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Planning and Detailed Engineering Design of the 265-m-high Dudhkoshi

Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam (CFRD) in Nepal

Article  in  International Water Power and Dam Construction · April 2020


0 108

1 author:

Cesar Alvarado Ancieta

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education


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Detailed design
Planning and design of Dudhkoshi CFRD in Nepal

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Case study |

Planning and detailed

engineering design of
Dudhkoshi CFRD in Nepal
Cesar Alvarado Ancieta describes the challenge in the design and execution planning of the
265m high Dudhkoshi concrete faced rockfill dam (CFRD) in the eastern development region of
Nepal, focused on the geomechanics for dam material characterization and rockfill sizing taking
the angle of shearing resistance, breakage index and the anisotropic behaviour of the quartzite
rockfill into account and their implications for dam stability and impact of stresses on concrete face
slab. Additionally, the main design features a conventional plinth on a roller compacted concrete
(RCC) toe wall, a drain and grouting gallery for consolidation grouting and injection grouting, and
diaphragm up to sound bed rock, all on alluvial and a shear zone

mountains on the left bank of Dudhkoshi river up to an

underground powerhouse of 600MW with water releases
into Sunkoshi river; ii) 1km long Dudhkoshi headrace
tunnel which crosses the near mountains on the dam
right abutment with an underground powerhouse
of 200MW installed power, with water releases dam
downstream on Dudhkoshi River; and iii) Dudhkoshi dam
toe surface powerhouse of 35MW, taking advantage of
the ecological flow. The total installed power capacity is
835MW. For details see Figure 1.
Other ancillary works are the main gated spillway with
four bays for a design discharge of 9027m3/sec for a Tr =
10000 years; a labyrinth free overflow auxiliary spillway
for a design discharge of 2250m3/sec; a river diversion
structure composed of three river diversion tunnels of
12m diameter each for a design flow of 5838m3/sec
for a 100 years return period and considering special
Above: Figure 1 – Hydraulic DUDHKOSHI STORAGE HYDROELETRIC PROJECT is conditions due to moonson flood seasons; bottom,
scheme of Dudhkoshi storage located on the Dudhkoshi river between the boundaries low and middle level outlet for design flow of 5400m3/
hydropower project complex, by of Okhaldhunga and Khotang Districts in Eastern sec (figure 3). The project also includes a 50m high
the main author Development Region of Nepal. The hydropower project upstream cofferdam, incorporated into the main dam
includes a 265m high concrete faced rockfill dam (CFRD) body by means of a stabilizer block and including a
on Dudhkoshi River, with a spillway on the left abutment plastic diaphragm cut-off in the alluvial layer through
taking advantage of a stream tributary of Dudhkoshi. The the river bed, which will allow for the erection of the
Below: Figure 2a – Dudhkoshi project has two underground powerhouses defined by main dam during monsoons. There is also a 25m high
dam body cross section, by the means of two waterways: i) The 13.3km long Dudhkoshi- downstream cofferdam incorporated into the main dam
main author Sunkoshi headrace tunnel which crosses the rock body, by means of a stabilizer block. Cofferdams and
stabilizer blocks support main dam for stability.
Important design features are regarding the
special dam foundation treatment which comprises a
conventional plinth on a 25m high roller compacted
concrete (RCC) toe wall which is placed on an excavated
40m depth alluvial layer on main river bed up to the
right and left river banks. This is the main upstream dam
footing foundation measure, which reaches a deep shear
zone, non-active fault. Below the RCC toe wall a drain and
grouting gallery for consolidation and injection grouting
is arranged as the best solution for foundation on a shear
zone. Arrangement of the gallery required a solid dental
concrete structure on the partially excavated shear
zone. This dental concrete is provided on a concrete
plug layer which is placed on the non-excavated shear

36 | April 2020 |

| Case study

Figure 2b – Dudhkoshi dam body cross section, by the main author


Zone 3D
650 Water Level; 640,00

600 Zone 3B

550 Concrete
Zone 2B
Core Zone 1A Zone 3A 528,00
Zone 3B
Zone 3C 488,00
480,00 Cofferdam
Zone 1B 455,00
450 Zone T 445,00
430,00 430,00 433,00 Drain Backfill 430,00

Alluvial Zone 4
400,00 400,00 400,00 403,00 Alluvial 400,00
400 395,00

-750 -700 -650 -600 -550 -500 -450 -400 -350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

