
 Knowledge of business statistics to understand sales and ways of improvement.

 Technical skills- expertise in MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel.

 Active listening skill- asking appropriate questions, understanding the points made and
not interrupting in inappropriate times.
 Critical thinking skill- using logics and reasons to identify strengths and weaknesses of
solutions, identify problems.
 Negotiation skills
 Language Skills- Efficient verbal and written command over English and Bangla

 Ability to convey the messages and information effectively without incorrect

interpretation of the meeting.
 Ability to read and understand the information.
 Ability to clearly speak with others.

Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Sales/Marketing

Job Experience

1/2 years in similar job titles

Job title- Full time

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Job location- Banani, Dhaka

Compensation and Benefits

Salary – Minimum 15 – 20k depending on experience

+15% Commission – new sales & residual

Benefits- According to salary grade and company policy.

Position Title- Junior accountant

Department- Finance and Accounting

Reporting Relation-

Reporting to- Finance Manager

Reported by- None

Job Summary

Providing support to the finance department by handling regular accounting duties and maintain
order and transparency for the company’s finances.

Job Description


 Prepare budgets through periodic reports and compare the budgeted cost with actual
 Prepare financial statements, ratio analysis and analyses accounting records and keep
track of everyday transaction.
 Prepare monthly reports to help other department executives to effectively set their
 Post adjusted journal entries to correct errors.

 Carry out the mission of the department and organization by completing related results
as necessary.
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 Maintains accounts by following policies and procedures; comply with the legal
requirements of state and local finance.
 Provide information on the financial status through the preparation of special reports.
 Makes sure all accounts are up-to-date and completes tasks within financial due dates
 Report to the superior time to time.

 Ensure the company’s inflows and outflows are running smoothly.

 Use computer software to keep a record of transactions.
 Obtain necessary information regarding finance and accounts from relevant sources.
 Maintain and prepare accounting records and processes.
Job Specifications


 Knowledge regarding finance and accounting principles, financial markets, banking and
the analysis.
 Knowledge on procedures followed in offices such as managing files, handling daily
transactions and other clerical works.
 Knowledge of Taxation and business statistics, laws and government.
 Knowledge of the English language composition and contents including the meaning and
spelling of words, framework and grammar.


 Judgment and Decision Making- Take into account the relative costs and benefits to
choose the most appropriate actions.
 Technical skills- expertise in MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
 Language Skills- Efficient verbal and written command over English and Bangla

 Ability to use the right methods and formulas in suitable cases

 Ability to put attention to details
 Ability to do simple mathematics verbally without mistakes.

Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Finance/Accounting

Job Experience-

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Minimum 1/2 years in similar job titles

Job title- Full time

Job location- Banani, Dhaka

Compensation and Benefits

Salary – 15 – 20k depending on experience

Benefits- According to salary grade and company policy.

Position Title – Assistant Stylist

Department- Operations

Reporting Relationship-
Reported to- Chief Fashion Designer

Reported by- None

Job Summary
Responsible for facilitation tasks of the Chief Fashion Director during shoots, ideation process,
and execution.

Reporting Manager:
Chief Fashion Director (CFD)

Job Description

● Ensuring all clothes planned out by the CFD are ready on spot with the right accessories
during the shoot.
● Ensure models are wearing the right outfit with the right accessories, shoes, and jewelry
at all times.
● Assist CFD during ideation process by pitching ideas relevant to the client’s brand image
and tone.
● Advise models on fashion styling for visuals.

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● Purchase or rent props for shoots as directed by CFD.

● Supervise shoots.
● Coordinate with models about sizing.
● Coordinate with carrier about transporting clothes to and from venue.
● Research on client and their brand.
● Maintain a journal for CFD.
● Stay up to date with the latest trends.
● Maintain good rapport with all the supporting departments.
● Keep in touch with respective models

Job Specifications

● Knowledge of creating unique designs and developing them.
● Knowledge of different fabrics, patterns and colors.
● Good sense of color coherence.
● Understanding customer’s requirements and implementing them.
● Knowledge of the aim of the business.
● Solid directorial skills.
● Proficient with Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft excel
● Excellent conceptual and designing skill
● Ability to visualize designs in three dimensions.
● Ability to work in a budget and meet multiple deadlines.
● Ability to put together unique and unconventional pieces.
● Minimum Undergrad Degree from a reputable Fashion School
Job experience
● Minimum 1 to 2 years of experience in the realms of Fashion Direction
Job Type- Full-time job

