Quiz - Summative Assessment 2nd Grade - Book 4 (Copy)

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Summative assessment 2nd Score  

Grade . Book 4 (Copy)

1. La1 Man 
A Men

B Mans

C Mens

2. La1 Mouse
A Mices

B Mice

C Mouses

3. La1 Foot
A Foots

B Fets

C Feet

4. La1 Tooth
A Toothes

B Teeth

C Teethes

5. La2.      Can I have __________juice, please?

A a lot of

B few

C some

D many
6. La2. There are___________baked potatoes left.
A a lot of

B few

C some

D many

7. La2. How ____________brothers do you have?

A a lot of

B few

C some

D many

8. La2. There are just a ____________clouds in the sky today.

A a lot of

B few

C some

D many

9. La3.      You have to study hard.

10. La3.   My cat likes to sleep on a pillow.

11. La3. The baby started to walk.

12. La3. He wants to eat a hamburger.

13. La4.  Are you _________ study?

A will

B going to

14. La4.  She ___________ Not go to the store.

A will

B going to

15. La4.  I am __________ pass this test.

A will

B going to

16. La4.  _____________Dad bring us a surprise?

A will

B going to
17. GC1. The cars go very fast on the____________.
A field

B road

C land

18. GC1. The girls and boys were happy to play on the football__________.
A field

B road

C land

19. GC1. The ___________ had many trees and grass

A field

B road

C land

20. GC2. Jim's favorite park, Olive Park, is on _____________ land.

A commercial

B recreacional

C residential

21. GC2. The girls lives in a ______________ area.

A commercial

B recreacional

C residential

22. GC2. ___________________ land has many shops and markets.

A commercial

B recreacional

C residential

23. GC3. The ___________________ house was very scary.

A move

B abandoned

C highway
24. GC3. Everyone in the family was happy to _______________ to a new city.
A move

B abandoned

C highway

25. GC3. Pam does not like to travel on the _______________ while riding in the car..
A move

B abandoned

C highway

26. GC4. Mike looks outside and sees three things. He sees a big tree, a road, and a mountain.
Which thing is from a change people made to the environment?
A big tree

B road

C mountain

27. GC4. In which type of area do people go to work?

A residential

B recreational

C industrial

28. GC4. Which of the following does NOT happen when more people move to a city?
A places become abandoned

B more houses are built

C people need more goods and services

29. GC4. What is a main road that connect towns or cities?

A sidewalk

B highway

C main route

30. ST1. ___________ is very hot when it comes out of a volcano.

A Volcano

B lava

C geologists

D earthquake
31. ST1. The _____________ are learning about the volcano.
A Volcano

B lava

C geologists

D earthquake

32. ST1. The ground shakes during an _______________.

A Volcano

B lava

C geologists

D earthquake

33. ST1. A ___________ is a mountain that can erupt.

A Volcano

B lava

C geologists

D earthquake

34. TT1. ____________something bad that can happen after you make a choice.
A risk

B consequence

C predict

D choice

35. TT1. ____________ to think about or guess what will happen.

A risk

B consequence

C predict

D choice

36. TT1. ____________ the act of making a decision.

A risk

B consequence

C predict

D choice
37. TT1. ____________ what happens after you do something bad.
A risk

B consequence

C predict

D choice

38. TT2. You just got a new cat. What is one risk of having a cat.
A it will need food.

B it might scratch you.

C it will need love.

39. TT2. Which of the following is NOT a risk with money?

A spending more that you have

B spending money on needs before wants

C not saving

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