zone area. The base of the dental concrete serves as the In order to define the size and foundation surface
base for location of a concrete guide wall in the gallery’s of the plinth, the main consideration taken was based
invert, from which a 60m deep concrete sheet pile wall on the quality of the massive foundation according to
up to bed rock is implemented. A curtain grouting is the rock mass rating, RMR (Bieniawski Classification)
going to be performed through the concrete sheetpile classification, the respective maximum hydraulic
walls - secant pile wall along the main river bed width gradient supported by the type of rock mass, and the
and abutments, at the upstream footing, where the plinth shape of the valley with jambs, steep slopes with an
must be arranged (figure 6). The drain-injection gallery average inclination of approximately 42° on the left
will be connected to the right and left abutments by two bank and 65° on the right bank nearby the river bed.
galleries in order to allow dam impermeabilization during Above: Figure 3 – Plan layout
construction and operation. Consolidation grouting is Geotechnical dam foundation Dudhkoshi dam
planned bellow the gallery, in the shear zone, upstream conditions
and downstream gallery’s sides, see Figure 2. Main lithotypes are phyllites and quartzites. Phyllites
are ductile and tend to fold and disconnect while Below: Figure 4 – Aerial view of
Dam detail and storage design features quartzites are more rigid rocks and tend to break. Dudhkoshi dam site. The dam
Dudhkoshi concrete face rockfill dam (CFRD) is 265m At dam site, quartzites are present along the left axis is located at the half of the
high, will have a main dam body volume of 30 millions abutment of the valley, while phyllites are present along convexe curve with radius R2
m3 approximately, and presents a set of particularities, the right abutment. The limit between the two lithotypes is next to the right bank
such as the material zoning, a narrow valley, of V type clearly visible on outcrop only on the right side of the valley.
section, with a shape factor H—2 , around 2.70, and steep The analysis of foliation bedding carried out on surface
right and left abutments, with average inclination of structural surveys and terrestrial laser scanner point
60° and 50° respectively, that conditioned important cloud processing confirms the presence of an antiformal
design features. The dam design demanded rigorous structure with axis oriented along the river course (about
solutions based on the state of the art adapted to the E-W) and axial surface dipping to the north with high
site conditions in order to guarantee the dam proper inclination (78°). Moreover, core data from boreholes
performance. Details are shown in Figure 2. drilled on the valley bottom confirm the presence of a
shear zone - non active fault - related to a subvertical fault
Topographical conditions damage zone and oriented along the axial plane of the
The dam site is located in a gorge nearly one kilometer antiform, along which the river course was incised.
downstream of the confluence between Dudhkoshi The river bed is formed on the top of coalluvium
River and Thotne Khola, where the river width is about and alluvium material, composed of gravelly deposits,
120m, at an average elevation of 430.00m asl (Figure cobbels and boulders, up to 30m depth, i.e. between
4). The protection of the upstream dam footing starts 430 to 400m asl. Below these, a 40m thick shear zone
at the second half of the concave curve with radius formed by uncohesive fault rocks, fault gouge, was
R1 next to the left bank. The dam axis is located at the encountered, between 30 and 70m depth, i.e. between
half of the convex curve with radius R2 next to the right 400m and 360m asl. Bedrock is found at 70m depth,
bank. The protection of the downstream dam footing is i.e. at 360m asl. Details are shown in Figure 5.
at the end of the curve with radius R2. At the dam axis, Describing from upstream to downstream, the shear Left: Figure 5 – Dam valley cross
the average slope steepness ranges around 50o in left zone at dam site, starts at the left dam abutment before section at upstream dam foot.
bank, and 60o on the right bank. the dam upstream footing - where the plinth is located Quartzites are present along
The rock outcrops are widely exposed on right - up to a few meters before the dam axis. Then the the left abutment of the valley,
bank, while on left bank the lower area is covered with shear zone penetrates into the right dam abutment. while phyllites are present
colluvium. The main lithotypes at the dam site are along the right abutment. The
alluvial deposits, superficial deposits, glacial deposits, river bed is formed on the top
phyllite and quartzite. Considering the valley shape of coalluvium and alluvium
—2 = 2.70 or —
factor either H L = 2.27, and the expected material, composed of gravelly
theorical rockfill embankment modules when plotted deposits, cobbels and boulders,
in Figure 12, Dudkoshi CFRD is beneath the safe line, up to 30m depth. Below these,
which led to design provisions further described, that a 40m thick shear zone formed
should guarantee the dam adequate performance. by uncohesive fault rocks,
Aiming to attain the expected rockfill deformation fault gouge, was encountered,
modulus, thinner layers were adopted compacted with between 30 and 70m depth.
heavy rollers, in addition to systematic use of water. Bedrock is found at 70m depth | April 2020 | 37

Case study |

Table 1 - Selected physical geomechanical properties obtained at dam site investigation campaign

700 700

Dam embankment crest elevation: 648,00 m asl (incl. post settlement)

600 600

Entrance from dam D/S Entrance from dam D/S

to grouting gallery to grouting gallery

500 500

Grouting gallery

RCC toe wall,

base for the plinth
Concrete dental treatment

Concrete plug 400

Cut-off - diaphragm - secant sheet pile wall

Curtain grouting (P, S, T)

300 300

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Above: Figure 6 –Dudhkoshi dam

foundation treatment, by the
main author

Natural construction materials maximum rockfill diameter. Quartzite outcrop are

An extensive campaign was carried out to obtain all highly jointed. Rock joints are parallel, rectangular and
required information on natural construction materials, their spacings are not too wide. In-situ inspection on
with the data analysed to select dam rockfill material as surface quarry zones and exploratory adits (Figure 9)
shown in Figure 7, Table 1 and Figure 8. to identify rock properties concludes that the rockfill
quarry areas will not provide rocks of large dimensions,
The Quartzite rockfill material as could be obtained for example for basalt, sandstone
In particular, in the dam site area, phyllites, quartzites and limestone, where on average Dmax size for 3B and
and an intercalation zone of the two lithotypes are 3C dam main body materials are 1000mm, 600mm
the predominant rock types. The left bank of the dam and 700mm respectively. The Dmax size of rockfill
site is mainly composed of quartzite while on the obtained by blasting were around 300 to 450mm.
right bank phyllite, quartzite and intercalations of the Based on the experience, Dmax size for main dam body
two lithotypes are the main rocks. Both phyllite and rockfill material will be around this range of 300mm
quartzite rocks are fresh to moderately weathered; to 450mm for the materials 3B and 3C to be used for
phyllite is strongly folded and faulted while quartzite dam filling and considering compaction process and
has been less affected by the tectonic processes breakage index. Also the dam construction experience
Below: Figure 7 – Geological because of its higher strength. with quartzite rockfill material shows that maximum
map dam site with location of The rock type is quartzite. Quartzite flows of large diameter size applied for these dams was always
main geotechnical/geological thickness are outcropping on the left river valley slope. between 300 to 450mm, due to rockfill characteristics,
investigations (bore holes, The quartzite outcrops and rock joint formations compaction during construction and rockfill breakage
exploratory adits, construction were investigated by means of drilled bore holes index. A similar case was studied in the Himalayas,
materials, etc.) and exploratory adits, in order to assess the size of in India, for Pakal Dul CFRD, the maximum rockfill
diameter size considered was also in the same range
of 300 to 450mm, because quartzite rockfill outcrops
are presented always highly jointed.

Dam zonification and dam foundation

and material properties/parameters
An appropriate dam zonification, parameters and
gradation curve was applied based on tests results,
ICOLD recommendations and similar experiences,
configuring a gradual material stiffness dam body
zoning. These are shown in Table 2, Table 3, Table 4
and Figure 10.

Dam material characterization:

breakage Index - shear strength -
internal friction angle
Rockfill dams depend on the quality of the main
source rockfill material. Material parameters are difficult
to be obtained for different reasons, and normally, the

