AmThink - l1 - Communication - Tnotes TEACHER

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The aim of this activity is to review the simple present
The aim of this activity is to practice the use of count
and the use of adverbs of frequency in the context of
and noncount nouns and the use of how much, how
routines and everyday activities.
many, too much, too many, and (not) enough in the
Step 1: Explain that each student has the same set of context of food.
sentences. Allow time for students to complete
their own information individually. It’s a good Step 1: Put students into pairs and nominate one as
idea to give students plenty of time to complete Student A and one as Student B. Make sure they
this stage. If necessary, refer them to Unit 1 cannot see each other’s worksheet.
of the Student’s Book, where they can find
examples of the use of adverbs of frequency Step 2: Explain the context. Some friends are coming
and their position in the sentence. to dinner and you need to prepare a meal for
them. Student A has a list of the amount of food
Step 2: Ask students to choose a partner and ask and
and drink that he/she needs, and Student B has
answer questions about the information they
a list of those amounts. Student A should ask
wrote in the sentences in Exercise 1. They should
questions using How much or How many to find
try to find some similarities as well as differences.
out if they have enough, not enough, too much,
Step 3: Ask students to report to the class the information or too many of those amounts.
they got from their partners.
Step 4: Take notes while they are talking. Then write Step 3: Suggest that Student A writes down the quantities
three or four of the most obvious errors on after asking the questions and getting answers
the board (e.g. incorrect word order and, from Student B.
in particular, the position of the adverbs of
Step 4: Now the partners switch roles. Student B will
frequency) and ask the class to correct them.
ask the questions, and Student A provide
Note: This communicative activity is based on KET for the answers, as in Step 2.
A1 and A2.
Step 5: Ask students to report their findings to the
class. Encourage them to use enough and not
UNIT 2: MONEY AND HOW TO SPEND IT enough in their answers.
The aim of this activity is to practice asking and
answering questions using the simple present or UNIT 4: FAMILY TIES
the present continuous.
Step 1: Explain that each student has four sentences The aim of this activity is to practice whose, possessive
about Leo or Lucy. Some information is about adjectives and pronouns, and possessive ’s (singular and
what the person usually does, and some plural).
information is about the person is doing today.
Step 1: Ask students to read through the list of
Put students into pairs and nominate one as
vocabulary items and check briefly that they
Student A and one as Student B.
remember the meaning of each one.
Step 2: Allow time for them to complete the sentences
in Exercise 1 using the correct form of the verb Step 2: Highlight the question and the short answer
in parentheses. Explain that the verb should and make sure they use whose for each question
be either in the present or the simple present they ask. Point out that if their partner says It’s
continuous. Monitor progress and give help if mine, they should write either It’s his, or It’s hers.
necessary. Similarly, if their partner says It’s my parents’,
Step 3: Point out that Student A now needs to ask they should write It’s his/her parents’.
eight questions about Student B’s information.
Step 3: Ask students to work with a partner and ask and
The first two questions begin with How and
answer their questions. There are two possible
the other six with What. Student A should
approaches. Either Student A can ask all his/her
write the information in the table.
questions and get the answers. Then they swap
Step 4: When they have finished, ask them to switch roles, or Student A can ask his/her first question
roles and repeat Step 3. Student B will now ask and then Student B his/her first question and so on.
questions about Leo and Student A will answer.
Step 4: When students have finished, check that they
Note: This communicative activity is based on KET for have written the correct possessive forms on
A1 and A2. their worksheets.

American Think Level 1 Communication Teacher’s Notes © Cambridge University Press 2018
The aim of this activity is to practice the simple past of The aim of this activity is to practice giving advice
regular verbs and the use of modifiers with adjectives in and strong advice using have to, should, shouldn’t, and
the context of the home. mustn’t.
Step 1: Put students into pairs and decide who is Student Step 1: Explain that each student will play a different
A and who is Student B. Explain that they must role. One will be an English teacher, and one
not show their text to their partner. Ask students will be a doctor. Allow time for students to
to read their text carefully. They each have eight read through their partner’s situations and
blanks in their text, but their blanks are not the the list of prompts before they start. Explain
same as their partner’s blanks. They need to ask that they should give strong advice using
questions to complete their text. have to or mustn’t and other advice using
Step 2: Make sure that the students understand that they should or shouldn’t.
should ask open (yes/no) questions and can only Step 2: Ask students to work in pairs. Student A will
answer Yes or No to their partner’s questions. play the role of the English teacher and give
They should continue asking questions until they advice to Student B. Student B should make
have the correct word for each blank. notes of the advice under the headings
Step 3: When students have finished, they can check I have to, I should, I shouldn’t, and I mustn’t.
they have all the correct answers by comparing Step 3: When Student A has finished giving advice
their text with their partner’s. to Student B, they should switch roles, and
Student B should play the role of the doctor
and give advice to Student A. Student A should
UNIT 6: BEST FRIENDS make notes of the advice under the headings
The aim of this activity is to practice asking and I have to, I should, I shouldn’t, and I mustn’t.
answering questions about everyday activities using Step 4: Ask students to report to the class one piece of
the simple past of regular and irregular verbs. advice their partner gave them.

