The Magic Encyclopedia Volume 2

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Volume Two Cel eee eS ae ad The Magic Encyclopedia Volume Tivo Design/Compilation: Connie Rae and Slade Henson ‘Skip Williams Cover P Fred Fields Interior Art: David Zonz Production: Paul Hanchette Graphic Design: Sara Feggestad and Angelika Lokots AGENT 18a atndemar omned by Pint Dill nd Dave Maren, and ed under nn by TS Ie AVENGERS, DR. DOOM, FANTASTIC POUR, MARVEL. SUPER HEROES, MARVEL UNIVERSE, SPIDER MAN, and X MEN arradras owned by Mare teres ‘ed rhe TK, ve All Mare character character ame ob he dine kes ther se trader Mare aterm re. ne ‘BUCK ROGERS ergata radu ovoed by Te Dilla Fay Tata wd nde ean by TSR, ne ‘CONAN ia riterd trademark send by Conan Proprtie Ine "PAFHND, GREY MOUSER, LANKHMAR, NEEMON are radars ood by Fri eer aed nda y TS ne INDIANA JONES, TEMPLE OF DOOM, andthe ames and hens thro are irademarhs ord by Laan Le {LATER TAG, STARBEL, STARCAP, SALUTE, STARSENSOR. andthe WORLDS OF WONDER log arta [RED SONJA a riser tender omnd y Hed Sx Cap SSNARFQUEST is trademark owned by Lary Elmore ELIXIR and WER OP COLD ar tedemar of Thee Wiss Lid XXxVeisateademah ed by The Die Family Tra nd wed under nee by TSR In aed by Naif Wonder ne ADD, ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. AMAZING, BLACKMOOR, BOOT HILL, CATACOMBS, DAD, DRAGON, DRAGON ANCE, DRAGONQUEST, DUNGEON, DUNGEON, DUNGEONS 4 DRAGONS, raiviAsY FOREST FIEND FOLIO, FORGOTTEN REALMS, GAMMA WORLD, GEN CON, GREYHAW, HOLLOW WORLD, POLYHEDRON, RAVENLOPT, 'SPELLIAMMIER, STAK FRONTIERS MPGA, he RFGA Lago TOPSECRET and WORLD OF GREYHAW ie rgstardtrnemaria ore 9 TSR as. [ADVENTURE FOLD-UP AL QADIM,BATTLESYSTHM, CREATURE CRUCIBLE, DARK SUN. DM. DUNGEON MASTER. DEITIES DEMIGODS, DUNGEON, GAMMARAUDERS, “GANGBUSTERS IMAGINE, MAGE STONES, MAGIC VIEWER, MERTWICS MAZE, QUEST FOR THE DUNGEON MASTER RAVENS BLUFF, TOP SECRETS. th TS Loge ae ‘radars owt TSE te ‘Random House and its aie companies have worldwide distribution rights in the bok trade for English language products. ‘Dstibuted to Ue bok and hey trade in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd ‘Distributed to the ty and hobby trade ‘This accessory is protected under the copyright Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material r art werk printed herein i prohibited without the express written permission of TSR Ine TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. PO. Box 756 120 Chureh End Lake Geneva Cherry Hinton ‘WI53147 Cambridge, CBI SLB US.A. United Kingdom 1098, TSR, Ine. All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America lume 1 Table of Contents Introduction Chemeheau Product List Magical Items Abacus Accelerator ‘Acorn =~ Aid, Barbor ‘Amulet ‘Anchor ‘Ankh ‘Anklet ‘Antennae Anvil Apparatus Apple ‘Apron Arm...) Armband ‘Armelir Armet ‘Armor ‘Armor Merchant ‘Arrow - ‘Arrowhead Astrolabe Awl Axe Backpack Banner» Barding Barge Barrel Basin Basket Bath Baton Battering Ram Bauble Bead Baker Beam Bodroll Bell Bellows » Belt Bolt Bag Bench RRRERERBE eee bios eis: SSBBRERBBEREESSS Seek RR 19 9 19 19 19 Berry... Blanket Blouse Blowgun Boat Bal Bolt Bomb. Bombard Bone Bonnet Book Boomerang Boot Borer |. Bottle Bow Bow Box Bracelet Bracer Brand Brazier Bridge Bridle Brooch Broom Brush» Buckle Bugle Bullet, Sling »- Bundle Button 3 En ut 4 35 35 3% 35 35 135 6 36 36 a 36 36 iat 37 nar assssuseessseeeeees Caatle NI go Decanter Catapait a Deck Cauldron : 41 Delivery Service .- Beseseee 66% Table of Contents Dragonfly Drawer Dram Earring Eartrumpet Eg Eidolon Elixir Ema Bye Eyeglasses yepateh F Falling Softener Fan Feather Quaal’s Feather Tokens Feedbag Figurehead Figurine of Power Finger Fires Fire Bxtinguisher Firepack « Fist Flag Flagon Flail Flask Fluid Flute 20000000! Flying Nightmare Font Forge Fork Fork, Planar Fortress Fountain | Fur G Gott Galley Gas Gate Gautier Gavel Gem Gin Girale Glass Glasses Globe Glove Glue Glyph Goblet a aneezaee Volume 2 ‘Table of Contents Introduction Product List Magical Items Gravitie Stabilizer Guisarme » Gun Gyregam H Halberd... Halting Device Hammer Hammock Hand. Handkerchiet Harness Harp Helm Helm, Spelijamming Heimat Helmseeker Hinge Hockey Stick Hold Hole Hook Hooves Horn Horse Horseshoe Hourglass Hover Vessel Hulashoop Hats Ichor Tan Mentifier Inkwell ete Instrument, Bardie Toun Stone 66 0 om 16 16 6 76 6 16 Nae 216 la 77 71 7 1 in 7 7a ‘8 78 8 18 7 “19 9 9 9 80 C0 80 80 cet aL SL ta al aL 81 2 2 2 cs3 83 O83 a O83 3 O83 tem SJacinth Jam Jar Javelin SJellaba Selly Settison Jewel Jug Lantern Mantle Manual - Map Marble Marker Maske Mast Masthead Match’ Mattock Mattroes SSeezeeezBesee eee sas ge SRERRRERE Reeee Maul Medallion Melon Menagerie Metal Military Fork Military Pick Mill Mine, Dimensional Mirror Missile Mist Mist Maker Moat . Moccasins Money Morning Star Mortar Mouthpick Mower Muffler Mug ‘Mushroom Musk ‘Muskmelon Mustard Muzzle Nail Necklace Necklace of Prayer Beads Needle Not Not Thrower Nighteap ‘Nightingale Nolsome Nunchakat 0 Oar Odor Odeovie ou Ointment Omelet Oracle on Organ ‘Ormothopter Oven, Padaleboard Paint Painting «- Palette Pan Paper Parchment Parrot Peanut Seeeggeeeseegeseseeeereeezee SEERESEse38 seeseesess 102 102 103 103 S03 103 S03 108 103 Quarret Quartersiait Quill Quiver Rock Rag Rainmaker Rake Ram oo! Ranger Pooler ations Rattle Recorder Reflector Repellent Repository Ride 104 104 104 104 104 108 105 105 105 105 105 105 106 106 106 106 106 106 2106 106 107 S107 107 S107 107 107 108 108 108 108, 108 108, 108 109 109 ua na cu 43 3 3, na cg. us na a ma ne us us 15 ns ns ns u5 ne ne ne 16 ue Sabre Sack |. Saddle Sail 2. Salt Salve. Sandal. Satchel Saw... Seabbard Scarab. Scepter Scimitar Scope ‘Sere Sculpture Seythe Seal Seat Serpent Servant ‘Shade Shaker. Shard.” Sheath Sheet. Shell Shield Ship Shirt | Shoe Shot.” Shovel Shrine Sickle ‘Simulacrum Skates - Skull Skyhook Slate. Sling Slipper Snare. Snutfer Soap Solution Solvent ne 19 ng 120 120 120 121 121 can 1a 121 11 12 c132 a2 12 1 122 122 13 123 123 123 hs. Sage 126 125 125 Saas 126 2126 126 S36 68. Table of Contents ‘Soup Spade Spear Spectacle Speculum i" ‘Spelljamming Detector « Sphere Ememee Spider Spiderwatker Spike... Sponge ‘Spoon Spore . Spray Spy Stat Stair Standard Star Statue Stick Stirrup Stocking Stone = String Strongbox Stylus Suite Sundial Sweatsuit Sweeper Sword Symbol ‘Tabard Table. ‘Tublecloti ‘Tablet Tableware. ‘Trl Talis Talon .-- Tapestry Tarot Tart 131 131 131 1s 132 132 132 132 2133 133 133 133 133 Cass 133 133 Sage 135 135 135 135 135 135 136 136 136 136 hia? 137 131 nat 17 139 139 139 139 140 S140 S140 140 140 140 m1 141 ‘Tathlum ‘Tea Set ‘Teleport Pad, Chemeheaux ‘Telescope Tent. Thora ‘Thread ‘Throne ‘Tightrope ‘Timeglass ‘Tome’ ‘Tal. ‘Tooth ‘Toothpick ‘Tore ‘Torque ‘Torch « ‘Totem Towel 122 ‘Transforming Gargantoid ‘Tray . ‘Treatise Tree Trident ‘Trumpet hb ‘Tube Tun. ‘Turban ‘Turret ‘Twine Ura Vacuum Vane Veil Veesel Vest Vestment 11 aan 11 14 141 12 Tae 12 Taz 12 naz 3 cas 13 148 cae cat ae 1a cae 14 14s 14 M5 145, M5 has. M5 146 c6 M6 Ms us 146 ary Mt aT 147 ur ur Wax Well Wheet Whip Whistle Wite ‘Winch ¥ Randomizing Charts ‘Starting Table... ‘Magical Item Tables Weapon, intelligent Weed tsceessriss ur 147 148 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 150 150 150 150 2150 151 151 151 151 Bh 151 151 cai 152 152 12 152 152 152 152 153 ‘The Magic Encylopedia % 69 Introduction ‘The Magic Encyclopedia Volume Two isthe second and last of two volumes listing the plethora of magical items printed over the ‘years for the fantasy roleplaying games produced by TSR, Inc. About 5,700 items {lating from 1974 uhrough 1991 are included, How to Use this Book This game accessory is intended for use with cither version of the AD&D® game, However, ‘little Fidling is all chat is required to ‘make the items listed here compatible with the D&D® game. For help making conver sions, see the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Rules Cyclopedia, appendix Two. Many of the {tems about one third) originally came from the D&D game and require no conversions.) Each item listed herein ie sorted by its ‘name, given an experience point value, a old piece value, and a product reference. TD Find a particular item, just look under its ‘name in the table of contents. For example, all ankhs are together, as well as all man- ‘uals, Each volume takes piece of the alphe- bet i.e. Volume One contains for Abacus through Goblet, while Volume Two includes Goggles through Zwieback, Experience Point Value: To use an item's experience point value, check the particular ‘rules you are using. In the original AD&D ‘ame, experience was awarded only for items ‘kept and used on adventures. In the AD&D 2nd Edition game, experience generally is ‘awarded only tothe character who creates the item, In the D&D game, experience generally is not awarded for items at al However, many Dungeon Masters find it ‘convenient to grant experience points to characters who find und keep magical items ‘regardless of what rules the campaign uses, ‘This makes it easier for characters to gain, levels, and also prevents players from con: cluding that the only way to gain experience is to kill everything in sight. In some entries, the word “Relic” appears instead of « numer: ical value. This indicates a unique and ex tremely potent item (sometimes also called ‘an “Artifact") Artifacts and relies have powers well beyond what even the most heroie mortal can wield. Experience is never given for these items, and the DM™ must ‘arefully monitor their use in the campaign Generally itis unwise to introduce any ‘magical item into a game unless the DM Understands its powers and how those powers will affect play—this is doubly true for artifacts and relies. Gold Piece Value: The gold piece value is used to give the item a base worth. Gener ally, this is what PCs might expect to receive It they sell the item to an NPC. However the prices given in these volumes are only sug: iRestions. In magic laden campaigns, these prices are generally acceptable, In cam pagns where magic is rare or the gold piece {s very common, the DUNGEON MASTER™ might wish to multiply all prices by a fixed ‘amount. In one campaign, the Dungeon ‘Master may triple the cost ofall items, ‘whereas another might multiply the cost by ten In some entries, the letter “P" appears instead of a numerical value, This indicates ‘thatthe item is priceless The item is very valuable indeed; the item's true value may actually range from 100,000 to more than five million gold pieces, but the item's power, history, original owner, or construction ‘makes it impossible to actually place a mone: tary value on it ‘The Product Reference: This product does not include a description of each iter. If we hhad printed just six lines of information on each item, The Magic Encyclopedia would hhave turned into an expensive, 12 volume sot (dots not forget that certain items, like the ‘wands of wonder, would require one and a half columns of print, not six lines. Since a 12-volume sat was not feasible, we hat provided an easily identifiable reference toe, "This reference code identifies the product where a fall description ofthe item's power is given and the page number where the de- Scription appears. The product lst given in Volume One is sorted in order ofthe products designator, the designator is the number that roleplayers recognize and use. The product list in Volume Two is sorted by the product number; the product number is the ‘number that retailers recognize and use. A produet with a designator beginning with a Fetter (and often followed by one or more letters and numbers) isa module, magazine, or accessory. For Example, FOR? is the FORGOTTEN REALMS® accessory The Drow of the Underdark. Product references ‘that contain only four numbers are generally +hardbound books or boxed sets. For example, 1083 isthe RAVENLOPT® Boxed Set. A litle checking and sorting of your personal stock of TSR products will make referencing ‘extremely easy within a short period of time. How to Use the Randomizing Charts When possible, the Dungeon Master should select the magical items he or she gives out in the campaign. Sometimes, however, the Dungeon Master has more pressing game matters to worry about. The random item tables at the end ofthis volume contain ‘most, but not al, ofthe items listed in The Magie Eneyelopedia. Items that are oxcop- tionally rare or powerful, such aa artifacts and relics, are not included in the tables. To Fandomly generate magical items, rll on ‘Table 1 on page 152. This table directs you to one ofthe specific eatogories in tables A through S. (Note that these tables function differently than the tables in the DUNGEON MASTER Guide. Al of these tables work ‘using d100 (percentile) die rolls ‘Once the general category is determined, the Dungeon Master ean choose a specific item from the tables in that category. Please rote that each item is given a die rll num: ber so that the Dungeon Master can select, items randomly if he or she chooses. Some magic item categories have a preliminary table that sonds the Dungeon Master to one ‘more table within the estegory in order to select the magical item randomly. All catego- Fes that have more than 100 separate en- tries have multiple tables, since it is impossible to randomly choose from more ‘than 100 items with a single percentile die roll. Here is bles ‘On Table 1 on page 152, an 82 is rolled on percentile dice, leading to Table S: Weapons. ‘The Weapons table on page 160, and has a long preliminary table Rolling percentile ‘again results in @ 68. This lends to Table ‘$22: Swords (1-1). Ifa 52 is rlled on Table ‘522, a Defender +5 sword is discovered example of how to use the ta Editor's Notes ‘Since 1974, TSR's policies and the talents ofits staff and freelance authors have matured significantly. Many of the items listed in both volumes ofthe Magic Encyclopedia contain references that ‘would not be considered acceptable by the standards we set today. References to items, however, are included forthe sake of completeness | Likewise, TSR, Inc. has produced many products under license over the years ‘While no licensed material is included within these pages, these licensed rodets do appear in the products ist to make it complete 70 % Introbuction Product List AMAZxxx DCADsx DCDLxx DCFRxx DCGRxx DCSIex DRAG DUNGExx IMAGxx LeL MAL PANxx POLYaxx RL R2 Ra RPGAL PGA RPGAS ‘Ts001 1011 1012 1013 1015 1016 1017 1019 1021 1031 1032 1037 1038, 1039 1040 1043, 1044 1085, 1049) 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 AMAZING® Stories #xxx Comic, AD&D™ fax Comic, DRAGONLANCE™ foo. Comic, FORGOTTEN REALMS" fax Comic, GAMMARAUDERS™ tx Comic, SPELLJAMMER™ fax DRAGON? Magazine bx DUNGEON? Magazine #xxx IMAGINE™ Magazine fx Gateway to RAVENS BLUFF Children ofthe Atom Players Association Newsletter fx POLYHEDRON® Newszine #xxx ‘othe Aid of Falx Investigation of Hydell Doe's Island Rahasie Black Opal Eye Forgotten King Operation: Sprechenhaltestelle D&D® Basic Box Set D&D® Expert Box Set D&D* Companion Box Set, WORLD OF GREYHAWK® Campaign Setting QUEST FOR THE DUNGEON MASTER™ D&D* Immortal Box Set BATTLESYSTEN™ Combat Supplement D&D* Master Box Set FORGOTTEN REALMS* Campaign Kara-Tur, The Eastern Realms mof the Emperors -MERTWIG'S MAZE Gamefoli DRAGONLANCE® Board Game City System City of Greyhawk Great Khan Game DUNGEON® Board Game ‘SPELLJAMMER® Adventures in Space ‘Time of the Dragon Best of DRAGON® Magazine Games WEB OF GOLD* Boardgame RAVENLOFT® Realm of Terror HOLLOW WORLD® Campaign Horde Campaign Castles 3:D Accessory ELIXIR™ Board Game MAGE STONES* Game FANTASY POREST® Game Ruins of Undermountain 1991 Fantasy Collector Cards Set 1, TSR 1991 Fantacy Collector Cards Set 2, TSR GREYHAWK® From the Ashes SPELLJAMMER® Legend of the Spelljammer Maztica Campaign Greyhawk Wars ADD? Trivia Game DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Game D&D* Rules Cyclopedia SPELLJAMMER® War Captain’s Companion Dragon's Den Adventure Pack DRAGONLANCE® Tales ofthe Lance 1992 Fantasy Collector Cards Set 1, TSR* Goblin's Lair Adventure Pack AL-QADIM™ Land of Fate 1992 Fantasy Collector Cards Set 2, TSR* RAVENLOFT® Forbidden Lore Mco1 Mco2 ‘Mcos coa cos cor PHERI PHBR2 DMGRI DMGR2 PHERA MCo6 Mcos cos cio DMGRS PHBRS eu PHBRT DNGR& cis cari PHBRS cis pst Mei DsQi DSR2 1080 1082 1083 1432 2002 2008 2004 2005 2006 2009 2010 zou 2012 2013 2013 2016 2017 2o1s. 2019 1982 Fantasy Collector Cards Factory Set ‘Wrath of the Immortals Menzoberranzan DRAGONQUEST® ard Edition RPG Original D&D® Three Volume Boxed Set D&D* Supplement I: Greyhawk D&D® Supplement Il: Blackmoor D&D® Supplement II: Eldriteh Wizardry D&D* Supplement IV: Gods, Demigods, Heroes Monster Manual Player's Handbook ‘Dungeon Master's Guide FIEND FOLIO* Tome DEITIES & DEMIGODS* Cyclopedia Legends & Lore ‘Monster Manual I ‘Unearthed Arcana Oriental Adventures Dungeaneer’s Survival Guide Wilderness Survival Guide DRAGONLANCE® Adventures Manual ofthe Planes GREYHAWK® Adventures Dungeon Master's Guide 2nd Edition Player's Handbook 2né Edition Monstrous Compendium Volume 1 Monstrous Compendium Volume 2 Monstrous Compendium FORGOTTEN REALMS* Appendix Monstrous Compendium DRAGONLANCE® Appendix FORGOTTEN REALMS" Adventures Monstrous Compondium GREYHAWK® Appendix Legends & Lore 2nd Edition Monstrous Compendium SPELLJAMMER® Appendix Complete Fighter's Handbook Complete Thies Handbook ‘Campaign Source Book & Catacomb Guide Complete Priest's Handbook Castle Guide Complete Wieard's Handbook Monstrous Compendium Kara-Tur Appendix Complete Psionics Handbook Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix ‘Monstrous Compendium SPELLJAMMER® Appendix ‘Tome of Magic ‘Monstrous Compendium RAVENLOFT® Appendix ‘Arms and Equipment Guide Complete Dwarves’ Handbook ‘Monstrous Compendium. FORGOTTEN REALMS? Appendix AL-QADIM™ Arabian Adventures Complete Bard's Handbook Monster Mythology ‘Monstrous Compendium AL-QADIM™ Appendix Complete Spacefurer’s Handbook Complete Elves' Handbook Monstrous Compendium FIEND FOLIO® Appendix DARK SUN* Campaign Set Freedom Slave Tribes Monstrous Compendium DARK SUN™ Appendix Rosd to Urik Dune Trader ‘The Magic Encypetia % 71 Dsq2 DSRS. sq DSRa XXVCAL XXVCRI XXVCAZ XxVeR? xxvesi 3565, 3565 3567 3569 XXVCREF1 3570 xxves2 XXVCRS XXVCS3 XXVERE XXVCRE xxvest XXVCRS PEM XXVCR7 ewact GWACL BHACI 2 UL 3 waci 4 5 6 ‘SFAC2 Ma MHACI MHZ MHAC2 MHS MHAC3 MHS MHACS MHS MHSPL MHACS MH MHACE MHT 3571 3572 3573 ara 3515 3578 3579 3580 3582 ‘6002 ‘6501 (6502 6570 e701 erst 6752 6753 6754 6155 6158 6787 ‘6801 6850 6851 6852 6853 6854 6855 6856 6857 6858 6859 ‘6860 ‘361 6362 ‘6863 364 6865 6867 6868 6869 6870 a7 6873 6874 6875 6876 6817 6875 6879 6880 ss 6852 DARK SUN* Dragon Kings Arcane Shadows Veiled Alliance Astilian Gambit Valley of Dust and Fire GAMMA WORLD® st Edition RPG XXVe" RPG. BUCK ROGERS* in the 25th Century Mars inthe 25th Century NEO in the 25th Century Barth in the 25th Century Deimos Mandate (Labeled XXVCA3) XXVe" Character Record Sheets ‘Sargasso of Space Inner Worlds A Matter of Gravitol No Humans Allowed Luna Phases ofthe Moon, Belt Conquest ofthe 25th Century Hardware Chainmail GAMMA WORLD® Referee's Screen GAMMA WORLD® Referee's Screen INDIANA JONES” Role Playing Game BOOT HILL? Referee's Sereen Raiders ofthe Lost Arle Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Crystal Death Indiana Jones Judges Survival Guide Golden Goddess Nepal Nightmare Fourth Nail ‘STAR FRONTIERS" Reforee's Screen, MARVEL SUPER HEROES” Basic Sot Breeder Bombs MARVEL SUPER HEROES” Judge's Screen ‘Time Trap AVENGERS” Assembled! Murderworld! Adventure Fold-Up Pigures Cat's Paw Pitof the Viper Lone Wolves Secret Wars Project: Wideawake ‘Thunder over Jotunheim New York, New York Last Resort Fault Line Gates of What If? Weapons Locker ‘Secret Wars I Realms of Magie ‘MARVEL SUPER HEROES* Advanced Set Nightmares of Futures Past AVENGERS® Const to Coast X-Potential ‘Ultimate Powers Book Reap the Whirlwind MARVEL UNIVERSE™ Volume 1 ‘Cosmos Cubed Ragnarok and Roll MARVEL UNIVERSE™ Volume 2 Left Hand of Eternity Mus Mus MTL MUS Mixa Mad MLAL MLBAL Mus MLAs MSLI siz MsLa MUT MSL MERI MHR2 MHEG MUS ‘Ts007 NL cna Na. awo2 Gwor Gwos, ‘wot GWAce ‘awos ‘wor ‘Gwos ewoo ewio, ewan ‘73003 ‘Ts008 ‘73005 ‘73008 ‘Tsact ‘Tsacz Ts SACS Ts 6889, 884 885, 886 6887 6888 889 8501 802 893 504 805, 6896 6897 6899 6900 6901 6202 6903, 6904 6905, 6905, 6907 6908 6209 7008 ‘7008 ‘7007 7008 7009 010 010 rou 04 015 016 wa 401 7402 403 7502 7503 7508 1505 7507 17509 7510 zu 12 713 714 715 7516 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605, 7610 7620 7623, 7823 re24 7626 7637 7628 MARVEL UNIVERSE” Volume 3 MARVEL UNIVERSE" Volume 4 All This and World War TT Weird, Weird West MARVEL UNIVERSE" 1989 Updates Flames of Doom FANTASTIC FOUR* Compendium Revenge of Kang After Midnight Mutating Mutants MARVEL UNIVERSE" 1990 Updates Night Moves Uncanny X-MEN* Special Campaign Set Night Lite XcTerminate MARVEL SUPER HEROES” Revised Basic Warlord of Baluur Spore of Arthros MARVEL UNIVERSE" 1991 Updates Stygian Knight Lands of DR. DOOM X-Forces: The Mutant Update ‘The SPIDER MAN™ Dossier Go West: The AVENGERS” Archives MARVEL UNIVERSE” 1992 Updates BOOT HILL 1st Edition RPG. ‘BOOT HILL? 3rd Edition RPG ‘STAR FRONTIERS® RPG DAWN PATROL® RPG GANGBUSTERS™ RPG GAMMA WORLD® 2nd Edition RPG GAMMA WORLD® 3rd Edition RPG STAR FRONTIERS® Knight Hawks ‘CONAN® RPG. GAMMARAUDERS* Game Revenge of the Factoids ‘TOP SECRET® Companion CONAN® The Buccancer CONAN® The Mercenary CONAN? Triumphant Famine in Far-Go Legion of Gold ‘The Cleansing War of Garik Blackhand ‘Mind Masters GAMMA WORLD® PC Record Sheets Alpha Factor Beta Principle Gamma Bese Delta Fragment Epsilon Cyborgs GAMMA WORLD® 4th Edition RPG GAMMA WORLD® Gamma Knights ‘Mutant Master Operation: Rapidstrike! Lady in Distress Operation: Fastpass Oriental Express ‘Ace of Clubs Operation: Seventh Seal TOP SECRETS.” RPG G4 File AGENT 13° Source Book Operation: Starfire Covert Operations Source Book Doomsday Drop High Stakes Gamble a Ga Ga 1829 7630 7631 7632 7633 7634 7635 7636 7637 7638 7640 rior 7102 103 7704 7108, 7800 780 7802 7803, 7805, 7808 7809 7810 7812 7815 76 7817 7818 7819 7901 902 7903, 7904 7906 004 8006 8050 5053, 5118. 