38 | April 2020 |

| Case study

tests are carried out during the implementation phase behaviuor in low as well as in high stress levels.
by the Contractor, rather than during the planning and For the definition of the shear resistance in a basic
detailed engineering design phases. dam design phase it is common to use the data
This project in Nepal was not the exception assembled and provided (triaxial test data for various
because of the size of the required apparatus and rockfill types) by Leps [8]. Shear strength of rockfill Above: Figure 8 – Anaylsis
the corresponding costs. To carry out in situ tests on material can be estimated by using grading curves in of unconfined compressive
some quartzite samples or bring them to a laboratory combination with UCS values. Large-scale triaxial tests strength (UCS), unit weight for
abroad was not possible. Improved knowledge in the laboratory should be the first choice, due to their construction compaction and
of rockfill material properties, particularly, shear ability to test the material in various loading conditions. unit weight of particles, by the
resistance for stability assessment, is of utmost Four modelling techniques are being used to main author
importance, especially for higher dams with stepper reduce the size of the rockfill materials, viz. i) the
slopes in regions with higher seismicity. Pioneering scalping technique (Zeller, J. and Wulliman, R., 1957),
experimental work in large-scale testing (e.g., large- ii) parallel gradation technique (Lowe, J., 1964), iii)
scale triaxial tests) of a wide range of different materials generation of quadratic grain-size distribution curve
was developed in the 1960s by Marsal [4] as well as by (Fumagalli, 1969), and iv) replacement technique Below: Figure 9 – Quartzite
Marachi and colleagues [5]. Nowadays, and as it has (Frost, 1973). Of these, the parallel gradation technique outcrop and rock joint formation
also been mentioned in reference [14], geotechnical is considered the most appropriate (Ramamurthy, T. inside exploratory adits on
laboratories commonly do not have large scale tests and Gupta, K.K., 1986), and based on this technique, the left dam abutment. On the
in their scope. In order to gain additional information applied for Pakal Dul quartzite rockfill material, was top, notice the highly jointed
about material behaviour, it is beneficial to use existing defined the maximum particle sizes for rockfill material outcrop. Rock joints are parallel,
data from comparable projects. zones 3B, 3C and 3D for Dudhkoshi dam. The particle rectangular and their spacings
Therefore, determination of shear parameters of breakage during the testing plays an important role are not too wide. Considering
quartzite rockfill material for dam stability calculations, in strength deformation behaviour of rockfill material. the in-situ inspection on surface
are based here on information obtained from other To incorporate the effect of particle breakage, Marsal, quarry zones and exploratory
tests and existing literature [27]. For the evaluation of the R.J. (1967) proposed the term breakage factor, for adits, in order to recognize rock
parameters a large-scale in-situ direct shear test (DST) quantitatively describing the amount of particle properties, rock size obtained by
on samples collected from quartzite rockfill quarry breakage, which was defined as the sum of the blasting will not provide rocks
materials could not been performed for the detailed differences having the same sign in the percentage of large dimensions as could be
engineering design of a 265m high CFRD. However, retained in each sieve before and after the triaxial tests. obtained for example for basalt,
the gained knowledge about the quartzite rockfill Rock quarries were blasted to obtain suitable sandstone and limestone. By the
material behaviour in other similar CFRDs in high rockfill material for Dudhkoshi dam. The maximum main author
seismic areas such as Pakal Dul in Pakistan (quartzite), particle sizes of 300, 450 and 600mm of prototype
, and data from triaxial tests [8], medium and large- material for zones 3B, 3C and 3D, were found suitable
scale triaxial tests [23,24,25] have been applied. and these have been recommended for use in the
The first and major step in a dam design is the dam body. In order to achieve this maximum size of
definition of material characteristics, that serve as an protoytpe blasted material a number of trial blasting
input for the analytical and numerical calculations. were foreseen. However, these were not carried out,
As commonly known, the main difficulty is that the taking into account the difficulties described above
material characteristics and behaviour are stress to conduct required triaxial tests. However, specific
dependent. The construction of high dams and related information on tested quartzite material from the
various stresses demand knowledge of the material Himalayas was available for Pakal Dul CFRD. | April 2020 | 39

Case study |

Table 2 - Dam foundation and dam zonification, dam material type and details, by the main author
Material Material type Zone Description Details

Fine-grained cohesionless silt and fine sand with isolated gravel and cobble sized
Random fill to stabilise zone 1B material. It is a silt, a low cohesion rock particles up to 150 mm. The zone should be cohesionless so that brittle cracking
Weighted blanket (1A): stabilising material. The random materials can be a mix of sandy gravel with a fine does not occur. The zone should be placed in 200 mm layers and lightly compacted.
coarse random fill on top of 1A grained matrix. Material placed on the main slab which was initially an The zone serves as a source of material that, if required, can migrate through cracks
upstream zone 1B. impermeable clay-like material, and today is specified as a low plasticity in the face slab. In addition, at recent projects, a zone or pocket (less than 1 m3/m
silt. of perimeter joint) of non-cohesive silt or fly ash has been placed over the top of the
perimeter joint to provide an easily erodible material at this critical location.

Random. Material used to confine material in zone 1A. This zone is

Upstream sealing zone (1B):
located on the upstream dam toe on top of the perimeter joint with the
impervious or semi-pervious
purpose of additional sealing of the perimeter of the dam. In order to fill Random mix of silts, clays, sands, gravels, and cobbles to provide protection to Zone
fill dumped upstream on top of 1B
any un-foreseen leak in the perimeter joint to stop leakage, The material 1A. The zone should be placed in 200 mm layers and compacted.
the plinth and perimeter joint as
of Zone 1B shall be fine grained silt or silty sand or fly ash. The material
additional anti seepage measure.
shall be cohesionless to prevent brittle cracking.

A sand filter layer is placed beneath the perimeter joint downstream

of the face of the plinth. The thickness of the filter should be not more Sand and gravel filter located within two to three meters of the perimeter joint.
than 1.00 to 2.00 m. Purpose of the zone is to provide a firm base of In the event of disruption of the waterstops at the perimeter joint, the filter zone
Cushion layer (2A): located high density beneath the perimeter joint and to prevent migration of 2A will prevent the movement of silt size particles through the zone and, thus,
underneath the perimeter joint fine material from the perimeter joint which might have been infiltrated serves as secondary defense against leakage. This zone consists of material equal
Filter 2A
with the function of seepage water due to a failure of the water stops of the joint. The grading of the filter or nearly equal in quality to concrete aggregate. The material is manufactured
damping and filtration. shall be in accordance with Sherard filter grading for silts and clay. This and processed to specific gradation limits. Zone 2A should be placed in 200 mm
well graded material has a maximum size between 76 - 100 mm, sand layers, well-compacted with vibratory compactors, and protected from damage and
content between 35% and 60%, and a fine percentage (< No.200) of less erosion during construction
than 8% as recomended by Sherard.

Material under the slab or the extruded curb. This zone provides the
support for the dam concrete facing, it equalises the surface of the Zone 2B provides support to the face slab and consists of sand and gravelsized
Transition layer (2B): levelled and
rockfill body and provides a damping zone in the event of any leakage particles, placed in 400 mm horizontal layers and normally compacted with 4 passes
Transition compacted base of the curb layer,
through the concrete facing. The zone shall consist of a sand-gravel of a 12-ton smooth-drum vibratory roller. The horizontal width of the zone varies
from filter transferring evenly water pressure 2B
mix with the gradation as indicated in the chart material. Zone 2B has from 2 to 4 m depending on the height of the dam. This zone consists of material
to gravels on the facing to the rockfill body and
a horizontal width of 3.00 m. This well graded material has a maximum equal or nearly equal in quality to concrete aggregate. The material is a crushed
seepage water damping zone.
size between 76 - 100 mm, sand content between 35% and 60%, and a product and manufactured to specific gradation limits.
fine percentage (< No.200) of less than 8% as recomended by Sherard.

