Monitoring Hydroelectric Dam Alarms: Application Note Industrial

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Application Note Industrial

Monitoring Hydroelectric Dam Alarms

A three-way consortium comprising • The vibration and air gap monitoring
ABB Venezuela, ABB Canada and ABB systems for the generating units
Switzerland was awarded a contract to
design, supply and install the unit control, • A closed circuit television system
protection and instrumentation systems for for process monitoring and security
the largest dam in South America. The Guri surveillance
Hydroelectric Plant, Venezuela’s largest
supplier of hydroelectric power, is located • Communication systems: Tele-
in the Nekuima Canyon, 100km upstream protection equipment and fiber optic
from the confluence of the Caron’ and networks
Orinoco rivers. The modernization project
As well as extending the plant’s life,
will extend the plant’s life by 30 years
the project will improve the plant’s
The construction of the Guri Dam was availability to levels over 90 percent and
initiated in 1963. The first powerhouse, should also increase the efficiency of the
containing ten generation units, began generating units. The main objective of
commercial operation in 1978, with a total the modernization project, however, is to
IVC Alarm Server is designed to installed capacity of 2,065 MW. In 1985, a maintain the continuous production of clean
listen for or recognize a variety second powerhouse was built to house an and reliable electricity.
of alarm protocols and react additional ten generation units, each with
to alarms by initiating user- a capacity of 730 MW. This brought the Leak Detection System
defined responses that may plant’s total capacity to 10,000 MW, making
include camera functions. Guri the second largest hydroelectric plant A key reason ABB chose Industrial Video
in the world in terms of power production & Control for the CCTV component was
capability. The plant has three high-voltage the flexibility of IVC’s video management
switchyards operating at 800kV, 400kV, software and its ease of integration with
and 230kV, each arranged in a breaker- complex control systems. Furthermore,
and-half configuration. It provides the IVC’s capability and willingness to customize
Venezuelan power market with 12,900 GWh its software to meet exacting requirements
of indispensable firm energy to meet the of the project made the IVC system the ideal
growing demand of the sector. choice. ABB had a need to integrate a leak
detection system with the video monitoring
In addition to acting as consortium leader of the dam. The IVC Alarm Server, a module
and contract manager, ABB Venezuela was of IVC’s View Station Software, is the specific
responsible for the preparative engineering tool used to accomplish this integration. The
works required for the installation of the IVC Alarm Server is designed to listen for
various new systems at the plant and or recognize a variety of alarm protocols
was responsible for their installation and and react to alarms by initiating user-
integration at site. Other systems within the defined responses that may include camera
remit of ABB Venezuela are: functions.

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Application Note Industrial

Monitoring Hydroelectric Dam Alarms

The Guri Dam in Venezuela

is the 3rd largest dam in the
world. Fig. 1
The Guri Dam leak detection system Server software. When an alarm occurs, the
employed is comprised largely of Tyco TTDM writes a value into the PC memory,
Thermal Controls sensor wire and alarm indicating the source and type of alarm. IVC
modules. Figure 1 shows the general extended the capability of the Alarm Server
application of Tyco TraceTek TTDM-128 to periodically poll this memory location for
master modules and TTSIM slave modules at current alarm information. If a leak or other
the dam site. When liquid is detected by the problem is detected, the Alarm Server will
sensor wire, the TTSIM slave modules send initiate response actions that have been
MODBUS protocol alarm messages to the programmed for the specific alarm and
TTDM master. The TTDM master maintains location. This includes moving one or more
a database of these alarms. The TTDM PTZ cameras to preset positions, recording,
master is connected via a serial cable to a logging the alarm, and generating visual
PC running the IVC Relay Server and Alarm and audio cues to the operator.

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Application Note Industrial

Monitoring Hydroelectric Dam Alarms

Video Surveillance System
Video from Guri’s 45 IP cameras is managed As described above, the primary purpose of
by IVC’s Relay Server Software. This the video surveillance system is to monitor
enterprise-class server software takes in the dam and react to alarms created by the
video feeds from the plant’s IP cameras and leak detection system. The video system
distributes the video to browser-based or currently installed is comprised of 45
View Station clients. As configured at Guri, cameras, a mix of 18x zoom PTZ cameras
the Relay Server software runs on two server and 23x fixed zoom-only cameras. All
computers located in the plant’s server system cameras are monitored on multiple
room. One server manages 22 cameras and user-defined operator screens under the
the other 23 cameras. In addition to serving control of IVC’s View Station Software. In
live video to clients, the IVC Relay Server addition to providing unlimited user defined
provides the following functions: displays, the IVC View Station provides:

• Storage of video and snapshots taken • Automated camera scans through

as the result of alarm or operator available live video windows
intervention on specified RAID storage
array • Automated camera and control functions
based on user-defined schedules
• Bandwidth management of entire video
network • Alarm Management

• System security through the assignment • User defined button panels

The dam runs 45 ip cameras of access rights
with the feed distributed over A key feature of IVC’s IP-based software
2 computers and managed by • Serving and playback of stored video approach is extensibility. Consequently,
IVC Relay Server Software and snapshots it was easy for ABB to extend the camera
network into some of the facility’s buildings
Remote viewers on-site (plant managers, in order to monitor hallways and building
for example) and off-site (government utility lobbies. Future plans include installing
or emergency management personnel, for additional IP cameras and integrating an
example), given the proper access rights, existing analog CCTV security system into
may access the plant’s cameras through the IP-video network controlled by IVC
the Relay Server’s browser interface. Users camera management software.
need only know the IP address of the Relay
Server computers. The browser interface
provides an intuitive click to point interface
that includes a static panoramic image for
precise single click camera positioning.

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Application Note Industrial

Monitoring Hydroelectric Dam Alarms

Fig. 2
Figure 2 illustrates a functional diagram engineering professionals worked closely
of the video surveillance system we have with ABB’s project engineers to determine
described in this application note. A key the most effective way to integrate the Guri
reason IVC was chosen to provide the Dam’s leak detection system and the video
video system for this major upgrade project monitoring system. Having an integration
by ABB, is that, as a provider of quality tool, such as the IVC Alarm Server,
industrial-grade video cameras and camera facilitated this process and kept the system
management software, IVC was well- open for the potential monitoring of other
positioned to tailor a solution to exactly meet alarm sources in the future.
the needs of ABB and their customer. Our

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