8230 420 saa 422 430 8431 8432 8433 134 442 4 3445 St46 a8 8887 8858 889. 8590 8601 5602 5893 5893, 9016. 9017 9018 FREE, Lancers Orion Rising Commando Covert Operations Source Book Vol2 Commando Brushfire Wars Web of Deceit FREE, America Sting of the Spider Web Wars Web Final Weapon Mad Mesa Lost Conquistador Mine Ballots & Bullets Burned Bush Wells ‘Range War! STAR FRONTIERS® Character Record Sheets YVolturnus, Planet of Mystery Starspawn of Velturnus Sundown on Starmist Dramune Run ‘Mutiny on the Eleanor Moraes Mission to Aleazzar Face of the Enemy War Machine 2001 A'Space Odyssey 2010 Odyssey Two Bugs in the System Dark Side ofthe Moon ‘Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space ‘Trouble Brewing Murder in Harmony Death on the Docks ‘Vanishing Investigator Death in Spades DRAGON DICE® Percentage Generator ADAD® Adventure Gaming Dice LAZER TAG" Official Game Handbook LAZER TAG™ Tournament Book SNARFQUEST™ The Book Final Bug Faerie Mound of Dragonkind Solo Quest Gnomes-100, Dragons0 Knight ofthe Living Dead DRAGONLANCE® Saga Graphic Novel Book 2 Midnight Avenger DRAGONLANCE® Saga Graphic Novel Book 3 Acolytes of Darkness DRAGONLANCE® Saga Graphic Novel Book 4 Atlas ofthe FORGOTTEN REALMS? World ‘Art of the AD&D* Fantasy Game ‘Art of the DRAGON® Magazine DRAGONLANCE® Saga Graphic Novel Book 1 ‘Leaves from the Inn ofthe Last Home Alas of the DRAGONLANCE® World Calendar, 1987, DRAGONLANCE® Calendar, 1988, DRAGONLANCE® Calendar, 1989, FORGOTTEN REALMS* Calendar, 1990, FORGOTTEN REALMS* Calendar, 1991, DRAGONLANCE® Calendar, 1992, DRAGONLANCE® Calendar, 1993, DRAGONLANCE® Calendar, 1998, Women of Fantasy Steading of the Hill Giant Chief Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl Hall ofthe Fire Giant King bt 2 bs SI Bo. REFI n 82 AD&D GAME2 REF2 co 53 Boo Qu ACS ‘COB ca Al aa 43 at xo1 Lh 10 go19 9081 9100 Descent into the Depths of the Earth Shrine of the Kuo-Toa Vault of the Drow ‘Tomb of Horrors In Search ofthe Unknown ADE&D* Dungeon Master's Screen WORLD OF GREYHAWK® Folio Village of Hommlet White Plume Mountain AD&D? Player Character Record Sheets ‘AD&D? Player Character Record Sheets Permanent PC Folder & Adventure Records Non Player Character Records Rogues Gallery Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan Expedition tothe Barrier Peaks Keep ofthe Borderlands Queen of the Demonweb Pits D&D® Player Character Record Sheets D&D* Player Character Record Sheets Ghost Tower of Inverness Slave Pits of the Undercity ‘Secret of the Slavers Stockade ‘Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords In the Dungeons ofthe Slave Lords Isle of Dread Palace ofthe Silver Princess ‘Secret of Bone Hill Dwellers of the Forbidden City ‘Monster and Treasure Assortment Dungeon Geomorphs Lost City Gem and the Staff Castle Amber Pharaoh (Oasis ofthe White Palm Lost Tomb of Martek ‘Tomb of the Lizard King Curse of Xanathon Assassin's Knot ‘Against the Giants Descent into the Depths of the Earth Maze ofthe Riddling Minotaur Lost Caverns of Teojeanth ‘Sinister Seert of Saltmarsh ‘Against the Cult of the Reptile God Danger at Dunvater Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun Beyond of Crystal Cave Blizzard Pass Master of the Desert Nomads ‘Temple of Death Dungeontand Land Beyond the Magic Mirror Ravenlot Enemy Horror on the Hill War Rafts of Kron Quagmire! Lathan's Gold Forest Oracle Veiled Society Ghost of Lion Castle Combat Shield and Mini-Adventure Shady Dragon Inn The Magic Encycopedia ** 73 UK2 9101 Sentinel paz 9175 ‘Temple ofthe Frog MVI 9104 Midnight on Dagger Alley DLIS 9176. Dragons of Truth os 9106 REFS 9177 Book of Lars ct 9107 109. 9178 Day of AI’Akbar 02 9108 GDQ 8179 Queen ofthe Spiders cs. 9109 Bane of Liywelyn DLI& 9180 Dragons of Triumph 3, 9110 Lost Island of Castanamir 0 9181 Ravenloft II UK3 9111 Gauntlet RSI 9183. RED SONJA® Unconquered WG05 9112 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure Na 9185 Treasure Hunt XLI 9114 Quest for the Heartstone oA2 9186. Night of the Seven Swords Bor 9115 Rahasia mL 3187 Needle ACO 9116 Book of Marvelous Magic xi2 9188. Skarda’s Mirror cn 9117 ‘Test ofthe Warlords Ina 9189. Wrath of Olympus M2 9118 Death's Ride BL9 9190. In Search of Adventure M3 «9118 Sabre River DAS —9191. City ofthe Gods UKt 9120 When a Star Falls CMS 9192 Endless Stair C03. 9121 Kidnapping of Princoss Arelina GAZD1 9193. Grand Duchy of Karmeikos Hm 9122 Bloodstone Pass Gaz02 9194. Emirates of Ylaruam cB 9123 CONAN? Unchained! OAS. 9195 Ochimo the Spirit Warrior cpa 9124 CONAN® Against Darkness! REF 9198 Book of Lairs TI UK5 9125. Bye ofthe Serpent 138 8198 Desert of Desolation UK6 9126 All that Glitters. 4H 9200 Bloodstone Wars X08 9127 Drums on Fire Mountain m2 9201 Bg of the Phoenix CMA = (9128 Earthshakee! 3 9202 Adventure Pack I x09 9129 Savage Coast oad 9203. Blood ofthe Yakuza DLO1 9190 Dragons of Despair Ma 9204 Five Coins for a Kingdom LOS 9181. Dragons of Hope DAd 9208 Duchy of Te DLO2 —9132 Dragons of Flame ce 9906. Official RPGA® Tournament Handbook DL12 9133. Dragons of Faith IMs 9207 Best of Intentions DL05 9135. Dragons of Mystery GAZ03 9208. Principaities of Glantei DLOT 9136 Dragons of Light sit 9209 Realms of Horror DL09 9137 Dragons of Deceit (M9 8210. Legacy of Blood DLO¢ —_—9139 Dragons of Desel ACIO. 9211. Bestiary of Dragons and Giants DLO6 8140 Dragons of ee NS 9212 Under lefarn DIOS ——9141_Dragons of War MB 9214 Talons of Night DLIO——9142_Dragons of Dreams GAz04 9215. Kingdom of lerendi B09, 9143. Castle Caldwell & Beyond FRO2 9217 Moonshae DLIL 9144 Dragons of Glory. x13 9218 Crown of Ancient Glory ACO8_ 9145 Revenge of Rusak (Labeled ACO2) ACI1 9220 Book of Wondrous Inventions REF1 9146 AD&D* Dungeon Master's Sereen Dat 9221 Shattered Statue Ta 8147 “Temple of Elemental Evil WOOT 9222. Castle Greyhawk Ma 9148. Vengeance of Alphaks GAZ05 9223. Elves of Altheim B10 9149 Nights Dark Terror ROS 9224 Empires ofthe Sands CAL ‘9150 Swords ofthe Undercity opt 9225 Tales ofthe Outer Planes UKT 9151 Dark Clouds Gather na 9226. Swords of the Iron Legion Wor 9152. Baltron's Beacon GAZ06 9227 Dwarves of Rockhome WG05 9153. Isle ofthe Ape is 9228 ‘Throne of Bloodstone (M5 «9154. _Mystery ofthe Snow Pearls FRo¢ 9229 Magister ACO? 9156 Master Player Screen GAZ07 9280. Northern Reaches xs2 9157 ‘Thunderdelve Mountain DLIS 9231. Mists of Krynn (M6 9158. Where Chaos Reigns GAZ08 9282 Five Shires ML 9159 Into the Maelstrom FROS 9239. Savage Frontier x10 9160. Red Arrow, Black Shield 9254 Dungeon Master's Design Kit 9162 LANKHMAR™ City of Adventure FROG 9235. Dreams of the Red Wizards Na 9163. Destiny of Kings GAZ09 9236 Minrothad Guilds oat 9164 Swords of the Daimyo DLIG 9237 World of Keyan. XI 9165 Saga ofthe Shadow Lord FRCL 9238 Ruins of Adventure M7 9166 Treo of Life FRC2 9239. Curse ofthe Azure Bonds Ala 9167 Scourge ofthe Slave Lords REFS 9240. Lords of Darkness Ha 9168 Mines of Bloodstone GAZIO. 9241 Ores of Thar 108 9169. Ravager of Time OAs, 9242 Mad Monkey vs. the Dragon Claw caz 9170. Swords of Deceit DLEL 9243. In Search of Dragons IM 9171 Immortal Storm DLE —9244_Dragon Magic DAL 9172. Adventures in Blackmoor GAZI2, 9246 Golden Khan of Bthengar ACO9 9173 Creature Catalogue FRET 9247 Shadowdale. Ma. 9174 ‘Twilight Calling FREQ 9248 Tantr: 74 % Product Lit FRED 9249 GAZI 9250 wGo9 9251 FRO] 252 woos 9253 PCL 9954 PC2 9255, ons 9257 oat 9258, BL 9260 Bia 9261 FROS 9262 REFi 9263 REF2 9264 Wao 9265 FROO 9267 WGlL 9269 wal. 9270 DDAS 9271 DDAd 9272 SUAL 9273 FRIO 9274 DLAL = 9275 LNAL 9276 Pcs, 9277 DERI 9278, wGal 9279 SURI 9280 FRAL 9281 ica 9282 DDAL 9284, DLA2 9285, SJA2 9286, GAzI3 9287 WGA2 9289 FRAZ 9290 Dici 9201 WOR: 9202 MAGICL 9293 DLAS 9294 NRL 9295 DDA2 9296 FORL 9297 RAL 9298 SIAa 9299 FRIL 9300 FAL 9301 WGAS 9302 HWAL FRAS 9508 LNA2 9305 GAZI4 9306 FROAL 9307 DDREFI 9208, WGAs 9309 HWA2 9310 HWAS on SRD 9312, SIRS 9313, DLS1 014, Lea 9315, ues 9316 west 9317 UNAS DLS2 FRIB Waterdeep. Republic of Darokin Gargoyle Hall of Heroes Fate of lotus ‘Tall Tales of the Wee Folk ‘Top Ballista Ronin Challenge ‘Toot of the Samurai King’s Festival Queen's Harvest Cities of Mystery AD&D" DUNGEON MASTER™ Sereen ‘ADED® Character Recard Sheets Child's Play Blocdstone Lands Puppets Vale of the Mage Eye of Traldar. Dymrak Dread Wildspace Old Empires Dragon Davin ‘Thieves of Lankhmar Sea People Otherlands Falcon’s Revenge Lost Ships Storm Riders Inside RAVENS BLUFF* Arena of Thyatis| Dragon Knight Seal! & Crossbows Shadow Elves Faleonmaster Black Courser DRAGONLANCE® Classics Volume One Greyhawk Ruins ‘Magic Encyclopedia Volume One Dragon's Rest Wonders of Lankhmar Legions of Thyatis Draconomicon east of Golbyns Crystal Spheres Dwarves Deep Halls of the High King Flames of the Faleon ail Blood Charge Nehwon Atruaghin Clans Ninja Wars D&D® Character Record Sheets Veona Lives! Nightrage Nightstorm Realmspace SPELLJAMMER® DUNGEON MASTER Screen New Beginnings Port of Ravens Blut? [Nightwateh in the Living City Five Shall Be One Prince of Lankhmar ‘Troe Lords Anauroch RL FRI2 SAG FOR DLSS HHL FMAL INQI ACIOLO FRIS, Qs HWQi REFS Lai DLge HWR3 waar wOR3 921 9322 9323 9524 9325 9326 9327 9328 9309 9330 9331 9302 9333 9334 9335 9396 9337 9338 9339 9340 oat 9342 9343 ous 9345, 936 97 9348 939 9350 9351 9352 9353, 9354 9355, 9356 9357 9358 9359 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 9385, 9366 9368 9369 9370 9371 9372 9973 9374 9375 9376 9377 9378 garg) 9380 9381 9382 9383 9384 9385, 9386 9387 Under the Dark Fist Drow of the Underdark Oak Lords Practical Planetology Tales of Fires of Zatal Wild Elves BATTLESYSTEN™ Skirmishes Book of Crypts How Prom the North ‘Touch of Death Kingdom of Nichia Endless Armies Nightmare Keep Quest for the Silver Sword Goblin’ Return Minotaurs Van Richten’s Guide to Vampires Pirates ofthe Fallen Stars Heart of the Enemy Islands of Terror City of Gold ‘Assault on Raven's Ruin Great Glacier Night of the Walking Dead Strongholds Haunted Halls of Bveningstar ‘Van Richten's Guide to Ghosts Wizard Spell Cards ‘Thunder Rift Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog Witard’s Challenge ‘Treasures of Greyhawk Rock of Bral Priest Spell Cards D&D® Character and Monster Assortment Pack ‘Thoughts of Darkness Dungeons of Mystery Golden Voyages Night Howlers Hordes of Dragonspear Mighty Fortross Campaign Source Book Slayers of Lankhmar Poor Wizard's Almanac Gold and Glory Greyspace From the Shadows Celts Campaign Source Book ‘Treasure Maps Milenian Scepter Volo's Guide to Waterdeep Rogue's Gallery Knight's Sword Flint’s Axe Unsung Herces ‘Milenian Empire Patriots of Ulek Rary the Traitor Sword and Shield ‘The Magic Eneydepeia * 75 Goggles throw, gogel Goggle, Darkness Goggle, Troppenribb' Gong, Butler Summoning Gong. Chain Gong, Dispelling Gong, Summoning Gong, Whirlsrinds standing, can wear the goggles. If required to make a se treated as glass oF leather, whichever is worse. EP Cost BookiP: Name Goggles Goggles are large spectacles that wrap tightly against the head. They com pletely enclose the eve, protecting it from wind, insects and other airborne or flying hazards. Goggles can be fitted with convex oF concave lenses, allowing nearsighted or farsighted wearers to see clearly, Generally, the lenses are made from glass and the wrap is cut from leather or stout cloth. Magical goggles are enchanted so that anyone with a hhumaplike skull, overall size notwith- item saving 1072639 PC2.40 30 200 500 2,500 Gong A gong is large, thin, circular metal percttaion instrument. When struck with a blunt instrament, verte 8 ‘ound much like tht of eymbal, but deeper louder, and longer lasting’ A ‘ong must hang freoly to produce its lamor and usually hs one or more hole, either along the rim or in the canter where thongs or rope can be fe Ssttached. Gongs save a0 metal 2001000 -ACO402T Gra, Hoty 00 2800 Acosast 15007500 “one a4 101000100000 acount 00 "S00 Acoeast 10005000 AcoLgr 1m 7800 entosr 2000 10000 ACO se G Sey Goose e | 2 weighs about 200 pounds. I is built of ‘ome strango black metal. During the day itis completely immobile. At sun- Set, it whirs to “life” and begins patrol- ing the outskirts of a camp, house, oF other dwelling or area les than 10,000 ‘square feet, as directed by its owner. IF itcomes across someone within the area while patrolling it begins clacking and Squawking at the top of its mechanical voice. Its statistics are MV 15, AC 0, hp ‘This construct is four feet tall and | Grain, Discomfort 40, THACO 18. It attacks once per round with its beak for 244 points of damage, ‘Goose, Ipsissimo's Black 8,000 40,000 DRAGI78.19 Gon EP Cost Book/Page Gown A gown is a loose, flowing outer gar ment worn by women. These dresses are generally very expensive and highly ‘decorative. Gowns intended to be worn ‘daring important events are elaborately ‘made, dyed with fine colors, and orna ‘mented with flowers feathers, and hhand-raled trinkets, 600 3,000 POLY019.90 1,000 10,000 newitem 21000 20,000 new item Grail ‘The Holy Grail isa large chalice that appears to be made of pure gold, though in reality itis crafted from wood. To see the Holy Grail a character must be lawful good and above evil temptations. When a worthy knight drinks from the Grail, he activates its magical powers, ‘The chalice has the following abiliti Which it exercises as the need arises: ‘create food and water (forall who see it, hheal, neutralize poison, remove curse (or all who can see i), and plant growth (over any barren area to which it is taken) Relic = P= 2108.032 Grain Grains of discomfort are usually found in pouches and should always be han- dled with gloves. Ifa handful ofthis ‘substance is hurled at an opponent (treat as a thrown weapon) and makes contact, the grains work their way to the akin and renders the vietim ineapa- ble of action within 1d turns until al clothing is removed and shaken out. 600 3,000 POLYoss.22 Grappling Iron sppling Tron, Enchanted AA grappling iron isa hook used to ‘secure a rope for climbing. It normally hhas two, three, or four eurved tines that radiate from a central shank. Deluxe ‘grappling irons with folding tines some- lable, These irons can be fea carrying. Such an iron eosts twice the price of an ordinary ‘rappling iron. 1300 3600 -LNALS7 76 % Mogial Products Listings Gravitic Stabilizer Name EP Cost Book/Page Gravitie Stabilizer ‘This one-ton object looks like a sand: ‘ard kee] mount fora 10-on spelliammer. Originally designed for the Yacht ‘appeared ina few other 10:tonshipe as wel (it eannot be used on larger ships) ‘The gravitic stabilizer rotates the ship to ‘automatically realign withthe greater ‘mass whenever the ship is subjected to the effects of another gravity plane— entering a large objects gravity well can be catastrophic otherwise. Gravitie Stabilizer = 500,000 0726-79 Guisarme Also called the gisarme or the giserne, an the guisarme is a pole arm with an elaborately curved or hooked blade, ‘much like a farmer's pruning hook, eo ‘Thrusting spikes are often attached to the top of the weapon's shaft. The hook {in the blade sometimes can be used to ‘snag mounted opponents and pull them from their seats Guisarme +1 500 3,000 2101-74 Guisarme +2 1,000 6,000, 210174 Guisarme +3 1500 9,000 2101-74 Guisarme +4 2000 12,000 2101-74 Guisarme +5 2500 36,000 201-74 Gun ‘This 50041b harpoon gun is a powerful ‘weapon, but it i impossible to predict it will go off The weapon resem- bles a cannon mounted on a platform. Ones leaded tre in 146 rounds fires, a character must constant Ipaim iter mtomatioaly miso ‘target. The harpoon fires a single 10° long steel bolt for 3420 hp of damage at a range of 300 10,000 DUNGo2243, Gun, Harpoon, Steamsticker 1,000 Gyregam ‘The origin of these rare devices is now forgotton, but they were plentiful at one time. Gyrogams are fist-sized spheres of silvery, mirror-smooth nonferrous ‘metal. When a command word is spo- ‘kon, the gyregam begins spinning and hangs in midair wherever iti released ‘Thereafter, other commands will invoke its various powers. Gyrogam, Fire Hammer Name EP Cost Book/Page Halberd ‘The halberd is one of the most effec: tive and often used polearms. The weapon consists ofa cleaver like axe bade mounted on staf six or more fet long. The axe blade is balanced at the rear with a fluke or hook for dis ‘mounting horsemen and surmounted by a sharp spike. The axe blade also is angled to give the wielder maximum Impact when chopping at foes. Halberd +1 1,000 10,000 new item Halberd +2 1,500 15,000 new item Halberd +3 21000 20,000 new item Halberd +4 2500, 25,000, new item Halberd +5, 8000 30,000 new item Halberd, Cursed ~1 = 1000 new ite Halberd, Cursed ~2 — 21000 new item Halberd, Gold +4 4,000 40,000 2006.3 Halting Device This device can be fastened tomost. rmobile invention. Ii used for emer ieney stops It consists ofa crossbow Shooting a grappling hook ited with @ rope The other end ofthe rope is fs. {ened tothe vehicle. The device also can be ued bea shooter. It haa a ange of 60 and cots 250 gp. It weighs 5 pounds Halting Device, Emergency Hammer ‘The term “hammer” describes several different types of weapons, including lucerne hammers (a type of pole arm), and warhammers. The warhammer takes its basic structure from the stan- dard carpentry tool. The head is made of iron or steel, with a metal or wooden hhandle. Some hammers are fitted with a spike that can be used as a thrusting ‘weapon that causes 1d3 points of dam age. Hammer +1 300 2,500 2oi42 Hammer +2 850 61000 2011.125, Hammer +3. 1,000 9,000 2011-125 Hammer +4 41,500° 12,000 2011-125 Hammer +5 21000 15,000 2011-125, ‘Hammer, Air ‘600 18,000 FRIL49 Hammer, Avenging +2 800 4,000 FR0262 Hammer, Basher 250 21500 ACI.090. Hammer, Black +6 8,000 40,000 C146 i ‘500 3,000 101358, 800 4,000 101358 200 1/000 101388 800 4,000 101388 The Magic Encylopedia + 77 Hammer Name EP Cost Book’Page Hammer, Defecting 800 4,000 101358 Hammer, Draining 1,000 5000 1013-58 Hammer, Dwarf Thrower +3 ~ 11800 DRAGIS628 Hammer Extiuating 800 “4000 Hota Hammes Finding 2,000 10000101888 Hammer Flaming 120 "S000 «1019-38, Hammer Flying Xoo 8000 1019-58, Hammer, Genen 1200 6,000 1055.CARD Hammer, Havoc +3 1000 19.000 POLYOS1.22 Hammer Healing Sooo 15,000. 101388 Hammer, Hiding 1200 "6.000 1010-58, Hammer Holding Yoo) 5000101358 Hammer Kharas +2 000 81000 2021-096 Hammer Late 6000 30,000 CM20z7 Hammer, Lighting 44000 30,000 101388 Hammer, Miolnir +5 Hele "> aoist08 Hammer, Nailing 300 3.000 DRAGOS0.37 Hammer Penetration 2,000 20,000 DRAGoWS.52 Hammer Rune 2500 25.000 FRILAS Hammer Silencing ‘300 “S00 "1018.58, Hammer, Slowing 800 41000101888 Hammer Speeding 790 33500 1013-58, Hammer, Thunderbolts +2 2,500 25,000 DRAGO62-60, Hammer Thunderbolts +3 3000 30;000 2100-083, Hammer Transltiog 000 “13000158 Hammer Vitwin + 000 40,000 xS238, Hammer, Watching 4000 2,000 1019-58, Hemmer, Winged 2400 24/000 FRILLS Hammer, Wishing 1200 121000 1013.58 Hammock A hammock is « hanging bed or couch that must be stretched between two | sturdy objects. They are most often Constructed of canvas, leather, netted ford, or rope. A hammock generally spreads around its occupant to securely hhold im in place as he rests. The ties that hold the hammock above ground ‘an easly be unfastened to move the hammock, Hammock, Entrapment — 1,000 Aco4.038 Hammock, Layne’ 1,000 5000 POLYo43.22 Hammock, Protection +1 21000. 10,000 ACo4.038 ‘Hammock, Protection +2 3,000 15,000 ACo4.038 ‘Hammock, Protection +8 4000 20,000 ACo4.038, Hammock, Protection +4 5,000 25,000 ACO4.038 Hammock, Protection +5 000 30,000 ACOs. 038, Hand ee areata eae el, | Soyrecmemcas Freel Sree ee cote eee ee eae Se a. eens Name EP Hand, Black 4500 Hand, Enjoyment, Bxtendible 300 Hand, Harrowing 2,000 Hand, Holy of Bane 5,000 Hand, Remote Action 1,400 Hand, Veena Relic Hand, Wonderful 1400 Handkerehiet, Hurting Handkerchief, Length Handkerchief, Sneezing Harness, Seker ‘Harness, Taming Harp, Azlaer's Harp, Broken Harp, Charming Discord “Harp, Eshoen’s Harp, Fingerbreaking Harp, Gold Handkerchief ‘Magical handkerchiefs are simple squares of silk cloth, Their power is ‘activated when they are dropped, held to the nostrils, passed over the eyes, ot pulled from the pocket. Often, a com: mand word must be spoken as well. IF the handkerchief is exposed to normal itsaves at a #2 bonus. Harness ‘A harness is a combina bands, collars, fire or magical Cost 50,000 1,800 25,000 16,500 60,000 18.500 Harp Book/Page PALS DRAGII¢43, REFS. FAL49 DRAGO99.51 WGAS69 ROSS that aitachos draft animal toa cart, plow or other piece of equipment. A horse harness ineludes the erownpiece, front, blinker, check strap, noseband, bit, lechook, throatlatch, reins, hame, coliar, martingale, hame tug, beliyband, saddle, terret, hip straps, breeching, trace, and crupple. 