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picture Name Plural nouns Nombre en español use

It is a tool used to tighten and

loosen screws and other machine
screwdriver screwdrivers destornillador elements that require little
clamping force and are generally
small in diameter.
Measuring instrument consisting
measuring measuring of a flexible graduated tape that
Cinta metrica can be rolled up, making
tape tapes transport easier. Also with it you
can measure lines and curved
They are power tools whose
versatility is important for
polishing projections or edges, as
polisher polishing Pulidora well as releasing rivets, rounding
angles, cutting metals, etc.
Therefore, the industry requires
them permanently for various
processes that involve burnishing,
sharpening, or surface boring.

Is a hand tool used to dig or move

shovel Shovels Pala materials with relatively little

Tool used to drill holes in hard

drill drills Taladro materials using a drill bit; the bit
is rotated (by mechanical or
electrical procedures) and the
surface is drilled.

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