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Graph Neural Networks:

A Review of Methods and Applications
Jie Zhou∗ , Ganqu Cui∗ , Zhengyan Zhang∗ , Cheng Yang, Zhiyuan Liu, Lifeng Wang, Changcheng Li,
Maosong Sun

Abstract—Lots of learning tasks require dealing with graph data which contains rich relation information among elements. Modeling
physics system, learning molecular fingerprints, predicting protein interface, and classifying diseases require a model to learn from
graph inputs. In other domains such as learning from non-structural data like texts and images, reasoning on extracted structures, like
the dependency tree of sentences and the scene graph of images, is an important research topic which also needs graph reasoning
models. Graph neural networks (GNNs) are connectionist models that capture the dependence of graphs via message passing
arXiv:1812.08434v4 [cs.LG] 10 Jul 2019

between the nodes of graphs. Unlike standard neural networks, graph neural networks retain a state that can represent information
from its neighborhood with arbitrary depth. Although the primitive GNNs have been found difficult to train for a fixed point, recent
advances in network architectures, optimization techniques, and parallel computation have enabled successful learning with them. In
recent years, systems based on variants of graph neural networks such as graph convolutional network (GCN), graph attention network
(GAT), gated graph neural network (GGNN) have demonstrated ground-breaking performance on many tasks mentioned above. In this
survey, we provide a detailed review over existing graph neural network models, systematically categorize the applications, and
propose four open problems for future research.

Index Terms—Deep Learning, Graph Neural Network

1 I NTRODUCTION extract multi-scale localized spatial features and compose

them to construct highly expressive representations, which
Graphs are a kind of data structure which models a set led to breakthroughs in almost all machine learning areas
of objects (nodes) and their relationships (edges). Recently, and started the new era of deep learning [9]. As we are
researches of analyzing graphs with machine learning have going deeper into CNNs and graphs, we found the keys
been receiving more and more attention because of the of CNNs: local connection, shared weights and the use of
great expressive power of graphs, i.e. graphs can be used multi-layer [9]. These are also of great importance in solving
as denotation of a large number of systems across various problems of graph domain, because 1) graphs are the most
areas including social science (social networks) [1], [2], nat- typical locally connected structure. 2) shared weights reduce
ural science (physical systems [3], [4] and protein-protein the computational cost compared with traditional spectral
interaction networks [5]), knowledge graphs [6] and many graph theory [10]. 3) multi-layer structure is the key to deal
other research areas [7]. As a unique non-Euclidean data with hierarchical patterns, which captures the features of
structure for machine learning, graph analysis focuses on various sizes. However, CNNs can only operate on regular
node classification, link prediction, and clustering. Graph Euclidean data like images (2D grid) and text (1D sequence)
neural networks (GNNs) are deep learning based methods while these data structures can be regarded as instances of
that operate on graph domain. Due to its convincing per- graphs. Therefore, it is straightforward to think of finding
formance and high interpretability, GNN has been a widely the generalization of CNNs to graphs. As shown in Fig. 1, it
applied graph analysis method recently. In the following is hard to define localized convolutional filters and pooling
paragraphs, we will illustrate the fundamental motivations operators, which hinders the transformation of CNN from
of graph neural networks. Euclidean domain to non-Euclidean domain.
The first motivation of GNNs roots in convolutional
neural networks (CNNs) [8]. CNNs have the ability to
* indicates equal contribution.
• Jie Zhou, Zhengyan Zhang, Cheng Yang, Zhiyuan Liu (corresponding
author) and Maosong Sun are with the Department of Computer Science
and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China.
E-mail: {zhoujie18, zhangzhengyan14, cheng-ya14}@mails.tsing-, {sms, liuzy}
• Ganqu Cui is with the Department of Physics, Tsinghua University,
Beijing 100084, China.
• Lifeng Wang, Changcheng Li are with the Tencent Incorporation, Shen-
zhen, China. Fig. 1. Left: image in Euclidean space. Right: graph in non-Euclidean
Email:{fandywang, harrychli} space

The other motivation comes from graph embedding [11]– domains (graphs and manifolds) and the framework could
[15], which learns to represent graph nodes, edges or sub- generalize several spectral methods on graphs [2], [23] as
graphs in low-dimensional vectors. In the field of graph well as some models on manifolds [24], [25]. [26] provides a
analysis, traditional machine learning approaches usually thorough review of geometric deep learning, which presents
rely on hand engineered features and are limited by its its problems, difficulties, solutions, applications and future
inflexibility and high cost. Following the idea of represen- directions. [22] and [26] focus on generalizing convolutions
tation learning and the success of word embedding [16], to graphs or manifolds, however in this paper we only focus
DeepWalk [17], which is regarded as the first graph em- on problems defined on graphs and we also investigate
bedding method based on representation learning, applies other mechanisms used in graph neural networks such as
SkipGram model [16] on the generated random walks. gate mechanism, attention mechanism and skip connection.
Similar approaches such as node2vec [18], LINE [19] and [27] proposed the message passing neural network (MPNN)
TADW [20] also achieved breakthroughs. However, these which could generalize several graph neural network and
methods suffer two severe drawbacks [12]. First, no param- graph convolutional network approaches. [28] proposed the
eters are shared between nodes in the encoder, which leads non-local neural network (NLNN) which unifies several
to computationally inefficiency, since it means the number “self-attention”-style methods. However, the model is not
of parameters grows linearly with the number of nodes. explicitly defined on graphs in the original paper. Focusing
Second, the direct embedding methods lack the ability of on specific application domains, [27] and [28] only give
generalization, which means they cannot deal with dynamic examples of how to generalize other models using their
graphs or generalize to new graphs. framework and they do not provide a review over other
Based on CNNs and graph embedding, graph neural graph neural network models. [29] provides a review over
networks (GNNs) are proposed to collectively aggregate in- graph attention models. [30] proposed the graph network
formation from graph structure. Thus they can model input (GN) framework which has a strong capability to generalize
and/or output consisting of elements and their dependency. other models. However, the graph network model is highly
Further, graph neural network can simultaneously model abstract and [30] only gives a rough classification of the
the diffusion process on the graph with the RNN kernel. applications.

In the following part, we explain the fundamental rea- [31] and [32] are the most up-to-date survey papers
sons why graph neural networks are worth investigating. on GNNs and they mainly focus on models of GNN. [32]
Firstly, the standard neural networks like CNNs and RNNs categorizes GNNs into five groups: graph convolutional
cannot handle the graph input properly in that they stack networks, graph attention networks, graph auto-encoders,
the feature of nodes by a specific order. However, there graph generative networks and graph spatial-temporal net-
isn’t a natural order of nodes in the graph. To present a works. Our paper has a different taxonomy with [32]. We
graph completely, we should traverse all the possible orders introduce graph convolutional networks and graph atten-
as the input of the model like CNNs and RNNs, which is tion networks in Section 2.2.2 as they contribute to the
very redundant when computing. To solve this problem, propagation step. We present the graph spatial-temporal
GNNs propagate on each node respectively, ignoring the networks in Section 2.2.1 as the models are usually used
input order of nodes. In other words, the output of GNNs on dynamic graphs. We introduce graph auto-encoders in
is invariant for the input order of nodes. Secondly, an Sec 2.2.3 as they are trained in an unsupervised fashion.
edge in a graph represents the information of dependency And finally, we introduce graph generative networks in
between two nodes. In the standard neural networks, the applications of graph generation (see Section 3.3.1).
dependency information is just regarded as the feature of In this paper, we provide a thorough review of differ-
nodes. However, GNNs can do propagation guided by ent graph neural network models as well as a systematic
the graph structure instead of using it as part of features. taxonomy of the applications. To summarize, this paper
Generally, GNNs update the hidden state of nodes by a presents an extensive survey of graph neural networks with
weighted sum of the states of their neighborhood. Thirdly, the following contributions.
reasoning is a very important research topic for high-level
artificial intelligence and the reasoning process in human • We provide a detailed review over existing graph
brain is almost based on the graph which is extracted from neural network models. We introduce the original
daily experience. The standard neural networks have shown model, its variants and several general frameworks.
the ability to generate synthetic images and documents by We examine various models in this area and provide
learning the distribution of data while they still cannot learn a unified representation to present different propaga-
the reasoning graph from large experimental data. However, tion steps in different models. One can easily make a
GNNs explore to generate the graph from non-structural distinction between different models using our repre-
data like scene pictures and story documents, which can be sentation by recognizing corresponding aggregators
a powerful neural model for further high-level AI. Recently, and updaters.
it has been proved that an untrained GNN with a simple • We systematically categorize the applications and
architecture also perform well [21]. divide the applications into structural scenarios, non-
There exist several comprehensive reviews on graph structural scenarios and other scenarios. We present
neural networks. [22] proposed a unified framework, several major applications and their corresponding
MoNet, to generalize CNN architectures to non-Euclidean methods for each scenario.
• We propose four open problems for future research.

