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Lance Bassett

Mahabharata pp1 - 43

1. Samika says to his irate son “[The king] is our rightful protector, and therefore we should not
mind his faults.” Was this a rule among Brahmins? It seems to go against the Brahmin-king
rivalry theme.

2. Is there a purpose/meaning behind the short frame story other than to get Vyasa to tell the actual

3. Is the beginning of our abridged text close to the beginning of the actual Mahabharata? It says
that Santanu’s son “is the equal of Indra himself in battle,” which seems like a comparison that
would only be made once Indra was demoted from his former status.

4. Did women (or were women expected to) purposely handicap themselves so as not to outdo their
husbands? Like when Gandhari “bandaged her own eyes with cloth… out of her desire not to
excel her husband in any way.”

5. How did the Battle of Kurukshetra happen while Citrangada ruled, before Pandu and the
Pandavas were even born? And who were the Gandharvas?

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