It is a transition between fine grained Zone 2B material and coarse This zone is a transition between Zone 2B and rockfill Zone 3B and consists of
Transition rockfill layer (3A): located rockfill of Zone 3B. It consists of selected or processed fine rockfill rockfill with maximum size of 300 mm or less placed in 300 mm layers and normally
Transition on top of the upstream rock zone with a maximum size of 300 mm. The grading shall be in accordance compacted with at least 4 passes of a 12-ton or heavier smooth-drum vibratory
of rockfill providing a tran-sition in grading 3A with standard filter criteria. The horizontal width of the zone shall be roller. The horizontal width of the zone varies from 2 to 4 m depending on the
and gravels from the coarse rockfill to the fine approximately 4.00 m. This material has been removed from some height of the dam. The material may be select rockfill from the quarry or may be a
grained cushion layer. dams with alluvial material because there is a good natural correlation crusher-run minus 200 or 300 mm product, if the supply of select rockfill from the
between material 2 and material 3B. quarry is insufficient or inconsistent.

Rockfill zone (3B): located in the

upstream part of the dam body,
This zone forms the main rockfill body and it is located downstream of Zone 3B: This zone commonly consists of rockfill with maximum size of 300 mm
being highly compacted for small
3A zone. A zone of random fill is constructed within the downstream placed in 300 to 600 mm layers and normally compacted with 6 passes of a 12-ton
deformations beneath the facing, be
dam body. Zone 3B comprises the entire upstream dam body, an smoothdrum vibratory roller. For some projects, final decisions concerning the
free draining and providing the main
Rockfill and approximately 20.00 m wide zone in the downstream slope for stability appropriate number of passes are made after conducting tests in which the average
support for reservoir water pressure; 3B
gravels reason and a 5.00 m thick zone on top of the downstream dam surface level of the rockfill layer is determined by surveying at intervals of 2 to 12
also located in the downstream
foundation to provide free drainage of the dam body.The coarse rockfill passes. Water (10%-25% of rock volume) is added during fill placement. Increasing
slope to provide high shear strength
shall have a maximum size of 300 mm. It is a well-graded material with a compaction coverage, using thinner layers, and application of water are means of
and in the downstream lower part
minimum size equal to or less than the layer thickness. achieving.
of the dam body to provide free
drainage conditions.

Random rockfill zone (3C): located This zone may be integrated into the downstream dam body comprising
Zone 3C: This zone commonly consists of rockfill with maximum size of 450 mm
inside the downstream (d/s) dam ran-dom rockfill. It is a graded material with a greater quantity of fine
Rockfill and placed in 450 to 600 mm layers and normally compacted with 4 passes of a 12-ton
body, comprising random rockfill; 3C materials and a maximum size equal to or less than the layer thickness.
gravels smoothdrum vibratory roller. As for Zone 3B, layer thickness and compaction effort
deformations are inevitable on the The coarse rockfill shall have a maximum size of 450 mm. Its layer
are adjusted based on the characteristics of the material.
downstream facing. thickness is larger than 3B. It is placed after T or 3B zones.

These rockfill zones provide positive drainage within the embankment. In well-
Downstream slope protection (3D):
Protection material close to the downstream slope against erosion by drained rockfill embankments, this zone or zones are placed at the base of the dam
protection of downstream slope
riprap or selected coarse rockfill. Basically, it is 50.00 m thick zone on within the valley section. In poorly drained rockfills or in fills consisting of sands
Rockfill against erosion, formed by oversize 3D
top of the downstream dam foundation to provide free drainage of the and gravels, these drainage zones may consist of a continuous chimney or wall
rockfill, pushed from the rockfill dam
dam body. drain and a high capacity underdrain at the base of the dam. High capacity internal
body into the slope.
drainage is a key safety feature of the CFRD.

Central rockfill placed between 3B and 3C zones. It is a material of

Rockfill and inferior quality placed in the centre of the dam at an angle that depends
T & drain
gravels on the existing quantity of this material, and it is generally compacted
with thickness less than 3B.

This material is placed on the downstream dam slope as a protection

Rockfill 4 = 3D
and to give it a good aesthetic finishing.

Impervious Impervious Cofferdams Impervious material for core zone of cofferdams

Reinforced Concrete face

Concrete face slab Reinforced concrete
concrete slab
Concrete Concrete extrude curb placed below of the concrete face slab and
Concrete Poor concrete
curb interacts with the 2B material.

Table 3 - Dam foundation and material zone properties / parameters, by the main author
Optimum water
content for
Dry bulk density Saturated bulk Unit weight of Compaction Void ratio, Saturation, Dry unit weight,
Material Zone Porosity, n[-] construction
[kg/m3] density [kg/m3] particle, ϒs [kN/m3] rate, cr [-] e [-] S [-] ϒdry [kN/m3]
ω [-]
Alluvium Dam foundation 2100,00 2110,00 20,60 0,01 0,85 0,25 0,97 0,11 16,51
Impervious soils 1A 2000,00 2010,00 19,62 0,01 0,85 0,25 0,97 0,12 15,73
1B 2000,00 2010,00 19,62 0,01 0,85 0,25 0,97 0,12 15,73
Filter 2A 2100,00 2110,00 20,60 0,01 0,85 0,25 0,97 0,11 16,51
Transi-tion from filter
2B 2100,00 2110,00 20,60 0,01 0,85 0,25 0,97 0,11 16,51
to gravels
Transit-ion of rockfill
3A 2600,00 2610,00 25,51 0,01 0,85 0,25 0,97 0,09 20,44
and gravels
Rockfill and gravels 3B 2770,00 2780,00 27,17 0,01 0,85 0,25 0,97 0,09 21,78
Rockfill and gravels 3C 2700,00 2710,00 26,49 0,01 0,85 0,25 0,97 0,09 21,23
Rockfill 3D 2650,00 2660,00 26,00 0,01 0,85 0,25 0,97 0,09 20,84
Rockfill and gravels T & drain 2600,00 2610,00 25,51 0,01 0,85 0,25 0,97 0,09 20,44
Rockfill 4 = 3D 2650,00 2660,00 26,00 0,01 0,85 0,25 0,97 0,09 20,84
Impervious Core zone of coffer-dams 2080,00 2660,00 20,40 0,01 0,85 0,25 0,95 0,11 16,36
Reinfor-ced concrete Concrete face slab 2400,00 2400,00 - - - - - - -
Concrete Concrete curb 2000,00 2000,00 - - - - - - -