Office Location- Banani

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Compensation and Benefits

Compensation & Salary:

● BDT 15 000
Benefits: According to salary grade and company policy

Position Title-Assistant Photographer

Department- Operations

Reporting Relationship

Reported To: Chief Photographer

Reported By: None

Job Summary

The position has emphasis on figure item level- photography, Hadouken photography,
fashion and life style photography. The photographer will join our chief photographer,
and operate in a professional studio environment. Also, the assistant photographer is
expected to assist our photographer on tours and other technical maneuver.

Job Description


 Develop and maintain project portfolio on website and renowned blogs.

 Market and advertise services to potential agencies/ clients by making it lucrative and
 Sort and resize the images according to our client’s specification
 Help to meet weekly targets which requires to visit remote fields as per the context


 Provide proper lighting on subject and arrange setup

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 Click backup images from other angles

 Use photo enhancing software
 Carry and store images on portable memory devices as backup

 Assist Chief Photographer for capturing effective photos

 Design and set up of photo studios- lighting, setups, set builds.
 Assessment and maintenance of equipment and studios
 Mapping the site and identify suitable spots for photos
Job Specification


 Knowledge of reading and writing English language .

 Knowledge of cameras and video equipment.
 Knowledge of key terms of photography and software.

 Technical skills-
Understand the usage of Adobe Photoshop, Premier Pro, Linux Lightroom, Illustrator.
Equipment Skills-
Slight ability of handling Nikon Frameless Cameras, Camera Flashes, Softbox, Green
Screen, Gimple & Tripod, Tele-Photo Lenses.
Some Operational Skills

 Ability to assist models in posing according to direction

 Excellent on set communication a teamwork skill
 Fixing on spot technical disruption.
 Ability to clearly speak with others.

Minimum Diploma Degree (One year of 1st hand Supervision)

Job Experience

1year or no experience in same genre of work

Office Location: Banani and multiple site as per project

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Compensation and Benefits

Salary – 10-15k depending on experience

+10% Daily Allowances – on every visit in abroad


o In-house Day Care

o In-house Social Café
o Open Space to Jog individual’s brain

Position Title - Web Developer

Department- Information Technology

Reporting Relation-
Report to- Vice President Information Technology
Reported by- None

Job Summary:
Responsible for planning, making, and toning down of official website. Explore user needs to
implement Web site content, graphics, performance, and capacity. Ensure coordination of
website with all other company computers and laptops via maintaining software designated to
maintain consistent web formats. Responsible for making all necessary changes to texts,
graphics, audio, and video ingredients if and when required.

Job Description
● Coding for websites and app
● Using appropriate authoring languages, content creation tools, and digital media to
layout, make or maintain website.
● Layout, write, or edit web page content.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

● Candidate must have appropriate knowledge of general Web functions, UI, cross-browser
compatibility and standards.
● Must maintain good rapport with all the employees’ organization wide.
● Must have enough knowledge of security principals and how apply to E-Commerce
● Laying out, analyzing, and developing everything according to SDLC.
● Developing and designing complex web based applications.
● Seeking out new technologies and ideas to add value to projects.

Job Specifications
● Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment and computer
hardware and software, including applications and programming.
● Knowledge of algebra, statistics, arithmetic, calculus and their applications.
● Thorough knowledge of all things related to computers and media.
● Critical Thinking – Must be able to come up with feasible solutions to complex problems
while considering all dimensions of the business and the client.
● Operations Analysis – Must be able to create designs in line with requirements and needs.
● Programming – Must know how to write various computer programs.
● Inferable Reasoning
● Ability to understand when something is wrong before it reaches an extreme level
● Minimum Bachelor of Science (BSC) in Computer Science
● At least 2 years of experience in web development
Job Nature: Full time
Job Location: Banani

Compensation and Benefits

● Minimum BDT 20 000 – 30 000 (Depending on experience and expertise)

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Benefits: According to salary grade and company policy

Position Title – Web and Graphics Designer

Department- Information Technology

Reporting Relation-

Report to- Vice President Information Technology

Reported by- None

Job Summary
Design and layout graphics to meet various commercial needs whilst maintaining aesthetically
pleasing designs and effects.

