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||l uring the past few years there have been
l/considerable changes in the approach to ship
stability,so far as it affectsthe merchantseaman.The
most obvious of these is the introduction of metric
units, in addition, examination requirements have
been increasedand recommendationsfor a standard
method of presentingand using stability information
have been produced, which will undoubtedly be
reflectedin the variousexaminations,

fhis seventhedition has beendesignedto meet all

I these requirements.Basicinformation contained
in early chapters has been retained for the benefit
of anyonewho is not familiar with the subiect.The
remainder of the text has been re-arrangedand
expanded,as desirable,to lead into new material
which has been introduced,there is also a chapter
on stability information to illustrate the standard
method of presentation.

fhe theory of stability has been coveredup to the

I standard required for a Master's Certificateand
includesall that is neededby students for Ordinary
NationalDiplomasand similarcourses.Thishasbeen
carefullylinkedup with practice,sincethe connection
between the two is a common stumbling block.
Particularattention has also been paid to matters
which may be misunderstood,or not fully appreciated
by seamen.



A Companion to " Merchant Ship Construction"


H. J. PURSEY,ExtraMaster
Fomrarlylzcturer to the Schoolof Navigation
University of Southanpton

This Edition Revised by

Mr. JamesWardle.Extra Master.

4-ro DlnNnv SrnEer
Copyright in all countriessignatoryto the BerneConvention
All rights reserved

First Edition 1945

Sixth Edition r977
Revised 1983
Reprinted 1992
Reprinted 1996
Reprinted 2001
SeventhEdition 2006

ISBN 0 85I 74 728 0 (SeventhEdition)

ISBN 0 85I 74 442 7 (RevisedSixth Edition)

Printed and Made in Great Britain
DLIRING the past few years there have been considerablechangesin the
4proach to ship stability, so far as it affects the merchant searnan.The most
obviousof theseis the introduction of metic unie. In addition, the Department
of Tradehave alreadyincreasedtheir examinationrequirements: they have also
producedrecommendations for a standardmethodof presantingand using stability
information,which will undoubtedlybe reflectedin the variousexaminations.
This revisededitionhasbeendesignedto meettheabove-mentioned requirements.
Tbe basic information containedin the early chaptershas been retained for the
benefitof thosewho are not familiar with suchmatters,The remainderof the text
hasbeenre-arrangedandexpanded,asdesirable,to leadinto the new materialwhich
bs beenintroduced;whilst a new chapteron stability informationhasbeenaddedto
illustratethe Departmentof Traderecommendations.
The theoryofstability hasbeencoveredup to the standardrequiredfor a Master's
C€rtificate and includes all that is needed by students for Ordinary National
Diplomas and similar courses.This has been carefully linked-up with practice,
fince the connectionbetweenthe two is a conrmon stumbling block. Particular
dention hasbeenpaid to mafterswhich are commonlymisunderstood,or not fully
apreciated by seamen.
H. J.P.
The Metric System I
Increaseof pressurewith depth 2
Efect of water in soundingpipes 2
The Law ofArchimedes 3
Floating bodies and the density ofwater 4
Ship dimensions 4
Ship tonnages 4
Grain and bale measurement 5
Displacementand deadweight 5
Draft. 6
Freeboard 6
Loadlines 6
Areasofplane figues 8
Surfaceareasand volumes 8
Areas ofwaterplanes and other ship sections 9
Simpson'sFirst Rule l0
Simpson'sSecondRule - l2
The 'Five-EightRule' l3
Sharp-ended waterplanes t3
Unsuitablenumbersof ordinates l3
Volumesofship shapes l5
Half-intervals l5
Coefficientsof6neness l6
Wetted surface l8
Force t9
Moment 20
Centre of gravity
Etrect ofadded weights on centre ofgravity 25
The use of momentsto find the centre of gravityof an area 27
To find the centre ofgravity ofa waterylane 28
To find the cenhe ofbuoyancy ofa ship shape - 29
The useofintermediateordinates 31
Inertia and Moment ofinertia and radius ofgyration
Eouilibrium 35

Efi€ctofdensityon draft - 37
Tonnesp€r ceNrtimetreirnmersion - 39
I,oadingto a givenloadline - - 40
Cente ofcravity ofa ship-G - 42
KG 42
ShiftofG - 42
KG for any condition of loading 44
Deadweight moment 45
Real and virtual cenbesof gravity 46
Efect oftatrks on G 47
Centreofbuoyancy-8 - 49
Cenheofflotation-F - 49
ShiftofB - - 50
Therightinglever-{Z - 55
Tbemetacentre-M - - - - 55
Metacentricheight-CM - - - 55
Stable,uqstableandueuhalequilibrium - - 55
Inngitudinatnetacentricheight-GM, - - 56
Mom€otof staticalstability - - 57
RelationbetweenGMand GZ - - 57
Calculationofa ship'sstability - 58
CalculationofBiv - - 58
Th€hcliniry Experiment - - - 60
Staticslstabilityat smallanglesofheel - - 62
GZby theWall-SidedFormula - - 62
Lotl, or list - - 63
Lotl dueto a negativeGM - - O
Theeffectoffree surfaceofliquids - 69
Freesurfaceeffectwhentanksarefilled or emptied - - 71
Freesurfacein dividedtanks - - 72
Freesurfacemoments - - 74


Factor afecting statical stability - 75
Placingofweights - - '17
Stiffand tenderships - - - 77
Unstableships - 79
Shipsin ballast - - 80
The effectofwinging out weights - 8l
Deck cargoes - 82
Free liquid in tanks - - 83
Free surfaceeffect in oil tankers - 84
Dynamical stability - - 85
Dynamical stability from a curve of statical stability - 85
Calculation ofdynamical stability - 87


Longitudinal metacentric height-GM 89
CalculationofSMr 90
Changeofdraft due lo changeof trim 92
Displacementout ofdesignedtrim 95
Moment to changetrim by one centimete 96
The effectofshifling a weight 98
Efect ofadding weight at the centre offlotation 99
Moderateweights loaded offthe cenhe offlotation l0l
Large weights loaded offthe centre offlotation 104
To obtain special trim or draft 106
Use of momentsabout the after perpendicular lll
Hydrostaticcurves ll4
The deadweight scale ll5
Hy&ostatic particula$ 115
Curves of statical stability 116
Crosscurves tt'7
EffectofheightofG - - 119
r(N curves t2l
The MetacentricDiagram - t2l
The efect ofbilging a compamnenr- - 123
Permeability 123
Bilging an empty compartmentamidships t24
Bilging an amidships comparhnent,wilh cargo 125
Bilging an empty comparhncnt,not amidships 126
Effect ofa watertieht flat 128
St$ility rcquircmcob l3l
lnfcnation to bc n4plicd to sbipe t32
Ttc Sbbility Informdio Boo&la ttz
Thc uscof maximundradwcightmmcnb r37
Sinplif cd stabilityidomrtion 138
Orydoclcing8ndgonding r42
Tbccfioorofdcosity m stlbility t45
Thc cffcct ofdcnsity on dni of ship 145
Doriyrtion of thc Acch-wrtcrsllowanc€ t45
Rcrcrvcbuoyancy 147
Logiodid Nfhcadc t47
Bulkhcrdsubdivisioo0d sb€cr I'E
Plaerc on bullficads 1,18
Thc fouation of wrvoc 150
Ttc Trochoiddltcory 150
Thcpcriodofwavcc 151
Tbcpcriodofa rhip l5l
Syac,bmirm l5l
U[rcaistcdmling r52
to lolling t52
Thccfrcctsofbilp koclr t53
Cuesfor hcavymlling t53
Abbrwiatims t54
Fcnulac t56
Dcdnitions l6l
hoblcos l&
IIYDROSTANCCI,.'RVES - S€clion at cod ofbook


The Metric System

Length.-The basicunit of length is the metre. I mehe (m) = l0 decimetres

(dm) : 100centimetres
(cm) = 1000millimetres(mm).
Weight.--One metric ton, or tonne(t), is the weight of 1 cubic metreof fiesh
water. I tonne: 1000kilogrammes(ke) = 1,000,000grans (g). One gram is the
weight of I cubic centimetreof freshwater.
Volume.-Is measuredin cubicmetes (m3),or cubiccentimetres(cc, or cnrl).
Area.-Is measuredin squaremetres(m2),or squarecentimetres(cm2).
Force.-Is usuallymeasured,in stability,in tonnesor kilogrammes.To indicate
that it is a force or weight, asdistinct fiom mass,an .f, may be added;e.g. .tonnes
/', or "kilogrammesl"
Moment -Is measuredin tonne-metres,(tonne-m).
Pressure.-Is force per unit area.May be given as tonnesper squarcmetre
(tonnes/m2),or askilogrammesper squarecentimetre(kglcm2).
Density.-Is massper unit volume. For our purposeit canbe regardedas the
weight ofone cubicmetreor ofone cubiccentimetreofa substance.Wemay express
it aseither:
Gramsper cubic centimehe(g/cm3).
Kilogramsper cubic metreftg/m3).
Tonnesper cubic metre(tonnes/rd).
Relative Density.-Was fonnerly called ,.specifc Cravity". It is the ratio
betweenthe densityof a substanceand the densityof freshwater.
RelativeDursitv =
oensltyot lresn water


Water. The followingvaluesareusedthroughoutthis book:-

Freshwater Salt water
Density(g/cmror tonnes/mr) 1.000 1025
Density(kg/m3) r000 1025
Relativedensity 1.000 1.025
Weight per cubic metre (tonnes) 1 000 1.025
Weight per cubic metre (kilograms) 1000 1025
Volumepertonne(mr) 1.000 0 9156or I- UZ)
Weight in tonnes: Volume (mr) x Relative density.
Increase of Pressure with Depth. The pressure on a horizontal surface
which is under water is equal to the weight ofa column of water above it.
Consider Fig. I which representsa column of water having an
A area of one squaremetre. Let A, B, C, D, E andF be points one metre
apart vertically. The volume of water above B is one cubic metre;
above C, two cubic metres; above D, three cubic metres; and so on.
If d is the density of the water in tonnes per cubic metre, the weight
above B will be d tonnes; above C will be 2d tonnes; above D will be
D 3d tonnes; and so on. We can seefrom this that ifpoint I is at the sea
surface,then the pressureat a depth of, say,.4F metres,will be lF x d
tonnesper squaremetre.
The pressureat any depth, in tonnesper squaremetre. is equal to
FIG,1 d T/m3 times the depth (in metres.)Since water exertspressureequally
in all directions,this pressurewill be the samehorizontally, vertically,
or obliquely. We can say,then, that if a horizontal surfaceofarea A squaremetresis
placed at a depth ofD metresbelow the surfaceof liquid density d, then:-

Pressure: d x, tonnesper squaremetre

Totalforce (thrust)on the area:d x I xrtonnes
The Effect of Water in Sounding Pipes, etc. When water rises in sounding
pipes or air pipes to a height above the top of a tank, pressureis set up on the tank-
top. The actual weight of water in the pipe may be small, but its effect may be
considerable.Water exerts pressureequally in all directions and so the pressureat
the bottom of the pipe is transmittedover the whole ofthe tank{op. This pressure
will not dependon the actual weight of water in the pipe, but on the height of water
and will be the samewhateverthe diameterofthe pipe. For this reason,tanks should

not be left '?ressedup" for long periods,becausethis canexert considerablestress

on the tanldop.
Example.-A rectangulardoublebottom tank is being filled with seawater.If
the water is allowed to rise in the soundingpipe to a height of 7 metresabovethe
tank top, find the pressweon the tank top.
= dD: l'025 x 7 :7'175 t/m'z
The Law of Archimedes.-A body immersedin a liquid appearsto suffer
a loss in weight equal to the weight of liquid which it displaces.A floating body
displaces its own weightof water.
A block of iron, one cubic metre in size and of density 8 tonnes/m3weighs
8 tonnesin air. Ifplaced in fresh water it would displaceone cubic metreof water,
which weighsonetorme;sothe weight ofthe block would thusappearto be 7 tonnes
when it wasunderwater.
If we now take the block and make it into a hollow, sealedbox, its weight in
h air will remain the samebut its volume will increase.If placed in watet it would
b displacemore of the water and its apparentweight will decreaseaccordingly.For
instance,ifthe box were3 cubicmetresin volumeit would displace3 cubicmetresof
water(or 3 tonnes),sothat its apparentweight in freshwaterwould now be 5 tonnes.
h I totf.Es
If we increasethe volume of the box still
further,it will displacestill morewater and its :.: ::: l

'5 apparentweight underwaterwill decreasestill


Eventually, when the volume of the t'!.,21
box becamegreaterthan 8 cubic metres,an
v, equivalentvolumeof waterwould weigh more
is than the box. So if the box were now placed
underwater,it would be forced upwards,and I to{{Es
partially out of the water until the upward
force exactly equalledthe weight of the box.
In otherwords,thebox would riseuntil it floatedat sucha draft that it would displace
its own rveightof water.
rg Application to Ships. -A ship may be regardedas a closediron box, so that
t- two conclusionscanbe drawn from a studyofthe last section:-
(a) So long as the weight of the ship doesnot exceedthe weight of its own
volumeof water,it will float.
E[ (b) The draft at which it floats will be suchthat the weight of water displaced
td will be equalto theweightof the ship.


Floating Bodies and the Density of Water.-Weight is equal to volume

multiplied by density and thereforevolume is equal to weight divided by density.In
the caseofa floating body:-
w"f8ht *ltlt ditPl"t"d
volume of water di.otu..d = ?f
' Densrtyot tne water

The volume of water displacedis equal to the underwatervolume ofthe body

and since a floating body displacesits own weight of water, weight ofthe body can
be substitutedfor weight of water displaced.
Weight of body
Underwater volume =
Density of the water

If the weight ofthe body remainsthe same,it can be seenthat the underwater
volume must vary inverselyas the density ofthe water.In other words, if the density
ofthe water changes:-
New volume disolaced = Old Densitv
-oia;ffiTsftA N"-E..tty
Ship Dimensions.-The following are the principal dimensions used in
Lloyds' Length is the length of the ship, measuredfrom the fore side of the
stemto the after side ofthe stem post at the summerloadline or the centreline ofthe
rudder axis ifno stern frame is fitted, or 96 per cent ofthe length overall whichever
is the greater.
Moulded Breadth is the greatestbreadthofthe ship, measuredfrom side to side
outsidethe frames,but inside the shell plating.
Moulded Depth is measuredvertically at the middle lenglh ofthe ship, from the
top of the keel to the top ofthe beamsat the side ofthe uppermostcontinuousdeck.
The Framing Depth is measuredvertically from the top ofthe doublebottom to
the top ofthe beamsat the side ofthe lowest deck.
Decks.-The Freeboard Deck is the uppermost complete deck, having
permanentmeansof closing all openingsin its weatherportion.
Ship Tonnages.-These are a measureof spacewithin the ship; one ton being
approximately equal to 100 cubic feet or 2'83 cubic metres. Tonnagesare not a
measureof weight ofa ship.
Gross Tonnage is a number representingthe total volume of all enclosed
spaceswithin the ship.

Nett Tonnageis anothernurnberthatrepresents
the eamingcapacityof a ship
accordingto a formula.Its valuedepends
Volumeof cargospaces
in cabinssleepingeightor less
Numberof otherpassengers
Nett Tonnagemustnot be lessthan30oloofGrossTonnage.
Nettonnageis alsoreferredto asUniversalMeasurenentSystemNet or UMS Net.
GrossandNet tonnagearelegalandcommercialvalues,andassuchhaveliftle to do
with the studyof stability.
Grosstonnageis usedto determinewhatsafetyequipmentis carriedon a vessel.
Net tonnageis usedasthe basisofport duesandothershippingtaxes.
Grain and BaleMeasurement.-Thesetermsareoftenfoundon thecaoacitv
plansof shipsandreferto thevolumeofthe cargospaces.
Grain Measurementis thespacein a compartment takenright outto theship's
up betweenthebeams.In otherwords,it is theamountofspace
whichwouldbe availablefor a bulk cargosuchasgrain.
BaleMersurementis thespacein a compartment measured
to theinsideof the
sparceiling,or, if this is not fitted,to the insideofthe fiamesandto theunderside of
beams.It is the spacewhichwouldbe availablefor balesandsimilarcargoes.
Displacement,-Is the actualweight of the ship and all aboardher at any
particulartime.Sincea floatingbodydisplacesits own weightof water,this means
thatdisplacement is equalto theweightofwater displacedby the ship.
Light Displacementis theweightofthe shipwhensheis at herdesignedlight
draft.It consistsof the weightof the hull, machinerysparepartsand waterin the
Loaded Displacementis the weight of a ship when she is floating at her
summerdraft in salt water.
Deadweight.-This is the weight of cargo,stores,bunkers,etc.,on boarda
ship. In otherwords,it is the differencebetweenthe light displacementand the
displacement at any particular
draft.Whenwe saythat a ship is of so manytonnes
deadweight,we usually mean that the difference betweenher light and loaded
disolacements is somanvtonnes.


Draft,-This is the depthofthe bottomofthe ship'skeelbelowthe surfaceof

the water.It is measured at the forwardand afterperpendiculars.
Whenthe drafts
at eachendarethe same,the ship is saidto be on an evenkeel.Whenthey diffeq
the shipis saidto be trimmedby thehead,or by the stem,accordingto whichis the
greaterofthe two drafts.
Mean Draft is the mean of the drafts forward and aft and measuredat
Freeboard,-StatutoryFreeboardis the distancefrom the deck-lineto the
centreof the Plimsoll mark. The term "Freeboard"is often taken to meanthe
distancefrom thedecklineto thewater.
Loadlines.-The loadlinesanddeckline mustbepaintedin whiteor yellowon
a darkbackground, or in blackon a light background.
The deck-line is placed amidshipsand is 300 millimetres long and 25
millimetreswide. Its upperedgemarksthe level at which the top of the freeboard
deck,ifcontinuedoutward,would cut theoutsideofthe shellplating.
A loadlinedisc, commonlycalled"the Plimsollmark", is placedbelow the
deckline. The distancefrom the upperedgeof the deckline to the cenre of the
(!Ec|( L'd.) disc is the statutory summer freeboard.540
-F millimetres forward of the disc are placed
the loadlines,which mark the drafts to which
the ship may be loaded when at sea and in
certain zones. All lines are 25 millimetres
thick and their upper edges mark the level
to which they ref'er.The following are the
marksrequiredfor steam-ships:-
S the "summer loadline"-is level
with the centreofthe disc.
,/ the "winter loadline"-is placed
below the summer loadline at a distanceof
one forty-eighthof summerdraR.
Z the "tropical loadline"-is placed
le- - - r s o " " .---1 l-2to^an
above the summer loadline at a distanceof
F IG.3 one forty-eighth of summerdraft

IItNA-:he "riiinterNorth Atlantic loadline"-is placed50 millimetresbelow

thewinterloadline.It is only markedon shipswhichare100metresor lessin length.
F The "fresh-water(surnmer)loadline"-indicatesthe draft to which the
ship can be loadedin freshwater,if sheis to rise to her summerloadlineat sea.

Its distanceabove the summer loadline (S) is called the "Fresh Water Allowance"
and is foundby the formula ji millimetres,where/ equalsthe displacement at
summerdraft andT is the "tonnesper centimetreimmersion"at that draft.
TF---Tll,e "tropical fresh water loadline"-is the fresh-waterline to which the
shipcanbe loaded,in orderthatshemaycometo hertropicalmarkwhenshereaches
the sea.It is foundasfor F, but is measured abovethetropicalloadline.
Timber Loadlines.-Thesearemarkedabaftthe loadlinedisc.Theyshowthe
drafts to which a ship so markedmay load when carrying a deck cargo of timber,
providedthatthecargois stowedaccordingto specialnrlesandto a certainminimum
IS-The "summertimberloadline"-This is a little abovetheordinarysumrner
line.The reducedfreeboardis an allowancefor the extrabuoyancyprovidedby the
timber deck cargo.If a ship, loadedto timber loadlines,lost her deck cargo,she
wouldcomebackapproximately to herordinarysummerloadline.

FIG. 4
LT--:t"he"tropicaltimberloadline"-is placedabovethe summertimberload
line, at a distanceofone forty-eighthof timber summerdraft.
LW- :t"he "winter timber loadline"-is placed below the summertimber
loadlineat a distanceequalto one thirty-sixth of timber summerdraft.
LWNA---The"winterNorthAtlantictimberloadline"-is placedlevelwith the
ordinaryWNAline in shipsof 100metresor lessin length.Ifa vesselis longerthan
100metres,thenthereis no LWNA.
ZF-The "fresh watertimber loadline"foundby allowing thetimber freshwater
allowanceabovetheLS line.
LTF-The "tropical fresh-water timber loadline" is found as above, but
measured from theIT line.

Areas of Plane Figures.-The areasof certaincommonplanefiguresareoften
usedin stability calculations.
Square.-Where a is the lengthof eachside:-
Area= a2
Rectangle.-Where a and 6 arethe lengthsof the sides:-
Area= axb
Triangle.-Where a, 6 andc arethelengthsofthe respectivesides;lr theperpendicular
height; and o the anglebetweena and 6. -

= abx;ias

Arca= Js(s- axs -D)(s-c)

F IG.5

_-1 Trapezium,or Trapezoid.-is a four-sidedfigure, having trvo of

its sidesparallel.
- r _l-_JU
-I Wherea andb arethe lengthsof theparallel sides,andl the
FlG. 6
Circle.-Where r is the radius;andwherez is equalto 3.14 I 6, or approximatelyf
Area= xr2
Circumference= 2nr
SurfaceAreas end Volumes.-The following areoften useful:-
Cube.-Where a is the lengthof eachedge:-
Surfacearea= 6a2 Volume= a3

Box shapes.-Where a, b and / are the lengths of the

Surfacearea= 2(al + bl + ab)
Volume= abl

Wedgesandprisms.-Where I is the areaof eitherendand

/ the length:-
Volume= l/

Sphere.-Wherer is theradius:-
Stxfacearea= 4xr2

volu,ne= 4o=t'

Hollow Sphere.-Where ,, is the intemal radiusandR the extemalradius:-

Volumeof materi ^_rJ

!G'- " )
Cylinder.-Where r is the radiusand/ the length:-
Strfrce area= 2tt r(r + l)
Volume= zr2l

Hollow round section.-Where R is the extemal radius,r the intemal radius and /
6e lenglh:-
Areaof crosssection= r R2- t 12
= tt(R2- 12)
Volumeof material =rl(R2 -12\
Arers of Waterplanesand Other Ship-Sections.-Thesecannotusuallybe
fomd with any degreeof accuracyby simple mensuration,but there are several
methodswhich may be usedto find them.We needonly concemourselvesherewith
-Simpson'sRules"andthe "Five-EightRule".


Simpson's Rules were designedfor finding the areaunder two types ofcurve.
The first and the Five Eight rule are usedwhen the curve is a parabola.The second
rule is usedwhen the curve is a cubic curve.Thesecurvesare similar to the shapesof
the edgesof water-planesand other ship-sectionsand we can use them to find areas
and volumes of ship shapeswith sufficient accuracyfor practical purposes.All rules
are equally accuratebut the first is usually usedfor preference.
The preliminary steps in calculating the area of a waterplane or section are
as follows. A number of equidistant points are taken along the centre line and
perpendicularsare dropped from thesepoints to meet the curved sides.The lengths
of these perpendicularsare measuredand also the distance between them. The
perpendicularsare called "Ordinates" and the distancebetweenthem, the "Common
Interval". The latter is usually denotedin formulae as "ft".
Figure 8 representsa
-"--r waterplane.In this case. the
centreline (18) is dividedinto
h L h h n L I six equal parts, each having
E a length of h (the common

H ,' ''-,! i ..--;; interval). The ordinates are

HHr JJp KKp etc.I and B are
--- - -L- -";'
Kr alsoordinates,althoughin this
F IG.8 casetheyhaveno length.
It will be noticedthat halfofthe figure hasbeendrawn in plain lines and half in
dottedlines.The perpendiculardistancesshownin theplain lines(Cll, DJ, ErK,etc.)for
the half-waterplaneare usually called "HalfOrdinates", in order to distinguishthem.
When a ship's plans are drawn, they usually show only the half-waterplane.It is
easier,in practice,to measurethe half-ordinatesfrom the plans,to put them through
the Rules and then to double the half-areaso found to give the whole area.
Thehalfordinates, put through the rules, give the area ofthe half-waterp lane: the
ordinates will give the area ofthe whole waterplane,when put through the samerules.
Sirnpson's First Rule.-ln its simplest form, this rule states:- The area
betweenany threeconsecutiveordinatesis equalto the sum ofthe end ordinates,plus
four times the middle ordinate, all multiplied by one+hird of the common interval.
Consider in Fig. 9 the
area contained between the
half-ordinates t and v. If the
common interval is l, this area
eouals:- h
' j( r +4u+v)
F IG.9

e. The total areaof the half-waterplanecan be obtainedby finding, in the same

d way, the areasbetweenv and.r, andx andz, andtaking the sumof the three.
Df h
ls Area betweent and v =::(, + 4ll + v)
ls :h
v an6x=iQ+4w+ x)
rE L
d Areabetweenx andz = i(x + 4y + zl
ls ;. h. h.
E TotalArea= + lu + v)+ +, (x + 4y+ z)
iQ i(v+4w+.x)
= n + 4u+ 2v+ 4w+ 2x+ 4y+ z)
E Thenumbersby which thesuccessive halfordinates,or ordinates,aremultiplied
b (in this casel, 4,2,4,2,4, - - - - l) arecalled"Simpson'sMultipliers".
rs From the above,we can seetwo thingsaboutthis rule:-
(") It can be used when, and only when, an odd number of ordinates are
It (b) Thearea isfound by multiplying successiveordinates,including the ends,
by the multipliersl, 4,2, 4,2, 4, - - - - I, addingthe resultstogethe4and then
in multiplying by one-thirdofthe commoninterval.
r Example.-Use Simpson'sFirst Rule to find the areaof a waterplanewhich
tr hasthe following half-ordinates,
spaced12 metresapart:-l'7; 5'9:'7'0; 5'2; l3
ls meues.
F Sincethereare5 ordinateswe canuseSimpson'sFirst Rule
Han arer= + 4b+2c+ 4d + e}
,e *{a
i. = \1t. t + 1txs.9)
+ (2x7.0)+ (4xs'2)
+ l. 3)
I Ordinate Multiplier Product
E t.7 I I't =f x61.4
E 5.9 23.6
E 7.0 l4'0 Arez=2x?x6l-4
! 5.2 20.8 = 491. 2 squaremetres
1.3 I 1 .3

Slmlxon'r SecondRule.-The areabetweenany four consecutiveordinatesis

equalto the sum of the end ordinates,plus threetimes eachofthe middle ordinates,
all multiplied by three-eighthsofthe commoninterval.
Considerin Fig. 9, the areabetweenthe half-ordinatesr andw. Ifthe common
interval is i, this areais equalto:-
Areabetween, and* =1h( +3u+ 3v+ u)

The arcab€tweenw andz canbe foundin the sameway andaddedto theabove,

to give the total areaofthe half-waterplane.
ArcaMween t andw=lh? +3u+ 3v+ w)
Areabetweenw andz =1hfu+3x+3v + z\
TotalArea= +r(t +3u +3v +2tt+3x+3y + z)

The conclusionswe candraw for this rule arc:-

(a) The Rulecan be usedwhen,and only when,the numberofordinales isfouri
or four plussomemultiple of three(e.9.,4, 7, 10, 13,16, etc).
(b) Thearca isfound by multiplying successive otdinates,including the ends,
by the multipliels I, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, - - - - l, adding the resultstogether and then
multiplying by three-eighthsofthe commoninterval.
Example.-Find, the areaof a waterplane,using Simpson'sSecondRule. The
commonintervalis 15 metresandthe ordinatesare:{;9'0; l3'3; l4'7; l2'8:,7'5;
0'6 metres.
psa=]n6+Zb+3c+2d +3e+3f + g)

Ordinate Multiplier Product

0.0 I 0.0
9.0 27.0
13.3 J 39.9
14.7 2 29.4 6rcs=$xtsxl57.S
12.8 38.4
= 887. 6 squaremetres
7'5 3 22.5
0.6 I 0'6

The *'Five-Eight Rule."-This may be used to find the areabetweentwo

consecutiveordinates.We must know the length of one other equally spaced to the areawhich we wish to measure.
The rule is that tfie area is equaltofve timesoneendordinate,plus eight times
the other minus the known externalordinate (in that order), all multiplied bv one-
twelfih of the commoninterval.
Supposethat we wish to find the areabetween.randy in Fig. 10.z is the
extemalordinateand I the commoninterval.

fhen therrlea +8y - z)
y andz wouldbeequalto:-

F t G .1 0 +8t- x)
Example.:Tbree ordinates,a, b and c, are 12metresapartandhavelengthsof
29'2,33'5and37'6 metres,respectively.
Find theareacontainedbetweena andD.

Firstnartarea= = 136 2
=frx5x2l 9=9 I
Total area= 145. 3

Sharp-endedWaterplanes.-In the aboverules, the endsof the Waterplanes

have been consideredas squared-off,but if they are pointed, the rules still apply.
The end ordinatesare then taken as 0, but are put through the multipliers in the
ordinary way.
Unsuitable Numbers of Ordinates.-It sometimeshappensthat a numberof
ordinatesmustbe usedwhich will not respondto any ofthe aboverules.In this case,
the areais found in two parts,which arelater addedtogether.
For example, if there were eighteenordinates,neither of Simpson'sRules
would give the area directly. We could in this casefind the area within the first
nine ordinatesby the First Rule, then add to it the areawitlin the remainingten
(rememberthat the ninth ordinatewould be takentwice) found by the SecondRule.
Alternatively, we could find the areabetweenthe first seventeenordinatesby the
First Rule andthat betweentheremainingtwo ordinatesby theFive-EightRule,later
addingthem together.

For example, if there were eight

ordinates,as shown in Fig. ll,
neitherthe First nor the SecondRule
would give the areadirectly. In this
caae,we could find, say, the area
betweena andg (sevenordinates)by
the First Rule; the remaining area,
benreeng andi, by the Five-EightRule.Altematively,we would use,say,the Second
Rule to fnd the areabetweena and d (fow ordinates);thenthe First Rule to fnd the
areabetweend andg (five ordinates).The following examplewill illustratethis.
Example.-A waterplanehas ordinates,spaced5 metres apart, of lengths
0; 3'l; 4.9;6.3;6.1;4.8;2.9;0.7metres.Findits area.
First method
Ordinate Multiplier Product Ordinate Multiplier Product
0.0 0'0 0.7 ) 3.5
3.1 4 12.4 2.9 8 23.2
4.9 2 9.8 4.8 -l -4.E
6.3 4 25'2 21.9
6.1 2 12.2
4.8 4 19.2 Fint nart area= x5x8l.7 =136.2 m2
2.9 I 2.9
81.7 $xSx2l'9=9.1m2
Totalarea= 145.3m2
Second method
Ordinate Multiplier Product Ordinate Multiplier Product
6.3 I 6.3 0.0 I 0.0
6.1 4 24.4 3.1 5 9'3
4.8 2 96 4.9 J 14.7
2'9 4 I1.6 6.3 I 6.3
0.7 I o.7 30.3
U area= 1x5x30.3 = 56.8 m2

Second ]x52.6=87.7 m2
Totalarea= 144.5 m'
Note the small discrepancyin the answersabove,which is due to shapeof the
objectbeing not a parabolaor a cubic curve.

Volumesof Ship Shapes.-The ship is dividedup into a numberof equally

spacedsections,theareaofeachof whichis foundby Simpson'sRules.Thevolume
is found by putting these areasthrough the rules in the same way as ordinary
ordinates.The sectionsmay be eitherverticalor horizontal,as convenient.When
grcat accuracyis required,the volume may be found by both methods,one being
usedto checktheother.

.' -.' .1
1...".,,-;28 -.'

Fig. 12a showshow thecalculationmaybe doneby usingtheverticalsections

B, C, D, E andF. The areaofeach sectionis foundby the Rulesin the ordinaryway
andthevolumecanthenbe calculated by Simpson'sFirstRule,thus:-
Volume= +4 B + 2C + 4D +2E + 4F + G)
Fig. 12 b showshow the samevolumecould be found by using horizontal
sections.WhereA is the deckarea,G the areaat the keel,andB, C, D, E andF,the
areasof intermediatesections:-
Volure = +(,{ + 4B + 2C + 4D + 2E + 4F + G)

Half-Intervals.-Near the ends of a ship, where the curvature is great, we

sometimes bring in intermediate ordinates, halfivay between the main ordinates, in
order to obtain greater accuracy.
Consider Fig. 13,
with an intermediate
!. la
a d
I t -r
!c tI
a and b. The intewalsax ,f, I T L h h h IL Lri
andbx re each)h . FtG.13

a anat=-{@+ax+b)

Area between6 zrlaf = + lc +2d + 4e + f)
The areas could be calculated separatelyn"d the results added together
afterwards.Usually, however,we combinethe calculationsby adding togetherthe
formula as shownbelow.Thereareadvantagesto be gainedby using this combined
methodof calculationwhenfnding centresof gravity of shapes.

r""r = (j" +zx+rlr +k +2d+4e+f)

"* f
If thereare in0ermediate
ordiaatesat the other end of the waterplane,they are
teated in the sameway. For instance,if we had the ordinatey midway between/

rotar =+(+a+2x+t+b+4c+za++ +rl I +zt +I sl


Ordinate Multiplier hoduct Example,-A waterplanehas ordinates,

20 metresapa6 of 1.6,13.6,26.5,25.1,10.6,
1.6 % 0.8
and 2.1 metes. There is also an intermediate
9.4 2 18.8
ordinate,midwayb€tweenthe flst two, of 9.4
13.6 l% 20.4 metes. Find the area-
26.5 4 106.0 L,
25.1 2 s0.2 rotdrca=l(240.7)
10.6 4 42.4
2 .1 I 2 .1
240.7 1605sq.mefes

Coelficient of Fineness of the Mldships

Section.-This is the ratio betweenthe actual
underwaterarea of a midships section and that
of a rectangleof the samedepth and width. In
Fig. 14 which representssuch a section, the
coefficientwould be:-
Aregof ABW FlG.14
Coelncient of Fineness of r
Waterplane.-This is the ratio between the
areaofthe waterplaneand that ofa rectangleof
the samelengthand breadth.
In Fig. 15thecoefrcientoffinenessofthe FrG.1s
waterplane shownis:-

Block Coelficientof Finenessof Displecement.-Thisis usuallyreferredto

by seamenas the "Coefficient of Fineness".It is the ratio betweenthe underwater
volume of tlte ship and that of,{ box shape,having the samelength, breadthand

meandraft. In Fig. 16 the shadedvolume representsthe underwaterpart ofl ship
and the dottedlines,the box shapementionedabove.The coefficientis then:-
Yolume of ABCDEFG
Prismatic Coelfcient of Finenessof Displecement-This is theratio between
the underwatervolumeofthe ship andthat ofa prism havingthe samelenglh asthe
shipandthesamecross-section ashermidshipssection.


In Fig. 17, the shadedarea representsthe underwaterpart of the midships
section;theplain lines,the underwaterpart ofthe hull; andthe dottedlines,theprism
described.Theprismaticcoefficientof finenessofdisplacement is then:-
Undelvatervolumeofthe ship
Volume of the prismABCDEF

Wetted Surface.-This is the surface area of the underwaterpart of the

ship's hull. It is of geat importanceto naval architects,sinceit is one of the factors
determiningthe resistanceto the movementof the ship throughthe water
It is difficult to calculatethe areaof wetted surfaceaccuratelyalthoughit can
be found very closelyby taking the underwatergirths ofthe ship at regularintervals
andthenputting the "ordinates"so found throughSimpson'sRules.Alternatively,it
may be found by approximateformulae,suchas:-
Wettedsurface= Z ll.1d +(CxB) |
WbereI = Lengthof the ship.
d = Meandraft.
B = Breadthofthe ship.
C = Block coefficientof finenessof displacernent.

The stability of ships dependsentirely on forces and moments,so that to
undentand stability properly, it is necessaryto have a general knowledge of
Force.-This is any push or pull exertedon a body. Whan a force is being
considered,thrce thingsmustbe taketrinto account:-
l. The amountofforce applied.
2. The point at which the force is consideredto be applied.
3. The directionin which the force acts.
A force pushingon one sidehasthe sameeffect asan equalforcepulling on the
oppositeside.A point alwaystries to move directly awayfrom a force pushingat it,
or directly towardsa forcepulling on it. In Fig. I 8 the force.r,
E+i- - -- ? pushingon thepoint,{, hasexactlythe sameeffectasan equal
FlG.18 force pulling in the directiony. The point will try to move in
the directionly.
Resultrnt Forces.-Any number of forces may act on one point and their
combinedeffect u.ill be the sameas that of a single force acting in one padicular
direction.This imaginaryforce is called the "resultantforce".
If two forcesact in one shaightline and in the samedirectionon onepoint, the
resultantforce is equalto the sumoftle forcesand
tr- -g--+ -
-- - -- --)1-- - in the samedirection. In Fig. 19theforces.r
-5,4 and/ produce the resultantforce R, which is equal
to (.r /), which acts in the samedirection and
FlG. 19 which tries to move the point in the directionz.
If two forces act in oppositedirections on one point, the resultantforce will
be equalto the differenceof the forcesand its direction will be the sameas that of
the greaterof the two. In Fig. 20, r reprcsentsthe greaterof two forces,.r and y,
actingin oppositedirectionson the point I . The
<-7---' a- resultantforcewill be (.r-y), andwill act in the
will trvto movethepointin
FlG.20 il:T[!}#lt

When two forces act at an angle to eachotheq the resultantwill dependon

the amount and direction of the forces causing it. The
resultantis found by using the "ParallelogramofForces",
theprincipleof whichcanbe seenfrom Fig. 21. Let r and
y be two forces acting on a point A. Let the amountsof
the forces be representedby the lenglhs of BA and CA,
respectively.Draw CD parallel to AB and BD parallel
to AC. T"hediagonalDA will representthe amount and
F tG.2 1 direction of the resultantR.
We sometimesfind one force pushingandthe otherpulling on a point at angles
to eachother.In sucha case,one of the forcesmustbe treatedasa pushor a pull in
the oppositedirection, so that both areregardedaspushing,or both pulling. This is
allowable,since,as we haveseen,a push in one direction is
equivalentto an equalpull on the oppositeside.
Supposeforce .r to be pulling and forcey to be pushing
on the point ,4, as in Figure 22. Forcex can be transformed
into forcez, exedinga pushequalto x on the oppositesideof
I . Theparallelogramcanthenbe completed,andtheresultant
force, R, found in the sameway asin the last example.
If scaledrawingsand measurements arenot sufficiently accurate,the resultant
canbe calculatedfrom the parallelogramby trigonometry.
Moment.-When a body is free to tum aboutsomepoint anda force is applied
to it at someotherpoint, the body will try to revolve.A body turnsbecausethereis a
momentappliedto it. The value of the momentdep€ndson two things:
(a) Theamountof theforce.
(b) Thelength of the lever on which theforce acts: that is, theperpendicular
dislance betweenthe direction of theforce and the point about which the body
tendsto rotate.
Supposethat the body shown in Fig. 23 is free to
rotateaboutthepoint C, andthat a force,;r,is appliedat the
pointl. Then the momenttrying to tum the body about C
is the effect of the force;r, actingon the lever8C.
When a lever is used to lift a weight, the "lifting
: power" dependson the length of the lever and on the
amountofforce appliedto it. Momentis a form ofleverage,
sowe canmeiuiureit in a similarway:-
Moment= Forcex lensth of lever.

Various quantitiesare usedto measuremoments.In ship-stability,where the

forcesare large,the force is usuallymeasuredin tonnes,the lever in metresandthe
momentin "Tonne-metres".
Properties of a Moment.-Moments canbe takenaboutan imaginaryturning
point, or aboutone sideofan area,eventhoughthe body is not actually free to turn
about that point or side. In other words, we could say that if the body were free
to tum about a certain point or side, the moment would be so much. Considera
L forceofx tonnes,appliedat a point P, in a direction
perpendicularto the surfaceof the areaKZ,l0y'.If we
assumethat the areawere free to tum aboutthe point
c.----- C, the momentis x x PC tonnemetres.If we assume
that the areacan turn aboutthe side Kiy', the moment
aboutthe sideis r x PB tonne-metres.wherePB is the
perpendiculardistancefiom P to KN. Similarly, the
momentabout,<Zwould be .r x PI' tonne-metres.
This propertyofmomentsis very importantin shipstability,aswe shallseelater.
Combinations of Moments.-When severalmomentsareconsideredto act on
onepoint or on onesideofan area,their effectsmay be combinedandconsideredas
that of a singlemoment.This resultantmomentmust,of course,be regardedas if it
were producedby a different force and./orlever. For this purpose,we take the sum
of momentswhich act in one direction, or the differenceof momentswhich act in
oppositedirections.This is bestseenfrom examples:-
Considertwo menworking at a capstan.Let
them push with forces of x andy kilogrammes
A nl respectively,on the capstanbarsAC andBC, as
in Fig. 25. Then the momentproducedby the
first man to tum the capstanabout its centre,
FrG.2s C is .r " lC kg-metres.That producedby the
secondman is y x 3g kg-metres.Sincethey
are both trying to tum the capstanin the same
direction. the total moment to tum it will be
@ x Aq + 0/ x BC) kg-metres.
Now, supposethat the man at B were to
tum aroundand push with the sameforce, but
in the oppositedirection;that is, againstthe man
at l. The total momentto tum the capstanhas
FtG.26 now become(x x Aq - 0 " BC) kg-metres.

Supposethat therearefour menworking at

the samecapstan,threepushingin one direction
andone in the other,againstthem.(Fig. 27.)
The momentsin onedirectionare(.r x lC1,
(w x DC) rnd (z x EC) kg-metres.The moment
in the otherdirectionis (y x ,C) kg-metres.The
total momentto tum the capstanis:-
(x , A Q + (w" DC)+ (z x E C)-(y B C)

Finally, let us go one step firther and

consider the same capstan and men as in
the last example, but with a rope around the
capstanbarrel, pulling againstthe men with a
force ofp kilograrrmes, as in Fig. 28.
The momentstrying to turn the capstanin
one direction are now (x x AC), (w x DC') and
(z x EC) kg-metres.ln the other direction they
te O x Bq and (p x RC) kg-metres.So the
total momentto tum the capstanis now:-
l(x x AC) + (wx DC) + (z " Eql-Ky x BC) +
(P RC)l kg-meres.
Fromthe abovewe canseethat thefinal momentabouta point or sideofan area
is the sumofthe momentstrying to producerotation in onedirection,minusthe sum
ofthe momentstrying to producerotation in the oppositedirection.
Examplel.-A force of 60 kilogrammesis appliedto oneendof a lever,which
is 150centimetreslong. What is the momentaboutthe other end?
Moment= forcex distance= 60x 150= 9000 kg-centimetres.

Example2.-Three men are working at a capstanand push on bars 3 metres

long with forcesof 70, 95 and86 kilogrammesrespectively.Find the momentto tum
the capstan.
Momentproducedby fint man= 70x3 = 210 kg-meten
Momentproducedby secondman= 95x 3 = 285 kg-meters
Momentproducedby third man= 86x 3 = 258 kg-meters
Total momentto tum the capstan= 753 kg-meters
Example3.-A see-sawis exactly balancedabout its centre line. Weightsof
50 kilogrammesand 90 kilogrammesareplacedon one sideat distancesof3 metres
and 7 metres,respectivelyfrom the centreJine.What weight mustbe placedon the
other side,at a distanceof6 metresfrom the centre,to causethe see-sawto balance
Moment of weights on one side about centre-line : (50 x 3) + (90 x 7)
Let -r be the weight on the otler side.
Then,momentof weight on the otler side,aboutthe cente-line = 6:. For the
see-sawto balance,thesemomentsmustbe equal.
6r = (50x3)+ (90x7)
__ (50x3)+ (90x7)
= 130kilograms

Couple.-Ttvo equal and opposite forces which act at
different points on a body are called a "couple". The moment
produced equals the product of one of the forces and the
Moment= Fd tonne-metr€s FtG.29
Centre of Gravity.-This is the point about which a body or area would
balance.It may be regardedasthe geometricalcentreofany area,or the centreofall
the weight ofa body.In the caseofa body, the force of gravity is consideredto act
vertically downwardsthroughit, with a force equalto the weight ofthe body.
Centre of Gruvity of en Aree.-The centresof gravity of certain areasare
usedin ship-stability,the principal onesbeing asfollows:-
B Circle.-The cente of gravity of a circle is at its centre.
Square or Rectangle.-The centre of gravity of either
of these is at the intersectionof the diagonals.When we are
= consideringthe stability of box-shapedships,we alwaysregard
the centreof gavity as being at the intersectionof the centre-
For example,the centre of gravity (G) of the rectangle
t ^
D ,llCO, is at thi intersectionof the longitudinal centreline wx
FtG.3 0 and the transversecentre-linevz.

Triangle.- Draw a median- that is, a line from one

comer to bisect the opposite side. The centre of gravity is on
this median, at a distanceof one-third of its length from the
In the triangle ABC (Fig. 31), let AD be the median,
bisectingthe sideBC. Thenthe centreof gr4vity will be at G and
GD will equalone-thirdof ,{D. (Or,AG = f 1D.; Altematively,
draw a secondmedian,CE, and G will be the point at which lD
FtG.31 and CE intersect.

Quadrilateral.-Draw the diagonals lC and

BD. Let them intersect at .r. Measureoff Ay ar:d
Dz, so that Ay equalsCx andDz equals,Br. Find the
centreof gavity of the triangleryz and this will be
the centreof gravity of the quadrilateral.

Centre of Gravity of a Body.-It is often necessaryto find the centre of

gravity of a homogeneousbody-that is, a solid body composedof the same
materialthroughout.The threetypes of body, for which this is usually requiredare
box shapes,prismaticwedgesand ship shapes.
For convenienceof calculation,we always
considerthe position of the centreof gravity of
such bodies in the transverseand longitudinal
directionsseparately:that is, as it would be seen
from the end or from the side respectively.Fig.
33 illustratesthis. Let G be the centreof gravity
of tlre box shapeABCDEFH shown in Fig. (a).
If we were consideringthis, we shouldfust find
G ransversely by looking directly at the end,
ABCD,as nFig. @)andconsidering its position
in the planeofthat area.We shouldthenfind the
iG (d longitudinalposition of G, by looking directly at
o the side CDE4 as illustratedin Fig. (c).

c Box shapes.-We can see from the

ic (cl last figure, that the centre of gravity of a
I homogeneous box shapeis at the centreline and
at the half depthofthe body,both longitudinally
Prismatic Wedges,-{onsider the
prismaticwedge shown in Fig. 34 (a). ln a
transverse direction,thepositionof the centre
of gravity will be that of the trianglelBC.
In other words, it will be on the medianlD
and at a distanceof two-thirdsof AD from
the point l. Longitudinally,it will be at the
half-length,and at the sameheight as in the
transverse direction.
Elfect of Added Weights on Centre of Gravity.-{onsider a seesaw,
consistingof a plank balancedover a block of wood.When the block is directly
underthe centreof gravityofthe plank(G), thesee-saw
will balance.