40 | April 2020 |

| Case study

For Pakal Dul dam, the maximum particle size of Left: Figure 10 – Design material
600mm of prototype material was recommended. gradation curves for material
Accordingly, to achieve this maximum size of prototype zones 1a, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C,
blasted material, the information available describes 3D, 4, T and drain, by the main
that a number of trial blasting were made in the quarry. author
Representative bulk samples achieved during blasting
were subjected to grain size distribution tests for arriving
at average prototype gradation curves. Based on this
prototype gradation curve, three modelled gradation
curves were derived for the three series of materials
i.e. 25mm, 50mm and 80mm maximum particle sizes
respectively, by Lowe [3].
From these modelled gradation curves, the Left: Figure 11 – Pakal Dul 600
required quantities of various fractions of rockfill mm prototype (interpolated),
material were assessed. Assessed quantity based and 25 mm, 50 mm and 80 mm
on these three modelled curves was collected modelled grain size distribution
from the rock quarry for taking up laboratory tests. curves for quartzite rockfill
Pakal Dul main rockfill properties (zone materials material, see references [33]
3B and 3C) were quite similar to Dudhkoshi main and [34], and Dudhkoshi 300
rockfill materials (same zone materials). The angle mm prototype (interpolated,
of shearing resistance values of Pakal Dul tested 3B material zone) based on
material for these series (25mm, 50mm and 80mm Pakal Dul data. The 600 mm
maximum particle sizes) was 41,50°, 41,03° and Pakal Dul size was taken as the
40,12° respectively, which clearly indicate that the dimension for material zone 3D
angle of shearing resistance decreases with increase of Dudhkoshi dam only. By the
in maximum particle size of rockfill blasted material. main author
The value of shear strength parameter i.e. cohesion
for all the three series material is practically zero. This
seems to be satisfactory, because the triaxial tests
were conducted under drained condition. The angle with increase in confining pressure. As the particle
of shearing resistance of the Pakal Dul prototype size increases, greater interlocking is achieved for the
material (maximum size 600mm) based on parallel same stress level and friction angle increases. On the
gradation and extrapolation techniques for rockfill other hand, as the particle size increases, the breakage
blasted material was found to be 37,6°. Similarly, the effect increases and the friction angle decreases.
angle of shearing resistance of Dudhkoshi prototype Moreover, as the confinig pressure increases, the
material (maximum size 300mm) was found to be breakage increases and the friction angle decreases
39° (Figures 17 and 18). This value is considered to (less interlocking).
be the lowest value possible to be achieved during For Pakal Dul rockfill material, the particle breakage
tests to be carried out during construction phase in a factor arrived on the basis of pre and post tests grain
trial compaction rockfill embankment and therefore size distribution is varying from 2% to 12% under
higher values of internal friction angle are possible confining pressure range from 3kg/cm2 to 12kgcm2
to be achieved depending on the compaction for the three series of specimens (25mm, 50mm
procedure and effective water content. The angle and 80mm maximum particle sizes). The breakage
of shearing resistance decreases with increase in factor increases with increase in confining pressure Above: Figure 12 – FEN analysis
maximum size of the blasted rockfill material as well as well as with increase in particle size. Based on this for evaluation of displacements
as with increase in confining pressure. info the breakage factor for the Pakal Dul 600 mm and anaylsis of anysotropic
In conclusion, the breakage factor increases with maximum particle size was found to be 21.90% and behaviour of rockfill by the main
increase in maximum size of particle size as well as for Dudhkoshi a value of 18.60%. The correlation author

Internal friction angle after Cohesion, [MPa] applied Modulus of

Unit weight for Internal friction angle, φ [°] Cohesion, c [kN/m2] or [kPa] Modulus of
Saturated unit compaction, φac [°] for modelling elasticity
construction rigidity (Shear Permeability,
weight, ϒsat (Young’s
compaction, modu-lus), G0 k [cm/s]
[kN/m3] modulus), E
ϒ [kN/m3] Resi-dual Peak Resi-dual Peak Resi-dual Peak Resi-dual Peak [GPa]
18,46 18,40 35,00 43,00 26,25 32,25 65,00 83,00 0,00 0,00 30,00 5,00 1,00E-03
17,67 17,61 30,00 35,00 22,50 26,25 20,00 40,00 0,00 0,00 50,00 0,50 1,00E-02
17,67 17,61 28,00 32,00 21,00 24,00 20,00 80,00 0,00 0,00 40,00 0,25 1,00E-04
18,46 18,40 28,00 34,00 21,00 25,50 20,00 22,00 0,00 0,00 50,00 1,00 1,00E-02

18,46 18,40 35,00 40,00 26,25 30,00 0,00 20,00 0,00 0,00 60,00 20,00 1,00E-02

22,39 22,33 44,00 45,00 44,00 45,00 10,00 12,00 0,00 0,00 90,00 22,00 1,00E-02

23,73 23,67 44,00 45,00 44,00 45,00 9,50 11,50 0,00 0,00 85,00 21,50 1,00E-02
23,18 23,12 43,00 45,00 44,00 45,00 9,00 11,00 0,00 0,00 80,00 21,00 1,00E-02
22,78 22,73 42,00 45,00 43,00 45,00 8,50 10,50 0,00 0,00 75,00 20,50 1,00E-02
22,39 22,33 43,00 45,00 44,00 45,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 70,00 21,00 1,00E-03
22,78 22,73 42,00 46,00 45,00 46,00 8,50 10,50 0,00 0,00 75,00 20,50 1,00E-02
18,30 18,20 35,00 43,00 26,25 32,25 65,00 83,00 0,00 0,00 30,00 5,00 1,00E-03
- - - - 44,00 41,00 - - 658,00 4858,00 320,00 128,00 -
- - - - 44,00 41,00 - - 658,00 4858,00 270,00 108,00 - | April 2020 | 41