Graph neural networks suffer from over-smoothing TABLE 1

and scaling problems. There are still no effective Notations used in this paper.
methods for dealing with dynamic graphs as well Notations Descriptions
as modeling non-structural sensory data. We provide Rm m-dimensional Euclidean space
a thorough analysis of each problem and propose a, a, A Scalar, vector, matrix
future research directions. AT Matrix transpose
IN Identity matrix of dimension N
The rest of this survey is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, gθ ? x Convolution of gθ and x
we introduce various models in the graph neural network N Number of nodes in the graph
family. We first introduce the original framework and its Nv Number of nodes in the graph
limitations. Then we present its variants that try to release
Ne Number of edges in the graph
the limitations. And finally, we introduce several general
Nv Neighborhood set of node v
frameworks proposed recently. In Sec. 3, we will introduce
atv Vector a of node v at time step t
several major applications of graph neural networks applied
hv Hidden state of node v
to structural scenarios, non-structural scenarios and other
htv Hidden state of node v at time step t
scenarios. In Sec. 4, we propose four open problems of
graph neural networks as well as several future research
evw Features of edge from node v to w
directions. And finally, we conclude the survey in Sec. 5. ek Features of edge with label k
otv Output of node v
W i , Ui ,
Matrices for computing i, o, ...
2 M ODELS Wo , Uo , ...
bi , bo , ... Vectors for computing i, o, ...
Graph neural networks are useful tools on non-Euclidean σ The logistic sigmoid function
structures and there are various methods proposed in the ρ An alternative non-linear function
literature trying to improve the model’s capability. tanh The hyperbolic tangent function
In Sec 2.1, we describe the original graph neural net- LeakyReLU The LeakyReLU function
works proposed in [33]. We also list the limitations of Element-wise multiplication operation
the original GNN in representation capability and train- k Vector concatenation
ing efficiency. In Sec 2.2 we introduce several variants of
graph neural networks aiming to release the limitations.
These variants operate on graphs with different types, uti-
lize different propagation functions and advanced training describes how the output is produced. Then, hv and ov are
methods. In Sec 2.3 we present three general frameworks defined as follows:
which could generalize and extend several lines of work. hv = f (xv , xco[v] , hne[v] , xne[v] ) (1)
In detail, the message passing neural network (MPNN) [27]
unifies various graph neural network and graph convolu- ov = g(hv , xv ) (2)
tional network approaches; the non-local neural network where xv , xco[v] , hne[v] , xne[v] are the features of v , the fea-
(NLNN) [28] unifies several “self-attention”-style methods. tures of its edges, the states, and the features of the nodes in
And the graph network(GN) [30] could generalize almost the neighborhood of v , respectively.
every graph neural network variants mentioned in this
paper. Let H, O, X, and XN be the vectors constructed by
stacking all the states, all the outputs, all the features, and
Before going further into different sections, we give all the node features, respectively. Then we have a compact
the notations that will be used throughout the paper. The form as:
detailed descriptions of the notations could be found in H = F (H, X) (3)
Table 1.
O = G(H, XN ) (4)

2.1 Graph Neural Networks where F , the global transition function, and G, the global
output function are stacked versions of f and g for all nodes
The concept of graph neural network (GNN) was first in a graph, respectively. The value of H is the fixed point of
proposed in [33], which extended existing neural networks Eq. 3 and is uniquely defined with the assumption that F is
for processing the data represented in graph domains. In a a contraction map.
graph, each node is naturally defined by its features and
With the suggestion of Banach’s fixed point theorem [34],
the related nodes. The target of GNN is to learn a state
GNN uses the following classic iterative scheme for comput-
embedding hv ∈ Rs which contains the information of
ing the state:
neighborhood for each node. The state embedding hv is an
Ht+1 = F (Ht , X) (5)
s-dimension vector of node v and can be used to produce
an output ov such as the node label. Let f be a parametric where Ht denotes the t-th iteration of H. The dynamical
function, called local transition function, that is shared among system Eq. 5 converges exponentially fast to the solution of
all nodes and updates the node state according to the input Eq. 3 for any initial value H(0). Note that the computations
neighborhood. And let g be the local output function that described in f and g can be interpreted as the feedforward

neural networks. 2.2.1 Graph Types

When we have the framework of GNN, the next question
is how to learn the parameters of f and g . With the target In the original GNN [33], the input graph consists of nodes
information (tv for a specific node) for the supervision, the with label information and undirected edges, which is the
loss can be written as follow: simplest graph format. However, there are many variants of
X p graphs in the world. In this subsection, we will introduce
loss = (ti − oi ) (6) some methods designed to model different kinds of graphs.
Directed Graphs The first variant of graph is directed
where p is the number of supervised nodes. The learning graph. Undirected edge which can be treated as two di-
algorithm is based on a gradient-descent strategy and is rected edges shows that there is a relation between two
composed of the following steps. nodes. However, directed edges can bring more information
than undirected edges. For example, in a knowledge graph
• The states htv are iteratively updated by Eq. 1 until where the edge starts from the head entity and ends at
a time T . They approach the fixed point solution of the tail entity, the head entity is the parent class of the
Eq. 3: H(T ) ≈ H. tail entity, which suggests we should treat the information
• The gradient of weights W is computed from the propagation process from parent classes and child classes
loss. differently. DGP [35] uses two kinds of weight matrix, Wp
• The weights W are updated according to the gradi- and Wc , to incorporate more precise structural information.
ent computed in the last step. The propagation rule is shown as follows:
Ht = σ(D−1 −1
p Ap σ(Dc Ac H
Wc )Wp ) (7)
Limitations Though experimental results showed that
where D−1 −1
p Ap , Dc Ac are the normalized adjacency matrix
GNN is a powerful architecture for modeling structural
for parents and children respectively.
data, there are still several limitations of the original GNN.
Firstly, it is inefficient to update the hidden states of nodes Heterogeneous Graphs The second variant of graph
iteratively for the fixed point. If relaxing the assumption is heterogeneous graph, where there are several kinds of
of the fixed point, we can design a multi-layer GNN to nodes. The simplest way to process heterogeneous graph
get a stable representation of node and its neighborhood. is to convert the type of each node to a one-hot feature
Secondly, GNN uses the same parameters in the iteration vector which is concatenated with the original feature.
while most popular neural networks use different parame- What’s more, GraphInception [36] introduces the concept of
ters in different layers, which serve as a hierarchical feature metapath into the propagation on the heterogeneous graph.
extraction method. Moreover, the update of node hidden With metapath, we can group the neighbors according to
states is a sequential process which can benefit from the their node types and distances. For each neighbor group,
RNN kernel like GRU and LSTM. Thirdly, there are also GraphInception treats it as a sub-graph in a homogeneous
some informative features on the edges which cannot be graph to do propagation and concatenates the propagation
effectively modeled in the original GNN. For example, the results from different homogeneous graphs to do a collective
edges in the knowledge graph have the type of relations and node representation. Recently, [37] proposed the heteroge-
the message propagation through different edges should neous graph attention network (HAN) which utilizes node-
be different according to their types. Besides, how to learn level and semantic-level attentions. And the model have
the hidden states of edges is also an important problem. the ability to consider node importance and meta-paths
Lastly, it is unsuitable to use the fixed points if we focus on simultaneously.
the representation of nodes instead of graphs because the Graphs with Edge Information In another variant of
distribution of representation in the fixed point will be much graph, each edge has additional information like the weight
smooth in value and less informative for distinguishing each or the type of the edge. We list two ways to handle this
node. kind of graphs: Firstly, we can convert the graph to a
bipartite graph where the original edges also become nodes
and one original edge is split into two new edges which
2.2 Variants of Graph Neural Networks means there are two new edges between the edge node
and begin/end nodes. The encoder of G2S [38] uses the
In this subsection, we present several variants of graph following aggregation function for neighbors:
neural networks. Sec 2.2.1 focuses on variants operating 1 X
on different graph types. These variants extend the rep- htv = ρ( Wr (rtv ht−1
u ) + br ) (8)
|Nv | u∈N
resentation capability of the original model. Sec 2.2.2 lists v

several modifications (convolution, gate mechanism, atten- where Wr and br are the propagation parameters for
tion mechanism and skip connection) on the propagation different types of edges (relations). Secondly, we can adapt
step and these models could learn representations with different weight matrices for the propagation on different
higher quality. Sec 2.2.3 describes variants using advanced kinds of edges. When the number of relations is very large,
training methods which improve the training efficiency. An r-GCN [39] introduces two kinds of regularization to reduce
overview of different variants of graph neural networks the number of parameters for modeling amounts of rela-
could be found in Fig. 2. tions: basis- and block-diagonal-decomposition. With the basis

GraphSAGE FastGCN Adaptive

Directed PinSage SSE

Receptive Field
Heterogeneous Control
Graph Graph Inception HAN Training
Graph Types Data
Edge-informative Augmentation
Co-training Self-training


Dynamic Graph Training

(a) Graph Types (b) Training Methods

ChebNet GCN


Graph Attention
Network Spatial PATCHY-
Attention MoNet GraphSAGE
Gated Attention
Network SACNN

Gated Graph
Neural Network
Propagation Tree Tree LSTM
Gate Updater
Graph Graph LSTM

Jump Sentence
Knowledge LSTM
Skip connection
Highway GNN


(c) Propagation Steps

Fig. 2. An overview of variants of graph neural networks.

decomposition, each Wr is defined as follows: 2.2.2 Propagation Types

Wr = arb Vb (9) The propagation step and output step are of vital impor-
1 tance in the model to obtain the hidden states of nodes
Here each Wr is a linear combination of basis transforma- (or edges). As we list below, there are several major mod-
tions Vb ∈ Rdin ×dout with coefficients arb . In the block- ifications in the propagation step from the original graph
diagonal decomposition, r-GCN defines each Wr through neural network model while researchers usually follow a
the direct sum over a set of low-dimensional matrices, which simple feed-forward neural network setting in the output
needs more parameters than the first one. step. The comparison of different variants of GNN could be
found in Table 2. The variants utilize different aggregators to
Dynamic Graphs Another variant of graph is dy- gather information from each node’s neighbors and specific
namic graph, which has static graph structure and dy- updaters to update nodes’ hidden states.
namic input signals. To capture both kind of information,
DCRNN [40] and STGCN [41] first collect spatial infor- Convolution. There is an increasing interest in general-
mation by GNNs, then feed the outputs into a sequence izing convolutions to the graph domain. Advances in this
model like sequence-to-sequence model or CNNs. Differ- direction are often categorized as spectral approaches and
ently, Structural-RNN [42] and ST-GCN [43] collect spatial non-spectral (spatial) approaches.
and temporal messages at the same time. They extend Spectral approaches work with a spectral representation
static graph structure with temporal connections so they can of the graphs.
apply traditional GNNs on the extended graphs.
Spectral Network. [45] proposed the spectral network. The
convolution operation is defined in the Fourier domain by
computing the eigendecomposition of the graph Laplacian.
The operation can be defined as the multiplication of a sig-

Different variants of graph neural networks.