500 600 Harp 2.500 3,000 1432 DRAGOTS.39| A harp is a musical instrument con: sisting ofa three-or four-sided frame to ‘which strings are attached. The harp is played by plucking or strumming the Strings. Harps may be of nearly any size ‘and material, from the 1-square wooden type to the giant sized triangular sion, as much as 30' tall. All magical hharps have command words; they ean be played nonmegically, and must be both played and commanded for their magic to be activated 8,000 100 5,000 500 5,000 100 3,000 12,000 1000 20000 1,500 21500 25,000 1,000 24,000 PRot42 Aco4-038 2100170 2100170 FROL FROGS ACO4-038 ‘ACO4039 78 % Mogial Probus Cisings Harpoon Name EP Cost BookiPage Harp, Hand 2.000 Pano Harp, Janthra's 5.000 FRO‘3 3000 C0403 ‘4000 'PROG43 2500 ROGA3 1.000 Ac08.059 2000 FRO‘ 2500 C0499 1000 xi361 11500 Aco4.039 1000 FRO‘ 4000 FROLAA Harpoon Toe harpoon isa hunting trol that in| [(———— times of dares, may be ned for do- femse Te was developed or hunting | taurine poms abd largs fs The frat herpoons were merely pained ‘icks Later they became ces with head of torn or bone. The heads i eck barn added for increased damage nde held th harpoon fat inthe tara beast es Harpoon +1 300 1500 17278 Harpoon +2 600 300 © 107279 3 so 50007279 Harpoon +4 1200 600 107278 ‘Harpoon +5 1,500 7,500 1072-79 Harpoon, Exceptional Quality ‘1.200 6000.04.26 Harpoon, +3 1,000 5,000 ‘DLRIS1 Hasp Atul nent metals ed | af tf tan ort tcc Secure Cy iees ses 2 Se | sorely Seles Sir apreine Seve tone say sear ey conan ae, Sieposes chad acai Aco4-039 ‘Aco4.039 Hsp, Locking 500 asp, Reloading 650 2,500 2750 Hat ‘Magical hate actually can be any type of headgear: caps, helmets, or turbans, toname but afew. Enchanted hats magically shrink or expand fit any size head. To use a hat, the user must have head of some sort. In this case a “head” Is any appendage that houses organs for at least half ofthe standard senses Heater Name EP Cost Book/Page Hat, Cyclocone 300 15,000 2017-098 Hat, Difference 1000 8000 2017-100 Hat, Disguise 1000 7,500 210.170 Hat, Hairinoss 500 3]500 ACOL039 Hat, Hairloseness 500 3,500 ACOs.039 ‘Hat, Headlessness ‘500 31500 ACO4.099 Hat, Stupidity = 40002100371 Headband Headbands are simple constructs that are wrapped around the forehead, and tied securely in the back or on the side ofthe head. They can be made from furs, cloth, carved from bane or ivory, or ‘woven from plant fibers. Headbands usually are used for decorations, or to keep sweat and stray hair out of the wearer's eyes. Headband, Corusk Mountains -—+1,800 18,000 202.080 Headband, Jotems ‘300 4,500 © 2023.80 Headband, Protection +1 1,000 10,000 new item Headband, Protection +2 21000 20,000 new item Heart Customary, a magical heart is a ail golden piece of jewelry, rom a quarter {Inch to one inch across, but there are A exceptions, A heart urually is mounted fn a thin, decorative chain. It must be = ‘worn as ¢ necklace, a charm bracelet, of fasan anklet. The command word must. bo spoken by the wearer fo the magical heart to take effect. Heart, Beating 400 2,000 ACO4040 Heart, Chicken 200 1000 © ACO4-040, Heart, Hearing 600 31000 ACos-040, Heart, Iron 1,000 5,000 PHBR4-109 Hear Rael Yan 73m Romouo 1 Heart, Stone ‘300 6.000 ACO4040 Heater ‘This invention looks like a large iron. bell with metal pipes coming in and out on all sides, Runes are engraved all ‘around the bell A small door with a large padlock is visible at the bottom. On top ofthe whole are small tubes, whistles, gauges, and knobs. Once in a while, steam bellows out of one ofthe ‘tubes, producing a loud whistling sound. ACI1.086 Blemental 3500 82,000 The Magic Encylopedia *% 79 Name EP Cost Book/Page Heel Atel the thik part of he nl ofa ach se la re ee ee re Sas ees | Rertmnenten ope hes ret ee eee ee | Sees, Somaya ae Bical? 3,000 POLYINT27 Helm/Helmet Helms are part of a warriors basie protection. Failure to use proper head. {Rear leaves the character open to called shots by opponents or to other disadvan- tages at the DM's option. Most headgear must be removed when making ros for hearing noise. Optionally, great helms ‘and closed face helmets, when worn with plate armor, grant a +2 bonus against breath weapons and spells that affect the eves, 5,000 5,000 new item 10/000 newitem 15,000 new item Helm +4 20,000 new item Helm +5 95,000 new item Helm ~1 (Cursed) 1,000 new item Helm, Alignment Change 1,200 1011-42 Helm, Alignment Detection 7000 poryos122 Helm, Blonding 21500 DRAGO30.37 Helm, Brilliance 60,000 2100-171 ‘Helm, Brilliance 40 Watt 600 DRAGI5628, ‘Helm, Chaos 5,000 2002-97 Helm, Cirulon 10,000 -DLES.062 Helm, Comprehend Languages 32500 -2100.171 ‘and Reading Magic ‘Helm, Darkness 45,000 FROW-14 ‘Helm, Dragon 25,000 DRAGOS6.28 ‘Helm, Dread 5,000 2006-82 Helm, Forgetfulness 800 DRAGOO2.13, Helm, Golden, Jouahainen’s 10,000 2006.37 Helm, Griffon Mane +1 45,000 2021.09 ‘Helm, Harrow 15,000 DRAGO9I.59 25,000 200237 ‘Helm, Opposite Alignment 1,000 2100-171 Helm of Reading 10,000 1071-240 ‘Helm, Seabreathing 12,500 FRO263 Helm, Shukenja 13,000 _DRAG126.50 ‘Helm, Subterranean Sagacity 10,000 DRAGO5S:27 Helm, 35,000 2100171 Helm, 30,000 2100171 Helm, Terror 2,500 RLS ‘Helm, Underwater Action 10,000 2100171 Helm, Underwater Vision 9,000 200.24 Helm, Wyrm 40,000 IMAGO23.26 ‘Helmet, Liaison ‘= 10,000 1072481 Helmseeker Name EP Cost Book Helm, Spelliamming —) The chit method for moving through space i pelamiing, a process tha converts magical energy into moti force. Spelljamming helms are the tasiest way to get a ship moving, but ot the only one. Most helms and mat | cal“engines have a imitation of how | large or how small amass they ca | rove, This, in turn, seta the limit on the size of most space vessels. Helm ‘Artifurnsce = — 1049-098 Holm, Bardie = 200,000 1070-80 Helm, Spelljamming, Beacon = 200,000 SURL-I6 Helm, Spelljamming, Bomb. = 50,000 SURLI9 Helm, Spelliamming, Cloaking = 350,000 DRAGIE9.16 etm, Speljamiing, Crown ot - P 1049.037 the Stars ‘Helm, Speljaniming, Death - SURL78 ‘Helm, Spelljamming, Forge = 1040-097 ‘Helm, Spelljamming, Furnace = 10495.098 Helm, Spelliamming, Gnomish = 10498037 Helm, Spelljamming, Grand - 1072480 Helm, Spelljamming, Lifejammer 2 1049-088 3 Spelljamming, Ki = 1072080, ‘Helm, Spelljamming, Major = 10890-054 ‘Helm, Spelliamming, Minor = 1o0495-034 ‘Helm, Spelljamming, Orbus = 10498036 Helm, Spelliamming, Pool = 10498.036 Helm, Spelljamming Pump = 1072087 Spelljamming, - 1072081 ‘Helm, Spelljamming, Series = 1040-098 Helm, Spelljamming, Ultimate = 1065.28 Helmseeker ‘A helmscoker isa specially enchanted ‘missile fred from a large, ship-mounted ‘weapon. Helmscekers are unlike normal missiles in that they lock onto and move | toward spelljamming ships. The missile | ‘moves at SR'6 and MC A, and moves | exactly like a ship and in the missile | toovecsent paoee of ton cost road Helmsveker, Accelerator 300 1,000 1072081 Helmsoeker, Ballista, Heavy 50 500 «1072.81 Helmseeker, Ballista, Light 25 © 250 «(1072-81 Helmseeker, Ballista, Medium 38875 (t7aaBL 90 9001072081 2109700107281 Helmseeker, Bombard, Stone 60 600 «(10728 elmeker, Bombard, Stone, 180 1,800 1072.81 Helmsecker, Catapult, Heavy 60 6001072881 Catapult, Light 30 2001072481 4 450° «1072881 150 1,500 0723-81 Helmseeker,Jettison, Heavy 70 "7001072481 80 % Magical Procls Litings Name EP Helmaceker, Jettison, Light 35 Helmsceker Jettison, Medium 52 Hinge Hinges are simple dovices that allow doors to swing open while remaining attached to a supporting wall. They commonly are made of brass or iron, land hinges made from precious metals fare almost unheard of Magia hinges an either replace an existing hinge (removing the old and bolting the magi cal one in place), or the magieal hinge can aetually be placed over the existing Hinge, Opening 700 Hinge, Shrieking 1,000 Hockey Stick Hockey sticks are uncommon sports equipment used in a game that is played on a plane of ice. The players kate about on the ice, each heavily armored or padded and holding a hock ey stick, On a natural 19 or 20 on an attack rll, the hockey stick ean remove {ecth from the opponent's mouth, redue ing the vietim’s Charisma score by one point, or reduce a monster's biting damage by one point. Hockey Stick, Holy Terror +5, 5,000 Hold ‘A magical hold is actually a knocker that is bolted to the door of ship's cargo bay. When placed on a door inside ‘hip, it creates & portal to-an inter mensional space, A specifie numberof Jknoeks and a command word must be Jknown to enter the special interdimen. sional space. Each hold of holding is irrevocably tied to a specific interdimen- sional space Hold, Holding, 10° 10° 10 4.500 Hold, Holding, 20° 10'% 10" 5,000 Hold, Holding, 20x 25'x 10 3500 Hold, Holding, 40"% 25" 10° 6,500 Hold, Holding, 50° 90'x 10" 7.500 Hold Holding, 50'*40°x10° 10,000 Hold, Holding, 50°x50'x10' 15,000 Cost 350 520 7,000 10°000 45,000 Book/Page 1072081 1072481 AC0L040 ‘AC04.040 pRaGor2-51 50,000 100,000 150,000 20,000 350,000 500,000 750,000 1072082 1078-82 1072482 1072882 1072882 107a82 1072082 Name EP Cost Book/Page Hole A portable hole i a circle of cloth spun from the webs of phase spider nterwor ven with strands of ether and beams of astral plane luminaries. When folded, it ‘becomes as small as a pocket hander: chiet. A hole can be “picked up” from inside o out by simply taking hold of the edges of the magical cloth and fol ing it up. Bither way, the entrance disappears but the contents remain within, Hole, Portable Hole, Portable, Rudra’s 5,000 80,000 6.000 69,000 Hook “The hook also called a gal is actu: ally tool used to hook and land fib. Te is commonly found wherever fishing boats are encountered, and the hooks fare in plentiful supply, affording a disarmed adventurer a weapon of la resort, Another type is the common grappling hook. They are normally used to secure a rope for climbing, 210077 2008.09 DRAGI59.17 DRAGOT.37 Hook, Grappling, Griffon’ Claw 50450 Hook, Wizard 1,000 10,000 Hooves Hooves are the nail-like growths at the bottom of many kinds of animal's feet; they never stop growing. Magical hooves are ivory constructs that ft completely over an animal's hoof. Once in place, the animal's hooves stop grow- ing, and the animal walks completely on the magical item, The magical hooves donot wear doven when the animal walks. @ Hooves, Flying 500 2500 new item Hooves, Iron 1,000 5000 CN2.028 Hooves, Laming = 1/000 new item Horn Horns are musical instruments that have existed in every world throughout, recorded history. The earliest form was the animal hora or large seashell Metal horns arose much later and are rade of brass, copper, bronze, and occa: sionally silver. They are slender tubes Six to 12 feet long, often coiled in sev eral circles with a flared bel. ‘The Magic Eneydepedia 81 Horse Name EP Cost Book’Page 2028-080 2028:081 2100171 2100172 2011-158 2100172 FRIOSL POLY058.07 DLRISI Horn, Drinking, Bottomless R65 Horn, Fog 2100172 Horn, Geryon, of 2016.22 2006.25, ‘ACO4040 ‘ACOLOST ACOLOGT ACOLO8 Horn, Signaling. ACOLO4L Horn, Tvitons ofthe 2100172 Hora, Uncontrollable Striding and Springing — 2,000 DUNGO30-39 Horn, Unicorn 1,000 3,000 1031-76 Horn, Valhalla, Brass 11000 15,000 2100-172 Horn, Valhalla, Bronze 21000 30,000 2100172 Hora, Valhalla, Iron 8,000 45,000. 2100172 ‘Hora, Valhalla, Silver 1,000 15,000 2100-172 Horn, Valor 5,000 25,000 211-138 Horn, Vast Swamp 1,000 2,500 2023-081 Horn, Voices 500 2'300 sune-69 Horn, War 1,000 2,500 DRAGI5.40 Horse Most items ofthis nature lookalike. Each isa fullsized, oughly-hewn statue of a heavy horse (but light and medium versions also exist), carved from some sort of hard stone. A horse's ddweomer is activated by speaking a | ‘command word. This word brings the fanimates the steed, enabling it to take a burden, and even to attack as if it were ih by a warhorse, Horse, Flying 2,500 25,000 1021b63 Horse, Stone, Courser (000 12000 2017-108 Horse, Stone, Destrier 2000 12,000 2017-108 Horseshoe In the wild, horses wear down their hooves as fast as they grow, but domes ticated horses, with the weight of rider land equipment, wear away hooves mare quickly. Without protection, the horse ‘would rapidly become lame and useless. Metal horveshoes are used to counteract the wear and tear on the hooves. The she is nothing more than an iron bar hammered into a “U" shape, and nailed tightly onto the horse's hoof "The nails ‘use no discomfort tothe animal. With horseshoes, the mount ean travel farther, faster, an Name EP Cost Horseshoe, Fleeting 3,000 Horseshoe, Flying 2500 Horseshoe, Perifieation ~ “300 Horseshoe, Speed 2,000 10,000, Horsehoe, Surefootednest 11500 "000 Horseshoe, Zephyr, of 1150071500 Hourglass ‘An hourglass is an instrument used to measure the passing of time. t consists ‘of two bulbous glass globes connected by ‘a narrow passage. Sand passes from the ‘topmost bulb, through the narrow see- ton into the lower glass globe. These {globes are held together by a wooden frame that is itself held together by ‘wine and screws, or nuts and bolts, Hourglass, Auqubol 750 10,000 Hourglass, Fire & Ice 2,000 10,000 4,500, 7,500 Hourglass, Seeing 2000 10,000 ‘Hourglass, Timing 4,000 5,000, Hourglass; Verthandi's Invincible Relic P Hover-Vessel Hover vessels are rare and expensive ‘magical devices. When at rest, they look like metallic cupolas mounted atop articulated metal frames. When acti ‘vated, the frame i covered by the fiery manifestation of « beast. The activated ‘vessel moves with the same speed and agility as its beast's physical count part, Attacks and defenses are also the fame. Hover vessels ean mimic large land animals, large avian creatures, or sigantic waterdwelling beasts, Hover-Barge HoverChariot Hover Vessel Hover Yacht 20,000 220,000 15,000, 10,000 200,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 Hula-hoop Aoulahoop usually can be used only f by Jesters. Once st into mation it ean nly be halted by the jester who started it The hula hoo cannot be grasped, find has AC “2 and 35 hp if itis attacked by an opponent, The hoop defects incoming normal missiles, and ‘oka the ist 10 points mage missle damage each round Hulachoop, Roller Hoopers, ofthe 6,000 90,000 Hila-hoop Book/Page Acoeo41 Ac04041 ‘AcoL041 2100172 POLY058-27 2100-172 IMAGO12.38 2121138 DRAGOS0-36 HWR2.435, HWR2-d35, HWR2 435, HWR2d35, DRAGI9444 82 % Magical Products Listings Name EP Cost Book/Page Hut Baba Yaga's hut is small, window: leas log cabin with a hexagonal shape and a decorated wooden roof. The hu is ‘small, only 15° wide and 12' high at the peak of the roof, with @ small chimney ‘on top, and does not appear very impres- | Sive, except forthe 12" long bird legs ‘coming out from the bottom. When in motion, hut spins, making one revolu ari Lon every si or seven seconds, withthe | fect stamping every half second When |_ someone enters or leaves the hut, the legs fold up so thatthe hut rests on the ground. Hut, Baba Yago's “Hut, Baba Yaga Relic 60,000 _2011.156, Relic 90,000 DRAGoSS.32 Iehor Ichor is a thin colorless uid found in Daneing int liquids, or simply in ight. Ichor dries when ex- posed to air, hardening in one turn (ten = rounds). Iehors must enter the body through the mouth for them to be effec 5 tewabcornewyunic, | ema, cut, bruise, or mucous membrane, the {chor will have no effect. chor, Intexication 500 900 mi4.126 Icon Icons are small, carved items that resemble something larger. These aro holy symbols, people, angelic ete. They all have a jewel of come sort Jmbedded in them that radiates a ‘magical aura. Icons can be used once perday unless otherwise stated 5,000 DUNGo22:29 Icon, Chemosh 3,000 Teon, Truth 2000 10,000 2021-095 Identifier ‘This highly valued item is a magical teat kit used to identify potions, pow ders, ichors, salves, and other sicher cal substances. It consists of a wooden box (1% 1" 3) containing an assort: f ‘ment of vials, flasks, and beakers in | Spiel omsennts ds Gecuscpyefatenteid Nee |< dna cae Races narcing es Identifier, Nefradina’s 1,000 Foun Stone Name EP Cost Book/Page Inkwell Inkwells are small bottles made of co lass or erystal with cork oF wooden | ‘Stoppers to restrain the contents. They usually are designed with narrow necks 0 that quills may be left standing in the ink. Magical inkwolls generally | contain magical inks. If an inkowell is | ‘broken or campletely emptied, i be- comes nonmagical Inkwell, Concealment 1,000 Inkwell, Everfull, ‘300 Inkwell, Serollmaking 1,200 5,000 4,000 6,000 Aco4-042 ‘Aco4.042 ‘Aco4-042 Anstrument, Bardic ‘There seven types of special magical [ bardie instruments. Each ean be fully utilized only by a bard, particularly a Dard of atleast as high a level as the ‘musical instrument is designed for. Bards of lower levels and PCs from other character classes able to play such fan instrument can these devices with | only limited success. Instrument, Bard, Anstruth Harp 17,000 85,000 2011-148 Instrament, Bard, Canaith ‘Mandolin 11,000 85,000 2011-48 Instrument, Bard, Cli Lyre 14,000 70,000 2011-148 Instrument, Bard, Doss Lute 8,000 40,000 2011-148 Instrument, Bard, Fochucan Bandore 1,000. 5,000 2011-147 ‘Tnstrument, Bard, Mae Fuirmidh ‘Cittern 5,000 25,000 2011-148 Instrument, Bard, Ollamh Harp 20,000 100,000 2011-148 Toun Stone ‘These magical stones always float in the air and must be within three feet of their owner to be of any use. When a ‘character frst acquires the stones, he ‘must hold each and then release i, soit takes up a circling orbit, whirling and trailing one to three feet from his head. ‘Thereafter, the stones must be grasped ‘or netted to separate them from their owner. The owner may voluntarily seize fand stow the stones (at night, for exam. ple) to keep them safe, but he loses the benefits of the stones during that time. When joun stones are exposed toattack, they are treated as AC ~4 and take 10 hit points of damage todestroy. They save as if they were of hard metal, with a +3 bonus. \? bun Stone, Blue Green Spindle 800 5,000. DRAGA7499, oun Stone, Brass Lovenge 300 5,000 DRAGI7499, Toun Stono, Bright Silver Cylinder 300,000 DRAGI74.93 Toun Stone, Bright White Rectangle 300 5,000 DRAGI74.99, Toun Stone, Brown Rhomboid 300 5,000 DRAGI7493, ‘The Magic Encyepeio % 83 Iron Name BP Cost oun Stone, Cerulean Blue Rhomboid 300 DRAGIT499 Toun Stone, Clear Pink Sphere 300 DRAGITS93, Toun Stone, Clear Sphere 300 DRAGIT4. 93 oun Stone, Clear Spindle 300 2100.72 oun Stone, Copper Rectangle 300 DRAGIT499 oun Stone, Cursed Version = DRAGIT4 93 Toun Stone, Deep Black Sphere 300 DRAGI7493 oun Stone, Deep Purple Prisin 300 DRAGI7493 Toun Stone, Deep Red Sphere 300 2100172 Toun Stone, Dull Gray 300 2100172 oun Stone, Dusty Rose Prism 300 2100172 oun Stone, Flickering White Snowflake 300 DRAGIT493 oun Stone, Gold Ellipsoid 300 DRAGI7493 Toun Stone, Green Sphere 300 DRAGI7499, Toun Stone, Incandescent Blue Sphere 300 2100172 ‘oun Stone; Iridescent Spindle 300 2100172 Toun Stone, Lavender & Green Ellipsoid 300 2100172 oun Stone, Light Blue Prism 300 DRAGI74.93 oun Stone, Maroon Star 300 DRAGI7499, Toun Stone, Orange Cube 300 DRAGI7493, oun Stone, Pale Blue Rhomboid 300 2100-172 ‘oun Stone, Pale Green Prism 300 2100172 oun Stone, Pale Lavender Ellipsoid 300 2100172 300 DRAGI74.99 Toun Stone, Pearly White Spindle 300 2100-172 Toun Stone, Pink Rhomboid 300 2100172 300, 2100172 300. DRAGITAS3 300 DRAGITA 93 +300 DRAGIT499 Toun Stone, Rainbow Ellipsoid 300 DRAGI7499 Toun Stone, Rainbow Spindle 300 DRAGI74.93 Joun Stone, Scarlet & Blue Sphere 300 2100172 oun Stone, Silver Rod 300 DRAGITE99 Toun Stone, Silver Sphere 300 DRAGI74.93 Toun Stone, Silvery Mirror Cube 300 DRAGI7a.93 oun Stone, Soft Black Rectangle 300 DRAGI7493 oun Stone, Supercharged Version 600 DRAGITA93 ‘oun Stone, Vibrant Purple Prism 200 2100172 Toun Stone, Yellow Sphere 300 DRAGITA93 Iron ] Irons are used to restrain prisoners. A set irons includes manacls (or o ‘wrist ad shackles for ankles). Mana les or shackles that ae chained togeth- eS | frrestrict the use or ofthe arms and " logs, respectively or immobilize them together. Magical irons are almost ‘alveays found in a complete set of four jit Iron, Imprisonment 4,000 10,000 ACo4-042 Iron, Liquid 2000 10,000 PHBR$-109, Iron, Opening ‘500 2.500 ACOs.042 Iron, Steam: 500° 2,000) ACo4-042 Iron, Throwing 900 1,800 ACOH-042 Iron, Transference 1,000 51000 A. C0442 Tara Name EP Cost Book/Page Item Magical “items” can include anything in this set of booklets; from an abacus to fa zwieback. Anything items ean change themselves into any other magical item fon command, An item of cloaked wie- ‘ardry ie simply a magical item that does not radiate a dweomer, even if detected for. Item, Anything 4,000 40,000 2017-097 Item, Cloaked Wizardry $100 +500 DRAGI79-73 Jacinth ‘The dacinth of Inestimable Beauty | 3 said to have been made by the deitio eee ‘who fashoned it from the finest corun. dum gem from the heart ofthe largest ‘mountain. This huge, fiery orange jewel indescribably beautiful and ext tely cut in dozens of facets that shoot forth brilliant beams; all creatures within 20° who see it must save versus Spell or be charmed, Jacinth, Inestimable Beauty Relic 100,000 2011-158, Jam This lumpy, brownish goo cannot be replaced into its container. once poured ‘out. Upon command, jam grows to be- ‘ome a pile of normal wooden logs Which completely fills a 10" 10"% 10" ‘olume (or 20" x10°X5', or any volume ‘equaling 1,000 cubic fect). The logs are permanent until burned away by fire. Dispel magic does not affect them. 1,000 5,000 POLYo23-12 Jar ‘Jars are pieces of glassware made to ‘hold both iguid and solid material. ‘Most jars are cylindrical and equipped with a glas, leather, o metal lid that is hheld into place either by screwing, clamps, or by the lid’s sheer weight. ‘ar, Piteh, Pandemonium 2,000 6,000 25500 a1.asT 2121139 ‘Jar, Preserving ‘500 Tavelin Name EP Cost Book/Page Javelin Javelins are light spears, suitable for rissile combat and usable either from a ‘mount or on foot. The weapon has been around since man’s earliest days, The Javelin’s head is not very large, and is ‘urually leaf or laurel shaped. Javelin heads may be barbed. Javelins often are used asa ceremonial weapon of body ‘guards in civilized nations. Javelin +1 600 1,800 newitem Javelin +2 750° 2250 © 2011-125, Savelin +3 900 2700 new item Javelin +4 1,050, 3.150, new item Javelin +5 1,200 3600 newitem ‘avelin, Black Kumade +2 ‘800 6.000 1032135 Lightning +2 250 3,000 2011-149 250 3000 = 2100184 Jellaba A jellaba Gell-AHLbah isa heavy version ofthe aba (the traditional, loose- fitting robe worn by desert peoples). A Jllaba is worn over a lighter aba. Tt ‘usually is made of wool or felt and hhangs to the ground. A jellaba is typi ‘ally lose decorative than the aba worn tunderneath. An aba or jllaba is closed atthe waist with a sash, Most are sleeeles and some