Ifa weight,w, werenowplacedon theendl, thatendwouldmovedownwards.

Weshouldprobablysaythatthishappens because theendI hasbecomeheavierthan
the other.Let us seewhat hasreally happenedhere.We regardthe force of gravity
as acting vertically downwardsthrough the centre of gravity of a body. Before
the weight was added,this force acted directly over the block CD, and the plank
balancedbecause therewasno momentto tip it. The centreof gravityofa body is
thecentreofall theweightin it andsincetheaddedweightbecomes, in effect,a part
ofthe plank,G movesalongto G,, towardtheendA. The forceof gravitynow acts
verticallydownwardthroughG,, producinga momentto causethe endA to move
downwards. Thismomentwill be theproductofall theweightin thebodyandofthe
leverGG..sothatif Zis thetotalweishtafterw hasbeenadded:-
Themoment= WxGG,.

Sincethe see-sawbalancedbeforethe weigbt wasadded,the aboveefect must

be entirely dueto the momentofu aboutG. Sowe canalsosaythat ifg is the centre
of gravity of the weight, w:-
The momeot= wx Ggl
andthus ZxGG' =wxcg

From this, we canderivea formula for tle shift of the cenaeof gra.vityofa body
when a weight is addedto it:-

(a) Thecentreof grnity of a bodywill movedirectlytowardsthe eentreof
grovity of any h,eightaddedto it.
@ Thedistanceit will movewill equalthemomentof theaddedweightaboutthe
cmtreofgrovityofthebody,dividedbythetotalweightafer theweighthasbeenaMed.
The Effect of RemoviDgWelghts.-Suppose that in the last example,we had
sawn a piece off tbe end A, of the see-saw,insteadof adding weight. The end B
would thenmovedownwards,becausethe cenfieofgravity ofthe plank would move
towardsit. If we usea similar processofrearnning to that which we usedin the last
section,we shall seethat the momentofthe weight removedmust,agqin,be equalto
the total momentcausedby the shift ofthe centreof gravity ofthe plank. Thus,if 7
is the toal weight after the piecehasbeensawnoff:-
Two rhingsareagainobvious:-
(a) The centle of grovity ofa body will move directly awayfrom the centre
of gravity of any weightremovedfrom it.
@ The distance it will move will equal the monent of the weight rcmoved
aboutthe centreofgravity of the body,dividedby the total weightrcmainingafter
the weighthasbeenremoved.
The, Elfect of Shiftitrg Weights.--Consider a
flat plateABCD,having a weight w placedon it. Let
g be the cente of gravity of this weight, and G the Gr{
centreof gravity of plale and weight together ll't W
be the total weight of the whole na,cs. "a \
If we removethe weight from the plate, G vdll
move directly away to G,. If we then replac€ the
weight so that its centreof gravity is at g,, the cente
of gravity of the whole will now move from G, to G, in the direction G,g,. We can
show,by working out the moments,that:-
(a) ggr is parallel to Gq
@ lV x GG2: w\ggl
We cansayfrom the abovethat:-
(t) The centre of gravity of a body movesparallel to the shift of the centre
of gravity of any weightshifted v,ithin it.
ft) Thedistanceit movesis equal to the weightshifted,multiplied by the shift
of its cente of gravity, all divided by the total weight of the body.
The Useof Moments to find the Centre of Gravity of a Body.-It hasalready
beenshownthat for a plank of weight 7 kilos and a line l8:-
Moment about AB : Wx kg-metres.
Conversely,if we know, or can find the
weight and momentof the plank aboutlB,
we canfind r, since
- _ Momentabout,4.B

The Use of Moments to find the Centre of Gravity of an Area.-Areas are

consideredto havemoments,but this is more difficult to visualisebecausean area
has no actual weight. However, if we think of an areaas a very thin "plank", of
infinitesimal weight, we could then imagine it as having a very small momentand
the aboveformula would apply to it. In this case,therewill be unit weight per unit
area:that is, eachsquaremetreof the areawill weigh, say,p grams.
Total weight of area= p x areain squaremetres.

Now, if the plank in the last sectionwere so thin asto becomean areaonly the
position of its centreof gravity,relativeto l,B could be found, asfollows:-
Weight of plank (lll = Area of plank x p
Momentof plank aboutAB = Momentof arcaaboutABx p
,, Momentof planl about,48
Now' 'r =
Momentof aret rbont ABx p
so' t =
Arcaof plank xp
p cancels ^'oment of areaabout,4.B

The momentof an areais tlte areatimes a distance


To Find the Centre of Grrvity of r Waterplane.-The position of the centre

of gravity of a waterplanecan be found from the aboveformula if its areaand its
momentaboutone end or one ordinatearecalculated.
Theareacanbe foundby meansof Simpson'sRules,asshownin Chapter2.
The momentcould be found by dividing the waterplaneinto a seriesof nanow
transversestrips.The areaof eachsrip multiplied by its distancefrom the chosen
ordinatewill give its moment:and the momentof the whole waterplanewill be the
algebraicsumofthe momentsofall the strips.

For example,in Fig. 38, themomentof the stripshownabout,4Bwould be:-

Area of strip x meandistancefrom lB
Ifthe whole waterplanewere divided into a seriesof suchstrips:-
Momentof waterplane = Algebraicsumof momentsof all strips,i.e.Sumof all
momentsto the right oflE - sumof all momentsto the left oflB. Distanceof centre
of gravity of waterplanefrom lB: =

Thecentreof gravitywill lie on that sideof,4B whichhasthegreatermoment.
In practice,the abovewould be a laboriousprocedureif it were carriedout in
full, but fortunately Simpson'sRules provide us with a convenientshort method.
When theseRulesare usedto find an area,they divide the waterplaneup, in effect
into a numberof narrowstripsandthengive thesumofthe areasofall the strips.If,
whenusingthe Rules,we multiply the productfor eachordinateby its distancefrom
the chosenordinate,it will give us a productfor the moment.The algebraicsum of
the productsof momentsfor all the ordinatesmultiplied by one-thirdof the common
intervalwill equalthesumofthe momentsofall thestrips:thatis, it will giveus the
momentofthe areaaboutthe chosenordinate.
This canbestbe seenfrom an example.Let us find the positionofthe centreof
gravityofa waterplane,250 metreslong,whichhasthe followingordinates,spaced
25metres apart,fromforwardto aft:0'4:7'8:l7'2:21'1:27'5:30'0:29'3:28'2:22'5:
l5'6: l'0 metres.Puttheseordinates throughSirnpson's Rules,asfollows,to find the
positionof the centreof gravity relative to the mid-ordinate.

No. of Product Interval from Productfor

Length Mult'r
Ord. for Area Mid-Ord. Moment
I 0.4 1 0.4 2.0
2 7.8 4 5 l' z 124.8
J 17.2 2 34.4 J 103.2
4 21.1 4 84.4 2 168.8
5 27.5 2 55.0 I )).u 453'8for'd
o 30.0 120.0 0 0.0
7 29.3 2 58.6 I )E .b
8 28.2 4 112.8 2 225.6
9 22.5 2 450 J 135.0
l0 1 5 .6 62.4 4 249.6
11 1 .0 I 1.0 5 5'0 673'8aft
605.2 220'0 aft
(Strictly speaking,this should be the distancefrom the mid-ordinate but it
makesfor more simplearithmeticif we takethe intervalsfrom the mid-ordinateand
then multiply afterwardsby the commoninterval, as shown.)
6rss = {x Produc,1o,*"u = {x 6 05-2= 5043.3m2

Momentaboutmid-ordinate= Productfor momentx 4 x ft


Distanceof centreof eravitv from miJ-ordinate=
V-o-.n, -=t1ffi=e u9 metres
The greatermomentis abaft the mid-ordinate,so the centreof gravity will be
9'09 metresabaftthatordinate.
To Find the Centreof Buoyancyof a Ship Shape.-
In Chapter2 it hasbeenshownhow we canobtainthe volume ofa ship shape,
by puttingcross-sectional areasthroughSimpson'sRulesas ifthey wereordinates.
Similarly, if we put cross-sectionalareasthrough the processdescribedin the last
section,we canobtainthe positionofthe centreof gravityofa homogeneous ship
shape.The centreofgravity ofa ship'sunderwatervolumeis the centreofbuoyancy.
So if we takea seriesof equally-spaced sectionsfor the ship'sunderwatervolume
andput themthroughthe Rules,we shallobtainthe fore andaft positionofthe centre
ofbuoyancy.Similarly,a seriesofequally-spaced waterplanes, put throughtheRules
will give the vertical position ofthe centreofbuoyancy.

Example.-A ship's underwatervolume is divided into the following vertical

from forward to aft, spaced20 metresapart: l0; 91; 164;228; 265;
292;273;240;185;I I l; 67 squaremetres.Ifthe sameunderwater volumeis divided
into waterplanes,2 metresapart,their areas,from the keel upwardsare: 3001'27M;
3ll0; 3388; 3597;3759;3872 squarernehes.Find the positionof the centreof
buoyancy(a.)fore andaft, relativeto the mid-ordinate,(b) vertically,abovethe keel.
No. of hoduct for hoduct for
Area Mult'r Volume Interval Moment
t0 I l0 ) 50
2 9l 4 3& 4 1456
J l& 2 328 J 984
J)e 4 912 2 1824
5 265 2 530 I 530 4844for'd
6 292 4 I1 6 8 0 0
7 546 I 546
8 240 4 960 1920
9 185 2 370 -' 1ll0
l0 lll 't44 4 1776
ll 67 I 67 ) 335 5687aft
5699 843aft

Volume= 4 x productfor volume= 2t 56990= 37993rn:

= produltformoment
14orn"n x{ xh= 8$x-4x20=112400
ofcentre =
ofbuoyancy = =''ll$rth:t
m W
No. of Productfor Productfor
Area Mult'r Interval
Ord. Volume Moment
I 300 I 300 0 0
2 2704 108r 6 1 10816
J 3ll0 2 6220 2 12440
4 3388 4 13552 J 40656
) 3597 2 7194 4 28776
6 3759 4 15036 5 751E0
7 3872 I 3872 o 23232
56990 l9 l1 0 0

Volume= t x productfor volume= 2156290=37gg3

Moment= productfor momentx x n = |.)ttOix3xz = 254800
Positionofcentreofbuoyancv= Yolnent = 2!!=89 = a.ll m abovekeel
Volume 37993
The Useof IntermediateOrdinrtes.-If we aregivenintermediate ordinates
when finding the centre of gravity of an area or volume, we use the samebasic
method as above. In this case, however, the multipliers are modified as shown
in Chapter2; whilst the intervals for the momentsare measuredin intervals and
half intervals.This is bestseenfrom examples.
ExampleI .-A waterplaneis 60 metreslong andhasordinates,from forwardto
aft of l'0, 6'9, ll'1, ll'2, 8'9 and5'0 metres.Thereis alsoan intermediate
of3'8 metres,midwaybetweenthefirst two forwardones.Findtheareaandposition
of the centreofgravity of this waterplane.
Let ustakemomentsaboutthe 11.2metresordinate.
No. of Productfor
Length Mult'r Interval Productfor Moment
Ord. Area
I 1.0 Y2 0.5 J 1.5

l% 3.8 2 /.o 2% 190

2 6.9 t% l0'4 2 20.8
J 111 4 44.4 I
44'4 85'7for'd
4 | .2 2 0 0
5 8.9 4 Jf .o I 35.6
6 )'u 1 5.0 , t0.0 45'6aft
r25.9 40'l for'd

Commonintewalth1= @ =l 2 metres

Nea= 4 x producrtorarea
=Px125.9 = 503.6m2

Moment: Product
for momentxlx h = 40.lxQxn = i-9i2a.S

positionof centreof sraviw= Mgment= 1??!'9

Area 503.6
= 3.8 metres(forwardof I 1. 2 rn ordinate)

Example2.-Avessel haswaterplanes,2 metresapart from the keel upward,

ot 24,400,807and 1032squaremetres.An intermediatewaterplaneI metreabove
the keel hasan areaof 153 squaremetres.Find the displacementandi(8, when the
vesselis floating at the uppermostwaterplane.
the momentsaboutthe keel.
No. oford. Area Mult'r Productfor Volume Interval Productfor Moment
I a^
Vz t2 0 0
t% 153 2 306 % ls3
2 ,+00 tk 600 I 600
J 807 4 3228 2 u56
4 to32 I 1032 J 3096
5178 10305
yoluns = x productfor volume=
{ 1x5fi8 =3452m3
= iolumex I .025= 3425x I .025= 3539tonnes
Moment= productfor Moment
x x h =l03}5x?x2=i.i7a0
Appendages.-An appendageis a small area(or volume) adjacentto the main
area(or volurne),which hasfor somereasonnot beenmeasuredinto the main one.
Its effect on the centreof gravity canbe found by applying its area(or volume) and
momentaboutthe thosefor the main area.
For example,supposethat the waterplanegiven in the exampleon waterplanes,
had an appendageof arca245 squaremetres,with its centreof gavity 135 metes
abaftthe mid-ordinate:-
Main areawas 5043m2
Appendage 245m2
Total ares 5288m2
Momentof main areawas 45833 aft
Momentof appendage= areax distancemid-ordinate
:245 x 135 33075 aft
TotalMoment 78908 aft
abaftthe mid-ordinate=
Positionof centreof gravity of areaand appendage,

The effect of an appendageon the centre of gravity of a homogeneousship
shapecanbe calculatedin the sameway.

Inertia.-A stationarybody resistsany attemptto move it and a moving body

any attemptto changeits speedor direction.This property is called "inertia" and a
certainamountof force must be exertedto overcomeit. If we considerwhat would
happenif we tried to play football with a carnon ball, it should be obvious that
the greaterthe weight of the body, the greaterwill be its inertia. Thus, the weight
of a body gives a measureof its inertia so far as ordinary non-rotationalmotion is
Momentof Inertia and Radiusof Gyration.-It hasbeenshownearlierin this
chapterthat in ordinarymotion,thebehaviourof a bodydependson theamountsofthe
forcesappliedto it: but that wherea tuming or rotationalmovementis attempted,the
behaviourofthe body dependson the momentsofthe forcesapplied.In a somewhat
similar way, although the inertia of ordinary motion is govemedby weight, the
inertia of rotationalmotion is govemedby a quantity called its "momentof inertia",
or "secondmomentof area".Thereis this difference,however,that both inertia and
momentof inertiaareindependentofthe forcesappliedto thebody.Roughlyspeaking
we may saythat in the caseof ordinarymotion,the greaterthe weight, or inertia,the
greatertheresistanceofthe bodyto beingmoved;in the caseofrotational motion,the
greaterth€ momentof inertia,the greaterthe resistanceto rotation
What is momentof inertia and
uponwhatproperties ofbodiesdoes
it depend?Considerthe see-saw
shownin Fig. 39 (a),consistingofa
woodenplank,lB, balancedacross
a block, CD. If it were struck a
downwardblow at l, it would start
B to oscillateup and down. Suppose
A ".;7j that the wooden plank were now
replacedby an iron one of exactly
the same dimensions. Strike this
FtG.39 iron "plank" a blow of exactly the
sameforceasbeforeandit will also
oscillate,but much lessthandid the
lighter wooden one. This shows
J that moment of inertia dependson
Supposethat we now replacethe pla* by a shorterone of equal weight, as
shownin Fig. 39 (b). Ifthis plankis strucka downwardblow with thesameforceas
before,it will oscillatequiteviolently.Sincethe weightis the same,the increasein
the rateofoscillation mustbe dueto the decreasein length,sowe canconcludethat

momentof inertia will also dependon length. Unfornrnately,it is not proportional

to actuallength,but to the squareof what we may term the "effective length" ofthe
plank. This effective length is called 'ladius of gyration' and it can be shownthat
where/ is the actuallength:-

P.adius =
MomeDtof inertia : weight x (radiusof ryration)2.
Thus,whereI is the momentof inertia, m is the weight of the plank, and / the

If the plank is ofunit weight per unit length(i.e., if it ha4 say,a weight ofone
kilogramme per metre of length), zr and / will be numerically the same(i.e., a 5
metreplank would weigh 5 kilogrammes,so that rz and / would both be 5).
For our purpose,we canassumethis andsubstitute/ for rz in the aboveformula,
| =!-

One factor which we have not so far consideredis that momeDtof inertia
also dependson the position of the axis aboutwhich the body is assumedto rotate.
Throughoutthe above,we have only consideredthe plank of a see-sawrotating
aboutie cenhe-lineandthe aboveformula only holds good for suchrotation.In the
caseofrotation aboutotheraxes.the formula will be modifed.
Moment of lDcrtia of r Body About its Centre,Line.--{ur discoveries
aboutthe mom€ntof inertia ofplanks also extendto bodiesofany size.The integral
calculus is involved in most cases, but roughly
speaking,the method of calculating the mom€nt of
inertia aboutthe axis ofrotation is to divide the body
into strips,which may be likenedto planks.The total
momentof inertia of all the planks will give that of
the body. For instance,the momentof inertia of the
body shownin Fig. 40 aboutits centre-line,,4Bcould
be foundby dividing it into a numberof rhin "planks"
as shown. If the momentof inertia of each' plank"
werethen found.the sumofall ofthese would be the
momentof inertia of the whole bodv.
Moment of Inertla of r Wrterphne rbout its Centre'Line.-If the body
shownin Fig. 40 were infinitely thin, it would resemblea ship'swaterplaneand it is
obviousthat the momentof inertia of sucha waterplanecould roughly be found as
describedabove.For ship shapes,this involvesthe use
ofthe calculus,but for box shapes,havinga rectangular
waterplane,the calculation is simpler. Considersuch
a waterplane,PQRS having the centre-line CD. Let
l be its length and D its breadth.If we considerthis
waterplaneto be composedof a number of infinitely
thin planksparallel to QR, the momantof inertia will
be equalto the sumof the momentsof inertiaof all the
-momentofinertia ofeach plank aboutCD
Sincethe planks,placedsideby side,extendover the lengthI we could saythat
if therewere one plank for eachunit of length, therewould be / planks. The total
momentof inertia of / similar plankswould be / times that of one plank, so where1
is the momentof inertia ofthe area,/ its lengthand D its breadth:-

So, for a rectangularwaterplane: r - l b -

Equilibrium.-This may roughly be definedasthe stateof balanceof a body.

There are three statesof equilibrium-stable, neutral and unstable- and the body
may be in either ofthese, accordingto the relativepositionsof the centreof gravity
andthe point of support.
A ball resting on a surfacecan be used to demonstratethe three statesof

Fig. 42 showsa ball balancedon a ooncavesurface. If the ball movesto the

side it will continueto roll off the surface. It is said to be unstableor in unstable

Fig. 43 showsa ball balancedon a convexsurface.If theball movesto theside

it will roll back. It is saidto be stableor in stableeouilibrium

(c I

Fig. zl4 showsa ball on a flat surface. If the ball movesto the side it neither
t€ndsto roll away or roll back. It is saidto be neutal or in neutralequilib'rium
Stablemeanstbat if movedit will tendto move back.
Unstablemeansthat if movedit will move away
Neuhal meansthat if movedit hasno t€ndencyto moveback or move away.
All the abovearegeneralcas€s,and apply to the equilibrium of any body.The
specialcasesof shipswill be consideredlater.


We have already seenthat the volume displacedby a floating body varies
inverselyas the densityof the waterin which it floats.This meansthat ifa ship's
displacement remainsthe same,her draft will increaseif sheenterswaterof less
density;or will decreaseif sheenterswater of greaterdensity.
Wealsoknowthata shipwhichloadscargo(i.e.increases herdeadweight) will
increaseherdraft, whilst a ship which dischargescargowill decreaseher draft, ifthe
densityofthe waterdoesnot change.
The EffectofDensityon Draft ofBox Shapes,-In thecaseofbox shapes, the
volumedisplaced is equalto theproductoflength,breadthanddraft;sowe cansay:-
New volumedisplaced = Old densitv
biacffitEd;a- N"*den#t
Length x Breadth x New Draft _ Old density
Length x Breadth x Old Draft New density
New Draft _ Old density
Old Draft New density
Effect of Densityon Draft of Ship Shapes.-Thesealso increasetheir draft
whenthedensityofthe waterdecreases andviceversa,but in thiscasethechangeis
not in proportionandits calculationis morecomplicated. Weovercome thisdifficulty
by giving eachship a "FreshWaterAllowance"whenher loadlines areassigned.
Thisallowanceis theamountby whichtheship'sdraftwill changewhengoingfrom
salt waterto freshwater or vice versawhen at sumrnerload line displacement.
The ordinary loadlinesshowthe draft at which a ship cansafely remainat sea.
In the smoothwaterofa harbouror river, it would be quitesafeto loadher a little
belowthesemarks,providedthat sherisesto themwhenor beforeshereachesthe
opensea.A ship loadingin a harbourof freshwatercould submerge her loadlines
by the amountofher fresh-water allowance,sinceshewouldriseto herproperload
line on reachingsalt water.
Shipsoftenloadin dockwaterwhichis brackish-that is, whichhasa density
of morethan 1000andlessthan 1025kg/m3.In this case,the amountby whichthe

salt water load-linescan be submergedis found from the freshwaterallowanceby

simpleproportion.This amountis often calledthe "Dock WaterAllowance",
Let x equal the amountby which the load-line can be submergedin water of
density,d. Let Fa equalthe fresh-waterallowance.
A changeof densityfrom I 000 to I 025 kglm3will producea changeof draft of
FZI millimetres.
A changeof density from d to 1025 will produce a changeof draft of .r
We canassume,for practicalpurposes,that the changeof draft is proportional
to the changeofdensity. Hence:-
x - 1025-6
FWA 1025-1000
, = __-
Note that where,asin this case,we aredealingwith changeofdraft andchange
of density,theseare directly proportional.In box shapes,when we are dealingwith
actualdraft anddensity,they are inverselyproportional.
Examplel.-A ship floatsat a draft of 5.42m in waterof density l'007 t/m3.If
her fresh-waterallowanceis 242 mm, what would be her draft on passinginto salt
FwA(9zs - a)
e 1"1=

_242 (102s-1007)
= 174mm,or 0. 17m (Rise)
Newdraft=ll! m

ExanpleL-A shipfloatsat a draftof 6.83m in waterof density1.022tlms.

Whatwouldbeherdraftin waterof densityI .0I 0 fin3, if herfreshwaterallowance
is 156mm?
F7,{ x changeof densig_ 156(1022-1010)
25 25
= 75mm,or 0. 08m (sinkage)
Olddraft = 6.83m
Newdraff = q:2!m

Tonnesper Centimetre Immersion-"T.P.C."-A ship mustalwaysdisplace

h o*l weight of water.If a weight is addedto her, it will causeher to sink until
* dkplaces an extra layer of water of equal weight. The tonnesper centimetre
Lasion is theweightwhich mustbe addedto causethe shipto sink onecentimetre
is, to increaseher meandraft by one centimetre.
h is safeto assumethat, for all practicalpurposes,two waterplaneswhich are
G centimetreapartwill havethe sameareasand also that the ship's sideswill be
Eid b€tweenthem.The volumeof the layer betweensuchwater-planescanthus
bosidered ashavingthe areaof onewaterplaneandasbeingonecentimetrethick.
|lb ctnrimetre is one-hundredthof a metreso, ifl is the areaof one waterplanein
qre metres,the volume of the layer will be:-
A cubic metres

G F t G.4 5
to be,4, andonecentimetreto representthe change
of draft, we can seehow the aboveis arrivedat.
h order to submergethe above layer, it is necessaryto add to the ship a
*ilr equal to the weight of water which the layer will displace.Sincethe layer
. a certimetre thick, this weight is that which is necessaryto sink the ship one
-'nete bodily, or the "Tonnesper CentimetreImmersion".
Let d be thedensityofthe waterin whichthe shipfloats.

Weightof the layer= volumex density= $xd


F so. = 4l 1
' r.p.c. 100
* Eunple l.-A ship floats at a waterplaneof area1520m2.What is her T.P.C.
$, h raer of density1'020t/mr.
1.p.6,._5Xl _ 1x02011520
= 15.5tonnes
,c 100 100

Erontple2.-A shipis 120m long, 18 m beamandthe coefficientof fineness

db s'aterplaneis 0'788. Find saltwater.
i f.p.C.= I 025x,4- |'025xl20 X l8 x 0 7 8 8= 1 7 . 4t o n n e s
100 100

To Adjust T.P.C. for Density.-If, as is usual,we are given a ship's

salt water,we canadjustit for water ofother densitiesby direct proportion:-
r.p.L* d" ityq = a
T.P.C.i" salt*"t"r 1.025 density6 = saltwaterx
l. &,
Exarnple.-Aship hasa T.P.C.of 18.35tonnesin salt water.What would it be
in waGrof density1.010?

r.P.c.indensity = 18.08tonnes.

Loading to a Given Lordline.-To fnd out how muchto load in orderto float
at a given loadline61 1666[ingsalt wa!er:-
(a) Find the ship's presentmean draft or freeboard. If she has a list, the
freeboardson the Port and Starboardsides will be different: if so. take the
meanof the two.
(b) Calculate the dock water allowance and apply this to the required
salt water draft or freeboard.This will give the allowable draft or freeboard
to which the ship canbe loadedin the dock water.
(c) The difference benneet (a) and (b), above, will be the allowable
sinkagein the dock water.
(d) Adjust the T.P.C.for the densityofthe dock water.
(e) The allowable sinkage, multiplied by the adjusted T.P.C. will be the
amount to load to bring the ship to her appropriateload line on reaching
salt water.
A If the ship will use fuel, stores,etc., after leaving her berth, but before
reaching salt water, this will reduce her draft to less than that allowable. To
compensatefor this, extra cargo,equal to the weight of fuel and storesso used,
may be loadedbeforesailing.
Examplel.-A ship is loadingin an upriver port, wherethe densityof the
water is l'006 t/m3.Her presentfreeboardsare 1832mn on the Port side and
1978 mm on the Starboardside. Her statutory summer freeboard is 1856 mm;
Freshwater allowanceis 148 mm; and her 18.62t. On the voyage
downriver, she is expectedto use 24 tonnes of fuel and 5 tonnes of storesand
fresh water. Find how much more cargo she can load to be at her summer load
line in salt water.

= 1E32j.1928= 1905mm

Dockwaterallowance = la8 = I l2 mm
Summerfreeboard 1856mm
Allowablefieeboard(in dockwater) 1744mm
Present 1905mm
Allowablesinkage(in dockwater) _Il run (16.1cm)
. 1.no6 dockwater= 62 = 18'21t.
Totalto load = 16.l x 18.27 294tonnes
Cargoto replacefuel,etc.,used 29 tonnes
Cargoto load 323tonnes

Example2.-A ship anchorsoff a Port,in salt water,with the upperedgeof

her Tropicalload line 3'0 cm abovewater.Her Tropicaldraft is 7.562m;
22'54t.; 153mm. Sheis to discharge somecargointo lightersin orderto
entera dock,wherethedensityof thewateris 1.013t/m3andthe depthon thedock
sill is 7'70 m. Find the minimumamountofcargo to discharge in orderto crossthe
docksill with a clearance of20 cm,assuming
thatthevesselremainson anevenkeel
Presentdraft = 7 .562-0.03= 7.532m (in saltwater)
Requireddraffin dockwater=7.70-0.20=7 50m
Dockwaterallowance= .!ax | 53= 73 mm 0.073m
SWdraft+ DW allowance7.532+ 0.073= 7.605m
RequiredDW draft 7 500m
Requiredrisein DW 0 . 1 0 5m o r 1 0 . 5c m

Cargoto discharge=10.5x22.28=


Centre of Gravity of e Ship-"G-.-Is the point throughwhich all theweight
ofthe ship is consideredto act vertically downwards.
A ship may be regardedasa hollow shell, insidewhich weightsmay be addd
removed,or shifted about. The position of the centre of gra.vitywill changewith
everyconditionof loading andmust be calculatedeachtime that the ship's stability
is to be found. The transverseand longitudinal positions are always considered
separately,as in the caseof any otherbody (seeChapter3). As far asthe Fansverse
position is concemed,G is usuallyassumedto be on the centre-line;sinceif it were
not so the ship would list. Longitudinally, it may be forward of, or abaft midlength
and is consideredaccordingly.
*K@.---T\e vertical heigbt of the centreof gravity abovethe keel is usually
called "KG". This is due to the fact that, in stability diagrams,K is usuallytakento
denotethe keel and G the c€nte ofgravity.
"Light .KG.'-The height of G abovethe keel in the ligbt ship, before any
cargo,storcsor fuel areplacedon board,is calculatedby NavalArchitects.It is given
to the seamanin the ship's stability information.
Before a ship is built, the KG is estimated,usually by comparisonwith some
existing ship of similar sizeand lines, althoughin someunusualcasesit is actually
calculatedapproximately.The KG of the completedship, when light, can be found
by meansofthe "lnclining Experiment",which will be describedlater.
Shift of sG'.-The cenfe of gravity of a ship obeysthe samelaws as that of
any otherbody.Let us summarisethe conclusionswhich we drew in Chapt€r3 with
regardto this matter.
G moves directly towards the centre of gravity of any weight added to the
ship, directly away from the centreof gravity of any weight taken away from the
ship andparallel to the shift of the cenaeof gravity of any weight movedfrom one
place to another.

The distancet}rough which G will move canbe found from the formula:-
GGr = #
Where GG, : the shift of G.
w = the weight shifted
d: (for weightsremovedor addedFthe distancefrom G to the centre
of gravity of the weight,
(for weights shiftedFthe distance through which the centre of
gravity ofthe weight is moved.
gr: (for addedweightsfthe displacementafter the weight has been
(for weightsremovedfthe displacementafter the weight hasbeen
(for weightsshiftedfthe displacementof the ship.
Example l.-Find the shift of the centreof gravity of a ship of 7000 tonnes
ifa weightof50 tonnesis shiftedfor a distanceof80 metres

oo,=#=1#=0'57 metres
Example2.-A ship has a displacementof 3200 tonnes.What would be the
shift ofher centreof gravityifa weightof200 tonnesis addedat a distanceof60
metresftom the original position of her centreof gravity?
(WhereZ equalsthe displacernentafter addingthe 200 tonnes)

CG'=w\d =2W'.|90=3'53 metres

' W J4UU

Example3.-Aweight of48 tonnesis removedfrom alighter,thecentreofgravity

ofthis weightbeing2'0 metresabovetlre keel.Whatwill be thenewKG of the lighter
if its original displacementand KG were 690 tonnesand 6'2 metres,respectively?
d =6.2-2.0=4.2 m e t re s
7 = Displacementafter weight hasbeenremoved
= 690- 48 = 642 tornes

--, =re\d
GG, = 48)!'2 = 0.31metres
w 642
G movesvertically upwards,awayfrom the weight removed,so:
NewKG = OldKG + Gq = 6.2+ 0.31= 6. 51metres

"f,G- foreny Condition of Loeding.-The naval architectswho build a ship,

give the seamanher light KG and displacement.The KG for any other condition of
loadingmustbe found by inspectionofthe hydrostaticdatasupplied.
When weights are addedto the ship, G will move upwards or downwards
accordingto whetherthe centreofgravity ofthe weight is aboveor below that ofthe
ship.(Note that we arehereonly consideringthe shift ofG in the vertical direction.)
In this case,we could usethe methodjust describedto find successiveshifts
of G due to eachweight: but this would be laboriousand errorscould easily creep
into the calculations.A betterand simplermethodof finding the new r(G is to take
momentsabouta horizontalline throughthe keel, known asthe "baseline".
Now, momentis weight multiplied by length of lever. In this case,the lenglh
of lever will be the distancefrom the baseline to the centreofgravity of the weight
(sometimeswritten asKg).
So the momentof eachweight : w x rKg
And final KG = Total moment: total weight.
The methodnow becomes:-
(a) The ship's original displacementand iKG are multiplied togetherto give
her original moment.
(b) Each weight, added or removed, is multiplied by its height above
thebaseline, to give its moment, Addedweightsandmomentsareaddedto those
of the ship. Weightsremovedand their momentsar€subtracted.
(c) Thetotalmoment,dividedbythetotalweight,willgivethenewKGofthe ship.
Examplel.-A ship arrivesin port with a displacementof 4250 tonnesandl(G
of 5'96 metres. Shethenloads520tonnesat 6'3 m abovethe keel; 1250tonnesat
4'2 m abovethe keel;810tonnesat I l'6 m abovethe keel.Shealsodischarges 605
tonnesfrom 2'4 m abovethe keel. What will thenbe her KG?
Weight Heisht Moment
Ship Loaded 4250 s.96 25330
520 6'3 3276
t250 4'2 52sO
8 10 11.6 9396
Discharged 6830 43252
- 605 2.4 - t452
Totals 6225 41800
= art8rT= o.zr ."t
K6 =.rglal-lqoment.
Example2.-Aship hasa light displacementof 4559t andlight iKGof 6.62m.
Find herrKGand displacementwhen shehasthe following weightson board:-
Cargo 730 tonnesat 5.1metresabovethe keel.
480 tonnesat 9.3 metresabovethekeel.
1470 tonnesat 4.7 metresabovethe keel.
860 tonnesat 8.5metresabovethekeel.
Fuel 355 tonnesat 0.6 metresabovethekeel.
Stores 60 tonnesat 12.4metresabovethe keel.
F.Water 80 tonnesat 8'8 metresabovethe keel.
Weight Height Moment
Light Ship 4559 6.62 30181
Cargo 730 ).1 .t tz5
480 9.3 4464
t470 6909
860 6) 7310
Fuel J) ) 0.6 213
Stores 60 12.4 744
F. Water 80 8.8 704
Totals 8594 54248
= 8594tonnes.
New displacement
N"*KG=r-IE#ffi =ffi =o.: rmetres
Nort.-The KGs which we havefound aboveare often called the "Solid KG'.
Ifthe shiphasfreeliquid on board,it maybe necessary to applya correctionto this,
in orderto find the "Fluid i(G', aswe shall seein Chapter9.
DeadweightMoment.-This term is sometimesusedto describethe sumof the
momentsaboutthe baseline of all the items,which makeup the ship'sdeadweight
(i.e. cargo,fuel, stores,etc.).It doesnot includethe momentof the light ship. So
we cansaythat:-
Totalmoment: Momentof light ship+ Deadweight moment.
For instance,in tr'Janple 2, above:-
Momentof light ship= 36131y-
Deadweightmoment= 24067tlm
Total moment= 54248t/m

Real and Vlrtu.l Centre of Gnvity.-If a weight is free to move about,

the position of its cenhe of gravity is moving. If the weight is moving in an arc,
then the position of its ce,ntreofgravity can be consideredto be at the centreofthe
arc insteadof being at its real centre of gravity. The position where its cenfe of
gravity can be consideredto act is called the "Virtual Centre of Gravity" and for
all stability calculations,the centre of gravity ofthe weight it consideredto be at
this virtual point.
An exarnpleof this canbe found in the caseofa weight, which is being lifted
by a derrick. Supposethe weight to be one centimetreoff the bottom of the hold"
The real cente of gravity has scarcelymoved-cerlainly not enougbto affect the
cente of gravity of the ship appreciably.If the weight is now free to swing in an
arc. the cente of which is at the headof the denick. so that G will move as if the
centre of gravity of the weight were actually at the head of the derrick and not
down in the hold. t ih
Fig. 46 shows a weight being lifted by
a derrick. When the weight is resting on the
bottom of the hol4 its centreof gravity and its
effect on the ship is at g. As soonas the weight
has been lifted clear of the bottom of the hol4
so that it is free to swing, its virtual ceotre of
gravity appearsat the headofthe denick, ft. The
effect on the ship is now as if the weight were
actually moved from g to lr. The virtual centre
of gravity will remain at i, whateverthe actual
position of the weight (i.e. whetheritbe at & g2
or gr) providedthat the weight is free to swing.
A similar effect occun in "slack" tanks,which containliquid which is free to
move.At small anglesof heel the cente of gravity of the liquid moves in an arc.
This is called"Free SurfaceEffect" andcausesa virtual centreofgravity to appearat
the centreofthe arc, abovethe actualcentreof gravity ofthe liquid in the tank.This
effect is discussedmore fully in Chapter9.
A somewhatsimilar effect is alsofoundwherechilled meatis hung from beams
in a hold and is moreor lessfree to move.
Exanple l.-A ship displaces6200t andhasa i(G of 6'12 m when a lift of 80 t
is restingon the innerbottom,at 2'50 m abovethe keel.Whatwould be the ship'siKG
whenthe lift wasbeinghoistedby a derrick,theheadofwhich is 2l m abovethekeel.
Headof denick is 21 - 2'5 = l8'5 m abovec.g.of lift. So c.g.of the lift rises
l8'5 m whenlifting.

GG - \vld = 80x1*&5 =0.24 metres(upwardsl

w 6200
Old KG = 6. 50 metres
New KG = q:4 metres

Example2.-A ship displaces7400t and her centreof gravity is on the centre

line at 6'50 m abovethe keel.A locomotive,weighing100t, is to be lifted from the
quayby meansofa derrick.Theheadofthe denick,whenlifting, will be 25 m above
the keel and 12 m to starboardofthe centreline. Find the positionofG whilst the
locomotiveis beinelifted.To find the newr(G:-
Weight Height Moment
Ship 7400 6.50 48100
100 25.00 2500
Loco 7500 50600

NewI(G=#=6x75 metres

To find the horizontalshift of G:-

oo, = w\d = tg=x^12= 0 . I 6 metresto starboard
of thecentreline
w 7500
The Elfect of Tankson *G-.-When a tankis filled with wateror oil, weight
is addedto the ship and G will movedirectlytowardsthe centreof gravityof the
tank. When a tank is emptied,the reversehappensand G movesdirectly away from
the centreof gravity of the tank. The distanceit moveswill be the sameas for any
otherweight addedor takenawayandcanbe found by the sameformula,viz.:-
GG.= !z-d

F]G. 4 7 A
Oneor two exampleswill illustratethismorefully.
Ifa forwarddouble-bottom tank,havingits centreof gravityatl werefilled, G
wouldmoveforwardanddomward to G, If a double-bottom tank,havingits centre

of gravity at,8 werefilled, G would movevertically downwardto q. If a tlnk aft, at

C, werefilled, G would movedirectly toward C, downwardand aft.
In the caseofa deeptanlq the one shown nFig,47 (a) is abaft G and hasits
cenheof gravity (D) level with it, so in this case,G will move horizontally aft to
G' directly towardsD. The relativepositionsof the centreof gravity ofa deeptank
and that of the ship vary considerablywith different shipsand different conditions
of loading.So the abovecaseis only an exampleand not an invariablerule. Filling
a deeptank may havea very different effect from that shownhereand the only nrle
that canbe laid down is that G will movedirectly toward the centreofgravity ofthe
liquid in the tank.
When tanks are emptied,G will move in exactly the oppositedirection from
the abovein eachcase.That is, if ank I were emptied,it would causeG to move
upwardsand aft; tank B would causeit to move vertically upward; tank C, upward
and forward; andtank D, directly forward.
Now consider the transverseeffect of
G. filling the sametanks.As long as the tanks
t are symmetricalabout tle centre-lineof the
Gi ship, their centresof gravity will be on that
ui\i' line. Thus,so far asthe transversestability of
the ship is concemed,G is merely assumed
to move vertically upwards or downward.
For instance, if we filled or emptied the
whole rqnk here, G would move down to G.
FIG.47B or up to q.
If the tank weie not symmetricalaboutthe ceotre-lineof the ship, its c€ntreof
gravity would be to one side ofthat line, so that G would move sidewaysaswell as
up or down.For instance,ifwe only filled oneside ofa double-bottomtank, with its
cenE€of gravity at g then G would move in the direction shownto Gr.
Whenit is necessaryto calculatethe effectoffilling or emptyingtanksthey are
treatedas ordinary weights addedor removed.The vertical shift of G is found by
taking the weight andKG of the ship, weight and i(G of the liquid in the tank and
thenaddingor subtractingthe moments(see"iKG for any conditionof loading").
It must be rememberedthat, in all tbe abovecases,the tanksareconsideredas
being completelyfilled or emptied.Ifthey arenot, the free surfaceofthe liquid may
causea virtual cenheof gravity, which will producesomevery different effects,as
describedin Chapter9.


Centreof Buoyancy-"8".-This is thegeometrical centreof theunderwater
part of the ship. That is, it is the centreofm
Tllforce qf-Quoyaqcyis consideredto act vertically up-rvard
throughthe centre
of buoyggfr, with a force equalto the weight of the displacedwater. Since,by thii-
I76-of Archimedes.a floatingbody displacesits own weightof water,this force
mustbe equalto theweightofthe ship.
Thetransverse andlongitudinal positionsofB arealwaysconsidered separately.
thetransverse B
direction, will always be on thecentrelineaslong the
as shipis upright,
butwill moveoutto onesideofthis linewhensheheels.Longitudinally,B maybe a little
forwardofor abaftthemidlength. (ThemethodoffindingB is givenin Chapter 3)
(KR'.-This is the vertical height of the centreof buoyancyabovethe keel.
For box'shapedships,floating upright, KB is alwaysequalto one-halfof the draft;
this is obviousif we considerB asthecentreof gravityof theunderwater body.For
shipshapes, KB is about0'52ofthe draftandcanbe foundby seamen fiom theship's
stabilitycurvesor scalesor tables.
Centre of Flotation - *F".-This is the point aboutwhich the ship heels
and trims. Consider a ship
which is heeled to a small
angle,as shownin Fig. 48. Let
the planeSTMNbe the original
waterplane and the plane
STTTPQ be the new waterplane.
The wedge SS,FNpE has
emerged fiom the water,
whilst the wedge FTTTPME
has become immersed.These
are known as the "emerged

By the Law ofArchimedes,a ship mustdisplaceher own weight of water at all

times if sheis to remainafloat.Thus,the volume which shedisplaceswhen heeled
must be the sameas that which she displacedwhen upright; so that the volumes
of the immersedwedgeand of the emergedwedgemust be equal.When the sides
of the ship are parallel, the line forming the apex of eachwedgemust divide each
waterplaneinto exactly equal areas.For instance,in the figure, the line EF must
be suchthat ttre areaSIfEF is equalto the arcaTMEF andlhe areaS,QEF is equal
to the area ?,PEF. This will hold good whetherthe ship swings longitudinally or
transversely,or in any other direction. It is obviousthat all such'tentrelines" must
cut eachother at one point-{he geometricalcentreof eachwaterplane;or, in other
words,the centreof gravity of the waterplane.
ln box-shapedships,thecentes ofgnvity ofthe uprightandheeledwaterplanes
mustcoincide,unlessthe deck-edgebecomessubmergd or the bilge emergesfrom
the water,In the caseof ship-shapesthis is not strictly true, but for small anglesof
heelor trim it canbe takenascorrectfor all practicalpurposes.This givesus a new
definition for the centreof flotation, namelythat the centreoffiotation is the centre
of gravity ofa shipb waterplane.
The transverseposition of the centreof flotation is alwaysat the c€ntrelineof
the waterplane;that is, the intersectionof the waterplaneand the centrelineof the
ship.Longitudinally,it is in the waterplaneandat the mid-lengthfor box shapes;but
may be a little abaft or forward of the mid-length in ship shapes.Chapter3 shows
how it may be found.
Shift of "B'.-The centre
of buoyancy is the cenhe of
gravity of the water which has
beendisplacedby a ship. It obeys
the samelaws as any other centre
of gravity. Fig. 49 represents
the ship shown in Fig. 48, as it
would be seen transversely.,9,l
representsthe original waterplane
andS,T, the new waterplanewhen
FtG.49 the vessel is heeled.S,S.Fis the
emerged wedge and 77,F the
immersedwedge,which havetheu centresof gravity at g andg' respectively.I is
the position of the centreof buoyancybeforethe ship heeled.The effect of heeling
the ship is the sameas if we took the emergedwedge away and placed it in the
positionofthe immersedwedge.Sincethe centreofgravity ofa bodymovesparallel
to the shift ofthe cenheof gravity ofany weight shifted,B mustmove out to B, in a
directionparallel to the line gg,
The distancewhich .Bwill shift can be found by taking moments,in the same
way as for the shift of any centreof gravity. Let Wbe the displacementof the ship
andw the weight of water in eitherwedge.
Now, for the centreof gravity, l{ x GG, = y'v /
So, for the centreofbuoyancy, W x BB, = wx gg,
The weight of any body equalsits volume in cubic metresmultiplied by its
density.So if I/ representsthe volume of displacementof the ship; v, the volume
of eitherwedge;andd the densityofthe water; the aboveformula canbe modified,
Il x BBt = wx gg,
oo _wxggt

x ggl
--t Vx6
vY oo

All the abovewill alsobe true if the ship changestrim.