Job Description
● To develop layouts and graphics for Web sites, product illustrations, and company logos.
● Determine layout with clients and tweak as per instructions.
● Confer with clients regarding their needs and desires.
● Attend meetings to stay up to date about clients’ needs.
● Provide clients with options so they can choose their desired product.
● Maintain coordination with web-developer and rest of the marketing team

Job Specifications:

● Computer and Electronics - Knowledge of chips, electronic equipment, processors, circuit
boards, computer hardware and software, including programming and applications.

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● Fine Arts - Knowledge of the technique and theories required to produce, compose and
perform works of sculpture and visual arts.
● Clerical - Knowledge of clerical produces and administrative and systems such as word
processing, transcription, designing forms and other office procedures and terminology.
● Time Management - To manage one’s own time and the time of others.
● Operations Analysis - To analyze needs and product requirements to make a design.
● Speaking - To convey information effectively talking with others.
● Communication
● Keen eye for attractive designs and effects.
● Minimum BA/BFA/MA in Graphic and Web Design, Fine Arts, and computer graphics and
web from a recognized university.
● 2 to 3 years of relevant experience
Job Nature: Full Time
Job Location: Banani
Compensation and Benefits
● Minimum BDT 20 000 to 25 000
● Bonus on Exceeding Targets
Benefits: According to salary grade and company policy

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Position Title - Chief Photographer

Department- Operations
Reporting Relationship-

Reported to- Creative Executive

Reported by- Assistant Photographer

Job Summary
Focus on figure item level - photography, Hadouken photography, and fashion and life style
photography. The photographer will join a team of digital technician and video editors in a rapid
paced, professional studio environment. Will also be expected to partner with Chief Content
Creator and Chief Fashion Director and provide assistance and guidance to develop team skills.

Reporting Relationship:
Creative Executive

Reported By:
Assistant Photographer

Job Description

● Develop and maintain company portfolio on website and renowned blogs.
● Market and advertise services to potential agencies/ clients by making it lucrative and
● Enhance company’s image by shedding light on product and content
● Meet weekly targets which requires to visit remote fields as per the context demands.
● Analyze and decide how to compose a subject
● Use various photographic techniques and equipment
● Use photo enhancing software
● Carry and store images on portable memory devices as backup

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

● Partner with Creative Directors for cohesive set environment
● Design and set up of photo studios- lighting, setups, set builds.
● Assessment and maintenance of equipment and studios
● Provide guidance to more junior team members in developing photography skills.

Job Specifications

● Knowledge of English language composition and contents including the meaning and
spelling of words, framework and grammar.
● Knowledge of concepts and techniques by which goods or services can be promoted and
sold. This includes marketing strategy and tactics, sales techniques, product
demonstration, and sales control systems.
● Knowledge of dealing with customers and providing services according to their needs to
meet customer satisfaction.
● Knowledge of business statistics to understand sales and ways of improvement.
● Technical skills - Expertise in Adobe Photoshop, Premier Pro, Linux Lightroom, Illustrator
● Equipment Skills - In depth ability of handling Nikon Frameless Cameras, Camera Flashes,
Softbox, Green Screen, Gimple and Tripod, Tele-Photo Lenses
● Operational Skills - Portrait Photography, Perspective according to golden ratio, Grid
maintain with right exposure level, minimum idea of Hadouken Photography
● Good Communication Skills - Intent to establish good communication with clients
● Efficient verbal and written command over English and Bangla
● Ability to photograph models and product based on guidelines.
● Excellent on set communication a teamwork skill.
● Fixing on spot technical disruption.
● Ability to clearly speak with others.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

● Bachelor’s Degree in Photography. Preferably from Pathshala or Asian Academy of Film
and Television.
● Diploma Degree (One year of 1st hand Supervision).
Experience- At least 2 years of experience in the field of photography and videography.
Location: Depending on the project, Desk job (Banani)
Job type- Full time

Compensation and Benefits

● Minimum BDT 25 000 to 35 000 (Depending on experience and expertise)
● +15% Daily Allowances during work related trips and journeys.
Benefits- According to salary grade and company policy

Position Title - Advertising Executive

Department- Marketing

Reporting Relationship-

Reported to- Marketing Manager

Reported by- none

Job Summary
This job circles the idea of how the brand can be brought to life through media exposure.
Candidate must be able to identify the potential customer and tailor make appropriate
advertising campaigns. Media Planning is the core area of this position. The advertising manager
will collaborate with clients and advertising staff to establish project objectives, delegate task to
appropriate team members, and direct research to ensure they meet the expectations of clients.

