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Shahjalal University of
Science and Technology

Question 2015

B Unit
Admission Tech

A.� B.� C.'lf' D.� .

'.!""'..,..;:�B.'lm11if< ... .
62. 'Culturallag'....,.���
C.l1'.- D..... �. .,fts
�� -�
... "::.'.""'�
64. �-"'��';,
A.- B.'1tw>< .
C."""""" D.'1:it-
65. 'Ideal bu reaucracy' � ..m
A. ffl «All B . � fttt..- ·
C.-- D. .,..-
66. ___ _, .

67.·�'l"Mft ...''W!'lfifAc.1il�
A.lUr.l!mtl � B.1P11ff
C.'01'5.- 0.l't"(I


C.- D.-
70 .
C,..,,..-,,.,fts D.-�
� ID2.D3.C4.B S.D6.C7D 8.C9. D
JO.C II.A 12.C 13.8 14.C IS.D 16.8 17.A 18.B
19.B 20.A 21.B 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.8 26.C 27.J:..
28.B 29.B 30.8 31.A 32.B 33.B 34.D 3S.C 36.C
37.C 38.C 39.C 40D 41.0 42.C 43.B 44.D 45.B
46.A 47.A 48.C 49.B SO.C 51.C 52.B 53.C 54.B
SS.D 56.B 57.D 58.D S9.A 60.B 61.C 62.A 63.A
64.C6S.A66.A67. 70.C

"1l�Jl*141, �

·, C'll199
. �-'\O
01. Which point should be considered when
prepariq • HWS report?
A. Give attractive information
B. Should not include rcpon.ers' point of view
concerning the incident
C. Not to include people's comments
o. Preaching at the end of the story
E. U · attractive tocbarmreadcrs
Admission Tech

OZ. If the North sef- i.D winter, you could

w1lk f rom Lond on to Oslo.
A. happened to freeze B. froze
C. should freeze D. stnddlJawoito�
15. Your f riend and you have started a bicycle
YoC:t!��U:�o�: i�.,, ::: ;
f s

respectively. Both of you hive reached ts


flDlsh line at the same time. For bow manJ

E. should be happened to freez.e · seconds you have gone for cycle nee?
03. s el«t lhe correct men.iog of 'hav.e I hurt' A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 E.SO
A. to ask somebody to be lund 16. Which one is .the equation of simple
�: :� e : �tf:3
v �n harmoni.c motion?

D,to bea personWOOshowssympathytoothc-s �::::���} gJ�f��

17. A tnvellina; wav e is being observed from a
� i!8th� sorry. I didn't mean to
point. If two crest s pass this poial in 0.2 s
1nno y you. I didn't do it-.
A. in purpose B. at purpose C. for purpose then which one is true?
D. on purpose E. from purpose
Choose the correct prefix for the word t ::�:1:fi1�cfs�.'8 m's
' fi\nction' t o crnte a new word
A.mis B. mono C. dis D. contra E. mal ii:E. ::��1=i o}�- Hz 0
wave velocity is 0.2 m's
06. Use the corre<:t pr eposition: I don't kn ow
f the t�!t'e
18. An object is allowed to fall from a certalll
���? . Cinthist.ri!��tt· height If the-. k.inedc ene is 4 times lb
of S.O m f rom
07. Which one is corr ect? n m it was
. A.oweful B.owfullC.awcful D:owful E.awful
08. Which sentenc e is not corr«t?
A. Nobody wants to go there. E. SS
19. Both gnvitational and electric force s 1d
. A. l
B. Everybody like to attend the lecture: between two electrons which are 2.0x10·11 m
C. Somebody is here. 8
J��� rJ>r�i:-� .!;a:t'�o�,e�f��}o��1 ,

