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Lance Bassett

Rgveda 1.154-56, 7.99-100 CHM 59-69

1. Why was Vishnu a more minor god when the Rgveda was written, and why is he more central to
modern Hinduism when what he is known for hasn’t changed.

2. Did an author’s beliefs ever interfere in the Vedas (praising one god over the other or choosing to
write only about certain gods) or did they write strictly according to doctrine.

3. Did Vedic people have “services” or “mass” where they would worship, and were the hymns
from the Vedas read aloud there (or anywhere)?

4. Does the name Sipivista carry any real weight if it’s only mentioned twice in all of the Vedas,
both times by the same author?

5. The book mentions “other deities absorbed by Vishnu in the course of time” and avatars that were
“separate deities… who… became subsumed under a single god.” Has the worship and
recognition of other gods defaulted to Vishnu over time as the other gods faded/became obsolete?

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