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FEBRUARY 2020 Edition 64



Teenagers need around nine and a half hours to sleep at night. But most get far less
sleep. Teenagers feel more energetic in the evening. Especially between 9-10pm. So it’s
more difficult to sleep early, their bodies want to sleep late and wake up late in the
morning. Also these days many teens are using electronic devices late at night, that make
the brain more alert, so it takes longer for a teen to relax and sleep. Too little sleep makes a
young person less energetic and enthusiastic and they can’t pay attention in class. For this
reason, they should sleep as much as possible and to not play electronics before they go to
Koletsou Antonia 1st Grade


By Nicky-Maria Kokkali 3rd grade

Pefki is a big village in north Evia and

belongs to Artemision Municipality. The coast of
the village is more than 4 kilometers long with a
variety of morphology (from fine sand to coarse
stone) with all intermediate gradients. It is
important that the sea is always clean and ideal
for swimming without any worries. In Pefki
today there are many shops on the beach such
as Restaurants, Taverns, Cafes, clubs, ready to
satisfy your every wish. You will find plenty of Rooms, Studios and hotels offering quality
holidays and good prices. With a capacity of about 30,000 people in peak season it makes it
a well-known summer destination for your holidays. There are two ways to get to Pefki. The
first is to go from Chalkida where it is about 2 hours way and the second with ferryboat
from Arkitsa where the boat ride is 45 minutes. I suggest you to visit Pefki because it is one
of the most beautiful places in Greece that is really worth a visit. You will not regret it!!!!!
Benefits of playing Valentine’s day
Valentine’s day it's the day when people
show their affection for another person or
people by sending cards, flowers or
By Renia Voulgari 1st Grade
chocolates with messages of love.

The day gets its name from a famous saint,

but there are several stories of who he was.
Are you doing any sport? If you don’t, think about
The popular belief about St Valentine is that
it because doing sports has many health and
he was a priest from Rome in the third
fitness benefits for you! century AD.
Sports help you to have strong bones, reduce body Emperor Claudius II had banned marriage
fat and control your body weight. Sports are also a because he thought married men were bad
great way for families to get exercise together. soldiers. Valentine felt this was unfair, so he
Have you ever thought that with sports you can broke the rules and arranged marriages in
say to your friend to run or play basketball or
volleyball together? You can also fight anxiety, you When Claudius found out, Valentine was
can set goals and try to aim them but you have thrown in jail and sentenced to death.
also the opportunity to make new friends. If you There, he fell in love with the jailer's
are sporty, then you are more likely to have daughter and when he was taken to be
healthy lifestyle. killed on 14 February he sent her a love
letter signed "from your Valentine”
So if you don’t do any sport, it will be a good idea
Eliana Metai 2nd Grade
to think about it. In our area there are plenty of
sports club. You can find one that it fits in your
A sweet and tropical mango smoothie bowl is
topped with vibrant blueberries, coconut flakes and
homemade, gluten-free granola.


 1/2 cup frozen mango chunks

 1 cup frozen pineapple chunks

 1/4 cup blueberries

 2 tablespoon coconut flakes

 2 tablespoon chai spiced granola


Add the coconut water, then fruit into a blender. Blend on high for one minute, until thick
and creamy consistency.

Pour into a bowl and add your toppings

Nikie Kontou 3rd Grade

Some ways to reduce air pollution. Fioraki Irene 1st Grade

“The proportions of the earth’s atmosphere pollution have reached frightening levels.
This is largely due to the growth of industry and increased use of private vehicles. So what
can we do about this problem?

A useful solution is to plant more trees in urban areas. Then the earth in our cities will
become cleaner because trees will absorb harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and will
breath out oxygen .

Another way to solve this problem is by saving energy. By turning off lights and
appliances when we don’t need them , this way we help to reduce the pollution problem.

All in all, I believe trying to reduce air pollution is something that involves us all.
Everybody must act before it is late”.
Anna Kostalou 2nd Grade

Instagram is the most famous social app in the world. Many people use it to share pictures
of special moments of their life.

The first picture which was published

In 16/7/2010 the inventor of instagram, Kevin Sistrom [USA], published the first photo in
instagram, which was a photo of a golden retriever.

The users with the most followers

The most famous person in

instagram is Selena Gomez and she
has… 135.458.041 followers!!!

The football player of Real Madrid,

Christiano Ronaldo, is the man with
the most followers and he has …
123.328. 883 followers!!!

The animal with the most followers

The little pig Prisila has 690.516

followers in her account! She lives in
Florida with her owner, Melisa Nikolson.

The most famous photo

The photo of the newborn Stormy, Kali Jener’s

daughter, which was published in 6/2/2018, had
15.256.584 likes until the next day!

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