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According to the article, what are the reasons why machines will eventually
replace workers?

According to the article machines will eventually replace workers because

firstly they can be able to work better than people and secondly for a business
they will cost lower than a employee.

2. Explain "productivity paradox" and its causes

"productivity paradox" is a phonomenon through which there is a rapid innovation

but low productivity growth both in high-paid jobs such as manufacturing and in
low-paid jobs such as personal care. Its causes by tecnology which makes
vulnerable phisical tasks and collecting and processing of data.

3. Resons for inequality and low average productivity growth

the reasons for inequality and low average productivity growth are firstly the
low wages below the national median which have negative results on total
productivity, secondly the under-recording of free services such us social media
which destoy our welfare, and finally the big rise of "zero-sum" activities
which contribute to social wellbeing for example a flash-trader arent't measured
in economic output.

4. According to the article, what sort of future lies ahead of us?

The future ahead of us is the aggravation of politics of greed and grievance.
The result could be populist autocracy or plutocracy. The advantage is that
peolple could use and enjoy their freetime as nowadays they live to work.

5. what does the chart on the right show us?

The chart on the right shows us the value of uk house land and buildings, and
this value grown from 1996 until 2008, and becuase of crisis of 2008 the value
lowered, while now the value is rising

Will AI (artificial intelligence) replace humans and which jobs do you think are more at stake (a

In today's world artificial intelligence is replacing humans in every sector, such as manufacturing,
tecnology, production, etc. One of the main arguments in its favour is the perfection that robot has
in its work. A person isn't a robot and isn't perfect, so he/she could make mistakes.
The perfection of robots should be compared to their cost, in particular the initial cost and the cost
of their unkeep (manutenzione). On the other hand thera are several significant drawbacks for
example the increase of unemployment in every sector, excepet in jobs where people has a direct
contact to people; social issus like protests, the increse of prices and the lack of communication
between people.
Another important point could be the rise of illegal works, because of robots that are controlled
can't do it.
On balance the disadvantages of artificial intelligence exceed by long the benefits, because in a
Country privacy, welfare and jobs are important and robots could destroy each of these without us
can be aware of it (possiamo accorgercene).

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