Name Variant Aggregator Updater

H= K
ChebNet Nk = Tk (L̃)X k=0 Nk Θk

Spectral 1st -order N0 = X H = N0 Θ0 + N1 Θ1

1 1
Methods model N1 = D− 2 AD− 2 X
1 1
Single N = (IN + D− 2 AD− 2 )X H = NΘ
1 1
GCN N = D̃− 2 ÃD̃− 2 X H = NΘ

+ N Nv
P v t−1
Neural FPs htNv = ht−1
v k=1 hk htv = σ(htNv WL )
Node classification:
N = P∗ X
Non-spectral DCNN H = f (Wc N)
Methods Graph classification:
N = 1TN P∗ X/N
htNv = AGGREGATEt {hut−1 , ∀u ∈ Nv } htv = σ Wt · [ht−1 t
GraphSAGE v khNv ]

exp(LeakyReLU(aT [Whv kWhk ]))

αvk = P T
j∈Nv exp(LeakyReLU(a [Whv kWhj ]))

htNv = σ
k∈Nv αvk Whk
Multi-head concatenation:
Graph GAT M htv = htNv
htNv = km=1 σ m m
Attention k∈Nv αvk W hk
1 PM
htNv = σ M m m
m=1 α
k∈Nv vk W hk

ztv = σ(Wz htNv + Uz hvt−1 )

rtv = σ(Wr htNv + Ur hvt−1 )
htNv = ht−1
Gated Graph GGNN k∈Nv k +b ft = tanh(Wht + U(rt ht−1 ))
h v Nv v v
Neural Net-
works htv = (1 − ztv ) ht−1
v + ztv h

itv = σ(Wi xtv + Ui htNv + bi ) 

fvk = σ Wf xtv + Uf ht−1
k + bf
ov = σ(W xv + U hNv + bo )
t o t o t
htNv = ht−1
Tree LSTM k∈Nv k utv = tanh(Wu xtv + Uu htNv + bu )
(Child sum)
ctv = itv utv + k∈Nv fvkt
t t t
hv = ov tanh(cv )

PK itv = σ(Wi xtv + htiNv + b )

i t−1
Nv = P l=1 Ul hvl
fvk = σ(W xv + hNv k + bf )
t f t

htf K f t−1
Nv k =P l=1 Ukl hvl otv = σ(Wo xtv + hto Nv + b )
Graph LSTM Tree LSTM to K o t−1
hNv = l=1 Ul hvl uv = tanh(W xv + hNv + bu )
t u t tu
ctv = itv utv + K t t−1
PK u t−1
Nv = l=1 Ul hvl l=1 fvl cvl
t t t
hv = ov tanh(cv )
itv = σ(Wi xtv + hti
Nv + b )
hti = k∈Nv Uim(v,k) ht−1
P fvk = σ(W xv + Um(v,k) ht−1
t f t
k + bf )
Nv k
Graph LSTM hto = k∈Nv Uom(v,k) hkt−1
P otv = σ(Wo xtv + htoNv + b )
utv = tanh(Wu xtv + htu + bu )
in [44] htu = k∈Nv Uum(v,k) hkt−1 Nv
cv = iv uv + k∈Nv fvk ct−1
t t t t
htv = otv tanh(ctv )

nal x ∈ RN (a scalar for each node) with a filter gθ =diag(θ) structured datasets.
parameterized by θ ∈ RN : What’s more, [50] presents a Gaussian process-based
T Bayesian approach (GGP) to solve the semi-supervised
gθ ? x = Ugθ (Λ)U x (10)
learning problems. It shows parallels between the model
where U is the matrix of eigenvectors of the normalized and the spectral filtering approaches, which could give us
1 1
graph Laplacian L = IN − D− 2 AD− 2 = UΛUT (D is the some insights from another perspective.
degree matrix and A is the adjacency matrix of the graph),
However, in all of the spectral approaches mentioned
with a diagonal matrix of its eigenvalues Λ.
above, the learned filters depend on the Laplacian eigenba-
This operation results in potentially intense computa- sis, which depends on the graph structure, that is, a model
tions and non-spatially localized filters. [46] attempts to trained on a specific structure could not be directly applied
make the spectral filters spatially localized by introducing to a graph with a different structure.
a parameterization with smooth coefficients.
Non-spectral approaches define convolutions directly
ChebNet. [47] suggests that gθ (Λ) can be approximated on the graph, operating on spatially close neighbors. The
by a truncated expansion in terms of Chebyshev polynomi- major challenge of non-spectral approaches is defining the
als Tk (x) up to K th order. Thus the operation is: convolution operation with differently sized neighborhoods
X and maintaining the local invariance of CNNs.
gθ ? x ≈ θk Tk (L̃)x (11) Neural FPs. [51] uses different weight matrices for nodes
k=0 with different degrees,
2 |Nv |
with L̃ = λmax L − IN . λmax denotes the largest eigen- X
value of L. θ ∈ RK is now a vector of Chebyshev coeffi- x = ht−1
v + ht−1
i=1 (15)
cients. The Chebyshev polynomials are defined as Tk (x) =  
|Nv |
2xTk−1 (x) − Tk−2 (x), with T0 (x) = 1 and T1 (x) = x. It htv = σ xWt
can be observed that the operation is K -localized since it is
|N |
a K th -order polynomial in the Laplacian. [48] proposed the where Wt v is the weight matrix for nodes with degree
ChebNet. It uses this K -localized convolution to define a |Nv | at layer t. And the main drawback of the method is
convolutional neural network which could remove the need that it cannot be applied to large-scale graphs with more
to compute the eigenvectors of the Laplacian. node degrees.
GCN. [2] limits the layer-wise convolution operation to DCNN. [23] proposed the diffusion-convolutional neural
K = 1 to alleviate the problem of overfitting on local networks (DCNNs). Transition matrices are used to define
neighborhood structures for graphs with very wide node the neighborhood for nodes in DCNN. For node classifica-
degree distributions. It further approximates λmax ≈ 2 and tion, it has
the equation simplifies to: H = f (Wc P∗ X) (16)
1 1
gθ0 ? x ≈ θ00 x + θ10 (L − IN ) x = θ00 x − θ10 D− 2 AD− 2 x (12) where X is an N × F tensor of input features (N is the
number of nodes and F is the number of features). P∗ is an
with two free parameters θ00
and θ10 . After constraining the N ×K×N tensor which contains the power series {P, P2 , ...,
number of parameters with θ = θ00 = −θ10 , we can obtain PK } of matrix P. And P is the degree-normalized transition
the following expression: matrix from the graphs adjacency matrix A. Each entity
1 1
gθ ? x ≈ θ IN + D− 2 AD− 2 x (13) is transformed to a diffusion convolutional representation
which is a K × F matrix defined by K hops of graph
diffusion over F features. And then it will be defined by
Note that stacking this operator could lead to numer-
a K × F weight matrix and a non-linear activation function
ical instabilities and exploding/vanishing gradients, [2]
− 12 1 f . Finally H (which is N × K × F ) denotes the diffusion
introduces the renormalization trick: IN + D AD− 2 →
1 1 representations of each node in the graph.
D̃− 2 ÃD̃− 2 , with à = A + IN and D̃ii = j Ãij . Finally,