Example.-A ship displaces28,800 cubic metres and is heeled so that the
volume of the immersedwedge is 1550 cubic metres.The distancebetweenthe
centresofgravity ofthe immersedandemergedwedgesis foundto be 9 metes. Find
the shift of B.
84=ry-=5#=0.484 metres
Horizontal and Vertical Componentsof the Shift of 6B'.-For more
advancedproblemsin stability, it is sometimesnecessaryto know how far B will
shift in either the horizontal or
F tG.5 0 the vertical direction only, when
the shipheels.Fig. 50 showsthe
sameship as in the last example,
heeledand with B moved out to
!l-- 8.. In the new vertical direction.
B' h". moved downwards foi
the distance RB, In the new
horizontal direction, it has
moved out for the distanceBR.
These two componentsof 88,
canbe foundasfollows:-

Drop perpendicularsfrom g and g, on to the new waGrplaueS,I,. Let these

perpendicularsbe gh ard grh,
For the horizontal shift, BrR:-The shift ofg in the horizontaldirection is &i,.
If we take momentsin this direction about any vertical line, the moment of the
wedgesmust equalthat of the ship. Thus,using volume in lieu of weight, as in the
last example.
V x BR=vx hl\
^^ vxhh

For the vertical shift, B,R:-j hasrisen for a vertical distanceofgft abovethe
horizontal, S,I,. g, has fallen for a vertical distanceof Srir below the horizontal.
Thus, the total vertical shift of g is (gh + grhr). If we take momentsabout any
horizontalline,we shallseethat:-
YxBrR=v(gh+ grhr)



Equilibriun of Ships.-We have seenin Chapter3 that a body's stateof
equilibriumdetermines whethet whenit is tilted, it will right itself,remainasit is,
or tilt more.Seamenare,naturally,very muchconcemedas to whethertheir ships
will remainuprightandso the studyof equilibriumformsan importantpart ofship
In the normal ship, the centre of gavity is always higher than the centre
of buoyancy;that is, KG is greaterthan KB. The force of gravity acts vertically
downwards through the former and the force of buoyancy vertically upwards
through the latter.As we havealreadyseen,thesetwo forcesmust be equal.It has
beenshownin Chapter3 that the equilibrium of a tilted body dependson the relative
positionsof the centreof gravity and the point of support.Unlessone is vertically
over the other,the body will try to tum in one direction or the other.This will hold
good for ships,if we substitute"centreofbuoyancy" for "point of support";thus for
a shipto remainat rest,G mustbe verticallyoverB.
When a ship is upright and
correctlyloaded,,Band G will both
be on the centreline,as sbown in
Fig. 51. The forcesof gravity and
buoyancywill be equalandopposite
andtherewill be no tendencyfor the
ship to move from the upright. As
soon as any other transverseforce
actson her,however,shewill heel.
The centre of buoyancy will move
out towards the low side and the
resultsofthis movementwill decidewhethertheshiois in stable.neutralor unstable
In thenextsix sectionswe shallconsiderFigs.52 (a),(b) and(c),whichshowa
shipinclinedby someextemalforcesuchaswaveaction.In eachcase,B hasmoved
out to Br but sinceno weightshavebeenmovedon board,G remainsin its original



/ .\ z
r !l

positionon the centreline. The force of gravity now acts venically downwards
throughG, in the direction Q andthe force of buoyancyvertically upwardsthrough
the new centreof buoyancy,in the direction8,.r. Thesetwo forcesform a "couple",
and,in thecaseofFigs. 52 (a) and(c), aretrying to tum the shipin onedirectionor
the other.
The Righting Lever- "GZ".-In Figs.52 (a) and(c), a horizontallne, GZ,
hasbeendrawnperpendicular to B,x.Thisperpendicular distancebetrveen G andthe
directionofthe actionof the forceofbuoyancyis calledthe "rightingleveC',on the
endsof which the forcesofgravity andbuoyancyactto producea tuming movement.
It canbe seenthatwhenthis leveris on the immersedsideofthe ship,shewill try to
right herself(Fig.52a);whenit is on the otherside,shewill try to heelfirther over
(Fig.52c);whenit doesnot exist,therewill be no tumingeffect(Fig. 52b).
The Metacentre-'M'.-In Fig. 52,thepointat whichtheforceof buoyancy,
actingin the directionB,x, cutsthe centrelineofthe ship,hasbeenrnarkedM. For
smallanglesofheel,up to aboutl0 or l5 degrees, theshift ofthe centreofbuoyancy
is an arc of a circleandMis the centreof thearcandfor thesesmallanglesmaybe
regarded asa fixedpoint.Thispointis called"themetacentre". Mmay beconsidered
as the point at which a vertical line upward through8,.r when the ship is heeleda
For largeranglesof heel,I movesout morequicklyandthis causesMto move
andit canno longerbe regarded asa fixedpoint.A pointcalledthe"pro-metacentre"
is sometimesconsidered to exist in this case.This point changesits positionwith
everychangeof theangleofheel andmay not evenbe on the centreline,soit is not
usedfor ordinarystabilitycalculations.
Metacentric Height-'GM"-This_ rg !r9_disglce a9[8.9.-of
9999"$re.Jt he: a definiterelationship with.GZ and, sinceit is
eFrer to find thanGZ, C_4,_r:nSl.lrlp9*for calculatingstabilityat smallanglesof
_!99!.-Itcarp,o1b99s94for ?lg!9!_gfggri!gg!_l! degees,sincethe metacentrethen
hasmoved.GMis termed"positive"if G is belowMand "negative"if G is aboveM.
Notr.-TGGi. :'-nel!frt oFthe metacentre"is sometimesusedin stability to
denotethe heightof M abovethe keel;that is, KM. It shouldnot be confusedwith
metacentricheight,or GM.
StableEquilibrium.-A ship is saidto be in stableequilibriumwhen,if she
wereinclinedby someextemalforce,shewould try to retumto the upright.If we
considerFig. 52 (a),we shallseethatthis conditionwill existwhen:-
L For smallanglesof heel,the shiphasa positiveGM.
2. Foranyangleofheel,therightinglever,GZ,is onthelow sideofthe ship.

Neutrel Equilibrium.-A ship which, if heeledby someextemalforce,would

haveno tendency,eitherto retum to the upright, or to heel further over,is said to be
in neutralequilibrium.We can seefrom Fig. 52 (b) that this will occurwhen G and
Mcoincide, so that GM andGZ equalzero.
Unstable Equilibrium.-We saythat a ship is in unstableequilibrium when,if
inclined by someextemalforce, shewould try to heel still further.Fig. 52 (c) shows
that this will occurwhen:-
For small anglesofheel, the ship hasa negativeGM.
For any angle of heel, the righting lever, GZ, is on the high side of
the ship.
It should be pointed out that a ship in this condition would not necessarily
capsize.As sheheelsfurther over,the centreofbuoyancy will usually move fudher
outwardsandmay becomevertically underthe centreof gravity at somelargerangle
ofheel. Shewill thenhavedevelopedconditionalequilibrium at *rat angle.
Conditionalstability meansthat if sheheelsfurther shebecomesstable,if she
Longltudinal Metacentric Height-DGM"'.-We havesofar only considered
transversestability in this chapter.A ship also has a longitudinal metacentreand
metacentricheight, which obey the samerules as the transverseones, although
the longitudinal metacentreis not in the sameposition. To distinguishthem, the
longitudinal metacentreand metacentricheight are usually denotedby M, and
GMr. We shall considerthem later,asthey areusedin calculatingtrim and for other
The longitudinal righting lever is not consideredin stability, although it
obviously exists.The anglesof inclination in this direction are so small that GM,,
which is moreeasily found, canbe usedfor all necessarycalculations.

Moment of Statical Stability.-This is the rnomentwhich will try to retum,a,
tUS t" 31"l19!ge5.lp 1s-hggtr{Jt is termed"positive" if it tendsto right the
shipand"negative"if it triesto causeherto heelstill furtherover.
We have seenin Chapter3 that moment is equal to force multiplied by the
lengthofthe lever.In thecaseofstaticalstability,theleveris GZandtheforceacting
on this leveris equalto the weight(i.e. displacement) of the ship.So, if I/ is the
displacementand GZ the righting lever:-
Momentof Statical Stabllity = W x GZ.

For any given conditionof loading,when the displacementis constant,a ship's

momentof staticalstability will increaseor decrease,or be positiveor negative,with
GZ. Sowe cansaythat,whilst the measureof staticalstability is ,t/ x GZ, the length
and directionof GZ aloneis an indication of the ship's staticalstability at any angle
RelationBetween(GM" and (G2".
Fig. 53 representstheGZM trianglefrom Fig. 52 (a).Theangle
Z is a right angle,sothat,if0 is theangleofheel:-

-SZ- = si11g
GZ = GM xsir0
This meansthat for anglesof heel of less l5o we can use
GM as the indicationof staticalstability,insteadof GZ, This is an
advantage,since the former is more easily found, but it must be
remembered that at largeanglesMmoves, so that we mustuseGZ
found from GZ curvesfor largeangles.
Initial Stability and Rangeof Stability.-Initial stabilitymeansthe valueof
GMwhentheshipis upright.It determines whethertheshipwill be "stiffor "tender"
andif sheis likely to developa list duringa voyage.It givesno realindicationasto
how the shipwill behaveat anglesofheel morethanl5o.

Rangeof stability is the angularrangeover which a ship will have positive

staticalstability.It is importantbecauseit indicatesthe theoreticalangleto which the
ship could heel beforeshewould capsize.
A ship'sinitial stability doesnot necessarilyindicatewhat her rangeof stability
is likely to be, or vice versa.The two havelittle to connectthem and a ship with a
largeinitial stability mayhaveeithera largeor smallrangeofstability. It is alsoquite
possiblefor a ship to havenegativeinitial stability, yet to becomestableat a small
angleofheel andthereafterto be ableto heelto quitea largeanglebeforeshecapsizes.
Calculrtion of r Ship's Initiel Strbility.-When a ship is built, the naval
architectscalculateher displacemen!deadweightand the height of the ceotre of
buoyancyabovethe keel (r<B).They also find the distanceof the netacentreabove
the centreof buoyancy(BM) arlld,by addingthis to the KB, obtainthe height of the
Oncetheshipis nearlycompletd the"IncliningExperiment"is performedtofnd
themetacentricheight(Gn{ ofthe ship in the light condition.This is subtracted&om
the light KMto give the heightof the centreof gravity abovethe keel (the light KG).
KM is tabulatedin the 'Deadweight Scale", or given in the form of graphs
called "Curves of Stability" or in HydrostaticData tables.The righting levets for
various anglesof heel and for assumedKG's are also calculatedand addedto the
stability information; usually in the form of i(N Curves or Tables.Care is taken
to seethat the rangeof stability is adequateto ensurethe safety of tbe ship at any
reasonableangleofheel if sheis properly loaded.
This completesthe naval architects'part of the lvork. Armed with the above
information,the seamancancalculatetheKG ofhis ship at any stageofloading, and
can thus find her rKMand GM, her righting leversat variousanglesof heel and her
approximaterangeof stability.
Crlculation of (BM" for
Ship Shapes.-Let a ship be heeled
by someextemalforce,asshownin
Fig. 54. ,S?is the original waterline
andS,I, is thenew one.The original
cenhe of buoyancy,B, has moved
out to ,r. g and g, are the centres
of gravity of the emerged and
immersedwedges,SCS' Md TCTI
respectively.The Metacentreis at
the intersection of the centreline
with the vertical line through.B,.

The proof ofthe following formula is outsidethe scopeof this book, but it can
be shownthat:-
Where.I = Momentof inertia of the waterplane
I/ = Ship'svolumeof displacement
B M= +

Example.-T\e incliningexperimentis performedon a shipandherGMis found

D be l'90 metres.Her displacementin salt water is 3200tonnesand the momentof
irrtia of her waterplanewas 17,070.If her KB is 1.62mehes,what is her KG?

---'-"' = 1.025
Volumeof displacement = 3122
,3?09= -'-- ml

BM=+=W=5.47 metres
BM =5.47 menes
KM =7{l9 mettes
Kc = l:19 metres
Celculation of BM for Box Shrpes.-A box-shapedvesselhasa rectangular
raerplane. It was shown, in Chapter3, that the momentof inertia of a rectangle
iout is centreline is

where/ is the lengthand 6 the breadthof the waterplane.
We canthus substitutethis for / in the last formula:
l zr
Whend equalsthe draft, Y = lxbxd

so. BM=---lt-
RM= b2
It must be rememberedthat the abaveformula holds good for box shapes only.

Example.-Abox-shap€d vesselis 60 metreslong, l0 metresbroadand floats

at a draft of 3'0 metres.Find her.BMandheight of the metacentre.
t, =*=*= 2 . 7 8 me t re s

i(B=* draft= 1.50metres

BM =2.78 menes
KM =!.28 nrctxes
Approximrte Formula for gBM'.-A close approximationfor the BM of a
ship shape,which is sometimesuseful,canbe found by the following formula:-
Where D = the shio'sbreadth.
d = her meandraft.
4 = a coemcient.

a is about 0'07 in very fine ships and about 0.083 in very full-formed ships.
Its averagevalue for merchantshipsis about0.075.
The Inclining Experiment-This is performedto find the ship's light GMand
henceher light r(G. It consistsof shifting weightstransverselyacrossthe deck of a
ship when the latter is free to heel.The angle of heel is measuredby the shift ofa
plumb-bobalonga batten.
Certainconditionsarenecessaryfor this experimen!if it is to give goodresults,
(a) Mooring lines mustbe slackandthe shipmustbe clearof thewhari sothat
shemay heel freely.
(b) The water mustbe smoothandthereshouldbe little or no wind. If thereis
any wind, the ship shouldbe head-onor stem-onto it.
(c) Theremustbe no free surfaceof water in the ship.The bilges mustbe dry
andboilers andtanksdry or pressedup.
(d) All moveableweightsmustbe properly secured.
(e) All personsshould be ashore,except the men actually engagedin the
experimentwho shouldstandon the centrelinewhen all readingsaretaken.
0 The ship mustbe upright at the beginningofthe experiment.
Whenthis experimentis performedin practice,four weightsaregenerallyused,
two on eachside of the ship. Theseare shifted altemaGly,fust one and then both,
acrossthe deck.Ttvo or threeplumbJinesareusedand all weightsandplumbJines

rt identical in order that they may provide a reliable check on eachother.For the
ppose of proving the formula, etc., the effect of shifting one weight and of using
e plumb-line only is considered.
In the figure, Dt
represents a batten,
fi xedhorizontallyacross
the ship and having the
point,F, at whichit cuts
the centre line, marked
on it. CI is a plumb-
line, suspendedat C
and free to move across
the batten when the
ship heels.The weight,
w, is shiftedacrossthe
deck to w, through a
distanceof d metres.G
then moves out to Gr
and the ship heelsuntil
i hasmovedto B, vertically underboth G, andM. The plumbJine movesout across
t battenfor the distanceFZ.
Let 0 be the angleofheel andlet W'bethe ship'sdisplacement. Considerthe
iiff of G, asdescribedin Chapter4:-
oor=v (1 )
Tbe angleF is a right angleandthe angleC is equalto 0.
so,ff=ta1 6 (2)
Considerthe triangleMGGr:- w has beenshiftedacrossthe deck at right
rgles to thecentreline.SinceG movesparallelto theshift ofthe weight,theangle
G mustbe a right angle.The angleMis equalto 0.
^5o, GG, = Ian u
sbstioting for GG, andfor tan0, from formulae(l) and(2), above,this givesus:-

Example.-Aweight of 15 tonnesis moved horizontally acrossthe deck of a

ship for a distanceof I 1.0metres.The ship heelsso that a pendulum,suspendedE.0
metresabovea horizontalbatten,movesout along the battenfor a distanceof 244
millimetes. The ship's displacernentis 3150tonnesandher1(Mis 6.12metres.Find
GM=#d-x?;=5#"Hl =r'72metes
KG = KM - GM =6.12-l'72 =4'40 mebes
Strticd Strbllity rt Smdl Angler of Heel.-The metacentreis considered
to exist for anglesof heel up to
For such angles, the ship's
moment of satical stability can
be found asfollows:-
0 = angleofheel
GZ = the righting lever
I/ = the ship'sdisplacement
We have aheady seen tha!
since the ngle GZM is a right
GZ= GM x sin0
Also that, momentof staticalstability = W x GZ
From the aboveit canbe seenthat for smallanglesofheel -
Momentof staticalstability=If xGZ
Momentof staticalstability = ,'z1 62' .io 6
Example.-A shtpof 6240 tonnesdisplacementhasa GMof 0.67 mete. Find
her momentof staticalstability at an angleofheel of9o.
Momentof staticalstabilitv = 7 x G,ll x sin 0
= 654 tonne-metres
cGZ' by the iWall-Sided Formuh
".-This formula is relies on the sidesof
the ship being vertical. It givesbetterresultsthan GZ = GM tang.
It is usedto calcul*e GZ atlarye anglesofheel until the deck edgebecomes
immersed.Its main use is for investigating the stability of a ship when GM is

very small or zero or negative. The positionsof G, B and Mmust be known. It

GZ = sinQ{GM + ttv xtan2 el

It is basedon the assumptionthat the ship is "Wall'Sided":that is, that her

sidesare vedical at all points along the waterplane,when sheis upright. Although
this assumptionis not strictly true, the formula will give reasonablyaccurateresults
for all anglesofheel in shipsof normalshape,providedthat the deckedgehasnot
Loll, or List.-A ship may developa list for one of two reasons:-
(a) If the centreof gravity is out ofthe centreJineofthe ship.
(b) If the ship hasa negativeGM.
Theseconditions are usually causedby faulty loading of the cargo and are
generallyavoidableif the weightsin the ship areproperly distributed.They arenot
necessarilydangerous, providedthattheshiphasanadequaterangeofstability, but are
obviouslybad seamanship. In eithercasethe ship will heeloveruntil sheis in neutral
equilibrium; that is, until 3 hasmoved out sufficiently to comevertically under G.
The first condition can occur in either stiff or tender ships and the list will
alwaysbe towardsthat side ofthe centre-lineto which G hasmoved.In the second
condition the list may be to either side and may, under the influenceof extemal
forces,changefrom onesideto the other.It may also increaseor decreaseif weights
aretakenawayfrom, or addedto the ship.
Angleof Heeldue to "G" beingout of the Centre-line.-If a weightis shifted
or loadedso that G comesout of the ship'scentreJine,the ship mustheeluntil G
comesverticallyover.B.Thisis preciselywhathappens in the"incliningexperiment",
aswe havealreadyseen.In that case,the heelwascausedby weightsshifted.Now let
us considerhow weightsmay be loadedso
asto causeor to correctheel.
Case l.-Consider a ship which is
uprightto beginwith, but in which a weight
of w tonnesis thenloadedat a distanceof
d metresoff the centreline, as shown in
Fig. 57(a).If the ship'scentreof gravity
was originally at G^, it will now move
upwardsand outwardsto G, QG will be
the vertical componentof this shift and
GG, the horizontalcomponent.The ship's
F IG.5 7 A new metacentricheightwill be Gi[

The momenttrying to heel the ship is v x dt.m, which e{uals I/ x GG, t.m.
The ship will now heel until, at some angle 0, the centre of buoyancyhas
moved out to come vertically under G, The effect of buoyancywill then exactly
counteractthe effect of gravity, so that:-
Momentof buoyancy= heelingmoment
= wx d = Wx G G .
But in the triangle GG,M : GG,= GM xtan 0

So;w x /= If x GM\ tan 0 (WhereW tndGM arethenew displacement and

new metacentricheight,respectively.)
If several weights are loaded or discharged,we must take their combined
momentsin lieu of w x d in the aboveformula.
Case2.-Now takethe caseof a
ship which is alreadyheeledbecause
of uneven disfibution of weights
on board, as shown in Fig. 57(b).
Let us seehow to bring her upright.
The ship's centreof gravity must be
j.ij-"d somewhereoffher centreline, sayat
t?.1 G,. Sothe heelmustbe causedby the
ship's weight, W', actrng vertically
,t downwardsthrough G, Let GG, be
the perpendicular distance of G,
from the ship's centreline: then the
downwardforce through Gr at right
anglesto GG, will be 7 x cos0.
So, the momentheelingthe ship = lll , GGr, cos0.
Now, to bring the ship upright, let us load a weight of lr tonnesat a distanceof
d metresfrom the ship's cente line, so asto balancethe heelingmoment.
The momentto right the ship = ]rx dxcoso
And, wxdxcos0--W xGG xcosO
Cos0 cancelsout, so:- wxd =Il xGG,
But, GG,=614't^'
So, wxd =WxGMxtang
Which is the sameformula asin the last case,exceptthat *" hsle using the
original(heeled) Wa dGM. ".s

Note that, in the figure, the weight, w, is shownat the sameheight as G. This
is done for simplicity: but in fact, the height at which the weight is loadeddoesnot
matter in this case,providedthat it doesnot causethe ship to becomeunstable.In
other words, we could load the sameweight anywhereon the line ry, in the figure,
to bring the ship upright.
GeneralRules.--:l\e following will apply to both the abovecases.
(a) ex 6l=fflx GMxtangi
(b) Always usethe heeledW rnd GM in the abovel
(c) If a nunber of weigbts are loaded or discharged,use their combined
momentsforw x d.
(d) When a ship, which is heeled,is to be brought upright, the height at
which the weight is loaded is immaterial, provided that it does not
renderthe ship unstablo.
Example l.-A ship, which is upright, hasa GM of 2.64 m and displacement
of 3200 t. A weight of 160t is then loadedinto the wing of a tweendeck, so that it
is 4'25 m aboveG and6'36 m offthe shio'scentreline. Findthe aneleto whichthe
shipwill heel
In this case,theheeledW'andG Mwill be thoseaftertheweighthasbeenloaded.
c"G= w:d = l6Ql4.,?tr
= 0.20m
NewGM = OldGM -GoG=2.64 -0.20 =2.44 m
wxd =W xGMxtart 0
l60x 6.36= 3360x2.44xrang
Tane= l!9936 =o.r24l
Example2.-A ship displaces5700 t and is listed 6' to starboard.Her rKGis
6'24 m andherKM is 7'01 m. Calculatetheweight of cargoto load into theport wing
ofa hold, at a distanceof l2'0 m offthe centreline, in orderto bring the shipupright.
In this case,theheeledW ud GMwill be theoriginalones.
wxd =lryxGMxtanO
wx12.0= 5700x0.77
'' 5700x0;J7l<0.1051
= 38.4tonnes
Example3.-A ship displaces8820t, hasa KG of 6.73 m and is upright. She
then loads:-
540 tonnesat 3.0 m abovethe keel and on the centeline
300tonnesat 9'0 m abovethekeeland2'5 m to port ofcenteline
200 tonnesat 5.0 m abovethe keel and 6.8 m to port of centreline
280 tonnesat 7'5 m abovethe keel and4.5 m to starboardofcentreline
If theKrWisthen7.81m, fnd the angleof heel.

Weight Height Vert. Moment Dist. Hor. Moment

8820 6'7t 59359 0 0
540 3.0 1620 0 0
300 9.0 2700 2.5 750 (to port)
200 5.0 1000 6.8 1360 (to port)
2E0 7.5 2100 4.5 1260 (to sta6oard)
10140 66779 E50 (to port)

NewGM = KM - KG=7'81-6.59=1.22m
Heelingmoment(fot wx =VxGMxt^nO
850= 10140x1.22xtan0
rane= =o'0687
Fleel= 3'9' to port

Example4.-A ship displaces64701tonnes,hasa KG of 5.97 m, KM of 7.62

m and is heeled5" to starboard"400 tonnesof cargoareto be loadedinto the wings
of a tween deck at distancesof 5.0 m off the centreline to port and 2.0 m off the
cente line to staxboard.Find the weight to load in eachwing in order that the ship
may then be upright.
Load rrytonnesinto the port wing: (400-w) tonnes into the starboardwing.
Momentto port = 5]r t/m Momentto starboard: 7(400- w) t/m
The ship is heeledto starboard,so we requirethe greatermomentin the port
wing in orderto bring her upright.

So,momentrequiredto right ship = 5w -7 ( 4OO

- w) tlm
Rightingmoment=WxGMx tan0
5w-7 (4OO
- w\ = 6470xl. 65x tan5'
5w- 2800+ 7w = 6470xl. 65x0. 0875
w =934'l.t-2800=3t I tonnes

So we must load 311 tonnesin the port wing and 89 tonnesin the starboard
Angle of Loll due to a Negative "GM".-A ship may developa list through
havinga negativeGM. In sucha case,shewill heeluntil sheis in neutralequilibrium:
that is, until B hasmovedout to
a position where it is vertically
The figure represents a
ship in the above condition.
fy,,6 things areobvious:-
l. That GMmust be
negativein the first instance
2. That,afterthe ship
has heeled and I is vertically
underG, therecanbe no GZ.
We have seen. from the

GZ=sin' (GM +rBM xt?tr2e)

But it hasjust beenshownthatGZ = O, so:-
o=sino (GM++BM xt^r]o)

For two quantities,when multiplied together,to be equalto O, one at leastof

them mustbe O. This meansthat either.
( 1.) s in0:O.
or (2;)GM+ ); BMxtar20:O

If sin 0 equalsO, then the angle 0 must also equal O, and the ship would be
upright. This is obviously impossible,sincethe ship has a lisl so we can conclude
cu+B{ tan'?e=o

.\ B M

RernemberGMis negativeandtwo negativesmakea positive.

Example.-Ashtp hasa displacementof 4500tonnesanda GMof 0.24 metres.
A weight of 270 tonnesis then loadedon deck, so that its centreof gravity is 5.0
metresabovethat of the ship and the BMis then found to be 4.40 metes. Find the
new GM andthe angleof loll, if any.
New displacement4500+ 270= 4770 tonnes
GG,=#{=AH# = 0.28metres
NewGM =0.24-0.28=-0.04 metres
To find the angleof loll: -

angleof loll = fo"

Note that a GMof-O.M m causesin this casea loll of nearly 8'

If the GM is 0.2 the ship will probablycapsize.

The Elfect of Free Surfaceof Liquids.-lf a tank is completelyfilled with
liquid,thelatterbecomes, in effect,a solidmass.It canbe treatedin exactlythesame
way asanyotherweightin theship;thatis, its weightcanbe regarded asbeingat its
actualcentreof gravity.
In a tankwhichis only partlyfilled,thesurfaceofthe liquid is freeto moveand
possesses inertia. The momentof inertia of this free surfaceabout its own centre-
line causesits centreof gravity to appearto be at someheight aboveit known as
the virtual centreof gavity. (he centreof the arc of the movementof the liquid.)
The effecton the ship'sstabilitywill thenbe as ifa weight,equalto the weightof
the liquid in the tank, were raisedfrom its position in the tank to the position ofthe
virtual centreof gravity.
Fig. 59 showsa ship which is heeledand which has free water in a double
st is the original
surfaceof the water and g
its original centreof gravity.
When the ship heels, its
surfacebecomessrtrand its
centre of gravity shifts out
to 8r'8r
m is the new vertical
through 9,. The water now
behavesalmostas if it were
a weight, free to swing and
hangingfromm, whichis its
virtual centreof gravity.This meansthat althoughthe actualcentreof gravity of the
wateris atg org, its efrecton theship'sstabilityis asif it wereplacedat m.Thecentre
of gravity ofthe ship if the free surfaceeffect wereignored(i.e. as if the waterwere
a solidweightandnot freeto move)would be at G andwould be calledthe "Solid
Centreof Gravity".Whenthe freesurfaceis takeninto account,the ship'scenheof
gravitywouldbe at G, andwouldbe calledthe"Fluid Cenheof Gravity".

Whenthe GMof a ship is beingcalculate4the fluid KG and GMshould always

be takenasthe tnre valuesif free surfaceof liquid exis6.
We have alreadyseenthal for a ship, when I is the momentof inertia of the
waterplaneand Zthe volume of displacement:-
If we considerFig. 59, it is apparentthat scs, and tctr are equivalentto the
immersedand emergedwedges,respectively,ofa ship: that the shift ofg, out to g,
is parallel to the shift of the centreof gravity of thesewedges:that m occun at the
intersectionofthe centeline and the vertical line throughg,
This is obviously similar to what happ€nswhenB movesout to produceM in
the caseofa ship.
So if i is the momentof inertia of the free surfaceandv the volume of water in
the tank:-

cn=+ (l)

The effect ofthe virtual centreofgravity is the sameaswould be that ofa solid
weightplacedat m: that is, asif the weight of the waterin the tank wereshiftedfrom
So,if Wis the displacementof the ship andw theweight of waterin the tark:-
Li(it=i:- (Shiftof ..G'-{haprcr 5)

Let v be the volume of water in the tank, Zthe volume of displacementof the
ship, d, the densityof the liquid in the tank and d the densityof the water in which
the ship floats.Then:-
w= v x 4
Il =Y x6

So, OOr='"!n#
If we now substitutefor grr, from fonnula (l):-
vx6, xi

(NoteIz" d = Displacement) nv =iff


Example.-A shipdisplaces 9750t andhasa solidGMof 0.96m whenfloating

in waterof density1.020t/m3.Freesurfaceexistsin a tankwhich containswaterof
density1.005t/m3.The momentof inertiaof this free surfaceis 1640.What is the
= 0 . 1 7m
SolidGM 0.96 m
Fl,tidGM 9:lL n

The Effect of Rectangular Free Surfaces.-The free surfacein a tank is often

a rectangulararea.In this case,the calculationof its effect is much simplified. If/ is
the lengthand b the breadthof sucha surface,its momentof inertiawill be found by
the formula:-
. - rbrx6,


Since ca _tb' xol

--I l2W

Free Surface Effect when Tanks are Filled or Emptied.-When liquid is

run into, or removedfrom a tank so asto causefree surface,it will affect the ship's
stability in two ways:-
(t) The solid rKGand displacementwill be changedby the weight addedor
(b) Therewill be a rise of G causedby the free surface.This will haveto be
addedto the new solid KG to give the fluid KG.
Example.-A shipdisplaces5I 54 t, floats in seawater andhasa KG of 6.I 0 m
when a doublebottom tank is empty.The tank is rectangular,15 m long, 12 m wide
and 1'3 m deep.Whatwould be the ship's GMafter freshwaterhasbeenrun into the
tankto a depthof 0'80m, if theKMis then7'45m.
Addedvolume = 15 x 12 x 0.8 = 144m3(144t of freshwater).
Weieht Heieht Moment
Ship 5154 6.10 31439
Water 1M 0.40 58
s298 3t497

S o t id K G = r y . = 5 . 9 sm
= 'l
Riseof G dueto freesurface
= ,!sx=t?='=
= o +rm
l2x 5298
SolidKG = 5.95 m
FluidKG = 6 J6 m
KM =7.45 m
Fluid GM = I .09 m
Free Surfacein Divided Tanks.-Figure 60 showsa tankhaving a rectangular

free surfaceanddivided at the centreline. Let / be the lengthandb the breadthof the
tank. The breadthofthe free surfaceon eithersideofthe tank will thusbelD .

/l \r
Riseof G due to free surfaceoo oo" ,id" = 4?A
GG, is dueto the free surfaceon two sideshowever,so:-" r " T

= 2\ tbj
8 t2V
4 t2I/
If we comparethis with the formula found in the last section,we shall seethat
it is onequarterofthe latter.So,in the caseofa rectangularfree surface,dividing the
tank at the centre-linewill decreasethe rise ofG to onequarterofwhat it would be in
an undividedtank.. In the caseof surfacesother thanrectangularones,t}e decrease
mav not be the same.but it will be considerable.

It can be proved, in the sameway, that dividing the tank into three would
decreasethe rise ofG due to free surfaceto one-ninthofthat for an undividedtank.
Dividing the tank into four partswill decreasethe free surfaceeffectto one-sixteenth
ofthe above.
Iffree surfaceexistsin more than one tank, this will causea total decreasein
the ship's GMequal to the sum of the effectsfor eachtank.
Example1.-A ship is floatingin saltwateranddisplaces6000t, hasa solid
l(G of 5.810m, andKM of 6.424m. Freesurfaceexistsin a rectangular bunkertank,
3'0 m long and 12'0m wide,dividedat the centreline andcontainingoil of density
0'890Vm3.Whatis the shin'sfluid Gi14

surface t=ccr=lbjr#t xf,
_ 3 x l2 r x 0 . g g 0 x =
I 12x6000 | 4
Solidl(G = 5.810m
E KM =6-424m
Ftuid cM = ql9! m

Example2.-A ship,floatingin saltwater,displaces 8440t, hasKG of 6'21m

atrtdKM of 7.21 m, when a double bottom tank is full of fresh water.The tank is
rectangular, l8 m long,20 m wide, 1'5 m deepandis dividedinto 4 equaltanksby
fore and aft watertightdivisions.Find the ship's GM after360 t of freshwater have
beenpumpedout ofthe tank, leavingit slack?
Depthof waterremoved = 1.00m
c.g. of water removed = 0 . 5 m from top of tank
Ks of waterremoved= I .5 - 0.5 = 1.00 m

Weight Height Moment

Ship 8440 6.21 52412
Water 360 1.0 360
8080 52052
h Sordrc=ffi =6.442n
The surfaceis divided into 4 parts

th3x6, I
So, Freesurfaceeffect = :----l- x t:
l2w 16
_ 1 8 x 2 0 3x I
12x8080 l6
SolidKG = 6 .,14m
FluidKG = 6 J3 m
KM =7.21m
Fluid GM = 0 .68 m

Free Surface Moments.--One of the requirementsof the Load Line Rulesis

that a ship shall be provided with a staternentshowing the loss of GM due to free
surfacein eachtank. The Departrnentof Tradenow recommendthat this be given
as "Free SurfaceMoments", ass"ming that the liquid in the tank has a density of
l'000 t/m3.
Wherei is the momentof inertia of the free surface(allowing for longitudinal
Freesurfacemoment = t(t = l)
FreeSurfaceEffect if liquid hasdensity6t
tossofGM =T

Example.-A shiphasa solid GM of l'02 m an,ddisplaces7600 t when a tank

is partly filled with oil of relative density0'E50.If the free surfacemomentof this
tank is 1250m'. find the fluid Grtd

ofGM=F.S.r"r.xfi =0'14m
SolidGM=l'02 m
Fluid GM = 0. 88 m


FactorsAlfecting Steticel Stability.-Statical stability is governedprincipally
(a) The positionofthe ship's centreof gravity.
ft) The underwatershapeof the hull, upright and asthe ship rolls.
The position of the centreof gra.vitydependson the loading ofthe cargoand
t der weights in the ship. It affects the statical stability, becauseit is one of the
Ectors which determinethe lengthofthe righting lever, GZ.
The form ofthe ship decidesthe shapeofthe emergedand immersedwedges
rten the vesselheels.Thesein their tum will determinethe position andshift ofthe
cam of buoyancyandhencethe lengthof GZ.
An examplewill best show the efrect of the above.Let us considera graph
$owing a ship's momentof staticalstability at variousanglesof heel.



CurveI is for a vessel160 meheslong, 20 metresbeam,8 metresdraft,

3 metresfreeboardandhavinga KG of 7.00metres.The maximumrighting moment
for this ship is aboutI1,600tonne-metres and occursat 23' of heel.Her rangeof
srabiliryis 58'.
Curve B showsthe effect of adding 2 metresof freeboardto the aboveship,
if all other detailsremainthe same.The two curvesrun togetherat first, but curve
B continuesto riseto a maximumof about27,500tonne-metres at 48oofheel. The
rangeof stabilityhasincreased to 81o.
Curve C showsthe effect of adding 2 metresof beamto the original ship in
curve ,{. The maximum stabilify has increasedto 25,000tonne-metres,but it only
occursat about25oheel.Therangeof stabilityhasincreased to 68'.
The effect of raising the centreof gravity of ship A by 0.5 metreis shown in
curveD. The maximumrighting momentis now nearly 7000 tonne-metresand the
rangeis 39o- a considerablereductionin eachcase.
CurveE showsthe effectofraising G, in ship,4,by 1.20metres,so asto give
her anega/riveGM of 0'03 metres.The negativestability causesherto loll to an angle
ofabout7", but thereaftershedevelopspositivestabilityandhasa rangeto 23o.
CurveF is an exampleof what would happenif shipA had G raisedby 1.20
metres(asin curveC), but at the sametime had the freeboardincreasedby 2 metres.
In this caseshewill still loll to 7"; but thereaftershewill havea rangeto about55o,
becauseof the increasedfreeboard.
Let us tabulatetheseresults:-
GM Range of
Ship Angleof
meres Tonne-metres stabiliry
A t.t7 l I,600 23" 58"
B t'r7 27,500 43" 81.
C 2.4 24,700 25" 66"
D 0.67 6,800 22" 390
L -{.03 1.100 17" 23"
-o.03 8,800 39' 55"
(Only ship B complieswith the Loadline Rulesregardingminimum stability
Fromtheabovewe candrawthe followingconclusions:-
(a) Increaseof freeboarddoesnot affect initial stability, but increasesrange
of stability.
(b) Increaseof beam increasesinitial stabiliw. but has very little effect
ll on range.
rl (c) Raising the centreof gravity decreasesboth initial stability and range.
(d) A ship which has negative initial stability will not necessarilycapsize,
P' but may become stable at some small angle of heel and may, thereafteq have
a reasonablerange of stability before she will capsize, provided that she has
sufficient freeboard.
It must be rememberedthat the curvesshown are for one particularcaseand are
intendedas a demonstrationonly. In practice,the averagemerchantship often has a
largerrangeofstability than that shown,but the conclusionsthat we havedrawn will
hold good in almost all cases.
Placing of Weights.-The naval architectswho design a ship, make sure that
she will be reasonablysafe if she is properly loaded, as regardsboth her statical
stability and her range of stability. They can, however, onlp!-r the po_sitionof the
ive centre of gravity for the ship whel qle is in her light condilion. Its position during
aiii aftijr the loading ofcargo will deplnd on the distribution oftne weiEEGlthich is
the duty o_fthe ship's officers. It haSalready beensein ihai both ihe staticalstabiiity
I-20 -of
and the range slability depend partly on the position of the centre of gravity,
tres. so those who load the ship must always remember that the final responsibility is
( io
on them.
It is not always possibleto load ships exactly as we would wish, since we do
not control the kind of cargo we receive,or the order in which it comes alongside.
Thus, we sometimeshave to "make the best of a bad job"; but even in the worst
caseswe can do quite a lot to control the stability of our ships by the judicious
distribution ofweights. Ifthe seamanloadshis ship so that shehasa reasonablylarge
metacentricheight, he need not worry unduly about the range of stability, since the
naval architectscan be relied on to do their part of the work faithfully. In practice,
the averagemerchantship, when properly loaded and with a sufficient metacentric
height, usually hasa rangeofat leastsixty to seventydegrees.Many still havea large
righting leverevel_at ninety degreesof heel.
of thumb";hethod sometimesusedat sea,is to place about one third of
. -{i1qle
.--i.+- --.:
.-- .t---
the--weightin fhE-trveeri decksandtwo{hirds in the holds.This is a reasonablysafe
rbility rule in irost cases,but it mustbe remembered that all shipshavetheir peculiarities
andwhatis goodfor theaverageshipis not necessarily goodfor everyone.Theonly
truly reliablemethodis thatofcalculatingthe metacentric height.
range Stiff and TenderShips.-A stiff shipis onewhichhastoo muchmetacentric
height(Glr').A tendershipis oneiith-n-ot eiroughmefacEniri-height. Theseterms

arerelative:a ship doesnot suddenlybecomeeitherstiffor tenderat a given GM, but

changesgraduallyfrom one conditionto another.
|| .- i , i". A goodmetacentricheight for a fully:loe4Bdlt$*StShip is^usqa]Ujg1$n
' onehalf and one mg.Ep.A ship with a GMof lessthan this yiill-go_!.nglly.bel9nder.
It is difficult to sayjust when a ship becomesstiff. A GMwhich would render
one ship too stiff might be quite comfortablein another:also, generallyspeaking,
much larger GMs are consideredreasonablein modem shipsthan would havebeen
regardedas permissiblesomethirty yearsago. It is probably fair to say,however,
that a loadedship with a GMof over one metrehasa tendencyto stiffiress:whilst if
her GMis much greaterthanthis shewill probablybe too stiff. As we shall seelater,
a ship in the light conditionnormally hasa largeGM often asmuch as from two to
four metres.
Stiff Ships.-tf a ship is too stiff, shewill havean exce_ssi_v:Jigb[Iryg:g!,
and will tend to right herselfviolentlywhen inclined.HEr periodof roll may be
rathersrnalland shewill roll heavily and quickly in a seaway.This will causeher to
be uncomfortableat seaandthereis a risk that shemay strainherself,or may cause
her cargoto shift or to be <lamaged. Sucha condition is not usually dangerous,but
shouldbe avoidedwheneverpossible,for obviousreasons.
One is sometimesaskedif it is advisableto pump out doublebottom tanks'in
a stiff ship. In port, this would be perfectly safe and good practice,subjectto the
ship beingleft with sufficientballastfor seaworthiness, sincetJremetacentricheight
would thus be decreased.Whilst the tank is being pumpedout, free surfaceeffect
would causethe centreof gavity to rise somewhataboveits final position, but this
shoulddo no harm in the circumstances.
It would probablybe safe to work tanks at seain the sameway, but it is not
usuallyconsidered goodpracticeto do so,unlessabsolutelynecessary; because of
the risk of structuraldamageto the tank due free to water sloshingabout.
Tender Ships.-A tender ship will have a small righting moment and a
comparaqygly,-l_o1g period of roll. Shewill have an easymotion in a seawayand
may be quite safe.|rdvidcifthifner GM and freeboardare sufficientto give her an
adequaterangeof stability.
This doesnot meanthat it is goodpracticefor a shipto be in a very tenderstate:
on the contrary,sucha condition shouldbe avoidedas much as unduestiftress. It
is importantto rememberthat the consumptionof fuel and storesduring a voyage
usually causesthe ship's centreof gravity to rise, so that shewill probablyarrive in
portwith a smallerGMthanthatwith whichshesetout.If theshipis tenderto begin
with, this may causeher to becomemore so and shemay evendevelopa negative

ul If a ship shouldbecometender,the solutionis to fill double-bottom tanks

in order to lower the centre of gravity. Whilst tanks are being filled, free surface
ln effectwill causeG to rise slightly and the ship to becomemore tender,but this
t will disappear whenthetankbecomesfull. In modemshipsthe double-bottoms are
ler usuallywell dividedup by the cennelineandintercostalgirders,whichreducefiee
surface.It is alwaysadvisableto fill tankswhich havea watertightsub-divisionif
e1l moreGMis requiredat sea.
er, UnstableShips.-In Britishlaw,MastersandOfficersmustmakesurethattheir
rif shipsarebe stableat all timesat sea.(MinimumGM0.l5 m) Thefactthata shipwas
Er, stableat theoutsetofa voyageis not accepted asextenuation,
lo or damagethroughbecomingunstableduringthatvoyage,unlessthe circumstances
areextraordinaryandunforeseeable. Apart from this, goodseamanshipdemandsthat
a ship shouldbe so loadedas to ensurethat the GMwill be sufficientat all times.
be Shipsdo sometimesbecomeunstable,however,and if this happens,every effort
:l o mustbe madeto rectif matters.Thenecessary stepsaresimpleandobviousto those
!se who understandstability,but unforhmatelythe wrong thing has sometimesbeen
Dut doneoccasionally with seriousresults.
Let us considerthe causesof instabilityin practice:-
nn (") Weightsmaybeplacedtoo highin theshipwhencargois beingloadedand
the thuscausea negativeGMat theoutsetofthe voyage.
[ect @ Fuelandstoresconsumed at seaareoftentakenfrom a positionlow down
his in theship.Thismay causeG to risesufficiently,to give hera negativeGM.
@ When a deck cargo is carried, it may soak up water during the
not voyageandthusincreaseits weight.This may alsocauseG to risesufficientlyto
; of give the shipa negativeGM.
(d) Wateror oil will be takenfrom double-bottom tanksat sea.Therewill be
a riseof G dueto theremovalof weightfrom thebottomanda furtherrisedueto
ia freesurfaceeffectin the slacktanks.This is particularlyliableto happenin ships
r an
carryingoil fuelin thedouble-bottoms.
Thefreesurfaceeffectis thenunavoidable,
But by usingsmalltanksandemptyingonepair beforeusingthe next tanks,the
Brc: FreeSurfaceEffectshouldnot be too excessive..Tankscanalwaysbe filled with
s. It ballastastheybecomeempty.
fe ln It is obviousfrom the abovethatthe ultimatecauseof instabilityis a negative
Rgrn GM and that the only cure is to lower the ship's centreof gravity.This mustbe
five done very carefully,since it is alwaysa difficult operationand it can actually
be danserous.

Weightssuchasbunkers,storesand cargomust, ifpossible, be trimmed down

and/ordouble-bottomtanksfilled, whilst in extremecasesit may becomenecessary
to jettison cargo. The best generalrule is to add weight as low as possible or to
removeit fom the highestpossiblepoint.
The most commonand practicalmethodof curing instability in a ship is to fill
a double-bottomtank or tanks,but this may be dangerousif it is not doneproperly.
Tanks which are sub-divided at the centreline should always be filled first, in
order to minimise the effect of free surface.One tank should be filled at a time,
commencingwith the low side andwhen this is abouttwo.thirds full, it will be safe
to startrunningup the high side.Freesurfaceeffect andthe addedweight on the low
sidewill probablycausethe ship to increaseher list at first, but asthe tank fills, she
will graduallycomeupright. The high sideofa tank shouldneverbe filled first, even
though it may evenh:allyachievethe desiredresult. There are two reasonsagainst
this: that G will not be lowered so quickly as by filling the low side first: that at
sometime the addedweight on the high side will causethe ship to changeher list,
suddenlyandviolently, from one sideto the other.
It is extremelydangerousand worse than uselessto pump out double'bottom
tanksin an attemptto correctloll. It might seemat first sigbt that if we pump out a
tqnk on the low side of the ship, the removalof weight from that side would allow
her to right herself.We mustremember,however,that an unstableship lists because
hercentreofgravity is toohighandifwe removeweightfromthebottomofthe ship,
we shallonly causeG to risestill higher.This riseofG will probablybe aggravated
by free surfaceefect. When sufficient weight hasbeenremovedfrom the low side
of the tank, the ship will give a sudden"heave" and developan evengreaterlist to
theotherside:or shemayevencapsize.
A ship rarely becomesunstablewhen all the double-bottomtanks are full, but
if this doesoccur,it is obviousthat they shouldon no accountbe pumpedout. If the
ship is still dangerouslyunstablein such a case,after all possiblecargo, fuel and
storeshavebeenshifteddownwards,the only resortis to jettison cargo.Whenthis is
done,the cargoshouldfirst be takenfrom the high side of the ship and levelledoff
later. The reasonsfor this are the sameas thosefor fillins double-bottomtanks on
the low sidefirst.
Ships in Ballast.-When a ship hasto makea voyagewith no cargoon board,
it is usuallyadvisableto carry a certainamountofballast. This makesthe ship more
seaworthygenerally and immersesthe propeller more deeply,thus increasingits
efficiencyand decreasingvibration. Modern shipsusewater ballastcarriedin tanks
for this purpose.

A ship which is light usuallyhas a large GM and is often excessivelystiff.