have fal, open Jellaba, Blending eww item Jellabe, Concealment DRAGI79.73 ‘ellaba, Byes DRAGI7973, ‘ellaba; Protection, AC 2 new item ‘ellaba, Protection, AC 3 new item ‘ellaba, Protection, AC 4 new items Jelly ‘This sweetamelling, magical conte tion made of ripe fruit and sugar | attracts the attention ofall insects within 80! Giant-sized insects are per mitted « saving throw versus apells to ‘resist the effect, but with a ~4 penalty. ‘When attacking an insect thus attract 4, the attacker gains a +4 bonus to the first “tohit” roll, but the insect is there- alter free from the charm. Selly, Attraction 300 1,500 POLYo23.12 Name EP Cost Book/Page Jettison A jettison isa large device for hurling masses of stones, trash, debris spikes, and garbage. Itis used as an antipersonnel weapon to clear an enemy spelljamme’s decks. Like other large ‘magical weapons, enchanted jttisons are'a highly desirable addition to any ‘hip. Sixty-five percent of the weapons gain the bonus to their attack and ddamage rolls Thirty-five percent of the ‘bonuses apply only toward the range or speed) ofthe missile being shot. Either way, the price cemaina the same. Any type of eatapult can be used aa a Jptticon by loading it with small rocks instead of a single stone. A jettison, however, cannot be sed as catapult Jettison, Heavy +1 1,600 8.000 1072082 ‘Tettison, Heavy +2 3300 16000 1072.82 Settison, Heavy +3, 5400 32.000 s072a82 Settsen, Light +1 300 4,000 1072a-82 ‘Tettison, Light +2 > 1,600 8,000 1072082 Jettison, Light +3 3,200 16,000 1072082 ‘Jettison, Medium +1 1200 6000 ——«1072a-82 ‘Jettizon, Medium +2 24400 12;000 107282 ‘Jettison, Medium +3 4800 24000 Lorgase Jewel ‘A magical jowel appoars identical toa normal jewel of some type. a detect | magic spell is used on the item, the Jewel glows faintly, When the jewel’s ‘command word is uttered, the jewel slows brightly for a brief moment before unleashes its enchantment, When Jewel is dropped, it must save versus Crushing Blow or break upon impact, Josing all ofits magical abilities instant ly. Jewel, Attacks = 10002100478 ‘Jewel, Fawlessness (per facet) = 1000 2100.73 Jewel, Karathoth 5,000 15,000 R108 ‘Jewel, Projection 4000 35,000 DRAGI3222. The Magic Eneylopea % 85 Jug fame EP Cost Book/Page Name EP Cost Book Page Key ) dep vse] usd to ld sta dogscnrtonerly ere ace | Sethe, pote tata w lan handle a pout ] Keys re long, skinny metalic instru | ments that contain “teeth” and slip. | guards. When a magical key is inserted | Into Tock the user ean open it. A magt- | sali can be undo oven rapped | ‘Jugs usually ha oF lip to facilitate accurate pouring ‘Their narrow necks are sometimes portal, but usually does not fel the trap sealed with a lid or cork. fr provide protection against its elects | | TRAE Seed gina asing | term used for jail or prison. ae Jug, Alchemy 12,000 2100-158 1,200 6,000 ACo4-043 Sug, Drinking, Silvanus P 2006-19 1000 5,000 202.082 ‘Sug, Dyeing 3,300 DRAGO30.36 140071000 DRAGOS 942 Sug, Jade 5,000, ACO4-043 4000 2,000 POLY018.30 ‘Tug, Jesting 3.000 ACO4.043, 14000 2,000 ACO4.043 Ketchup Kite Magia ketchup ia thie depred | ‘kite consists of a lightweight wood: ‘Auld that must be poured onto the ‘en skeleton with pape, parchment, or ‘ground or flor to activate its magic. ‘very light cloth stretched over the wood. ‘Any creature approaching within 10° of ‘A tail made of thick cloth is often re- the ketchup is slowed (moving and ‘quired to give the kite balance as itis attacking at half normal rates) far one flown in the wind. A string, cord, or fall hour (sx turns). The hetchup's light rope is used to keep the kite from ‘magical slowing does not become active sailing away. It also allows the user to ‘until 146+4 rounds after i i dumped, | control the kites motions. || and remains active until removed by & | | either cleaning the area thoroughly L ‘with soap, or by casting a dispel magic athe eile ite, Lightning 44000 40000 Acoso4s teen Kite, Roronnateance 2000 tooo Acoxois Ketchup, Slowness 260400. Potyurgi2 ‘Kite, Signaling S00 "500 Acha.bas Keltle Knife Aktien a simple conte chat is Arif consist ofa single edged, ‘used to bol water or cook feods. Kettles — pointed bade ited with a harsh te grocclly cot tc beged res roy ‘used even by primitive tribes In these ‘cultures, a knife is little more than 8 ‘int blade with « keen edge. Bone knives are litle mare than a sharpened plece af bone. A knife often is decorated steel or copper. Most magical kettles require the user to place water in them before they can perform their magic. f | Lee eae Inthe same way as a dagger. Kettle, Breathing 1,000 5,000 PoLYoss.22 ‘Knife, Buekle +1 100 1,000 200.188 Kettle, Drumming 500 21500 ACo4-043- ‘Knife, Buckle +2 200 2,000 2100-184 Kettle, Fish 1,000 31000 ACo4.043 ‘Knife, Buckle +3 300 3,000 2100-184 Kettle, Soup, Bverbountiful 11000 5,000 “12.137 Kaif Buekle 4 400 4,000 2100184 Knife, Buckle +5 500 5.000 2100-184 Knife, Buckler +1 100 1,000 EX2G2 Knife, Buckler +2 200 2,000 BX232 Knife, Buckler +3 300 8.000 EX292 Knife, Buckler +4 4004000 x25 Knife, Buckler 45 500 5,000, 2100-184 Knife, Fish +1/+3 300 1,000 Lc4st ‘Knife, Hornblede +1 500 11500 © 2017-105, Kite, Hornblede +2 14000 8,000 2017-105 86 % Magical Products Listings Knot Name EP Cost Bool/Page Koifo, Kitchen, Eternal Sharpness 300 3,000 DRAGOT3.29 Knife, Obsidian +1 100 1,000 108658, Knife, Obsidian +2 200 21000 (1086.58 Knife, Obsidian +3, 300 3,000 1086458, Koife, Obsidian +4 400 4000 1086-58 500 5,000 1066.58 400 44000 2021-099 Knot ‘A knot is not an item in itself, but @ method for fastening ropes or cord to. | prevent coparation or loosening. Magi fal knots are lengths of cord or rope that ‘must be knotted~or knotted and ‘commanded-to activate their enchant: ‘ments. They tend to be extremely strong, but very easy to untie, especially for their owners, oot, Faithful 1.000 5,000 DRAGo30-37 Knot, Holding, Ste 17 700 3,500 new item Knot, Holding, Ste 18 800 4,000 new item Knot, Holding, Ste 19 900 4\500 new item Knot, Holding, Str 20 1,000 5,000 new item Ladder Ladders consist of two long, wooden, parallel poles connected by shorter, ‘wooden rungs. The rungs are spaced ‘evenly along the parallel poles’ length. ‘When placed vertically against an ‘object, the rungs ean be used as steps to {gain higher vantage point. The siege ladder isa large, sturdy version of the common ladder itis most effective ‘when used by surprise or against de- fenders already occupied by attackers from a beliry or hoist Ladder, Balance 1.200 12,000 POLY057.12 Ladder, Climbing 1000 10,000 POLYo43.22 Ladder, Length 1400 14,000 DRAGO73.98 Ladle Aladle is used to serve or measure [ Tiquids, It is usually made of metal or seasoned wood, It consists of a handle ‘which is from three inches to two feet Tong with a large spoon like cup at one ‘end. The cup often has @ notch, lip,or fmoutw make azure drip tee pour | | Ladle, Candlemaking 500 5,000 ACD4-044 Ladle, Curing 2,000 20,000 ACO4.044 Ladle, Drinking ‘300 8000 C0404 Ladle, Duplication 3.000 30,000 ACO4-044 Lance Name BP Lamp ‘A lamp is a household implement that prodiuces light by burning oi. Most Tamps are made of metal with a lower compartment for oi led through @ Closeable hole), a handle of some type, land shutters that protect the flame from | wind, Some lamps may be simple con- | tainors for oil, open or enclosed, with a | cloth or string stuck into them for a Cost BookPage wick. Such lamps may be made from clay, stone, wood, or any other material Lamp, Automatic Light 1,000 10,000 DRAGO73.40 Lamp, Continuous Burning, 4,000 10,000 DRAGOT3.40. Lamp, Darkness 1000 10,000 ACO4.046 Lamp, Fleor 500 5,000 ACOL.O44 Lamp, Honesty 400 4,000 ACos046 ‘Lamp, Hurricane 2,000 20,000 POLYo2s-12 Lamp, Long Burning 1,000 10,000, 101383, Lamp, Plant Growth 600 6.000 DRAGOTS.38 Lamp, Remote Lighting 4,000 10,000 DRAGO73.40 ‘Lamp, Summeni 4,100 11,000 ACo4.046 ‘Lamp, Timely Illumination 1/900 10,000 DRAGoT3:37 Lamp, Wish 2600 28,000 POLY017.07 ‘The term “lance” to spears wielded by footmen and caval- ry. now refers only to cavalry spears {Lance designs vary between cultures and eras. Generally, lance is a long ‘shaft of tough wood, usually ash, with ‘an iron head in the shape ofa laurel or willow leaf, with eutting edges and a ‘sharp point meant to penetrate armor. Lances are built to be gripped close to the bottom, putting a great distance between the wielder and the target. As rule, the lance is aimed diagonally above the horse's neck. Two ‘opposing lancers would face each other with their left sides oncoming, Lance +1 400-2000 new item Lance +2 800 41000 new item Kanee +3, 1400 7/000 new item Lance +4 2,000 10,000, new item Lance +5 3,000 15,000 new item Lance, Breathing ‘600 3,000, 101358 Lance, Charming ‘800 4,000 1013.58 Lance, Cursed =2 — 1,200 DUNGOO5.32 Lance, Death 1,000 5000 GDQLiz4 Lance, Deceiving 200. 1,000. 101358 Lance, Defending 800 4,000 101358, Lance, Deflecting 800 4,000 101358, Lance, Dragon, Footman's 1,000 6000-2021 094 Lance, Dragon, Mounted 1.200 2021.09 Lance, Draining 1,000 101358 ance, Extinguishing ‘800 101358 Lance, Finding 2,000 101358 Lance, Flaming 1,200 101358 Lance, Flying 1.000 101358, Lance, Healing 3,000 101358 Lance, Hiding’ 4,200 1013.58, Lance, Holding 1000 1013.58, The Magic Encypela # 87 Lantern Name EP Cost BookiPage ‘Lance, Horus! Relic P 2006.09 Lance, Lighting 4,000 20,000 101388 Lance, Ortait's Doom Relic P 1021-60 Lance, Piereing +5, 300 2,500 CD40 Lance, Silencing 800 31800 1013.88 Lance, Slicing 900 4,500 101338 Lance, Slowing 800 4,000 101388 ‘Lance, Speeding 750 3,500 101358 Lance, Translating 1,000, 1,500 101358, Lance, Tribal 4000 20,000 DUNGOs2-63, Lance, Venom +3/+4 4,500 6,000 IMAGO29.36 Lance, Watching 1000 2,000, 1013.88 Lanee; Wishing 1,200 12,000 101338 Lantern (and Lanthorn) A lantern is a metal cage fitted with a || solid base that holds a candle oF reser ‘oir ofl and a wick, Some lanterns are equipped witha eireular or semi circular reflector behind the lame; this allows the lamp to cast a directional beam of light seth a much greater range than light from an unreflected flame. Some lanterns also are fitted with shutters that can hide the flame without dousing i Lantern, Bashal’s endritight 6000 40,000 DRAGI7926 Canter, Continual Light 30300?“ Yorda2 Canter: Continual Light with shatter 21 310 oraasz Lanter, 33000 12000 DRaGiaesi Lantern JaDasziee 5000 35,000 DRAGITO.27 Lanter, Greshawk 8000 25,000 208.081 antern, lags Abominable ‘Beacon 4,000 20,000 DRaGi7927 Lantern, Krill Blaser 000 30,000 DRAGITB 28 Lantern; Malthrox’s Shadoweaster 6500 32.500 DRAGI7929 Lantern, Many Colors 11800 "6,000 DRAGOTSST Tantern Messak’s Eye 5500 27500 DRAGITB 20 Lantern: Spying 600 "8000 10rd 83 Lantern, Thessal's Waynuider 5800 28,000 DRAGII9.30 anthora, Shadow a0 “e000 2017102 Laryns é ‘Thisiter appears as a smal patch of leathery materl, approximately 2°54" When placed sgninst te throat, it adheres to skin and magically os blends s0 as to be indistinguishable from the throat A magia larynx alors the sound, volume, tone, and other Gjualtes of the user's voice, A magical Ingen removable. Lary, Deafening 2501250 DRAGIO43, Name Leaf, Book Leaf, Colors eat, Crumbling Leaf, Falling ‘Leaf, Gold, Happy Hunting ‘Grounds Leaf, New Leaf, Warmth Lens, Blinding Lens, Detection Lens, Far Seeing Lens, Lighting Lens, Reflection Lens, Remote Viewing Lens, Speed Reading Lens, Subtitles 7E | a y Lepidoptera, King Dorfin's Lepidoptera EP Cost Book/Page Leaf ‘A magical lea is a type of brooch (oe page 86) shaped like a small leaf from any type of tre. Itis ulways made of ‘metal and has a pin or clasp attached to the back so that the brooch can be fas tened to an article of elathing, 400 2,000 ACo.046 600 3,000 ACoL046 500 2,500 ACOH.046, 300° 1,500, AC04-046 2,000 6,000 -21a1-447 100 '500-ACO4.046 1,200 6,000 ACO4-046 Lens A lens isa Mat, round piece of glass with curved surfaces on each side. A ‘ood lens isthe product of pure materi ‘ls and weeks of careful polishing, measuring, grinding and testing. (Glass: ‘ware in a medieval setting is usually. crudely made, making lenses rare trea sures.) Every magical lens has at least fone command word. The user need only speak the command while looking through the lens with one eye oe AcOL046 250 2100173 2,000 xc04.047 ‘00 ‘aco4.047 500 ‘Aeosour 1,000 PHBR2107 500 2121139 2.800 PoLY0s8.09 elie Tit 750 2017101 2,000 PHERI.107 Lepidoptera ‘This gnomish item looks like a large peper butterfly with spring-loaded Wings, « saddle, and a joystick in the middle. Before takeoff, the user winds up the springs with a small erank and then releases the paper wings. The lepidoptera fies for one hour (+1420 rounds) ata speed of 6. It can earry one ‘gnome and 10 pounds of cargo. The Wings are treated with oil to waterproof them, 360 3,600 Aci1-092 88 Magical Products Cistings Levelmaker Name EP Cost Book/Page Levelmaker ‘The levelmaker isa large wooden box, approximately eight feet square and 15 feet tall It weighs about 1,100 pounds. Tehas 20 to 40 hit points of structural a strength. It doos not radiate magic or ‘evil, The user must insert a gem or ‘other item of jewelry worth at least 20 {gp into a slot in one side ofthe box. The User then pulls a lever and an anvil ‘rushes the head of an animated skele ton, destroying it. The user magically roeeives five experience points for this faction Levelmaker 100 1,000 AC11.063, Libram A libram is large book with a heavy wood and leather cover high quality pages of heavy parchment, or vellum land ornate deccrations on both the | over and tite page, A magical ibram || may be of any size, from a mere two fet Square to 100 20 feet cro, The larg | fer types require assistants for proper tuse and may be euspended by a heavy ‘chain in a large room, Libram, Constructs 8,000 40,000 DUNGoI4-41 Libram, Destruction 8000 30,000 ACo4.047 Libram, Evaluation 6,000 30,000 ACo4.047 Libram, Gainful Conjuration 8.000 40,000, 2100173, Libram, Identification 3,000 15,000 ACo4047 Libram, Ineffable Damnation 8.000 40,000 2100-173 Libram, Legends 000 10,000 ACO4.047 Libram, Silver Magic 8.000 40,000 2100-173, Libram, Study 2,000 10,000 ACo4.047 Libram, Teleportation Arches 2500 75,000 DRAG145-40 Lighthouse Lighthouses are navigational aids ‘that mark hazards for ships and spelljammers. Most lighthouses have bright lights light to make them visible at night and fog horns for use whenever poor visibility would otherwise hide them, Magical lighthouses are small spherical objects placed on small aste- roids and spelljammers. They magically broadcast thei location (via a telepathic process) toa particularly imprinted ‘owner. This allows the owner to knov in ‘hich direction that lighthouse lies. It takes three weeks of constant close contact for a lighthouse to imprint upon its owner. After this 21 chy period, the lighthouse lose any previous imprints and melds with Lighthouse 300 3000 1072083, Name EP Cost Book/Page Line Gun Gnomish spelljamming ships often have deck mounted line guns that fire tangle lines coated with a sticky glue. ‘Wax paper sleeves keep the glue moist during storage: they are stripped off as the line is fired out. Other races who use these weapon instead trail the sticky lines behind them to piek valu able flotsam and captive beings. 1,000 5,000 Line Gun, Tangle SIRLS2 Locator Locators are devices created by the Arcane, a race of blue-skinned giants that have almost exclusive contrl of ‘the marker for spelliamming equipment ‘and ships. Often, one of these items is included free of charge when the Arcane sella ship toa groundling. The locators fan be of any size and shape, though many look like crystal balls. 1019-47 1049647 Locator, Planetary ‘Locator, Portal 6,000 60,000 Lock 31000 80000 Locks are designed for a variety of purposes. These range from simple padlocks suitable for securing a small ‘chest to elaborate inset door locks for houses and mansions. Simple locks are usually made of iron, steel, or bronze ‘and have a erude mechanism that opens with one key. Elaborate locks may be made of gold, silver, or other precious metals. They may have a hidden key hole or multiple keys. Inst locks are ‘commissioned to fit a specific door. Padlocks may be available forsale from a locksmith or a blacksmith. Single locks are most common; double key locks are available from perhaps 20% of lockseniths. Lock & Bolt, Skies 1,000 5,000 igi-t44 Lock Leomund’s labile locker isa copper: bouind box 2' wide, 2" tall, and 3” long, Four eommand words eontrol the item, ‘The first shrinks the box and contents to 112th size. The second eauses it to Function as though the Leomund’s secret ‘cheat spell was east. The third returns the bos to fullsize. The Fourth causes ‘growth to quadruple size ‘The Magic Encylopedia + 89 Locket Name Locker, Leomund’s Labile Locket, Great Kingdom Locket, Love Log, Burning Log, Combination Log, Floating Log, Ramming Log, Repetitive Burning Log, Rolling Tog, Snoring Lure, Fishing, Magie EP Cost Book/Page 5,00 25,000 T4126 Locket A locket is a small piece of hollow jewelry with a hinged cover. It is com- ‘monly hung from fragile chain. The chain is often draped around the neck and used as necklace, but it also can bbe worn a5 a bracelet, as an anklet, or asa decoration on a scabbard. The hinge opens to reveal a keepsake which can include a small picture, a tiny key, a Jock of hair, or other memento 3.500 4,000 25,000 5,000 2028081 DRAGOO5.09 Log Magical logs are identical to normal logs, except that they radiate magic, usually from the alteration or enchant. ment school. They usually two to four feet im length and three to 12 inches in diameter, 600 3,000 ACo4.048 800 4,000 ACo4.048 500 21000 ACO4.048 800 3,000 ACo4.048 800 4,000 DRAGOT3-99 50021500 AOL 048 250750 C0448 Lure ‘These small, silver, gom-studded replicas of minnows are magically ‘enchanted to attract fish. For characters ‘with the fishing proficieney, this grants {8 +4 bonus to the proficiency check; otherwise, the lure, in effec, grants the Baxi proficiency to thse who normally lack it 1,000 5,000, e437 Name Lute, Summoning, Bard Lute, Woodwalking Lyre, Building Lyre, Spheres iar, Building Mace +1 Mace +1, +2 versus Undead Mace +2 ‘Mace +2, +4 versus Undead Mace +3) Mace +4 Mace +5 Mace, Breathing Mace, Charming ‘Mace, Crushing +3 ‘Mace, Cuthbert Mace EP Cost Book’Page Lute A lute is a stringed musical instru iment about two feet long. Half ts length is devoted to long, thin neck; the body is hollow and flat topped, with ‘rounded bottom, Taut strings are fttached to the neck and the body. Most ‘magical lutes play themselves on com: mand, and stop only when a second ‘command is given. 1.000 8.000 —2018:134 Too S000 ——bois-is4 000 81000 2018-134 {i000 8,000 PoLo23.23 2,000 16,000 AC04-048- 1000 "8.000 COL O48 3000 28000 POLYtZ3-25 2.000 15000 ACOKO4s 000 "6.000 Aco O4s Lyre A lyre isa harplike musical instew ‘ment that is held in place the bbreast and stomach with the left hand, and plucked lighty with a pleetrum (ick) in the right. The body is made of tortoise shell or wood and has two arms, curving like horns and joined by & crossbar, a lyre has from three to 12 tings. The lyre is the favorite musical instrament of Apollo. 