[2] generalizes the definition to a signal X ∈ RN ×C with C As for graph classification, DCNN simply takes the
input channels and F filters for feature maps as follows: average of nodes’ representation,
H = f Wc 1TN P∗ X/N
1 1
Z = D̃− 2 ÃD̃− 2 XΘ (14) (17)
where Θ ∈ R is a matrix of filter parameters and Z ∈ and 1N here is an N × 1 vector of ones. DCNN can also be
RN ×F is the convolved signal matrix. applied to edge classification tasks, which requires convert-
All of these models use the original graph structure to ing edges to nodes and augmenting the adjacency matrix.
denote relations between nodes. However, there may have DGCN. [52] proposed the dual graph convolutional net-
implicit relations between different nodes and the Adaptive work (DGCN) to jointly consider the local consistency and
Graph Convolution Network (AGCN) is proposed to learn global consistency on graphs. It uses two convolutional net-
the underlying relations [49]. AGCN learns a “residual” works to capture the local/global consistency and adopts an
graph Laplacian and add it to the original Laplacian matrix. unsupervised loss to ensemble them. The first convolutional
As a result, it is proven to be effective in several graph- network is the same as Eq. 14. And the second network re-

places the adjacency matrix with positive pointwise mutual been proposed [56]. Univariate functions are used to per-
information (PPMI) matrix: form as filters and they can deal with both Euclidean and
−1 −1 non-Euclidean structured data.
H0 = ρ(DP 2 XP DP 2 HΘ) (18)
Gate. There are several works attempting to use the gate
where XP is the PPMI matrix and DP is the diagonal degree mechanism like GRU [57] or LSTM [58] in the propagation
matrix of XP . step to diminish the restrictions in the former GNN mod-
PATCHY-SAN. The PATCHY-SAN model [53] extracts els and improve the long-term propagation of information
and normalizes a neighborhood of exactly k nodes for each across the graph structure.
node. And then the normalized neighborhood serves as the [59] proposed the gated graph neural network (GGNN)
receptive field for the convolutional operation. which uses the Gate Recurrent Units (GRU) in the prop-
LGCN. LGCN [54] also leverages CNNs as aggregators. agation step, unrolls the recurrence for a fixed number of
It performs max pooling on nodes’ neighborhood matrices steps T and uses backpropagation through time in order to
to get top-k feature elements and then applies 1-D CNN to compute gradients.
compute hidden representations. Specifically, the basic recurrence of the propagation
MoNet. [22] proposed a spatial-domain model (MoNet) model is
on non-Euclidean domains which could generalize several atv =ATv [ht−1 . . . ht−1 T
1 N ] +b
previous techniques. The Geodesic CNN (GCNN) [24] and
ztv =σ Wz atv + Uz hvt−1

Anisotropic CNN (ACNN) [25] on manifolds or GCN [2]
rtv =σ Wr atv + Ur ht−1

and DCNN [23] on graphs could be formulated as particular v (22)
instances of MoNet. ft = tanh Wat + U rt ht−1 
h v v v v
GraphSAGE. [1] proposed the GraphSAGE, a general in- t t
hv = 1 − zv hv + zv htv t f
ductive framework. The framework generates embeddings
by sampling and aggregating features from a node’s local The node v first aggregates message from its neighbors,
neighborhood. where Av is the sub-matrix of the graph adjacency matrix A
htNv = AGGREGATEt {ht−1
 and denotes the connection of node v with its neighbors. The
u , ∀u ∈ Nv }
(19) GRU-like update functions incorporate information from
htv = σ Wt · [ht−1 t

v khNv ] the other nodes and from the previous timestep to update
However, [1] does not utilize the full set of neighbors in each node’s hidden state. a gathers the neighborhood infor-
Eq.19 but a fixed-size set of neighbors by uniformly sam- mation of node v , z and r are the update and reset gates.
pling. And [1] suggests three aggregator functions. LSTMs are also used in a similar way as GRU through
• Mean aggregator. It could be viewed as an approxi- the propagation process based on a tree or a graph.
mation of the convolutional operation from the trans- [60] proposed two extensions to the basic LSTM ar-
ductive GCN framework [2], so that the inductive chitecture: the Child-Sum Tree-LSTM and the N-ary Tree-
version of the GCN variant could be derived by LSTM. Like in standard LSTM units, each Tree-LSTM unit
htv = σ(W · MEAN({ht−1 t−1
v } ∪ {hu , ∀u ∈ Nv }) (20)
(indexed by v ) contains input and output gates iv and ov ,
a memory cell cv and hidden state hv . Instead of a single
The mean aggregator is different from other aggre- forget gate, the Tree-LSTM unit contains one forget gate fvk
gators because it does not perform the concatenation for each child k , allowing the unit to selectively incorporate
operation which concatenates ht−1v and htNv in Eq.19. information from each child. The Child-Sum Tree-LSTM
It could be viewed as a form of “skip connection” [55] transition equations are the following:
and could achieve better performance. X
• LSTM aggregator. [1] also uses an LSTM-based ag- ]
h v = hkt−1
gregator which has a larger expressive capability. k∈Nv
However, LSTMs process inputs in a sequential man- 

ner so that they are not permutation invariant. [1] itv= σ Wi xtv + Ui h
v + bi
adapts LSTMs to operate on an unordered set by
fvk = σ Wf xtv + Uf ht−1k + bf
permutating node’s neighbors.  
• Pooling aggregator. In the pooling aggregator, each otv = σ Wo xtv + Uo h] t−1
v + bo (23)
neighbor’s hidden state is fed through a fully-  
connected layer and then a max-pooling operation utv = tanh Wu xtv + Uu h ]
v + bu
is applied to the set of the node’s neighbors. X
ctv = itv utv + t
fvk ct−1
htNv = max({σ Wpool ht−1

u + b , ∀u ∈ Nv }) (21) k∈Nv

Note that any symmetric functions could be used in htv = otv tanh(ctv )
place of the max-pooling operation here. xtv is the input vector at time t in the standard LSTM setting.
Recently, the structure-aware convolution and Structure- If the branching factor of a tree is at most K and all
Aware Convolutional Neural Networks (SACNNs) have children of a node are ordered, i.e., they can be indexed

from 1 to K , then the N -ary Tree-LSTM can be used. For methods we mentioned above are agnostic to the order of
node v , htvk and ctvk denote the hidden state and memory nodes.
cell of its k -th child at time t respectively. The transition Attention. The attention mechanism has been success-
equations are the following: fully used in many sequence-based tasks such as machine
X  translation [64]–[66], machine reading [67] and so on. [68]
itv = σ Wi xtv + Uil ht−1
vl + bi
proposed a graph attention network (GAT) which incorpo-
l=1 rates the attention mechanism into the propagation step. It
 K  computes the hidden states of each node by attending over
Ufkl ht−1
fvk = σ Wf xtv + vl + b
its neighbors, following a self-attention strategy.
 K  [68] defines a single graph attentional layer and constructs
arbitrary graph attention networks by stacking this layer.
otv = σ Wo xtv + Uol ht−1
vl + b
l=1 The layer computes the coefficients in the attention mecha-
X  nism of the node pair (i, j) by:
utv = tanh Wu xtv + Uul ht−1
vl + b
exp LeakyReLU aT [Whi kWhj ]

l=1 αij = P T
X k∈Ni exp (LeakyReLU (a [Whi kWhk ]))
ctv = itv utv + t
fvl ct−1
where αij is the attention coefficient of node j to i, Ni repre-
sents the neighborhoods of node i in the graph. The input set
htv = otv tanh(ctv )
of node features to the layer is h = {h1 , h2 , . . . , hN }, hi ∈
The introduction of separate parameter matrices for each RF , where N is the number of nodes and F is the num-
child k allows the model to learn more fine-grained rep- ber of features of each node, the layer produces a new
resentations conditioning on the states of a unit’s children set of node features(of potentially different cardinality F 0 ),
0 0

than the Child-Sum Tree-LSTM. h0 = {h01 , h02 , . . . , h0N }, h0i ∈ RF , as its output. W ∈ RF ×F
is the weight matrix of a shared linear transformation which
The two types of Tree-LSTMs can be easily adapted to applied to every node, a ∈ R2F is the weight vector of
the graph. The graph-structured LSTM in [61] is an example a single-layer feedforward neural network. It is normalized
of the N -ary Tree-LSTM applied to the graph. However, it is by a softmax function and the LeakyReLU nonlinearity(with
a simplified version since each node in the graph has at most negative input slop α = 0.2) is applied.
2 incoming edges (from its parent and sibling predecessor).
[44] proposed another variant of the Graph LSTM based on Then the final output features of each node can be
the relation extraction task. The main difference between obtained by (after applying a nonlinearity σ ):
graphs and trees is that edges of graphs have their labels.
And [44] utilizes different weight matrices to represent hi = σ αij Whj (27)
different labels. j∈Ni
itv = σ Wi xtv + Uim(v,k) ht−1
k + bi Moreover, the layer utilizes the multi-head attention sim-
k∈Nv ilarly to [66] to stabilize the learning process. It applies K
independent attention mechanisms to compute the hidden
fvk = σ Wf xtv + Ufm(v,k) ht−1
k + bf

  states and then concatenates their features(or computes the

average), resulting in the following two output representa-
t o t
ov = σ W xv + Um(v,k) ht−1
k + bo
k∈Nv tions:
h0i = k σ
 X   X 
utv = tanh Wu xtv + Uum(v,k) ht−1
k + bu
αij Wk hj (28)
k∈Nv k=1 j∈Ni
ctv = itv utv + t
fvk ct−1
k 1 K
X X 
k∈Nv h0i = σ k
αij Wk hj (29)
htv = otv tanh(ctv ) k=1 j∈Ni
where m(v, k) denotes the edge label between node v and where αij is normalized attention coefficient computed by
k. the k -th attention mechanism.

