Projects of Bashabo Welfare Community

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Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often
done near the area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefits of your work. You
do not get paid to perform community service, but volunteer your time. Community service can
help many different groups of people: children, senior citizens, and people with disabilities, even
animals and the environment. Community service is often organized through a local group, such
as a place of worship, school, or non-profit organization, many people participate in community
service because they enjoy helping others and improving their community.

I want to start a community service organization at my birth place Bashabo, Dhaka Where I have
grown up. It is relatively a small area and what I have seen so far is that people living here from
Children to Senior Citizens face many problems whether it’s financial, environmental or any
other minimum support to run one’s daily life. I want to name this Organization as “Bashabo
Welfare Community”. Where People of all age can participate and help each other by giving
their time, donating money or by spreading their hand.

Projects Of Bashabo Welfare Community:

Helping Children and Schools

 Tutor children during or after school

 Collect baby clothes and supplies to donate to new parents

 Collect used sports equipment to donate to families and after-school programs

 Sponsor a child for education

 Donate used children's books to a school library

 Work with the local health department to set up an immunization day or clinic to
immunize children against childhood diseases

Helping Senior Citizens

 Deliver groceries and meals to elderly neighbors

 Teach computer skills to the elderly

 Drive or take seniors to doctor appointments

 Mow an elderly neighbor's lawn

 Ask residents of a retirement home to tell you about their lives

 Pick up medicine for an elderly neighbor

 Help elderly neighbors clean their homes and organize their belongings

Making the Environment better

 Clean up a local park

 Participate in the cleanup of a local river, pond, or lake

 Volunteer at a nature camp and teach kids about the environment

 Plant native flowers or plants along highways

Helping the Hungry and/or Homeless

 Donate old clothes

 Donate old eyeglasses to an organization that collects that and distributes them to people
in need

 Donate non-perishable food to a food bank

 Donate blankets to a homeless shelter

 Help organize and sort donations at a homeless shelter

Reducing Crime and Promoting Safety

 Organize a self-defense workshop

 Organize a drug-free campaign

 Sponsor a drug-free post-prom event

 Create and distribute a list of hotlines for people who might need help

Long Term & Short Term Plan:

As this community service is a new project, my first & foremost plan is to make a
team of volunteers. Where each & every member will be dedicated towards this
organization. Then next step will be finding donors to execute each project
successfully. After 20-25 years I want to see my community where the literacy rate
will be 100%, all the people living in the society are able to fulfil their basic needs,
senior citizens having a worry free life & a green community area free from drugs
& crimes, where people can enjoy their life to the fullest.

Reason behind Starting a Community Service:

There are numerous benefits to start & participating in community service, below are some of the
most important benefits of volunteering:

 Gives you a way to help others

 Helps improve your community
 Often results in personal growth
 It gives self-Satisfaction

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