5,000 30,000 2100-173, 1,100 11,000 ‘SUR2 72 ‘50021500 DRAGIS628 Mace ‘The mace is « direct descendant ofthe basic club, being nothing more than a ‘wooden shaft fitted with a stone or ‘metal head. (Some armorers alvo build all-metal, one-piece maces) The head ‘design varies, some are smooth, others fare langed, and still others are Iknobbed: The first maces were made to give the club wielder mare striking power. Many non-warriors favor maces because they are compact and simple to 250 3,000 1011.42 400 2.000 DRAGI7I68, 700 4500 DUNGOOS62 600 9,000 DRAGI79-68 1,000 10,000 2011-135 1,500 15,000 2011-125 2000 20.000 2011-125 ‘600 3,000 101358 800 4,000 101358 1,500, 15,000 POLYo47:27 Relic 35,000 DRAG10068, 90 Magical Pros Disings Machi Name EP 1,000 200 00 00 2,000 150 11000 ‘00 2.000 Mace, Flaming 1200 Mace Flying 1000 Mace, Healing 3,000 Mace, Hiding 41200 Mace; Holag 2000 Mace, Ironseat ‘00 Mace, Lighting 4000 Mace, Nightbringer +3 1000 000 ‘00 1450 00 Mace Speeding 150 Mace Speliwerding +1 2,00 Mace, Tsirond +344 2500 Mace, Translating 000 Mace, Watching 000 Mace, Waking 1200 Machine ‘The machine of Lum The Mad is a strange and incredibly ancient device of ‘workmanship unlike anything known today. Baron Lum used it to build an empire but none ean say what has since become oft. Legends report that it has 60 levers, 40 dials, and 20 switches (out only about half sill function). Manipu- Jating these controls generates all sorta of powers and effects. The machine is delicate, intricate, bulk, and very heavy (5,500 Ibe) Ieeannat be moved Book/Page FAL 101358 1013.58 1013-58 2018134 2100-184 1013.88 1013.58 1013.88 1013.58 1013.58 1013.58 1013.58 1018.58 FRIL-44 1013-58 2021095 DRAGOSS.69 1013.58 DRAGOS4-69 101388 1013.58 FRE245 POLY043.21 1013.58 1013.58 101358 ‘normally, and any serious jolt sete off and then destroys 14 functions, which can never be restored. I hi ‘man sized creature Machine, Lum the Mad Relie Magnet A magnet ina piece of odestone, magnetite, or other substance that strats ferrous metals, Magicaly rented magnets, however, might be fnchanted to attract other substances Magical magmets could atract fish, the Mfetions of attractive members ofthe ‘opposite tex, vile and hungry monsters, Magnet, Giant 8.500 72,500 85,000 ‘booth large enough to hold four 2011-159 200649 Name BP Mallet A mallet is wooden tool shaped roughly like @ hammer. It is commonly lased to drive other tools such ae chisel ‘Common mallets can be used as weap- ‘ons if necessary, but they tond to spl. ter easily, especially when used against armored opponents. See the Maul entry (page 93) for more magical options Mallet, Luck +2 1,500 Mallet, Wood, Silvanus +5 5000 Mantle ‘A mantle is lowing cloak or long cape that is wide enough to cover the shoulders and chest. Mantles sometimes fare worn folded back from the shoul- ders, Mantes can be made with a hole for the neck, or can be held in place with pins or clasps. Outdoor mantles are large and made of durable, thick fabric to keep the adventurer warm during ‘those cold nights under the stars, and dry during those bleak, drizzled days. Mantle, Colestian 3,500 Mantle, Mist ‘300 Mantle, Mundane, ofthe 1,500 Mantle, Sumpko's 1,800 Manual Manuals are magical books or tomes that are highly instructive. A manual magically teaches the reader one com- prehensive lesson on a specific topic. Sach a lesson might teach the reader better combat skills, how to construct a single object of great complexity, how to Improve an ability score, etc. Generally ‘manual can be ised only once, Manual, Bodily Health Manual, Dogmatic Methods Manual, Gainful Exercise ‘Manual, Garden Flowers “Manual; Golems, Clay. Manual, Golems, Flesh Manual, Golems, Iron x Manual, Golems, Plush 3,000 Manual, Golems, Stone 3,000 ‘Manual, Puissant Skill at Arms 8,000 ‘Manual, Quickness in Action 5,000 ‘Manual, Stealthy Pilfering 8,000 ‘Manual, 6500 Cost Y 15,000, 150,000 Book/Page 2ois.is4 2006-19 15,000 5,000, 15,000 15,000 2017.101 POLYO47-26 PHBR2-106 1032-005 2100174 2121138 2100174 2100174 2100174 DRAGI20.19, 2100.74 2100.77 2100-177 2100.17 ‘DRAGITEI9 ‘The Magic Enacopeta % 91 Map Name EP Cost ‘Map, Distortion 1,000 ‘Map, Dlasions 1,000 ‘Map, Llusions & Secret Doors 21000 ‘Map, Magic 1,000 Map, Magic & IMlusions 000 Map, Magie & Seeret Doors 2,000 ‘Map, Magic & Traps ‘Map, Mapping ‘Map, Mapping & Ilusions ‘Map, Mapping & Magic ‘Map, Mapping & Secret Doors ‘Map, Mapping & Traps Map, Misleading Map, Navigation Map, Secret Doors Map, Secret Doors & Traps Map, Traps Marble 10,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 BookPage 1 maps have functions beyond providing navigational information. Some enchanted maps cannot be cut, burnt by normal fire, or destroyed in any way exeept through the use of a rod of eancellation, Mor- denkainen’s disjunction, magical fire, powerful magical items, wishes, erase ls, or through other means. See the listed items’ description for details. DRAGI25-66 DRAGI25.65 DRAGI25.67 DRAGI25.65 DRAGI25.67 DRAGI25.67 DRAGI25.67 DRAGI25.65, DRAGI25.66 DRAGI25-66 DRAGI25.67 DRAGI25.67 DRAG125.67 DRAGI25.65 Marbles are small spheres made from colored giass, clay, metal, or stone. Enchanted marbles usually are no larger than a human eye—big enough to be hidden in a pocket or sleeve. Using fan enchanted marble without attracting ‘unwanted altention generally is not difficult, & @ Mg acto Marble, Cat's Bye 400 Marble, Granite 600 Marble, Meriy’s Marvelous 300 Marble, Quarry 1,000 Marble, Warp 5,000 Marker 4,000, 6,000, 8,000 10,000 25,000 DRAGIEE.15 "ACO4-049, 21248 Il “Magical markers are colorful metal chips that stick to any solid surfa ‘The ‘markers can only be seen with the use of Merty’s magical membrane, ich makes their use safe and effective, The markers low up to 120" away when seen through the membrane no illumi- nation necessary. Marker, Merty’s Ma 150 1,500 DRAGIB 8:16 Name ‘Mask, Bachracus Mask, Clear Air Mask, Comedy Mask, Death Mask, Disguise Mask, Blectrum Female Mask, Electrum Male Mask, Faceless Mask, Fanged Mask, Gold Female Mask, Gold Male Mask, Horned ‘Mask, Johydee's ‘Mase, Magic ‘Masi Mirror Mask, Platinum Female Mask, Platinum Male Mask, Protection +1 ‘Mask, Protection +2. ‘Mask, Protection +3. ‘Mask, Protection +4 Mask, Protection +5 Mask, Mask, Sil Mask, Silver Female Mask, Silver Male Mask, Skull Mask, Smiling Mask, Spider Mask, Tragedy Mask, Veil fing ‘Masque, Merty’s Mud Mast, Hall Mast; Portable BP Mask Cost Mast BookPage ‘A mask is a covering forthe faco. It ‘may be a simple piece of cloth with holes forthe eyes, or an elaborate wood fen or metal construct that covers most ofthe head (similar to an ornamental hheim). Magical masks may be of any size and shape, but Uhey all alter them: selves to conform to the shape and size ofthe wearer’ head Relic 500, 200, 1,000 1,000 11000, 500, 700, 1,500 1500 1,000 Relic 41,200 80 Mast P 5,000 2,000 1,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 7,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 ao7.249 DRAGHI919 ‘AC04-049 ‘ACO4-049 ACO4.049 IMAGSEL IMAGSEL ‘ACO4-049 DRAGIL 747 IMAGSE IMAGSE1 DRAGII7.46 2011158 DRAGHZ47 DRAGUT-47 IMAGSEL IMAGSEL ‘ACO8.049 AC0+049 ‘AC04.049, ‘AC04.050 DRAGII7.47 IMAGSEL IMAGSE1 DRAGHT-A6 "ACO4.050 FOR280 AC04.050 DRAGII7-46 DRAGII747 DRAGNIT46 DRAGIES.16 ‘Masts are poles that carry the rigging ‘and sails on a ship or spelljammer. The ‘number and height of masts on a hip ‘depends on the vessel's length. The longer a ship is, the more masts it ean carry and the taller they can be. Masts ‘are namod according to their placement. rom front to back, they are commonly called the foremast, the mainmast, and ‘the mizzenmast, 1.200 1600 12,000 16,000 ACO4.050 Aco4.050 92 Magical Products Listings Masthead Name EP Cost Book/Page Masthead ee ein Pena es Se Es Th Greatest ma i tes Tt ee py mache tercnitaron” | Sihieta sete ees eno Masthead, Durability, 1,700 8,500 Match ‘Matches are small wooden sticks tipped with a sulfurie substance that 0 burns when struck against flint. Ifa match is doused with water or exposed ‘twhigh humidity it will not work. The moisture dissolves many of the proper- ties required for the match to function properly. Matches are a rare item and ‘ot available in every campaign world, Match, Magic 600 6,000 POLY058:10 Match, Many Lights 500 5,000 DRAGO30.36 Match, Merty’s Munificent 250 2,500 DRAGI68:16 Mattock ‘The mattock of the titans huge digging tool 10" long and weighing more than 4100 pounds. Any giant-sized creature ‘ with a Strength of 20 or more can use it ‘to loosen earth (or tumble earthen ramparts) in a 100-cubiefoot area in one turn, Itcan smash rock in a 20-cubic- foot area in the same amount of time. Mattock, Titans, of the 3,500 7,000 2100174 Mattress Mert's magnificent mattress is three foot wide and soven feet long. It is magi cally comfortable and the occupant must roll saving throw versus spell every round or fall asleep. Ifthe save fails, the victim sleeps until rolled off the mat- tress. When notin use, the mattress can be rolled up and carried. It weighs 10 pounds. Mattress, Merty's Magnificent 950 9,600 DRAGI6S.15, Medallion Nae EP Cost Book/Page Maul ‘These huge sledge hammer are 8 Sea door and weigh more than 160 pound, S IR eintetedcrectre with engi 21 se ponier cam anpleg to drive | piles cup to dimete ino normal rth at 4 por low, bro lows per | found The mock ean ena to Bledare freak door upto 0 high by wide by F Gk wi single blow tothe fori heavily baud with iron | Maul Titans, the 4000 12002100174 Medallion Amedalion apace of ormamental —[ jevoly nly crear ooval Medal | Timcemed sienhangoncnaceend | ‘worn as neckwear. Often, medallions a Tro seod te eymbeiln opel o tredtie fat When given an. rae or Enreable gta tmlalineenutocme t valusble family memento tobe posed fence peeration tar | Medallion, Askbalive 2002900 LNR2Ge Medslion, Chaos 1600 10600 DRAGONO29 Modalion, Defense +1 Lovo "See ACos080 Medalion: Defense +2 20m 10000 necitom Medallion, Defense +3 31000 15000 new tem Medallion, Defense +4 4000 20900 ew tem Mtalion Defons + 5000 25000 ew item Motalion, Egaus son “simon Duco Modalion, ESP, 30 xo bon aiooa4 Metaion, ESE 90 with Empathy 1800 15000 aio tra Medallion ESE 60 Zoo 20000 “‘aioot74 Madalion ES 99 Sam 20000 si0atr4 Medalion, BST ‘ton 4000 DRAGIBS:28 Mellon, Fath 1,000 10009 a2 092 Medallion, Holy Aimar 900 “Seen na.og0 Malin, Jette of Asap ooo apo CNa«a9 Medallion, igh “oo “tqo0 LASS? Modalin, Majere 2000 2000 DCDLaLa5 DMedelin, Maiog m0 “ts0n—*2033.081 Modalion, Mir of the 4m 000 Acosoor ‘Modallion, Missle Atraction = Yoo -Acotaso Medallion, Protion soo 5000 ACD4SD Modalion, Snow Clan am 40 Nas Mellon, Soul Searcher zac 200) eanst ‘Medalli Spell Exchange 3,000 15,000 (2121-140 Medallion Stadinse tom io) PHB 124 Medallion, Thought Projection = "Yoo zi0074 ‘The Mogic Encypeia % 93 Melon Name EP Cost Book/Page Melon A creature who eats any ofthe flesh or rind of a moonmelon or drinks any of 4% the juice seems to be unaffected. The imbiber’s offspring, however, are born as sum rmooncreatures, which have altered size, Melon, Moon 100 ‘appearance, and abilities. Strangely | ‘enough, all of mooncreature’s off 500 DUNGO25.26 Menagerie Merty’s musical menagerie magi cal leather bag weighing only five pounds contains all the musta! Instruments that any bard could ever ‘eed: Simply be reaching in, the bard Can retrieve any netrument desired. s ‘Although none of the Instruments are a ‘magical, the menagerie allows the bard | a teeth propersound fr any or Menagerie, Mery’ Musical 200 2000 DRAGIG8.16 Metal Metal isthe hardened mineral sub stance from which most weapons and ‘armor are constructed. The common ‘materials for coined money (platinum, gold, electrum, silver, copper, stel) iy alloys (a combination of ‘Metal, Orichaleom 2006.50 Military Fork A military fork is the warrior’ ver- sion o simple agricultural tol. The head consists of two parallel spikes, often fitted with hooks for pulling borse- then of mounts, Certain versions ofthe | fork have a blade mounted below the | spiker: Forks are useful not only a8 | Uhrosting weapons but as tool for climbing, setting up ladders, and hoist- ing baskets Military Fork +1 3502500 2011-125 Military Fork +2 700 5,000 2011-125, Military Fork +3 1400 10,000, 2011-125 Military Fork +4 21800, 20,000 2011-125 Military Fork +5 5,600 40,000 2011-125 Military Fork, Pain +4 Relic 2016.49 Mirror Name EP Cost Book/Page Military Pick ‘The medieval military pick was a specialized weapon. I originated from the common mining tool, and was adapt \ | edto penetrate any armor from chain y ‘mail up to full plate. The weapon has a Y ‘small hammer head balanced by a thick, curved luke or “crows beak: ‘This flake ends in s rounded point that has great piercing power. 350 2500 -2011.125, 700 5000 2011.125 3,400, 10,000, 2011-125, 2800 29,000 2011-125, 00 40,000 2011125, Mill Tinea il fom the inh tse te seit eer Senta rar ho Hceeneae ayo | Bate ages | Satori tte ine Sap | ere eee | ecmamact Relic P t02b6s Mine, Dimensional A dimensional mine can look like any small item, but moet often appears as a mall figure carved from jet or other Diack stone, similar toa figurine of ‘power When the mine is taken into an fxtradimensional space, such as that created by a rope trick, ora bag of hold ing, it ruptures the space, spewing everything in it into the Astral plane, Mine, Dimensional = 2000 2121136 Mirror A magical mirror can be of any size ‘and shape, but is almost always large, Framed, and hung on a wall o other ‘support. Some are ornate and some are ‘quite plain, Al are expensive to con- Struct, requiring a wish, a powdered ‘gem of 25000 gp value or more, and one ‘or more other spells. Many mirrors ‘cannot be moved without breaking their ‘enchantments. ‘Mirror, Allseeing, Year's 900 3,800 DRAGO37.47 94% Magical Products Listings Missile Name Mirror, Barlthian's Mystical “Mirror. Confusion, Yefar's Mirror, Curing Mirror, Emperor's ‘Mirror, Enlightenment Mirror, Evems Enviable Image Mirror, Fear Mireor Flaming, Ten ‘Mirror, Great, Yetur's Mirror, Lazbekri Mirror, Life Saving Mirror, Life Trapping Mirror, Limbo ‘Mirror, Memory, Yofar's ‘Mirror, Mental Prowess, Mirror, Murky Mirror, Opposition Mirror, Reading ‘Mirror, Recall Mirror, Retention Mirror, Reversal ‘Mirror Seeing Mirror, imple Order Mirror, Sophistication ‘Mirror, Spirit Seeing ‘Mirror, Transformation 2000, 4500, 5,300 ‘900 100 Relic Mirror, Travel Mirror Travel, Improved Mirror, Truth ‘Mirror, Vanity ‘Mirror, Yin-Yang Missile Kruse's magnificent missile isa large, ‘open-ended tube of rusty metal plates bolted loosely toxether; the tube is 20° long and 10 in diameter. Peering inside the tubo reveals two or three spherical ‘creatures with large central eyes and ‘many smaller eyestalks. Other more ‘common types af missiles can be found inthe Arrow, Bot, Bullet, and Quarrel entries ‘Missile, Kruze's Magnificent 7,600 Mist Mist of rapture usually is found in ‘glass globes or metal vials. When re leased, the mist forms ‘The cloud’s diameter varies from 15 to 45 feet depending upon the amount released. The vapors are heavy and Iinger for 1-4 days, drifting very slowly in any wind, They eling to clothing and ‘skin, Vietims who breathe the incapacitated for 146 rounds. Mist, Rapture 200 22,000 Cost Book/Page DRAGOS0.20 DRAGOS7.47 2018135 AC04.050 2108141 2018-135, ‘ACILO42 018.135 2023-079 DRAGOS7-47 ‘ACO4051 POLYOs3.22 200851 M2027 2100174 2121147 DRAGOS?.47 2100175 2108.046 2100.175 Acos.051 PHERS109 2121-140 Acoa-051 ‘ACO4-051 2121-140 DRAGI68.18 DRAGOS7.47 2018-135 7HRL-665 DRAGI45.40 DRAG145.40 ‘ACO8-051 ‘ACO4051 P 2006.68 Ac1-062 9,000 DRAGO39.42 Name EP Mist Maker ‘This device appears tobe a hand-held ‘erystal vial. When the erystal stopper is, removed, the vial produces a 30-radias loud of thick mist that no sight, infra Vision, or ultravision can penetrate, The ‘effet inst for 346 rounds but can be {ispelled instantly with a gus of wind spell. Simply refilling the vial with plain water and allowing it to sit for 24 hours. recharges the item, 500 DRAGIGS:16 180 Moat ‘Mistmaker, Merty’s Miraculous Money A folding moat appears to be a large Joop of loth. When placed on the ‘ground, however, it expands to become a tronch 30° wide, and 10° deep, enclosing 500’ by 300° area. Ifa command word is spoken, the moat fills with water that remains until a second command word is spoken. Moat, Folding 8,000 80,000 Moccasins ‘These, low beaded leather shoos are worn by Maztieans and tribesmen ‘everywhere. Moccasin leather is often very soft, making a shoo that allows the ‘wearer to walk quietly through nearly any terrain. See the Boot (page 38) and ‘Shoe (page 128) entries for additional ‘magical options. |= Moccasins, Free Movement 1,000, 10,000 Money ‘These magical coins work only when they are part of a broken promise. For example, a character is vulnerable if he ‘agrees to stand guard in exchange for a ‘money, then flees his post. Theeurse == |) inflicts 1d4 points of rotting damage teach day until the victim fulfils the promise, receives a remove curse, spell, or dies. A victim need carry only one coin tobe affected. ‘Money, Raistlin’s Cursed 5 lo POLYD58:10 1066082 The Magic Encylopedia % 95 Morning Star Name EP Cost Book/Page Name EP Cost Book/Page Morning Star Mouthpic FT) Armorning star is wooden club For al their might, the eye tyrants topped with a spiked head. Morning Aooholders) eannok accomplish te sin ‘stars are about four feet long. Their | ple task of picking up a stick without heads can be round, oval, or cylindrical, Aid. To circumvent their lack of append: but always are studded with spikes. ages, beholders sometimes use Most morning star heads are easipped mouthpick, aso called tongue arms, to tha long pein for thrusting, regard manipulate items, Those reaching side ices ot tho overall design, The weapons irechem articulated snd sevally ade ‘weighted, spiked bee sows the weld af metal They are hel in the tyrants to inflict signieat damage with eB moth Srory uceedhl owing Ba Morning Star +1 400 3000 2011.135 Moathpick, Beholder 1,000 2,000 1060.12 Morning Star +2 am) Boo 20n135, Morning Star +3 1500 10.000 2011-125 Hover Morning Star +4 23000 15,000 2011125 ’ Morning Star +8 2300 20000 2011 128 |. This gnomish invention looks ikea Morning Star, Battlestar +4 3500 5000 SIRI76 | ean chariot powered by’ golem The Morning Star Breathing 600 3.000 101358, folem tur ean that cases the Morning Star, Charming 800 $000 101338, thee to turn and activates sets of Morning Star; Decerving 200 1000101388, Totary blades onthe sides and the front. Morning Star: Defending 800 400001888 | Siverat rakes drag behing the chariot, ‘Morin Star, Deficting 800 $000 101388, tnd recover any fallen debra The Morning Star, Drain 1.000 5000101368, | ower moves 120 per round and caus Morning Star Extinguishing oo 000 fois | 3210 pints of damage to anything i es Morning Star Finding 2.000 1000010188 | path Snctuding gras, res: popl, and Morning Star Flaming 1200 "S000 1019.88 | | Biker obtaces aeons Fee S OO LCIREE own King Dans Gint 1400 180000 ACTLAm Morning Star Hiding 1200 "6000 101358 Nerning Star Hedin Yo Samo 10138 Muffler orang Star, Lightin a toss , Morning Star Silencing 8003800 1013.58, Thace eclerfl scarves protect the sua eer Se weerer from th sounds ef sirens, hr Morning Star Speeding 750 3500 jo1358 | Dies annoying bards and even the Morning Star, Translating 1,000 1,500 wis 6 ff pestering of « spouse, companion, or Morning Star War Manticore 1800 18000 PoLvossan <4 Toved one. Once put on, no sound will Morning Star, Watching 1/000 2.000, 101358 2 reach the wearer's ears until they are Morning Star, Wishing 1,200 12,000 1013-58 — Mortar Mertars and patos re aoa usd to ae eae eras. ‘MufMer, Merty's Masterful 200 © 2,000 DRAG168-16 fail tt materia Magical verites Mug Samen uch nveciegrantermetal [SS achtugeare large ops crafd from | gemstones, and magical items although ‘Most have handles. Mugs tend tobe acca ea ive avi eee thick and heavy: they are often used to ‘sieges diaiongestion), Magical mortars drink hot or warm beverages such as ee td pele meat be used eputher sr tin Lil meen oh allah Mortar & Pestle, Lorloveira's flagons or steins, are used to hold ale for Obsidian 500 2500211439 aninking, Mortar, Everproducing Rice 600 6000 ©2018 134, Mug, Dribbling — 200 DRAGOs0.36 Mug, Merty’s Mysterious 80 800 DRAGI6B.16 ‘Mug, Plenty 1,000 10,000 FRO263 Mug, Warming ‘400 4,000 DRAGO30.36, 96 Magical Prats Listings Mushroom Name EP Cost Book/Page Mushroom ‘Merty’s multiplanar mushrooms i 1 stantly transport the imbiber to the Ethereal plane. The consumer can stay in the plane for as long as he wishes. Eating another returns the imbiber to his or her plane of origin. ‘The chance for random encounters in the Ethereal plane i doubled when these mushrooms are used | DRAGIG8.15, Mushroom, Merty's Multiplanar 1,120. 11,250 Musk ‘A healthy application of Merty’s mas- culine macho musk will tara any weak ling adventurer into a hulking monstrosity with 18/00 strength, which lasts 2.5 rounds. Furthermore, the scent ‘acts asa friends spell on anyone within 20° whieh Insts 5d4 rounds. For some reason, females are repelled by this odor land attack the wearer with intent to Kill if they fail a save versus spell ‘Musk, Merty’s Masculine Macho —-«120-«1,200- DRAG168:16, Muskmelon single Merty’s mmm-mmm musk ‘melon provides a nutritious meal for one i person. Each also haa an enchantment that allows it to stay fresh and delicious indefinitely. Furthermore, ifa seed from ‘a melon is planted watered, it will Sprout into new melon plant in only Sir hours Each seed wil sprout one to ‘wo melons, Muskmelon, Merty’s Mmm-mmm 50-500 DRAGI68:16 Mustard Mustard is «tangy condiment made from vinegar, ground mustard seed, and salt. Several magical varieties exist, but they are exceedingly rare 3000 DRAGI6815 ‘000 PoLvo2s.i12 ‘Mustard, Merty’s Mystic 300 ‘Mustard, Suceess 400 Name EP Cost Book/Page Mu: ‘This item is constructed from leather straps and metal buckles. A muzzle can be fastened over the mouth of any ani ‘mal or monster to keep it from biting. Magical muzzles automatically expand or eontract to fit any ereature, The ‘muzzled creature ean Breathe, but it cannot open its mouth to bite, eat, pant, | orrelease a breath weapon, Muzzle, Mauling — 800 AC04.051 Mural, Training 800 5,000 10136053 Nail ‘A common iron nail usod in medieval carpentry is one to four inches long and ‘ery crudely made, Magical mils are - nearly identical, although the quality better Enchanted nails ean be manufac- tured from some other metal and often are painted, They may be easily over looked i found with other construction Nail, Building 1,500 15,000 ACO4-051 Nail, Death ‘100 ‘8005-051 Nail, Finger 100 1013.54 Nall, Pointing 700 ‘AC04.051 Nail, Securing 400 ‘004.051 Nail, Ten-Penmny 300 ‘AC04.051 Necklace ‘A necklace isa piee of omamental aaaaal 1 Jewelry usually made of silver, gold, | Sadiasn oc aye ther presicen canal | {and adorned with gems. As the name suggests, a necklace is always worn on | the neck: A necklace ean be short | ‘enough to fit snugly around the throat, | Tong enough to dangle below the waist, | or be just about any length in between | Necklace, Adaptation 1,000 2100175, Necklace, Air Breathing 50 DRAGO4S.35, Necklace, Almor — 2023-082 Necklace, Alteration 1000 ‘DRAGOSE:28 Necklace, Bad Taste ‘500 ‘DRAGO®1.60 ‘Necklace, Elegant Appearance 600 ‘DRAGOTS-38 Necklace, Glittering 500 "ACO4052, Necklace, Greed = ‘AC04.052 Necklace, Harmonia 1,000 1021-64 Necklace, Lith Relic IMAGO20:31 Necklace, Memory Enhancement 1,000 212-141 Necklace, Miseile, Type 1 ‘550 2011150 Necklace, Mises, Type I ‘800 2011-150 Necklace, Missiles, Type ft 1.150 2011-150 ‘Necklace, Missiles, Type IV 11500 2011150 ‘The Magic Eneylpeia % 97 Necklace of Prayer Beads Name EP Cost Book/Page Necklace, Missiles, Type V 2011-150 Necklace, Misiles, Type VI 2011150 Necklace, Missiles, Type VIL 2011-150 ‘Necklace, Night Seeing, POLYo4s.22 Necklace, Pearls, Tarterus 212147 Necklace, Petrification ‘AC04.052 Necklace, Protection 1 HRLG Necklace, Protection +2 HRLBG Necklace, Protection +3 HRI66 Necklace, Protection +4 HRIS6 ‘Necklace, Protection +5 HRIG6 ‘Necklace, Protection, Charm 21000 10,000 FRIOS4 ‘Necklace, Strangulation, = 1,000 -2100.175 Necklace, Ugliness 1,200 ACO4.052 Necklace, Water Breathing, 800 8,000 2003-24 Necklace of Prayer Beads This item appears to be a normal piece of non-valuable jewelry until its placed ‘about the neck. Bven then, its nature will be revealed only if the wearer is a cleric excluding druids and PCs other ‘wise able to use clerical spells such as paladins and rangers). The wearer is more likely to receive desired spells from his deity and enjoys other benefits depending on which beads the necklace has. Necklace, Prayer Beads, Atonement 500 2,000 2011.151 Necklace, Prayer Beads Blessing 500 3,000 9011151 Necklace, Prayer Beads, Curing” 500 3,000 _2011.151 Necklace, Prayer Beads, Karma 500 3,000 -2011151 Necklace; Prayer Beads, Summon 800 3,000 2011181, ‘Necklace; Prayer Beads, Wind Walking 5003000201151 Needle Common needtes are mainly used in garment work and come in several Shapes and sizes for sewing, kaitting, N and erocheting. Although hardly N\ effective weapon, adventurers ninjas in particular) occasionally carry needles to . help achieve surprise or ereate diver- \ sions, These tend to be longer than | common sewing needles, Needle, Death 400 4,000 acos.o52 Needle, Knitting, Speed 600 6,000 DRAGOT3-37 Needle, Lively Tattoos 1,000 10,000 10234 Needle, Repair 1500 5,000 ACO4.052 Needle, Sewing 300 31000 DRAGO30.36 Name Net, Apprehending, Zadon's Not, Breathing Net, Charming Net, Deceiving Net, Defending Net, Deflecting Net, Drag Net, Draining Net, Entrapment Net, Extinguishing Net, Finding. Net, Fishing Net, Flaming Net, Flying Net, Hare Net, Healing Net, Hiding Not, Holding Net, Landing Net, Lightning Net, Profit Not, Restraint, Loyal Net, Safety. Net, Silencing. Net, Slicing Net, Slowing Net, Translating Net} Witching Net, Web Net, Wishing Net, Worth EP Cost Book’Page Net Ordinary nets commonly used by fishermen are large sheets of mesh made of rope or cord. Magieal nets ean ‘uch smaller, (squares: fone to 12 inches long on tated or implied in the item description) ‘and usually made of fine metal threads that are intricately woren and often, adorned with gems. 1,000 5,000 DRAGOe2-65 ‘600 3,000 1019.58 800 4,000 1013.58 200 1,000 1013.58 800 4,000 101358 800 4,000 1013.58 1,000 5,000 ACO4.052 ‘800 4,000 1013.58 1000 7,500 200.184 '300 4,000 101358 2,000 10,000 1013.88 800 4,000 1072a84 1,200 6,000, 101358 1000 5,000, 1019.58 150 1.500 ACO#-082 3,000 15,000 1019.58 1,200 6,000 101388 11000 5,000 1013.58 1,000 4,000 AC0#053 4000 30,000 1013.58 4,000 10,000 _AC04.058 1,000 6.000 DLRI-82 1,000 5,000 L¢219 3,800 1019.58 4.500 101358 4.000 101358 61000 2100-184 10,000. 