Case study |

From left to right: according to Leps (1970) has been presented on Anysotropic behaviour of rockfill
detail establishing the ranges of variation of internal The valley shape factor H —2 =2.70 affects the
Figure 13– Relation between friction angle for quartzite rockfill, evaluated with construction deformation modulus, Ev. In narrow
maximum particle size (Dmax) preliminary data obtained from suitable field test. valleys, like in Dudhkoshi CFRD with lower values
and the friction angle (φ) for Herein, the importance of triaxial test is emphasized of the shape factor, the arching effects across the
Pakal Dul quartzite rockfill. in order to achieve a better knowledge of the internal valley reduces the load within a vertical column of
The angle of friction for friction angle for quartzite rockfill which is going to rockfill at the maximum height section, thus reducing
Dudhkoshi quartzite rockfill be used for Dudhkoshi CFRD. A sensitivity analysis is the measured settlement. The smaller settlement
of 300mm maximum diameter presented with data field evaluated, see Table 6, and, results in a larger estimate of the vertical modulus of
size,material zone 3B, was gives the base of the range of internal friction angle deformation, Ev. Well graded materials as specified
estimated (interpolated) based between 39° till 44° for quartzite rockfill for sensitivity before in Table 4 exhibit higher shear strength than
on the friction angles obtained analysis 1, which was correlated to the Pakal Del case poorly graded materials. Besides, gradation of the
after triaxial tests for Pakal as well. material must not be affected by the compaction effort
Dul quartzite rockfill with and % of volume of water added during compaction
modelled samples of 25, 50 and Dam stability analysis must be controlled and not exceed recommended
80mm, and the interpolated The stability analyses have been carried out in three limits. Basically, deformation modulus above 60 MPa
600mm maximum particle subsequent phases with the following main objectives: (> 100 MPa) indicates that these higher values are the
sizes. Similarly, was estimated ● P
 hase 1: Sensitivity study of parameters, regarding consequence of a much better graded material, where
for Dudhkoshi dam the friction rockfill strength parameters, properties of the terrace in spite of reduced particles strength the final result is a
angle for the material zone material and different downstream dam slopes and more compacted material.
3C maximum particle size of zonings. to control the stability of the upstream and The main problem for a CFRD is cracking of the face
450mm. The 600mm Pakal Dul downstream slopes of the dam during all defined slabs, which causes leakage leading to further damage
maximum particle size was load cases with different assumed parameters, to the rockfill body and loss of water. Estimation
taken as the maximum size including cofferdams integrated to main dam body of rockfill settlements and face slabs deflections
particle for material zone 3D. and selected seismic design parameters for rock is essential on the analysis of a CFRD as these are
By the main author and soil foundations. clearly related to stresses on the concrete facing. The
● P
 hase 2: Stability analysis for the proposed dam behaviour of concrete face slabs is directly related
Figure 14 – Relation between geometry with different rockfill parameters and a to the supporting zone and rockfill deformability.
maximum particle size (Dmax) revised dam zoning. Provision of four 10 m wide The maximum settlements are usually observed at
and breakage factor (Bg) for berms on the downstream dam slope, at elevations mid-height, and the lower third portion of the concrete
Pakal Dul quartzite rockfill. The 608, 568, 528 and 488 m asl. in order to facilitate facing results in a bulging deformation that induces
breakage factor for Dudhkoshi maintenance and monitoring works and to improve tensile stresses on the concrete slabs (Marquez and
quartzite rockfill of 300mm the downstream slope stability conditions. The Pinto, 2005). The tridimensional effect of the valley
maximum diameter size is inclination of the slopes between the berms is permits the rockfill movements towards the center
estimated (interpolated) based maintained at 1V:1.8H. The inclination of the of the dam, see figure 12, that may induce additional
on the breakage factors obtained upstream slope has been improved up to 1V:1.45H. tensile stresses of the rockfill and dragging the slabs
after triaxial tests for Pakal Dul ● P
 hase 3: Considerations regarding plastic at the abutments. The dragging effect observed
quartzite rockfill with modelled deformations during an MDE-earthquake, for the on the concrete slabs, in both slope and horizontal
samples of 25, 50 and 80mm, finally proposed dam geometry. As a safety check directions, is caused mainly by the rockfill deformation.
and the interpolated 600mm for the MDE, the earthquake-induced permanent During impoundment, the normal pressure on the
maximum particle sizes. By the dam crest deformations are estimated. slabs increases friction resistance at the interface with
main author Several load cases were analysed considering water the rockfill body facilitating the concrete membrane
surface elevations upstream, seismic load, etc. deformations that may lead to crack development.
Figure 15 – Assembly of For Dudhkoshi CFRD, a dam located on a narrow
peak share strength data for Seismic hazard analysis valley with a low shape factor, see Figure 16 and
Dudhkoshi quartzite rockfill The findings on the seismic hazard analysis applied Figure 17, a 3D model was developed to properly
material, based on a sensitivity considered peak ground acceleration (PGA) on bed capture the arching effect of the stresses distributed
analysis of rockfill internal rock and alluvial foundation material for static and towards the abutments.
friction angle for main rockfill dynamic deformation, above 475 years return period, Particular attention was given to the concrete facing
dam body materials 3B and 3C, and for OBE-operating basis earthquake and SEE- and the supporting zones where the shear stresses are
by the main author safety evaluation earthquake cases. transferred between the rockfill and the concrete slabs

42 | April 2020 |

| Case study

Table 4 - Material zoning specification table, by the main author

Maximum grain or Expected modulus
Layer thickness [mm] Number of passes of elasticity (Young’s
Zone Material type rockfill size [mm] % water Compaction
modulus) after
u/s d/s u/s d/s u/s d/s compaction, E [MPa]

1A Silt or a cohession less fine grained fill 10 10 200 200 - - - Construction equipment (dumped) -
1B Random filler 100 100 200 200 - - - Construction equipment (dumped) -
2A Sand 36 36 200 200 4 4 - 12 t vibratory roller 60
2B Sand gravel 75 75 200 200 4 4 - 12 t vibratory roller 60
3A Quartzite sound rockfill 300 300 300 300 6 6 15 12 t vibratory roller 80
3B Quartzite sound rockfill 300 300 300 600 6 8 15 12 t vibratory roller 75
3C Quartzite sound rockfill 450 450 450 600 8 8 10 12 t vibratory roller 70
3D Quartzite sound rockfill 300 600 300 600 - - - - -
T & drain Quartzite sound rockfill, crushed 150 150 200 200 2 2 - 12 t vibratory roller 60
4 Quartzite sound rockfill 300 600 300 600 - - - - -

*) u/s:upstream side specified zone, d/s: downstream side specified zone.