Whenwaterballastis loadedinto suchshipsit is importantnot to increasethe GM
firther. PeakandDeeptankswill minimisethe stiffiressandkeepthe GM down.
It canbe seenfromthehydrostaticcurvesin thebackofthis bookthat,nearthe
light draft,Mfalls quicklyasdraftanddisplacement Thisis all to thegood,
sinceit tendsto reducethe GMif we loadwaterballast.But if we loadtheballastin
double-bottom tanksaloneit will causeG to fall considerablv.sothatthenettresult
is usuallyan increasein GM.
In orderto avoid this, most shipshavedeeptanks,which can carry a large
amountofwaterballasthigherup in theship.Loadingwaterinto thesewill not lower
theship'scentreof gravityappreciably. In thiscase,Mwill fall muchmorethanwill
G andthe nett result is usually a decreasein GM-
To illustratethis, considera ship which, when light, has a draft of 3'20 m,
displacement of 4986t, ,(G of 6'50m, KM of 10.14m: and,hence a GM of 3.64m.
Now considerwhatwill happenif we load 1500t of waterballast:(a) in double
bottomtanks,with their centresof gravity at 0.60m abovethe keel: (6) in a deep
tank,with its centreof glavity at 5.00m abovethekeel.Suppose that,in eachcase,
thenew drafthasbecome4'00 m andthenew,(Mis 9.02m.
To find the new GM:
For (a) For (b)
Weight Height Moment Heisht Moment
4,986 6.50 32,409 6'50 32,409
1,500 0.60 900 5.00 7,500
6,486 33,309 39,909
11lnq 39909_6.15t11
NewKG= - 14m
6486 " 6486
KM= 9-02m 9.02m
GM= 3.88m 2'87 m
s In this case,the waterballast,whenloadedin the doublebottom,will increase
il the GMby 24 cm:whenloadedin the deeptank,it will decrease the GMby 77 cn.
n The Effect of "Winging-out" Weights. "Winging-out" meansplacing
weightswell out fromthecentre-line towardsthesidesofa ship.Mostseamen know
d, that a shipso loadedis steadierin a seawaythanonein whichthe heaviestweights
re areconcentratedat the centre-line,all other thingsbeing equal.
ts A ship'speriodofroll depends largelyon hermomentofinertia.Wehaveseen,
ts in Chapter3, that the greaterthe momentof inertia of a see-saw,the lessquickly will
it swing.Similarlywith a ship;if her momentof inertiais increased, herperiodof

roll will alsobecomegreater. If theweightsin theshiparewingedwell out,theywill

causeher to havea greaterradiusof glration thanshewould haveif they were near
thecentreJine. Thiswill increase hermomentof inertiaandperiodofroll, sothatshe
will be steadierin a seaway.This shouldalwaysbe donewheneverpossible.
It must be remembered,to avoid confusion,that we are here consideringthe
momentof inertia of the ship herself;not that ofthe waterplane,aswe did when we
werefinding 8M.
Deck Cargoes.-Ships carrying heavy deck cargoesare always liable to
becomeunstable,sincethe additionalweight is placedhigh in the ship.Ifthe cargois
ofa type which is likely to soakup waterduring the voyage,the consequentincrease
of weighton deckmay causeG to rise sufrciently to makethe vesselunstable.When
sucha cargois beingloaded,therefore,a sufficientmarginof safetymustbe allowed
for this eventuality.
Timber Deck Cargoes.-The remarksmadein the last paragraphalso apply
to theparticularcaseof a timber deckcargo.When sucha cargois properly secured,
however,it becomesin effect an addition to the ship's hull and thus increasesthe
freeboard.We have seenthat an increasein freeboardwill increasethe range of
stability so that a ship carrying a timber deck cargo may be perfectly safe, even
thoughsheis tender.In Fig. 61,curvesE'andFshowthatsucha shipmayevenhave
a small list on accountofthe extra weight on deck,and yet havequite a largerange
of stability. This would be bad seamanship,but not necessarilydangerousas far as
stability is concemed.
The advantageof increasedrangeof stability can obviouslyonly be gained
if the deck cargo is efficiently securedso as to fomr a solid block with the
ship's hull. It is worth noting that the regulationswith regardto deck cargoes
of timber carriedon ordinaryshipslay down that suchcargomustbe compactly
lashed,stowedand securedand that it mustnot renderthe vesselunstableduring
the voyage.
The Load Line Rules require that an allowanceequal to 15 per cent of the
weight ofa timber deck cargoshall be madefor water soakedup by the timber.
Ships marked with lumber loadlinesare allowed to load more deeply when
carrying a full timber deck cargo,than at other times. Sincethe additionalweight
will normally be on the deck in suchcases,it is importantthat the stability of these
shipsshouldbe evenmore carefully considered.Threepoints from the regulations
with regardto this areworth noting particularly:-
(a) The double-bottomsmust have adequatelongitudinal sub-divisions.This
is a precautionagainstunduefiee surfaceeffectwhenthe tanksarepartly filled, to
preventthe ship from becomingunduly tender.

(b) The timber must be stowed solid to a certain minimum height. This
ensuressufficient freeboardto give an adequaterange of stability, if the ship
becomesvery tender.It alsomeansthat if shewereto losethe deckcargo,she
wouldriseapproximately to herordinaryloadlines.
@ The lashingshaveto conformto very stringentrules,which ensurethat the
deckcargoformsa solidmasswith the ship.
Free Liquid in Tanks.-The importanceof longitudinalsubdivisions in tanks
hasbeenreferredto severaltimes.A studyof Chapter9 will showthat the smallerthe
areaoffree surfacein a tank,the lesswill be the riseof the ship'scentreof gravity
dueto suchsurface;alsothat a decreasein its breadthwill havea muchgreatereffect
thana decrease in length.Hence,the bestway of minimisingthe effectis to usea
tank which hasas many longitudinal subdivisionsaspossible.The modemcellular
double-bottomtank has,at least,a watertightcentregirder sothat the free surfaceis
divided into at leasttwo parts.Slackdouble-bottomtanksshouldalwaysbe avoided
if possiblebut they shouldnot causeinstabilityif the numberofsuch slacktanksis
keptto a minimum,unlesstheshipis initially verytender.
The amountof liquid in a tank will not appreciablyaffect the position of the
virtual centre of gravity due to free surface,unless it changesthe shapeof that
surface.The weight of the liquid does, however, affect the final position of the
ship's centreof gravity for two reasons.In the first place,it will have an influence
on the originalpositionofG. Secondly;it will changethe volumeof displacement
ofthe ship andwill thuscausea slightchangein the positionofM In theory one
centimetreof water in a double-bottomtank would causethe centreof gravity ofthe
ship to rise much higher than, say,one metreof water:the free surfaceeffect would
be the samein eachcase,but in the secondcase,the original centreof gravity would
be lowet on accountofthe extraweightin the bottomof the ship.This would hold
good in practiceaslong asthe ship wereperfectlyupright, but assoonassheheeled
slightly, the waterwould run down into onecomer.If the tank werenearlyempty,or
nearlyfull, this wouldcausea considerable decrease in the freesurface.
Freesurfaceis considerednot to exist if the tanksarelessthan2olofull or more
There is always a large free surfaceeffect when deeptanks are being filled.
This is not normallydangerous, since,in the averageship,suchtanksareonly filled
whensheis light and,therefore,comparatively stiff. Somemodemshipscarryliquid
cargoesand/orbunkersin deeptanksandpeaktanks,however,and may only havea
small metacentricheightwhen suchtanks arefilled. In this case,free surfaceeffect
becomesimportantandmustbe considered carefully.

Freeliquid in tanks,as distinctfrom pure free surfaceeffect,is not usually

considered,becauseit has peculiarand apparentlyunpredictableeffectson the
rolling ofships.Thereis no doubt,however,thattheperiodof surgeofthe liquid is
sometimes the sameasthe ship'speriodofroll andwhenthis happens, it increases
Apart from any questionof stability,it mustbe rememberedthat slacktanksare
alwaysbadfrom a structuralpoint of view.Freeliquid exertsa considerable lifting
effect on the tank tops and may causeconsiderabledamageto them.
It can be seenfrom the abovethat fiee liquid in tanks shouldbe avoided
wheneverpossible,evenwhenthe freeswfaceeffectis not dangerous. Whenit does
occur,oneshouldkeepa senseofproportion andneitherunderestimatenor overrate
its possibilities.
Free SurfaceEffect in Oil Tankers.-This effectpresentsa specialproblem
in the caseof oil tankers,since,when tanksare "fu11",a certainamountof space
(or "ullage") must be left betweenthe surfaceof the oil and the tank top to allow
for expansionof the cargo due to changesof temperature.The usual methodsof
minimisingfreesurfaceeffect,in this case,areshowndiagrammatically in Figs.62
(a) and 62 (b).

(a) Frc.62 ro,

Fig. 62 (a) showsan arrangement which may be usedin small vessels.A
longitudinal bulkhead,B, is fitted at the centre line and an "expansiontrunk",4
extendsupwardsabovethe freeboarddeck.When the tanksarefull, the free surface
is confinedto the expansion trunkandis theresubdividedby thebulkhead.
Fig. 62 (b) showsan arrangementwhich is often adoptedin modem tankers.
Thereis no expansiontrunk, but two longitudinalbulkheadsB arefitted, one at each
quarterline andalsoa washplatel/, or a non-watertightbulkhead,at the centre-line.
Whenthe tank is partly full, the free surfaceis divided into threenearly equalparts.

Definition,-Dynamical stability is the amount of work done in inclining a
ship to a given angle ofheel.
Work.-Suppose that we wish to push a weight across the deck of a ship.
The weight will resist our efforts to move it on accountof inertia, friction with the
deck, etc., and we shall have to exert force in order to start it moving. If we then
stop pushing, the fiiction between the deck and the weight will soon cause the
latter to stop moving, so we must continue to push until it is in the desiredposition.
The greater the weight, the harder we must push and the greater the distance,the
longer we must push. In other words, we must do work and the amount of work
done dependson the distancewe have to move the weight and the amount of force
we have to exert in order to move it. Thus, work done is equal to the force exerted,
multiplied by the distanceover which it is exerted.
Dynamical Stability.-tonsider a ship which is being heeledby someextemal
force. As soon as she heelsto a small angle, her moment ofstatical stability will try
to force her back to the upright. In order to heel her further, sufficient force must be
exertedto overcomethis staticalstability and must continueto be exertedfor as long
as the ship continuesto heel. We can liken this caseto that ofthe weight mentioned
in the last paragraphand say that the work done to heel the ship to any given angle
is equal to all the force exerted, over all the distancethrough which the ship has
heeled.This is obviously only anotherway ofexpressingthe definition ofdynamical
stability, which is given above.
DynamicalStrbility from a Curve of Strtical Stability.-Fig. 63 showsa
curveof staticalstability,in whichthemomentof staticalstability(trx GQ is plotted
againsttheangleofheel. The staticalstabilityat any angleis foundby the perpendicular
F tG.6 3 distancefrom the baseline to the curve
at that angle.For instance,the moment
t5,OOO of statical stability at 30' of heel is
to,ooo found by drawing the perpendicular
line,,48, and then the horizontal one,
BD. The requiredmomentis then CD-
in this caseabout 13,000tonne-metres.

We havejust said that dynamicalstability is equalto all the force exertedover

all the distancethroughwhich the shiphasheeled.This canbe takento meanthe sum
ofall the momentsof staticalstability, for every small angleofheel, up to the given
angle.If we considerFig. 6l again,we shallseethatthe sumofall the momentsof
statical stability up to 30' of heel will be equal to the shadedareaABC. Similarly
for other angles.This meansthat the dynamical stability at any angle is equal to
the areaunderthe curve of staticalstability up to that angle.For this purpose,the
vertical distancesto the curve arealwaysmeasuredin termsof staticalstability and
the lengthalongthe baseline in termsof circular measure(or "radians").A radianis
equalto 57.3', so that the lenglh alongthe baseline becomes:-
Angle ofheel, in degrees
Thus, given a scale or curve of righting levers or moments,we can use
Simpson'sRulesto find the DynamicalStability.
Strictly speaking,we shouldalwaysusemomentsof sto,ncl stabllity (V x Ga
to obtain dynamicalstability, which shouldbe measuredin 'tonne metreradians".
For purposesof comparison,however,we often use righting levers (GZ), to give
a quantity called "mehe radians".The latter can be convertedto actual dynamical
stability by multiplying it by the ship's displacemefi(n, as illustratedin the
Example.-lalculate the dynamical stability at 40' heel, for a ship which
displaces6000tonnesandwhich hasthe following righting levers:-
Heel 10" 20. 30' 40"
GZ 0 .1 8 0.41 0.67 0.85
Commoninterval(fi) = l0' = radians
Ordinate Multiplier Product
0.00 I 0'00
0.18 4 0.72
0.41 2 0.82
0.67 4 2.68
0'85 I 0.85
5.07 = 0. 2949metre-radians

DynamicalStability= 0.2949x displacement

= 0 . 2949x 6000= I 770 tonnemetreradians
The word radiansis usedhereto indicatethat the anglesusedto calculate
the dynamicalstabilityis radiansandnot degrees.Someadministrations measure
dynamicalstabilityin tonne.metre.degrces.
Calculationof DynamicalStability.-Dynamical stabilitycan,if desired,be
foundby directcalculation.
When a ship heels,the centresof gravity and buoyancyseparatevertically.
G movesslightlyupwardswith the ship,whilst B movesoutwardanddoumwards,
because its shift is parallelto the shift of the centresof gravityof the immersedand
emergedwedges.Theupwardshift of G is resistedby gravityandtheweightof the
ship,which actsvertically downwardsthroughit. The downwardshift ofB is resisted
by the upwardthrust of the force of buoyancy,which is also equalto the weight of
theship.Thus,whena shipheels,-BandG areforcedapartagainsta resistance equal
to the ship'sweight,or displacement.

Theworkdone,ordpamical stability,isthusequalto thedisplacement,multiplied

by the increasedvertical separationof the centresof gravity and buoyancy.
ConsiderFig. 64. When the ship was upright, the vertical distancebetweenthe
centresofbuoyancy and gravity was BG. With the ship heeledto the angle 0, has
moved out to 8,, and the vertical distancehasbecomeB,Z So the increaseofvertical
separationofB and G, due to the heel of the ship is:-
(B.tZ- BG)
If l/ is the ship'sdisplacement,this meansthat:-
Dynamical Stability at the angle0 = (BrZ - BG) x Displacement

Notes.-Dynamical stability is important in ship stability for two reasons.

Sinceit is the measureof the work that mustbe doneto heel a ship:-
(a) It is a big factor in decidinghow a ship will roll; in this casethe wavesare
doing the work.
(b) It determinesthe ability of a sailing ship to stand-upunder sail; the
pressureofthe wind on the sailssupplyingthe work in this case.This is not
of muchinterestto the averagemerchantseamantoday,but is importantto
yachtsmenand otherswho haveto dealwith sailing craft.
It must always be rememberedthat anyfting which reducesstatical stability
will alsoreducedynamicalstability.This is yet anothercountagainstour old enemy,
the free surfaceof liquids.

i are

i not
nt to
Recapitulation.-Beforewe begin,it will be aswell to refreshour memories
smy, on certainmatterswhichwerediscussed in previouschapters.
The centreof gavity (G) and centreof buoyancy(B) will not necessarily be
amidships,but may be forwardor aft of midlengh. They will howeverbe in the
Thecentreofflotation(F) is thecenheofgravityofthe ship'swaterplane andis
thepointaboutwhichtheshipheelsandtrims.In box shapes, it is alwaysamidships:
in ship shapesit may be a little abaftor forwardof the centresof buoyancyand
gravity.Its longitudinalpositionchangeswith changeof draft and sometimes with
changeof trim also.It is sometimes calledthe"tippingcentre".
The longitudinal metacentre(Mr) is a different point from the transverse
metacentre, althoughit is foundin a similarway andobeyssimilarlaws.
Thelongitudinalmetacentric height(GMr)is alwaysverylarge,oftenwell over
onehundredmetres.If thepositionofG is not known,8M, canoftenbeusedinstead
of GMr,the enorthuscausedbeingnegligiblein practice.
Draft is thedepthofthe bottomofthe keelbelowthewaterline.It is markedand
measuredforward and aft at the stem(ForwardPerpendicular)and the rudderpost
(After Perpendicular),respectively.
Meandraft is the meanofthe drafts fore and aft: that is, the draft at midlength
in way of theship'sloadlines,midwaybetweenthe stemandtherudderpost.
14"- 6."n = Draft forwar-d+ Draft aft

Tonnesper centimetreimmersion(T.P.C.)is the weightrequiredto causethe

shipto riseor to sinkbodily by I centimehe.
LongitudinalMetacentricHeight-"GM"". Thecalculationsto findthisare
very similarto thoseusedfor transverse
c heighl.BMris first calculated,
whilst KB andKG will havealreadybeenfoundfor the transverse calculations, so
thatGMrcanbe foundby additionandsubhaction.

For instance,supposethat a ship'sBM. is found by calculationto be 130'4

metres,thatKB is 3'3 metresandKG is 6'8 metres.Then:-
BMr = l30.4metres
KB = 3.3 metres
KM t = 133",
KG : 5.8metres
GM" : 12i7_:2menes
The Calculationof "BM"" for all Shapes.-Figure65 showsa ship which
hastipped longitudinally through a small angle,0. .8 hasmoved out to 8r and the
longitudinalmetacentre,M, is the intersectionof the vedicalsthroughB and8,.

Comparethis figure with Fig. 54, Chapter 8, which shows the transverse
metacentreappearingas the ship heels. In eachcasethere is an emergedand an
immersedwedge;a shift ofB to B, parallelto theshiftofthe centresofgravity ofthe
wedges;and a heel or trim to the angle 0. The transversecentreof flotation, about
which the ship heels,is on the centreline, at C, The longitudinalcentreof flotation,
aboutwhich shetrims, may or may not be on the longitudinal centreJine-in Fig.
65 it is shownat 4 abaftthat centreline. Its position is at the centreof gravity of the
waterplanearea.The only other diference is one of perspective,so that wherewe
consideredbreadthbefore,we now havelength,andvice versa.
It can be seenfrom the abovethat we could showby meansofa proof similar
to that for transverse BM, thal:-
Where-1,is the momentof inertia of the waterplane,longitudinally,abouttlle
centre of flotation, and Z the ship's volume of displacement;then for all shapes,
BM , =I+

The Calculation of BM" for Box Shapes.-In the case of box shapes,the
centre of flotation is on the longitudinal centreline of the ship. If we considerthe
moment of inertia ofa rectangleabout its centreJine,it follows that ifl is the ship's
length, b her breadth and d the draft at which she floats:-
, _ bl'
'L- 12

but BM.L-=IL

SO t'r=#
but V = lxbxd, so the abovebecomes:-

BM L = (for box shapesonly)
Example.-Find theBMrand GMrof a box'shaped vessel,120metreslong, 15
metresbeam,whichfloatsat a draftof 4'00 metres,thel(G being5.00metres

BM, = ruL=ffi=toometres
KB+&& = 2 metres

KMt = 302 tn"n"t

F KG : 5 metres
m GMt : 297 metres
Irt Trim.-This is the longitudinalequivalentof heel,but whereasthe latter is
n, measured in angle,trim is measured by the differenceofthe draftsfore andaft.
c. Ifthe draftforwardis thegreaterofthe two, the shipis saidto be "trimmedby
b thehead".Ifthe draftaft is thegreater,sheis saidto be"trirnmedby thestem".Ifthe
ve draftsarethe same,fore and aft, sheis saidto be "on an evenkeel".
In manyways,the calculationofa ship'strim is simplerthanthat for heel,but
ar thereis onecomplicationthatwe do not meetwith in transverse calculations.A ship
heelsand trims abouther centreof flotation andwhen sheis upright, the transverse
he positionsof the centresof gravity,buoyancyand flotationare all verticallyover
cs, one another,on the centreline.Longitudinally,none of them will necessarily be
amidships; andfurtheqalthoughB andG mustbe in thesameverticalline,thecentre
of flotation is very rarely directly over them.We shall shortly considerthe effect of
thison trim andsinkagedueto addedweights.

Change of Draft due to Change of Trim.-When a ship changesher trim,

shecanbe consideredto increaseher draft at one endandto decreaseit at the otler.
The sumofthe changesat both endsis the changeof trim assumingthat thereis no
increaseof draft dueto addedweights.
The changeof draft due to changeof trim will dependon the position of the
centreof flotation. When this is at midlength,the ship will increaseher draft at one
end by exactly half the changeof trim and will decreaseit by a like amountat the
otherend.The meandraft will not change.
Whenthe centreofflotation is not amidships,the draft will changemoreat one
endthanattheother,becausetheshipwill betipping aboutapoint whichis not midway
betweentheends.In this case,thechangeofdraft canbe foundby a simpleproportion.
Figures 66 (a) nd (b) show what happensin the above cases.F represents

the centreof ffotation and CZ the centreline of the ship, whilst SI and S,t arethe
old andnew waterlines,respectively. In eachcasethe changeof trim is,LS,+ ZZ,.
In Fig. 66 (a/, F is amidshipsIt canbe seenthat SF equalsZf, S,F equals{4
whilst the angle0 is the sameon either side of .E The riangles ,S^t,Fand TT,F are,
therefore,equalin all respects,so:-
But SSr+ fq = the changeoftrim
So, SSt= 2; = half the changeof trim'
This meansthat when the centreofflotation is amidshipsthe changeofdraft at
eitherend is equalto halfthe changeof trim.
Fig. 66 (b) showswhat happenswhen F is not amidships.In the triangles,SS,
and 77, the angles0 areequalandthe anglesat S and Imay be consideredto be right
angles,sothat the trianglesaresimilar but not equal.Oneofthe propertiesof similar
trianglesis that the sidesareproportionalto eachother,so:-
SS,:77,:: SF: 7F
Now, SS,+ 77, : the changeof trim (call this t)
and,SF'+ 7F : the lengthof the ship on the waterline(call this I)
So, ss,=f xr
and ITt= ?xt

Example l.-A box-shapedvessel has its centre of flotation amidships and

floats at drafts of 5.00 metres forward and 5.16 metres aft. A weight is shifted
forward and causesa changeoftrim of l2 centimehes.Find the new drafts.
Sincethe centreofflotation is on the centre-line,the draft at eachendwill change
by halfthe changeof trim. The draft forward increasesand that aft decreases,so:-
Old drafts Forward 5 00m Aft5.16m
Halfchange oftrim +0.06 m -0.06 m
New drafts Forward l.lQ! m Aft l:!! m
Example2.-A ship is 120metreslong andher centreof flotationis 3 metres
abaftamidships.Shefloatsat draftsof 7.45metresforwardand7.33metresaft.Find
thenewdraftsifa weightis shiftedaft soasto changethetrim by 56 centimetres.
Thecentreofflotationis 63 metresfrom forwardand57 metresfiom aft.
ofdraftforward =-63 ;.56=29 grn

Changeof draftaft =ffixs6=27cm

Originaldrafts F. 7 .45 m A. 7 .33 m M. 7. 39 m
Changedueto trim 4.29 m 0 .27 m
New drafts F. Z:l! . A. Z:!9 . M. 7.!!
Note that in the abovecase,althoughno weight has beenadded,the meandraft
has decreasedby one centimetre.The effect ofthis is discussedlater.
At first sight this might appearimpossible,sincethe ship's displacementcurves
give only one mean draft for a given displacement.The displacementsgiven in the
curves are calculatedfor the ship on even keel. When the ship changesher trim, she
tips about the centre of flotation: if this is not amidships,where the mean draft is
measured,the mean draft must changeas the ship trims.
Fig. 67 (a) shows the ship
floating at her designed trim, at the
waterline SZ, C is the point amidships
at which the mean draft is taken:
F the centre of flotation, abafi C.
In Fig. 67 (b), a weight hasbeen
shifted to causethe ship to trim by the
stem. She has tipped about F to the
new waterline S,I. which cuts the
centre-lineat C, the new mean draft.
Themeandraft hasdecreased
from C to C, althoughthe displacement
not changed.
Fig. 67 (c) shows the same
ship trimmed by the head.The new
waterline is now ,9rl and the mean
draft hasincreasedto C^.for the same
We can convertmeandraft to draft at the centreofflotation, if necessary,by a

Fig. 68 showsa ship trimmedby the stemandfloating at the waterline.9,L S7,

is the equivalenteven-keelwaterline.The even-keeldraftsareat C andF, whilst the
meandraft is at C, The ship'strim is equalto S,Sr+ 77, The line S,.ris drawnparallel
to S{so that,S,.ris equalto the ship'slength(I.).
Let the distanceofI' from amidships(FC) be d metres.
r; = SSr+ 77i = ship'strim.
The trianglesS,.rI nd FCC, aresimilar triangles.
Tx S,.x
CC, =d
Trim L
so, cct=dxTlim
Ifthe designedtrim is not for even-keeldrafts,we canmodifr thisto:-
,.. Amountout ofdesignedTrim

If Fis on the sameside of amidshipsas the end which is "down", the draft at
F will be greaterthanthe meandraft. If F is on the oppositesideof amidshipsto the
endwhich is "down", the draff at F will be lessthanthe meandraft.
The draft at F is known asthe true meandraft

Exampla-Aship is 120m longandfloatsatdraftsof6'76m forwardand7'48m

aft. Whatis the equivalenteven-keeldraft,ifF is 3 2 m abaftamidships?
f nm=l .48- 6.16= 72 cm (bythestem)
Differenceof drafts (C) = l:#f= l 9 cm
Even-keeldraft = meandraft + CC,
=7 .1 2 + 0 0 2 = 7. 1 4m
Displacementout of the DesignedTrim.-We canseefrom the abovethat a
ship'sdisplacement mayvary slightlyfor a givenmeandraft,accordingto hertrim.
Thedisplacement scaleor curveswill only givethecorrectdisplacement for theeven
keelconditionwhichin this conditionis thedraftat F. This meansthatif we usethe
meandraftto obtaindisplacement fromthescaleor curve,theremaybe a smallerror
inthedisplacement In
sofound. mostcases, thiswouldnotmatter;butif it is nec€ssary
to obtainthedisplacement with greateraccuracy, we cando soin oneof two ways:-
(a) Convert the meandraft to draft at the centreof flotation, as above.Then
takeout thedisplacement for thelatterfrom thescaleor curves-
(b) Take out the displacement for the meandraft from the scaleor curve.
Thenapplya correction,calleda "layer conection",to that displacement. The
method of finding this conection is as follows:-

In Fig. 69, SZ represents
the evenkeel waterlinefor the draft at F or C. r/ is
the evenkeel waterlinefor the meandraft,at C,. The shadedareabetweenthe two
waterlinesis the layerbetweenthem.
Weightof sucha layer= T.P.C.xitsdepthin cms
So,layercorrection= T.P.C.xCCr in cms
But CC' =7YJriJn

= T P C x-dxTrim

Thiscorrectionmustbeaddedto thedisplacement tak€nfor themeandraft,ifthe

thecentreofflotationis "down":or subtracted
ifthe otherendis "down".

Example.-A shipis 130meheslong, l3'0 tonnesandher centre

of flotation is 2'0 metresabaftamidships.Shefloats at draftsof 6'82 metresforward
and7'18 metresaft. Her designedtrim is at evenkeel. Ifthe displacementfor a mean
draft of 7'00 metresis given in the scalesas8016tonnes,find the true displacement.
The meandraft is 7'00 metres.
The ship is trimmed36 cm by the stem.Sincethe desigaedtrim is an evenkeel,
this meansthatsheis 36 cm out ofdesignedtrim.
I-^ffqf.'.^_ T.C.P.xDistance ofF from midlengthx Amountout of designedTrim
LUiTEL-uun =

= l3X?i<36= 7 tonnes
13 0
Displacementfrom scale= 8016tonnes
True displacementfrom = q94 tonnes

Moment to Chrnge Ttim by I Centimetre-"M.C.T.1c."- If we add,

remove,or shift a weight forward or aft, the ship will changeher trim. The greater
the weight, or the greaterthe distanceit is shifted or placedaway from the tipping
centre,the greaterthe changeof trim. Momentis weight, or force,multiplied by the
lenglh of the lever on which it this casethe weight is that adde4 removed,
or shifted;the lengthofthe lever is the distancethroughwhich the weigbt hasbeen
moved,or the distancebetweenthe centreofgravity ofthe weight addedor removed
and the centreof flotation. If we add or removea weight ofw tonnesat a distance
ofr metresfrom the centreofflotation, or shift it for a distanceofJ metres,thenthe
momentchangingthe trin is l"J tonne-metres.The momentlo changetrim by one
centimetreis the momentwhich will changea ship'strim by exactlyone centimetre.
Its amountwill vary in the sameship with changeof draft.

Fig. 70 representsa ship in which a weight, w, hasbeenshifted forward to w,

througha distanceof d metres.B and G havemovedto 8, and G, respectively..SI

E is the original waterplaneand Sl', the new waterplane,the ship trimming aboutthe
d centreof flotation,F.
n Let 0 be the angle betweenthe original and new waterplanes,I/ the ship's
L displacementand / her length.
Let us do a little simpletrigonometry:-In the triangleGG, M,,the angleG is
equalto 90" andtheangleM. to 0. So:-
GG,=GM, xtalJ.g (r)
And yet moretrigonometry:-In the triangleF77,, the angleIis equalto 90"
andthe angleFto 0. In thetriangleFS.l,theangleS is equalto 90'and theangleF
to 0. So:-
4= FTx tanO
SS,= f'S x tan 0
Addingthese,we get:-
ld, =P7t1"te+FSxtan0
7'{ + '9'S,
ng = (Ff + F,t) x tan 0
he But (77i + SSr)equalsthechangeof trim,whilst(Ff + F,S)is equalto theship's
d" length,so:-
3tr Changeof trim = / x tan 0
EE If thetrim is to changeonecentimetre-i.e.,one-hundredth
of a metre:-
)te /xtane=fi
ta n 0 =-J.
I uux length (2)
The changeof trim is due entirely to the shifting of the weight, so we can
Momentchangingtrim = l'x d
But, wxd =WxGG,
So, Momentchanging tim = llt x GG,
Substitutingfor GG, from formula(l), we get:-
Momentchangingtrim = llt xGM L xtar:'0
for tanOfrom formula(2),this gives:-
Momentto changetrim lcm=ll xGM tx1|-

lri WY G M L
,.e.M.C.T.lC.= ;;;
sr l u0/
If GM, is not known, we cansubstitute,BM.for it in the abovefonnula without
causinganyappreciable enor.
Example.-Aship is 120metreslong,hasa displacernent of 36l g tonnesanda
GM" of 180metres.FindherM.C.T.1C.;,f;#, = =ro.27tonne_metres
The Effect of Shifting a Weight.-We havealreadyseenthat for a ship to be
in transverseequilibrium, her centreof gravity mustbe vertically over her centreof
buoyancy.This appliesequally in the longitudinal direction. If a weight is shifted
forward or aft, the centreof gravity will move parallel to it and will no longer be
vertically over the centreofbuoyancy,unlessthe ship changesher trim.
I ttl < I

\ , rl"
FI v

This canbe seenfiom Fig. 7l (a). The weight, w, hasherebeenmovedforward

t9 w, and G hasmoved to G,. The force of gravity nolv acts vertically downwards
throughG,.in-the directionxG, whilst the force of buoyancyactsvertically upward
througbB, in tbedirectionyB.Theeffectofthis is to forcetheship'sheaddownwards,
so that shestartsto changeher trim aboutthe centreofflotation, F.
Ifwe now refer to Fig. 7l (b), we canseethat asthe ship trims, the wedgeSFS,
will emergefrom the waterandt}rew edgeTFTrwill becomeimmersed._Bwill movi
out parallel to the shift of the centresof gravity of the wedges(g and g,), until it
reaches8, verticallyunderG,. The shipis thenin equilibriumandfloatsat thenew
The momentchangingthe trim is the weight, in tonnes,multipliedby the
distance,in metres,throughwhich it has been shifted.SinceM.C.T.IC. is the
momentto changethetrim by onecentimeffe, we cansaythat:-
So,wherew is theweight,in tons,anddthe distancethroughwhichit is shifted
forward or aft,
Momentchangingtrim = w x d
Changeof trim. in centimetres
The changeofdraft dueto this canbe found from the changeof trim, asshown
in the last section.If the weightis shiftedaft, the afterdraft will increaseand the
forwarddraft decrease; if the weight is shiftedforward,the reversewill happen.
lf the position of the centreof flotationis not known,we usuallyassumeit to be
amidshipssincetheerrorthuscaused,if any,is generallysmall.
Example.-Find the changeof trim and the new drafts in a ship of 125menes
length,whena weightof 100tonnesis shiftedaft for a distanceof60 metres.The
original draftswere4'80 metresforward and4.76 metresaft. The centreofflotation
is 2'5 metresabaftamidshipsandtheM.C.T.lC. is 120tonne-metres.
. Momentchangingrrim _ 100x 60
uhange oI ltt=-mc.T.rc.
F. is 65 m from forward and 60m from aft.
of draftfory316 = $x50
= 26 cm
l z5

of draftaft =
Change = rO
# "
Original drafts F.4. 8 0m A.4.76m M. 4 . 7 8m
Changedueto trim - 0. 2 6 m +0.24m
New drafts F.4. 5 4 m A . 5 . 0 0 m M. 4 -7 7 m

The Effect of Adding a Weight rt the Centre of Flotation.-Supposethat,

as in Fig. 72 (a), a ship floats at a waterline,,97,and that a weight, w is then added
directly over the centreof flotation, F. Let B and G be vertically underF. When the

weightis added,G will movevertically upwards,towards.thecentreofgravity ofthe

weight. The ship will sink to the new waterlineS,I, so that the weight of the added
is equalto that ofthe addedweight. The new centreof flotation is at
F, but if the weight is not too large,it will be approxinately over the old centreof
flotation. I will move vertically upwardstowardsthe centreof gravity of the added
layer,which is somewherebetweenF andF, In this case,bothI and G havemerely
movedupwardsandarestill in the samevertical line. Consequently, therewill be no
reasonfor the ship to changeher trim andshewill merelysink bodily, increasingher
draft by the sameamountat eachend.

!.-{ r:

Now considerwhat will happenwhen B and G are not vertically under the
centreofflotation, asshownin Fig. 72 (b). G will movedirectly towardsthe centreof
gravity of the weight and I towardsthe centreof gravity ofthe addedlayer,SS,{7;
so they both moveaft andupwards.Their upwardmovementwill not affect the trim,
so we needonly considerthe fore and aft movement.Thus, we can considerG as
moving to G, and B to 8,. The horizontaldistancebetweenthe centreof gravity of
the ship and that of the addedweight, (d), is the s.rmeasthat betweenthe centreof
buoyancyofthe ship andthe centreof gravity of the addedlayer.The shift ofB and
G canbe found in the sameway as in transversestability,that is:-
When 7 is the weight of the ship; w, the weight added; V the volume of
displacement of theship;andv, thevolumeofthe layer:-

But theweightofthe layermustbe equalto theaddedweight,so:-

B 4 = wxd
Therefore Gq= BBt

ThusB andG will moveaft for the samedistanceandwill remainin the same
verticalline,sothattheshipwill againmerelysinkbodilyandwillnotchangehertrim.
In eitherofthe casesmentionedabove,the sinkageofthe shipwill be:-

The vesselwill increaseher draft at eachend by the amountof the bodily

Examplel.-A shiphasa T.P.C.of 25'2 tonnesandherdraftsare4.42 metres
forwardand4.60mehesaft.Whatwill be hernewdraftsifa weightof 126tonnesis

aoditv =!$f49
sintaee = s
#= "
Originaldrafts F . 4 . 4 2m A.4.64m
Bodily sinkage + 0 . 0 5m +0.05m
New drafts F . 4 . 4 7m A.4.69 m

Example2.-Find the new draftsin a ship which has a T.P.C.of 7.0, if 70

tonnesof cargoaredischargedfrom a point directlybelow the centreof flotation.
Theoriginaldraftswere3'05 metresforwardand3'30 metresaft.

rise= w"'+T:4d"d=f =ro

Originaldrafts F. 3 . 05 m A. 3 . 30 m
Bodilyrise -0.10 m -0.10 m
New drafts F. 1 .9! A. 3_!9
- -
ModerateWeightsLoadedoff the Centre of Flotation.-When a weightis
loadedat any pointwhich is not in the sameverticalline asthe centreof flotation,
the ship will changeboth her draft and trim. If the weightis of moderateamount
the meandraft will only be alteredby a few centimetres so that the T.P.C.andthe
M.C.T.lC.will benearlythesamefor boththeold andthenewdrafts.In sucha case,
we cancalculatethenewdraftandtrim asfollows:-
(a) First, assumethe weight to be addedat the centreof flotation andcalculate
the sinkageby the formula:-

@ Next, assumetheweightto be shiftedfrom

-ft. thecentreofflotation, forwardor
aft,to its newposition.Calculatethechangeoftrim causedby thisby theformula:-
(c) Calculate the changeof draft at either end, due to the above change
of trim, asdescribedin "Changeof draft dueto changeof trim".
(d) Add the resultsof fal to the &aft at eachend;thenapply the resultsof (c.).
This will give the ship's new drafts after the weight hasbeenadded.
(e) Whenweightsaredischarged,we follow the sameprocedweasfor weights
loaded.Remember,however,that they will causea bodily rise, insteadofsinkage:
also be carefulaboutwhich way they will causethe trim to change.
(f) If a numberof weights are loadedor discharged,use the total effects of
all of them. The bodily rise or sinkagewill equalthe nett weight, divided by the
T.P.C.The momentchangingtrim will be the algebraicsum of all the moments.
The following Erample 3 illustratesthis.
Example 1.-A weight of 200 tonnes is loaded into a ship at a distanceof
l5 metresabaftamidships. Theship'slengthis 120metres, 10.0,M.C.T.lC.
is 96 andthe centreof flotationis 3.0 metresabaftamidships.If the originaldrafts
were 5'85 metresforward and6.00 metresaft, find the new drafts.

Bodily = \Veiohr
= = Zoc.
ff ffi
Distanceof addedweightfromF = I 5 -3 =12 m
LnatrgeoI mm =
Mo€$oglu! = 2oo=\t2
= 25cm 96
of draftdueto trim: po*-6=Sx25=l3cm

eft=ffx2s= 12cm
Originaldrafts F. 5'85 m A . 6 . 0 0 m
Bodily sinkage +0.20 m +0. 20m
6 {5- m O.ZO.
-0.13m +0.12m
New drafts F .5.92m A. 6.32m
Example2.-A vesselfloatsat draftsof 5.12m forwardand4.69 m aft. Her
T.PC. is 14.4;M.C.T.tC. is 102;andF is amidships.Whatwill be the new
after98 tonnesof waterhasbeenpumpedout ofthe fore peaktank,52 m forward
of amidships?
oftrim=;ffi. =9!f =so
SinceF is amidships,thedraftsforeandaft will eachchangeby halfthe change
^ _
of trim.
Originaldrafts F.5.12m A. 4.69m
Bodily sinkage -0.07m -0.07m
5 o s. q42^
j changeoftrim -0.25 m + 0 . 2 5m
New drafts F. 4 . 8 0 m A . 4 . 8 7m
Exaryde3.-A ship is 140metreslong,hasa T.p.C.of 20 and an M.C.T.IC.
of^ 120,whilst the centreofflotationis 3'0 metresabaftamidships.
Thedraftis 7.10
mefes forwardand7.25metresaft. The followingcargois therrworked:_
(a) Loaded 120tonnes, 50 mehesforwardofl'.
(b) Loaded 70 tonnes, 20 metresabaftF.
(c) Discharged 90 tonnes, 30 metresforwardofF.
Find the new drafts.

Weight Distancefiom F Moment

120tonnes (+) 50m. (Forward) 6000by head
70 tonnes (+) 20m. (Aft) 1400by stem
90 tonnes (-) 30m. (Forward) 2700by stem
100 tonnes (+) | 900by head

Boditysinkage - Nettwgigllllloaded
= =,
ioEb ",
changeof trim=I&!9{ {318in8Jnl! = = ,u
# "-
Changeof draft for trim: Forward=ftx16=8 cm

Original drafts F.7' 10m 4.7' 25m

Bodily sinkage +0'05m +0.05m
Z.tS. Z :0.
+0.08m -0.08m
New drafts F.7.23m 4.7.22m

Large Weights Added OIf the Centre of Flotation.-When large weights

are addedto a ship, the methodsdescribedin the last section must be modified.
This is necessarybecause,as the ship changesher draft, theremay be considerable
changesin the positionofthe centreofflotation andin the amountsofthe tonnesper
centimetreimmersionandmomentto changetrim by onecentimetre.If the weight is
Ilot too large(say,not morethan8 o/oor 10%ofthe ship'sdeadweight),the following
methodwill give resultswhich areaccurateenoughfor mostpracticalpurposes.For
larger weights, or where greateraccuracyis required,it is better to use moments
aboutthe after perpendicular,asdescribedlater in this chapter.
(a) Find the approximatebodily sinkage,as shown in (a) above,using the
original toruresper centimetreimmersion.Apply this sinkageto the old draft to
find an approximatenew meandraft andfind the tonnespercentimetreimmersion
for this new draft. Find the meanof the two tonnesper centimetreimmersionby
addingthem togetherand dividing by two. Use this find the true
sinkageand new meandraft, using the formula:-

Altematively,ifa sumcientlyaccurate displacement curveor scaleis available,
this may be usedto find the new draft, asshowninthe following Example2.
(b) Find the position ofthe centreof flotation for this new meandraft, using
the ship's stability curves.Also the momentto changetrim by one centimetreat
this draft. Usetheseto find the changeoftrim by the formula:-
I\'l T
cbanseortnm= '
(c) Calculatethe changeof draft due to the changeof trim, using the new
positionof thecentreofflotation.
(d) Find the new draftsfore andaft by applying sinkageandchanges,asin the
Examplel.-An oil tanker,which is light, is found to be trimmedtoo muchby
the stem.In orderto changethe trim and alsoto increasethe draft, a tank which has
its centreof gravity70 metresabaftthe stemis filled with I100 tonnesof water.
The followingdetailsarefoundfrom the stabilityscales:-
Draft T.P.C. M.C.T.IC. Centreof Flotation
4.00m 20.8 160 2'9 m abaftamidships
4'50m 21.2 165 3'0 m abaftamidships
5'00m 21.7 170 3'l m abaftamidships
Ifthe originaldraftswere2 80 metresforwardand5 20 metresaft,find thenew
drafts.The shipis 200metreslong.
Theoriginalmeandraftof 4'00 m givesa T.PC.of20'8.

Approximate = y+*e+94 = -L!-Qg

sinkur" = 536,1
Approximatenewmeandraft= 4' 00+ 0' 53= 4' 53 m
T.P.C.for draftof 4 00m= 20 8
T.P.C. fiordraftof 4 . 53m= 2l . 2
= Z1_!
Corrected.inkage= I9E[149ed = I !-Q0= 52 qrn

Correctednewmeandraft= 4 . 00+ 0 .52 = 4.52 m

At this draft,theM.C.T.lC. is 165andthecentreof flotationis 3'0 metresabaft
Thetankwill be 33 metresforwardofthe centreofflotation.
Momentchanging trim =
_ ll00x33 _ = ttu
L nangeoI mm - --i6-
Mcjlc:- "-
Changeof draftfor trim: Forward= !-Q1x220= I l3 cm
Aft = lf^ x 220= l07 cm
Originaldrafts F.2 8 0 m A . 2 . 2 0 m
Bodily sinkage +0.52m + 0 . 5 2m
:.:Z SIZ^
Changedueto trim + 1.13-m -1 . 0 7 m
New drafts F.4.45 m A . 4 . 6 5m
Example2.-The ship for which the hydrostaticparticularsare given in the
backofthis book,is 140m longandfloatsat draftsof5'56 m forwardand5'60m aft.
Shethenloads600tonnesof cargoat 35 m forwardof F; 1800tonnesat 2 m forward
ofI; and 1400tonnesat 3l m abaftF. Findhernew drafts.
Presentmeandraftis 5'58m

The hydrostaticparticularsshowthat F is amidshipsat this draft, so the draft at

f'will alsobe 5.58m. The particularsalsoshowthat the displacement at this draft
is 9702tonnes.

Weieht Distancefrom F Moment

600, 3sm (F) 21000by head
1800, 2m( F) 3600by head
1400t 3l m(A) 43400by stem
3800r 18800by stern

New displacement = 9702+ 3800= 13502tonnes

= 7.32m
New draftat F for 13502t displacement draftof 7'32m = 196.9 t/m

_{68 rmfromaft
[ .7 m abaftmidships
chance = =
13*93* cm(bystem)
But the ship was originally trimmed4 cm by stem
So, the new trim = 95+ 4 = 99 cm by stem
Differenceof draftfor trim: Forward= = 5l cm
Aft = 98,-3x99= 48cm
New draft at F F . 7 . 3 2m A . 7 . 3 2m
Differencefor trim -0 . 5 1 m + 0 . 4 8m
New drafts F.6.81m A . 7 . 8 0m

Special Trim or Draft.-It is often desirableto obtain a certain trim when

the ship is loaded.Generally,we do not requirethe trim to exactlimits, but merely
"a little by the stem".In this case,it is usuallysufficientto loadweightsasdesired
during the earlierstagesofloading. Later on, we cangettle trim roughly aswe want
it by using a combinationof experienceand commonsense.Finally, near the end
of the loading,we cantrim our shipexactlyaswe wanther by'Juggling" with the
M.C.T.lC. andthe amountof weightto comeon board.Sometimes, aswhena ship
hasto crossa bar,we requirea certainmaximumdraft, or wish to keepthe after draft
constant.This canbe donequite easily.
Loading Weights to Obtain a DesiredTrim.-First, find the differenceof the
draftsforward andaft, thusfinding the existingtrim. The differencebetweenthis and
the desiredtrim is the changeoftrim required.
Let , be the existingtrim and /, the desiredtrim. Let w be the addedweight and
d its distancefrom the centreofflotation.
Changeof trim required= I - t,
Changeof trim _M.C.T.
M.C.T. _ r _ ,
M.C.T.IC. 1
M.C.T.= M.C.T.1C.x(t - t)
From which:-
,_ M . C. T . lC. (t -rr)
M.C.T.lC.(, - r,)
,=------d -

Example1.-A shiphasan M.C.T.lC. of 150tonne-metres andfloatsat drafts

of 6'00 metresforward and7.00metresaft. How muchwatermustbe run into a tank,
the centreofgravity ofwhich is 50 metresforward ofthe centreofflotation, to bring
the ship to a trim of 20 centimetresby the stem?
Presenttrim (r) = 100cm bYstem
Requiredtrim (t' ) = 20 cm bYstem
(, - 4) = 80 cm by head
Let w be the requiredweight
Then: wxd =M.C.T.lC.(t- t,)
50w= 150x80
w = E9I& = 240 tonnes.

Example2.-Aship, which is completingloading,hasdraftsof 7.58m forward

urdT'72m I l8 t/m. 360tonnesofcargoremainto beloadedand
this is to be distributedbetweenNo.l hold (45 m forwardofI) andNo.4hold (25m
abaftF). How much cargoshouldtherebe loadedin eachhold in orderto finish with
a trim of. 50 cm by the stem?

Presenttrim =7 -72-7-58=l4cm by stern

Requiredtrim = 50cmby stem
Requiredchangeoftrim = 36cmby stem
Loadw tonnesintoNo.l; (3r
Momentof No.l = 45w t/m by head.
Momentof No.4= 25w(360- w) t/m by stem.

thetrim bythestem,themomentofNo.4mustbegreaterthanthatofNo.1.
To increase
Changeof trim = M€J.
36= 9000-70w
36xI 18 9000-70w
70w= 9000-36x1l8
= 9000-_3=6
x I | 8 = 68 tonnesin No.I
- 1l)
360- 68 = 292tonnesin No 4
Positionto Load Weightsors not to Changethe Draft Aft.-When a weight
is loaded,thereis usuallya bodily sinkageofthe shipandalsoa changeof trim. The
bodily sinkagetriesto increasethe draft aft: whilst if the weightis loadedforward
of the centreof flotation,the changeof trim tries to decrease the after draft. It is
possibleby balancingtheseeffectsagainsteachother,to keeptheafterdraftconstant
whena weightis loaded.
Let w be theaddedweightandd its distanceforwardofthe centreofflotation.
Let Z be the lengthofthe shipand/ the distanceofthe centreofflotationfrom aft.
This is equivalentto an increase
ofdraft aft.
Total changeof tri* =
M#j: I .fL
of draftaft.duetotrim=;ffixf
This is eouivalentto a decrease
of draftaft.
For the afterdraftto remainconstant,the increasedueto the sinkagemustbe
equalto thedecreasedueto thechangeof trim. Thatis:-
Bodily sinkage Changeof draftaft, dueto trim.
wxd *l_ w
M.C.T.IC. l, T.P.C.
wxd _ wx L
M.C.T.1C. T.P.C.x/
_ wx l, x M.C.T.lC.
"-r- ,>.T-PC,
-r- M . C. T . lC. x Z
"- TPc,
Note that the after draft will remainconstantif the weight is loadedin the
positionsofound,inespectiveofthe amountofweight addedor discharged, aslong
asthe MCTC andthecentreofflotationdo not change.
Example.-A ship which is loadingcargohasdraftsof 6.50 metresforward
and7 00 metresaft, whentherearea further200tonnesofcargo to comeon board.
Wheremustthis cargobe placedin orderto maintainthis draft of 7.00metresaft?
The ship is 140metreslong,her 20, M.C.T.lC. is 135and the centreof
flotationis 3.0metresabaftamidships.
DistanceofF from aft = 70- 3 = 67 m.
M.C.T.lC.xL_ l3 5 x l4 0 _ , . r | _
o,_= *tEt;;: m ctorward
^ _ . of F

Loadcargo14.l metresforwardof F; or ll.l metresforwardof amidships.