Job Description
● Developing advertising strategies to increase buyer’s interest
● Ensure maximum exposure within ability via media planning and support media
● Negotiating with customers for budget, timeline and conjunctions.

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● Prepare pricing strategies for product or services marketed to target customers

● Plan advertising and promotional campaigns.
● Meet with clients to provide marketing or technical advice
● Monitor trends that indicate the need for new product or service
● Collecting and analyzing data and presenting it to other parties, including management
and clients.
● Overseeing advertising department operation and staff member
● Monitoring Project progress from planning to execution and ensure its effectiveness

Job Specifications
● Knowledge regarding human Psychology related to persuading
● Have brief idea about the law suit
● Knowledge about competitors’ probable tactics and operation
● Thorough knowledge about 4 Ps (Product, Price, Place & Promotions)
● Should aware of grapevines pertaining to media
● Solid sales and presentation skills
● Personation skills
● Exceptional organizational and multitasking skills especially working in multiple project.
● Judgment and Decision Making - Take into account the relative costs and benefits to
choose the most appropriate actions.
● Language Skills - Efficient verbal and written command over English and Bangla
● Understanding of design and marketing principles and techniques
● Ability to develop strategies based on industry trends and developments
● Ability to develop and maintain long term relation with valued customers
● Bachelor’s degree in advertising/ marketing/ journalism or related field.
● Minimum 1 to 2 years of experience in relevant and related fields.
Location: Banani

Job Type- Full time

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Compensation and Benefits

● Minimum BDT 20 000 to 25 000 depending on experience

Benefits: According to salary grade and company policy

Position Title - Employee Relations Executive

Department- Human Resource

Reporting Relationship-

Reported to- Human Resource Manager

Reported by- Office Door Guard & Administrative Supervisor

Job Summary
Responsible for managing employee relations cases and investigations and expected to
demonstrate a clear understanding of legal compliance, applicable workplace laws, regulations,
and company’s policies and procedures. Additional key components of this role include
facilitating trainings on management and leadership topics, and coordination and oversight of
staff engagement activities.

Reporting Manager:
Human Resources Manager

Job Description
• Advise management and employees on disciplinary actions, performance problems,
productivity, and other issues to resolve disputes.
• Investigate problems encountered by agencies affecting employee relations by
interviewing involved individuals and gathering related documents.
• Conducts surveys and exit interviews to identify problems and solutions.
• Establish and maintain relationships with managers to stay abreast of current and future
employee relations issues to help prevent potential employee relation problems.
• Maintain current knowledge of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and affirmative
action guidelines and laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

• To form strong workplace relationships at all levels of the organization.
• To communicate clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing, and lead
presentations, training courses, and effective meetings.
• Actively supports or participates in new business activities and proposal teams, when
• Design, plan, and implement employee relations programs, policies, and procedures.
• Maintain good communication and positive relationships with employees to promote
employee satisfaction.
• Guide department managers and employees throughout the performance management
and goal setting process.
• Identify and analyze issues with employee relations infractions.
• Provide recommendations for resolutions.