Step 1: Explain that each student has a set of questions Note: This communicative activity is based on KET for
but they are not exactly the same. Allow time A1 and A2.
for students to complete the questions using
the verbs in the box. If necessary, give help and
check that they have the correct answers before
they begin Exercise 2. The aim of this activity is to practice different question
forms and to describe things.
Step 2: Ask students to work in pairs. Student A
should ask their questions from Exercise 1 and Step 1: Put students into pairs and decide who is
Student B should answer using the simple past, Student A and who is Student B. Explain that
e.g. A: Did you watch TV yesterday? B: Yes, they must not show their pictures to their
I did. I watched a movie. partner. Have Student A ask Student B the
whole set of questions and then switch roles.
Step 3: Now students change roles. Student B asks
Walk around the class and monitor students as
the questions and Student A answers as in
they are speaking, and identify any problems.
Step 2 above.
Step 2: Have students brainstorm and write down more
Step 4: Ask students to tell the whole class one fact
adjectives to to describe each other’s photos. If
about their partner, e.g. Luisa listened to Ariana
they need help, they can use a dictionary or ask
Grande yesterday evening. Juan played basketball
you for assistance.
Step 3: Have students discuss the differences and
Note: This communicative activity is based on Part 1 of
similarities between their two photos. They
KET for A1 and A2.
can use a dictionary or ask you for help. Write
Answers Student A some of their adjectives on the board to share
with the whole class.
1 watch  2 meet  3 have  4 go  5 finish  6 play 
7 play Step 4: Have students discuss the similarities and
differences between their photos and answer
Answers Student B the questions.
1 play  2 watch  3 have  4 go  5 listen  6 go 
7 meet

American Think Level 1 Communication Teacher’s Notes © Cambridge University Press 2018
The aim of this activity is to practice superlative The aim of this activity is to practise using the first
adjectives in the context of geographical terms. conditional and the simple present in clauses after if
Step 1: Put students into pairs and decide who is and when.
Student A and who is Student B. Explain that Step 1: Put students into pairs and decide who is
each student has six questions with three Student A and who is Student B. Explain that
possible answers. On Student A’s worksheet, each student has the same questions and that
the questions are in Exercise 1, but on Student B’s they should give answers that are true for
worksheet, the questions are in Exercise 2. Ask them.
the students to read the questions and choose Step 2: Ask students to do Exercise 1. Point out that
the correct answers on their worksheet. they should write their answer using the first
Step 2: Student A reads their answers to Student B. conditional in answers 1-5 and when instead of
Student B checks the answers according to if in answers 6-7.
the information in exercise 1 on their worksheet. Step 3: Students work in pairs and ask and answer
Encourage Student B to read aloud all the the questions from Exercise 1. Encourage them
information when correcting Student A, e.g. to take it in turns to ask questions rather than
Student A: I think Elbrus is the highest mountain one student asking all six and then the other
in North America. Student B: No, Elbrus is the student asking all six. Tell them to notice any
highest mountain in Europe at 5,462 meters. similarities or differences.
Step 3: Student B reads their answers to Student A. Step 4: Ask each student to tell the class something
Student A checks the answers according to interesting they learned about their partner.
the information in Exercise 2 on their
worksheet. Encourage Student A to read out Note: This communicative activity is based on KET for
all the information when correcting Student A1 and A2.
B, e.g. Student B: I think the smallest country in
the world is in Africa. Student A: No, the smallest
country in the world is Vatican City in Europe. UNIT 12: TRAVELER’S TALES
The aim of this activity is to practice asking and
answering questions using the present perfect with ever
UNIT 10: AROUND TOWN and contrasting this with the simple past in the general
The aim of this activity is to practice the affirmative context of travel.
and interrogative of the present continuous for future Step 1: Ask students to do Exercise 1. They should use
arrangements. the prompts to write questions using
Step 1: Put students into pairs and decide who is the present perfect. Emphasize that they will
Student A and who is Student B. Explain that need to change the verb to the past participle
each student has a copy of Julio’s plan for form (the third form of the verb, e.g. be to
next week in which he has written all been). The follow-up question should be in
his arrangements. Student A has 7 of the simple past, e.g. When was it?
the arrangements in their plan, and Student B Step 2: Put students into pairs and decide who is
has the other 7. Student A and who is Student B. Explain that
Step 2: Give students time to read through each student has a different set of questions.
the arrangements in their version of the plan. Step 3: Student A asks their first question and Student
Step 3: They ask and answer questions using the present B answers. If Student B answers Yes, I have,
continuous to complete the missing information Student A should ask the follow-up question
in their plan. Ask them to write the missing When was it? If Student B answers No, I haven’t,
information in the plan. there is no follow-up question. Student A
Step 4: They check the answers by comparing the two should make a note of the answer, e.g. 2 years
plans. ago, in July last year, and so on.
Step 4: Student B asks their first question and Student
Note: This communicative activity is based on Part 2 of A answers as in Step 3. Continue with each
KET for A1 and A2. student taking turns to ask and answer
questions until they have finished.
Step 5: Ask each student to tell the class something
they found out about their partner, e.g. Juan
has been to Germany. It was last year.

Note: T
 his communicative activity is based on Part 2 of
KET for A1 and A2.

American Think Level 1 Communication Teacher’s Notes © Cambridge University Press 2018

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