[62] proposed the Sentence LSTM (S-LSTM) for im- The attention architecture in [68] has several properties:
proving text encoding. It converts text into a graph and (1) the computation of the node-neighbor pairs is paralleliz-
utilizes the Graph LSTM to learn the representation. The able thus the operation is efficient; (2) it can be applied to
S-LSTM shows strong representation power in many NLP graph nodes with different degrees by specifying arbitrary
problems. [63] proposed a Graph LSTM network to address weights to neighbors; (3) it can be applied to the inductive
the semantic object parsing task. It uses the confidence- learning problems easily.
driven scheme to adaptively select the starting node and Besides GAT, Gated Attention Network (GAAN) [69]
determine the node updating sequence. It follows the same also uses the multi-head attention mechanism. However, it
idea of generalizing the existing LSTMs into the graph- uses a self-attention mechanism to gather information from
structured data but has a specific updating sequence while

different heads to replace the average operation of GAT. layer:

Skip connection. Many applications unroll or stack the S(l) = sof tmax(GNNl,pool (A(l) , X (l) )) (31)
graph neural network layer aiming to achieve better results
as more layers (i.e k layers) make each node aggregate more where X (l) is node features and A(l) is coarsened adjacency
information from neighbors k hops away. However, it has matrix of layer l.
been observed in many experiments that deeper models
could not improve the performance and deeper models
2.2.3 Training Methods
could even perform worse [2]. This is mainly because more
layers could also propagate the noisy information from The original graph convolutional neural network has sev-
an exponentially increasing number of expanded neighbor- eral drawbacks in training and optimization methods.
hood members. Specifically, GCN requires the full graph Laplacian, which
A straightforward method to address the problem, the is computational-consuming for large graphs. Furthermore,
residual network [70], could be found from the computer The embedding of a node at layer L is computed recursively
vision community. But, even with residual connections, by the embeddings of all its neighbors at layer L − 1.
GCNs with more layers do not perform as well as the 2- Therefore, the receptive field of a single node grows expo-
layer GCN on many datasets [2]. nentially with respect to the number of layers, so computing
gradient for a single node costs a lot. Finally, GCN is trained
[71] proposed a Highway GCN which uses layer-wise independently for a fixed graph, which lacks the ability for
gates similar to highway networks [72]. The output of a inductive learning.
layer is summed with its input with gating weights:
Sampling. GraphSAGE [1] is a comprehensive improve-
T(ht ) = σ Wt ht + bt

ment of original GCN. To solve the problems mentioned
ht+1 = ht+1 T(ht ) + ht (1 − T(ht )) above, GraphSAGE replaced full graph Laplacian with
learnable aggregation functions, which are key to perform
By adding the highway gates, the performance peaks at message passing and generalize to unseen nodes. As shown
4 layers in a specific problem discussed in [71]. The Column in Eq.19, they first aggregate neighborhood embeddings,
Network (CLN) proposed in [73] also utilizes the highway concatenate with target node’s embedding, then propagate
network. But it has different function to compute the gating to the next layer. With learned aggregation and propagation
weights. functions, GraphSAGE could generate embeddings for un-
[74] studies properties and resulting limitations of seen nodes. Also, GraphSAGE uses neighbor sampling to
neighborhood aggregation schemes. It proposed the Jump alleviate receptive field expansion.
Knowledge Network which could learn adaptive, structure- PinSage [77] proposed importance-based sampling
aware representations. The Jump Knowledge Network se- method. By simulating random walks starting from target
lects from all of the intermediate representations (which nodes, this approach chooses the top T nodes with the
”jump” to the last layer) for each node at the last layer, highest normalized visit counts.
which makes the model adapt the effective neighborhood
FastGCN [78] further improves the sampling algorithm.
size for each node as needed. [74] uses three approaches
Instead of sampling neighbors for each node, FastGCN
of concatenation, max-pooling and LSTM-attention in the
directly samples the receptive field for each layer. FastGCN
experiments to aggregate information. The Jump Knowl-
uses importance sampling, which the importance factor is
edge Network performs well on the experiments in social,
calculated as below:
bioinformatics and citation networks. It could also be com-
1 X 1
bined with models like Graph Convolutional Networks, q(v) ∝ (32)
GraphSAGE and Graph Attention Networks to improve |Nv | u∈N |Nu |
their performance.
In contrast to fixed sampling methods above, [79] in-
Hierarchical Pooling. In the area of computer vision, a
troduces a parameterized and trainable sampler to perform
convolutional layer is usually followed by a pooling layer
layer-wise sampling conditioned on the former layer. Fur-
to get more general features. Similar to these pooling layers,
thermore, this adaptive sampler could find optimal sam-
a lot of work focuses on designing hierarchical pooling lay-
pling importance and reduce variance simultaneously.
ers on graphs. Complicated and large-scale graphs usually
carry rich hierarchical structures which are of great impor- Following reinforcement learning, SSE [80] proposed
tance for node-level and graph-level classification tasks. Stochastic Fixed-Point Gradient Descent for GNN training.
This method views embedding update as value function
To explore such inner features, Edge-Conditioned Con-
and parameter update as value function. While training,
volution (ECC) [75] designs its pooling module with re-
the algorithm will sample nodes to update embeddings and
cursively downsampling operation. The downsampling
sample labeled nodes to update parameters alternately.
method is based on splitting the graph into two components
by the sign of the largest eigenvector of the Laplacian. Receptive Field Control. [81] proposed a control-variate
based stochastic approximation algorithms for GCN by
DIFFPOOL [76] proposed a learnable hierarchical clus-
utilizing the historical activations of nodes as a control
tering module by training an assignment matrix in each
variate. This method limits the receptive field in the 1-
hop neighborhood, but use the historical hidden state as

an affordable approximation. graph-structured data, such as spectral approaches [45] [2],

Data Augmentation. [82] focused on the limitations of [48] and non-spectral approaches [51] in graph convolution,
GCN, which include that GCN requires many additional la- gated graph neural networks [59], interaction networks [4],
beled data for validation and also suffers from the localized molecular graph convolutions [99], deep tensor neural net-
nature of the convolutional filter. To solve the limitations, works [100] and so on.
the authors proposed Co-Training GCN and Self-Training The model contains two phases, a message passing
GCN to enlarge the training dataset. The former method phase and a readout phase. The message passing phase
finds the nearest neighbors of training data while the latter (namely, the propagation step) runs for T time steps and is
one follows a boosting-like way. defined in terms of message function Mt and vertex update
Unsupervised Training. GNNs are typically used for function Ut . Using messages mtv , the updating functions of
supervised or semi-supervised learning problems. Recently, hidden states htv are as follows:
there has been a trend to extend auto-encoder (AE) to graph
mt+1 Mt htv , htw , evw

v =
domains. Graph auto-encoders aim at representing nodes w∈Nv (34)
into low-dimensional vectors by an unsupervised training
ht+1 t t+1

v = U t hv , m v
where evw represents features of the edge from node v to w.
Graph Auto-Encoder (GAE) [83] first uses GCNs to
The readout phase computes a feature vector for the whole
encode nodes in the graph. Then it uses a simple decoder
graph using the readout function R according to
to reconstruct the adjacency matrix and computes the loss
from the similarity between the original adjacency matrix ŷ = R({hTv |v ∈ G}) (35)
and the reconstructed matrix.
Z = GCN(X, A) where T denotes the total time steps. The message function
(33) Mt , vertex update function Ut and readout function R could
e = ρ(ZZT )
A have different settings. Hence the MPNN framework could
generalize several different models via different function
[83] also trains the GAE model in a variational manner settings. Here we give an example of generalizing GGNN,
and the model is named as the variational graph auto- and other models’ function settings could be found in [27].
encoder (VGAE). Furthermore, Berg et al. use GAE in rec- The function settings for GGNNs are:
ommender systems and have proposed the graph convolu-
Mt htv , htw , evw = Aevw htw

tional matrix completion model (GC-MC) [84], which out-
performs other baseline models on the MovieLens dataset. Ut = GRU htv , mt+1

v (36)
Adversarially Regularized Graph Auto-encoder R= T 0 T
σ i(hv , hv ) j(hv )
(ARGA) [85] employs generative adversarial networks v∈V
(GANs) to regularize a GCN-based graph auto-encoder to
follow a prior distribution. There are also several graph where Aevw is the adjacency matrix, one for each edge label
auto-encoders such as NetRA [86], DNGR [87], SDNE [88] e. The GRU is the Gated Recurrent Unit introduced in [57].
and DRNE [89], however, they don’t use GNNs in their i and j are neural networks in function R.
2.3.2 Non-local Neural Networks
2.3 General Frameworks
[28] proposed the Non-local Neural Networks (NLNN)
Apart from different variants of graph neural networks, sev- for capturing long-range dependencies with deep neural
eral general frameworks are proposed aiming to integrate networks. The non-local operation is a generalization of
different models into one single framework. [27] proposed the classical non-local mean operation [101] in computer
the message passing neural network (MPNN), which uni- vision. A non-local operation computes the response at a
fied various graph neural network and graph convolutional position as a weighted sum of the features at all positions.
network approaches. [28] proposed the non-local neural The set of positions can be in space, time or spacetime.
network (NLNN). It unifies several “self-attention”-style Thus the NLNN can be viewed as a unification of different
methods [66], [68], [90]. [30] proposed the graph network “self-attention”-style methods [66], [68], [90]. We will first
(GN) which unified the MPNN and NLNN methods as well introduce the general definition of non-local operations and
as many other variants like Interaction Networks [4], [91], then some specific instantiations.
Neural Physics Engine [92], CommNet [93], structure2vec
Following the non-local mean operation [101], the
[7], [94], GGNN [59], Relation Network [95], [96], Deep Sets
generic non-local operation is defined as:
[97] and Point Net [98].
1 X
h0i = f (hi , hj )g(hj ) (37)
2.3.1 Message Passing Neural Networks C(h) ∀j