Job Specifications

• Knowledge of running a business smoothly, and know about the needs to balance
employee and manager relationships.
• Knowledge about ensuring the fair treatment of employees and effective communication
between employees and managers.
• Having knowledge about business policies and about the ways employees conduct
themselves in the workplace and address issues like drug and alcohol use, sexual
harassment, and privacy.
• Knowledge of resolving employee issues and handle complaints to protect the interests
of all parties involved.
• Interpersonal skills – the employee relations manager often plays the role of counselor,
mediator, and connector between the workforce and management, so strong
interpersonal skills are essential to identify the needs of employees and management
• Problem-solving skills – It’s up to the employee relations manager to devise solutions to
issues that arise in the workplace
• Negotiation – Employee relations managers present data and cut price with managers
and staff to succeed in contract terms that please either side

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• Communication skills –The ability to listen and understand people’s concerns is important
for this position, as is the ability to provide answers to complex workplace questions
• Analytical skills – As the link between employees and managers, employee relations
managers need strong analytical skills to assess situations and make accurate
observations in the workplace.
• Ability to address Employee Concerns.
• Ability to advise effectively and deal with employees, especially in difficult situations.
• Ability to lead Negotiations.
• Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management
• Minimum 1 to 2 years of experience in relevant fields
Job Type- Full-time job

Office Location- Banani

Compensation and Benefits

• BDT 20 000– 25 000 depending on experience
Benefits: According to salary grade and company policy

Position Title - Recruitment Executive

Department- Human Resource

Reporting Relationship-

Reported to- Human Resource Manager

Reported by- None

Job Summary
Responsible for designing, creating, and directing hiring initiatives as per business needs. Also
responsible for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the hiring process, managing
applications, and serving as a valuable brand ambassador.

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Reporting Manager:
Human Resources Manager

Job Description

• Direct and oversee the hiring of upper management and executives.
• Ensuring current staff numbers are sufficient and appropriately distributed.
• Engaging in effective recruitment methods to determine useful applicant markets.
• Directly interacting with job candidates and respond to initial queries.
• Processing and tracking applicant job submissions.
• Setting clear goals and benchmarks for recruitment team.
• Drive and direct all recruitment efforts and processes.
• Create and suggest new and effective interviewing procedures and techniques.
• Work with human resources department to confirm hiring needs and requirements.
• Manage recruitment efforts and advertising budgets.
• Train and supervise recruiters in correct business processes.
• Obtain necessary information regarding required tests needed for hire (proficiency,
background, drug, etc.).
• Maintain and prepare databases.
• Adherence to fair employment laws and practices.
• Demonstrate to candidates a positive reflection or our brand and company.
Job Specifications

• Knowledge regarding Implementation of strategic hiring procedures and improve upon
recruitment measures
• Knowledge of fair employment laws and practices
• Knowledge of creating and suggesting new and effective interviewing procedures and
• Judgment and Decision Making- to choose the most appropriate actions.
• Technical skills- expertise in recruitment procedures.
• Language Skills- Efficient verbal and written command over English and Bangla
• Well mannered, disciplined and punctual.
• Ability to use the right methods and formulas in suitable cases

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

• Ability to determine the number of candidates who are qualified and needed for
• Ability to establish general guidelines for recruiters.
• Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management
Job Experience
• Minimum 1 to 2 years of experience in HRM field.
Job Type- Full-time job

Office Location- Banani

Compensation and Benefits

The starting salary for this position is from 15,000-20,000Tk.

Benefit- According to salary grade and company policy.

Position title- Inventory Management Executive

Department- Operations

Reporting Relationships

Reporting to- Operations Manager

Reported by- None

Job Summary

The inventory management executive will be responsible for purchasing all the materials that are
needed for the sets, photo shoots and will also ensure that the clothes, makeup and accessories
required for the models are readily available whenever requested. The person with this job will
also have to keep track of the inventory records and supervise all the activities related to
inventory while taking the operations manager’s goals into account. Another one of their tasks is
to guarantee that the inventory is of high quality and is kept in good condition until the
inventory’s purpose is fulfilled.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Job Description


 Acquiring all the materials needed for the set and photo shoot.
 Delivering the materials, items and props right in time for the shoot.
 Ensuring that the goods are kept in good condition throughout the shoot.
 Checking the inventory records to see if all the financial information is correct.

 Discuss with the client and have a good idea of what type of vision the client has for how
the set and other aspects of the shoot should look like.
 Do extensive research on the type of props required by the client and conduct further
meetings until the decisions of all the materials are finalized.
 Make a budget once the overall list of everything that is needed is made.
 Managing all the people who are involved in transporting and delivering the inventory.

 Checks purchase orders and supply invoices.