2018.135 "400 DRAGIS6.28 3,500 1013.58 1,500 1013.58 2,000 1013.58 2500 2021.09 12,000 1013.58 5,000 ACO4-055, Net Thrower Net Thrower ‘This gmomish device throws nets great distances. It usos a spring loaded wheel fand a circular net with small weights ftiached to it.The wheel spins and launches the net, which flies to its target. A net thrower comes with @ mechanicalor steam-powered winch to hhaul the net and its cargo back. It has a range of 100° aad affects a 10'% 10" fea, It requires a three gnome crew to ‘operate, and has # 25% chanee of mal- functioning every time itis used. 60 © 600 AC11.090 98 % Mogial Products Listings Nightcap Name EP Cost BookiPage Nighteap ‘A nightcap covers the head during sleep It provides some extra warmth, Dut is used primarily to keep the wear ershair out of his face. Its secondary | purpose is to keep the lice that often Inhabit the scalp from biting and jump- Ing about and keeping the person awake, Nighteap, Sleep 400 2,000 ACOs.053, Nighteap, Vision 600 31000 ACos-053, Nightingale ‘The origin of Queen Bhlissa’s marvel. [ ‘ous nightingale is unknown; however, ‘one sage asserts that the nightingale was made by Xagy and the goddess of voleanie activity, Joramy, some 17 cen- turies ago. This bejeweled songbird held within a fine mesh of golden wires, much like the eage ofa real bird, and when set in motion the nightingale ‘opens its glittering wings, hops to the [highest perch in the cage and performs, ‘Nightingale, Queen Elissa’s Marvelous Relic 112,500 2012-160, Noisome ‘These magical items come in strings ‘f 100-and look like modern day fire crackers. When litand east to the ‘round, the nolsomes magically explode ‘vith a loud bang. Spirits cannot tolerate this noise. Lesser spirits flee for 25 rounds. Greater spirits are granted a ‘saving throw versus spell to remain in the area, The explosions cause no dam. age. [Noisome, Spirit Chaser 1,000 5,000 Nunchaku ‘Thin ea martial arte weapon, derived from the common gricltaral fal. consists of wo lengths of wood or ron connected by a short chain or cord. It if tea bs toed i parry etek, cab an / pponent or catch weapons Ii asly / foncealed Martil arts training is Sersred to was this weapon oftctiely. y/ Nunchaku, Dancing #2 800 4,000 PoLyosi.t4 Oil Name EP Cost Book/Page Oar (Oars are used to propel and steer water craft. An oar consists of @ long. ‘wooden shaft with a blade at one end and a short, tapered grip at the other fend. A metal or leather bracket or Sleeve is fitted somewhere near the ‘middle. An oar must be attached to oF braced against to the craft's gunvale (side), All oardriven vessels are fitted with brackets or notches for this pur pose, + Oar, Ether 1,000 5,000 ACO4.053 Oar, Rowing ‘600 6,000 ACO4053 Odor Odors are almost exclusively ervated by druids and other naturalist prieats They are gases distilled from plants, earth, minerals, or animal byproducts Some odors are benign and are used as alchemical cures for a variety of injuries fand ailments. Other odors are deadly poisons. 1,000 5,000 DRAGII9.19 ‘200 1,000 DRAGI19.19 Odrovir In Norse legend, a war took place betiwoon the Acsir (the 24 deities of Asgard) and the Vanir (the nature de- ties of Noatun). After the war, both spat into ajar, providing their mixed essences as hostages for peace. Kvasir, the wisest ofall men, was made of the spittle, Using honey, he made an elixir called Odrovie (or Odhrevir) all whe partook oft became poets Odrovir 600 6,000 1021.64 Oil “Oil” i a general term for a vast number of products, Oils include lations land salves that are rubbed on the body for medicinal purposes. Oils also include Ibricants that lessen friction between two different objects when they rub together: Many enchanted oils are herb- al distillates or infusions. They tend to he non-flammable. Lamp oil is used for lamps and lanterns; ti not particular ly explosive although it can be used to feed an existing blaze Oil, Absinthe 100500 Oil, Acid Resistance 500 5,000 DRAGOS3-47 2100-143 ‘The Magic Enel Oil Oil Name EP Cost BookiPage Name EP Cost Book/Page Oil, African Ju Ju 100 500 DRAGO33-47 Oil, Hair Replacement 150 400 POLY085.20 Oil, Agelessneas 800 8,000 FRIOS1 Oil High John the Conqueror 500 2,500 DRAGO3.52 Oil, Allspice 150 750 DRAGOIS47 Oil, Honeysuckle 100 "250 DRAGOs3.52 OO, Anger 300 1,500. DRAGO33-47 Oil, Horridness = 150 DRAGI79.69 Oil, Animation 200 "800 POLY06520 Oil, Hypnotic 300 1,500 DRAGOS352 Oil, Anise 300 500 DRAGO33.47 Oil, Hyssop 200 1000 DRAGOS3-52 il, Aphrodisia 200 1,000 DRAGOS3.47 Oil, Immovability 350 1,600 POL¥065.20, Oil, Aphrodisiae, Starea's 250 1250 2121-125 Oil, Impact 750 5,000 3100-143, Oil, Arabian Nights 800 1/500 DRAGO33.47 Oil, Inseet Ward, Murdock’s 200 1,000 a1a1.125 Oil, Ares 150 750. DRAGOS347 Oil, Invisibility 250 500 -DRAGI79.69 Oil, Armor 400 4,000 FRIOS1 Oil, Invulnerablity 350 500 DRAGI79.69 Oil, Armor 500 1,800 POLYG65,20 Oil, Invulnerability, Elemental 2,000 20,000 DRAG13040, Oil, Aroma of Dreams 300 11500 2121-125 Oil, Invulnerability, Elemental Oil, Attraction 200 1000 DRAGOS3.47 Plane, Air 5,000 25,000 2121.27 Oil, Attractiveness 200 ‘350 DRAGI7968 Oil, Invulnerability, Elemental Oil, Beauty 400 4,000 FRIOS! Plane, Ash 5,000 25,000 2iai.z7 Oil, Bergamot 600 1,800 DRAGO33.47, Invulnerability, Elemental Oil, Blood, Bat 250 1,750 DRAGO33.47 Plane, Dust 5,000 25,000 11.427 Oil, Blood, Dragon 500 21500 DRAGOS352 Oil, Invulnerability, Blemental Oil, Bottom #20 100 500 DRAGO3347 Plane, Earth 5,000 25,000 2iai-t27 Oil, Bull 100 500 DRAGO33.47 Ol, Invulnerability, Elemental Oil, Buoyancy 250 700 POL¥065.20, iane, Fire 5,000 25,000 211.127 Oil, Carnation 150 750 DRAGO3347 Oil, Invulnerability, Elemental Oil, Chocolate 100 500 DRAGOS3-47 Plane, Iee 5,000 25,000 2121-127 Oil, Citronella 125 625 DRAGO33.47 Oil, Invulnerability, Elemental il, Giver 100 DRAGO33.47 Plane, Lightning 5000 25,000 2121-127 il Cleo May 100 DRAGO3347 Oil, Invalnerability, Elemental Oil, Cloaking. 250 DRAGI7063 Plane, Magma 5,000 25,000 211-127 Oil, Commanding 1,000 DRAGUSI-47 Oil, Invulnerablity, Elemental il Concentration "400 DRAGO3347 Pane, Minerals. 5,000 25,000 211.127 ‘onfsion 900 DRAGO33-47 Oil, Invulnerability, Blemental ronquering, 1,500 DRAGO33-47 Plane, Ooze 5,000 25,000 2121-127 Oil Conquering, High 1,000 DRAGO33.52 Oil, Invulnerability, Elemental il, Controlling 1,000 DRAGO3347 Plane, Radianee 5,000 25,000 2121-127 Oil, Grab Apple 100 DRAG033-47 Oil, Invalnerability, Elemental Oil, Crossing 600 DRAGOS347 Plane, Salt 5,000 25,000 a1mi27 Oi, Cumin Sood 100 DRAGO33-47 Oil, Invulnerability, Elemental Oil, Curdled Death 150 2121-125 lane, Smoke 5,000 25,000 211-27 eS DRAGOG3-47 Oil, Invulnerability, Elemental 100 DRAGO33.47 Plano, Steam 5,000 25,000 211.127 500 DRAGO33.52 Oil, Invalnerability, Elemental |, Dexterity 500 POLY065-20 Plane, Vacuum 5,000 25,000 2121-127 Oil, Disenchantment 750 2100143 Oil Invulnerability, Blemental Oil, Do As ISay. 1,000 DRAGOS352 Plano, Water 6,000 95,000 aii.127 Oi, Double Cross ‘600 DRAGOS352 Oil, Jamaica 200 1,000 DRAGOSS.52 Oil, Dream 600 DRAGO3352 Oil, Jinx Removing 1,000 5,000 DRAGos3.52 Oil, Dryad ofthe 250 POLYO65.20 Oil, Kludde 100 "500 DRAGOS9.52 Oil, lasticity 250 POLY065.20 Oil, Lavender 100500 DRAGOIS-52 Oil, Elemental invulnerability, Air 1,000 2100148 Oil, Life 2,000 1,000 DRAGOSS.52 Oil, Elemental Invulnerability, Earth 1,000 2100143 Oil, Life, New 2,500 12,500 DRAGO33-52 Oil, Blemental invulnerability, Fire | 1,000 2100143 Oil, Lighting 250 "500 POLY065.20, Oil, Elemental Invuinerability, Water 1,000 2100-143 Oil, Lightning Bolts — 500. POLY065.20 Oil, Enchantment 1,200 DRAGOSS52 Oil, Lily ofthe Valley 200 1,000 DRAGos3.52 Oil, Btherealness ‘600 2100143 Oil, Lorn 250 "600 POLY085.20 Oil, Eucalyptus 200 DRAGOS3.52 Oil, Magnol 150 750 DRAGO3S.52 Oil Feast, ofthe 250 POLY065.20 Manpower 400 2,000 DRAGO33.52 Oil, Fiery Burning 500 2100-143 Oil, Mereury 100 1,000 DRAGO33-52 Oil, Pie Stilling 200 DRAGIS918 Oil, Metal Fatigue 400 1,900 POLY065-20 il, Frangi Pani 200 DRAGO3352 Oil, Mojo 100 11500 DRAGOS3.52 Oil, Fumbiing = 2100-143 Oil, Moon 2001000 DRAGos3.52 Oil, Galangal 100 DRAGOS352 Oil, Musk 100 500 DRAGO33-52 Oil, Gardenia 200 DRAGO3352 Oil, Narcissus 200 1,000 DRAGOS3.52 Oil, Get Away 800 DRAGO33.52 Oil, Nine Mystery 300 1'500 DRAGO33.52 Oil, Grape 100 DRAGO3352 Oil, Obeah 400 1.500 -DRAGo3352 Oil, Grass, Five Finger 250 DRAGO3352 Oi 500 900 DRAGI7969 Oil, Great Devotion 300 DRAGI79.68 200 2,000 DRAGOS3.52 100 5% Magical Prduts Listings Oil Name EP Cost Oil, Phosphorescence = 100 Oil, Phosphorus 800 Oil, Pickpocket, of the 500 O11, Power 10,000, Oil, Preservation 4.000 Preservation 4,800 3,000 7300 ‘300 00 500 1,900 1,500 250 | Seribes 1,300 700 Sharpness +1 1,000 il, Sharpness +2 2,000 Oil, Sharpness +3 il, Sharpness +4 03 Oil, Snake Oil, Spikenard Oil, Spirit Oil, Timelessness Oil, Unlocking Oil, Verbena Oil, Vibration Oil, Virgin Olive Oil, Vision Oil, Wintergreen Oil, Wishing Oi, xyz Oil, Yiang Ylang, Oil, Zula Zula BookiPage DRAGO®I-53 POLY065-20 DRAGITO.69 DRAGOS3.52 212.127 POLYD6S:21 DRAGO33.52 DRAGOS3.52 DRAGIT9.69 DRAGOS3.52 DRAGOR3.52 POLY065.21 DRAGOS3.52 POLY065.21 POLY065.21 POLY065-21 2017-000 2017-090 2017-090, 2017-090 2017-000 2017-090 PHBR2-105 2100-146 DRAGO33.52 DRAGOSS.52 DRAGOS3.52 DRAGO33.52 ‘2100-146 POLY065-21 DRAGO33.52 DRAGO33.52 DRAGOS3.52 DRAGOS3.52 DRAGO33.52 DRAGOS3.52 DRAGOS3.52 ‘DRAGOSS.52 DRAGOS3.52 ‘DRAGOSS.52 Oracle Name EP Cast Book/Page Ointment ‘This pale creamy salve is found in ‘small wooden boxes with cloth sppliea tors. Irthe entire contents of a box is 1 ‘rubbed on any part of the skin, a magi- x cal effect is produced. All ointments Took, smell, and taste different teven among the same types), making them hhard to distinguish one from another. S Ointment, Blessing 100500 COL 054 Ointment Healing 1,000 5,000 -ACOL054 Ointment, Keoghtom ‘500 10.000 “2100173, Ointment, Poison — "600 ACDA.O54 Ointment, Sear Removal 150750 DRAGOTE-38 Ointment, earring 400 4,000 ACD4.054 Ointment, Send Sight 2,000 10,000 PCI-60 Ointment, Soothing 00 3,000 AcD4.054 Ointment, Tanning 500 21500 -ACDA.054 Omelet "This item isa carton or box made from a lightweight, porous, white material ‘The outside embossed with glyph that ‘usually depicts a bird or some type of flying contraption. When opened, the ‘carton alteays is found containing an od, cold, tough, and unappetizing ome Tet and a waxed enated bag. Omelet, Planes, of the 1,000 10,000 DRAGI56.28 Oracle An oracle appears to bea crystal ball eel with a slight tinge of color. They were Created many years ago for the then Lord Mayor ofthe ety of Greyhawk, | However noone is sure how many oracles are still the government's | poseession. and how many have been Testor stolen. An oracle can answer one Question a day, as ifthe owner is con: sulting a sage (see DMG). Oracle, Greyhawk, Blue 12,000 20234082 Oracle, Grevhawk, Brown 12.000 2023-082 Oracle, Greyhawk, Green 32000 2028-082 Oracle, Greyhawk, Orange 1200020230082 Oracle, Greyhawk, Red 12000 023.082 Oracle, Greyhawk, Violet 12,000 2029-082 Oracle, Greyhawk, Yellow 12000 2023-082 The Magic Encyclopedia 101 Orb Name EP Orb Orbs look much like crystal balls; they are spherical objects that usually are placed in elaborate stands to keep them {rom rolling or breaking. Many of the ‘most powerful artifacts in existence are orbs, the potent Orbs of Dragonhind being only one example. Orb, Distant Viewing a Orb, Dragonkind, Dragon Relic Orb, Dragonkind, Dragonette Relic ‘Orb, Dragonkind, Bider Wyrm Relic ‘Orb, Dragonkind, Firedrake Relic ‘On, Dragonkind, Grand Dragon (Orb, Dragonkind, Great Serpent ‘Orb, Dragonkind, Hatehling Orb, Dragonkind, Wyrmkin Relic Relie Relic Relic Orb, DuoDimension 500 Orb, Golden Death Relic Orb, Grief 4 Orb, Holiness 7,500 Orb, Law 8,000 Orb, Might, Bvt Relic Orb, Might, Good Relic Orb, Might, Neutrality Relic ‘Orb, Remote Action 8,000 Orb, Silver Dragon 4,000 Orb, Tyche Diamond Relic Orb, Yara Relic Organ Howard's mystical organ has 77 great and small pipes, a console with many keys of black and white, 13 stops, and three great foot pedals. The bellows that send wind to the pipes are said to be Worked by a conjured and chained air clemental of huge size. Each stop causes the pipes to sound in a different voice Organ, Heward's Mystical Relic Ornothopter ‘This vehicle looks like a small boat made of eloth and wood, with four spring-loaded legs and two collapsible, Teather wings. When released, the legs «cause the ornothopter to spring into the air. Meanwhile, asthe crew rewinds the springs, the leather wings open up and allow the ornothopter to safely glide down to the ground. Ornothopter, Hopping, 350 Cost 1,000 DRAG168.20 2011-159) 2011.159 2011-160 2011-160 2011-160 2011-159 2011-159 2011159, FORZ79 m127 cN2.029 FROL5 DUNGOO6.31 300,000 2011-160 2011-160 2011-160, 1021.87 on2.029 25,000 DRA Go29.43 3,500 Aci1.092, Paint Name EP Cost Book/Page Oven ‘This item appears to be an ordinary stone oven. There is no place for feeding the fire, however. The oven is heated via ‘connection to the Elemental Plane of Fire. A small number (10%) of these ‘ovens are defective, however, such that ‘creature from the fire plane may come “through” the connection (5% per ‘month, non-cumulative, for any defec- tive oven). Oven, Heat 1,000 Paddleboard ‘These items are fashoned form a single piece of thin wood about a foot long, They have rounded, fan-shaped paddles with a narrow handle. A ball ‘and eleastc string in attached to the center ofthe paddle. The string made from interwoven sinews, and the ball is ‘usually an opaque erystal that is rel ent and nearly indestructible A magi cal paddleboard is quite susceptible to = fire damage but almost immune to {impact damage. Paddleboards can be used to batter opponents up to three times per round, using either the paddle or the ball. Bach hit inflicts one point of damage 10,000 DRAGOT3.39, Padaleboard, Magical #1 50 250 DRAGIS449 Peddleboard, Magical +2 100500 -DRAGIS443 Pedalboard, Magical +3 150750 DRAGIS443 Paddleboard; Magical +4 200° 1,000 DRAGI34.43 Patilebourd, Mayical +5 20 2% 1375 DRAGISA4S Paddleboard, Magical +5 25° 290 1450 DRAGIS4-43 Paddleboard, Magicel +6 300 1800 DRAGISI43 Paddleboard, Wondrous ‘Transformation 3.000 15,000 DRAGIS443 Paint The magical punts deverbed here | ‘were enchanted when then ety of Blackmoor was in fll power AMter the | city and cate fll into ruin, Black. ‘oor's mages used the paint to ingure ther survival in the hole land. When ‘paint is applied tothe body the mage istransformed nto another character | class with weapons, armor class, and ‘ | ppropriate hit points Paint, Blackmoor, Back 300 2500 202.083 Paint, Blackmoor Blue 300 2500 023.082 Paint, Blackmoor Brown 3002500 0230085, Paint, Blackmoor, Green 300 28002023085, Paint, Blackmoor Red 300 2500 023.082 aiat, Blackmoor, White 300 21500 ——2023.083 102 4 Magial Prades Listings Painting Name EP Cost Book’Page Painting Few magical paintings exist in the AD&D" campaign worlds, but those that do show an amazing diversity of properties. Some can be used by non- mages simply through proper concentra- tion; others can be used to their fullest ‘only by wieards, Most radiate a magical fura, and show no signs of a dweomer ‘even if examined with detect magic. Many enchanted paintings have powers that relate directly to what they depict Magical paintings are expensive to make; the pigments require arcane formulations similar to those used {or serolls of high-level spells. Also, magical paintings tend tobe very powerful and, in inexperienced hands, dangerous. Unless otherwise ‘Specified, magical paintings are totally resistant to normal fire and to normal or crushing blows. They get a +4 saving throw bonus vs. other azar (magical fire electricity, te), this elects the strength of Painting, “Dragonnel” = 9.000 DRAGIT919 Painting, “Gladiators, The" = 48000 DRAGIT9.12 Painting, “Glorinde!’s Gates = “1000 DRAGITS.13 Painting, “Igraine’s Portraits” = 54,000 DRAGI79.14 Painting, “Watchers, The” = 12000 DRAGI79.1 Painting, “Widow's Walk” = 4,000 DRAGI70.12 Painting, “Glorindals Living” = 36,000 DRAGI79.13 Palette This device offers protection against, polymorph spells and the like, The item {san artist's palette covered with bright, mystical paints. To activate the item, the user must paint a self-portrait, ‘The painting does not need to be ereated with any expertise, but the user must believe the portrait is accurate, Any ‘time the user carries the selfportrait on his person, the portrait suffers the effects of unsucceseful saves versus polymorph spells. Palette, Identity, Bell's 2,000 5000 211.189 Pan A pan iga shallow container used for fying or baking food, or for bathing. Pans used to cook foods are generally ‘ast from iron; pans used for bathing tend to be made of ceramics, glass, oF lightweight metals such as tin. See the Cauldron (page 41) and Basin (page 28) ‘entries for more magical options. Stee Pan, Frying 100 Pan, Spices 300 1,000 1500 DRAGOTS.36 DRAGOT3.36 Peanut Name EP Cost Book/Page Paper Paper is a high quality writing sur face made rom plped wood rth | fibers, Paper ean be bought by the rll ‘or by the individual page. Aroll can be | slmost any size, end very long rolls "Usually are wound onto sticks or spin des to make storage and transport “> fasier Writing and mapping paper i fold in fat or carefully folded sheets 2018135 Paper, Form 200 2,000 Paper, Waxed 100 "200, Lat Paper, Writing 300 1,500 PHBRs.109, Parchment Parchment is a paper-like substance ‘made from animal skins. It tends to be 7 ‘flower quality than paper, but ean be 4 ‘used for the same purposes. Parchment "usually is sold in small rolls or in pages fone foot square. Parchmont tends to Ihave a short life, when compared to paper due to the highly acid fuids fused to eure the hides, Parchment, Looping 600 3,000 ACo4.054 Parchment, Monster Holding 150 1,500 PHBR4124 Parchment, Self Protection 1,000 5,000 ACO4.054 Parrot ‘This item isa 12:inch-high statue of @ parrot made from clear erystal; itis, used to detect trespassers. The parrot typically is placed high on a bookease oF shelf that gives it an unobstructed view ofthe area i isto oversee, When acti- vated with the proper command word, it operates for 30 days. fan intruder tenters the parrot’ field of vision, the bird telepathically alerts the user Parrot, Crystal 1,500 7,500 1an.35 Peanut ‘The eternal peanut ean be opened repeatedly and will provide up to three ounces of peanuts every hour. In asin Ble day the eternal peanut can supply ations for one man for halla day of wilderness travel or one evening's worth of snacks fortwo. Peanut, Eternal 1,000 5,000 DRAGO30.86 The Magic Encylopedia 103 Pearl Name ‘objects get trapped within their shells Ifthe animal cannot eject the objec, it covers the object with a smooth, shel: Tike coating instead. Pearls are fairly y ‘hard, but delicate. They are valued for their color and silvery luster. Pearl, Dragon Pearl, Ebbing Tide Pearl, Entraneement Pearl, Giant Black Pearl, Power, 3rd Pearl, Power, 4th Pearl, Power, 5th Pearl, Power, Cursed 2nd Pearl, Power, Cursed rd Pearl, Power, Cursed 4th ‘Pearl, Power, Cursed 5th Pearl, Power, Cursed 6th Pearl, Power, Cursed 7th Pearl, Power, Cursed 8th Pearl, Power, Cursed 9th Pearl, Power, Cursed, Special Pearl, Power, Two Ist 6th Pearl, Protection, Fire Pearl, Rising Tide Pes 10,000 20,000 ‘100 2,000 2,000 10,000 elie 250,000 200 2.000 400 4,000 600 6.000 8008000 1,000 10,000 11200 12,000 1400 14,000 11300 18,000 1600 16.000 ~ "200 = ie = 600 = 0 = 1,000 = 1,300 = 400 = 11800 = x}600 ee! 1,000 5,000 5,000 60,000 900 "4.500 500 5,000 a) DRAGI2651 2018135 DLRL82 2018037, 2011-161 OL 161 2010161 2011-151 2011151 2011161 2011181 2011151 2011151 2o1n151 2011161 2011151 2011151 2010151 2011151 2011151 2011151 201151 2010151 2011151 2018135 2018135 2100176 2100.17 2011-151 * Add the appropriate values foreach spell that can be recalled. Pedestal the Pedestal, Blyphian A pedestal isa support or base for a column, statue, vas, or the ike, In architecture, a pedestal lends strength nd stability tothe structure on top of| it Tn art, a pedestal raises an item into where itis easy to view from 2,000 10,000 almost any angle and protected from errant feet DLES 062 Name Pegleg, Walking dye a = Pellet, Light Pen, Excellence Pen, Speedy Writing Pen, Truth’ Pendant, Equus Pendant, Rahasia venture. Different sizes are available, but they generally cost the same. A pegleg?s cost mostly depends on the ‘materials used in its construction and the magical dweomers placed on the item, Usually, only characters too poor for weak to bargain fora clerical regener dation spell resort to these items. 