[27] proposed a general framework for supervised learn- where i is the index of an output position and j is the index
ing on graphs called Message Passing Neural Networks that enumerates all possible positions. f (hi , hj ) computes
(MPNNs). The MPNN framework abstracts the common- a scalar between i and j representing the relation between
alities between several of the most popular models for them. g(hj ) denotes a transformation of the input hj and a

factor C(h) is utilized to normalize the results. consistency). u is a global attribute, H = {hi }i=1:N v is the
set of nodes (of cardinality N v ), where each hi is a node’s
There are several instantiations with different f and g
attribute. E = {(ek , rk , sk )}k=1:N e is the set of edges (of
settings. For simplicity, [28] uses the linear transformation
cardinality N e ), where each ek is the edge’s attribute, rk is
as the function g . That means g(hj ) = Wg hj , where Wg is a
the index of the receiver node and sk is the index of the
learned weight matrix. Next we list the choices for function
sender node.
f in the following.
GN block. A GN block contains three “update” func-
Gaussian. The Gaussian function is a natural choice
tions, φ, and three “aggregation” functions, ρ,
according to the non-local mean [101] and bilateral filters
[102]. Thus:
e0k = φe (ek , hrk , hsk , u) ē0i = ρe→h (Ei0 )
f (hi , hj ) = ehi hj (38) h0i = φh (ē0i , hi , u) ē0 = ρe→u (E 0 ) (43)
hTi hj u0 = φu ē0 , h̄0 , u 0 h→u 0

P is dot-product similarity and C(h) = h̄ = ρ (H )
∀j f (hi , hj ).
where Ei0 =S {(e0k , rk , sk )}rk =i, k=1:N e , H 0 =
{h0i }i=1:N v ,
Embedded Gaussian. It is straightforward to extend the 0 0 0
and E = i Ei = {(ek , rk , sk )}k=1:N e . The
ρ functions
Gaussian function by computing similarity in the embed- must be invariant to permutations of their inputs and
ding space, which means: should take variable numbers of arguments.
f (hi , hj ) = eθ(hi ) φ(hj )
(39) Computation steps. The computation steps of a GN
block are as follows:
P θ(hi ) = Wθ hi , φ(hj ) = Wφ hj and C(h) =
∀j f (hi , hj ). 1) φe is applied per edge, with arguments
It could be found that the self-attention proposed (ek , hrk , hsk , u), and returns e0k . The set of
in [66] is a special case of the Embedded Gaussian resulting per-edge outputs for each node
version. For a given i, C(h) f (hi , hj ) becomes the soft- i is, E Si 0
= {(e0k , rk , sk )}rk =i, k=1:N e . And
0 0
max computation along the dimension j . So that h0 = E = i Ei = {(ek , rk , sk )}k=1:N e is the set
softmax(hT WθT Wφ h)g(h), which matches the form of self- of all per-edge outputs.
attention in [66]. 2) ρe→h is applied to Ei0 , and aggregates the edge
updates for edges that project to vertex i, into ē0i ,
Dot product. The function f can also be implemented as
which will be used in the next step’s node update.
a dot-product similarity:
3) φh is applied to each node i, to compute an updated
f (hi , hj ) = θ(hi )T φ(hj ). (40) node attribute, h0i . The set of resulting per-node
outputs is, H 0 = {h0i }i=1:N v .
Here the factor C(h) = N , where N is the number of 4) ρe→u is applied to E 0 , and aggregates all edge
positions in h. updates, into ē0 , which will then be used in the next
Concatenation. Here we have: step’s global update.
5) ρh→u is applied to H 0 , and aggregates all node
f (hi , hj ) = ReLU(wfT [θ(hi )kφ(hj )]). (41) updates, into h̄0 , which will then be used in the next
where wf is a weight vector projecting the vector to a scalar step’s global update.
and C(h) = N . 6) φu is applied once per graph and computes an
update for the global attribute, u0 .
[28] wraps the non-local operation mentioned above
into a non-local block as: Note here the order is not strictly enforced. For example,
zi = Wz h0i + hi , (42) it is possible to proceed from global, to per-node, to per-
edge updates. And the φ and ρ functions need not be neural
where h0i is given in Eq.37 and “+hi ” denotes the residual networks though in this paper we only focus on neural
connection [70]. Hence the non-local block could be insert network implementations.
into any pre-trained model, which makes the block more Design Principles. The design of Graph Network based
applicable. on three basic principles: flexible representations, config-
urable within-block structure and composable multi-block
2.3.3 Graph Networks architectures.
[30] proposed the Graph Network (GN) framework which • Flexible representations. The GN framework sup-
generalizes and extends various graph neural network, ports flexible representations of the attributes as well
MPNN and NLNN approaches [27], [28], [33]. We first as different graph structures. The global, node and
introduce the graph definition in [30] and then we describe edge attributes can use arbitrary representational
the GN block, a core GN computation unit, and its compu- formats but real-valued vectors and tensors are most
tational steps, and finally we will introduce its basic design common. One can simply tailor the output of a GN
principles. block according to specific demands of tasks. For
Graph definition. In [30], a graph is defined as a 3-tuple example, [30] lists several edge-focused [103], [104],
G = (u, H, E) (here we use H instead of V for notation’s node-focused [3], [4], [92], [105] and graph-focused [4],

[27], [96] GNs. In terms of graph structures, the 3.1.1 Physics

framework can be applied to both structural scenar-
ios where the graph structure is explicit and non- Modeling real-world physical systems is one of the most
structural scenarios where the relational structure basic aspects of understanding human intelligence. By rep-
should be inferred or assumed. resenting objects as nodes and relations as edges, we can
• Configurable within-block structure. The functions perform GNN-based reasoning about objects, relations, and
and their inputs within a GN block can have different physics in a simplified but effective way.
settings so that the GN framework provides flex-
ibility in within-block structure configuration. For [4] proposed Interaction Networks to make predictions
example, [104] and [3] use the full GN blocks. Their and inferences about various physical systems. The model
φ implementations use neural networks and their ρ takes objects and relations as input, reasons about their
functions use the elementwise summation. Based on interactions, and applies the effects and physical dynamics
different structure and functions settings, a variety of to predict new states. They separately model relation-centric
models (such as MPNN, NLNN and other variants) and object-centric models, making it easier to generalize
could be expressed by the GN framework. And more across different systems. In CommNet [93], interactions
details could be found in [30]. are not modeled explicitly. Instead, an interaction vector
• Composable multi-block architectures. GN blocks is obtained by averaging all other agents’ hidden vectors.
could be composed to construct complex architec- VAIN [90] further introduced attentional methods into agent
tures. Arbitrary numbers of GN blocks could be com- interaction process, which preserves both the complexity
posed in sequence with shared or unshared param- advantages and computational efficiency as well.
eters. [30] utilizes GN blocks to construct an encode- Visual Interaction Networks [91] could make predictions
process-decode architecture and a recurrent GN-based from pixels. It learns a state code from two consecutive input
architecture. These architectures are demonstrated frames for each object. Then, after adding their interaction
in Fig. 3. Other techniques for building GN based effect by an Interaction Net block, the state decoder converts
architectures could also be useful, such as skip con- state codes to next step’s state.
nections, LSTM- or GRU-style gating schemes and so
on. [3] proposed a Graph Network based model which
could either perform state prediction or inductive inference.
The inference model takes partially observed information
as input and constructs a hidden graph for implicit system

Graph neural networks have been explored in a wide range

of problem domains across supervised, semi-supervised, 3.1.2 Chemistry and Biology
unsupervised and reinforcement learning settings. In this
section, we simply divide the applications in three scenarios: Molecular Fingerprints Calculating molecular fingerprints,
(1) Structural scenarios where the data has explicit relational which means feature vectors that represent moleculars, is
structure, such as physical systems, molecular structures a core step in computer-aided drug design. Conventional
and knowledge graphs; (2) Non-structural scenarios where molecular fingerprints are hand-made and fixed. By ap-
the relational structure is not explicit include image, text, etc; plying GNN to molecular graphs, we can obtain better
(3) Other application scenarios such as generative models fingerprints.
and combinatorial optimization problems. Note that we
only list several representative applications instead of pro- [51] proposed neural graph fingerprints which calculate sub-
viding an exhaustive list. The summary of the applications structure feature vectors via GCN and sum to get overall
could be found in Table 3. representation. The aggregation function is
htNv = CONCAT(htu , euv ) (44)
u∈N (v)
3.1 Structural Scenarios
Where euv is the edge feature of edge (u, v). Then update
node representation by
In the following subsections, we will introduce GNN’s
applications in structural scenarios, where the data are ht+1 = σ(Wt
deg(v) t
hNv ) (45)
naturally performed in the graph structure. For example,
GNNs are widely being used in social network predic- Where deg(v) is the degree of node v and WtN is a learned
tion [1], [2], traffic prediction [71], [144], recommender sys- matrix for each time step t and node degree N .
tems [77], [84] and graph representation [76]. Specifically, we [99] further explicitly models atom and atom pairs
are discussing how to model real-world physical systems independently to emphasize atom interactions. It introduces
with object-relationship graphs, how to predict chemical edge representation etuv instead of aggregation function, i.e.
properties of molecules and biological interaction properties t
P t
hNv = u∈N (v) euv . The node update function is
of proteins and the methods of reasoning about the out-of-
knowledge-base(OOKB) entities in knowledge graphs. ht+1
v = ReLU(W1 (ReLU(W0 htu ), htNv )) (46)