Loading a Weight to Producea DesiredDrrft Aft.-This may be achieved
by a little modificationof the above.Whena weightis loaded,the bodily sinkage
causesan increaseof draft aft, whilst the changeof trim may causean increaseor
decrease, accordingto whethertheweightis loadedforwardofor abaftthecentreof
To obtaina decreaseof draft, aft:-
Changeofdraft aft = changedueto trim - bodily sinkage.
To obtainan increaseof draft,aft:-
Changeof draft'aft : Bodily sinkage+ changedueto him.
In thelattercase,ifthe bodily sinkageis lessthanthechangerequired,the sign
will be + andthe weightloadedabaftthe cenheofflotation.If it is geater,the sign
will be - andtheweightloadedforwardofthe centreofflotation.

Example.-Aship hasa draft,aft, of 5'14m. Sheis 120m long,hasa T.P.C.of

l5'1, M.C.T.lC.of 102,andF is 2'0 m forwardof amidships. Wheremust90 tonnes
of cargobe loadedin orderthat the ship may sail with a draft, aft, of 5'00 m?
Requireddecrease of draftaft = 5.14- 5.00 = 14 cm
BodilYsinkaee=1fa. =
i?ai o.-
Requiredrise aft dueto trim 2!
To causesthe ship to rise aft, we mustload the weight forward ofF
Riseaftduetotri- =,#i+.";
)o _ 9 0 d v 6 2
to2" t20
6 = 20xL02x120
= 43.9m (forwardoftr')

Maximum Weight to Lood for a Given Draft -We may wish to load as
much cargoas possible,but to sail with a given maximumdraft in order to crossa
bar or a dock sill. This can be done by bringing the ship on to an evenkeel at the
Example.-A ship hasdrafts of 6'72 m forward and 6'94 m aft. Her
21'7, 183,andF is 1.5m abaftamidships.In orderto crossa bar,her
drafton sailingmustnot exceed7'00m. Whatis the maximumweightof cargothat
shecanload,andwheremustit be placed?
Bring theshipto an evenkeelat 7'00 m draft.
Presentmeandraft 6 . 8 3m
draft 7 .00 m
Maximum sinkage 0. 17m (l7 cm)
weightto load Sinkaget r.pErzJr.T=369r
Presenttrim = 6. 94- 6. 72 = 22 cmby sterrr
To bring the ship to an evenkeel, the cargomust be loadedforward ofF so as
to changethe trim by 22 cm by the head.
"""- - ln
d = 22al=83
The Useof Momentsabout the After Perpendicular.-This is an altemative
methodoffinding momentto changehim whenweightsareloadedor discharged. It
simplifies the working, in that the momentsof all weights loadedare added,whilst
the momentsofall weightsdischarged aresubtracted: so that it is not necessary
considertheeffecton thetrim ofeachseparate weightaswe go along.
To usethe method,we mustbe ableto find:-
(a) the distance of the centre of buoyancy from the after perpendicular
at any draft;
(b) The distanceof eachparcelof cargofrom the after perpendicular.
The Stability Information Booklet, as recomrnendedby the Deparhnentof
Trade,givesthe aboveinformation.

F- - - - - - - d - - - -r- - - 5] tt

6, L- D

F t G . 73
Fig. 73 illustratesthemethod.Beforeanyweightsareloaded,B andG rnustbe
in the sameverticalline in orderthat the ship may be in equilibrium,fore andaft.
Let the ship'sdisplacement be I/ tonnesandlet B andG be at a distanceofr metres
from the after perpendicular.
The momentof gravity aboutthe A.P. = ,/.r tonne-metres.
Now let a weightofw tonnesbe loadedat a distanceofD metresfrom theafter
perpendicular. Thiswill causetheshipto sinkbodilyto somenewmeandraft.It will
alsocauseG to moveto G, sothatthenewdisplacement (I/,) will now actvertically
down through G, The ships' momentof gravity about the after perpendicularwill
now be W, multiplied by the distanceof G, from the after perpendicular.
Ifthe weightloadedis large,thebodilysinkagemaycauseB to movea little say,
to somepoint Br We must,therefore,usethe stability informationto find the distance
of,B, from the after perpendicular.The new displacementl/, will now act vertically
upwardthrough8,. so the momentof buoyancyaboutthe afterperpendicular will
now be I/, multipliedby thedistanceofB, from theafterperpendicular.

We now have the moment of gravity acting downwardst}rough G, and the

momentofbuoyancyactingupwardsthrough,B,The differencebetweenthe two will
be themomenttrying to changetheship'strim. Thatis: -
Momentto changetrim = Momentof gravity - Momentof buoyancy.
Ifthe momentof gavity is the greater,the ship will now trim by the head.Ifthe
momentof buoyancyis the greater,the ship will trim by the stem.
To usethis method,therefore,we must:-
(a) If necessary,corect the original meandraft to give the draft at F. From
the stability information, find the distanceof .B (and henceof G) from the after
perpendicularand alsothe ship's displacementfor this draft.
(b) Draw up a tableofweights andtheir momentsabouttheafterperpendicular.
includingthoseofthe ship.Momentsof weightsloadedmustbe added,thoseof
weightsdischargedmustbe subtracted.This will give the ship'snew displacement
andmomentof gravity.
(c) Find the bodily rise or sinkageand,ffom this, the new draft at F.
(d) Use the stability information to find the new distanceofB from the after
perpendicularfor the new draft. This, multiplied by the new displacement,will
give the new momentofbuoyancy.
(e) The differencebetweenthe new momentsof gnvity andbuoyancywill be
themomentto changethe trim. If themomentof gravity is the greater,the ship* ill
trim by thehead:ifthe momentofbuoyancyis thegreater,shewill trim by the stern-
A We cannow usethe methodsdescribedpreviouslyto find the new trim and
drafts fore and aft.
Example l.-A ship has a displacementof 8600 tonnesat a mean draft of
5 01 m on evenkeel. B is 71.90m from the after perpendicular and the T.p.C_
is 20'60 tonnes. She then loads 600 t at 40 m from the after perpendicular.
300 t at ll0 m, and 4OOt at 70 m. She also discharges500 t from 50 m
from the after perpendicular,and 400 t from 60 m. The stability information
then shows that at a mean draft of 5.20 m,8 is 71.80 m fiom the after
perpendicular and the still 20.60t. Find the momentchangingthe trin
Weight d from NP MomentaboutA./P
Ship 8600 71.90 618340
Loaded + 600 40 + 24000
Loaded + 300 ll0 + 33000
Loaded + 400 70 + 28000
Discharged - 500 50 - 25000
Discharged - 400 60 -24000
9000 654340
the Addedweight = !000 - 8600= 400 tonnes
BodilV =ffi
sin-kaee = 19.4cm
Newmeandraft5'01+0.19= 5.20m
ithe Momentof buoyancy= Distanceof B from A,1Px new l/
= 7l .80x9000t.m
Momentchangingtrim = momentofgravity - momentofbuoyancy
om 654340- 646200
fter 8140t/m by thehead.
Example2.--:f1rc hydrostaticparticularsgiven in the backofthis book arefor a
vesselof 140m long.Sheis floatingat draftsof6.14 m forwardand6.26m aft. She
; of
then loads800 t at 52 m from the after perpendicular,700 t at 74 m; and discharges
550tfrom80m. Findthenewdrafts?
Old meandraft: 6.20m
At this draft,F is 0.67m abaftamidships
rill Correction to draftat F:0.67 x 0.12+ 140:0.0006m
So, correcteddraft at F = 6-20m
Fordraftof6'20m, thedisplacement is I t027tandBis7l.56mandMCTCis 177.5
Iill The ship hasa trim of4 cm
ltn. 8- G =TrimX MCTC+W
md whichmeansthatG-B:4 x 177-5= 11027= 0.06m aft ofB
Positionof G = 71.56- 0.06: 71.50foao
lo f Weight dfromA.IP MomentaboutA,{P
Lc. Ship tto27 71.50 788430
lar, Loaded + 800 52 + 41600
m Loaded + 700 + 51800
ion Discharged - ))u 80 - 44000
frer 11977 837830
im. New positionofG is 837830= 11977:69.953
Fromthehydrostatic particulars,
with new displacement
of I 1977ronnes:-
Draft = 6.635 MCTC: 185.4 LCB=7r.372 LCF= 68.9
G-B = 7 l'372-69.953 : 1.419
Trim B-G x W- MCTC=11977x 1.419+ 185.4= 91.7cm (92)
tud trimeffect= 92 x 7l-1+140 =47 6.64-0.47:6.17
afttrimeffect =92x68.9=l4O =45 6.64+0.45=7.09
Answer Finaldraft 6'17 m fivd and7.09m aft


When a ship is built, the Naval Architects calculate certain data affecting
her stability and set it out in the form of tables,curves and scales.Someof this
informationmustbe suppliedto ships,asdescribedin Chapter15. Meanwhile,let us
considerthe basicdataand their uses.
Hydrostatic Curves.-In the backof this book will be found a hydrostaticdata
tablefor a ship anda DeadweightScalefor anothership. Curvesarealsosuppliedto
ships,which area graphicalrepresentationofthe informationcontainedin the tables
and scales.Eachship hasits own uniquesetof this information. As we havealready
mentioned,suchcurvesvary considerablyin detail,but arefundamentallythe same,
so that anyonewho can understandthose given here should have no difficulty in
taking off informationfrom any othershe may encounter.
A scaleof meandrafts of the ship runs vertically up the left-hand side of the
sheet,lines being drawn horizontally acrossthe plan at everyhalf-metre.The main
body ofthe plan consistsofa numberofcurves, eachshowingthe amountor position
of any one item for any meandraft on the scale.Along the top or bottom edgesare
scalesfrom which the amountsofthe variousitems canbe readoff.
To obtain information, find the ship\ mean draft on the left-hand scale and
draw a line horizontally acrossthe plan from this, until it cutsthe curverequired;or
use dividers to measureup to this point from the nearesthorizontal line. From the
point thus found, drop a perpendicularline to the appropriatescaleon the bottom of
the plan, or againusedividers,andreadoffthe requiredinformation.
It will be noticedthat the curveshavetheir descriptionswritten on them in full,
whilst, to savespace,abbreviationshavebeenusedfor namingthe scales.Sometimes
abbreviationsareusedalongthe curvesalso,but this shouldnot causeany difficulty,
sincethey arestandardised andshouldbe knownby anyonestudyingstability.Those
usedin the curvesgivenhereareasfollows:-
Heightofthe centreofbuoyancyabovethekeel..............................K8
Heightofthe transverse metacentreabovethekeel......-.-.....-..-.--.--.KM
Heightof thelongitudinalmetacentre abovethekeel...... .. . . .. ..KM,
Momentto change trim by onecentimetre............................
Tonnes percentimetre immersion.... .................T.P.C.
Centreof buoyancy fromA.P........ ........B. ffomA.P.
Centreof flotationfromA.P ............. ......F. fromA.P.
Displacement ...... ."Displacement"
Always be careful that you takeof informationfrom theproper scale.

Useof the HydrostaticCurves.-The usesof the information,whichwe can

obtainfiom the curves,arefairly obviousto anyonewho hasreadthroughthis book.
Let us consideran exampleofthe informationthat it is possibleto obtain.
Lg Supposethat we wish to find all possiblestability informationfrom the curves
tis given in the back of this book, assumingthat the ship is floating at a meandraft of
us 5.40metres.We draw a horizontalline acrossthe plan at this draft andcanthentake
off the following informationfrom the scalesat the foot:-
[a Displacement...... .......9300 tormes
lo K8....................... .......2'93 metres
ES KM...................... .......8'18metres
dy KMr..................... ........247 metres
M.C.T.1C............ 162tonne-metres
T.P.C.................... ...................20.9
Centreof flotationfromA.P............. ......70'2metres
dn Centreof buoyancy fromA.P.......... .......7l'9 metres
on The DeadweightScale,-This scaleis familiarto mostship'sofficersand is
lt€ anothermethodof giving certain stability information, which they are most likely
to need.A typical scalewill be found in the back of this book, with the hydrostatic
Dd curves,andis madeout for the sameship asthe latter.To obtaininformationfrom the
or scale,draw a horizontalline, or lay a ruler, acrossthe scaleat the appropriatedraft,
he then read-offthe figuresshownagainstthis.
of For example,to obtain information from the scalefor a draft of 6'40 m, lay a
ruler acrossit at that draft andyou will find the following:-
il1, Deadweight in saltwater................ ........6900 tonnes
leS Displacement in saltwater.............. ......11450tonnes
ry, T.P.C. in saltwater.......................... ....................
tse saltwater......... .........
Deadweight in freshwa1er............... .......6600 tonnes
Displacement in freshwater.............. ...1l150tonnes
T.P.C. in freshwa1er........................ .........21'3tonnes
Hydrostatic Particulars.-Sometimes,insteadof hydrostaticcuwes,similar
information is set out in tabular form, as "Hydrostatic Particulars". This is the
methodrecommendedfor the Stability Information Booklet which is describedin
ChapterI 5. Its main advantageis that it will usuallygive moreaccurateinformation
than that which we could obtain from the hydrostatic curves or the deadweight
scale.An exampleof sucha table, in the recommendedform, is given at the back
ofthis book.

To obtain information from the table for a certain draft, take it out for the
nearestdraft or drafts and then interpolate,as necessary,accordingto the accuracy
required.For instance,supposethat ri/e wish to find information for a draft of 6'34
m: we take out the informationfor drafts of 6'20 m and 6'40 m and then interpolate
betweenthesefor the requireddraft. This will give:-
Displacement ...... .....11330 tonnes
T.P.C.................... .................21.75
M.C.T.1C............ 180'09tonne-metres
ICB from theAfter Perpendicular...... .. 71'50metres
ICF from theAfter Perpendicular...... .. 69'20metres
ZCBabovebase ........3'45metres
KM...................... ..-....8'03metres
KMr..................... .....226'2 mefies
Curves of Statical Stability.-These are graphs,which show the value of
GZ for a parlricuJar ship with a particularKG (or Gtr4)at a particular displacement
for all anglesof heel.The curvessometimesshow righting moments(W x G4, or
sometimesshow righting lewrs (GQ, accordingto the purposefor which they are
Thereis a theoremwhich saysthat we canfind the shapeof a GZ curve at its
origin (i.e.,0') by drawinga perpendicular at l radian(57'3') andon this,marking
off the GMfrom the GZ scale.A straightline from the point so found to the point of
origin will form a tangentto the curve at the origin.
Figure74 showsa singlecurve,on whichtherightinglevershavebeenplotted.
It hasbeenconstructed by calculatingtheGZ'sd vaious anglesofheel andplotting
these as a graph. The dotted lines
>l Gl't illustratethe methodoffinding the shape
5 FlG.74 of the curve at its origin, referredto in
? thetheoremabove:theassumedGMhas
beenmarkedofr on the perpendicularat
57.3' andthe line fiom hereto thepoint
of origin forms the tangentto the curve
at theorigin.
A singleGZ curveenablesusto find therangeof stability,theangleof vanishing
stability; the angleandamountof maximumGZ; the approximateGM for which the
curve hasbeendrawn. The latter is found by drawing a tangentto the curve at the
pointof origin andthenmeasuring offthe GMat thepointwherethistangentmeets
theperpendicular at I radian.(57'3')

If we wish for a comprehensive picture of the stability of a ship w'e may

constructa seriesof curvesof staticalstabiliry,using the sameiKG for all, but a
differentdisplacementfor each.A t)?ical setof suchcurves,drawnfor oneship,is
shownin Figure75, above.
Cross-Curves.-These are
another common method of
drawing graphs of righting
levers. They are different from
the ordinary curvesof statical
stability,however,because each
curve showsthe righting levers
for one angleof heel only, but
at different displacements.
The principle on which they
are constructed is shown
diagrammatically in Figure76;
in which the curvesof statical
stability are represented as
standing up, one behind the
othel at equal distancesapart.
Points 15" apart have been

F :.
: 9 L
uJ o EO
t. I o c., ln
>ti N9
rY ( 9 tl
o FL-
o:( za
n-E c)E
r ljF-



markedon eachcurveandeach"set" ofpointshasbeenjoinedby a fair curve,which

is the crosscurvefor that angleof heel.It canbe seenfrom this that their nameis
derived from the fact that effect. cut acrossthe curvesof statical
Figure77 showsa typicalsetofcrosscurves,whichhasbeenderivedfrom the
curvesof staticalstabilitygivenin Figure75.Tl;'eGZ canbefoundfrom these,for
any anglefor which a curve is given, by measuringvertically upwardsto the curve,
at the displacement chosen,andthenreadingoffthe GZ from the scaleon the left-
hand side.For example,the GZ for 30" of heel at 7000tonnesdisplacementwould
be 0'55 metres.
The Effect of Height of 33G".-If the actualheight of G is different from the
assumedheight usedin constructingthe curves,the GZs obtainedfrom the curves
will be incorrect.For instance,
in Fig. 78, let G 6e the assumed
position of the ship's centre of
gravity and let G, be its actual
position. The righting lever given
by the curveswill be GZ, but the
truerightingleverwillbe GrZr.
If Gx is a vertical line
parallelto ZZt, theni-
GZ = xZ,
GrZr=GZ* Grx
But, in thetriangleGGrx:-
G,x = GG, x $i1 $
Thus,in this case,TrueGZ: GZ from atrves* GG, x sfu$.
On the otherhand,if G werethetrue positionand G, the assumed
theship'scentreof gravity:-
GZ: GrZ- GrxAnd TrueGZ: GZ ftom ctwes - GGr x Sin e
So, if the actualKG is different from that usedin the curves,we must apply
a correctionof GG. x Sin 0 to the GZ found from the curves.This correctionmust
be addedif the true KG is lessthan the assumedKG: or subtractedifthe true iKG is
greaterthanthe assumedKG.
For convenience, a tableof corrections is oftenplacedon a setofcrosscurves,
as in the right-handtop cornerofFig.77. This is actuallya tableof naturalsines;
whichgivesus Sin 0, for useasabove.


Example.-Ihe crosscuryesshowa GZof 0.73m at 45oheelanddisplacement
7000tonnes,for an assumed KG of 7.00m. If the actualKG is 7.54m, what is the
turc GZ at 45"?
Correction= GG xSin 0 = 0.54xSin45"= 0.38m

Sincethe KG is greaterthan the assumedr(G, this correctionmust be

subtractedfrom the GZ found from the curves.
So, TrueGZ:0.73 - 0.38= 0.35metres.
KN Curves.-Formerly the assumedheight of G was takento be somewhere
nearthe typical heightoffc. The correctionswere then addedor subtractedto the
crosscurvevalue of GZ. Modem practiceis to assumethe height ofKG asNIL. In
this casethe correctionis always subtractedbecauseKG is alwaysmorethanNIL. If
we refer to Fig. 77 (a), we canseethat, in this case,Ki/ would be the righting lever.
If, however,G werethetw positionof the ship'scentreof gravity,then:-
TrueGZ= KN - Ky
= r(ir'-KGx sin0

A typicalsetof KM curvesis shownin Fig. 78.

The advantageof this methodis that the correctionis alwaysr(G x sin 0 and is
alwayssubtractedfrom the Kly' found from the curves.This reducesthe possibiliw
of error.
Example. :flte curvesshowa KN of 3.98m at 30" of heel,for a displacement
of9000 tonnes.Ifthe ship'sKG is 6.84m, whatis the GZ at 30"?

The MetacentricDiagram.-This diagramis anothermethodof showingthe
heightsof the metacentreand centreof buoyancyfor variousmeandrafts.A scale
ofmeandraftsis drawnup anda line is drawnacrossthepaperat an angleof45. to
it-this is called"the45' line".A curveofcentresofbuoyancyis drawnin belowthis
line, sothatthe distancefrom the curveto anypoint on theline is equalto thedistance
ofthe centreofbuoyancybelowthe waterline at that point. Thecurveofmetacentres
is drawn in a similar way aboveor below the 45. line. This is best seenfrom
Fig. 79. To find the positionsof B andM for my particulardraft, draw a horizontal
line through that draft. Then, through the poitt where this cuts the 45" line, draw
a vertical line to meet the .B and M curves.The scalereadingsoppositethe points

thus found give the positionsof the centreof

buoyancyand the metacentreabovethe keel,
whilst thedistancebetweenthepointsis equal
to theBM.
For example,n Fig. 79, to find the
KB. KM and BM. at a draft of 5'50 metres.
Draw the horizontalline, AB, thrbugh the
5'50 metre mark and then the vertical line.
CBD. C then representsthe height of the
centreof buoyancy,D that of the metacentre
above the keel and CD, the ship's BM
We can seefrom the scalethat KB equals3'5
metres,KM equals6'8 metresandBM is 3'3
These curves are still to be found in
someship'sstability information,but modem
practice is to obtain this information from
HydrostaticData tablesas shownat the back
this book.

The Effect of Bilging a Compartment.-When a hold or compartmentis
bilged(i.e.,holed,sothatit becomes flooded),a numberof thingscanhappen.
.5 (a) The ship will increaseher mean draft in order to compensatefor the
.3 buoyancywhich shehaslost, sinceshemust displaceher own weight of water in
orderto float. Ifan emptyhold is bilged, it will ceaseto displaceanywater andso
m the ship must sink until the remaining,intact part ofher hasmadeup this lossand
m displaces a weightof waterequalto theweightofthe ship.Ifthe holdhascargoin
m it, suchcargowill continueto displacea certainamountofwater, sothatthe bilged
* compartrnentonly losesa part of its displacement.The amountof displacement
then lost, expressedas a percentageofthat which would havebeenlost had the
hold beenempryis calledthePermeabilityofthe hold.
(b) Ifthe centreof gravity ofthe compartmentis in the samevertical line as
the centre of buoyancyof the ship, the latter will merely sink bodily to a new
waterline.Ifthese two pointsarenot in the samevertical line, B will shift forward
or aft,asthecasemaybe.As thebilgingis thecauseofloss ofbuoyancyonly and
not actualadditionofweight to the ship, G will not move,sothe shipmustchange
her trim in orderto bring I back into the samevertical line as G.
(c) Note the differencebetweenthis caseandthat ofweights added,removed,
or shifted.In the latter case,G movesas well as B, so that the relative positions
of the weight and the centreof flotation govem whetherthe ship will changeher
trim. In this case,where G doesnot shift, the changeof trim, if any,is governed
by the relativepositionsofthe bilged comparfinentand the centreof buoyancy.
(d) If the compartmentis divided longitudinally,the ship may list on account
ofthe lost buoyancybeing out of the transversecentre-line.
Permeability.-is the ratio betweenthe spaceavailablefor water and the total
spacein the comparfinent.
For instance,supposethat a compartmenthasa volume of5000 cubic metres.
This would be the volume availablefor water if the emptycompartmentwasbilged.
If this compartrnentwas filled with cargo,the solid pads of that cargowould take

up spacewhich would be otherwise available for water, so that less water would
be able to enter the compartmentif it was bilged. Ifthe actual solid material in the
compartmentoccupied 3000 cubic metres, then only 2'000 cubic metres of space
would be available for water.
=?94= 0 400.or 40oo

For certain types of cargo, it is possible to calculate the permeability if the

stowagefactor and relative density are known:-
Relativedensity is the ratio betweenthe weight ofsolid material and the weight
ofan equal volume of fresh water.
Spaceoccupiedby I tonnefiesh water= | ml

Spaceoccupiedby I tonne solid cargo= m'

Relative density
For each tonne of cargo, as stowed, the space available for water Space
occupied by I tonne as stowed (Stowage factor) - Spaceoccupied by I tonne of
solid cargo.
= Stowagefactor - (1+ Relativedensity)

sEsgig'liblg f"l.g!:! (perronne)
=@ Sto*ug"f-to.-(l*n"l@

Example.-Find thepermeabilityof a cargowhichhasa relativedensityof 1'80

andstowaqefactorof l'20.

r".,''"utititr=ry\Sg = 0 537,

a vessel
Bilging of an Empty CompartmentAmidships.-Fig. 80 represents
in which a comparftnent The vessel is shownas box
shaped,for the sakeof simplicity, but the
effect will be the samefor ship shapes.
Suppose that the shiP floated
originally at the waterline SI and that
an empty compartment ABCD is bilged.
F tG.8 0 The buoyancy of this compartment is

il now lost to the ship.Call this lost buoyancyu The ship mustcontinueto displace
e her own weight of waterand somustdisplacethe samevolumeasbefore.In orderto
c do this, shewill sink to the new waterlineS,I, so that the total volume of the layers
n and n, which havebecomeimmersed,mustbe equalto that ofthe lost buoyancy.
This meansthat:-
If the total areasof the original and the new waterplanesare the same,the
volumesof rz and n aretogetherequalto the areaof intact waterplanemultiplied by
the increaseof draft (,S,S,
or ffr). So,ifl is the total areaof waterplane,
d the area
hr within the comoartmentandXthe increaseof draft in metres:-
But, m+ n=v
so, y=(A-a)X

-- A-a
Example.-Abox-shapedlighteris 50 metreslong,8 metreswide andfloatsat
a meandraft of 2.00 metres.Find the sinkageif an empty compartmentamidships,
20 metreslong,is bilged.
(v) = 20x 8x 2'0 ml
area(,4)= 50x8 m2
ginksss=---lL ==-2q-E! =1.33 metres
A -a 5 0 x 8 -2 0 x 8- -
Bilging of rn AmidshipsCompartment,with Cargo,-If thereis cargoin the
bilged compartment,it will still continueto displacea certainamountof water and
we shallnot losethewholeof thebuoyancyin thecompartment. We shallalsogaina
little buoyancyby submergingmore cargobetweentlte old and new waterplanes.
bx In this case,ifp be thepermeability:-
(a) The lost buoyancyin the compartrnentrvill now becomeup cubic metres.

tsd (b) In Fig. 80, considerthe spacebetweenthe two waterplanes,

hat and within the compartmentIBCD. As the ship sinksto her new waterplane,the
Fd. cargo in this spacewill becomesubmergedand will thus add to the buoyancy
li s eained.

Thevolumeof this space- aXcubicmetres.

So,spaceavailablefor water= apXcubicmetres.
Buoyancygainedin the compartment= volume spaceavailablefor water
= X(a _ ap)
And, total buoyancygained,= m + n + X(a - ap)
Lost buoyancy= BuoYancY gained
v p = m+ n + X (a -a p )

But (flom previoussectiort)

m+n=(A- aV
S o, v p = (l-a )X + x (a -a p )
v p = x (A -a )+ (a -a p )
., vp

Example.-Abox-shapedvesselis 60 metreslong, l0 metreswide andfloats

at a draft of 4'00 metresfore and aft. A compartment
amidshipsis 15 meneslong
and containscargo of permeability 40o/o.Find the new drafts if this compartment
is bilged.
Volumeof compartment(v) = l5x10x4 ml
area(l) = gQylQ 62
= l5x l0 m2
Areain bilgedcompartment
40%= 0.40
=rh; =aii6*ii&ta
si*ase =o 44metres
New Draft = 4 . 00-+0. 44 = 4. 44 metres

Bilging of an Empty Compartment,not Amidships.-In thiscase,therewill

be botha bodilysinkageanda changeoftrim. Thesemaybecalculated asfollows:-
(a) The bodily sinkage is found in the same way as for an amidships
(b) The methodof finding changeof trim is illustratedby Fig. 81. Here,
it can be seen that, since there is a loss of buoyancyat one end of the
ship,B will moveawayfromthatendto a newposition8,. Theforcesofbuoyancy
and gravity then form a couple, forcing the bilged end of the ship downwards.

__--, 'T
' t_-
o1--'i" r,-
F t G.8 1 7 -----d--- -t

As the ship changesher trim, the centreof buoyancywill move back towardsG
until it againcomesverticallyunderG.
It canbe seenfrom the diagam that the couplecausingthe shipto changeher trim
consistsof the forcesof gravity andbuoyancyactingon the lever88, .
So,Momentchangingtrim = Il x BB,
Moment changingtrim
ot tnm=
t hange
ng (c) To find BB,:-
It hasbeenshown,in Chapter5, that BB, =!J39t and that.Bobeysthe same
SoifD is the distanceofthe centreof gravityofthe bilgedcompartment
from B,
B Br=Y
Note.-In the caseof an end compartment in a box shapedvessel,BB, will
be equalto half the lengthof the bilgedcompartment. This will only applyto this
(d) If the new drafts are required,we must calculatethe changeof draft due
iill to trim, asshownin Chapter11.Remember, in this case,thatthevesselwill trim
r- aboutthenewcentre offlotation, which will be at thecentreofgravity ofthe neq
tips intact waterplane.
Example.-A box-shapedvessel, 100 metres long and 20 metresbeam,
lle' floats at drafts of 4'00 metresfore and aft. Find the new drafts after an empty end
compartment, l0 metreslong,is bilgedforward.
Dcy = ---!- - , . .10I20I4 -- = 0.44 m
ds. A -a l0 0 x 2 0- lO x 2 0
To calculatetheM.C.T.lC. we mustfirst find W andBMr.
Ilt = LxBxDxl.025
:8200 tonnes (D
tr,=+=# =ffi =ts z ^ (ii)
r,t.c.r:c=wii{, (iii)
48, =j = 5.0 m
lengthof compartment (i")
F is at half lengthof intactwaterplane: 45 m ffom aft.
I n4- = s29915 =
of tri6 = Z
change r:t ..
M.C.T.lC 124
Changeof draftfor trim: Forward=ffix::f = 182cm

Aft = x 331= 149cm

Original drafts F . 4 . 0 0m A . 4 . 0 0 m
Bodily sinkage 0.44m 0 . 4 4m
Ar4q m 4.441t1
Changefor trim + 1 . 8 2m -1 . 4 9 m
New drafts F.6.26m A.2.95m
Notes:-(i) Thedisplacement remainsunchanged, so we canuse,here,the original
lengthand draft.
(ii) 1 is for the intact part of the waterplane,so if we wish to convertI/l/ to
L2ll2D we must hereusethe lengthof the intactwaterplaneand the
new draft.
(iii) Sincewe do not know GM. we mustuseBM, here,
(iv)This only appliesto an emptyendcompartrnent in a box-shapedvessel.
The Effect of a Watertight Flat, at or below the Waterline.-If the bilged
compartmenthas a watertight flat at or below the waterline, the sinkageand trim
(if any)will be foundin the sameway asbefore.FromFig. 82,however,we cansee
thattwo modifications will haveto be madein the calculations:-
(a) Thevolumeoflost buoyancy(u/ will be thatbelowthewatertightflat.
(b) The whole waterplanewill remainintact, so that the buoyancygainedas
thevesselsinkswill belXcubic metres(insteadof (A - a) X1.


FtG . 8 2

X =;
Thus,for an emptycompartment:

containscarCo:X =)
Or, if thecompartment

(c) BB, evenfor a box shape,mustbe found by the formula:-

BB, =y (for an emptycompartment)

tnv )
or BB,=:!la ( if thecompartmenl
(d) Sincethe waterplaneremainsintact,F will not move appreciablywhen
the compartment is bilged; so we can assumethat the ship will still trim about
the samepoint asbefore.In thecaseofa box shape,this meansthatthe shipwill
continueto trim aboutamidships.

Example.-Abox-shapedvessel,120metreslong and 20 metresbeam,floats

at drafts of 4.00 metresfore and aft. An end comparftnent,25 metreslong, has a
watertightflat 3.00 metresabovethe keel and containscargoof permeabllily 60%.
Find thenew draftsifthis compartment is bilged.

Sinkase = 25x-Z0l!32!0'60
= 0. 38m
W =l20x20x4x1.025= 9840tonnes

BBt=y?z! = 25x2gL3,r!U.5t
47.s = 4.45m

M.c.r:c=wif#' =ti33i r3o=146

chanse =%ffi:!tr - nt

Sincethe waterplaneremainsintacl F will remainamidshipsandthe changeof

draft at eitherend will be halfthe changeof fim.
Originaldrafts F. 4.00 m A. 4. 00 m
1.* - 1.*.
4 . 3 8m 4.38m
Halfchangeof trim +0.89 m -9:E9 m
New drafts F.s:n A. 119
^ -
Compartments with Cargo, not Amidships.-Unless such compartments
have a watertight flat at or below the waterplane,accuratecalculationsbecome
very complicatedbecauseof the submersionof further cargoasthe ship trims. Such
calculationsareoutsidethe scopeofthis book.



Minimum stability requirementsare laid down in the Load Line Rules and
shipsmust be providedwith prescribedstability information for the useof Masters
ES andDeckOfrcers.
ne Stability Requirements. -The ship's stability must be sufrcient for the
Dh freeboardassignedto her and her light GM ascertainedby meansof an inclining
experiment. Also:-
(a) The initial GM is to be not lessthan 0.15 metresfor shipsloadedto.
ordinary load lines. Shipsloadedto timber load lines may,however,have
an initial GMof not lessthan0.05metres.
ft) Themaximumrightinglever(GZ)is to occurat an angleofheelofnot less
than30oandmustbe at least0'20 metres.
(c) The areaunderthe cuwe ofrighting leversmust not be lessthan:-
0'055metre-radians up to 30oofheel.
0'09 metre-radiansup to 40o of heel: or up to the angle at which non-
weathertightopeningsbecomesubmerged,if this is lessthan40".
0'03 metre-radiansbetweenthe above.
(d) Certain ships may be assignedless freeboardthan others,provided that
they meetcertainadditionalrequirements.
Requirements for Special llpes of Ships.-For freeboardpurposes,ships
are divided into two basic types: T)?e A, which are ships intendedto carry only
liquid cargoesin bulk: and Type B, which includesall other ships. If, however,a
TypeB ship hassteelhatchcovers,improvedprotectionfor the crew,betterfreeing
arrangements and specialsubdivisionagainstflooding, shemay be designatedType
8-60,or 8-100.
Shipsof TypesA, 8-60 and8-100 areallowedto havelessfreeboardthanthe
basicType B ship. To qualifu for this they must be able to withstandthe flooding
of one or two compartrnents,accordingto their length and type: whilst after such
flooding, they mustmeetthe following requirements:-
(a) The new waterline must be below any opening through which the ship
@ Any heel due to unsymmetricalflooding (i.e. excessweight of water on

onesideofthe ship),shouldnot be morethan15".Thismaybe extended to 17' if

no partofthe deckis thenimmersed.
G) The ship musthavea positiveGM, whensheis upright,of at least0'05
(d) The rangeof positivestabilitymustbe at least20". (for example,if the
vesselheelsto, say,l2' afterflooding,herangleofvanishingstabilitymustbe not
ld ThemaximumGZ mustbe at least0'l metre.
Information to be Suppliedto Ships.-Full detailsof thismaybe foundin the
LoadLine Rules.Thefollowingis a summaryof therequirements:-
(a) A plan of the ship to show the capacity and Kg of each space:weight
and Kg of passengersand crew; weight, dispositionand Kg of any anticipated
homogeneous deckcargo.
ft) The light displacementandKG; also the weight,dispositionand Kg of
permanentballast,if any.
@ Curvesor scalesto show displacement, deadweight,KM, T.P.C.and
(d) A statementof the free surfaceeffect in eachtank.
@ Crosscurves,statingthe assumed KG.
(l) Statementsand diagrams to show displacement,dispositionand weights
of cargo,etc., drafts, trim information,KG, KM, G, free surfacecorrectionsand
curvesof staticalstability when the ship is:-
(i) Light.
(ii) In ballastcondition,
(iii) Loadedwith homogeneous
(iv) In serviceloadedconditions.
@ Written instructions conceming any special procedure necessaryto
maintainadequatestability throughoutthe voyage.
(h) Vesselsmorethan 150metresin lengthareto be providedwith information
relatingto shearforcesandbendingmomentsandthemaximumvaluesallowed.
The Stability Inforrnation Booklet.-There is no statutoryrequirementasto
how the specifiedstability informationis to be set out, andthis hasvaried from ship
to ship. It would be an advantageto ship's Mastersand Officers if a standardised
methodwereusedin all ships.To this end,the Departmentof Tradehaveproduced
theirown recommended form of StabilityInformationBooklet.
In orderto illustratethe Department'srecommendations, the main information
for an imaginaryship is set-outin the suggestedform in this chapterandin the scales
in thebackof thisbook.Somepartshaveherebeenabbreviated, or merelydescribed,
in orderto savespace:but it is hopedthatthis will be sufficientto give thereadera
clearideaof themaincontentsofthe booklet,whichareasfollows:-
(") Generalparticularsof the ship (name, official number, dimensions,
(b) Plansofthe ship,showingcargo,tank,storespaces, etc.
@ Specialnotesregardingthestabilityandloadingofthe ship:bothin general
andasappliedto thatparticularvessel.
(d) Hydrostaticparticularsfor the ship in saltwater.(Seethe examplegiven in
thebackofthis book.)
(e) Capacitiesandcentresofgravity ofcargospaces, storerooms, crewspaces,
etc. (SeePlatein this chapter.)
(fl Capacities,centresof gravity and free surfacemomentsofoil and water
tanks.(Also in this chapter.)
@ Noteson theuseoffree surfacemoments.(Heredescribed in Chapter9.)
(h) Specialinformation required if the ship is designedto carry containers:
including a containerstowageplan and a statementindicating the position of the
centreof gravityof eachcontainer.
(i) Crosscurvesof stability (Kl{ curves)and an exampleshowingtheir use.
(Described herein Chapter13.)
(j) A deadweight scale.(Seetheexamplegivenin the backofthis book.)
(k) Conditionsheets,givingaplananddetailsofweightson board,information
on stability on deparhueor arrival, and a curve of staticalstability: all for at least
eachof thefollowingconditions:-
(i) Thelight ship.
(ii) Ballastconditionson (a) deparhreand (b) arivil,
(iii) Theshiploadedto the summerloadline with homogeneous
(a) departureand(b) arival,
(iv) The ship loadedto the summerload line in at leastone serviceloaded
conditionon (a) departre and(b) arival.
For the abovepurposes,
it is assumed
For each"Arrival Condition", all fuel. freshwater and consumablestoreshave
beenreducedto l0% oftheir originalamounts.
fueltankswhichare "full"ofoil aretakenas 98%full.
An abbreviatedexampleof the ship in condition3 (a,)is given in this chapter.
(A.8.- AtovE s !E) (t.P - AfrER PeRPstorouuR,

L0cAn0 clP ctT|Es c€t{rREs0F cRlvrTt
xunEEns)GUNK N€IRE5 cuSrcI'EIRES l. B. F80n t.P
lld I Tt €lll lfct t4t - t7{ 616 aal to.45 rl9.t
I{o.t NolD 146- lL t37a t.t5t s.72 9.5
o.a.TvElr|DEOI 16 - t{6 94' 97n 9.68 too.?
flo.e HOL0 A - !t3 2?45 e367 5. ro 9t. o
llo 5 TUrEi| PaOl( 70 - r a 1219 | 514 t.6, 6s.o
mP'D DEEPlAN( t05 - tro l 0l a I t?.1 a at+ a6.l
AfT D€EP TAT'X 9J - tO5 toaf l |06 1.76 77.2
llo., IVEEN DECI( g3- 6s aa5 650 t.4. 5 a 'a

(l.R^rtE cAP CITY v€pTrcAL LONS|T|.,ONAL
t{unBfR6) cuSrc |IETPES l.a- FFOIT A.P.
No..l xoLD JA- 3 1 r8?3 5.ZZ 35. I

'|,U;r!€F5) cuSrchETn€s A .A . rROHA.P
FORCCIsTLESTORT tf1- ta1 3+ 12,7? t35.2
EORE PtI( 174- ts+ 5l to.15 154.9
ND$ 'fME
P SfORE 6 A- 1 7 50 I.90 16, A
moP saoaE A- E 60 lO. O.l - t.s

T0r{xEs VERTIG^I ton6|Tuo||r/L TONNES VERNCAL tot|6tluo||{^|.
A.B fnon A.e A -4. fno A.P.
sfoREa eq 9 .96 7t.+ 2 a .46 7l .+
crtv a ftFfcts l+ It.87 65. t l4 rl.9 o 53. I
( 4 .8 . - ABo !E BtsE) (A .e- A rt€R P aR P E OTC U L^R )
llu|.|9:RS) !IT T RES EtR€S 'ON
s.G.t.O (rot) F80X A.? lT 56.| 0
F.P. DgtF t^xx t0 5 - | | 6 56? 551
4.64 a6 .l 639
E5. t05- ||a 56? 55l 5S l 4. A + a6 .l 649
9J - lO5 5.r2 542 621
A.S. 93- tos 555 5't2 512 77.2 5?l


L0cAfl0N MOTTULI 98tr FULL GRAVIfY <nrraes) suRf cE
(Fr^ € cuBlc cuBrc TOilr{E9 yERTlCrr i0t6|I(nrul tt0ttENT
unttP9) n€rREs I'IETRES At 5.6.t.O r,s. {98r) amn l.e Ar s.G.r-o
..a lD Dl.r.rx ||6 - t46 la5 t+e 112 o.76 99.E | rJ8
|l.?(s] -. - ||6 - t2t5 r 15 l4? A2 o.76 99.E IJ E
9 5 - tla ??o ea3 2"3 o.75 40.3 ta9
No.J (5) '95 ||g 22|i
- ?23 ??3 o 75 ao.3 ta9
!-.R.( P) {:t - 93 25e 217 211 o?1 l 7l
E .R .t$ , F r 65-

tool Fu!! TULL GRAVIIYlncrrrst SURFI'E
(FRAnE CUEIG CUBIC '6' T0 N[3 VERTIGALloiGrIU0 ll. l't0nENr
I{UIIBEFS}}IETiES IvIETRE3 AT S-G.t.O A.8. (9sl) FRON^f lr s.G.t.0
f.R. (P) t €l r at -ts ? ||a 3.5(, 70.5 ttt
€.F.lsl - a9 -95 |z ||? t.Jo 70.5 54
IUB.OL TAIIK. a5 -65 z1 7? ?2 5.5 | 490 tl


fRot t.c AT9.6.r.0
At s.G.t.025lT 3.6. | 'o (98r)
FORE PEAKT".X t74 - to4 ||3 6 |l a ^.8,
.l.sf L)6,e ro3
|lo.l . o.9.t^N |( to9 t94 la{) o.76 lrt.5 803
6 J- 7 0 6a 60 50.5
63- tO 6t' ao ,.50 5( '.5 s?
o- t o ral lb7 r 6:t 7, t? 5l 76

L0i0n{; cout
FRrcfliArfD C RCo orl FutL l=1:-:-:. WATERBALLAST

H0n06€xEoU5toAo|t{GcoNor oN - DEPARTURE
C0N0|110N CAR60oF SToVAEE FAcTOR 1.507
oEA0rtr6[T WEIG}II v.c.6. nonEriT l.c.G. f10r.r6Nl SAII-ING STAIE
o .r .1 1 rt6 r0.45 4517 ||9.4 t2?35 DRAFT A t L.C .E a. o94
No .l.lH. 9r+ s .7 2 5?24 l9 .5 l0r0,l0 ORAFTAFT 8 . 3 r9
No 2-TD 5?6 9. E0 5205 too.2 62945 oRArr roR!/ R0 7 .ASs
tto .e .L .ll. l5r 5 5 .6 0 816.} 9 t '6 ls 97 I1EANORAFT 8.0a6
No.5.T.D. o29 9. 79 7 857 6a.a s703s TRI}I BY sTERN 0.466
F.D'A I( 7t9 4. 81 5 i |80 46. I 6t9Oa K. M. 8. 0' ?5
l{.6. 6 .465
G.M.(so|.ro) | .564
No.? O 8. e56 o. 76 r95 99.o 2Ara, FREE SURFACECORRTI o. 034
No.5 O.8. +o2 o. 75 50? a0.3 5?aal G,l'|, (F|'urD, | .saa
E.R.TANK.'T 202 3. 50 707 70.5 l .l 24l

E"R. 0. A.x ' o. 74 329 6?.6 27191

E!.i.T NX5 * ||6 9. ?O toa6 50.5 5959 *- llnx trtt FPEEslRFlo€ €FrEor
CREY S'OFrl 20 9 .40 t66 7t.1 |42A
CREV. t,+ t 5. 90 t95 6C . I 463
OtAO r,rEl6llT to?20 6.395 6AS37 70.200 t52543
Ltcxt S tP 4559 6' 543 sort4 7 2 . 5 E 7 c5r350
O|5PLACEhEM t5279 6 ' ,+ 6 5 9A7a' 70.912 ,ots 943

The Useof Maximum DeadweightMoments.-This is a simplifiedmethod

of making surethat a ship's GMis large enoughto enableher to comply with, at
least,the minimum requirementsset out in the Load Line Rules. It is intendedfor
1 usein smallships,for which it is particularlysuitable.

I The method is, basically, an adaptationof that describedin Chapter 5 for

finding a ship's,(G by takingmomentsaboutthe baseline. In that chapter,it has
(a) DeadweightMoment is the sum of the momentsaboutthe baseline of all
weightson boardthe ship(i.e. cargo,fuel stores,etc.;whicharethe components
of deadweight).

fl (b) The total momentaboutthe baseline equalsthe momentof the light ship
plus the deadweightmoment.
(r) a6=Ftq1_!qerns+
-1 ulsplacemenl
I _ Momentof light ship+ Deadweightmoment
Ir l ,v
Now, the momentof the light ship is equalto the light displacementmultiplied
il by the light fG, which is a fixed quantityfor a given ship.The displacementdepends
.l on the ship's draft andwill be known. So we canusethe aboveformula to calculate
that deadweightmomentwhich will give the ship a desiredKG.
I. l But, GM:KM-KG
;l KMdependson the ship'sdraftandwill alsobe known
;t Momentof light ship+ Deadweightmoment
;l So. Glrl = Kirl -
;t This meansthat we cancalculatethat deadweightmomentwhich will give us a
il desiredGMfor a ship at given draft.
In practice, the Naval Architects first find the least GM which, at a given
draft, will satisrythe requirementsof the Load Line Rules.They then calculatethe
deadweightmomentwhich will give this GM: this will be the maximumallowable
deadweightmomentfor the chosendraft (maximumbecausethe greaterthe moment,
the greaterthe KG andthe lessthe Gi11).
Example.-A small vesselhas a light displacementof 737 tonnesand a light
KG of 3'300 m. At 3 00 m draft,her displacement is 1259tonnesand her KM is
3.845m. It is calculated that,at this draft,her GMmustbe at least0'238m in order
to comply with the Load Line Rules. Find her maximum allowable deadweight
momentat 3'00 m draft.