**) %water, compaction and E modulus are proposed values to be confirmed by trial fill, compaction and quality testing.

loaded with hydrostatic pressure. This dam, similar to

other CFRD’s, with low valley shape factor, is planned to
be constructed in layers and it is stiffer on the horizontal
plane than the vertical. Furthermore, given the
differences between the vertical and transverse moduli
of elasticity, the material constitutive model chosen
for the rockfill was the transverse isotropic stress-strain
model that incorporates material anisotropy and the
concrete slabs were modelled as linear-elastic. The
vertical modulus of deformation was estimated based
on foreseen settlement. The measured stress-strain
behaviour of the CFRD rockfill appears to be roughly
linear. The computed vertical modulus also exhibits a
constant value as the normal stress increases.
The updated Figure 17 by the main author must be
used as a brief indicator of potentially unfavourable
situations regarding excessive compressive stresses
of the concrete face. Figure 17 shows the need for a
high deformation module for very high CFRD dams,
particularly in narrow valleys. In the event that a movements and stresses have been considered Above: Figure 13 – Shape valley,
high modulus of deformation cannot be achieved, in the design providing an accurate distribution of vertical projection, at dam axis
special measures should be taken in the design to countermeasures supported by: for some last 10 years rockfill
avoid high compression problems, i.e. increasing i) perimeter, vertical (tension and compression) and dams (CFRD - concrete face
long. & vert. reinforcements (steel ratio = 0,5 to 1%), horizontal construction joints, rockfill dam, ACRD - asphalt
at construction joints twice (anti spalling), increasing ii) concrete face slab thickness, core rockfill dam, CCRD - clay
vertical construction joints, as it has been considered iii) reinforcement along the concrete face slabs (ratio, core rockfill dam), plotted
for Dudhkoshi CFRD, as shown in Figure 18. With the double layer and stirrups againts buckling zones), together with Dudhkoshi CFRD,
increasing of dam height and upstream water load, the iv) adequate rockfill high compressibility modulus and by the main author
deformation of downstream rockfill will have important rockfill breakage index,
impact on the stress status of face slab. v) compaction rockfill layer thickness, and
Under the contact action between face slabs and vi) rockfill pre-settlement.
rockfill, face slabs in the abutment area will move These should reduce as much as possible fisures,
to river center with the load of water pressure and cracks and damages in the concrete face slabs.
rockfill deformation. Face slabs in riverbed section Figure 14 shows the valley shape factor of Dudhkoshi
are subject to compression stress. The stress value and other 15 new values for CFRDs after Pinto and
is directly related with maximum rockfill settlement Marquez (1998) [21] recommendations, and updated by
and horizontal displacement along river flow. For high Alvarado (2019), implemented in the last 15 years.
dams built in V-shape valley, the differential settlement From the listed countermeasures, it can be observed Left: Figure 14 – Deformation
between abutment rockfill and riverbed rockfill could that the rockfill high compressibility modulus plays an modulus vs. valley shape factor
lead to relatively large shear stress of rockfill, thus to (after Pinto and Marquez, 1998),
produce cracks parallel to abutment slope. [21], updated by the main
author, with new data of last
Concrete face slab design and 15 years CFRDs (in red colour).
construction Notice that all this new data
The dam is situated in a narrow steeped V shaped is plotted on the safety place,
valley. The concrete face slab has an area of also Dudhkoshi CFRD data, i.e.
143,150m2 and the valley shape factor is H —2 =2.70. proposed design consideration
Taking this valley shape factor into account, increased were taken into account, in order
movements of the concrete face slab panels towards to avoid to be in the danger place
the river bed and resulting horizontal stresses in the of concrete slab damages
central concrte face slab panels are expected. These | April 2020 | 43

Case study |












Wave deflector parapet wall
The concrete face slab is designed with a thickness
Slabs with 7.5 m tension joints
101,98 m
Slabs with 15 m compression joints
180 m
EL. 645.00 m asl, crest outer sidewalk
290,31 m
Slabs with 7.5 m tension joints
of t=0.3+0.004H, where H is the head of the water
EL. 649.50 m asl
T1 T2
T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 C1 C2 C3 C4
C1 and C8, transition slab thickness 0.30 to 0.40 m

C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 T22 T23 T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T31 T32 T33 T34 T35 T36 T37 T38 T39 T40 T41 T42 T43 T44 T45 T46 T47 T48 T49 T50 T51 T52
above the face slab in meters for the critical case, i.e.
EL. 640.00 m asl S58

PMF elevation. At the upper portion of the central

Vertical compression joint

Vertical compression joint

Vertical compression joint

Vertical compression joint

Vertical tension joint

Vertical tension joint

Vertical tension joint

Vertical tension joint

Vertical tension joint

Vertical tension joint

Vertical tension joint



slabs, above EL 565m asl, the thickness is somewhat



increased to tup/cs=0.4+0.0018H, in order to improve

S2 S51
S3 S47

the resistance of the slab under compression. The

S4 S44

EL. 565.00 m asl Horizontal movement construction joint S42

S5 S41

.0 S39

Joints face slab is planified for construction in panels of 15

Slope 1:1.45 (V:H)

Slope 1:1.45 (V:H)

Slope 1:1.45 (V:H)


m width. At the step abutments the slab is reduced to



7.5m width in order to cope with expected increased



40.00 S32

differential settlements along the relatively steep


abutment slopes.
EL. 495.00 m asl Horizontal movement construction joint S24
The vertical tension joints at the abutments are
S10 S22

S11 S21 Stage 1: 415.00 to 495.00 m asl designed with a bottom copper waterstop and a GB®-

Stage 2: 495.00 to 565.00 m asl



Stage 3: 565.00 to 640.00 m asl

surface waterstop, including corrugated waterstop, at
S13 S20

Stage 4: 640.00 to 645.00 m asl

Lateral plinth S19
STAGE 1 General slab thickness area, t = 0.3 + 0.004 H, with double layer reinforcement
Hinge slabs
Perimeter joint
and a reinforcement ratio of 0.4% each direction
Increased slab thickness area, t = 0.4 + 0.0018 H, with double layer
the surface. An asphaltic bond breaker is applied on
S15 S17

20.00 S16
reinforcement and a reinforcement ratio of 0.4% each direction

Slab thickness area, t = 0.3 + 0.004 H, with double layer reinforcement and
the concrete surface at the joint. The central joints are
increased reinforcement ratio of 0.5% each direction