Applications of graph neural networks.
Area Application Algorithm Deep Learning Model References
[1], [23], [48]
GCN Graph Convolutional Network
[2], [22], [46]
GAT Graph Attention Network [68]
Text classification
DGCNN Graph Convolutional Network [106]
Text GCN Graph Convolutional Network [107]
Sentence LSTM Graph LSTM [62]
Sequence Labeling (POS, NER) Sentence LSTM Graph LSTM [62]
Sentiment classification Tree LSTM Graph LSTM [60]
Semantic role labeling Syntactic GCN Graph Convolutional Network [108]
Syntactic GCN Graph Convolutional Network [109], [110]
Neural machine translation
Text GGNN Gated Graph Neural Network [38]
Tree LSTM Graph LSTM [111]
Relation extraction Graph LSTM Graph LSTM [44], [112]
GCN Graph Convolutional Network [113]
Event extraction Syntactic GCN Graph Convolutional Network [114], [115]
Sentence LSTM Graph LSTM [116]
AMR to text generation
GGNN Gated Graph Neural Network [38]
Multi-hop reading comprehension Sentence LSTM Graph LSTM [117]
RN MLP [96]
Relational reasoning Recurrent RN Recurrent Neural Network [118]
IN Graph Neural Network [4]
Social Relationship Understanding GRM Gated Graph Neural Network [119]
GCN Graph Convolutional Network [120], [121]
GGNN Gated Graph Neural Network [122]
Image classification
DGP Graph Convolutional Network [35]
GSNN Gated Graph Neural Network [123]
Visual Question Answering GGNN Gated Graph Neural Network [119], [124], [125]
Object Detection RN Graph Attention Network [126], [127]
GPNN Graph Neural Network [128]
Interaction Detection
Structural-RNN Graph Neural Network [42]
Region Classification GCNN Graph CNN [129]
Graph LSTM Graph LSTM [63], [130]
GGNN Gated Graph Neural Network [131]
Semantic Segmentation
DGCNN Graph CNN [132]
3DGNN Graph Neural Network [133]
IN Graph Neural Network [4]
Physics Systems VIN Graph Neural Network [91]
GN Graph Networks [3]
NGF Graph Convolutional Network [51]
Science Molecular Fingerprints
GCN Graph Convolutional Network [99]
Protein Interface Prediction GCN Graph Convolutional Network [5]
Side Effects Prediction Decagon Graph Convolutional Network [134]
Disease Classification PPIN Graph Convolutional Network [135]
Knowledge KB Completion GNN Graph Neural Network [6]
Graph KG Alignment GCN Graph Convolutional Network [136]
structure2vec Graph Convolutional Network [7]
GNN Graph Neural Network [137]
Combinatorial Optimization
GCN Graph Convolutional Network [138]
AM Graph Attention Network [139]
NetGAN Long short-term memory [140]
GraphRNN Rucurrent Neural Network [137]
Graph Generation Regularizing VAE Variational Autoencoder [141]
GCPN Graph Convolutional Network [142]
MolGAN Relational-GCN [143]

(a) Sequential GN blocks (b) Encode-process-decode (c) Recurrent GN blocks

Fig. 3. Examples of architectures composed by GN blocks. (a) The sequential processing architecture; (b) The encode-process-decode architecture;
(c) The recurrent architecture.

(a) physics (b) molecule

(c) image (d) text

(e) social network (f) generation

Fig. 4. Application Scenarios

while the edge update function is Protein-Protein Interaction Network, [135] leverages graph
convolution and relation network for breast cancer subtype
et+1 t t t
uv = ReLU(W4 (ReLU(W2 euv ), ReLU(W3 (hv , hu )))) classification. [134] also suggests a GCN based model for
polypharmacy side effects prediction. Their work models
Protein Interface Prediction [5] focused on the task the drug and protein interaction network and separately
named protein interface prediction, which is a challenging deals with edges in different types.
problem with important applications in drug discovery
and design. The proposed GCN based method respectively
3.1.3 Knowledge graph
learns ligand and receptor protein residue representation
and merges them for pairwise classification. [6] utilizes GNNs to solve the out-of-knowledge-base
GNN can also be used in biomedical engineering. With (OOKB) entity problem in knowledge base completion
(KBC). The OOKB entities in [6] are directly connected to

the existing entities thus the embeddings of OOKB entities for prediction. Besides, [122] proposed to construct a new
can be aggregated from the existing entities. The method knowledge graph where the entities are all the categories.
achieves satisfying performance both in the standard KBC And, they defined three types of label relations: super-
setting and the OOKB setting. subordinate, positive correlation, and negative correlation
[136] utilizes GCNs to solve the cross-lingual knowledge and propagate the confidence of labels in the graph directly.
graph alignment problem. The model embeds entities from Visual Reasoning Computer-vision systems usually
different languages into a unified embedding space and need to perform reasoning by incorporating both spatial and
aligns them based on the embedding similarity. semantic information. So it is natural to generate graphs for
reasoning tasks.
3.2 Non-structural Scenarios A typical visual reasoning task is visual question answer-
ing(VQA), [124] respectively constructs image scene graph
In this section we will talk about applications on non- and question syntactic graph. Then it applies GGNN to train
structural scenarios such as image, text, programming the embeddings for predicting the final answer. Despite
source code [59], [145] and multi-agent systems [90], [93], spatial connections among objects, [147] builds the rela-
[103]. We will only give detailed introduction to the first tional graphs conditioned on the questions. With knowledge
two scenarios due to the length limit. Roughly, there are two graphs, [119], [125] could perform finer relation exploration
ways to apply the graph neural networks on non-structural and more interpretable reasoning process.
scenarios: (1) Incorporate structural information from other
Other applications of visual reasoning include object
domains to improve the performance, for example using in-
detection, interaction detection, and region classification. In
formation from knowledge graphs to alleviate the zero-shot
object detection [126], [127], GNNs are used to calculate
problems in image tasks; (2) Infer or assume the relational
RoI features; In interaction detection [42], [128], GNNs are
structure in the scenario and then apply the model to solve
message passing tools between human and objects; In region
the problems defined on graphs, such as the method in [62]
classification [129], GNNs perform reasoning on graphs
which models text into graphs.
which connects regions and classes.

3.2.1 Image Semantic Segmentation Semantic segmentation is a cru-

cial step toward image understanding. The task here is to
Image Classification Image classification is a very basic assign a unique label (or category) to every single pixel in
and important task in the field of computer vision, which the image, which can be considered as a dense classification
attracts much attention and has many famous datasets problem. However, regions in images are often not grid-like
like ImageNet [146]. Recent progress in image classifica- and need non-local information, which leads to the failure
tion benefits from big data and the strong power of GPU of traditional CNN. Several works utilized graph-structured
computation, which allows us to train a classifier without data to handle it.
extracting structural information from images. However, [63] proposed Graph-LSTM to model long-term de-
zero-shot and few-shot learning become more and more pendency together with spatial connections by building
popular in the field of image classification, because most graphs in form of distance-based superpixel map and ap-
models can achieve similar performance with enough data. plying LSTM to propagate neighborhood information glob-
There are several works leveraging graph neural networks ally. Subsequent work improved it from the perspective of
to incorporate structural information in image classification. encoding hierarchical information [130].
First, knowledge graphs can be used as extra information to
guide zero-short recognition classification [35], [121]. [121] Furthermore, 3D semantic segmentation (RGBD seman-
builds a knowledge graph where each node corresponds to tic segmentation) and point clouds classification utilize
an object category and takes the word embeddings of nodes more geometric information and therefore are hard to model
as input for predicting the classifier of different categories. by a 2D CNN. [133] constructs a K nearest neighbors (KNN)
As over-smoothing effect happens with the deep depth of graph and uses a 3D GNN as propagation model. After
convolution architecture, the 6-layer GCN used in [121] unrolling for several steps, the prediction model takes the
would wash out much useful information in the representa- hidden state of each node as input and predict its semantic
tion. To solve the smoothing problem in the propagation of label.
GCN, [35] managed to use single layer GCN with a larger As there are always too many points, [131] solved large-
neighborhood which includes both one-hop and multi-hops scale 3D point clouds segmentation by building superpoint
nodes in the graph. And it proved effective in building a graphs and generating embeddings for them. To classify
zero-shot classifier with existing ones. supernodes, [131] leverages GGNN and graph convolution.
Except for the knowledge graph, the similarity between [132] proposed to model point interactions through
images in the dataset is also helpful for the few-shot learning edges. They calculate edge representation vectors by feeding
[120]. [120] proposed to build a weighted full-connected the coordinates of its terminal nodes. Then node embed-
image network based on the similarity and do message dings are updated by edge aggregation.
passing in the graph for few-shot recognition. As most
knowledge graphs are large for reasoning, [123] selects some
related entities to build a sub-graph based on the result of
object detection and applies GGNN to the extracted graph