Requiredminimum GM 0.238 n
KM 3.845 m
Max. allowable KG 3_:607m

Maximum total moment =W xKG =1259x3 607= 4541 tlm

Momentof light ship= 737* 3 rOO=2432tlm
Maximum permissibledeadweightm6ment= !p t/m

The above is repeated for a series of drafts between the light and load
waterlines and, from this, a scale or graph is drawn up to show the maximum
permissible deadweight moment for each draft. The seaman is given a copy of
this scale and/or graph: also a form on which is shown a profile of the ship and
the heights of the centresof gravity of the various compartments.He enterson this
form, the amount and of each item on board and multiplies them together to find
its deadweightmoment. The sum of these momentswill be the actual deadweight
moment ofthe ship. The seamanalso extractsfrom the scaleor graph,the maximum
permissibledeadweightmoment for his ship's draft or displacement.As long as the
actual deadweightmoment is lessthan the maximum permissiblemoment, the ship
will have a suffrcientGM
An example of the above is shown in the following two diagrams.The first
of these shows the maximum permissible deadweight moments for an imaginary
small ship. The second shows a completed form for the same ship, when loaded:
indicating that at a displacementof 1861 tonnes,the ship has an actual deadweight
moment of 3702 tonne-metres.The maximum permissibledeadweightmoment for
the ship's displacementis then extractedfrom the first diagram(in this caseit is 4l4l
Vm): this is enteredat the bottom ofthe secondform. This then shows that, in this
case, the ship has sufficient GM, since the actual moment is less than the maximum
"Simplffied Stability Information".-This may be provided as an addition to
the basicdataand sampleloading conditionsrequiredby the Rules.This information
may be presentedin one of three ways, provided that it is accompaniedby clear
guidancenotesfor its use:-
(a) A maximum deadweightdiagram or table.
(b) A diagram or table showing maximum permissibleKGs.
(c) A diagram or table showing minimum permissibleGMs.
The method of setting out the diagramsor tables for KGs or GMs would be
basically similar to those shown here for deadweightmoments.
s3 g
.< F
t qtd':,:+ l i
t?00 ...'i1..;..i'

1g9g s9(


t?oo /.... .. .. .. \. ., . ,.\.\\\..\.
[00 \\\\\\\ ..t..t.trt..'
t '\ . \ . '\ t . \ . t . '\

to00 \\.\\ l'...'.'i..'

\\\\.. ...'.;'.'.'".'.
'." .'...' .' ,' .' \tr\\\ .t \\.

99S_ :.'.:.':ii..'
l' .' a ,'.').'..\\\'\\ \\\. : ll: jl: i
\. \ r \ \..\\'
-r \ \ \ \ .')':.'1".'i
\..\' \. \\ \\ \ \ .'.. .. .).'.'..':
a..\ \ \ \.

r r_rrt
r tr t
I tttt

HAxlmrr1PER14lSSlBLE !-
3 I
(foixc -nata€sl F

itl ry € € ID F
F p
ORAFT ,-4 F ril
{hETRrs) ;. :. n ol
9 0i

n^xtnu PEPiltltg|lLE t\ € o
(aO{t'l€ - tlataa3)
B o o
I 3 9
D I S P I A C E M ENT * €
(TO r{Esl
E a6 !
! I
: 9 I : P I 9
; l.) t? o r.) r, r) o n


I x- o'

| - ?.67^. 2 :6'OJr. 3 ?.24n- :l : 6'0Or
5 - O.Oa'n. - U'58r. 7 - l .OO* 8 - 3.1?n.
9 * 0'55re. lo - 5'O?n. ll - P'36 rt.


(lnco *r f0REli{tr 437 J. r? r365
i 860rt{Itr t${I) 597 3.56 2t37
OILFUEL 9O 2.2+ 202
Llourom EGoa
Aft 510RE
llGSTsfirP 737 !.500 ?.|ll?
Dr3Ptlc€nE T 106l 6t34

!'e. - ilT THISDs 6EBEI{I,THE T0TL oEAoVEtGlfT

ltont T rusr 0T
EXCEED THEVAIE 0r..:+lJ.t...T/d,
ItoiExT scAlg.

Anothermethodby which simplified stability informationmight be given is by

meansof a maximumKG table. Part of sucha table is illustratedbelow
Displacement Max. KG
t m
19500 7.85
r9000 7.93
18500 8.02
18000 8.10
17500 8.17
17000 8.20
16500 8.19
16000 8.18
15500 8.18
15000 8.19
14500 8.20
14000 8.22
13500 8.24
13000 8.28
The table showsthat if the displacementis 15600tonnes,thentheKG mustnot
exceed 8'18m.
As long asthe r(G is less8'18 m, the ship will comply witl all requirementsof
tlre loadlinerulesregardingGM, GZ valuesandareasunderthe GZ cvve.

Drydocking.-When a ship is drydocked, her support has to be transferred
from the water to the keel blocks and shores.She may be consideredsafe whilst
she is waterbome, or once the shoreshave been set up, but there is a danger that
she may becomeunstableduring the intervening period, which is often termed the
"critical period '.
Whilst the dock is being pumped out, the ship at first sinks bodily as the water
level falls, but as soonas shetouchesthe keel blocks shestopssinking, and the water
falls around her. She thus loses displacementso that weight, equal to the amount
of the lost displacement,is transferredto the blocks. As far as the ship's stability is
concemed,this weight is equivalentto a force acting vertically upwards at the keel
and it will decreasethe metacentricheight. The latter must, sooneror later, become
negativeand if this were to happenbefore the shoreswere properly set up, the ship
might capsizein the dock. It is thus ofthe utmost importanceto keep full control of
the ship during the critical period and to get the shoresset up as soon as possible.To
assistin this, it is usualto have the ship trimmed a little by the stem when she enters
the dock, so that the heel ofthe stem post is the first part to touch the blocks.

Fig. 83 illustrateswhat happensin the above case.As soon as the ship's stem
touchesthe blocks the upward force, .P comes into existence.This force is small at
first, but gradually increasesas the waterlevel falls and the ship's bow comesdown.
The advantageofthis is that the decreasein metacentricheight, causedby the force
.f is more gradual than it would be if the ship suddenly sat flat on the blocks fore and
aft, so that we have more control over the ship's stability.Also, althoughthe shores
cannotbe set up before the ship comesdown flat on the blocks, we can start to put-
in the after shoresloosely as soonas the stemtouches.By the time that the ship is
right down on the blocks a large numberof shoresare alreadyin place,so that the
rernaindercanbe put in andall setup with the minimum ofdelay. This decreases the
risk ofthe shipfalling overin thedock.
It is importantto havethe ship upright when sheentersa drydock.Ifshe were
not. this could be due to one of two causes:a negativemetacentricheight,or the
weightson board not being symmetricalaboutthe centreJine.In the first case,the
ship would be certain to fall over as soon as her keel touchedthe blocks. In the
second,shemight fall over at sometime during the critical period on accountofthe
ercessof weighton oneside.
Beforethe ship is floatedagain,it is very importantto checkanyweightswhich
may havebeenshifted whilst she is in the dock; otherwisewe may have a similar
effect to the abovewhilst the dock is being filled. In this respect,do not forget to
nake surethat boilershavenot beenfilled or emptied,or to check-upon anyweights
shifted in the engine-room.All tanksmust be soundedas soonasthe ship is on the
blocks and they must be soundedagainjust beforeflooding the dock to make sure
they arein the samestateregardingweightscontainedtherein.
The procedureof dry docking is, briefly, as follows. As soonasthe ship enters
the dock sheusuallycomesunderthe control ofthe dock masteror shipwright,who
manoeuwes her into the positionhe requires.The dock gatesare thenclosedand
pumping-outcommences. Whenthe ship'sstemis nearlyon the blocks,pumping
is stoppedwhilst the ship is alignedso that her centrelineis exactlyover them.
Pumpingis then resumedslowly until the stem touchesthe blocks, when the after
shoresareput-in loosely.As the ship settlesdown, more shoresareput-in, working
from aft forward, and as soonas the keel comesflat on the blocks any remaining
shoresareput in placeand all areset-upasquickly aspossible.The headsof shores
shouldalwaysbe placedon framesand not betweenthem, in order to eliminatethe
risk of dentingthe ship'splating.Oncethe shoreshavebeenset-up,pumpingis
continuedquickly until the dock is dry.
The following formula will give the ship's metacentricheight at any time
D duringtheprocessof drydocking:-
I P = the force actingupwardsthroughthe keel
KM = TheKMcorresponding to the actualdisplacement - P
d W = The ship'sdisplacemententeringthe dock (the real displacement)
s Virtualriseof G (or virnrallossof K.[4 =
F ryM

The force P is the difference between the displacement ofthe ship on entering
the dock and her displacement at the time for which we wish to calculate her G,ll
After the ship has come ffat on the blocks, this calculation is quite simple, since the
two displacements will be those for the respective mean drafts: that is:-
P: displacement at original draft - displacement at new draft.

It is more difficult to find P during the critical period, after the ship's stem has
touched the blocks, but before she comes flat on them. The most dangerous part
of this period, and hence the one with which we are most concemed, occurs at the
instant before the ship takes the blocks fore and aft. For this instant, p can be found
approximately by the following formuta:-

Where / = the trim, in centimetres, on entering the dock.

/ = the distance between the after block and the centre of flotation.
o- M.C.T.lC.xr

Example.-A ship entereda drydock with drafts of 3.00 metresforward and

3'50 metresaft. At this draft, her displacement
was4650 tonnes;KG, 7.4 metres;
KM 9'2 mefiesiM.C.T.1C.148tome-metres:whilst the centreof flotationwas 72
metresfrom aft. Find:-
(1) The GMat the instantbeforethe ship cameflat on the blocks.
(2) T"heGM when the water had fallen so that the draft read2.65 metres.her
was3650tormes,andKMwas 10.0m.
(l) Trim enteringdock: 50 cm by stem

p = M.C.T.lC.x trim =.!4%S = tol ro*".

VimralriseofG= Px.{M =l03l2'2 = 0.20m
w 46so
KG 7.40m
fuse 0.20m
Virtual KG 760-m
KM 9.20m
Yirfial GM LlQ m Answer
(2) P = Old displacement_ displacement
correspondingto nertrdraft
= 4650- 3650= 1000tonnes.
1(Mcorresponding to new draft: 10.0m
Virtualriseof G = = 2.15m
KG 7.40m
Rise 2.15m
Virhral t(G -9T5
KM 10.00m
Virfial GM 0.45 m Answer
a ship nrns ashore,her metacentricheight will
^_ "^9_11"odtog:-*:n
or becomenegativeas in drvdocking,but the exact decrease
effect of this on her stability is
almost unpredictable.It wil-l vary accordingto
the nature of the ground, how the
ship is placedon the bottom,what damag",f,"
hu, .*t"i*d anitrre natureandstate
of the lides. In practice,we can only aftimp, t"
possible,if it appears c;;;ll;;;at againas soonas
safeto do so.
The Effect of Density on Stability._When there
is a changein the densityof
thewaterin which a shipfloats,shewill
h;; d*;.-el inliase oraensity wilt
generallyhavethe following effectson her"h-g"
(a) When the ship is near..herlight draft, the centre
of buoyancy will be
loweredand the metacentrewill probibly rise.
ffr", ,fr".. JU be an increaseof
BM andprobablyof GM also.
(!) When the ship is nearher draft, the cenrreof buoyancywil fall and
will probably do _load
likewise. rh"* ;i,l;;"ti;rbe
BM tittle changein
but GM maydecrease.
(:) trim may change. Whetherthe ship trims by
.The the heador rhe stern
depends on thererativepositionsofB andF and'"" *i"rrt'"r,i"
or decreases. o"nsityincreases

(d) It shouldbe rememberedthat all the above

effectsare small, but in some
casesthey may be critical and cannotbe ignored.
The Elfect of Density on the Draft of Ships._In
Chapter4, we considered

considerit in relation to ship shapes.In Fig. g4,

the ship be first floating at the waterlineSI in
of density,. Then let her passinto waterof a lesser
Ft G . 8 4 density,d, and sink to the new water_lineg Z..
Let X be the increaseof draft, in centimetres_ that is, the distancebetween
the two water-lines.Let Wbe the ship'sdisplacement: sincethe ship mustalways
displaceher own weight of water,this will remainthe samefor both drafts.
So, volumebelowthe water-line
ST =4
And volumebelowthewater-line.i,l! = {

The differencebetweenthesetwo volumesmustbe equalto the volume ofthe

layer.9S,{4 so:-
Volumeofthe taVerSS,f,f

w6 -1r6,
= w.^ ^,)
(o -dr (l)
The weight ofa layer suchas SS,I,Z must be equalto its depthin centimetres
multiplied by the tonnesper centimetreimmersion.
Weightof thelayer,y,sr?i?
= XxT.p.C.
Volumeof thelayerSSr4Z= xxt.P.C.
If we now combineformulae(1) and (2) above,we can seethar:_
.. = w(6-5,1
" a,"r-p.f
Derivation of the Fresh Water Allowance._The F.WA, is the amount,in
millimetres, by which a ship would changeher draft on passini from salt to
water,or vice-versa,when floating at, or very near,her SummerLoadline.
Let the displacementand T.pC, at suruner draft be / and Z respectively.A
change of densityfrom salt to fresh water will give d as 1025tglm, and a, as iOOO
kg/mr. Substitutingthesein the aboveformula sives:_

change (xl =4$ffif9Q

But expressed in millimetres,sowe mustmultiplytheresultby 10,to
convertit from centimetres.

R9r:*9 Buoyancy.-is the watertight volume of the hull between
.. the water
line andthe freeboarddeck.It amounts,approximatelyto the difference
actual displacementand that which the ship would have if she
were submergedto
her freeboarddeck.
We can calculatethe reserve.bloyancy for any floating body
by finding the
differencebetweenthe total watertightvolume ofthe body an? the
vorumeof water
whichit displaces.
. .Continuous Watertight Longitudinat Bulkheads,_These give great
longitudinal strengthto a ship and also reducefree surfaceeffect
when liquids are
carried in bulk. They haveone seriousdisadvantage,however,
in that if the ship is
holed on one side and the bulkheadremainsintaci tie compartrnent
could become
floodedon one sideonly. This would give the ship a list, which
may be dangerousif
the compartmentis large.
In,ordinary cargo ships,having large holds, there would be considerable
^ . ship capsizing
in the abovecircumstances. There is normanyno free surface
effect to be reducedin the holds andthe bulkheadshavethe additional
that they interferewith the handlingof cargo.consequentlycontinuous
bulkheadsare not fitted in ordinary cargo ships,since the disadvantages
the gain in longitudinalstrength.
_ , .Inthecaseof oil tankers,carryingbulk liquid cargoes,someform of longitudinal
subdivision is necessaryto minimise fiee surface-effect. Intertbrence
with the
stowageof cargo does not have to be consideredand great longitudinal
is required.In suchships,the advantagesof continuousTongitudinal
obviousandone or two arealwaysfitted. The dangerof th" u1s."t,,
in the
event of her being bilged is overcomeby restricting the length ""p.izing
of hei tanksleho,
in the eventofa tank on one side becomingfloodedl the con-esponding
tank on the
otherside could be filled quickly to counterbalance this.
Non.ContinuousLongitudinal Bulkheads._These areoften
.. fitted in ordinary
ships,asthey havea numberof structual advantages.Sincethey
arenot continuous
throughoutany hold, they do not affect the ship'sitabilitv.
Bulkhead Subdivision and Sheer.-The subdivision of a ship into
compartrnents by meansof transversebulkheadsis a greatfactor in determiningher
safetyif sheis holed-It is not generallyrealisedby seamenthat sheeralsoplays an
importantpart in this if the ship is holed forward or abaft the centreofthe flotation.
In 1912,a committeewassetup to investigate thespacingofbulkheadsandthe
suggestionswhich weremadein their reportarenow compulsoryfor passengerships.
It was not possibleto apply them to cargoshipsalso and the bulkheadsin the latter
are usuallymorewidely spacedthan would be allowedin passenger vessels.The
committeeintroducedthe "Margin Line" andthe ..Curveof FloodableLengths',.
The Margin Line is an imaginaryline, 76 millimetresbelow the bulkheaddeck.
It is assumedthat a ship which was sunkto this line would still be navigablein fine
The Curve of Floodable Lengths is a graph from which can be found the
floodablelengthsfor anypartofthe ship,i.e.thatlengthofthe shipwhich,ifflooded,
would causeher to sink to her margin line. When this is calculated,allowanceis
madefor an assumedaveragepermeabilityin eachofthe variouscomparhnents.The
lengthallowed for any comparhnentis found by multiplying the floodablelengthby
a factorthat dependson the lengthofthe shipandtheproportionofcargo, engineand
passenger spaces belowthemarginline.
Sheeris the upwardrise ofthe ship'sdeckfrom amidshipstowardsthe bow and
stern.Ifa compartment becomesbilgedat oneend ofthe ship so that shechanges
her trim, the sheerhelpsto preventthe marginline from becomingsubmergedat that
end.It thus increasesthe floodablelengthsforward and aft.
Pressureon Bulkheads.-When a compartmentis flooded,the waterpressure
on the end bulkheadsis greatestat the bottom and decreases to nothing at the water
level. The greatestsupportis neededat a point somewherebetweenthe bottom and
the surfacelevel, suchthat the total pressureaboveit is equalto the total pressure
below it. This point is known as the "Centreof Pressure"and its positionis as
(a) For rectangularbulkheads,at the two{hirds depthofthe bulkheadbelow
(b) For triangular bulkheads (apex downwards), at the half-depth of the
(c) In the case of ship shapes,the majority of the bulkheadsare nearly
rectangularandneedshoringmoststronglyat a point aboutone-thirdof the height
of the bulkheadmeasuredfrom the bottom. Someof the bulkheadsare,however,
ofan intermediateshapeand in this casethe centreofpressurefalls betweenthe
half-depthand the one-thirddepth.

Threeformulaemay be useful here:-Where ft is the depthbelow the surface

of anypoint on a bulkheadin metres;11,the depthbelow the surfaceof the centreof
gravity of the underwaterpart of the bulkheadin metres;l, the underwaterareaof
the bulkheadin squaremetres;IZ the densityofthe water in tonneVm3:-
Pressureat anygi ven point = Wh (tonnes/m2)
Averagepressureon the bulkhead= I/11 (tonnes/m2)
Total pressureon the bulkhead= lZIll (tonnes)

Note that A, which is sometimescalled the "Centroid", must not be confused

with the centreof pressure.For instance,in a rectangularbulkhead,the centre of
pressureis at one-thirdfrom the bottom,whilst the centroidis at the halfheight from
the bottom.



The Forrnation of Waves.-Waves are producedby friction betweenthe wind
and the sea surface.The wind blows, to a greateror less degree,in gusts and also
appearsto blow somewhatobliquely down on to the sea surface.The effect of this
ls to cause slight depressionsin that surface in some places, with corresponding
elevationselsewhereso that "ripples" are formed. The wind will now act directl|
on theseripples, and if it blows long enough and strongly enough it will tum them
into waves. It appearsthat, within certain limits, the siie of the-waveswill depend
largely on the force of the wind and on the distance from the point at which the
waves originated.
The. Trochoidal Theory.-This theory is generally used to explain the
constructionofwaves and also certainphenomenaconnectedwith them. It is rather
too complicatedfor us to consider fully here, so we will merely extract two points
from it.

FIG.85 B
(a) The shapesofwaves are approximatelythe sameas a..trochoid", which is
the curve tracedout by a point inside a circle, rolling along a straight line. This is
shown in Fig. 85. Supposethat a wheel, with centre C, bi rolled along the level
surfaceAB, from left to right. Apoint, x, on the wheel would trace out the trochoid
-r7x. The shapeofa wave approximatesto a troichoid as shown except that the
wave would be figure 85 upside down. The crestsare sharperthan the troughs
(b) The water in a wave is not consideredto have any appreciablehorizontal
motion; that is, it does not travel along with the wave in a horizontat direction.
Each particle of water moves in a circular orbit, forward at the crest,backward in
the trough, upwards in ffont of the wave and downward behind it. This produces
a progressive"heaping-up" ofthe water, which causesthe wave_outlineto travel
along, althoughthe water itselfis not doing so. For our purposes,we can consider
waves as comparativelyshallow,vertical movementsof water.
The T?uePeriod of Waves.-This is the interval betweenthe passageof any
two consecutrvewavecrestsat a stationarypoint. Ifa ship were stoppedandhad no
movement,the period of the waveswould be the interval betweenthe time shewas
on onewave-crestandthe time shewas on the next.In theory,it is oftenassumed
that a seriesofwaves all havethe sameperiod;in practice,this very rarelyoccurs
and successivegroups of waves often have slightly different periods.The period
usuallyincreases with the sizeofwaves,but rarelyexceeds tenor twelveseconds.
The Apparent Period of Waves.-When a ship is moving throughthe watet
the period ofthe wavesmay appearto thoseon boardto be greateror lessthan the
trueperiod.A shipwhichis steaminghead-oninto a seawill be movingto meeteach
successivewave, which will thus reachher more quickly and will appearto havea
shorterperiod than it actually has.A ship which hasthe seaaft, on the other hand,
is moving away from the waves,so that thesewill take longer to catchup with her
andwill appearto havea longerperiod.Whenthe seais exactlyabeamof the ship,
her motion will haveno effect and the apparentperiod will be the sameasthe true
period. The apparentperiod will thus dependon the ship's speedthroughthe water
andon hercourserelativeto thedirectionofthe waves.
R Theapparent periodis important,because it is theonewhichis actuallyfelt by
J the shipandwhichthusaffectsherrolling.
The Period of a Ship.-This is the time takenby a ship to roll from one side
to the other and back again. When the period is exactly the samefor every roll,
the rolling is termed"isochronous".It is often assumedthat isochronous rolling
occursin everyshipfor anyangleofroll, but this is not correct.We may acceptthe
(a) Differentshipshavedifferentperiodsofroll.
(b) The same ship will have a different period for different conditions of
b (c) The sameship will havea longerperiod when sheis tenderthanwhen she
t is stiff.
d (d) "Winging out" weightswill increasethe period,all other things being
(e) Rollingis isochronous for smallanglesofroll, up to abouttendegrees,
theperiodincreases slightlyfor largerangles.
D Synchronisrn.-Thisis saidto occurwhentheship'speriodof roll is the same
5 asthe apparentperiodofthe waves.Whenit occurs,thewavesgive the shipa ..push"
d eachtime sherolls, in thedirectionin whichsheis rolling, causingherto roll more
and more heavily. In theory it would continueuntil shecapsized,but this doesnot
happenin practicebecause of certainresistances,
whichwe shallconsiderlater.

Unresisted Rolling.-Let us assumefor a momentthat thereare no forcesin

existenceto dampa ship's roll and that shemerely rolls underthe influenceof the
wavesand of her own period.Let us also assumethat the period ofthe wavesis the
samethroughoutandthat the ship'speriod is isochronousfor all anglesofroll.
Ifthe ship'speriodis muchlessthanthat ofthe waves,shewill alwaystakeup a
positionat right anglesto the lvave-slopeandwill not roll to eithergreateror smaller
anglesthan this. In other words, shewill behavein exactly the sameway as a raft
If synchronismoccurs,the ship will roll through increasinglygreaterangles
until shecapsizes.
When the ship's period is much greaterthan that of the waves,she will roll
easilyand neverto largeangles.The waveswould sether rolling, but would soon
becomeout of time with the roll andwould thuscauseherto steady-downagain.
Normallytheship'srollingperiodis longerthanthewaveperiod.Whenheading
into a seathe apparentwaveperiod is lessthanthe waveperiod andmuch lessthan
the ship'srollingperiod.Synchronism is not likely to happen.
Whensailingwith the seaon the quartet apparentwavesperiodis morethanthe
waveperiodandbecomescloserto the ship'srolling period.It is in suchconditions
that synchronismoccurs.
The obviousremedyis to alter couse so asto bring the wavesonto the bow if
this is possible.
In practice,we find that the ship's period increaseswith the angleof roll and
alsothatwe rarelymeeta longseriesofwavesofexactlythesameperiod.So,evenif
the shipherselfofferedno resistance to rolling,synchronism would seldomexistfor
long.A normalshipmightroll heavily,but shewouldbe unlikelyto capsize.
Resistancesto Rolling,-We all know that it is possibleto seta boatrolling by
leaningfrom sideto sidein time with her period.If we first starther rolling andthen
sit upright and without moving, the roll will graduallydecreaseand will finally die
out altogether.
A ship canbe set rolling in still water,in a similar way, by shifting weightsor
bodiesof menfrom sideto side.Similarlyalso,if we stopmovingthem,the ship's
roll will die out.For this to happen,theboator shipmustbe settingup resistance to
its own roll; otherwiseit would merelycontinueto roll to the sameangleandwith the
sameperiod.Theseresistances areusuallyconsidered to be asfollows:-
(a) A rolling ship createswavesand theserequire a considerableamountof
work to producethem. This work is providedby the ship and would other wise
haveformedpart of the forcesproducingthe rolling. Instead,it now passesaway
with the wavesand is lost. This wave-formationis one of tJrechief resistances to
be considered.
@ Frictionbetweenthewaterandthehull ofthe ship setsup a slightresistance.
The effect is very slight in a ship having a muchroundedbottom.In a ship which
hasa full bilge, or particularlybilge keels,it is much greaterbut is neververy
(c) Thereis a certainamountofresistancebetweenthe hull and the air, but its
effectis negligible.
(d) Properly fitted bilge keels have a dampingeffect on rolling. Their
exacteffectsarecomplicatedandwill be consideredmorefully in the next section.
It can be seenthat sincethe aboveresistancesare capableof eliminating the
ship'sroll in still water,they will alsoresistthe forcescausingthe shipto rolfin a
seaway.They will not eliminaterolling, but they candampit considerably.
The Elfects of Bilge Keels.-These may be said to havethreemain effectsin
(a) They offer a certain amount of direct resistanceto the wate! but this
effect is comparativelyweak.
(b) They causethe ship'speriod ofroll to increaseslightly.
(c) They setup eddycurrentsandpressuteunderwater.
The latter effect is by no meanssimple and may be consideredto producea
numberof subsidiaryeffects:-
l. The wave formationdue to rolling, describedin subdivision/a) of the last
section,is considerablyincreased.
2. The waterpressureon the hull is increased on that sideofeach bilse keel
towardswhich the ship is rolling. This pressureactsat right anglesto the hull-andits
directionis suchthat it forms a resistanceto the roll ofthe ship.
3. Water is unable to run around the hull in an unintemrptedstreamline.
This will also reducerolling, since any upsettingof streamlineeffects will cause
eddycurrentsandresistanceto motion.
Bilge keels have a greatereffect when the ship is moving than when she is
stationary,andthe greaterthe speedthe geater the effect.This is often consideredto
be due to the fact that asthe ship movesaheadsheis passingout ofthe waterwhich
hasbeendisturbedby her rolling. A certainamountof the bilge keel is thus working
in water and the effect of this part is increasedaccordingly.The fastei
ship moves,the more ofthe keel is in suchwater and the greaterthi anti-rolling
effect.Theremay alsobe some"planing" effect.
_ Cures for Heavy Rolling.-When, for any reason,a ship is foundto be rolling
heavily,thepropercureisto altercourseand./orspeed.Thiswill altertheapparent,perioi
ofthe wavesanddestroysynchronism,whichis nearlyalwaysthecauseoisuchrolling.
It is usually unwise,and sometimesdangerous,to attempta cure by working
waterballastin thesecircumstances.



areain bilgedcomparment.
Areaof waterplane.
The afterperpendicular.
A/P ............
Breadthof theship.
Centreof buoyancy.
Distance(of shift of weights,etc.)
D ...............
Depth,or draft.
Centreof flotation.
Centreof gravityof weightor wedge.
I ................
Centreof gravityof ship.
lr ................ Commoninterval (Simpson'srules,etc.).
of thecentresof gravityof wedges.
Momentof inediaof freesurface.
momentof inertiaof a waterplane.
IL . . Longitudinalmomentof inertia of a waterplane.
K8.............Heightof the centreofbuoyancyabovethekeel.
Heightof tlte centreof gravityabovethekeel.
Heightofthe centreof gravityofa weightabovethebaseline.
l(M............Heightof thetransverse
KMr...........Heig}iof thelongitudinalmetacentre
Therightinglevel assumingG to be at thekeel.
M.C.T.lC.' Momentto changetrim onecentimetre.
p ................
Permeabilityof a comparanent.
Volumeof immersedor emergedwedge,or volumeof buoyancy.
Volumeof displacemant
of a ship.
of a ship.
0 ................
d ................
at summerdraft.
Angle of Heel, or Loll.
Due to weight out of centreline-tan 0=#,

Areasof CommonFigures.
Circle Area n2

Rectangle Area ab

Square Area d

Trapezoid AIea i@ + b \
Triangle Area T

Area s(s-a)(s-D)(s-c)

Areasof Waterplanes,etc.
Five-eightrule Area ${s,+tr-r)
Simpson'sfirst rule Area ! $ * + r * z u * lw+ 2 x + 4 y +2 )
Simpson'ssecondrule Area (t + 3u + 3v + 2w + 3x + 3y + z)
] h

B-Shift of B.

Sinkagedue to emptycompartment=
Sinkagedueto comparEnentwith carg =
" U" *
Sinkage,if W/T flat existsin compar;lrnefi =
Lnangeol tnm =
BB, = v\-d
For all shapes tM: +
For box shapesonly
"*: h
Approximate,for ship shapes BM = T
For all shapes tr"=+
For box shapes tr"= h
Circumference of a Circle. = 2r

Density and Draft.

For box shapes New dmlt _ Old density
Old draft New density
rG025- d)
For ship shapes Sinkage
w(6 -6)
For ship shapes Sinkage
Freshwater allowance *4tt millimetres

Loadingto keepconstantaft D =
d x amountout of designedtrim
Meandraft - draft at F
WhereP = Old displacement
- Newdisplacement.
p= M.C.llC.xr (approx.)

FreeSurfaceof Liquids.
fuseof G,dueto freesurfaceof anyshape GG,=
freesurface cc, = !!1r"6) or
Riseof G, dueto rectangular
' lzyx6"- - t2W
G - Shiftof G.
By IncliningExperiment cc,=ffxff
At smallangles GZ: GM x sin0

By theWall SidedFormula GZ =sinQ(GM +;BMxtan g)

Moment to ChangeTrim by I Centimetre,

For all shapes M.c.r.\c.=w#yL
Layer Correction.
Displacementof layer= -'.C. x d x Amountout of trim

Moment of Inertia.
Transversely,for rectangularwaterplanes I =+

waterplanes I =+
Longitudinally,for rectangular
Stowagefactor- (l - Relativedensity)
Permeability =
At depthD dD tonneVml
On areaA, (whereD is centroidof area) :dlD tonnes

Due to bilging an empty compartrnent X=-J-
A -a
Due to bilging a comparhnentwith cargo * =
f *
Due to addedweights BodilVsinkage=
Staticd Strbility.
At small angles Moment of staticalstability = W x GM x sn9
At any angle Momentof staticalslabiliq = ry x 67

Box shape Arer = 2(al+bl+ab)
Cube Aret : 6d
Cylinder' Area : 2tn (r + I)
Sphere Area : hd

Tonsper CentimetreImrnersion.
In water ofdensity d r.PC.=%#
In salt water T.p.C.- 1.0_2_5;l

oI rnm=-Momentchangingtrim
Loadingto producedesiredtrim M.C.T.= M.C.T.1C.= (l - a )

Box shape Volume : a6l
Cube Volume : ri
Cylinder Volume = zrll
Hollow roundsection Volume = r(R + r) (R - r)
Volumcc (cont )
Hollow sphene Volume

Sphere 4n13

Wedge,or prism Volume AI

Wetted Surfrce.
Arer = L{1.7d+CrxB}
Angle of VanishingStability.-The angleat which a ship'sstabilitybecomes0:
numericallythe sameast}e rangeof stability exceptin shipswith andangleofloll.
Centre ofBuoyancy.-The geometricalcentreofthe underwaterpartofthe ship.
Centre of trlotation.-The point about which the ship heels and trims. The
centreof gravity ofthe waterplane.
Centre of Grrvity.-The centreof all the weight in a body. The point about
which the body would balance.
Deadweight-The weight of all cargo,stores,bunkers,etc., in a ship.
Deadweight Moment.-The total moment about the base line of all the
componentsof deadweight(cargo,stores,fuel, etc.).
Displacement-The actualweight of the ship and all aboardher at any time.
Draft.-The depth of the bottom of the keel below the surfaceof the water.
Measuredforward andaft.
Draft at F.-The ship'sdraft, measuredat thepositionofthe centreofflotation.
Dlnamicel Stability.-The amount of work done in inclining a ship to any
Equilibrium.-The stateof balanceof a body.
Fluid KG or GM.-The ship'sl(G or GM after allowancehasbeenmadefor
the effect of free surfaceof liquids.
Force.-Any pushor pull exertedon a body.
Freeboard.-The distancefrom the deckline to the water.
Fresh Water Allowance.-The amountby which the ship would increaseher
draft on passingfrom salt to freshwater at summerloadlinedisplacement.
Ileight of the Metacentre.-The height of the metacentreabovethe keel
Inertia.-The resistanceof a body to motion or to changeof motion.
Initial Stability.-The GMwhen the heel is zero.
Isochronous Rolling.-The name given to the rolling of a ship when tlte
period of eachroll is exactlythe same.
KG.-The heightof the centreof gravity abovethe keel.

KN.-The rightingleverwhichtheshipwouldhaveif G wereplacedatthekeel.

Law of Archimedes.-A bodyimmersedin a liquid appears to suffera lossin
weightequalto the weightof liquid which it displacesFromthis law we conclude
thata floatingbodydisplaces
its own weightof water.
Light Displacement.-The displacement of a shipwhensheis floatingat her
designedlight draft. The weight of the hull, machinerysparepartsand water in
the boilers.
Loaded Displacement.-Thedisplacement of a ship when sheis floatingat
herdesignedsummerdraft.Thelight displacement
LongitudinalMetacentricHeight.-The heightof thelongitudinalmetacentre
abovethe centreof gravity.
Mean Draft.-The meanof the ship'sdraftsfore andaft.
Metacentre.-The point at which the vertical line through the centreof
buoyancy,at a smallangleofheel,cutstheship'scentreJine.It is only considered
existfor anglesofheel ofup to aboutl5o.
Metacentric Height.-The height of the transversemetacentreabove the
centreof gravity.
Moment.-The attemptof a forceto tum a body.It is usuallymeasured by the
productof the force andthe lengthof lever.
Moment to ChangeTrim by One Centimetre.-The momentto changethe
ship'strim by onecentimetre.
Moment of StaticalStability.-The momentwhichwill try to retuma shipto
theuprightwhensheis inclined.
Period of a Ship.-The time takenby a shipto roll from onesideto the other
Periodof Waves.-The intervalbetweenthepassages
of anytwo consecutive
Prismatic Bodies.-The term "Prismatic"is usedin stabilityto indicatea
body which hasa constantcross-section throughoutits lenglh.For examplein the
caseofa box-shaped vesselwhich is on an evenkeel fore and aft, but heeled,the
The volumeof a prismaticbody is the areaof its cross-section
its length.
Rangeof Stability.-The angularrangeoverwhich a ship will havepositive
staticalstability.The angleto which the ship couldheelbeforeshewould tend to
f capsize.It is measuredfrom zeroheel or tlte angleof loll to the angleof vanishing
h stability.
lc ReserveBuoyancy.-The volume of a ship'shull betweenthe waterplaneand
the freeboarddeck.
B Righting Lever.-The perpendiculardistancebetweenthe centre of gravity
h andthe vertical line throughthe centreofbuoyancy.The lever on the endsof which
the weigbt ofthe ship actsto retum her to the upright when sheis heeled.
i Solid KG or GM.-The ship'si(G or Gild neglectingthe effect of free surface
of liquids.
Stilf Ship. -A ship which hasa largemomentof staticalstability.Onehaving
F a largemetacentricheight or righting lever.
Synchronism.-Said to occurwhen the ship'speriodof roll is the sameasthat
i ofthe waves.
of Tender Ship. -A ship which has a small momentof statical stability. One
& having a snall metacentricheight,or righting lever.
I Tonnages.-A number relating to the volume of a ship, and approximately
)E equalto Volume= 2'83 m3.
i Tonnesper Centlmetre Immersion. -The weight which must be addedto a
ship in orderto causeher to sink one centimetrebodily.
Thim.-The difference of the drafts forward and aft. The longitudinal

Increaseof Pressurewith Depth

l. A flat plate, 5 meheslong and 2 metreswide, is placedhorizontally at a depth
of 12 metresbelow the seasurface.Find the pressureand the total thrust on
A sealedbox is madeofa metal which is capableof withstandinga pressureof
500grammesper squarecentimetre.To what depth,in salt water,canthe box be
sunkbeforeit will collapse?
J. Find the total thrust, in tonnes,on a keel plate which hasan areaof 82 m2and
whichis 9.0m belowthe seasurface.
Find the averagepressure,in kilogrammesper squarecentimetre,on thebody of
a diver who is working in salt water at a depthof 17 metres.
5. A tank is being testedand is pressed-upwith salt water until it overflowsfrom
the air pipe. If the top of the pipe is 8.6 metresabovethe tank+op, find the
pressureon the tank-topin kg/cm2.
A double bottom tank is 1.6 metresdeepand containsoil of relative density
0'895.If a soundinggivesa readingof 4.8 metres,what is the pressureon the
tank top in kg/cm'??
l. 123 tonnes;123tonnes.
2. 4.878m.
3. 756.5tonnes.
4. 1.742kg.
5. 0'882kglcm3.
6. 0.286k!cm2.

Floating Bodiesand Density

7. A log weighs 4 tonnesand floats in water of density 1.024tonnes/m3.What
volumeof waterdoesit disolace?
A floatingbody displaces21.45cm3of waterof density1.010tonnes/m3.
its weight in grammes.
9. A shipdisplaces2941m3of waterof density1022kgn . Findthedensityof the
waterin which shewould displacea volumeof 2945m3.
10. A log is l0 x I x 0.7 metresandweighs4.08tonnes.How muchof it would be
tr abovethe surfacein waterof 1.020grlcm3?
n I l. A blockof hardwood,4.0 m x 0.8 m x 0.3m, weighs985kilogrammes.
Will it
floator sinkif it is placedin waterofrelativedensity1.026?
Df Answers-
E 7. 3'906m3.
8. 2l'66 gr.
9. 1.0206.
10. 3.0m3.
11. Block hassamedensiwasthewater-in theoryit neitherfloatsnor
lv 12. A shipis 120metreslong.At hersummerdraftof 7.626metres,herfreeboardis
b 2186mm, her displacement is 10720tonnesandher 1658 t. Find the
distancesbetweenher loadlines;alsodrawthe lines.
13. Find the distances
betweenthe load linesofa vesselwhich is 60 metreslong.
At her summerdraft of 4'053metres,her displacement
is 1861tonnesandher 4'67t.
14. A ship, which is markedwith lumberload lines is 135 metreslong and her
summerdraft is 8.042m. Find the distances
between:(a) theL9 andZZ lines;
(b) theLS andLW lines;(c) Wherewould theLI(NA line be placed?
12. ,Sto ? andS to Il': 159 mm.
,Sto F and T to TF: 162mm.
13. Sto Zand,StoIV':84mm.
S to I' and Z to 7F: 100 mm.
I( to IINA: 50 mm.
14. I.9 to Z?.1168mm.
rd LS to LW: 223 mm.
No LWA if Z is morethan 100m.

15. Findthe areaofa squarewhosesidesare ll cm long.
16. A squarehasan areaof 43 mr. Find the lengthof its sides.
17. Whatis theareaof a rectanglewhichhassidesof 2'6 cm and I1.5 cm?
18. A box-shaped shipis 172m longand27 m wide.Findtheareaof its waterplane
when it is upright and on an evenkeel.
I 9. What would be the areaof the waterplaneof the ship in the last question,if she
wereon an evenkeelbut hada list of20"?
20. A hiangle hasa vertical heightof 6.2 cm and a baseof 8.8 cm. Find its area.
21. Find the areaof a trianglehavingtwo of its sides3.8 cm and 9.5 cm long,the
22. A triangularplatehassidesof 10.7m, 16.5m, and24.0m.Whatis its area?
23. Find the areaandcircumferenceofa circle ofradius 2.62 metrEs.
24. A circle hasa circumferenceof 32.8 cm. Find its area.
25. Acircle hasan arcaof 57.6 crfr. Find its circumference.
15. l2l crd.
16. 6.36m.
17. 29.9cm2.
18. 4644m2.
19. 4942.1m2
20. 27.28cm?.
21. 10.613
22. 74.5cmz.
23. 21.57m'?;16.47m.
24. 85.58cmr.
25. 26.91cm.

SurfaceAreas and Volumes

26. Find the surfaceareaandvolume of a cubewhich hasedgesof 3 cm length.
27. A crbe is madeofa metalwhich hasa densityof 7.290gr/cm3.Itsedgesare
2'4 cm long.Find its weight.
28. Find tlte underwatervolume and displacanent, in seawater,of a box-shaped
vesselof 120m long, 17m beamand3.00m draft.
29. Abox-shaped lighteris 25.00m long,6.00m wideandhasa light draftof0.60m.
How many tonnesof cargomust sheload, when floating in salt water,in order
to increaseher draft to 2.00 m?
30. Find the weight of a log of wood, l0 metreslong, and of cross-section
centimetres 40
by centimetres, whichhasa relativedensityof0.750.
31. A box-shaped lighteris 35 m long,8 m beamandweighs420 tonnes.Find her
draft in salt water.
32. A box-shaped lighteris 25'0 m long,6.5m wide andfloatsat a draftof 80 cm in
salt water.What is her weight?
tankof 9.0 x 3.0 x 1.5metres.
33. Findthe surfaceareaof a rectangular
34. Find the volurne ofa prismatic-shapedlighter, if the areaof eachend is 35 rr?
and its length is 50 m.
35. Find thevolumeandsurfaceareaofa sphereofradius2.1cm.
36. A sphereof radius2l centimetresweighs200 kilogrammesin air. What will be
its apparentweight when immersedin seawater?
37. A hollow spherehasan intemal radiusof 3 cm and an extemalradiusof 6 cm.
Find the volume of materialin it.
38. Findtheweightofa hollowsphereofintemalradius6 cm,externalradiusl0 cm
39. Find the volume and surfaceareaof a cylinder 80 cm long and having a radius
of 14cm.
40. A cylindrical boiler hasa diameterof 3.0 m, a length of 4.5 m and weighs 80
tonnes.Would it be possible,by sealingthe openingsin it, to float it ashorein an
41. Find the weight,in tonnes,ofa hollow mastwhich is l0 m long and 50 cm
outsidediameter,madeof steel20 mm thick. Assumethat the steelweiehs8.00
26. 54 cm2;27cm3.
27. 100.8gr.
28. 6120mr;6273tonnes.
29. 215.25tonnes.
30. 2700kg.
31. 146.3
32. 133.25
33. 90 m,.
34. 1750m3.
35. 38 81 cmr;55.u14
36. 160.2kg.
37. 792 cm3.
38. 8.869kg.
39. 49267cm3;8271cm2.
40. Yes.Weightofboiler is 30 tonnes.
Weightofequalvolumeofsalt wateris 32.6tonnes.
41. 2.413tonnes.

42. Use Simpson'sFirst and SecondRulesto find the areaof part of a waterplane
whichhasthefollowingordinates, spaced6.0metresapart:-
2'4,3'7,5 3, 6.6,7.6,8.1,8.2metres.
43. UseSimpson'sFirst Rule to find the areaof part ofa waterplane,
which hasa
commonintervalof 3.0metresandordinatesof:
l'3, 3'5,4'8,5.4,5.6,5.0,3.9metres.
44. Find the area of a waterplanewhich has the following half-ordinatesand a
commonintervalof 8 metres:-
0,3 0,4.7,6.2,7.3,7-8 , 7 . 3 , 65. 9. 3, , 3 . 10, me t re s .
45. Find the areaof a waterplanewhich hasthe following ordinatesand a common
intervalof6 metres:-
0, 5'4,8'2,9 0, 8.6,7.6,5.4,2 1,0 metres.
46. Part of a waterplanehas the following half-ordinates
and a common interval of
+ u menes:-
l l,2 2,3.7, 5.3,6.9,8.2,8.7, 9.0,8.9,8.8 metres.Find its area.
47. A prismatic-shapedtank is 15 metres long.
Its end is divided into ordinatesof
5'0' 4 5' 3'8 and2'0 metres,spaced2.0 metresapart.
Find the areaofthe end and
the volume of the tank.
48. Find the a^reaof a waterplanewhich has the
following ordinatesand a common
tnrervaiot J metres._
0.2,3.6,6.7,8.9,10.7,t2.0, 12.7,12.0,11.4,8.8, 5.0,0.3 metres.
zl9. Find the areaofa bulkhead
which has the following ordinates,spaced2.0 metres
3.0,4.7,7.4,9.5,I l.l, 12.5,13.6,14.4 mehes.
50. Three ordinates are spaced 12 metres apart
and have lengths of 7.4, 11.7 and
17.5 metres. Find the areas between the first and
seconi; also between the
second and third ordinates respectively. How does
the total area so found
compare with that found by Simpson,sFirst Rule?
51. Find the areasbetween two ordinates l0 metres
apad, which have lengths of
10.3 and 15.0 metresifthe next ordinatehas a length
oi 19.6metres.
52. Find the coefficient of finenessofa waterplane
which has the tbllowing half_
ordinates,spacedl0 metresaoan:_
O-5.40,7 2,9.t. 10.0.9.S,8.t, 5.t, 0 metres.
The grealestbreadthof the waterplaneis 20 metres.
53' The midship sectionof a boat is 3'0 metresdeep
and is divided horizontally into
the following equally spacedordinates:_
7.5,7 2, 6.8,6.0,5.3,3.3,0.5mehes.
Find the coefficient offineness ofthe midship section.
54. A ship is divided up into a number ofwaterplanes,
spaced0.6 metresapart and
havingthe following areas:-
Keel 120 squaremetres
Waterplane A- 1092squaremetes
B- 1242 squaremetres
L _ IJ) J squaremetres
D- 1439 squaremetres
E - 1499 squaremetres
r'- 1548squaremetres
G 1593 squaremetres

D is the light waterplaneand G the load waterplane.Find:-

(a) the light displacement;
@) the loadeddisplacement;
(c/ theblock coefrcient offineness,assumingthe lengthandbreadthofthe
ship on waterplaneG to be 130metresand 17 metres,respectively.

55. Themidshipsectionofa shiphasthe following ordinates,spaced3 metresapart,

below her waterplane:-
164, 16'0,15'5,l5'0, l4'8, 14'0,l2'8, l0'9, 7'9, l'0 metres.
Find the areaof the midshipsection.Also, if the lengthof the ship is 130
metresand her displacementis 12,095torures,find her prismatic coefrcient of

56. A waterplanehasordinates,spaced9 metresapartof:-

0'6,8'4,14'5,17.2,17'5,17.0,15'9andl2'5 metres.
Thereis an intermediateordinate,midway betweenthe first two, of 5'1 metres.
Find the areaofthe waterplane.

57. Find the areaof a waterplanewhich hasordinates,7.0 metresapartof:-

9.5,6'8, 1.8metres.
Thereis an intermediateordinateof 5'4 metresbetweenthe last two.