 Keep good connections with existing suppliers to continue a long standing mutual
beneficial relationship and find new suppliers for supplies which existing suppliers may
not be able to provide.
 Needs to deal with any problems or issues that may arise relating to stock.
 Needs to get rid of the stock when it is no longer in use or needed.
 Responsible for making reports on all the goods purchased, destroyed or stolen during
every job.
 Track the goods to ensure the condition of it.
 Check the condition of the stock when it is received from the supplier.
 Should do regular analysis to avoid stock issues that may arise.
Job Specification


 Needs to know the rules of composition, the meanings of words and the structure of the
English language.
 Knowledge of invoicing procedures.
 Knowledge of quality of inventory to be able to supply the best quality materials to the
 Knowledge of inventory control to know when to get rid of supply or how much supply is
needed or when to increase supply.
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 Understanding of the logistics to find the best way to deliver the goods.
 Needs to know how satisfy the customer by evaluating and assessing the client’s needs.
 Has to have a clear idea of the business and its principles and processes to do a good job
and achieve the goals of the company.

 Has to have problem-solving skills and monitoring skills.

 Database management skills are needed.
 Decision making skills to be able to utilize costs and decide which stock would be best for
the work.
 Communication skills are very important in every step of the process starting from
acquiring the inventory to delivering them to the set.

 Ability to make financial statements.

 Ability to focus on a task wholly without being distracted by interruptions.

Minimum Education

The minimum qualification required for this job is to have a Bachelor’s degree related to
inventory management, finance or accounting.

Job Experience-1 to 2 years of experience in the inventory management field.

Job Type- Full-time job

Office Location- Banani

Compensation and Benefits

The minimum starting salary for this position is from 30,000-35,000Tk.

Benefits- According to salary grade and company policy.

Position title-Brand Image Handler

Department-Public Relations
Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Reporting Relationships

Reporting to- Customer Relationship Management Executive

Reported by- None

Job Summary

Responsible for making all the decisions relating to the brand, setting a perception of the brand
in the customer’s mind and maintaining the quality of the brand’s work. Makes sure that image
either stays constant or improves. The Brand Image Handler reports all activities and concerns to
the Customer Relationship Management Executive.

Job Description


 Protects the brand by ensuring that image lives up to the consumer’s expectations.
 Works with the marketing department as well as other departments to ensure that the
brand strategy is just right.
 Needs to do adequate research on the target market and observe the current trends.
 Needs to keep an eye on what people are saying on social media about the brand and
what changes need to be made.

 Oversees creative processes with the marketing department.

 Gives feedback on current and future activity and if there should be any changes to the
business strategy.
 Work closely with the marketing department and the social media handler to present the
best image to consumers.

 Communicate clear decisions and accountability for wrong actions.

 Conduct effective and efficient meetings.
 Teach the concerning employees on how to implement a new brand strategy.
 Write all the informational materials about the brand and create a positive brand image.

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Job Specification


 Needs to know principles for promoting the brand effectively and making a good brand
 Needs to know all media communication and production information.
 Needs to know how to satisfy customers the best way and what they want.


 Has to have problem-solving skills and monitoring skills.

 Giving proper attention to what people are saying and understanding necessary
 Needs to be able to communicate properly with others to get the job done and avoid
 Needs to have research and analytical skills.
 Needs to have good presentation skills.


 Ability to read and understand information.

 Ability to come up with several ideas for a particular subject.
 Ability to tell if something is not right or may cause issues in the future.
 Ability to have creative ideas about a situation or come up with creative ways to solve an

Minimum Education-The minimum qualification required for this job is to have a Bachelor’s
degree related to brand management or marketing.

Job Experience- Minimum 1 to 2 years of experience in the brand management field.

Job Type- Full-time job

Office Location- Banani

Compensation and Benefits

The starting salary for this position is from 15,000-20,000Tk.

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Benefit- According to salary grade and company policy.

Position Title- Customer Relationship Management Executive

Department- public Relations

Reporting Relation-

Reporting to- Public relation Manager

Reported by- Social Media Handler & Brand Image handler

Job Summary- A CRM executive needs to know his / her customer’s needs and know the problems
that clients want to address. In addition to dealing with customer requests, they need to provide
suggestions and feedback to help improve the experience.