3.2.2 Text syntactic dependency graph into a new structure called the
Levi graph by turning the edges into additional nodes and
The graph neural networks could be applied to several tasks thus edge labels can be represented as embeddings.
based on texts. It could be applied to both sentence-level Relation extraction Extracting semantic relations be-
tasks(e.g. text classification) as well as word-level tasks(e.g. tween entities in texts is an important and well-studied task.
sequence labeling). We will introduce several major applica- Some systems treat this task as a pipeline of two separated
tions on text in the following. tasks, named entity recognition and relation extraction. [111]
Text classification Text classification is an important and proposed an end-to-end relation extraction model by using
classical problem in natural language processing. The classi- bidirectional sequential and tree-structured LSTM-RNNs.
cal GCN models [1], [2], [22], [23], [46], [48] and GAT model [113] proposed an extension of graph convolutional net-
[68] are applied to solve the problem, but they only use works that is tailored for relation extraction and applied a
the structural information between the documents and they pruning strategy to the input trees.
don’t use much text information. [106] proposed a graph- Cross-sentence N-ary relation extraction detects relations
CNN based deep learning model to first convert texts to among n entities across multiple sentences. [44] explores a
graph-of-words, and then use graph convolution operations general framework for cross-sentence n-ary relation extrac-
in [53] to convolve the word graph. [62] proposed the tion based on graph LSTMs. It splits the input graph into
Sentence LSTM to encode text. It views the whole sentence two DAGs while important information could be lost in
as a single state, which consists of sub-states for individual the splitting procedure. [112] proposed a graph-state LSTM
words and an overall sentence-level state. It uses the global model. It keeps the original graph structure and speeds up
sentence-level representation for classification tasks. These computation by allowing more parallelization.
methods either view a document or a sentence as a graph
of word nodes or rely on the document citation relation to Event extraction Event extraction is an important in-
construct the graph. [107] regards the documents and words formation extraction task to recognize instances of speci-
as nodes to construct the corpus graph (hence heteroge- fied types of events in texts. [114] investigates a convolu-
neous graph) and uses the Text GCN to learn embeddings tional neural network (which is the Syntactic GCN exactly)
of words and documents. Sentiment classification could also based on dependency trees to perform event detection.
be regarded as a text classification problem and a Tree-LSTM [115] proposed a Jointly Multiple Events Extraction (JMEE)
approach is proposed by [60]. framework to jointly extract multiple event triggers and
arguments by introducing syntactic shortcut arcs to enhance
Sequence labeling As each node in GNNs has its hidden information flow to attention-based graph convolution net-
state, we can utilize the hidden state to address the sequence works to model graph information.
labeling problem if we consider every word in the sentence
as a node. [62] utilizes the Sentence LSTM to label the Other applications GNNs could also be applied to
sequence. It has conducted experiments on POS-tagging and many other applications. There are several works focus on
NER tasks and achieves promising performance. the AMR to text generation task. A Sentence-LSTM based
method [116] and a GGNN based method [38] have been
Semantic role labeling is another task of sequence label- proposed in this area. [60] uses the Tree LSTM to model the
ing. [108] proposed a Syntactic GCN to solve the problem. semantic relatedness of two sentences. And [117] exploits
The Syntactic GCN which operates on the direct graph with the Sentence LSTM to solve the multi-hop reading compre-
labeled edges is a special variant of the GCN [2]. It integrates hension problem. Another important direction is relational
edge-wise gates which let the model regulate contributions reasoning, relational networks [96], interaction networks [4]
of individual dependency edges. The Syntactic GCNs over and recurrent relational networks [118] are proposed to
syntactic dependency trees are used as sentence encoders to solve the relational reasoning task based on text. The works
learn latent feature representations of words in the sentence. cited above are not an exhaustive list, and we encourage
[108] also reveals that GCNs and LSTMs are functionally our readers to find more works and application domains of
complementary in the task. graph neural networks that they are interested in.
Neural machine translation The neural machine trans-
lation task is usually considered as a sequence-to-sequence
task. [66] introduces the attention mechanisms and replaces 3.3 Other Scenarios
the most commonly used recurrent or convolutional layers.
Besides structural and non-structural scenarios, there are
In fact, the Transformer assumes a fully connected graph
some other scenarios where graph neural networks play
structure between linguistic entities.
an important role. In this subsection, we will introduce
One popular application of GNN is to incorporate generative graph models and combinatorial optimization
the syntactic or semantic information into the NMT task. with GNNs.
[109] utilizes the Syntactic GCN on syntax-aware NMT
tasks. [110] incorporates information about the predicate- 3.3.1 Generative Models
argument structure of source sentences (namely, semantic-
role representations) using Syntactic GCN and compares Generative models for real-world graphs has drawn signifi-
the results of incorporating only syntactic or semantic in- cant attention for its important applications including mod-
formation or both of the information into the task. [38] eling social interactions, discovering new chemical struc-
utilizes the GGNN in syntax-aware NMT. It converts the tures, and constructing knowledge graphs. As deep learning

methods have powerful ability to learn the implicit distribu- gorithms, which proved the representation power of graph
tion of graphs, there is a surge in neural graph generative neural networks.
models recently. [137] focused on Quadratic Assignment Problem i.e.
NetGAN [140] is one of the first work to build neural measuring the similarity of two graphs. The GNN based
graph generative model, which generates graphs via ran- model learns node embeddings for each graph indepen-
dom walks. It transformed the problem of graph generation dently and matches them using attention mechanism.
to the problem of walk generation which takes the random This method offers intriguingly good performance even in
walks from a specific graph as input and trains a walk regimes where standard relaxation-based techniques appear
generative model using GAN architecture. While the gen- to suffer.
erated graph preserves important topological properties of
the original graph, the number of nodes is unable to change
in the generating process, which is as same as the original 4 O PEN PROBLEMS
graph. GraphRNN [148] managed to generate the adjacency
matrix of a graph by generating the adjacency vector of Although GNNs have achieved great success in different
each node step by step, which can output required networks fields, it is remarkable that GNN models are not good
having different numbers of nodes. enough to offer satisfying solutions for any graph in any
Instead of generating adjacency matrix sequentially, condition. In this section, we will state some open problems
MolGAN [143] predicts discrete graph structure (the adja- for further researches.
cency matrix) at once and utilizes a permutation-invariant Shallow Structure Traditional deep neural networks can
discriminator to solve the node variant problem in the stack hundreds of layers to get better performance, because
adjacency matrix. Besides, it applies a reward network for deeper structure has more parameters, which improve the
RL-based optimization towards desired chemical proper- expressive power significantly. However, graph neural net-
ties. What’s more, [141] proposed constrained variational works are always shallow, most of which are no more than
autoencoders to ensure the semantic validity of generated three layers. As experiments in [82] show, stacking multiple
graphs. And, GCPN [142] incorporated domain-specific GCN layers will result in over-smoothing, that is to say, all
rules through reinforcement learning. vertices will converge to the same value. Although some
[149] proposed a model which generates edges and researchers have managed to tackle this problem [59], [82],
nodes sequentially and utilizes a graph neural network to it remains to be the biggest limitation of GNN. Designing
extract the hidden state of the current graph which is used real deep GNN is an exciting challenge for future research,
to decide the action in the next step during the sequential and will be a considerable contribution to the understanding
generative process. of GNN.
Dynamic Graphs Another challenging problem is how
to deal with graphs with dynamic structures. Static graphs
3.3.2 Combinatorial Optimization are stable so they can be modeled feasibly, while dynamic
graphs introduce changing structures. When edges and
Combinatorial optimization problems over graphs are set nodes appear or disappear, GNN can not change adaptively.
of NP-hard problems which attract much attention from Dynamic GNN is being actively researched on and we
scientists of all fields. Some specific problems like travel- believe it to be a big milestone about the stability and
ing salesman problem (TSP) and minimum spanning trees adaptability of general GNN.
(MST) have got various heuristic solutions. Recently, using Non-Structural Scenarios Although we have discussed
a deep neural network for solving such problems has been the applications of GNN on non-structural scenarios, we
a hotspot, and some of the solutions further leverage graph found that there is no optimal methods to generate graphs
neural network because of their graph structure. from raw data. In image domain, some work utilizes CNN
[150] first proposed a deep-learning approach to tackle to obtain feature maps then upsamples them to form su-
TSP. Their method consists of two parts: a Pointer Net- perpixels as nodes [63], while other ones directly leverage
work [151] for parameterizing rewards and a policy gradi- some object detection algorithms to get object nodes. In
ent [152] module for training. This work has been proved text domain [129], some work employs syntactic trees as
to be comparable with traditional approaches. However, syntactic graphs while others adopt fully connected graphs.
Pointer Networks are designed for sequential data like texts, Therefore, finding the best graph generation approach will
while order-invariant encoders are more appropriate for offer a wider range of fields where GNN could make contri-
such work. bution.
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ing graph neural networks. The former work first obtain scale conditions like social networks or recommendation
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tem. By replacing reinforcement learning module with a computational consuming in big data environment. There
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• Version 2 (2 Jan 2019). Add NuerIPS 2018 papers.
• Version 3 (7 Mar 2019). Add two coauthors and we
thank them for their kindly suggestions and contri-
• Version 4 (10 Jul 2019). Add more models and ap-
plications based on recent papers and update figures
and references.

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