58. A waterplanehasordinates,from forward to aft, of:-

0'2, 8'0, 12'3,l2'8, 13'1,l0'2,7'5,4'0, 0'6 metres,spacedl0 metresapart.
There are two intermediateordinates:one, midway betweenthe two forward
ones,is 4'2 m long; the other,midwaybetweenthe two after ones,is 2'0 m long.
Find the areaofthe waterplane.

59. A vesselhaswaterplanes,1 metreapart,from the keel upwards,of areas:-

152,402,625,807,950 and 1032squaremetres.
Thereis also an intermediate abovethe keel,of26l
squaremetres.Find the vessel'sdisplacement.
42. Firstnrle,220.0nf. Secondrule,220.3m2.
43. 81.6m,.
44. 838.4n .
45. 281.6m,.
46. 463.8mz.
47. 23.9m2:358.9
49. 135'ld.
50. 113.1m,; 173.7m2;thesame;286.8
51. 126.6m2.
52. 0.68.
53. 0.73.
54. Light displacement,2835.4 tonnes.Load displacement,5642.9
tonnes.Block coefficient,0.5930.
55. 116.3
56. 886.8m'?.
s7. 327.8fr.
58. 694.7m2.
59. 3467tonnes.

t Forces,Moments,Etc.
! 60. A weight of 3 tonnes is placed on a beam, so that its centre of gravity is
25 metresfrom the end.What is the momentaboutthis end?
6 1 . Abar is pivoted in the middle and a manpusheson it, in a clockwisedirection,
with a force of 25 kilogrammesat a distanceof 300centimetresfrom themiddle.
Anotherman,on the otherside,alsopushesin a clockwisedirectionwith a force
of 20 kilogrammes.If the secondman is 250 centimetresfrom the middle of the
bar, find the momentaboutits centre.
62. If, in the abovequestion,the secondmantumedandpushedwith the sameforce
in an anticlockwisedirection,what would be the moment?
63. A manpressesdown on the longerendofa bar with a force of 50 kilogrammes.
The bar is 7 metreslong and is supportedat a distanceof2 metresfrom its end.
How muchweight canthe man lift on the shorterend?
64. Four men,working at a capstan,eachpushon the barsat a distanceof3.0 metres
frorn the centre.If they pushwith forcesof 20, 25, 30 and 35 kilogrammes,
respectively,find the momentto turn the capstan.
65. Ifa rope is wound aroundthe capstanin the last question,and the radiusfrom
the centreofthe capstanto the centreofthe rope is 40 centimetres,find the pull
on the rope.
66. A wire, woundarounda capstan,supportsa weight of0.50 tonnes.The diameter
ofthe capstanbarrelis 60 cm. How muchforce mustbe exertedby eachof four
men, eachat a distanceof220 cm from the centre,in orderto lift the weight?
67. Two weightsareplacedon a beam:oneof2 tonnesat a distanceof 10 metres
from one end;the otherof3 tonnesat a distanceof7 metresfrom the sameend.
What is the momentaboutthe end of the beam?
68. A weightof 150kilogrammesis placedon a see-sawat a distanceof 400 cm
from the middle. What weight mustbe placedon the other side,at a distanceof
300 cm from the middle, in orderto balancethe seesaw?
60. 75 tonne/metres.
61. 12500kg/cm.
63. 125kg.
64. 330kglmetres.
6s. 82skg.
66. 34.rkg.
67. 4l tonne/metres.
68. 200kg
tnes. Centre of Gravity (General)
69. A plank weighs62 kilogrammes.What will be the shift of its centreof gravity
be if a weight of 38 kilogrammesis placedon it at a distanceof 400 cm from its
lhes original centreof gravity?
Des, 70. A weight of 0.40 tonnesis addedto a body which weighs 2.00 tonnes,at a
distanceof 120cm from its centreof gravity.Find the shift ofG.
I t- A body, weighing 32 tonnes,has a weight of 8 tonnesremovedfrom it. What
lom is the shift of G, if the centreof gravity of the weight removedwas 5.00metres
pull from that ofthe body?
A beamcarriesa weight of 4.8 tonnesat a distanceof 6.0 metresfrom one end
and the centreof gravity of the whole massis 20 metresfrom that end. If the
weight ofthe beamaloneis 8.4 tonnes,find the distanceofthe centreof gfavity
b* ofthe beamfrom the end mentioned.
n t5. A loadedboatweighs6 tonnes.Ifa weight of300 kilogrammesis shifted from
one endto the other,througha distanceof20 metres,find the shift of G.
bd. A boatweighs 1.512tonnesandwhena man,weighing70 kg, sits in the bottom,
the centreofgravity is 80 cm abovethe keel. Whatwill be the new heightofthe
centreof gravity if the man standsup so asto raisehis weight by 160cm?
rcm tJ. A see-sawhasa numberof weightsplacedon one end at a distanceof 150 cm
! of from the fulcrum. The centreof gravity of the whole massis 30 cm from the
firlcrum and the total weight is 270 kilogrammes.A numberof the weights are
thenmovedfor a distanceof300 cm, alongthe see-sawto the otherend,sothat
it balances.Find the amountofweight shifted.
76. A table{op has a number of weights on it and the whole massweighs 275
kilogrammes.How far would it be necessaryto shift a weight of 25 kilogrammes
in orderto causethe centreof gravity ofthe massto shift for one centimetre?
77. Find the position of the centre of gravity of the waterplanein Questionzl4.
78. Find the position of the centre of gravity of the waterplanein Question45.
79. A waterplanehasthe following ordinatesspacedl0 metresapart,fiom forward
to aft:-
Find the position of its centreof gravity relative to the mid-ordinate.
A waterplaneha<ordinates,spaced20 metresapart,from forward to aft, of:-
0'2,2'8,6'9,9.6,10.3, 10.7,9.8,7.7,3.2metres.
There is also an appendageof20 squaremetres,with its centreof gravity 2.0
metresabaftthe aftermostordinate.Find the positionof its centreof gra.vity.

8l . A waterplaneis 60 metreslongandhasordinatesof:-
0'4,6'6,l0'1, l4'3, I l'8, 8.2and3.5metres, fromforwardto aft.
Thereis also an appendage of 12.4squaremetres,with its centreof gravity
32'2metresabaftthemid-ordinate. Find thepositionofthe centreof gravity.
82. Find the heightof ,Bin a shipwhich haswaterplanes
1.0metreapart,from the
ll0, 1071,1203,1331, 1412,1486,1525 squaremehes.
83. A smallvessel,48 metreslong, hasthe following underwatercross-sections,
from forward to aft:-
0'9,ll'7 , 17'3,24.2,29.5,26.0,20.4,
Findthe longitudinalpositionofB.
84. A ship has the following underwatercross-sections,12 metresapart,from
forwardto aft:-
4,31, 59,78,80,82,81,79,63,45,20square metres.
Thereis also an appendage of 384 cubic metres,with its centreof gravity
70 metresabaftthemid-ordinate.
Find thepositionofB.
85. A yacht has waterplanes, 20 cm apart,fiom the baseline (a horizontalline
throughthetop ofthe keelamidships) to thewaterplaneasfollows:-
6'3,9'7,119,13.6,14.5square metres.
In addition,the ballastkeel formsan appendageof 0.75cubicmetres,with its
centreof gravity 80 centimetresbelow the baseline. Find the positionof B
relativeto thebaseline.
86. A waterplanehasordinates,8 metresapart,from forward to aft, of:-
0'2,4'8,8 6, 12'6,13'4,12'2,9.7 , 4.0 mefies
Thereis alsoan intermediateordinateof 2.1 m midwaybetweenthetwo foremost
ordinates.Find the areaof the waterplaneandthe positionof its centreofgravity.
87. A waterplane,120metreslong, is dividedinto eightequalparts,giving half-
ordinates,from forwardto aft of:-
0'0,54,9'0,10'7,ll'0, 10.8,9.5,6.8, 1.2metres.
Therearealsotwo intermediate half-ordinates:
oneof 3.8 metres,betweenthe
foremosttwo; oneof 5'0 metresbetweentheaftermosttwo. Find theareaof the
waterplane andthepositionof its centreof gravity.
88. A ship,floatingat her light draft,haswaterplanes
I metr€apart,from the keel
Thereis also an intermediate waterplane,0.5 metreabovethe keel, of 2228
squaremetres.Findthe ship'sdisplacement andKB at herlight draft.
69. 152cm.
70. 20 cm.
71. 166.7cm.
72. 28 m.
73. I m.
74. 83.7cm.
7s. 27 kg.
76. l l cm.
77. 0'55 m from mid-ordinate.
78. 2.46 m fiom mid-ordinare.
79. 1.28m abaftmid-ordinate.
80. 16.2m abaftmid-ordinate.
81. 2.21m abaftmid-ordinate.
82. 3.36m abovekeel.
83. 0.59rn abaftmid-ordinate.
84. 5.54m abaftmid-ordinate.
85. 35 cm abovebaseline.
.3 m from forward.
86. 511.7nP1'31
87. 987'5m,; 1.62m abaftmid-ordinate.
88. 8208tonnes;1.67m abovekeel.

Moment of Inertia
89. A rectangularsurfaceis 12 metreslong and 5 metreswide. Find its momentof
inerfia about(a) the transversecentreJine;(6) the longitudinalcentre_line.
90. A box-shapedlighter is 120meteslong and 20 metresbeam.Find the moments
of inertia of its waterplaneaboutits longitudinalandtransversecentre_lines.
91. Find the momentsof inertia of a rectangle,6 metreslong and 2 metreswide,
aboutits centre-lines.
89. (a) 1251,
(b) 720.
90. 80,000;2,880,000.
91. 4;36.

The Effect of Densityon Draft

92. Abox-shaped
bargefloatsata draftof2.55m in waterofdensiq/1.004tonnes/m3.
Whatwouldbe her draftin waterof density1.020tonnes/m3?
93. A ship has a fresh water allowanceof 175 mm. To what depth could she
submerge herload-linewhenloadingin dockwaterofdensity l0l1 kg/m3?
94. A shiphasa freshwaterallowanceof 185mm anda summerdraft of 8.52m.
Findthedraftto which shemay loadin river waterof density1.007tonnes/mr.
95. A box-shaped
vesselhasa draftof 4.90m in saltwater.On enteringa dock,her
draftbecomes5.00m. Findthedensityofthe dockwater.
96. A shiphasa freshwaterallowanceof 175mm. By how muchwill shechange
her draft if shepassesfrom waterof density1004kg/m3to waterof density
97. A box-shapedbargehasa draftof I .12m in saltwater,whensheis fully loaded.
To whatdraftcouldsheloadin waterof 1.015tonnes/m3?
98. A box-shaped lighterdraws1.95m in waterof density1004kgim3. Find her
draftin waterofdensity 1020kg/mr.
99. To whatdepthcana shipsubmerge herloadline in dockwaterofdensity l0l2
kg/m3,if her freshwaterallowanceis 150mm?
100.Ashipentersport with a saltwaterdraftof7.18 m. Ifher freshwaterallowance
is 122mm, what will be her draft in a dock wherethe relativedensityof the
wateris 1'009tonnes/m3?
101.4box-shaped vesselhasa draftof 3.31m in saltwater Find her draft in water
of density1.000tonnes/mr.
102.Abox-shaped lighterdraws4.10m in waterof relativedensity1.010tonnes/m3.
Whatwill be herdraftin seawater?
103.Byhow muchcana shipsubmerge herloadline in waterofdensity101Ikg/m3,
if herfreshwaterallowanceis 202mm?

92. 2'51m.
93. 98 mm.
94. 8.65m.
95. l'005 tonnes/m3.
96. ll9 mm.
97. 1'13m.
98. l'92m.
99. 78 mm.
100. 7'26m.
102. 4'M m.
103. 113mm.
I T.P.C.
l04.Find the tonnesper centimetreimmersion of a box-shapedvessel,70 metres
long and l0 metresbeam.
105.Ashipis 150metreslong, l6 metresbeamandfloatsat a draftof5'00 m. If the
r coefficientof fnenessof the waterplaneat that draft is 0'763, find her T.P.C.
; 106.A box-shapedlighter is 25 metreslong, 6 metreswide and floats at a draft of
7 1.10 metresfore andaft. What is her T.P.C.andwhat will be her new draft after
30 tonnesofpig-iron havebeenspreadevenlyover the bottom?
E 107.At a given draft, a ship of I 20 metreslengthand I 5 metresbeamhasa coefficient
F offinenessofthe waterplane of0'770. Find this draft.
I 108.A vessel'swaterplanehasa commoninterval of 6'0 metresand ordinatesof:-
F FindherT.P.C.
0, 4'4,7.4,9.7,10.3,10'0,9'8,5'5,0'6 metres.
109.A ship'swaterplanehasordinatesof:-
F. 0.5,3'8,5'9,6'5,6'8,6'6,5'7,4'4,and2'5 metres,
Find her freshwater.

F, 110.A waterplanehas an area of 1960 squaremetres. Find the water

of density1.012t/m3.

I ll.Avessel hasa T.P.C,of 18.50t in saltwater.Whatwould in water

of density1.010t/m3?
112.Whatwouldbe theeffectof loadinga weightof 140tonnes,in a shipwhichhas
a T.P.C.of l0'0 t?
113.Ashipfloatsat a meandraftof 6.25metres.If her 12.0t, whatwould
be her new meandraft after 300 tonnesof cargohavebeenloaded?
114.Findthe bodily rise of a ship which has a T.P.C.of 7.0 t, if a weight of
120to les is discharged.
115.Aship is loadingin dock waterof density1.012t/m3andhasa meandraft of
7 16metres.HerT.P.C,in saltwateris 17.82t. Findthenewmeandraftaftershe
hasloadeda further 264 tonnEs.
l16.,{ ship hasa meandraft of4.38 metresin waterof relativedensity1.015t/m3.
Her TP.C. in salt water is 15.20t. What will be her new draft after shehas
discharged 360tonnesof waterballast?
105. 18.8t.
106. 1'5t; l'3 m.
107. 14.2t.
109. 10.08t.
110. 19.841.
111. 18.23
112. Shipsinks14cm bodily.
I14. l7 cm.
116. 4'14m.
Loading to a Given Loadline
117.Avesselhasa summerdraftof 6.730mehes,a F.W.A.of 152mm andT.p.C.
rs of
21.86t. Sheis loadingin a dock,wherethe densityof the wateris 1.013t/m3
and her presentmeandraft is 6.64 metres.How muchmore cargocan sheload
td in orderto be at hersummerloadline on reachingsaltwater?
I l8.A^shipis loadingin an upriverport, wherethe relativedensityofthe water
1.008and her presentmeandraft is 6.9g metres.Her summerdraft is 7.165
rf metres, l 16mm, andher 17.91t. Calculatehow muchmore
cargo she can load in order to float at her summerload line on reachingsalt
rf water,if sheexpectsto use32 tonnesof fuel and storeson the way downriver
E 119.Aship hasa summerfreeboardof 1764mm, T.pC. of 19.54t, andF.W.A.
135_mm.Sheis loadingin dock waterof density1.015Vm3and her present
freeboardsare 1792mrn on the port sideand tAiO mm on the starboardside.
How muchmore cargocansheroadin orderto float at her summerload line
enteringsalt water?
120.4vesselarrivesoffa port,in saltwater,with an even_keel draftof 7.91metres.
Her 162mm and 23.04t. Sheis to discharge cargointo
lightersin orderto entera dock,wherethe densifyofthe waterls 1.0t6 Vmr.
Thedepthon thedocksilt is 8'10metres,andsheis to crossit with a clearance
of30 cm.Assumingthattheshipremainson an evenkeel,find the leastamount
of cargoto dischargeinto tlle lighters.
121.Ashipis loadingin dockwaterofrelativedensity1.020.Theupperedge
summerloadline is leverwith thewateron theport side:whilsi theloi,er edge
of hersummerloadline is 6.5cm abovewateron thestarboard side.HerF.W.l.
is 154mm andher 22.9gt. How muchmorecansheloadin orderto
floatat her summerloadline in saltwater?
122.,4' shiphasa summerdraftof 8.094m, 23.25t andherdisplacement
at summerdraftis 15250t. Sheis loadingin dockwaterof relativedensity1.010
andherpresentmeandraft is 8'22 metres.How muchmorecansheload in
to float at her tropical load line on reachingsalt water?
123.4vesselis loadingat a berthin river waterof density1.009t/m3.Her
freeboardis 1948mm, T.pC, is 23.0gt, and F.W.A,is 164mm. Her present
freeboardsare2077mm on the port sideand2053mm on the starboard
O-n of loading,sheis to proceedto the river mouth,using 12 tonnes
of fuel and storeson the way, and is then to load,24} tonnesof iargo from
lighters proceedingto sea.How much more catgo can she load in the
upriver berth,in orderto be at her summerload line in sa-itwater on leavins the
nver mouth?
124.4 wall-sidedship hasa waterplaneareaof 2175squaremetresand displaces
12800tonneswhenfloatingat hersummerdraftof 7.200metres.Sheis floating
in waterofrelativedensity1.015andtheloweredgeofher T.F.loadline is 3 cm
abovewateron the port side,whilst the lower edgeof the summerload line is
level with thewateron the starboardside.How muchcargocansheload in order
to floatat herTropicalloadline in saltwater?
125..4vesselarrivesat a port at a river mouthin waterof density1.022t!m3,floating
at aneven-keel draftof 8.06metres(Freeboard, 2.47metres).Sheis to discharge
as much cargoas possibleand thento proceedto an upriverport, wherethe
relativedensityof the wateris 1.012andwherethereis a bridgeunderwhich
shemustpass.The bridgeis 23.00mehesabovewaterlevel; the truck of the
ship'smastis 19.40metresabovethefreeboard deck,andmusthavea clearance
of 1.0metresfor passingunderthe 125mm andthe
21.04t in saltwater.Ifthe vesselwill bum 9%tonnesof fuel on theway upriver
andassumingthe ship to remainon an evenkeel throughout,find the maximum
amountof cargothat shecandischargeat the river mouth.
117. 352t.
118. 497t.
119. 182t.
120. 387t.
l2l. 174t.
tt) 1) \ t

1 2 3 .2 7 6 t.
t24. 223t.
Shift of G in Ships
126.Ashiphasa displacementof2000 tonnes.Findtheshift ofher centreof gravity
ifa weightof 100tonnesis shiftedl2 metresacrossa hold.
127.Aweight of 500 tonnesis loadedinto a ship so that its centreof gravity is
l0 metresffom that of the ship. Find the shift of G if the ship's original
128.Ashipandher cargodisplace7200tonnes.Whatwill be the shift ofthe centre
ofgravity ifa weightof80 tonnesis removedfrom a point 100metresfrom the
originalcentreof gavity ofthe ship?
l29.Find the effect ofadding a weight of80 tonnesat a distanceof 120metresfrom
G in a ship,the original displacementof which was 7600tonnes.
l30.Whatwill be theshift ofG in a shipof3600 tonnesdisplacement,
ifa weightof
40 tonnesis moved 16 metresacrossthe deck?
131.Ashiphasa displacernent
of 11000tonnes.Calculatethe shift of G ifa weight
of 1000 tonnes is removed from a point 60 metres from the original centre
of gravity.
132.Ashiphasa displacement of 3600tonnesanda KG of 3.12metres.A weightof
60 tonnesis raisedfrom a hold into a 'tweendeck,througha vertical distanceof
7'2 metres.Find thenew KG.
133.Aweightof 250 tonnesis loadedinto a ship at a heightof 6.6 metresabove
her centre of gravity. If her original iKG was 4.75 metres and her new
displacunent,aftertheweight hasbeenloaded,is 2200tonnes,find the newKG.
What would theiKGhavebeenif the weight hadbeenloadedat a distanceof 6.6
mekesbelow the ship'scentreofgravity, insteadof aboveit?
134.A shiphasa displacanentof2550 tonnesanda KG of 7.40metres.Whatwould
be the KG after 950 tonnesof cargohad beenloaded,with its centreof gravity
2'50 metresabovethe keel?
l35.Findtheshift ofG andthenewKG ifa weightof40 tonnesis discharged from a
point 1.20metresbelow the centreofgravity ofa lighter?The lighter's original
displacementandKG were680 tonnesand 3.00metresrespectively.
136.Aship'sdisplacernent is 2800tonnesandherKG is 4.15metres.Whatwill be
the new i(G if a weight of 35 tonnesis loweredvertically downwardsinto the
hold for a distanceof 12.0metres?
137.Aweight of 9 tonnesis lifted from a hold by meansof a derrick, the head
of which is 20 metresabovethe original positionofthe centreof gravity of
the weight. If the ship'sdisplacementis 2700 tonnes,what will be the shift
of G?
138.Aship hasa rKGof 5.00metresanda displacement of 3000tonnes.A weight
of 20 tonnesis lifted from the lower hold and placed on deck by meansof a
derrick,the headofwhich is 25 metresabovethe keel. The centreof gravity of
theweight was1.0metresabovethekeel whenin the hold and 11.5metresabove
thekeelwhenon deck.Find:-
(a) +heKG whenthe weight is hangingon the derrick;
(b) theKG whenthe weight hasbeenlandedon deck.

l39.Fifteentonnesis lifted by a derrick,the headof which is 15 metresabovethe

originalpositionofthe weight,in a ship of 1250tonnesdisplacement andKG
3'10metres.Whatwill be thenewKG whentheweighthasbeenlifted through
(a) 2 metres;(b) 12metres?
140.A ship displaces2415 tonnesand has a KG of 4.50 metres.A weight of
35 tonnesis lifted from the shoreby a derrick, the headof which is 20 metres
abovethekeelandis placedin thehold,thefinal positionof its centreof gravity
being 3 metresabovethe keel. Find the KG (a) when the weight is hangingon
the derrick, and (6) when the weight hasbeenlandedin the hold.
141.Adouble-bottomtank,whenfull, hasits centreof gravityat a heightof60 cm
abovethekeel andcanhold 380tonnesof water.TheKG of the shipis 9.40m
andher displacement is 3700tonneswhenthe tank is empty.Whatwill be her
rKGwhen the tank is filled?
142.Atankholds252tonnesofwaterandits centreof gravityis 44 metresfrom that
ofthe ship.Ifthe ship'sdisplacement is 3024tonneswhenthetankis full, what
will be the shift of G causedby pumping it out?
143.150tonnesofoil aretransferred from a forepeaktankto an afterpeaktank,the
distancebetweentheir centresof gravitybeing 130metres.Find the shift of G
dueto this, ifthe ship'sdisplacement
is 7500tonnes.
126. 0 60 m.
127. 140m.
128. l'12 m.
129. l'20 m towardsthe c.g.ofweight.
l3 l. 6'00m.
132. 3'24m.
133.5'50m; 4'00m.
134. 6'07m.
135. 7'50cm;292'5cm.
136. 4'00m.
137. 6 6 cm upwards.
138. (a) 5'16m. (b) s'07 m.
139. (a) 3'28m.. (b/ Thesame.
t40. (a) 4.72m. (b) 4.48m.
14l. 8.58m.
142. 4.00m.
143. 2.60m.

144..{shipdisplaces2730tonnesandhasa KG of 6.00metres.
540tonnesat 5.0metresabovethekeel.
370tonnesat 8.5metresabovethekeel.
I l0 tonnesat 10.4metresabovethekeel.
850tonnesat 4.6 metresabovethekeel.FindhernewrKG.
145.4loadedlighterdisplaces 856tonnesandhasa KG of 1.50metres.Findthenew
KG afterthe followingweightshavebeendischarsed:_
160tonnesfrom2.5 metresabovethe keel.
40 tonnesfrom 3.7metresabovethekeel.
395tonnesfrom 1.2metresabovethekeel.
146.Ashipleavesport with a displacement of9060 tonnesanda r(G of 5.20metres.
Duringthevoyagesheconsumes the followine:_
Oil fuel: 260 tonnesfrom abJvethekeet.
320tonnesfrom 0.7m abovethekeel.
Stores: 98 tonnesfrom 9.5m abovethekeel.
Freshwater: 87 tonnesfiom 10.0m abovethekeel.
What will be her r(G on arrival at her port of destination?
l47.The original displacementof a ship was 42g5 tonnes
and her 1(G was
6.00metres.Find hernewKG aftershehasloadedthe following
800tonnesat 3.6metresabovethekeel.
440 tonnesat 7.0metresabovethekeel.
I l0 tonnesat 5.8metresabovethekeel.
630tonnesat 3.0metresabovethekeel.
148.4shiphasa KG of6 5 metresanda displacement of6020 tonnes.Find herr(G
aftershehasloadedanddischarged thefollowingweights:_
Loaded: 500tonnesat 2.5metresabovethelieel.
850tonnesat 5.0metresabovethekeel.
220tonnesat 9.4metresabovethekeel.
Discharged: 300tonnesfrom 5.5 metresabovethekeel.
700tonnesfrom 2.6 metresabovethekeel.

l49.Find the new l(G of a lighterwhich hasloadedand discharged
the following
Discharged:140tonnesfrom 2.5 metresabovethekeel.
270 tonnesfrom 1.4metresabovethekeel
Loaded: 215tonnesat 1.0metresabovethekeel.
andKG were646tonnesand2.00metres.
150.,{ ship arrives in port with a KG of 6.80 metresand a displacementof
6080tonnes.Whilstin port,shedischarges andloadsthe followingcargo:-
Discharged:1250tonnesfrom 5.0metresabovethekeel.
675tonnesfrom 3.5metresabovethekeel
420tonnesfrom 7.2metresabovethekeel.
30 tonnesfrom 0.7 metresabovethekeel.
Loaded: 980tonnesat 3.2 metresabovethekeel.
550tonnesat 6.5metresabovethekeel.
700tonnesat 0.6 metresabovethekeel.
70 tonnesat I 1.0metresabovethekeel.
She then sailson a voyageduring which sheburns 840 tonnesof oil from
0'6 metresabovethe keel anduses60 tonnesof waterfrom l l.0 metresabove
thekeel.FindtheKGs at thebeginningandendofthe voyage.
15l.The light displacementof a ship is 2875 tonnes.Sheloads390 tonnesat 7.0
metresabovethe keel and 710 tonnesat 2.5 metresabovethe keel.Ifher KG
wasthen5.20metres,whatwasthelight r<G?
152.Ashipdisplaces 7425tonnesandhasaKG of 6.30metres.Shethenloads670t
of cargoat 6.0metresabovethekeeland840t at 3.0 metres.How muchmore
cansheloadat 7.0 metresabovethe keel in orderto finish with a r(G of 6.0C
153.Ashipdisplaces 9500tonnesandhasa KG of 5.84metres.Shethenloads550t
of cargoat 4.2 metresabovethekeel and 720t at 6.l metres.Shehasa firther
500t to load.At whatheightmustthisbe loadedif the shipis to sail with a KG
of 5'70 metres?
154.Avesseldisplaces 4750t andhasa i(G of 7.05metres.Shethenloads920 t of
cargoat 4.5 metresabovethe keel and630 t at 7.0 metres;shealsodischarges
350 t from 8.5 metresabovethe keel.How muchfuel oil can sheload into a
doublebottomtank, at an estimatedheightof 0.50 metreabovethe keel, to
finish with a KG of 6.30 metres;allowingfor an estimatedrise of G of 0.02
metrescausedby freesurfaceofthe oil?
155.A ship which is completingloadinghas a KG of 7'23 metresand displaces
14600tonnes.On passage to hernextport, sheis expectedto use360t of fuel
oil from 0.70metresabovethekeel;40 t of fieshwaterfiom 9.40metresabove
thekeel;and20 tonnesofstoresfrom 8.8metresabovethekeel.Beforesailing,
sheis to loadcargointo a 'tweendeckat a heightof 9.50metresabovethekeel.
How much can she load in the 'tween deck in order to arrive at her next port
with a KG of 7.45metres?
156.4 ship which is completingloadinghas a KG of 6.82 metresand displaces
11250t. Beforesailing,shehasto load deckcargoat an estimatedheightof
10.5metresabovethe keel.On the voyagesheis expectedto use 180t of fuel
from 5.6 metresabovethe keel; 30 t of freshwaterfrom 8.8 metresabovethe
keel;and 10 t of storesfrom 8.2 metresabovethe keel.How muchdeckcargo
cansheloadin orderto arriveathernextportwith aKG of6.95metres,allowing
for a rise of G of 0.05 metredue to fiee surfaceappearingon voyage?
157.Avesseldisplaces9740t andhasa l(G of 6.06metres.A 50-tonnelift is to be
takenon boardby meansofa derrick,theheadofwhich will be25 metresabove
thekeelwhenlifting. To preventexcessive heelwhenlifting, theiKGofthe ship
mustnot exceed6'00 metreswhen the lift is hangingfrom the derrick.Find the
leastamountof cargoto be loadedinto a lower hold, at a height of 3.5 metres
abovethekeel,to satisrythis condition.
158.Ashipwhichdisplaces7925t and,has a KG of 5.42metres,hasto loada deck
cargooftimberat a heightof 12.00metresabovethekeel.On voyageto thenext
port sheexpectsto use 135t of fuel andwaterfrom the doublebottom,from a
heightof 0.6 metresabovethe keel;causinga rise ofG of 0.04m, dueto free
surfaceeffect.Calculatehow muchtimber shecan load,allowing 15%of the
weight ofwood for absorptionof water on voyage,to arrive at her destination
with a l(G of 6.10metres.
144. 5.93m.
145. 1.00m.
147. 5'46m.
148. 6'53m.
149. l'73 m.

155. 433t.
156. 204t.
158. 635t.
159.Abox-shapedship is 120metreslong, 18 metresbeam,and floats at a draft of
5'00 metres.What isher BM!
160.Find theEMof a box-shapedlighter which hasa beamof 6.00metresandfloats
at a draft of 2.00 metres.
16l.What is theheightofthe metacentre(Krl1)in abox-shapedvessel,of 10.00metres
beam,when floating at a draft of 5.00metres?
162.Fndthe KM ofa box-shapedlighter which hasa beamof7.00 metresandfloats
at a draftof l'40 metres.
163.A ship displaces3860 tonnesand the mometrtof inertia of her waterplaneis
23350.FindherrKM if theiKBis 3'50 metres.
164.Whatis the BM of a ship of 4160 tormes,if the momentof inertia of her
waterplaneis 32470?
l65.Findthe GMof a box-shaped lighter,20meheslong and6 metreswide,which
hasa draft of 2.40 metresand a KG of 1.70metres.
159. 3.75m.
160. 1.50m.
162. 3.62m.
163. 9.70m.
164. 8.00m.
165. 0'75m.
The Inclining Experiment
166.Aweight of25 tonnesis shifted transverselyfor a
distanceof l0 metresacross
the deck of a ship. A plumbJine, which is suspended
4.00 metres above a
horizontal batten moves out for a distanceof 0:30 metres
along the batten.
Ifthe ship'sdisplacementis 4950tonnes,what is her
GM assumingthat shewas
upright at the beginning?
l67.When the inclining experiment is performed
on a ship of 2304 tonnes
displacement,a weight of 15 tonnesis moved for 12
metresacrossthe deck.
The plumbJine is 8.00 metreslong and movesout 0.43
metreswhen the ship
heels.Find the Gll
168.A ship which hasjust beencompletedhas a light
.KM of 10.30metresand a
displacementof37g0 tonnes.A weight of 12 tonnesis
moved acrossthe deck
for a distanceof I I metres;whena plumbJine, suspended g.00metresabovethe
batten,movesout 8 centimetres.Find the ship,slight KG.
l69.Findthe,(G of a shipwhichhasa r(Mof g.l5 metres
anddisplaces 2400tonnes.
When the inclining experimentwas performed, a weighi
of l0 tonnes was
shifted 16 metresacrossthe deck and causeda plumb_iine,
5 metreslong, to
move out 18 centimetres.
l70.In an inclining experiment,a weight of 12.50tonnes
was moved l0 metres
across the deck and caused a ptumbJine, 12 metres
long, to move out
32 centimetres.A double-bottomtank in the ship was
firll of water, which
weighed 450 tonnes and had its centre of gravity 0.90
metres above the
keel; otherwisethe ship would have been in the light
condition. If the ship,s
displacementat the time of the experimentwas 37i0 tonnes
and her r(M was
(a) T\e KG at thetime of the exDerimenr.
(b) ThetightKc.
166. 0.6i3 m.
167. 1.453m.
169. 6.30m.
r70. (a) 8.00m; (b) 8.97m.

Moment of StaticalStability
17l.Find the moment of staticalstability of a ship of 3165 tonnesdisplacementand
GM0 80 metres,when she is heeledto an angle of 12o.
172.A ship of 1068tonnesdisplacementhas a GMof l'20 metres.Find her moment
of staticalstability at an angle ofheel of6'.
173.What is the moment of statical stability of a ship which displaces6752 tonnes
and has a righting lever of 0'45 metres?
174.A ship of5124 tonnesdisplacementhas the following righting levers:
Angle ofheel: l0' 20" 30" 40" 50" 60" 70"
ConespondingGZ 0'12 0'33 0'48 0 52 0 39 0'18 {'09 metre
Draw a curve of momentsof staticalstability and find fiom this:-
(a) The moment of staticalstability at 24o ofheel.
(b) The maximum moment of statical stability and the angle at which
this occurs.
@ The range of stability.
175.4 ship of 7200 tonnes displacementhas a KB of 4'00 metres and a KG of
6'50 metres. At an angle of heel of 23' the volumes of the immersed and
emergedwedges are each 1200 cubic mehes and the horizontal shift of their
centresof gravity is 7'00 metres.Find the length of the righting lever and the
moment of staticalstability at this angle ofheel.
176.A ship which is heeled to an angle of57" has immersed and emergedwedges
of 2500 cubic metres each, with their centres of gravity 12'00 metres apart.
The ship displaces12500 cubic metres of salt water, has a KG of 7'10 metres
and a KB of 4'30 metres.What is the moment of staticalstabilitv and is the ship
in stableequilibrium?
l77.Abox-shapedshipis 120metreslong, l8 metreswide andfloatsat a draft of4'00 m.
Assuming that the deck edge doesnot submerge,nor the bilge emerge,find the
volumesofthe wedgesand the shift oftheir centresof gravity at an angle ofheel
of25o. Thencefind the righting lever at 25' ofheel, if the KG is 8'30 metres.
l7l . 526'7t/m.
172. 134'6tlm.
174. 20390t/m:37":26900 t/m;67'.
175.0'218m; 1569'6 Vm.
176. - 0'03m; Shipis unstable.
177. 0'66m.

Angle of Heel
178.Aweight of 50 tomes is shiftedtmnsverselyacrossthe deckof a ship for a
distanceof 12 metres.The ship'sdisplacement was 4350tonnesand her GM
was0.40metres.If the shipwas uprightbefore the weightwasshifted,find the
angleto whichshewill heel.
179.A ship of 4800 tonnesdisplacement has a list of 8o, due to unequalloading
of weights.If her GM is 0'30 metres,find how muchweightmustbe shifted
transversely acrossa 'tweendeck,for a distanceof 12metres,in orderto bring
the ship upright.
180.Aweightof 120tonnesis loadedinto a 'tweendecksothatit is 3 80 metresfrom
the ship's centeJine and at a vertical height of 6'00 metresaboveher centre
of gravity.Beforethe weightwasloaded,the ship wasupright,had a GM of O'70
metes anda displacementof7080 tonnes.Whatwill be the effectof the weight?
181.Ashiphasa KG of 3'8 metresanddisplacement of5750 tonnesandis listed12"
to port. 250 tonnesof cargoare to be loadedinto the port and starboardwings
of a 'tweendeckat a heightof 7'50 metresabovethe keel and a distanceof
8.00metreson eithersideof thecentreline.If ther(M is 4'60metres,howmuch
weight mustbe placedin eachwing to finish loadingwith the ship upright?
182.80tonnesof grain shifts in a hold, 10 metreshorizontallyand 3 metres
downwards.Beforethis happened, the ship was upright,had a GM of l'35
metresanda displacement of2320 tonnes.Findthe angleofheel causedby the
shift of the grain.
183.Aship displaces11600t, hasKG of 6'10 metres,KM of 6'95 metresand is
heeled5oto starboard. 350t ofcargoareto be loadedinto thewingsof a'tween
deck at distancesof 5'00 metresto port and 7 00 metresto starboardof the
centreline. How muchofthe cargomusttherebe loadedinto eachwing in order
to finish with the ship upright?
184.Aship displaces14500t, hasKG of 7'lO metres,KM of 8 05 metres,and is
heeled4'to starboard. 500 t of cargoareto be loadedinto a 'tweendeckat a
heightof 10'00mehesabovethekeel: ofthis, 300t areto be loadedin the square
of the hatch, whilst the remainderis to be distributedbetweenthe wings, at
6'00metresto port and8'00metresto starboardofthe centreline. How muchmust
be placedin eachwing if the vesselis to be upright afterit hasbeenloaded?
185.Avesselis heeled7" to starboardand hasa KG of 6'02 metres,rKMof 6'41
metres,anddisplaces 8800t. Shethenloads75 t cargoat 5'60metresabovethe
keeland5'00 metresto starboard of the centreline; 100t at 4 20 metresabove
thekeeland6 50 metresto port ofthe centreline;and90 t amidshipsandat 3'80
metresabovethekeel.Whatwill be herfinal heel,if any?
186.Aship displaces12720t, hasKG of 6.90 meies, KM of 7.50 metresand is
upright when a 60-tonnelocomotiveis stowedon deck, at 5.80 metresto
starboard of thecentreline and I1.50metresabovethekeel.The locomotiveis
to be dischargedoverthe port sideofthe ship by meansofa derrick,the headof
which will be 26 metresabovethe keel and 13 mehesoffthe centreline when
plumbing the quay.Find the maximumheel,the final heel andthe final Gi4
187.Twoheavylifts, eachof40 t, areto be lifted from the quayby a derrick andare
to be placedon the ship'sdeckat 12.00m abovethekeel and6'00 m on either
side ofthe centreline. The first lift is to be landedon the offshore side of the
deckandthesecondlift on theonshoreside.Theheadofthe derrickwill be22 m
abovethekeelandwill plumba point 11.50m from thecentreline whenlifting
from thequay.Beforelifting, the shipwasupright,displaced9600t, hadKG of
6 85 m and iKM of 7'46 m. Find: (a) the maximumheel; (b) the heel when the
first lift hasbeenlandedon deck andthe secondis being lifted from the quay.
188.Avesseldisplaces12420t andhasa KM of7'84 mehes.Sheis to takeon boarda
lift of 80 t, usinga derrick,theheadof whichwill be 12.50metresoffthe centre
line and 2l m abovethe keel when lifting. What must be the ship's maximum
i(G beforelifting, in orderthat the heel may not exceed5' when lifting?
189.Findtheangleto whicha shipwill loll, if her GMis -{.06 metresandherBMis
190.Ashipdisplaces 2040tonnesandhasa GMof 0.10metre.120tonnesof cargo
arethenloadedon deckat a vertical heightof 4.00metresabovethe ship'scentre
of gravity,when the BM was found to be 3.20 metres.What will happen?
l91.To what anglewill a ship loll if shehas a BM of 6.00 metresand a GM of
178. 19".
179. 16.9t.
181.64t(P );186t(S )
182. 13".
183.2781(P );72t(S ).
184. 183t (P);17t (S).
185. 2'l' to Starboard.
186. 9'5' (P);2'5" (P);0'622m.

189. 10.4".
190. Shiplolls 15.3".
l9 l. 14.5'

Free SurfaceEffect
192.4seaman calculateshis ship'sGMas 0.68metresandherdisplacement as4320
tonnes,whenfloating in salt water.He hasforgoftento allow for free surfaceof
saltwaterin a rectangulardouble-boftom tank, 15 metreslong and 12 metres
wide,with no subdivisionsin it. Whatis the ship'strue GMwhenupright?
l93.Ifthe tank in the lastquestionhadcontainedoil ofrelativedensity0.875,what
would thenhavebeenthe Gld2
194.A ship of 6000 tonnesdisplacement has a KG of 3.45 metresand a KM of
3 72 metres,neglectingthe effect of free surface.Free surfaceexists in an
undividedrectangulartall/r, 12 metreslong and 10 metreswide, which is partly
filled with seawater.Find the tnre GMwhen the ship is upright.
195.100tonnesof water are run into a rectangulartank, l0 metreslong and 12
metreswide, in a shipof5300 tonnesdisplacement: whenthe tank is foundto
be aboutthree-quartersfull. Ifthe centreof gravityofthis wateris 0.50metres
abovethekeelandtheship'soriginalKG was5.00metres,find thenewKG.
196.Abox-shaped lighteris 30 metreslong and 8 metreswide andfloatsat a draft
of l'00 metre:whilst its i(G is 0.80 metre.If 15 centimetres
of wateris then
allowedto run into thebottom,so thatthenewKMbecomes5.20metres,what
will be the new Gllfl
197.Ashiphasa displacement of4880 tonnesanda r(G of6.00 metreswhenall her
double-bottomtanks are full of salt water.What would be the KG if 80 tonnes
of waterwerepumpedout of a rectangulartank, leavingit slack:The tank being
7'00metreslongand16.00metreswide,whilstthecentreofgravity ofthe water
198..4rectangular deeptank, l0 metreslong, 12 metreswide and 5 metresdeepis
dividedat the centreline.Whenthe tankis full, the shiphasa displacement
6080tonnesanda KG of6'00 metres.Ifthe tark is thenpumpedout until there
are2'00metresof waterleft in it, whatwill bethenewKG of theship,assuming
that the tank extendsrisht down to the keel?

199.Aship displaces10400t, hasa KG of 6.45metres,a KM of 7.52metresand

floats upright in salt water when the starboardside of a double-bottomtank is
full ofsalt water and the port sideof the tank is empty.The tank is rectangular,
35 metreslong, 16 metreswide and 1.60metresdeep;with onesidegider on
each side and a watertight centre girder. To what angle will the ship heel if
exactly one halfofthe ballastis transfenedfrom the starboardto the port side
ofthe tank?
200.A rectangulartank is 24 metreslong, 15 metreswide and has a fore and aft
division at its centreline. What is its free surfacemoment?
2Ol.Calculatethe free surfacemomentof a rectangulardoublebottom tank which
is 16 metreslong, 18 metreswide, and hasa centregirder and one side girder
on eachside.

9850t andhasa solidGMof l'08 metreswhena tankis partly

filled with oil ofrelativedensity0.910.Ifthe tankhasa freesurfacemomentof
1220,whatis the ship'sfluid G,l4z
203.Avesselhasa KG of 5'982metres,a KM of 6'493metresanddisplaces
200 tons of salt water are then run into a tank, leaving it slack.The centreof
gavity of the water is then 0'65 metresabovethe keel and the tank has a free
surfacemomentof 588.Find theship'snew fluid GM
204.Ashipdisplaced10540t, hada KG of 5.421metresanda KMof 5.873metres.
Shethen discharged150 t of salt water from l'20 metresabovethe keel from
a tank which had a free surfacemomentof 395: and 100 t of salt water from
1'30metresabovethe keel from a tank which hada free surfacemomentof457.
Find the new fluid Gi4
205.Ashiploads300t ofoil of relativedensity0'895at 0.85metresabovetlrekeel
in a tank which has a free surfacemomentof 512 Shealso loads250 t of salt
water at 0'70 metresabovethe keel in a tank which hasa free surfacemoment
of3 86.Both tanksarethenslack.Theoriginal displacementandKG were8720t,
and5'01m respectively,
whilstthefinalKMis 5'641m. Find the new GM.
192. 0'17m.
r93. 0.24m.
196.-{'15 m-
l9E. 6'22m.
200. 1688.
201. 486.
202. 0'967m.
203. 0'572m.
2M. 0'265m.
205. 0'790m.

Dynamical Stability
206.Find the dynamicalstability at 40' heel ofa ship which displaces6826 tonnes
andhasthe following GZ;-
Heel l0' 20" 30" 400
GZ 0 .1l 5 0.228 o33l 0.429
207.Find the dynamicalstability at 45. heel of a ship which hs a displacementof
5000tonnesand GZsof:-
Heel 15" 300 450
GZ o'205 0.482 0:611
208.Findthe areaundeta crrve ofrighting lwers up to 40oheel,given:- ,
Heel 10" 20" 300 40"
GZ 0.145 0.248 0.2& 0.234 metres
206. 1068t/m.
207. l3l2t1m.
208. 0.138mehe-radians.

2O9.Abox-shaped shiphasa lengthof 120metresandfloatsat a draftofS 00 metres.
What is her longitudinalBMr?
210.FindtheBMLand,GMrof abox-shaped lighter,30 metreslong, l0 metreswide
andfloatingat a draftof 2.00metres,if herKG is 1.50metres.
211.A box-shaped lighteris 40 metreslong andfloatsat a draftof 1.20metresfore
andaft. Find herBM, and,KM".
209. 150m.
210. 37'5m; 37'0m.
2ll. lll'1 m; 1ll'7 m

ChangeofDraft dueto ChangeofTrim

2l2.Find thenew draftsifa weightis shiftedaft in a ship,sufficientlyto changethe
him by 0'26 metres.The centreofflotation is amidshipsandthe originaldrafts
were6'45 metresforwardand6'48metresaft.
2l3.Thecentreofflotationofashipis4.00metresabaftamidships. Weightsareshifted
aft so as to changethe trim by 0.56metres.If the ship'slengthis 140metres
andher original draftswere 5.92 m forward and 6.08m aft, find the new drafts
fore and aft andalso the original and new meandrafts.
214.,{ ship is 120metreslong andfloatson an evenkeel at draftsof 5.36metres
fore and aft. Weightsare shiftedaft so as to changethe trim by 0.48metres.
Find the new drafts,fore, aft and mean,if the ship's centreof flotation is
5 00 metresabaftamidships
215.An oil tankeris 260metreslongandfloatsat draftsof 5.12m forwardand6.88m
aft. The centreof flotationis 4.00 metoesforwardof amidships.Oil is then
shifted from an after tank to a forward tank so as to changethe trim by
1'20mehes.Find thenew drafts.
212. F.6.32m; A. 6.61m.
213. F.5'62m; A. 6'34m; OriginalMean6.00m; New Mean5.98m.
214. F.5'10m; A. 5'58m; M. 5.34m.
215. F.5'70m; A. 6'26m.

Draft and DisplacementOut of the DesignedTiim

216.A ship which is 150metreslong, floatsat draffsof 5'16 metresforwardand
6'32 metresaft. If her designedtrim is for an evenkeel andF is 4'00 metres
abaftamidships,find the draft at fl
217.A vesselis 110 metreslong, F is 3'00 metresforward of amidshipsand
her designedtrim is an even keel. If her drafts are 3 98 metresforward and
4.86 metresaft, what is the draft at F?
218.A ship is 140 metreslong, has a T.P.C.of 20 and the centreof flotation is
l'50 metresabaft amidships.Find the layer correctionwhen the drafts are 6'30
metresforward and 6'70 metresaft.
219.Ashipis 133metreslong,hasa T.P.C.of 19.0andhercentreofflotationis 3.00
metresabaftamidships.Shefloatsat draftsof 6'12 m forwardand6'54 m aft.
The displacementfor the designedtrim (evenkeel) at a draft of 6.33 metresis
8243tonnes.Find the layer correctionandthe true displacement.
The designeddraft is an even keel: the T.P.C. is 25'00 and ttre centre of
flotation is 2'5 metresabaft amidships.The displacementis given in the scale
as 10942tonnesfor a meandraft of 8'27 metres.Find the draft at F andthe true
221.A ship,is 90 metreslong,her ll'0 andher centreof flotationis 2'00
metres abaft amidships.The designedtrim is 15 centimetresby the stern.
The drafts are4.15 m forward and 3 85 m aft. The designeddisplacementfor a
draft of4'00 m is 3283tonnes.Find the draft at F andthe true disolacement.
s Answers-
216. 5'77m.
217. 4'40m.
218. 8.6t.
n 219. 18t;'8261t.
v 220. 8'28m; 10967t.
221. 3'98m;3264r.