Job Description


 Preparation of plans, coming up with creative ideas, control of the production process a
nd implementation and reporting to the relevant people.
 Identify key client groups and markets, identify the best way to communicate informatio
n to them, and develop and implement a communication plan.
 Create publications such as brochures, leaflet etc.

 CRM strategies are to be designed and implemented across the organization in order to
attract existing customers, boost brand loyalty and expand the business.
 Developing research methods to ensure the company and its clients have the most
efficient approach.
 Handle service inquiries pricing, customer relationships, and grievances. Use courtesy and
integrity to handle all incoming phone calls.

 Ensure proper segmentation of the customer database for targeted marketing activities.
 Maintain high level of customer satisfaction in all service provided.
Job Specifications-

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019


 Knowledge of structure and contents of basic English language rules, spellings, grammar.
 Knowledge of processing customer’s need through assessments, meeting standards.
 Knowledge of the strategies and methods of media production, communication and

 Skilled ion understanding Social Perceptiveness — be mindful of the reactions of others

and to consider why they respond as they do.
 Understanding the potential consequences for existing and future problems and finding
 Proper writing, speaking , presenting and convincing skills
 Technical skills- CRM software — Blackbaud The Raiser's Edge; Oracle Eloqua; Oracle
Siebel Server Sync; Salesforce software
 Language Skills- Efficient verbal and written command over English and Bangla

 Ability to communicate with proper exchange of meanings.

 Ability to think critically and come up with ideas.
 Ability to read and understand information.
 Ability to identify problems and speak up about the issue.
Education- Minimum Master’s degree in any department

Job Experience- minimum 2 years in similar job titles

Job title- Full time

Job location- Banani, Dhaka

Compensation and Benefits

Salary – Minimum 30 – 40k depending on experience

Benefits- According to salary grade and company policy.

Position Title : IT Manager

Department: Information Technology

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Reporting Relation-

Reporting to: Vice president IT

Reported by- web & graphics Designer, IT Support Executive, Web Development

Job Summary: They are responsible for directing, development and controlling activities that are
related to computer. They are supposed to determine the company.

Job Description


 They have to monitor the performance of IT staff

 Making sure the annual budget is cost effective

 Direct computer and information technology system

 Planning, organizing and controlling electronic data
 They have to recruit, train and appraise IT staff for the company


 Coordinating the IT department.

 Purchasing new hardware and software if needed.
 Making the performance report of the operating system.
Job Specification


 Processing factual and theoretical knowledge.

 Knowledge of software’s
 Knowledge about IT related resolutions to problems
 Being updated about new IT developments

 Managing the IT team

 Making decisions
 Setting goals
 Organizing

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

 Be good at time management


 Good communication skill

 Direct the IT department
 Design and apply policies for IT department
 Leadership skill

Education: Minimum qualification degree on IT field

Job location: Banani, Dhaka

Job Experience: 1-2 years experience

Job title: Full Time

Compensation and Benefits

Salary: 30-35 k

Benefits: According to salary grade and company policy

Position Title – Human Resources Manager

Job Summary:
The Human Resources manager will be responsible for planning, direction, and coordinating,
human resources activities and staff of the entire organization. He/she will be in charge of the
Employee Relations and Recruitment Executives and with their assistance, will be running all
activities related to the discourse of the organization’s personnel.
Reporting Relationship:
Report to: Vice President – Human Resources
In charge of: Employee Relations Executive and Recruitment Executive

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Job Description:
 Advise Vice Presidents and Managers on Human Resource related organizational policies
such as equal employment opportunity, harassment policies, diversity and inclusiveness,
 Act as a linkage between the organization and the workforce of the organization.
 Modify and create compensation policies and packages continually.
 Ensure compliance with all legal requirements related to HRM.
 Administer disciplinary procedures when required.
 Deal with HR issues such as understaffing/overstaffing, referrals, firing, retirement, etc.
 Develop applicant tests.
 Allocated Human Resources in a way that ensures near perfect job-person fit.
 Keep up to date with all legal requirements within the discourse of Human Resources
 Identify training needs of employees.
 Identify breach of disciplinary rules as soon as they occur and take appropriate actions.
 Maintain amiable yet professional relationships with the human resources of the

 Workforce Planning and Recruitment.