900 4.500 1072a.84 Pellet ‘This nasty weapon was devised by row for use agate ther drow. Pellets ave core of plas rok eres ‘ther hard material They are prepared ty enstng acontintal ight spell on core. The core i dipped in ato grease, {hen rll in ly, which bled bard When the pellet thrown, the ragie Clay break of revealing ihe i 2 © 50 FORR79 Pen A pen is a writing and drawing imple- ment that uses ink or thin paint to compose letters, drawings, books, scrolls, ete. Unlike quills, which mast be Frequently dipped in a small vat of Ink, pens contain a small reservoir that holds the ink 1,200 12000 PHBR#125 ‘400,000 DRAGOT3.37, 1000 10000 DRAGO73.29 Pendant A pendant is an ornamental piece of Jewelry, often a precious stone in a metal setting, that is hung from a neck Tace chain of fine metal. Pendants ean also be pinned to an artiele of lothing or dangled from an earring. 1.500 7.500 DUNGoze34 31000 15,000 07-030 104 % Magial Prduds Disings Pennant Name EP Pennant ‘A pennant is along, tapered flag or standard that commemorates some fachievement or serves as the colors and ‘coat of arm of the nobleman or sover: ‘ign. Unlike flags and banners, pn: ‘ants are not commissioned by the leadership of a country. They are strict ly used to identify a small group of ‘warriors ina larger army. An army may hhave dozens of pennants, but flies only ‘one true flag, usually the royal colors au coat of arms ofthe principality oF Pennant, Bravery 2,000 Penny A penny isa ama coin, and is oten the emalleet denomination of coinage ‘sed in a county. Occasionally a coun {ey will mint hal pennies or the izes tually wil eut pennies in all when fomething smaller is desired. A coun tay penny ie generally minted In the dena preclous metal available, ten compet. Penny, Luck 1.000 Penny, Returning. 2,000 Pepper Pepper is. hot spice that comes from ‘a variety of tropical plants and shrubs. Pepper, depending upon the plant that it originates from, can be black, whit fray, green, yellow, oF rod. Color h ‘nothing to do with how hot the pepper is, The “heat” comes from chemicals in the natural oils produced by the plant. Pepper, Fire Pepper, Sneeting 3,000 50 Periapt A periapt isa kind of amulet, often studded sith «large gemstone or jo Periapts are generally hung about the eck but canbe pinned to an outer farment, For more information and ‘mogical options, se the Amulet page 19) and Charm (page 42 entries, Periapt, Foul Rotting a Cost 10,000 BookPage DRAGOT251 C5 =o 5,000 10,000 Ale 5,000 500 1,000 ACO4.054 DRAGOS0.37 hi 1066.90 POLY025-12 2100.76 Phylac Name EP Cost Book/Page Periapt Health 1,000 10.009 2100176 Periapt, Peaceful of Pax Relic P Mot Peript, Proof Against Poison +1 1,500 12,500 21008176 Periap, Proof Against Polson +2 2000 15000 2100178, Periapt, Proof Against Polson +3 25D) 20000 2100:176. Periopt Proof Against Poison +4 8000 28000 2100176 Periapt, Propheey Protection 1500 10,000 DRAGIS223 Periap, Protection, Vampire Taitxachitt 1.500 15,000 DRAGOAS.5 Periap, Wound Closure 000 10.000" 2100176 Philter Philters are derivatives of natural ' materials such as tre bark, bery Juice, hhoney, dew, ete. Te rew materials are ] combined ith other natural fis and | enchanted to produce a magical fect. | Like potions ee page 109 and elixirs } (Gee page 88 ll ofa philter usually Teg ‘must be consumed t release ita magi. ["l i) 250 1,500 017.091 Philter Drunkenness = is) DRAGITB69 Philter Durimals Merry Blend 8002400 DRAGI7818 Phlter Durimals Potent Draught 8002400 DRAGIT8.18 PPhilter Durimal's Sovereign Tonic 8002400 DRAGI78.18. Philter Gibness 500 2500 2100-144 Philte, Love 2 "300 2oDaas Philter, Persuasivenest 4008502100144 Philter Sammering and Stuttering 1,500 2100-144 Phylactery Phylacteries are priestly items that ‘come it two forms. The fist is a small ‘arm wrapping inscribed with holy writ ings and verses from the priest's deity. ‘The second isa container of any type and shape that holds « holy relic. Gener. ally, the relic held has no real monetary value (except to the priest and his ereed) ‘and is small enough a feontainer ean be held and hid e the palm of the hand. These containers often are strapped to the arm or fore- head, Phylactery, Bravery 1,800 9,000 DRAGI79.73 Phylactery of Faithfulness E000 7,500 2100-176, Phylactery of Long Years 8}000 25,000 2100176 Phylactery of Monstrous Attention = 2.000 2100476 The Magic Eneydopedia #105 Pick Name EP Cost Book/Page Pick ‘The pick of earth parting allows its \wielder to cut through elemental earth (quickly. The wielder must have Strength of 17 or greater to use it. The if pick creates a smooth, clean surface Fegardloss ofthe user's the mining shall. All rubble from the excavation ‘magically disappears, leaving a clear passage. See the Military Pick entry {page 94) for more magical options. Pick, Earth Parting 5,000 25,000 22.2 Pickaxe ‘This miner's tool is used for breaking ‘up rock and hard packed earth. lis fessontial to any mining operation. A piekaxe ean be used in combat, but hot a weapon. In addition to normal nonproficieney penalties, a pickaxe confers and additional ~2 penalty on all attack roll, but ifthe blow lands, it causes 106 points of damage. Pickaxe, Piorcing 2,000 20,000 Pie A pie ita baked dish with a pastry oF ough shell. Pies have moist centers containing meats, fruits, vegetables, ‘uta or a combination of ingrediente. Magical pies are one-use items that ean be stored for months before spoiling Once spoiled, the enchantment con tained within is dispelled. Pic, Four & Twonty Blackbirds 250-—«=« 800 POLY0a3.23, Pie Raspberr 500 700 POLYo23.23 ie, Rhubarb 1,000 5.000 POLY023.23 Pigment Pigments are powders which have bbeen mixed with water, oil, or other liquid to produce a colored paste or paint. Most pigments are made from a Single substance, but some are blended to produce a particular hue Pigment, Longevity Pigment, Nolzur's Marvelous 8,000 30,000 DUNGo10-63. ‘500 3,000 210.175, Name Frontamn of numer of elents, Pils ‘an alto be dissolved in fluids to produce fa desired effec. See the Tablet entry, page 140 for more magical options. me Pipe ISsgs Lea Pill, Desalination 100 500 Pill, Dispel Hangover 100 700 DRAGO73.40 Pill, Plentiful Water 2,000 20,000 DRAGO73.87 Pill, Tanglefoot 100 ‘350 DRAGOo229, Pillow A plow i ct case or bag led witha elding material such pose {own Phe bagi sown vo the materi ‘Shme lak ot Plows are ond to ake sting, sleeping o ying down tore confortable Magia plows are ‘ctrenely rare andar often valved by — | So eathring mnt or eer sep disorders Pillow, Regeneration Pillow, Restlessness = Pin Pins are simple bits of decorative j jewelry that are attached to clothing. ‘They ean be added merely for adorn | 5,000 40,000 ‘500 iment, or they ean be Functianal, holding cloak or other garment closed. Most Bins have a clasp or cap that keeps the | sharp point from piereing the Users skin or slipping out of the materi al it has been stuck through. Pin, Communication Pin, Iron, Tey Sea 1,000 ‘300 10,000 4,500, Pipe Masia smoking pipes are often fund with canter of tebnce, The pipe fn tod by fling the bow with combat Blotetera fighting and inhaling the reuting atte Masia pipes revere teal, bone, won or reed tuber of iferent lng bound get aida sda with lather red thongs Sound is made by blowing tere aligned upper endo POLYO4S-21 POLY0S8-31 ‘new item 2023-081 106 % Magical Prods Listings Pipewee Name EP Cost BookPage Pipe, Aromatic 400 4,000 Aco4.a54 Pipe Brewers of the 50031000 DRAGIZ08, Pipe, Bubble 100 1,000 AC0s.055 Pipe, Copper 200 2000. __ACO4.055. Pipe, Doom 2000 10,000 DUNGO2#.00 Pipe, Dorin’ Organ ‘600 6,000 ACI1.090 Pipe, Gas 250 s Pipe Halling 30 Pipe, Haunting 400 Pe Hot A 100 ft 250 Pipe, Madness = Pipe, Pain = Pipe, Pan 3.000 Pipe, Pane 3000 Pipe, Puckering 100 1,000 100 2,000 Pipe, Smoke Rings 200 Pipe Smoking 500 Pipe, Snake Summoning 350 Pipe, Snowmen, of the 200 Pipe, Sounding 1.000 Pipe, Speaking 320 Pipe, Water 200 Pipeweed r ipeweod is similar to tobacco It is used in pipes (or rolled in papers to create cigars or cigarettes). Like tobacco pipoweed is ground from dried leaves. ‘The prices listed below are fora single dose of pipeweed. ts expense is due to | ite rarity (as smoking is unknown in many cultures) Pipeweed, Illusion 200 2,000 DRAGOo2.13, Pipeweed, Stoning 300 3,000 DRAGOO2.13, Pipeweed, Tranquillity 800 4'000 DRAGOO2.13, Pitcher | Apitchor is a container used to hold tude Pitchers normally have elaborate A\ anes tary enough gear the g eight ofthe tor ond anything NY) | pint tty ate ave ie a How drip re puri Pitcher ually | trecerumie bv ihe cma be made fam tinal las or leeded etl 300 3,000 DRAGO 79.08 800 6,000 DRAGOTS.40, Plant Name EP Cost Book/Page Pitchfork Il The pitehfork is a handy farm imple ment that can serve as lethal weapon, when no other is available (it infits almost the same damage as a trident) ‘The tool has a long wooden handle that ‘ends in & head equipped with several tines, there can be as few as three and ‘as many as five prongs. Tt is mainly ‘used to move (pitch) hay or straw. 007, ACO4.055, Placard ‘The magical placards described here bear the hallowed symbols of the monks ofthe old Stung Monastery. Each is a cream-colored card two hands tall by ‘one and a half hands wide (about 18° by 12") Bach has a powerful magia sym: | bot painted in black and trimmed with gold, Ink collected from giant river {Squids and blessed and purified by the ‘monks is used to paint the signs. The ‘ards are formed of flax and silk fibers, mixed with palp from bamboo, tocara oot (a local tuber} and dried flowers ofthe dogwood plant. (See the Deck and Card entries for more magieal possiblities) Placard, Edu'sascar 700 7,000 1032-083, Plank ‘This magical item is popular among spelliamming pirates and privateers throughout Greyspace. When extended, the plank magically stretches beyond a vessel's gravity plane and atmosphere envelope, Once a character walks onto the plank, one step actually moves the charactor the equivalent of four steps. Blindfolded who are forced to "walle the plank” soon find themselves set adrift In wildspace. Plank, The 700 3,500, 1072884 Plant ‘Throughout history, many plants have ‘been known to have medicinal proper- ties, Medicinal plants can be found in nearly any climate or terrain, but an ‘experienced eye is required to know the helpful plants from the mundane or ‘even the poisonous ones. There are = plants that have magical properties, but ‘these are extremely Fare ‘The Magic Engcbpetia 107 Plate Name Plant, Aaron's Rod Plant, Adder’s Tongue Plant, Birthwort Plant, Herb True-Love Plant, Juniper Berry Plant, Marsh Mallow lant, Sphagum Moss Plant, St. John's Wort Plant, Woundweed Plate, Book Plate, Counterfeiting Dinner | Plate, Leomund’s EBS Plumalitter Phumastone Plume, Mast Ivory Poker, Drav Poker, Fire Control Poker, Searing Poker, Summoning Plate BookPage DRAGOS2.15 DRAGOS2.15, DRAGOR2.15 DRAGOS2.16 DRAGOS2 16 DRAGOS2.17| DRAGOS2.15 DRAGO62.18 DRAGOS2.19 DRAGOS2.15 ‘DRAGOS219 ‘The term “plate” deseribes two kinds ‘of objects that sorve a number of func tions. One type of plate isa shallow, circular dish made of earthenware, ‘wood, or metal. These are used to hold food. second type of plate is a fat, polished piece of metal which is en ‘raved and etched with symbols, draw: ‘ings, and writing; this type is used during the printing process. 7,500 12,000 ‘600 6.000 700 7,000 Pluma- AC04-056 ‘ACO4056, AC04.056 DRAGO28.31 Puma is a benign type of Maztican magic that haa its roots in the power of the Feathered Dragon, Qot is most Denefical to those with peaceful intent ‘The primary symbol of pluma isthe feather; the brighter the better. Ma: caws, parrots, and hummingbirds are trapped for their plumage whiel necessary for working this magic. 8250 17,500 1,600 8,000 elie 125,000 Poker 1066082 1086.82 1021.59 A poker is a metallic too! used tend fires. It sa simple rod with a prong or ‘hook near one end. The hook can be used to move burning logs within a fireplace or campfire. Most pokers are two to four feet long and made of black wrought iron 600 6,000 5,000 25,000 "700 7,000 600 31000 AC08 056 ACO4-056 ‘ACO4.056 ACO 058 Name Pole, Angling ole, Exay Pole, Levitation Pole, Monster Fishing. Pole, Rescue Pole, Treasure Fishing Polearm, Tolkendar eS EP Cost Book/Page Pole Poles are 10-ont-long wooden rods ‘about two inches thick, Magical poles fare immune most attacks, but suscepti ble to magical fie or ery dragon breath. Generally, they eannat be ‘chopped apart or broken by brate ‘strength. Particularly cautious adven, turers use common poles to test floors or prod piles of rags or trash to see if any” thing jumpe out of them before they ‘approach themselves 400 2,000 ACos.056 1.500 6,000 ACO4.057 2000 15,000 ACO4.057 1,500 6,000 ACO4.057 1000 5,000 ACO4.057 6,000 20,000 AC04-057 Polearm Polearms are melee weapons with blades or heads mounted on wooden shafts four to six fet long. Because of their size all polearms are two-handed weapons. Depending on the type of hhoad, a polearm ean be used io thrust, chop, or hook opponents. Several difer- tent types of polearms are described in the equipment section of the Players Handbook - 6 201631 Portmanteau ‘Tenser’s portmanteau of frugality lange, black leather traveling ease containing a bewildering number of Small instruments tweezers, measuring beakers, small ceramie jars, and the like, It cam be used to extract the great fest possible benefit from certain oneuse magical items by partially diluting or admixing them. Portmanteau, Frugality, Tenser's 6,000 $0,000 2121-145 Portrait, Longevity Portrait A portrait is a painting that captures or represents the likeness of an individ ual Gee the Painting entry for more magical possibilities). A portrait can as small asa fingernail far @ cameo, locket, Or other jewelry, o large enough to fill = ‘whole wall or eiling. 5,000 50,000 DUNGo10.83 108 + Magical Prbuas Listings Pot Name EP Cost Book/Page Pot Pots are round, deep containers. Household pots are metallic and are tused to boil water or roast foods, Harti: cultural pots usually are made from Kilnfired clay and have small drainage holes at the bottom. They are used to hold sol for flowers, small trees, or other beneficial plants, Pot, Plant Protection 1,000 5,000 DRAGO73:97 Potion Potions are magical draughts typi- cally found in ceramic, crystal, glass, or ‘metal flasks or vials, Each container {generally contains enough Mid to Provide one person with a single dove. See the Balm, Elixir, Iehor, Ointment, Philter, and Salve entries for more ‘magical possibilities, tion, Absorption 700 1.200 POLY085-12 Potion, Advanced Meditation 300 "700. POLY065:12 Potion, Agi 500 900 101349 Potion, Aging 250 500. POLY0#5.12 Potion, All-Purpose Healing 200 600 POLY065.12 Potion, Allergy Suppressant. 100-200 DRAGI63.24 Potion, Alternate Profession 250 700 POLY065:12 Potion, Ambrosia 200-300 1021-63, Potion, Anti-Magic 800 3,000 POLY085.12 Potion, Anti Sleep 350 500 POLY067-10 Potion, Antidote 200 400 1013-49 Potion, Arcane Comprehension 400 1.200. DUNGO35.65 Potion, Archmagedom 450 1.500 POLY065-12 100 "200 DRAGIG321 300 500. 101349 = 250 POLY065:12 100-200 DRAGI63.24 Potion, Bouncing 250 400 POLYO85.12 Potion, Brainflight 300 500 DRAGI63.21 Potion, Breath Cleanser 100-200 DRAGIG3.24 Potion, Bubbles 50 250 POLY065.12 Potion, Bug Repellent 300200 1013-49 Potion, Burnsalve 1 200 300 DRAGIE3.21 Potion, Burnsalve II 250 350 DRAGI6321 Potion, Burnsalve IIT 300 400 DRAGI63-21 Potion, Cause Light Wounds 200 400 DRAGOT6.17, Potion, Cause Serious Wounds 400 800 DRAGOT6.17, 350.700. POLY085.12 = 8,000 POLY065.12 250400 -2100-141 300500 2100.141, 550 1,100 POLY085.12, 950 4250 POLY085.12 100 250. POLY0g5.12 200 800. 2003-24 300 500 (2100-141 Name Potion, Cold Resistance Potion, Confusion Potion, Contact Disruption Potion, Control, Animal, All Potion, Control, Animal, Avian Potion, Control, Animal, Fish Potion, Control, Animal, ‘Manimal/Marsupial Potion, Control, Animal, Marimal/Marsupial Avian Potion, Cantrol, Animal, Reptile/Amphibian Potion, Control, Animal, Reptile! Amphibian Fish Potion, Control, Animal, Superior Potion, Control, Dragon, Bronze Potion, Control, Dragn, Chiang, Lung. Potion, Control, Dragon, Cloud Potion, Control, Dragon, Copper Potion, Control, Dragon, Evil Potion, Control, Dragon, Gold Potion, Control, Dragon, Good Potion, Control, Dragon, Green Potion, Control, Dragon, Li Lung Potion, Control, Dragon, Lung Wang Potion, Control, Dragon, Mist Potion, Control, Dragon, Pan Lung Potion, Control, Dragon, Red Potion, Control, Dragon, Shen Lung Potion, Control, Dragon, Silver Potion, Control, Dragon, Tien Lung Potion, Control, Dragon, White Potion, Control, Dragon, Yu Lung Petion, Control, Dwarves Potion, Control, Elemental, Air Potion, Control, Elemental, Earth Potion, Control, Elemental, Fire Potion, Control, Elemental, Water Potion, Control, Eives/HalfElves Paton, Control, Eves Potion, Control, Giant, Cloud Potion, Control, Giant, Fire Potion, Control, Giant, Frost Potion, Control, Giant, Hill Potion. Control, Giant, Stone Potion, Control, Halflings Potion, Control, Housecat Potion, Control, Human Potion, Control, Undead, Ghost Potion, Control, Undoad, Ghoul Potion, Control, Undead, Shadow Potion, Control, Undead, Skeleton Potion, Control, Undead, Spectre Potion, Control, Undead, Vampire Potion, Control, Undead, Wight EP 250 400 250 300 400 700 100 700 700 ‘700 700 700 700 700 700 ‘600 600 600 600 500 500 500 250 500 500 250 700 700 700 00 700 1700 ‘700 Cost 500 250 00 400 400 400 400 900 00 2,500 23300 25500 25500 2500 2,500 2,500 2.500 Potion Bool/Page POLY065.12 POLY065.12 POLYO6S.12, 2100-141 2100141, 2100.141 21004141 2100-141 2100-41 2100-141 POLYINT27 'WO5-25 2100-142 2100-149 2100-142 2018130 2018-130 2100-142 2100-142 2100-142 2100.142 2100-142 2018:130 2018-130 2018-130 2018-130 2100-142 2018:130 2100-182 018.130 2100-142 018.130 2100-143 2121-125 2121125 2121125 2121135 2100-143 2100-143, 2100-142 2100-142 2100-142 2100142 2100.42 2100-142 2100-143 2100143 2100-143 DRAGOSO.86 DRAGI30.40, 2100-143 2100-148 2100.44 2100-44 2100.44 2100.44 2100.44 2100144 2100148 21004148 ‘The Magic Encyclopedia 109 Potion Name Potion, Control, Undead, Wraith Potion, Control, Undead, Zombie Potion, Corrosive Touch Potion, Craftsmanship Potion, Creation Potion, Deafness Potion, Defense +1 Potion, Defense +2 Potion, Defense +3 Potion, Defense +4 Potion, Defense +5 Potion, Deftness, Dex 17 Potion, Deftness, Dex 18 Potion, Deftness, Dex 19 Potion, Deftness, Dex 20 Potion, Deftness, Dex 21 Potion, Delusion Potion, Digestion Potion, Digging Potion, Dragon Breath Potion, Dragon Sight Potion, Dreaming Potion, Dreamapeak Potion, Potion, Dwarfewater Potion, Blasticity Potion, Blemental Form, Air Potion, Elemental Form, Earth Potion, Elemental Form, Fire Potion, Elemental Form, Water Potion, Enchantment Potion, Energy Potion, Enlightenment Potion, ESP. Potion, Essence of Darkness Potion, Essence Transference Potion, Eternal Slumber Potion, Ethereality Potion, Explosions Potion, Fire Breath Potion, Fire Resistance Potion, Fire Vulnerability Potion, Firegel Potion, Fish Summoner Potion, Flameoil Potion, Fiuidness Potion, Fiying Potion, Forewarning Potion, Forgetfulness Potion, Forgetfulness Potion, Fortitude Potion, Foul Water Potion, Freedom Potion, Fresh Air Potion, Fright Potion, Fur Growth Potion, Gaseous Form Potion, Genius Potion, Ghast Infusion Potion, Ghostliness Potion, Glow Water EP 700 700 700 400, 250 200 400 600 14000 ‘500 700 900 1000 1,200 200 ‘400 300 350 "400 200 300 500 100 400 400 400 400 500 500 300 300 450 ‘400 250 250 250 250 750 500 900 500 350 125 500 100 3 eeseusees SEESSeRSSSEE8S: BookPage 2100146 2100-144, POLYO85-12 POLY065.12 POLY065.13 POLY065.13 POLYO65.13 1013.49 101349 101349 101349 101349 POLY065:13 POLYO85.13 POLY065-13 POLY065.13 POLY065.13 2100-141 POLYOSS-14 POLYO85:14, 2100-141 DRAGOOI-53 POLYO65:14 POLYOS5.14 POLYO65.14 DLALO57 DRAGI79.68 1013.49 POLYOS5.14 1013.49 101349 POLYOS5.14 ‘DRAGO99-49 LNRLOS 2100142 PHBR2.104 POLYOS5-14 POLYOS5-14 1013.49 DRAGOOL-S3, 2100142 2100.42 POLYOS5.14 DRAGI6321 ‘DRAGI63.24 DRAGIE324 POLYOSS-14 2100-142 POLYOS5:14 POLY065.14 DRAGO2S.31 1013-49 POLYOS5.14 4013.49 POLY0R5.14 POLY065.14 POLYOS5:14 2100-142 POLY065-18 DRAGOTS.17 ‘POLYO85.14 DRAGIE3.24 Name Potion, Gluttony Potion, Golden Silence Potion, Good Humor Potion, Healing, Super Potion, Herhal Draaght Potion, Heroic Action Potion, Immunity, Aging Potion, Immunity, Cursed Ganstant Death) Potion, Immunity, Normal Weapons Potion, Immunity, Poison Potion, Infra Potion, invulnerability Potion, fedness Potion, Ishtar’s Truth Potion, Language Learning Potion, Lethargy Potion, Levitation Potion, Liehdom Potion, Life Sealing Potion, Life Suspension Potion, Lightning Form Potion, Longevity Potion, Love Potion, Lycanthropy, Seawolf Potion, Lyeanthropy, Werebadger Potion, Lyeanthropy, Werebear Potion, Lyeanthrops, Wererat