222.Ashipis 140metreslonganddisplaces4340tonnes,heri(G is 5.10metresand
herKMr 132'20metres.Find her M.C.T.I C.
223.Findthe M.C.T.IC. of a ship, 120 metreslong and displacing3600 tonnes,
whichhasa GM, of 150'00metres.

224.4 box-shapedvesselis 80 metreslong, 15 metreswide andfloatsat a draft of
5'00metresin seawater.i(G is not known.Find herM.C.T.lC.
225.4 shipis 192metreslong,hasa KG of6.80 metes,a KM of200.20metresand
displaces 9200tonnes.Find herM.C.T.1C.
222. 39 4 tlm.
223. 45.0tJm.
224. 82'Otlm.
225. 92'7tJm.

Changeof Trim due to Shifting Weights

226.Ashipfloatsat draftsof 6.84metresforwardand7.14metresaft.Her M.C.T.lC
is 105tonne/metres andhercentreofflotationis amidships.
Find thechangeof
trim andthenewdraftsifa weightof42 tonnesis shiftedlorwardfor a disLnce
of 60 metres.
227.Findthe changeof trim and the new draftsfore and aft, if 120tonnesof oil
is transferredfrom the forepeakto the afterpeaktank in a ship which has an
M.C.T.lC. of 144tonne/metres. The distancebetweenthe cenfesof gravityof
thetanksis 60 metres,theship'scentreofflotationis amidships,andtheoriginal
228.Whatwill be the changeof trim and the new draftsfore and aft if a weight
of90 tonnesis shiftedaft for a distanceof 100metresin a ship which hasan
M.C.T.1C.of 180?Thelengthof theshipis 150metres,hercentreof flotationis
2'00metresabaftamidships andheroriginaldraftswere6.00metresforwardand
229..4shipis 160metreslongandhercentreofflotationis 4 metresabaftamidshios.
Her draftsare6.58metresforwardand 8'08 metresaft, whilst her M.C.T.iC.
is 180 t/m. Find the changeof trim and the new draftsif 300 tonnesof oil
is transferredfrom No.4 double-bottom tank to No. I double-bottomtank: a
distanceof72 metres.
230..4shiphasdraftsof 4.10metresforwardand5.50metresaft. Her M.C.T.lC. is
200.Find how muchoil to transferfiom No. 5 D.B. tank to No. 2 D.B. tank.
througha distanceof 100metres,to bringthe shipto an evenkeel.
231..4ship has an M.C.T.IC. of 210 and floatsat draftsof 6.20 metresforward
and7.60metresaft. Find how muchweightmustbe movedforward,througha
distanceof60 metres,to bring herto a trim of50 centimetres
by thestem.

226. 24 cm;' F.6'96m; A. 7'02m.
227. 50 cml' F.4 57m; A.4'83m.
228. 5Ocm1, F. 5.74m:,A. 6'34m.
229. 120 cml' F.7'21m; A. 7'51m.
230. 280tonnes.
231. 315tonnes.

ModerateWeightsLoaded Off the Centre of Flotation

232.A ship is 150 metreslong,has a T.P.C.of 12'5 and an M'C.T.IC.of 120.
Her draftsare4'76 metresforwardand5'40mehesaft. 250tonnesof cargoare
loadedat a distanceof50 metresabaftthe stem.Find thenew drafts,assuming
that the centreof flotation is amidships.
233.Thecentreof flotationof a ship is amidships,her lengthis 120 metres,her 15 and her M.C.T.IC. is 100.A weight of 240 tonnesis discharged
from a position40 metresabaftthe stem.Ifher originaldraftswere5'10metres
forward and 5'20 metresaft, what will be her new drafts?
areknownabouta ship: Length136metres;T.P.C.20;
M.C.T.lC. 120; centreof flotation 70 metresabaft the stem;drafts 6'50 m
forward,6'60 m aft. Find her new draftsafter 80 tonnesof cargohavebeen
loadedat a distanceof40 metresfrom aft.
235.A shiphasdraftsof4'72 metresforwardand5'64 metresaft. In orderto bring
her more nearlyto an evenkeel, 240 tonnesof water arerun into No. I double
bottomtank,the centreof gpvity ofwhich is 20 metresabaftthe stem.The ship
is 160metreslong,has aT.P.C.of 22, an M.C.T.IC. of 172 andthe centreof
flotation is 2'00 metresabaft amidships.Find the new drafts.
236.Findthenewdraftsafter120tonnesof cargohavebeendischarged from a point
which is 15 metresabaftamidships.The ship is 130meheslong,hasa T.P.C.
of 15.andM.C.T.1C.of 110,whilst her centreof flotationis 3'00 metresabaft
amidships.The original draftswere 7 00 m forward and 7'40 m aft.
237.A ship which is 130 metreslong has a T.P.C.of 20 and M.C.T.IC. of 125'
Her centreof flotation is amidshipsand her drafts are 6'20 metresforward and
6.50metresaft.Whatwouldbe thenew draftsif 140tonnesof cargoareloaded
at a distanceof30 metresabaft the stemand 56 tonnesare loadedat a distance
of 100metresabaftthe stem?
238.A ship floatsat draftsof 4.30 m forwardand 4.80 m aft. Her lengthis l0g
metres,T.P.C.16,M.C.T.lC. I18, whilst her centreof flotationis 2.00 metres
abaft amidships.Find the new drafts after the following weightshavebeen
Loaded: 55 tonnesat 40 metresabaftthe stem.
Loaded: 100tonnesat 70 metresabaftthe stem.
Discharged: 3 tonnesfrom 86 metresabaftthe stem.
239.Avesselis 90 metreslongandhercentreofflotationis 2 metresabaftamidshios. 80 andherM.C.T.lC. is 48. 60 tonnesof cargois discharged fiom
22 metresforwardof the centreof flotation;whilst 40 tonnesis loadedat 13
metresabaft the centreof flotation.If the original drafts were 3.g5 metres
forward and 3.79metresaft,find the new drafts.
240.A ship is 140metreslong andfloatsat draftsof 6.38metresforwardand 7.06
metresaft. Her 22.1,M.C.T.lC. is 186and,Fis 2.00metresforwardof
amidships. Shenexttakesin 310t ofwaterballastat 6.00m abaftamidshios and
thensailsfor hernextport.On thevoyage,sheuses370t ofoil from 15metres
abaftamidships; 25 t ofstoresfrom 5l m forwardof amidships; and4g t offresh
water ffom 3 metresabaft amidships.Find her draft on arrival.
232. F.5.22m; A. 5.34m.
233. F.4.70m; A. 5.28m.
234. F.6.45m; A. 6-72m.
235. F.5 28 m; A. 5.33m.
236. F. 6-99m: A.7.26m.
237. F.6.42m; A. 6.48m.
238. F.4.42m; A. 4.78m.
239. F.3.62m; A.3.94m.
240. F. 6 39 m; A. 6.92m.

Large WeightsLoadedOff the Centre of Flotation

241.Ashipfloatsat draftsof 4.90menesforwardand5.10metresaft. 600tonnesof
oil is thenloadedinto a deeptank,thecentreof gravityof whichis 3.00metres
forward of amidships.Find the new drafts,if the following informationis found
from thedeadweight scales:-
Draft5.00m. T.P.C. 21.0.M.C.T.tC.148.
Draft5.50m. T.P.C. 21.8.M.C.T.lC.154.
Centreof flotationamidshins.

242.Thefollowinginformationis givenin the ship'sdeadweightscale:-

Draft6'00m. T.P.C.16 1. M.C.T.lC.108.
Draft6'50m. T.P.C.16'6. M.C.T.1C.113.
Draft7'00m. T.P.C.17.0. M.C.TlC. 117.
Centreofflotation,3'00 m abaftamidships
The shipis 126metreslong andfloatsat draftsof 6'10 m forwardandaft. Find
the new drafts ifthe following cargois loaded:-
450 tonnesat 40 metresabaftthe stem
500tonnesat 110metresabaftthe stem
243.Theship,for whichthehydrostaticparticularsaregiveninthebackofthisbook,
is 140metreslong.Sheis floatingat draftsof5'16 metresforwardand5'24 m
aft. Usethe curvesor scalesto find the new draftsafterthe shiphasloaded:-
In No. I hold; 190tonnes;c.g.52 metresforwardof amidships.
In No. 2 hold;260tonnes;c.g.28 metresforwardof amidships.
In No. 3 hold; 180tonnes;c.g.5 metresforwardof amidships.
In No. 4 hold;380tonnes;c.g.32 metresabaftamidships.
In No. 5 hold;250tonnes;c.g.46 metresabaftamidships.
244.The sameshipasin the lastquestionhaddraftsof2'58 m forward and4'72 m aft-
To bring her to a bettertrim, the forward deeptanks (c.g. 15'20 m forward of
amidships)were thenfilled with I I 50 t of water.Find her new drafts. l
245.Thesameship,asabove,when loadingcargo,had draftsof 6'23 metresforward
and 6'69 metresaft. Shethen loaded:-
480 tonnesat 48 metresforward of amidships.
710 tonnesat 24 metresforward of amidships.
630 tonnesat 32 metresabaftamidships.
370 tonnesat 43 metresabaftamidships.
This completedher loadingand shethen sailedfor her next port. On the voyage
sheused210t ofoil from2 metresforwardof amidships, 30t of freshwaterfrom
8 metresabaft amidshipsand 10 t of storesfrom 12 metresabaft amidships.
What wereher draftson arrival?
241. F. 5'24m; A. 5'32m.
242. F.5.74m:4.7'88m.
243. F.5'58m; A. 6'02m.
244. F.3'72m; A. 4'71m.
245. F.7'25m; A. 7'41m.


Loading a Weight to Producea DesiredTrim

246.4 ship,which is completingher loading,has 120tonnesof cargoto comeon
board.Her draftsare 7.00m forward and,7.82m aft. Her M.C.T.lC. is 125.
Where must the cargobe loadedin order that the ship may sail with a trim of
50 centimetresby the stem?
247.Findtheweightof waterwhichmustbe run into a double-bottom tank in order
to bringtheshipon to anevenkeel.Thecentreof $avity ofthe tankis 25 metres
abaftthe stem.The ship is 140metreslong,hasan M.C.T.IC. of 144andher
centreof flotationis 5'00 metresabaftamidships.Her presentdraftsare 5.70
metresforward and 6.60metresaft.
248.Ashiphasbeenin collisionandherforepeakis flooded,causingherto trim 0.60m
by the head.It is desiredto bringherto a trim of 0.20m by the stem.The after
peaktank,whichis empty,cantake240toruresofwaterandits centreofgravity
is 70 metresabaftthe ship'scentreof flotation.If the M.C.T.lC. is 168,will it
be possibleto bring the ship to the desiredtrim by running up this tank and, if
so,whatweightof watermustbe takenin?
249.4 ship floatson an evenkeel and has an M.C.T.IC. of 116.A total of 400
tonnesofcargo areto be loadedinto No. I hold (60 menesforwardof F.) and
into No. 4 hold (20 metresabaftF.).How muchcargomustbe loadedinto each
hold in orderthatthe shipmay finish loadingwith a trim of 50 centimetres
the stem?
250.Ashipfloatsat draftsof 5.60metresforwardand7.00metresaft.HerM.C.T.lC.
is 140.280 tonnesof wateris thenpumpedout ofNo. 4 double-bottom tank,
which has its centreof gravity at 15 metresabaft the centreof flotation.
Calculatehow muchoil wouldhaveto be transferred fromNo. 6 double-bottom
tank(55 metresabaftF.)to No. I double-bottomtank(65 metresforwardof F.)
to bringthevesselto an evenkeel.
247. 259 tornes.
248. Yes.192tonnesis required.
249. 27 5 tornesintoNo 1; 372.5tonnesinto No.4.
250. 128tonnes.

Loading for RequiredDraft Aft

251.Ashipis 138metreslong,hasan M.C.T.IC.of 132,a T.PC.of 18,andher
centreofflotationis 3 metresabaftamidships. How far forwardofthe centreof
flotation must a weight be loadedif the after draft is to remainconstant?
252.How farrabafrthe stemmusta weight be loadedif the draft aft is not to change
in a ship 140metreslong? The centreof flotation is 2 metresabaft amid ships,
theT.P.C. is 22, 160.
253.Thecentreof flotationof a shipis amidshipsandher lenglhis 120metres.Her 16 115.Where,with relationto amidships, must
a weight of 140tonnesbe loaded,if the draft aft is not to change?
254.Ashipis 120metreslongandhasdraftsof 5'83metresforwardand5'49metres
aft. Her 16'4, 115andF is amidships.How muchcargo
mustsheload into an afterhold, the centreofgravity ofwhich is 48 metresabaft
amidships,in orderto increasethe draft, aft, to 6 00 metres?
255.An oil tanker,whenlight, floatsat draftsof2'62 metresforward and5 24 metres
aft. Her lengthis 200 metres, 38, M.C.T.lC. is 190,whilst F is 5'00
metresforward of amidships.On sailing, shehasto crossa bar, on which the
depthis 5'00 metres,with a clearance of 50 cm.Find the leastamountof water
ballast to load into a trimming tank, the centreof gravity of which is 95 metres
forward of amidships.Find, also,the final draft forward.
256.A ship is 140 metreslong and has drafts of 7'54 metresforward and 7'68
metresaft. Her 23 0. M.C.T.lC. is 207,whilst F is 2 00 metresabaft
amidships.Her fore peaktank is full of water ballast,with its centreof gravity
64 metresforward of amidships.Calculatethe amountofthis waterballastto be
dischargedin orderto bring the ship to a draft, aft, of 8'00 mehes.What would
thenbe the draft forward?
257.A ship has400 tonnesof cargoto load and her presentdraftsare 6'16 metres
forwardand6'92metresaft.Sheis 126metreslong,herT.P.C. is 20'0,M.C.T'lC.
is 158,andF is l'00 metres
abaftamidships. How far from amidships shouldthe
cargobe loadedin orderto bring the after draft to 7'00 metres?
2 5 1. 15'3m.
252. 57 m.
253. 14.4m forward.
254. 189t.
255. 333t;3'46m.
256. 287t; 6'94m.
257. 8'6m forward.

Weight to Load for a Given Draft

258.Ashiphasdraftsof 5'86 metresforwardand6.12metresaft. Her M.C.T.lC. is
114andF is 2'00 metresabaftamidships.Shehas220 tonnesof cargoto load
into two holds,oneat 56 metresforward of amidshipsandthe otherat 19metes
abaft amidships.How much shouldbe loadedinto eachhold in order to bring
the ship to a trim of l0 cm by the stem?
259.Ashiparrivesoffa port with draftsof 7.12metresforwardand7.88metresaff-
Her 19'5,M.C.T.lC. is 110and her centreof flotationis amidships
In order to enter the port, she has to reduce her draft to not more thatr
7'40 metres.Find the minimum amount of cargo which she must dischargs
into lighters from two holds,one 32 metresforward of amidshipsand the other
54 metresabaft amidships.
260.Avesselhasa T.PC,of 16.3,a M.C.T.1C. of ll5, whilst.lcis 2.00metresabaft
amidships.Her presentdrafts are 6'18 m forward and 6.40 metresaft. In order
to crossa bar,her maximumdraft on sailing mustnot exceed6.50metres.
Find the maximumamountof cargowhich shecanload into eachof two holds
one44 metresforward of amidshipsandthe other 35 metresabaft amidships.
261.A shipwhich is loadingcargohasto load240tonnesinto No. 3 hold, at 12merres
forward of amidships;then to distribute as much cargo as possible betweer
No. I hold (49 metresforwardof amidships)andNo.4 hold (32 metresabafi
amidships).On sailing,shehasto crossa bar,on which the depthis 6.00metes.
with a clearanceof 20 cm. What is the maximumamountof cargoto be loaded
into eachhatch, if her presentdrafts are 5.37 metresforward and 5.61 metcs
aft?The ship'sT.P.C,is 20.1,herM.C.T.lC. is 166,whilstFis amidships.
262.1na TropicalZone,a ship which has a summerdraft.of 7.94metres,arrivs
in port with salt water drafts of 7.98 metresforward and 8.16 metresafi-
Her 23.2,M.C.T.lC. is 208,F' is 3.00metresabaftamidshipsandher
FreshWaterAllowanceis 164mm. Shethenhasto crossa docksill, wherethc
relativedensityof the water is 1.010andwhereher meandraft mustnot exce€d
8'00 metres.How much cargo must she discharge,before enteringthe doclc
fromeachoftwo holds,oneof whichis 18metresforwardofamidships,andthc
other36 metresabaft amidships?

258. Forward,74 t; Aft, 146t.
259. Forward,25 t; Aft,170 t.
260. Forward,175t;4ft, 167t.
261. No. l, 165t; No.4,218t.
262. Forwafi, 171t: 4ft,223 t.

The Useof MomentsAbout the After Perpendicular

263.A ship displaces9870 t and B is 58'25 metresfrom the after perpendicular
Sheloads750 t at 22'00metresfrom the afterperpendicular. IfB is then58'37
metresfiom the after perpendicular,what is the momentchangingtrim?
264.4 vesseldisplaces 5260t andherB is 59'72metresfromtheA,/P.Shethenloads l

250 t at 94 metresfrom the A/P and 320 t aI35 metresfiom the A,{P:shealso l
discharges180t from l6 metresfrom theA,/P.If B is then59 74 metresfrom the
A,{P,find the momentchangingtrim.

265.Thefollowing is an exfiact from the ship'shydrostaticinformation:-

Draft Displacement -Bfrom the A/P
6'0tlm 8147t 5E'558 m
6'20m 8461t 5 8 ' 5 1 6m
6'4O rn R79),t 5R.477 m
Her presentdrafts are 6'08 metresforward and 6 04 metresaft. Shethen loads
260 t at 84 metresfrom theA/P, 430 t at 37 rnetresfrom theA-IP,anddischarges
180t ffom 54 metresfrom theA,rP.What is the momentchangingtrim?
266.A vesselis 120 metreslong and floats at draftsof 5'28 metresforwardand
6'14metresaft.At this draftshedisplaces 7620t, herT.P.Cis l5'94, B is 58'76
metresfrom the A,/P.whilst F is 58.02 metresfrom the A,tP.She then loads
920t of cargoat 67'80metresfrom theA.rP.TheT.P.Cis then 16'18,M.C.T.lC.
is 114.0,B is 58.67metresfrom theA./PandI'is 57.90metresfrom the A./P.
Find the new drafts.
267.Ashipis 164metreslongandhasdraftsof 8.02metresforwardand8.10metres
aft.At this drafther displacement is 18050t, 27.80,B is 82.14metres
from the A,/P,whilst F is 78'94 metresfrom theA/P. Shethen:-
Loads8 I 0 t at 69 metresfrom the A./P.
Discharges650 t from 1l8 metresfrom theA,iP.
Discharges430 t from 64 metresfrom theA,?.
Discharges720 t from 56 metresfrom theA,{P.
At thenew drafts,theT.P.C.is27'76, 248,B is 82'32metresfrom
the A,? andF is 78'99 metresfrom theA,/P.Find the new drafts.


268.Thehydrostaticinformationfor a ship which is 122metreslong, shows:

Draft Displacement M.C.T.lC. B fromA,/P FfromA/P
6'00m 8128t r12.4 60.091m 59'258m
6'2Om 8409t 113.6 60'068m 59'169m
640m 8702t 114.7 60'M5m 59'079m
6.60m 9007t 115.7 60'021m 58'988m
Her presentdrafts are 5.47 m forward and 6'59 m aft. Shethen loads 520 t at
I 13m from theA/P, 330 t at 98 m from theA,/P,and410 t at 17m from theA/P.
Shealso discharges490 t from 85 m from theA/P. What areher newdrafts?
269.A vesselwhich is 150metreslong,floatsat draftsof 4'28 metresforwardand
4'24 metresaft. At this draft shedisplaces7520t and the centreof buoyancyis
77'30 metresforward ofthe afterperpendicular.Shethen loads:-
No. t hold:290t at 114metresfrom theA./P.
No. 2 hold; 670t at95 metresfrom theA,/P.
No. 3 hold: 930 t at 82 metresfrom theA/P.
No. 4 hold: 780 t at 4l metresfrom theA./P.
No. 5 hold: 5 l0 t at 24 metresfrom theA./P.
Oil fuel: 400 t at 85 metresfiom theA/P.
At the ship'snew displacement, the draftat F is
194'2tJm,B is 76.43metresftom theA,{P,whilst F is 74'56 metresfrom theA/P.
Find her new drafts.
270.Theship for which the hydrostaticparticularsaregiven in the back ofthis book
is 140metreslong and floats at drafts of 2.74 metresforward and 3.60 metres
aft. Shethen loads 1100 t of waterballastinto a deeptank,at 77-20metresfrom
the A/P, and sailson a voyage.During the voyagesheused380 t of fuel from
80'10metresfrom the A,/P,100t of freshwater from 50.50metresfrom the
A,?, and20 t of storesfrom 71.40metresfrom theA,/P.What wereher drafts on
arrival at her next port?
263. 28461t/m by the stem.
264. 8416tlmby thehead.
265. 1277tlmby the stem.
266. F. 6.26m: A. 6.32m.
267. F.7'44m; A.7'94m.
268. F.6.48m; A. 6.66m.
269. F.5.62m: A. 6.40m.
270. F.3.23m; A. 3.75m.

Hydrostatic Curvesand Scales

The curvesand scalesgiven in the back of this book are for a vesselof 140
metreslong;light draft2.967metres;summerloaddraft8.094mehes;andlight KG
of6'623 metres.Usethem,asappropriate, to solvethe followingquestions.
2Tl.Extractall possibleinformationfrom:
(i) the hydrostaticparticulars;
iat (ii) the deadweight scale;
/P. (iii) the hydrostaticcurves,
for eachofthe followingdraftsin saltwater:
nd (a) 4 20 metes;
li s
(D/ 5.50metres;
(c) 6.34 metres;
(d 7'49 metes.
272.Find the displacementanddeadweightat the summerdraft.
273.Whatis theship'slight Gn4
274.Findthe ship'sfreshwaterallowance.
, ts 275.Theship is loadingin a dock,wherethe relativedensityof the wateris 1.012,
lP. and her presentdrafts are 8.04 mehesforward and 8.12 rnetresaft. How much
more cargocan sheload in order to be at her summerload line in salt water if
ok sheexpectsto use42 t of fuel, water andstoreson the way from the dock to the
GS opensea?
m 276.Thevesselis loadingin a tropical zone,in water of relativedensity1.015.
m Theloweredgeof thetropicalloadline is 74 mm. abovewateron theport side,
he whilst the upper edge of the summerload line is level with the water on the
starboardside.How muchmore cargocan sheload in orderto be at her tropical
load-linein salt water?
277.Theship anchorsoffa port with draftsof 8.12metresfore andaft, in waterof
density1.026Vm3.On theway to herberth,shehasto crossa docksill on which
the depthof wateris 8.20metresand the densityis 1.018t/m3.Find the least
amountof cargowhich the ship mustdischargeinto lighters,beforeproceeding
to herberth,in orderto crossthe docksill with a clearance
of 15cm, assuming
that sheremainson an evenkeel throughout.
278.Theshiphasa,KG of 6.61metresand draftsof 7.13metresforwardand 7.85
metresaft. Shethen loads720 t at 6.20 metresabovethe keel; 615 t at 9.50
metresabovethe keel;and430 t of deckcargoat I 1.40metresabovethe keel.
Find the new Gil4

279.Thevesselis empty of cargo and has only the following weights on board:-
Fuel 630t at 0'60metresabovethekeel.
Freshwater 95 t at 0'70 metresabovethe keel.
Stores 60 t at 10'00metresabovethekeel.
Shethencompletelyfills a deeptank with 1102t of waterballastat 4'84 metres
abovethe keel, leaving no free surfaceeffect. Find her GMs before and after
filling the tank. How do you accountfor the changein G,142
280.Theship,whichhasa deckcargoof660 t of timberat 12'00m abovethe keel,
cornmences a voyagewith draftsof 6'72 metresforward and6'88 metresaft and
KG of 7'67 metres.Duringthe voyagesheuses480 t of fuel from 0'60 metres
abovethe keel, 50 t offresh waterfrom 0'70 m abovethe keel, and20 t of stores
from 7'00 metresabovethe keel; whilst the timber increasesits weight by 15%
throughabsorptionof water.Find her GM on arrival andthe angleof loll.
281.Theshipsailswith draftsof 6'83metresforwardand6'91mehesaft.KG of 6'77
metres,andall fuel andfreshwatertanksfull (no free surfaceeffect).During the
voyagesheexpectsto use:-
8 t of storesfrom 10'40metresabovethe keel.
30 t offresh waterfrom 9'30metresabovethekeel,leavingthetankslack.
210 t ofoil fuel from 9'30 metresabovethe keel, leavingthe tank empty.
300 t ofoil fuel from 0'80 metresabovethe keel, leavingthe tank slack
(freesurfacemoment378t/m anddensityofoil 0'950Vm3).
Estimatethe ship'sGMon arrivalat hernextport.
282.Whena deeptank is 100%fulI of water of relative density l'020, the ship has
draftsof 4'04 metresforwardand4'20 metresaft,whilsther GMis 3'08metres.
920 t of water,with its centreof gravity at 5'47 metresabovethe keel is then
pumpedout of the tank, leavingit slack.If the free surfacemomentof the tank
is 1278t/m, find the ship'snew G,4l
283.Theship hasdraftsof 7'18 metresforwardand 7'50 metresaft. It is desired
to load 200 tonnesof cargo, so as to maintain the after draft at 7'50 metres.
Whereshouldthe cargobe placedand what will be the final draft forward?
284.Thevesselis loadingcargoand has draftsof 6'72 metresforward and 6'88
metresaft. Sheis to load cargointo No. t hold (115m from theA/P) andNo. 4
hold (40 m from the A/P). How much cargomust be loadedinto eachhold in
orderto finish with the ship on an evenkeel with draftsof7'00 m fore and aft?
285.Theshiphasdraftsof 4'93 metresforward and 5'57 metresaft, whilst heri(G is

480 t at 123metresfrom the A/? and at 8'80 metresabovethe keel.

720r at l0l metrestom the A/P and at 5'70 metresabovethe keel.
560 t at 78 metes from the A/? and at 6'30 meiresabovethe keel.
610 t at 36 metes from theA.t?andat 7'10 metresabovetle keel.
370 t at 23 mehesfiom theA./Pand at 8'50 metresabovethe ke€I.
Shethen sailsandon voyageusesthe following firel, water and stores:-
425 t from 80 metes from the A/? and 0'70 metresabovethe keel.
56 t from 121mehesfrom theAiP and0'80 mefes abovethe keel.
19 t from 7l metresfrom the A/? and 9'00 mehesabovethe keel'
Find her draftsand solid GMon arrival.
271. (") @ @ (d)
Displacement 6893 9534 ll33l 13890
Deadweight 2334 4975 6772 9331
T.P.C. t9.g 20-99 2l-75 22.74
M.C.T.1C. 140.1 l&.2 180.1 199.5
LCBfromNP 72.33 71.85 71.50 70.97
LCFftonNP 7l-17 70.06 69.20 6E02
KB 2.27 2.99 3.45 4'09
KM 8.66 8.16 8.03 7.99
W" 286-9 244.2 226.2 205.1
272. 15279t;10720t.
273. 3'777m.
274. 164mn.
2 7 5 .2 6 9 t.
276. 461t.
277. 284.t.
278. l'19m.
279. t'75m;t'18m.
282. 3'32m.
283. 86.08m fromNP;7'36m.
284.No. l, 210t; No.4, 236t.
285.F.6'19m,A. 6'41m;0'53m.

Stabitity Curves
286.Usethe crosscurvesgiven in Fig. 77 to find the righting leversfor:-
(a) Heel 30' , Displacement9000t, KG 7.00metres.
(b) Heel60o,Displacement 6700t, KG 7.50metres.
(c) Heel 45", Displacement 7800t, KG 6.75metres.
(d) }Ieel l5o, Displacement 5600t, KG 7.20metres.
287.Fromthe crosscurvesin Fig. 77, find the righting leversfor a KG of 7.00metres
and displacementof 5000 t. Use theseto draw a curve of staticalstability and
from this 6nd the rangeof stability,amountandangleofmaximum stability and
the approximateGM
288.Usethe crosscurves(Fig. 77) to find the GZs for a displacement of 8500 t
and l(G of 6.50 metres.Draw a cuwe of staticalstability and find the angleof
vanishingstability and the approximateGr'll
289.Usethe r(M curvesgiven in Fig. 78 to find the righting leversfor:-
(a/ Heel30",Displacement 6000t, KG 6.00metres.
@)Heel45", Displacement 7900t, KG 7.25metres.
(c/ Heel 15', Displacement 9800t, iKG6.43metres.
(d) Heel75",Displacement 8500t,l(G 6.92metres.
290.UsetheKN curvesgiven in Fig. 78 to find the righting leversfor a displacement
of7600t anda i(G of6'78 metres.Fromthese,drawa curveofstaticalstability,
andfind the rangeof stability andthe amountandangleofmaximum stability.
291.A ship has a l(G of 6.56 metresanda KM of 6.45 metres.Her KNs are as
Heel 10" 15' 30' 45" 60'
KN (m) 0.56 1.13 1.72 3.43 4.80 5.63
Find the righting levers,draw a curve of staticalstability and find the rangeof
stability,the approximateangleof loll and the amountand angle of maximum
286. (a)0.37m; (b)0.r8m; (c)0.79m; (d)0.26m.
287. 85"; 1.02m at 44';l-02 m.
288. 85': 0.77m.
289. (a) 1'r7 m; (D)0'41m; (c) 0.28m; (d)0.0sm.
290. 85'; 0.79mat45".
291. 57":.12: 0.19m at 38".

The MetacentricDiagram
292.Constructa metacentricdiagramfor draftsofbetween3'00 and8'00metresfor
the shipfor whichthe informationis givenin thebackofthis book
From this, find KB, KM ufi BM for dralls of (a),4 50 m and (b) 6'25 m.
293.Calculatethe KM and BM of a box-shapedlighter, 30 metreslong and
6 metresbeam,for everyhalf-metreof draft from l'00 to 4 00 metres.Construct
a metacentricdiagram and from this find the KB, KM and BM for drafts of
(a) 2'60 metresand(D)3'40 metres.
292. fu\ KB 2'44 m r(M 8 50 m BM 6'06n.
(b) KB 3'40m KM8'04m BM4'64m.
293. (a\ KB 1'30m KM2'46m BMI'16m.
6\ KB l'70m KM2'59 m BM0'89m.

294.Findthepermeabilityofthe followingcargoes:-
(") Stowagefactor2'60;Relativedensityl'12
(b) Stowagefactor0'40;Relativedensity8'00.
(c) Storvagefactorl'50; Relativedensity1'75.
295.A box-shapedlighter, 30 metres long and 8 metreswide, floats at drafts of
1'00 metresfore and aft. It is divided into threeequalcomparhnents by two
transversebulkheads.Find the new drafts if the centre which
comparhnent, is
empty,is holed below the water line.
296.Whatwould have beenthe draft, in the last question,if the compartmenthad
beenfilled with cargoof permeability40%?
297.4 box-shaped vesselis 75 metreslong, 12 metresbeamandfloatsat a draft of
6'20 metresfore and aft. A compartmentamidshipsis 15 metreslong and hasa
Find thenew draftsif this compartrnent
permeabilityof 60o10. is bilged.
298.Abox-shaped vesselis 60 metreslong, 12 metresbeamand 5'75 metresdeep.
Shefloats on an even keel at a draft of 4 80 metres.What will happenif an
emptycompartment amidships,12metreslong,is bilged?
299.Ashipis 120metreslong, l8 m beamandfloatsat a meandraftof6'00 m. The
coefficientof finenessof the waterplaneis 0 750.A rectangularcompartment
amidshipsis 15m long,extendsfor thefull width anddepthofthe ship,andhas
a permeabilityof 60%.Findthe sinkageif this compartment is bilged.

300.A box-shapedlighter, 30 metres long and 8 metresbeam, floats at drafts of

1'20 metres fore and aft. Find the sinkageand the new drafts if an empty
comparhnent,right forward and 3.00metreslong, is bilged.
301.Abox-shaped vesselis 80 metreslong, 15 metresbeamandfloatsat draftsof
3'00 metres fore and aft. Find the sinkage and new drafts if an empty
compartrnent,right forward and 12 metreslong, is bilged.
302.Aship,120metreslong,floatsat draftsof4.50 metresforeandaft. Thewaterplane
areais 1400squaremetres,the displacement is 5800tonnes,M.C.T.lC. is 96,
whilst.B is l'50 metresabaft amidships.At this draft, the forepeak,which is
empty,has a volume of 50 cubic metresbelow water, a waterplaneareaof 25
squaremetres,whilst its centreof gravity is 3'5 metresabaft the stem.Find the
sinkageand changeof trim if the forepeakis bilged.
303.A box shape,ll0 metreslong and 12 metresbeam,floats on an evenkeel at a
draft of 5.00 metres.An empty comparanent,10 metreslong, has its centreof
gravity 30 metresforward ofamidships.Find the new draftsifthis compartmant
is bilged.M.C.T.lC. is 102.4tonne/metres.
304.A box-shapedvessel,72 metreslong and 7 metresbeam,floats at draftsof4.00
metresfore and aft. An empty compartnent, right forward, is 6 metreslong
and hasa watertightflat 3.00 metresabovethe keel. Find the new drafts if this
compartmentis bilged below the flat.
305.,{ box-shapedlighter is 30 metreslong and 7 metresbeam.Shefloats at a draft
of 1'50metresfore andaft. An endcomparhnent,5 metreslong,hasa watertight
flat l'50 metresabovethe keel and has a permeability of 45%. Find the new
draftsifthis compartrnentis bilged.
306,A ship is 120 metreslong and floats on an evenkeel at a dmft of 6.00 metres.
Her displacement is 8000tonnes;M.C.T.lC. is 110;thewaterplane areais 1680
squaremetres;I andF areboth2.00metes abaftamidships.The afterpeakhasa
capacityof240 tonnesofsalt waterandits centreofgravity is 53 metes abaft.E
Find the new &afts ifthe after peakis bilged.
294. (a) 66%; (b) 680/o;(c) 62%.
295. 1.50m.
296. 1.15n.
298. Vesselsinks.
299. 0.67m.

3fi). {'13 m; F. 1'87m; A 0.88m.

301. 0'53m; F.6'06m;A. 1.66m.
302. 3.6cm;3l cm.
303.F.6'45qA.4'65 m.
305.F. 1'E9m;A.l'33 m.

307.A ship entersa drydock with drafo of 3.00 metes forward and 3.50 mefies
aft. Her displaoementis 3000 tonnes. KG, 7.3O; GM 2.N; M.C.T.IC., 88.
The ccnte of flotation is 55 metresfrom aft. What will be the ship's GMat the
instantof settlingon tbe blocts, fore and aft?
308.In the caseof the ship in the last question,what would be her GMwhen shewas
flat on the blocksandthe water-levelhad fallcn to 2.80mehes,her displacement
thenbeing 25fi) tonnes?
309.The ship is timmd 60 c€ntimehesby the stern when she eirters a dock
Het displacement is 43fi) tonnes;KG,6.n m; KM,8.4O m; M.C.T.lC., 100;
whilst the centreof flotation is 70 metresfrom aft. Find the GM at the instant
beforethe ship comesflat on tie blocks fore andaft.
310.A box-shapedvesselis 100 metreslong 12 metes beamand floats at drafo of
2.210 metresforc 8nd aft. Her KG is 4.90 metres.Find her new GMwhen sheis
flat on the blocks in a drydock and the water-levelhss fall€n so that the draft is
2'00 metes fore andaft.
307. l'75m.
308. 0'45 m.
309. l'33 m.
310. O'27m.

A sacr
Abbreviations t<^
_ -'- _tll ff'#""jrtr"tJjilf;ff"n""r"
f{f*9,er9"-r"orsmvity : -*_.?:
Archimedes, Law 4,162 Circles
Arc a- - E7
l , 1 5 6 C o € ffci entoffi treness___----17
Are as of planef igu re s _ --g c o u p l € _ _ _ 2 3
Areasof shipshapes 9 Crosscurves
areas ofwalrpunes - 9, 156 cures for heavyroltitrg - - : : - ittli;
A-tDe ships
- - - _ _ l3l Curyesofstatical stability _ _ _ -
- 116
Balemeasurement 5 Deadweight - - 5,35,16l
Ballast 80 Dead\f,eight momed 45,16l
Bilge keels Dcadwcights,_.uE
153 vw.*wsrEx, scale ll5
Bilging Deckcargo€s _ _ - _ _R,
- ]-23.tsl 82
Bilging a partially full midshipconpartrnenr 125
Bilging an empty eodcompartrneni Definitions
- _ t26 l 6l
Bilging an empty nidship compartDent _ 124 DeDsity '15 t <?
Bifgingwitbawatertightflat _ _ _ _ l2E Depthwith pressure
Block coefrcient Dimensioasof Ships
BM Displacemetrt 5, 161
BM by approximateformula _ _ _60 Displacamentout of designatedhim
- - - -95
BM for box shapes _ - _ _59 ?.! -- - - 6,3s,ts7,t6l
BM for shipshap€s _ _ _ -58 DnftatF - _ _ _ _ _ 16l
BML - - Drydocking
- _ _ _ 90. t57 - - - - l42,t51
BML for Box sbapedsbips - _ Dynamicsrability _ g5,87, 16l
_ _ _91
B-types hips Dynamic stability from GZ curves _ _
---_ _ l3l -85
BulkheadsuMivision 148 E
c Efect ofaddioSweightat F
ca p a c it y plans r r / E t re c to fd e D s i ty o n d ra ft----3 7 ,145
cereoriuoyancy - ;r.iil
- --
-_ 4e't:: -^- - - t4s
;#;ffifft- - - - _ "t$1:flf,:'gll'tabiritv -47
Effect of KG oDsaaticalstability
Cedrc of sravirw :
#;;;;il;ruii"Lilt:ff"_curves - i;;
I I9
ccnteorgravityorabody ?1,1?
4;;ffiff;1,il;weishtsontrim l0l
- - -2s Etr*,"i"h*;;;;;;;;"_.
":':":"--'_ _ - _e8
_ _ _ -28 Ed tbril--"
- ,r,rr.,il
F4 9 Layer conection 158
Factorsaffectingstaticalstability - - - -js Length---l
Fl o a ti n g b o d i e s -----4 Light displacemeot- s, t62
FluidGM - - - - - - 16l LighrKG - - - - - - -42
Fluid KG - - - - - - 16l List 63,64,65,66
F o rc e - - 1,19,16l LoadD i spl acement----5
Formulae - - - - - - 156 Loadeddisplacement - - t62
Freeliquid in Oil tankeN - - - - - -84 Loadingfor a constantdraft aff 108
Freeliquidin taDks - - - -83 Loading for a desireddraft 106
Freesurfaceeffect - - - -69 Loadingfor a desiredtrim - - - 106,107
Fr€esurfaceemptyingt""ts - - - - -il Loading!o a givel loadline - - - -40
Freesurfacefilling taDks - - - - - -'ll Loadingto producea desireddraft aft - 109
Freesurfaceindividedtanks- - - - - i2 Loadlinerules l 3l
Frcesurfacemoments - - -74 Loadlinerules requirements - - - - 131
Freesurfaceofliquids - 158,16l Loadlines - - - - - - - 6
Frse suface ofrectatrsulartarks - - - - 7l Loll - 63,68,156
Freeboard 6, 16l Loll dueto rcgativeGM - - - - - -67
Freshwatcrallowance - - 37,38,146,16l Longitudinalmetacentricheight - 56,89,162
Longitudinalstability - - -89
G Longitudinalwatertightbulkheads 147
G out ofcenheline - - - -63 M
GM 5 5 ,57,58,158
M 55
GML - - 56,89
Maximum weight to load for a given draft l l 0
Orain measwemetrt 5 MC TIC ---__96, 158
Meandraft 162
Grouding 145
Metacente - - - 53,55,162
Gz--- - - - 55,57,158 Metacentric
GZcurves diagam t2l
- - - - - -76 Metacentricheight
H Metric system - - - - - I
Heel 156 Midship coefficient - - - - 16
Height of metacentrc 161 Moment - 1,19,20,162
Hyfuostaticdatacurves l t4 Momentaboutafter perpendicular,trim - lll
- - -:
Hydrostaticdatascales - - - - - - 114 Momentcombination - - _ - _21
Hydrostaticparticulars ll5 Momentof inertia - - 33,34,35,158
Momentof staticalstability - - 57,162
I Momentproperties - - - -21
Incliningexperime - - -60 Momentto chaneetim I cm 96, t62
Inertia - - - - - - 33, 16l
Initial stability - - 57,58, 16l N
Isochronousrolling 162 N efttonnage------5
Neutralequilibrium 54,56
KB 49 P
KG t62 Periodofa ship - - - l62,t'l
KN t62 Periodofwave 162
KN curyes - - - - l20,l2l Periodofwaves,appateot- - - - - l5l
Periodofwaves, true l5l Stability infomation supryrlied to ships - r12
Permeability - - - - 123,158 Stableequilibrium 54 55
Positioningweights - - - -77 Staticalstability 159
Pressure - l, 159 Stltical stability at small anglesofhecl - - 62
Pres s ur eaDddepth ----2 Stiffships - - - 77,78,163
Pressweon bulkheads 148 Surfaceare{s 8, 159
PrismaticMies lA Syncbronism - - - - l5l, 163
Prismaticcoefficient - - -17
Prismaticwedgcs - - - -25
Tenderships - - - 77,18,163
R Timbq dcckcargo€s - - -82
Radiusofgyration - - - -33 T i m berl oadl i nes----7
Rangcofstability - - 5'1,163 Toonage - 4,163
RelativedeDsity - - - - - 2 Tonn€sper centimebeinunersion 163
Removingweighb, cent€ ofgravity - - -26 T PC - - - - - - 39,t59
Reserve buoyaacy - - 147,163 TPC,etrectofdensity - - -40
Resistanc€to rolling 152 Transversestaticalstability 57,75
Resultant forc€s - - - - -19 Trim - - - - - 91, 159,163
Righting lwer - - 53,55. 163 Trochoidattheory 150
Rolling 150
s (JMS toDnage - - - - - 5
Sh eer - - - - - - - 148 Unresistedrolling 152
ShiffofB - - - - - 50,156 Unstableequilibrium - 54,56
Shift ofB horizontal - - -51 Unstableship's - - - - -79
ShiftofB vedical - - - -51 Usc of hydrostaticdat&curves ll5
Sh i ft of c ---- 4 2 ,1 5 8
Shifting weights,centreofgravity - - -26 v
Ship scctions - - - - - - 9 Vanishingstability 16l
Simplified stability Vidual CetrE€ofgravity - - - - - -46
infomation 137,138,139,l,!0, l4l Vo l u mes- ----1,8, 159
Simpson's mles - - - - - 10 Vo l u mes
ofshi pehapes ---- l5
Sirnpson'srulesfor intemediateodimtes 15,31
Simpson'srules.Appendages w
Si*age 159 Wall sidedfonnula - - - -A
SolidGM - - - - - - 163 Waterplane coefrcient - - -17
SolidKG - - - - - - 163 We i e bt ---l
So u nding pipes -----2 Wettedsurfacearca - - 18, 160
Stability Informatior 134 Wingirg out wcight - - - -81
Stabilityinformationbooklct - - - - 132 Wo r* - - - - - - - -85

(in SaltWater)

v.c.B. K.r. (1.)

DRAFT DISPLAC. T.P.C.l. [.c.T.1C. L.C.B. L.C.F.
EflE1{T TonneS lSoment Fwd.of Fwd.of AB. Tramver3e Longl.
Percm. to Change A.P. A.P. Ietac€ntro t$etacenrg
lmmolsion Tdm A.B. AB.
Tonnes Metres Metres Metres Metres Metres
17.38 109.3 72.79 72.50 1.29 11.62 427-4
2.40 JCCU
.60 17.68 112.6 72.76 72.36 1.40 11.16 402-8
.80 4257 17.96 1160 72.72 72.22 1.51 10.73 382.1
4619 18.21 119.4 72.64 72.07 1.62 10.33 363.5
.20 4986 18-47 122-8 IZ05 71.93 1.73 9.94 346.9
.40 '18'72 126.2 72.57 71.78 1.U 9.58 332.8
.60 5735 18.97 129.6 72.51 71.63 1.94 9.26 319.3
.80 6't17 19.20 133.1 72.45 71.48 2-05 9.01 306.9
4.00 6502 19.42 136.6 72.39 71.33 2.16 8.82 ZYO'O

19.64 140.1 72.33 71.'17 2.27 8.66 286.9

-20 6893
.40 7296 19.86 143-7 72.26 7't.o1 2.38 6.CC 278.2
.60 7696 20.o7 147.3 72.'19 70.8s 2.49 8.45 270.3
.80 8107 20-28 150.9 72.12 70.68 2.60 8.36 263.5
20.50 154.6 72.05 70.51 2.71 8.29 257.5
5.00 8496
.20 8908 20.69 158.4 71.97 70.33 282 6'Z J 251.9
.40 20.89 't62.2 71.89 70.15 2.93 8.18 246.6
.60 9744 21.09 1661 71.81 69.96 3.04 8.13 24'1.7
.80 10167 21'27 170.0 71.73 69.76 3.15 8.09 237.1
10596 21.44 173.8 71.65 69.56 326 8.06 232.9
.20 11027 21.63 177.5 71.56 69.35 3.37 8.04 225.9
.40 11461 21.80 18't.2 71.48 69.14 3.49 8-02 225.O
.60 11899 2'198 184.8 71.39 68.92 360 8.00 221.2
.80 12UO 22-15 188.3 71.29 68.71 3.71 7.qq 2'17.4
19't.7 71.20 68'50 3.82 7.99 213.7
7.00 12786 22 32
.20 13234 22-49 1950 71.11 68.30 3.93 7.99 210.1
.40 13686 22.66 198.1 71-O1 68.11 4.M 799 206.6
.60 't4140 22.83 201.2 70.91 67.92 4.15 8.00 2032
14599 23.00 204 2 70.82 67.73 4.26 8.01 200.0
15060 23.17 207-1 70.72 67 54 4.37 8.02 196.9
.20 15525 23.U 210.0 70.62 67.36 4.48 8.03 194.1
.40 '15994 23.51 212.8 70.52 67.19 4.59 8.0s 191.2
.60 16467 23.68 2't5.5 70.41 67.03 4.71 8.07 188.4
A.P.= AfterPerpendicular
A.B.= AboveBaseLine



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