Job Specifications

 Knowledge of all things related to Personnel and Human Resources Management
 Administrative and Managerial knowledge
 English Language
 Employee Psychology
 Active Listening
 Writing
 Data Base User Interference and Query Software
 Person perceptiveness
 Ability to express feelings orally
 Ability to understand how others are feeling before it reaches a negative extreme
 Ability to freely interact with various kinds of people and deal with diversity

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

 Minimum master’s degree in HRM from a reputable university
 Minimum 3 years’ of experience in the realms of HRM
Compensation & Benefits:
 BDT 50 000 (Depending on experience and expertise)
Benefits: According to salary grade and company policy

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Position Title: Public Relations Manager

Job Summary:
Responsible for planning, directing, coordination, and designing activities which will help the
company in maintaining a sound, and rather great, public image. The task is mainly to be done
through social media and other various kinds of marketing efforts.
Reporting Relationships:
Reporting to: Vice President – Public Relations
In-charge of: Customer Relationship Management Executive, Social Media Handler, and Brand
Image Handler
Job Description
 Maintain a positive image of the company among the public and specially clients
 Ensure proper usage of company logo and name
 Oversee social media activities
 Oversee brand image activities
 Design, edit, and develop promotional publications and brochures
 Ensure advertising and promotional programs for the company are in line with public
relations effort
 Maintain and develop effective and amiable relationships with clients, business partners,
government officials, media representatives, and all other stake holders
 Get regular updates from Social Media Handler and Brand Image Handler
 Maintain good liaison with Marketing Department in order to avoid communication gaps
 Formulate policies with relation to communication with outside parties
 Stay in good terms with all company stakeholders
 Stay updated about all the achievements of the internal departments
 Manage promotional aspects with respect to company image
 Maintain good liaison with Chief Content Creator
Job Specifications:
 Sales and Marketing
 Customer Relationship Management
 Basic knowledge of Graphic Designing
 Communications and Media Platforms (E.G. Social Media)
 Writing – Being able to effectively communicate messages textually
Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

 Video Creation and Editing – To aid in company promotions

 Public Speaking – Being able to effectively communicate messages verbally
 Recognize a good publicity opportunity when it arrives
 Turn an adverse situation to a favorable one via the right publicity move
 Ability to come up with new and innovative publicity ideas of a regular basis
 Minimum master’s degree in Marketing, English, or Human Resources
 Minimum 3 years of experience in relevant fields
Compensation & Benefits:
 BDT 40 000
Benefits: According to salary grade and company policy

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019

Member Contribution List:

Sharose Islam - 173 1810 630
 Job Analyses of Copywriter, Social Media Handler, Human Resources Manager, and Public
Relations Manager
 Company Profile
 Organogram
 Training & Development
 Workflow Process
Sumaiya Noureen - 171 3065 030
 Grievance policy
 Promotion policy
 Job Analyses of IT Manger and Chief Fashion Designer
Arsh Anwar- 171 1622 630
 Performance Appraisal
 Employee and community relations
 Leave policy & Attendance policy
 Job Analyses of Marketing manager, Sales executive, Junior accountant, and Customer
relationship management executive
Rukshar Rahman – 171 1216 030
 Code of conduct
 Keeping records
 Job analysis of Inventory Management Executive and Brand Image Handler
Md. Assaduzzaman Shawon - 172 1216 630
 Pestle Analysis
 Compensation & benefits
 Job Analyses of Web Developer, Graphics and Web Designer, and Operations Manager
Nafish Ibn Alam - 171 1802 030
 Job Analyses of Assistant Photographer, Advertising Executive, and Chief Photographer
 Human Resource Planning
 Company Budgeting
 Salary Administration
 Recruitment and Selection

Business As Unusual | HRM 360.3 | Fall 2019


Inc. (n.d.). Human Resources Planning. Retrieved from Inc.:

Inspired e-learning. (n.d.). HR Compliance. Retrieved from Inspired e-learning:

METTL. (n.d.). Understanding the Training Cycle. Retrieved from mettl:


Satyendra. (2014, February 7). Training and Development Process. Retrieved from ISPAT Guru:

SOAS. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Tagetik. (n.d.). HR Budget. Retrieved from Wolters Kluwer Tagetik:


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