EL. 415.00 m asl

Internal plinth Slab thickness area, with zones of t = 0.4 + 0.0018 H and t = 0.3 + 0.004 H,
with double layer reinforcement, reinforcement ratio of 0.4% each direction and
designed as compression joints with a 20mm thick
stirrups against buckling of reinforcement
EL. 415.00 m asl
External plinth
compressible cork filler to allow some movement of the
slabs towards the valley and thus to reduce the risk of
compression cracks in the slab. At the bottom a copper
Above: Figure 18 – Concrete important role in the design considerations, in order waterstop and at the surface a GB®-waterstop, without
face slab plan view: main design to prevent problems with concentration stresses on corrugated rubber waterstop, is provided. To maintain the
features, including sliping forms the joints, as a consequence reducing the rockfill designed slab thickness at the joints, the central loop of
by stages, by the main author construction layers based on rockfill breakage index the copper waterstop is reduced and the chamfer at the
and planning a rockfill pre-settlement time of the partial slab surface is omitted. The perimeter joint is designed
main body under construction by stages previous to with copper waterstop at the bottom and GB®-waterstop
Author details the implementation of the concrete face slabs. Herein system at the surface, including corrugated waterstop.
Cesar Adolfo Alvarado concrete slabs can be constructed when the rockfill body A 20mm thick bitumen painted wood filler is provided
Ancieta, Dipl.- Ing., M.Sc., has reached the expected average deformation of mm/ at the joint. The GB type waterstop structural system for
M. Eng., Civil Engineer, month, which based on the experience can take from 6 to high concrete-faced rockfill dams (CFRD) has been put
9 months after construction of rockfill dam body staged. forward and successfully applied in many high CFRDs
Team Leader Freelancer
The analyses and results obtained from dam rockfill like Shuibuya, Hongjiadu, Sanbanxi and Zipingpu in
- International Expert
material characterization revealed that the material China, and but also for Bakun CFRD in Malaysia and
Dam Engineering, properties for zone 3C is of importance regarding the Nam Nugm 2 CFRD in Laos, all these dams exceeding
Hydropower, Powerhouse impact on the deformation of the upper part of the 200m in height. This waterstop has been designed and
and Underground Works, concrete face slab, specially at the central part, where the is manufactured by the Department of Structures and
Nuremberg, Germany - compression slabs are, and at the right abutment, which Materials, IWHR BEIJING IWHR-KHL Co. Ltd. in Beijing,
Prague, Czech Republic is quite wide compared with the left abutment. Therefore, China.
- Lima, Peru - Kathmandu, material property for this zone 3C has to be improved The conception for implementing the concrete face
Nepal. Email: cesalv@yahoo. during the construction phase in the trial embankment. slab in based on four stages: Stage 1 from EL. 415.00
The results of the design analysis carried out results, m asl up to EL 495.00m asl, stage 2 from EL 495.00m
recommends to construct the rockfill dam body with asl up to EL. 565.00m asl, stage 3 from EL. 565.00m asl
layer from upstream to downstream horizontally. The up to EL. 640.00m asl and stage 4 from EL. 640.00m
Member of the German National
Committee of Large Dams (DTK) - purpose of this procedure is to eliminate the possible asl up to EL. 645.00m asl, which is the top of the crest
International Committee of Large Dams impacts of differential deformation of rockfill on the on the upstream rockfill enbankment and connection
(ICOLD). Register 01004.
concrete face slab. Also, considering this dam in a point to the 1.5m width outer sidewalk, which is
Member of the International Association
of Hydraulic Research (IAHR) Register.
monsoon country and the high seismicity, for retaining arranged upstream of the wave delector parapet wall.
54999. and routing the first year’s flood, the priority dam section is The horizontal construction joints between the first
Cooperation with the German Association necessary. However, the height difference from the top of and second stage, and the second and thrid stages, of
of Water Ressources (DWA). Ass. G-WW-
the priority section to the downstream rockfill should be the face slab are conceived as movement joints with
2.7: Scour in Hydraulic Structures:
Morphodynamics of Inland and Coastal limited. Normally, this height difference should not more 20 mm joint filler board and bottom copper waterstop
Waters. than 40 m. The stage of dam embankment is finalized and surface GB®-waterstop. This joint will reduce the
Mohan Shakya, B.Sc. Civil based on experiences compressive stresses in slope direction. Double layer
Engineering, Former NEA With an expected deformation modulus of 70 MPa, reinforcement of total 0.4 % in each direction has
the general conditions of Dudhkoshi CFRD are about been provided throughout the concrete face slab.
Deputy Director - Dudhkoshi
similar to recently experiences in high seismic areas The reinforcement ratio is increased to 0.5 % in each
Storage Hydropower Project
as 211m high Chaglla CFRD in Peru (2015), 97m high direction in an area of generally 20m parallel to the
- Nepal Electricity Authority Palo Redondo CFRD in Peru (2016), Punilla in Chile plinth alignment and up to 40m from the plinth at the
(NEA), Durbarmarg, (ongoing) and 166m high Mazar in Ecuador (2010), very steep left abutment where higher stresses due to
Kathmandu, Nepal and others as 182m high Nam Ngum 2 CFRD in Laos increased differential settlements are expected.
Shrestha Basanta, M.Sc. (2010), 190m high Sogamoso CFRD in Colombia At the central slabs in an area of about 1/4 to 3/4
Hydropower, NEA Project (2015) and 198m high Karanhjukar CFRD in Island of the dam height, where the highest compressive
Director - Dudhkoshi (2007), 130m high Ilisu CFRD in Turkey (2017), Ura e forces will occur, additional stirrups are provided to
Fanit Fangut in Albania (2017), where compression prevent buckling of the upper and lower reinforcement
Storage Hydropower Project
cracking of the concrete face slab is expected to under high compression. Anti-spalling reinforcement
- (NEA)
occur, i.e. minimized them as much as possible. is provided along compression joints. For details of

44 | April 2020 |

| Case study

the main design features of the concrete face slab see between them and the rockfill material was required, Acknowledgments
Figure 18. i.e. the 2B and 3A. The authors would like to thank
Considering the dam height, narrow shape valley ii) Placing the specified reinforcement of each slab. to the Nepal Electricity Authority
and suitable contractor facilities for this kind of large iii) Lining and leveling. (NEA) and to the colleagues
dams, the extruded curb method has been selected iv) Preparation of the support board for the cupper contributed to this project for his
in the design phase for implementation process of seals on construction joints: a mortar layer 5cm thick cooperation and willingness to
the concrete face slab. Extruded curb made of lean and 70cm wide, supporting the polivinil band for the adapt new engineering ideas
concrete of low compressive strength, around 5 MPa, cupper seals and lateral frames of the sliding forms. and approaches and adjust and
has a low deformability compared with the bottom v) Placing of lateral wood forms and the IPS steel optimize the dam design and the
layers of rockfill materials of zones 2B and 3A. The stiff sections for the sliding of the slipform. The lateral whole project persistently, and to
curbs may not always follow the movements of the forms must be designed by the Contractor taking allow the publication of this paper.
rockfill body, and voids could develop during dam into account the installation of the cupper joints
construction taking relative deformation and settlement and to prevent damages on its bulb seal. The
of rockfill body in to account. The construction process lateral forms must be designed having a device
of the concrete face slab has been proposed to be support protecting the cupper seal; with steel CPS
carried out in four stages, applying steel slip forms and as stringer and for installing the wood panels and
cast-in-place in alternate process. squares. The IPS beams should be anchored in the
Figure 18 shows the stages for the concrete face upper section to 8 tons structure, such as concrete
slabs placement. The technical specified procedure blocks, thus for instance this was the case of
consist on: implementing the concrete face slab for 211m high
i) Cast-in-place a low compressive strength extruded Chaglla CFRD in Peru (2015) and 130m high Ilisu
concrete curb as support for the concrete slabs, CFRD in Turkey (2017). ●

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