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Record Booklet :

Year Month Day

Name Date ot Assessment I I I
Identification Number I
Date of Birth I I
Examiner Chronological Age I I I
Place of Assessment Corrected Age I I I

Previous Items Items Credited Subscale

Credited In Window Score

Prone --- . ..----- .. ·- ' ·-~--- -




Total Score ' - 1- - - - - ' Percentile '-1- - - - - '

Alberta Infant Motor Scale
STUDY# Prone Prop
Prone Mobility
. --..._
Prone Lying (l)

Prone Lying (2) -..


Phys.ological flex1an r:;: - f\ ElbOws behind shoulders Forearm Support (1) Heodto90'
L\) I /~,
1-Jrns neod to clear uncontrolled weight shifts
nose from surface Unsustained head raising
to 45•

Lirts head symmetriCally

to45' Forearm Support (2)
Cannot maintain head
in midline
Lifts and maintains
head post 45•
ElbOW'S in line with
Chest centered ElbOW$ in front of shOulde
Active chin tuck with nee

SUPINE Sup1ne Ly1ng (1)
·7 A
Supine Lying (3)

' '> -- <· '\

Physiological flexion ~--- / _/!-J
- c:::_ - Hands to Knees
Head rotation: mouth
to hand Head in midline Supine Lying (4) r
t '-<
Random arm and leg
Moves arms but unable to
bring hands to midline ~ .-
"-...._ .......

Supine Lying (2) C~ .-~/'v_

Ned< Mxors acn~l'iltfmck Chin tuck
Brings hands to midline Reaches hands to knees
Abdominols active

Head rotation toward midline

Nonobligatory ATNR

SITIING Sitting With Support Pull to Sit

Sitting With
I~ Propped Arms
- -- ,r'<; .;'"\

Chin tuck: head in line

or in front of body
Maintains head in midline
Lifts and maintains head Supports weight on
in midline brleny arms briefly

STANDING Supported Standing (1) Supported Standing (2)

May have intermittent
hip and knee flexion Head 1n line with bOdy
H1ps behind shoulders
Variable movement of legs
Reaching from Four-Point Kneeling C
Extended Arm Support Forearm Support /-~

Pivoting •'
r ._/ I

Rolling Prone to Supine

WithOut Rotation
v--·'-"" ,-)
Active weight shift from
one side Legs flexed. abducted.
Arrm extended Contr<:>ted rooch with
Chin tuck and chest and extemally rotated
eleVated Lumber IO<dosis
Late<at weight mitt Maintains position
Pivots Rolling Prone to
Swimming Movement In arms
ondl&Qs Supine with Rotation
Movement initiated by Lateral trunk flexion
Trunk moves as ooe unit

Aetlve extensor pottem Trunk rotafjon

Hands to Feet Rolling Supine to Prone

1 Without Rotation
Rolling Supine to
\ • I

Prone with Rotation

Can maintain legs in
Pelvic mobllly present Trunk rotation

La tarot head righting

rr._nk moves Cli one vnll
Active Extension

Pushes into extension

wilt! legs

Reach With
Unsustained Sitting Wift1 Unsustained Walght Shift In Sitting Without Rotation
Sitting Arm Support Sitting Without Unsustained Sitting Arm Support ( 1) in Sitting
Arm Support
i. l
)~) ; cl .,.. i· ':
f \
.... c}/'
\ '•'··

... tl ~ .,· I

'\ v ----
.,. ::J
/ ~
I ---<;:~
- . . . .(. , )'1 ~'
- r--.

'- -- · y ~-..
Scapular adduction Arms move away
and humeral lhorocic spine extended Weight shift forward. rrombody
extension Head movemE~nts free bockword. or sidewovs Can ploy with a toy
Cannot maintain position irom trunk: propped Cannot be lett alone Cannot be left alone Can be left atone SOts independer>~y
on extended arms in Sitting in derlnifely in •itting Reaches lor loy witt
in sitting
trullk rotation

Supported Standing (3)

\ . "I

\ 'v
\ \,.,.-'"
S'~ _,

Hips in line with shoulders

Active control of lrU('lk
Vo•ioble movements ol legs
pped Sidelying Reciprocal Creeping (1) Four-Point Kneeling (2)

~ . 1 - - - - \,.. 't.

~ou1-Po,r• Yneell~g to '-~ "--......_...~. ./'

.": ·- Sl't1ng or "lulf S. t 'Y ,,.,,/J ·~
I>< t<' ';c 'l ,f M9Q:' Wgs at:x:lu· too. a d
uld<:'rt''lOJ,'V Re.::c'"l•r-g f•ol""' 1-<lpSOiil;ir'l Mod.lfled F"lc.r PC'!r~t
.rtior W'l~ r boc'v axir. ••~I o;~xt(<r lily •ototro
lur1oor lorJos: . w<J1Qr f)(l'~ rd .t.:l Arm :upiJc, t p<':.IIS
F1a++ n1rq ct<Jr
'"'f' ~a~ +a Jfl Nll'l
f,cL proc~:l\ '::.r .lWurg ~o1"1.. ~,....· tr· JnK fl.ex l"lr s ....,e
/. .• ,1'
.>l ,~
>" •ys of rrx or
J;;.._-1 ( / .j_.l M< y get 'C): 'firg
'1_,. . ' ~. ~? ~-

RGctprocOI arm and lag Raocnes with axtenctea arm Ploys in positior\
movements with trunk roto~on Trunk roto~an May move forward

iitting to Prone Sitting to Four-Point Sitting Without

Kneeling Arm Support (2)

• I
• I

~ove.s out of sitting to . . .r
achieve prone lying
ulls wlh arms; legs iflOcfive
Actively lifls pelvis. buttocks. Position ot legs varies
and unweighted lag to lntol'lt moves in and out
assume four-point kneeling of positiOns easily

Pulls to Stand Supported Standing Cruising Controlled Lowering

With Support With Rotation Without Through Standing
Pulls to Rotation ,~ ~

Stand/Stands Holt-Kneeling

.. __,
. ;:

.1 -~
Pushes down 'o\llltl Controlled lowering
arms and Crui}es
•rorr stonairg
e~tends knees Roto~on of trunk ~deways
and pervis Wi!houl
Pulls to stand: shifts May assume
weight from rotation
stan ding or·
siae to siae play in position
Crvsng With Stands AlOne Early Stepp!nQ Stand•ng from Standtng from
Roto••on MQd,f,ed Squat Quadruped PoSIIior

I . :.. I' -,
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, ... ..
Pu$1\es ~u•c .rv w !1'1 1"101105
I ro ge: 10 ~IO'Xl'OQ .>

"' Moves from SQUOI to

.Percentile ........................ ~

--5TH ·················· 10TH -----25TH ··········50TH --75TH 90TH

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