Test 1 Hints Very Helpful To Ease Test 1

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Test 1 Hints - Very helpful to ease test 1 :)

Ancient Roots of Medical Terminology (McMaster University)

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 X-o/rrhexis = the rupturing of x

 X-o/rrhagia = the rapid flowing of x
 X-o/rrhaphy = the suturing of x

 X-o/genesis = the production of x

 X-o/genic = producing x
 X-o/genous = produced by x

 X-ics = science of x
 X-ist = one who specializes in x
 X-icist = one who specializes in the science of x

 X-o/cele = the protrusion of (something through) x

 X-o/centesis = the surgical puncturing of x

 X-o/graph = instrument for recording x

 X-o/graphy = the recording of x
 X-o/gram = a record of x

 X-iasis = the abnormal presence of x

 X-iatry = the healing of x

 X-o/plasty = the surgical repairing of x

 X-o/plasia = the formation of x

 X-o/dys/trophy = the defective growth of x

 X-o/dys/plasia = the defective formation of x
 X-a/trophy = the lack of growth of x
 X-a/sthenia = the lack of strength of x

 X-algia = x-o/dynia = pain in x

 X-o-therapy = treatment by means of x

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 Trachel- = cervic- = neck/cervix/cervix of the uterus

 Gony- = knee

 X-orrhexis = the rupturing of x

 X- schisis = the splitting of x

 X-iasis = the abnormal presence of x

o Generally, when x-iasis becomes an adjective, the form will
become x-iastic
o very often used as an intensifier, to point out that this is thing is
really really bad

 X-osis = the abnormal presence of x

o ot is the combining form for osis
 x-ia = x-osis as long as x is part of the body

 X-poiesis = the formation of x

 X-algia = X-odynia

 X-openia = a deficiency of x
o Note that -ia doesn’t mean abnormal condition

 X-optosis = the downward displacement of x

 X-ectopia = the displacement of x
 X- ectasia = the distension of x
 X-edamatous = p.t. the swelling of x

 X-o-metry the measurement of speed

 X-o-scopy the examination of x

 X-o-graph: an instrument for recording x

 X-o-graphy: the recording of x

 X-opexy

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o Diagnostic = the adhesion of x

o Therapeutic = the fixation of x (more common in real world)

 Adjectives such as x-o-tomic "can" be either:

o P.t. the cutting of x
o P.t. an instrument for cutting x
o Both are fine on the test!

 X-olysis
o Diagnostic: the separation of the adhesion of x
o Therapeutic: the disintegration of x (more common in real

 X-otropism= the tendency to preferentially affect x

 X-otropic = preferentially affecting x

 Anthrop/o = humanity
 Cyt/o = cell
 O-cyte = a cell of x
 Acr/o = extremities
 Mel/o = limb
 Trich/o= hair
 Ot/o = ear

 Ot/o= ear (tends to come at start of word)

 Prosop/o = faci/o = face
 Cervic/o = neck
 Om/o = shoulder
 Brachi/o = arm
 Ancon/o = elbow
 Cheir/o = chir/o = hand
 Onych/o = nail
 Mast/o = breast
 Thel/e = nipple

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 Oste/o = oss(e)/o = bone

 X-ost/os/is = the ossification of x
 Combining forms: oste-, osse-, oss- (NOT -os)
 Derm(at)/o = skin
 Cel/o = clav/i/cul/o = clav(ic)/i = collar bone

 Corac/o = coacoid/o = coracoid process

 Xiph/o = xiphoid/o = the xiphoid process

 Cubit/o = elbow
 Carp/o = wrist
 Phalang/o = phalanges
 Rach(i)/o = rhach(i)/o = spine

 Myel/o = the spinal cord

 Spondyl/o = vertebra (on test 1)
 Cost/o = cost/i = rib

 Cox/o = hip
 Chondr/o = carilag(in)/o = cartilage
 Myo/o = my/os/o = mus/cul/o = muscle

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