� ��:,
C:. f;f:;� day �:f8a::;
E.10 11 timeslarger
C. Lon& in the tooth D .Feabrin)OJ.�
E. Drop the hanuner 20. A, IDeta.llic sheet surface area 0.02 mJ b kepi
10. Which pair of w ords is aot aotonymom? on glyc erin of thickMss S mm. A horizontal
A. bold,timid 8. conceal. reveal forte of O.SN is needed to move the Shed at
C. ignorance, knowledge D. shallow, wide
E. assemble, disperse a speed of 0.06 mis. What is the coefflddl
11..'Power of a pair of glass ii +2D .l)iapter.' of glycerininNsm·J?
What does k men? ·a. 2.08 8. 1.04 c. 1:04 x 10-l
:: :::�i=oJ}:�1=h�/m� 0. 2.08 x W:2 E. 2.08 x 1 0 3·
C. concave lens of focal length 2 m 21. Specific heat of water is 4.2 x 10u J lqf1 K1•
D.convex lens of focal lcn� 2 m Wha_t is the change in entropy . in JfK It tile
E. convex or concave lens of focal length 2 m temperature of S.O k& . of water is nited
12. A I.tar btcomes a blackbole with a
Swarzebild radius Of 11.80 km. How much is from 10°C to 100°C?
the mass o�tbe star In kg if the mass of sun A. S.8 x 1 0 1· 8. S.8 x Ui
1 C. S.8 x 1& D. S.8 x 101 ' E.S.8 x 10

�. ir.1;l1� k&J.
2.65xlef1- C. l.99xl030 22. A particle o f mass 0.02 kg is movip.g with aa
D. 7.96x10 E. !S.92xl030
13. A marbl e is knocked from an edge of a desk angular velocity of 31t rad/s arouo� a clrde
h 1 n of "radius 0.50 m. What is magnJtude in N
��,o ! ?a!:: : 1�:i J�;:�:�!f
�eoT rble �8hit��trs
and dir ection of the fo rce responsible for
B o.t3s E.14.7 'this motioo?
14. A SOO kg vehide rum at a� of <,() kmlb.r. It A.0.031ttowardstheceritre
8. 0.031t.awaY from the centre
c.o.091r towards the centre
. �t e'2�.'?'2�0�9bE.1290
D. o.097r away from centre
E. 9 .oi towards centre

Admission Tech
..:,: Admission Tech

13. Charge is set to each vertex Of an equilateral C. 3.755x10 ·26 D. 1:601 x-10·25
triangl e(a djacent figure) ofside 1 mm. What E. l.753x 10·24
is the electric field strength in N/C at its 31. What are the 4relationsliip among t he ions·
ortho-ce nt re? F",Na+,andC ?
A.1.2x10·19 B. l.6x 10·16
A. isotopes to each other
C.l.2x 10 16 D. I.6x 1016 I· i·=:�°rue:�ili�h other
E. l.2x 10 D. isoe!ectronic with each other
M. An e mf of20 V is i nduced when the electric E. isobars to each other
current through a coil is changed from 0.5 A 32
" :ddi::: :f f!::!�! �l:ti:: r;��:��
s t s
to 1.0 A i n LO s. How· much· is the self
induction in II of the coil? the determina tion of diabetic
33. �� ft n
A.IO B.20 C.30 D.40 E.50
What is the accelention in mil of an electron
�d' t� :��1!b
i ;� �� � �
c i

34. What is the electroni c configuntion of

iaan electric field orntvlm? .Jc man�n e)P KMnO.?
A. 1.76X 10 16 B. L76x1015 - ;)
�:fZJtrt -ifZB�i c.. 1314s°rAr
C.L76xl014 D. 5.76x10·15 �

E.5.76X 10· 16 35. o

� �:/ :nti�= : s:;b,lZri� �b
a h ee

3C . 2C
hybridized carbon atom
Which is not correct for electromagnetic A. 120 B. 109.5 C. 180 D. 90 E. 105°
° ° ° °

s pectrum? 36. How many e1tttrons are attepted by the oxidant

A. Wavelength of x-ray is greater than that of in 2CuS0..+4KI-+ Il�1I2+2K:S<)4 reaction?
ultraviolet ray A. O 8.1 C.2 D.4 E.6
B. y:ray originates from the nucleus 37. A closed container of volume 83.14 L
C. one can sec at night with the help ofinfrared ray :J�tol':aga�da3��°Jii��t�;: ��la�
D. light of 600 mm wavelength is visible m ass ofB?
E. microwave ray emits from magnetron bulb A.20 B.32" C.38 D.40 E.71
A laser emits a short pulse of ultnviold 38. At constan.t lempenture and pressure the
ndiation. What is the energy in J of a complete combustion of 20· mL of.a a
O requires
!����::[o ; i s m;.��;���flh�- 11.ox�a-11 §65:L()���t :ih�v
�':u� �;�

B.2 C. 3 0.4 E. 5
D. ll.Oxto·1* E. 5.6xl0- 19 A. I
The electric field strength· between two · =:s�i:�:;� 1:i°lX 1:t��1i�t

. parallel plates is uniform. Which graph crystaUine compound?
shows how the potential V varies with A.2 8 . 4 C . 6 D.8 -E.10
distance d from each other? 40. What are t he va lues of a ancl b in the
nuclear �ction:
A v� B
;N +a-particle-t;o+ proton?

El= . �:lt:�: g:��:1�

E. 17and8
41. 600 mL 0.4 M NaOH solution is required to
DV� neutralize COi which is produced from
d -�ution':r����!_Cl,Calculate 72 C.75 D.78 E.80
0 42. What is the pH of the solution of 0.1 M
r;i _ IDU:�.SW:ai i�8'e !i�fi� J ifi� a cetic acid and 0.1 M sodium acetate? (K. =
e 8 n t

negative sign? 1.80x!O"')

A. the atom can move freely A. 4.74 8. 5.74 C. 6.74
B. electron can be separated from the atom D. 7.74 E. 8.74
without any applied force 43. In a zer:o order reaction. the concent ration
C. electron is m excited state of a reactant reduces from 0.2 M to 0.1 M in
D. electron is bound to the uncleus 100 minutes. How much time (in minutes)
E. hydrogen atom attracts other atoms . will be requi red to reduce the concentration
:! e of a prot on of ldnetic ofthe reactant from 0.1 M t o 0.05 M?
:�/;}� 1 �J? A. 50 8. 100 C.150 D. 200 E. 250
A.1.031 x 10·31 · 8. 1.676 x 10·27

f Admission Tech
Admission Tech

44.. Which acid is usecfto protect sled from rust?

D. HF E. H1PO,
45. Which uod caooot be ased as
D. H,N(CH,),NH

46. Which one is the dccrasing order rA tbr: .cid

SO,uglh .. "'"' ,dd (1),- lcid (D),
trichlorolcdic and (IIl). and'3rmic .cid (IV)?
A. Ul>ll>l>IV 8. ill>IV>D>I
C. lll>IV>l>D D. III>U>IV>l
E. ID>l>IV>Il
47. What istbe name ofthe folbwingcompow,d iD
WPAC system?
CHrCH-CH2 -C .. C-CH-CH1
A. 2-Ethyl...6-methyl-3-pentcoe
8. 3,7-Dimethyl-5-octene
C. 2,2-Dimethyl-4-octcoe
D. 2,6-Dimetbyl-4-bq,lcnc
E. 2 , 6 -Dimethyl-3-octcoe
48. What is the mechanism of the reaction •
between aromatic hydrocarbon and acetyl,
chlori� iD presenct of anhydrous AI01?
A. Elcctrophilic addition
B. Elo::trop�lic substitution
C. Nucleophi\ic addition
D. Nucleophilic substitution E. Eli.mioatioo
49. The label of a rommercialfy avdible boitlt of_
HCL SboWS 36% (vlv) witla deblltJ 0.91 Wtt..
What is the collttdtntion (IIOIIL) of HO?
A. 0.025 8. 3�76 C. 24.93
D. 24.93 E. 327.6
SO. Jx 2[1+ln(xf+l))dx=?

A. (x1+l)ln(x'+t 8. !(x'+l)ln(x'+l)
3(x +1) ln(x3 +1).
C � D E
'in(x +1) · ln(x +l) · x3+1
1 l

SI. Which one holds the dosw-e law?

A. Set.Qf natural nwnbcrs under subtraction
8. Set ofintegcrs·wideidivision ·
C. Set ofirrational numbers undtrdivision.
D. Set ofnon-2.ffl> ratimal numbers \NCI" diVWO!l
E. Set of real numberundµdivision
52. what is the intersedion point of the curves y
• 2 cos"1 x andy = 2 sin·I..x?

Admission Tech

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