Potion, Lycanthropy, Werewolf Potion, Lyeanthropy, Weretiger Potion, Maye Wine Potion, Magic Blocking Potion, Magic Enhancement, Potion, Magic Peas Potion, Magic Resistance Potion, Magic Resistance Potion, Magic Shielding Potion, Magnetism Potion, Magnification EP 250 500 250 300 100 100 200 200 500 500 200 350 300 800 500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2000 Cost 100 400 2,000 250 200 +400 400 31,000, 1,000 "$50 40,000 440,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 500 700 500 600 1,400 250 1,400 5,000 250 400 2,500 4,000 1,500 1,500 1000 2,500 11500 500 500 +300 500 +500 500 2,000 250 3,000 ‘900 250 Potion BooW/Page POLY065.15 POLY065.15 POLY065.15 POLY065-15 POLYO85.15 210.143, DRAGI63.21 DRAG163.21 2100143 DRAGI63:21 DRAGI3-21 ‘DRAGIOS-21 ‘M2027 cB2029 POLY065.15 2100-143, 1031.77 POLY065:15 POLYO85-15 POLY085.15 POLY065-15 POLY065.15 POLY065.15 DRAGOO2.29 POLYO65-15 POLYO85.15 POLYO6S.15 POLY065.15 POLY065-15 2100143, 2100.43 POLYO85-15 2021-091 DRAGIGS-24 POLY065.15 POLY065.15 POLY065:15 POLY065.15 2100-143 DRAGOT6.17, ‘POLY065.15 POLY065.15 POLY065-15 2100.43 DRAGI63:21 ‘POLY065.15 101350 POLY065.16 POLYOS5-16 POLYO85.16 POLYO65-16 POLY065-16 POLY065.16 POLY065.16 POLY065.16 POLYO85.16 POLY065.16 POLY065.16 POLY065:18 POLY065.16 POLYO85-16 FOR270 POLY065.16 POLY065.18 POLY065.16 MO % Magical Probts Listings Potion Name EP Potion, Maidenweed 100 Master Thievery 500 3. Mergin 500 Potion, Mermaid's Breath 400 Potion, Metal Immunity 1,000 Potion, Midas Touch "500 Potion, Mind Damp 400 Potion, Mind Focusing 800 Potion, Mirage 2,000 Potion, Mirror Eye 1800 Potion, Mist of Rapture "200 Potion, Monster Creation 200 Potion, Nerve Tonie 300 Potion, Noxious Resistance 400 Potion, Nullscent 400 Potion, Numbing Salve 500 Potion, Nutrition 150 Potion, Open Mind a Potion, Opposite Alignment = Potion, Pain Suppression 50 Potion, Perception 300 Potion, Pestilence = Potion, Petrification S Potion, Phase 800 Potion, Photosynthesis 400 Futon Physical Enhancement 300 200 200 200 500 400 Potion, Pseudo Treant 300 Potion, Psionie Ability 1,200) Potion, Psionie Boosting, Gray ‘200 Potion, Psionie Boosting, Groen 00 Potion, Psionie Boosting, Red 350 Potion, Psianie Boosting, Silver 300 Potion, Psionie Boosting, Violet 300 Potion, Psianie Boosting, White 200 Potion, Psionic Boosting, Yellow 300 Potion, Purgative 400 Potion, Rage = Potion, Rainbow Bridge 1,509 Potion, Rainbow Hues "200 Potion, Recall 600, Potion, Reflection 00 Potion, Regeneration 500, Potion, Rejuvenation 250 Potion, Resistance, Fire 250 Potion, Resistance, Frost 250 Potion, Rest 250 Potion, Restoration +300 Potion, Restoration, Mind 650 Potion, Resuscitation 300 Potion, Reverse Ventriloquism a Potion, Revivification 500 Potion, Safe Consumption 300 Potion, Sanity +500 Potion, Scent Neutralization 100 Potion, Serying 700 Potion, Sensory Enhancement 250 Potion, Shadow +400 Potion, Sharp Eyes 300 Potion, Sight 500 BookiPay DRAGI6321 PHER2105 1013-50, DRAGI6321 POLY065.16 POLYO65.17 DRAGOO229 POLY065:17 POLY065.17 POLY065.17 FROA47 POLY065:17 DRAGI63.24 POLY065:17 DRAGI63.21 DRAGICR.24 ‘DRAGOOL 54 ‘POLYOGS.17 POLY065:17 DRAGOS®.49 PHBR2-105, POLY065:17 POLY 065.17 DUNGO20.24 POLYO6S:17 POLY065.17 DRAGI6321 2100-144 DRAGIE3.24 2100-144 POLY065:17 DRAGOOI 54 ‘POLY065:17 POLYO65.17 DRAGOSI-54 DRAGOOL54 DRAGOOL-55 DRAGOSI-54 DRAGOOL54 DRAGOOI-54 DRAGOSI-54 DRAGI6324 ‘POLY065.17 POLY0G5.17 2100-148 POLY065.18 POLY065.18 DRAGI3223, POLY065:18 DRAG130.40 DRAGOOL53, POLYO65.18 DUNGO0415, DRAGOOL-53. POLYO6S:18 POLY06S.18 POLY065.18 POLY065.18 POLY065.18 POLY065.18 POLYO65:18 POLYO6S.15 POLY065.18 POLY065.18 101350 Name Potion, Singing Potion, Sleep Bestowing Potion, Sleep Breathing Potion, Sleeping Draught Potion, Sieepy Breath Potion, Smelling Slt Potion, Soake Crawling Fan, Serie Potion, Potion Spocd Potion, Spelliamming Potion Stamina Draught Potion, Stone Form Potion, Strength, Cloud Giant Potion, Strength, Fire Giant Potion, Strength, Frost Giant Potion, Strength, Hill Giant Potion, Strength, Stone Giant Potion, Strength, Storm Giant Potion, Sunlight Resistance Potion, Superior Healing Potion, Superhercism Potion, Sustenance Potion, Sweet Water Potion, Swimming Potion, Teleportation Potion, Thievery Potion, Tinness Potion, Toad Skin Potion, Tongues Potion, Toughening Potion, Tragie Heroism Potion, Treasure Finding Potion, Truth Potion, Ugliness Potion, Undead Potion, Undead Potion, Underground Awareness Potion, Useful Appendages Potion, Vampire Potion, Vampirism Potion, Venom Potion, Ventrloguism Potion, Visions Potion, Vitality Potion, Valnerabiity Potion, Water Breathing Potion, Water af Obseurement Potion, Weakness Potion, Whiskerbane Potion, Wiardry Potion, Worm Calling ‘Potion, Zorbo Fingers Potion EP Cost Book/Page 200 500 POLY065.18 500 1,000 POLY065.18 250 21500 PHBR2-105 200 600 DRAGL63-24 250 500 POLY065.18 100 150 DRAGIE3.24 250 500 POLY065.18 200 © 400 POLY065.18 200 400 101350, 200 450 210.144 600 2,500 POLY065.19 500 900 DRAGISS.24 500 1,100 POLY085.19, 700 1300 2100-142 8501200 2100-142 600 1100, -2100.142 500 "900 2100.149 550. 1,000 2100-142 7501400 2100-142 400 1,500 POLY065-19, 800 21500 POLY085.19, 450750 2100-144 250 350 POLYO65-19 200-250-1001 500 1,200 X07-32 500 1,900 POLYO6S-19 350 3,500 PHBR2.105 250 "600 POLY065.19, 500 1,000 POL¥085.19 250 "600 POLY065.19 300 600 DRAGODI-54 250 400 POLYO65.19, 600 2,000 3100.14 400 1,200 POLY065.19 — "250 POLY065.19 700 1,200 POLY065.19 500 5,000 DRAGOT6.17 590 1100 PoLYes.18 250 POLY065.19 1.000900 DRAGoTe.T ‘500 1,600 POLY065-19 450. 2000 POLY065.19 200 '800-— 2100-144 50 250 POLYOGS.19 300 2,500 210.144 50250. -POLY065.20, 400 900 2100.14 250 500 POLY065-20 50250 POLY065.20 300 600 DRAGIS3-24 350 900 POLY065.20 — 250 POLY065:20 500 800 POLY085.20 The Mogic Enechpedis 111 Pouch, Accessibility Poueh, Devouring Poueh, Disappearance Pouch, Eyes Pouch, Food Pouch, Holding Poueh, Kangaroo Poueh, Plenty Poueh, Protection Pouch, Security Pouch, Traveling Pouch, Wonders, Zadron's Powder, Aphrodisiac Powder Black Veil Powder, Cigam Saitron Powder, Coagulation Powder. Comeliness Powder, Courage Powder, Cure Bleeding EP Cost Book/Page Pouch A pouch isa small eloth, leather or burlap sack of common make used to hold small, lightweight items. Most pouches can be closed with drawstrings ‘or buttoned flaps. A magical pouch Sppears identical to an ordinary one, bout detect magic spell will reveal the difference, 1,500 21001 ACO 4.057 = POLYo47-27 2.250 "ACO4-057 700 DLAL057 800 T4126 600 ‘ACO04-057 5,000 ‘4C04.057 2.500 25.000 DRAGO73-40 20,000 1013.54 2,000 20,000 ACo4057 5,000 50,000 DRAGOS2.62, Powder Powder isa chalky substance which ‘can be any color. Itean be use for a variety of purposes. A single container ‘of nonmagical shale powder holds ‘enough to thoroughly cover 400 square feet, Magical powders, onthe other hand, come in “doses” See the item description for details, Some powders must be placed an the face, others must be sprinkled over food, drink, the user's body, an object, or an area 200 300 DRAGI30.39 1,000 5,000 2131-127 25 "250 DUNGO6-48 500 2,00 2121-127 500 “900 _LNASS52 450750 DRAGIS039 500 2,500 DRAG130-39 Powder, Cure Circulatory Disease 200-500 DRAGI0.29, Power, Cure Nausea 100 200 DRAGI30.39, Powder. Cure Nervous Disorders -100-—«=« 200: DRAGIS0.39, Powder, Cure Paralysi 400 800 DRAGI30.30 Powder, Cure Respiratory Disease 200-500 DRAGI30.39, Powder, Delousing 00-200: DRAGI6S-24 Powder, Baible Objects, Puchezma’s 1,000 6,000 2121-142, Powder, Friendship Powder, Healing, Minor Powder, Hero's Heart, of the Powder, Itching Powder, Magic Detection Powder, Night Vision Powder, Oak-in-Acorn Powder, Obsession Powder, Purification Powder, Repellent, Insect 300 "900 DRAGI30.39 150-300 DRAGIS0.39 750 9250 2121-127 100 "200 DRAGII9.9 1,000 50002121127 250 ‘500 DRAGI30.39 400 4,000 HWA1-63 500 5,000 FRIOSL 300 '900 DRAGOCE.29 100 200 DRAGI30-39 Powder, Repellent, Lycanthrope 400 700 DRAGI2039, Name Powder, Repellent, Undead Powder, Seoll Ink Powder Sleep Powder, Smoke Powder, Tranguilizer Powder, Truth BookiPage DRAGI30.39 DRAGI30.39 DRAG130.39 2100179 DRAGIS039 DRAGIS0.39 112% Magical Products Listings | | Printing Press Name EP Cost BookiPage Printing Press A printing press is a large iron ma- chine with rollers and gears every. ‘whore, Over the front there isa large barrel containing ink. Small amounts of ink tends to leak from the barrel, cover- ing the press and the floor around it with black stains. Shredded paper also ‘allects around the machine and lies lnderfoot. This advanced, sophisticated, fand enchanted machine uses both magic ‘and mechanical action to produce print- ed material in quantity. Printing plates can be made of wood or metal. Wooden plates are cheap and can be made by a skilled craftsman ina few hours at a total enst of only three {gold pieces each, Metal plates are more expensive but last longer than ‘wooden ones. Finer print and more detailed illustrations are possible ‘using metal plates, Printing Press, Darak’s ‘Thaumaturgical 5400 54,000 AC11.028, Prism triangular piece of pure that refrasts (bends) Tight into a prismatic rainbow of color. Most magical and alehemical laborato- ries and sage’s workshops are equipped ‘with one or more prisms, POLY049.21 Prism, Distraction 800 4,000 Prism, Gladsheim 1,000 5000 2121-147 Prism, Groyhawk 2000 91000202 3.083, Prism, Light Spitting 1500 7,500 121-142 Prison Prisons are used to hold ereatures in [ Pine yen cncreranicem ees | ets ens ace, a Eaviecnwa, | Soa | Prison, Genie, Dao 10.000 DRAGI7972 Prison, Genie, Djinn = 10.000 DRAGI79-72 Prison, Genie, Efreeti = 10.000 DRAGIT9-72 Prison, Genie, Marid = 10,000 DRAGI7972 Prison, Genie, Noble Dao = 80,000 DRAGI79-72 Prison, Genie, Noble Djinni = 30,000 DRAGI79-72 Prison, Genie, Noble Efreeti = 30,000 DRAGI79-72 Genie, Noble Marid = 30,000 DRAGI79-72 Prison, Zagyg 2950 25,000 2017-102 Name EP Cost BookiPage Prosthesis Prostheses are artificial limbs de: signed to take the place of missing body parts. The pegleg (see page 104) is an {example of the most primitive prosthet ic limb. Magical prostheses can be enchanted to become manipulative Hike ‘normal limbs. In fact many people do not even notice that the user is wearing ‘on artificial limb, Prosthesis, Magical 4,000 40,000 DRAGO73.99 Pump Pumps are items that move water or ‘other fluids from place to place. Magical pumps can perform a simular functicn, ‘ut they ean also create their ov water by channeling it from the Elemental Plane of Water. Some magieal pumps ‘can create so much pressure that they make formiddable weapons. Pump, Deep Drilling 300 Pomp, Water Summoning 500 Purse A purse ia type of pouch or smal bag usally mado of lathes, which ix tint ears coins or personal items Many have long strap that alow their ter to hang the parse over a shouler treaddle inmost mediovel culties, tech men and women tie purses For more magical options, se the Poach (page 11 and Belt Bag page 31) en te Purse, Bucknard’s Everfull, TypeI 1,500 15,000 2100-163, Purse, Bucknard’s Everfull, Type It 2,500 25,000 2100-163 Purse, Bucknard’s Everfull, Type IIL 4,000 40,000 2100-163, Purse, Silenced Coinage '500 5,000 DRAGOT3.37 SSS ‘The Mage Engen 113 Quanel Name EP Cost Book/Page Quarrel Quarrels, or bolts (see page 32), axe ‘the ammunition fired by crossbows. A ‘quarrel is shaped something Like an arrow, but its shaft is much shorter and thicker. Quarrels used in warfare are tipped cone-or pyramid-shaped heads made from the toughest material availa ble, usually iron or hardened steel. See the Arrow and Bolt entries for more information Quarrel +1 % ode Quarrel +2 50350 new item Quarrel +3 73525 newitem Quarrel +4 100 700 new tem Quarrel +5 125875 hewitem (Quarrel —1 = 935 newitom Quarrel =2 = 50 newstem Quarrel, Biting 30 100,060.17 Quarterstaft ‘The simplest and humblest of staff weapons, the quarterstaffis a length of hhard wood from six to nine feet long. High quality quarterstaves are made of ‘stout oak and are shod with metal at ) | doth ends. The quarterstaff must be ‘wielded with both hands. The staff so a fine practice weapon, especially in place of other two-handed weapons such as two-handed swords or polearms, | Quarterstaves are are aften earried by magic users. See the Staff entry page 139) for more information, Z Quartersta +1 250 1,500 2017-106 Quarterstaft +2 500 3,000 2017-106, Quarterstait +3 750 4'500 2017-106 Quartorstat +4 1,000 6,000, 2017-108 Quarterstaml +5 1,250 7,500 2017-106 ‘Quarterstaf, Breathing ‘600 9,000 101308 Quarterstaff, Charming 800 4,000 1013.58 Quarterstaff; Deceiving 200 1,000 1013.58 Quarterstafl; Defending 1013.58 Quarterstaff, Defecting 1015-58 ‘Quarterstaf, Draining 1013.58 Quarterstaff, Extinguishing 101558 Quarterstafl, Finding 1013.58 Quarterstafl, Flaming 1018.58 1013.58 101358 101358 1013.58, 101 3.58 Quarterstat, 1015.58 Quarterstaf,| roisa8 Quarterstaf, so Quarterstaft, FRI085 Quarterstaff,| 1013.38 Quarterstaff; Watching 101358, Quarterstaff; Wishing’ 1013.38 Name Quill, Copying Quill, Erasing Quill, Forgery Quill, Grease Quill, Kuroth’s Quill, Law Quill; Long Writing Quill; Necromancy Quill, Porcupi Qui Quiver, Arrow Storing Quiver, Ehlonna Quiver, Freif's Magical Rack EP Cost Book/Page Quilt A quill i a large feather that can be dipped in ok and used asa writing implement. Quils are common wher: ever there are sages, serbes, wizards or ther people engaged in research, funtlng, or scholarly work 5,000 25,000 ACo4-058 S000 15,000 ACL O58 44000 20,000 AGO 058 34000 6,000 Lc436 Fielie “27,500 2011-180 7000 $5}000 213-143 ooo 20.000 DRAGO30:36 6.000 50,000" ACOs 058 100 500 ACO4058 100° 1,000 ACO4058 250 “eno DRAGoW.S1 4,000 20,000 ACO4-058 Quiver ‘Aquiver is «container used to bold arrows, quarrel, javelins or other simi lar missiles, Its usually made of leath- cer and equipped with a strap that allows it to hang over the user's shoulder to ‘make taking missiles from it easy and ‘quick. A very plain quiver is generally cluded in the basie cost oft load of ammunition. 1,000 4,000 DRAG139:10 1,500 10,000 2100.17 11100 4,500 DRAG133.10 Rack Racks, much like shelves, are used to contain large collections of items in an ‘orderly manner. Unlike shelves h ‘ever racks tend to be custom made for a particular item; for example, one would place bottles of wine in a rack that allows the bottle to lay on its side. This allows the wine to keep the eork moist; if the bottle were stored upright on a shelf the cork would dry out, erack, and allow the wine to sour 100 1,000 POLY023.23 114% Mogizal Prods Listings Name EP Rag Rags are pieces of cloth used to dust furniture, clean walls, dry dishes, cleanse the body, ete. Rags commonly fare culled from old clothing or blankets that no longer serve their original parpose for one reason or another. Rag, Drying Rainmaker ‘This device creates rain through ‘magical and chemical action. thas a small tower, 30 fect high and 15 feet ‘wide, which rests on a base 40 fet wide and 10 feet high. I also is equipped ‘with balloon which is tethered in place by a rope more than 10,000 feet long. ‘When the device is operating, clouds of acidic steam fill the tower, Rainmaking Machine 8.035, Rake ‘A rake isa common farming imple- ‘ment, often made entirely of wood but Sometimes Gtted with a metal head. The hhandle i three to five fet long. The hhead has two to 20 prongs, which can be stif or lexible. Most enchanted rakes, howover, have stiff metal prongs set in a single row, Rake, Climbing ‘500 Rake, Iron 100 Rake, Retrieval 200 Rake, Ship 100 ‘Rake, Smoothing 500 Rake, Tracking 1,000 Ram A battering ram (see page 29) isa largo, heavy log o simllar device used tobash down portals or walls with brute force. Another kind of ram is a projec tion fitted to the bow (and sometimes to the storm) ofa ship or spelljammer. This type of ram is used to punch holes in other vessels. ship's ram ean sink or smash an enemy ship in seconds, Cost 5,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 5,000. 10,000 BookiPage Rattle Name EP Cost Rook/Page Ram, Blunt +1 (pr tom) 100 1,000 072084 Ram, Blunt +2(per ton) 200 200 = 1oranas Ram Blunt +3 (per ton) 400 4000 oreaas Ram, Grappling +1 (per tom) 200 2000 107aass Ram, 420per ton) 4004000 ores Ram, Grappling +3 (per tom) 800 8000 107an8e Ram. Piercing +1 (per ton) 001000 ——«oT2ast am, Pereing +2 per ton) 200 3000 107aass Ram Piercing +3 per ton) 400 00 torn Ranger Fooler ‘The ranger fooler isa large, floating box that can pulled along by any crea ture, It erazes the user's tracks and ‘ereates false tracks in their place. A leather harness used for pulling the contraption is attached tothe front of the box. A set of thick, hairy brushes fae sot on the underside of the box near the front. Thirty-six drawers set in columns of six are located on the flanks ‘ofthe box. A label on each drawer tells ‘what sort of tracks (false feet) are stored Within. A set of iron rods jut out from the rear ofthe box, and attached to them are two vertical iron rods that reach to the ground. The: ‘er fooler is steam powered and there is mall hatch for replenishing. its supply of firewood and a spout for refilling its boiler water. Ranger Fooler, Rabn-Ko's 200 2,000 ACIL.O75 Rations Rations are dried fonds that can be [ kept for indefinite periods of time with: ‘out spoiling as long as they are kept dry. ‘To keep rations safe to eat, the buyer must Keep the food in an ait tainer in ease he is caught in a heavy storm, falls into water, etc. Properly sealed containers have the additional ‘irtue of keeping insects and small ‘animals from eating the feed befare the Rations, Epox’s Iron 1,000 10,000 POLY058.10 Rattle A rattle is common child’s toy, but a = also is 8 musical instrument in many cultures. A magical rattle may be plain for decorative, Rattle, Death — 500 AcD4.059 Rattle, Shaking & Rolling 400 4,000 POLY023.28, Rattle, Summoning 1,000 10,000 ACOL059 Rattle, Youth 4000 40,000 ACO4.059 ‘The Magic Encylopedia 115 order Name EP Cost Book’Page Recorder ‘A recorder isa wind instrument sim lar to modern Mute. ts main bedy is a hollow tbe that has a whistle-like roouthplce and several holes which flow the musician to play various notes A reorder an be made from Almost any hard substance, but the best ‘ones are made from hardwood Rolie 80,000 2012.160, Reflector A few goomish apelljamming ships are equipped with these rare devices. A reflector is an ovoid chunk of apparently solid, dull metal which resembles pew. tor. It is four fet long, by about two feet across and weighs one ton. It has 8 2in- 6 chance of reflecting any spell, magical item discharge, or artifact power back to 5,000 50,000 suRist Repellent Repellent keep certain types of pests away from | the user. The term “repellent” ean refer toan item t ‘uid or spray that can approach the user. & Ui Repellent, Parasite 100 1,000 DRAGII9.19 Repository ‘This artifact holds almost all of the knowledge ofthe known world, and is capable of answering factual and philo sophical questions, At a glance, the repository looks like a common chamber ‘ofdwarven make built into a cavern oF lender, fluted marble columns support a ceiling studded with lobes of green erystal. Thin, vertical Slots pierce one wall ofthe chamber, and ‘large central niche in another wail shimmers with a faint magieal aura. If ‘creature approaches the repository quietly and presses an ear to one of the slots, the creature can hear faint twittering in the darkness. Repository of Arcane Lore, Olaf Gram Relie P acito73 Ring Name EP Cost Book/Page Ride ‘The ghost ride is a magical conte: lance designed to provide entertainment by giving passengers a ride pasta range ofilusory ghosts and monsters. At a distance, only the rides large and brightly colored facade can be seen. It is bbedecked with fags and banners and bears a distinctly eastern look. The ‘entrance is painted to resemble a cave ‘opening. Ride, Sultan's Uncanny Ghost Relie =P AC1.080 Ring [ Enchanted rings normally radiate | ‘magic, but no two magical rings look | «alike, so their exact powers are difficult to identify without much trial and error for some mystical means. Usually, a character must put on a ring and must ty various things to find what it does. [No more than two magic rings ean be ‘worn by a character at the same time. If ‘more are worn, none function. Only one ‘magic ring can be worn on the same hhand. A second ring worn on one hand causes bath to he useless. Rings must be worn properly (i.e.on the fingers for a human rings on toe, in ear lobes, ec. do not function. ‘The spel-like abilities of rings function at the 12th level unless the power requires a higher level. In eases where a higher level is neces: ary, rings fonction atthe minimum level af magic use needed to cast the equivalent spel. Magic rings can be worn and used by all charac- ter clastes and by moat humanoids Generally, most creatires with digits can use rings. For example, a troll could wear a ring of fire resistance and gain its benefits in addition to its regeneration ability. Rings can be used by any character race, but rings might malfunction ‘whom some demi-humans ase them. Ira malfunction occurs, the ring simply doesn’t work for one “use.” This applies to cursed rings as well ‘the benficial ones, Ring, Aiton, Abjuration — 1500 arziaze King Aliction, Alteration = tbo Gratis Ring, Affiction, Conguration’ pany — 1500 siataze Ring, Ailton, Enchantmont! chine = 1800 aaa28 Rings Aiton, Musion! Phantaam = 1500 staa36 Ring. Affction, Evoation Ti5o 2iata38 Ring, AMiction, Lessertreater Divination 1500 aziz Ring, Afton, Necromancy — isp P1998 ing; Amana 1007500 “10218 ig Aria Pedi Lipo $090 zisoasr Anka Magnetism 100 Ring, Aslment a0 DRAGLI-SO ing, Ante Venom 2000 10000 GDQLib Ring: Anything Siooo 38000 “20u7.092 Ring, Apathy ~ *T200 — potvo4s.23 Ring, Aquatic Depth Location 1,200 6000 _POLYOK8 22 Ring: Arachnid Contr 000

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