Chemistry 2018-2019 Exam

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Tsaeda chrstian secondary school2018/2019 academic year

grade 9 second semester chemistry final examination Time 60 Minutes

Name_______________________________________________ Grade & Sec________ Roll No______
PART I Choose the correct answer (10x1=10pts)
_____ 1. The Molecular mass of NO 2 is (N=14, O=16)
A. 40 B. 46 C. 30 D. 20 E. 14
_____2. What is chemical formula of calcium sulphate?
A. CaSO3 B. CaSO 2 C. CaSO D. CaSO 4 E. none of the above
_____3. The Percentage composition of C in CO 2 is (C=12, O=16)
A. 72.7% B. 62.7% C. 70% D. 27.27% E. none of the above
_____4. The number of sodium atom in 3 moles of Na (Na=23) is
A.24.08x1023 B. 18.06 x1023 C. 12.04x1023 D. 34x1023 E. 22x1023
_____5. The chemical formula of phosphorous pentachloride is
A. PCl2 B. PCl C. PCl4 D. PCl5 E. none of the above
_____6, what is Formula mass of NaNO 3 (Na=23, N=14, O=16) is
A. 40 B. 85 C. 60 D. 53 E. none of the above
_____7. How many moles of sulphur are there in 18.06x10 atoms of Sulphur?
A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. 4 E. none of the above
_____8.Avagadros number
A.6.02x1023 B. 6.02x1024 C.6.02 x10-23 D. 6.02x 1025 E.none of the above
_____9.The Chemical formula for magnesium oxide is (Mg=12, O=8)
A. Mg2O B.MgO 2 C.MgO D.Mg 2O2 E.none of the above
_____10.How many moles are there in 250g of CaCO 3 (Ca=40, C=12, O=16)
A. 2.5 moles B.25 moles C.30 moles D.0.25 moles E.none of the above
PART II Match column A with Column B (1x10=10pts)
____1, Au A, 6.02 X 1023
____2, Avogadro’s number B,2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O
____3, Synthesis reaction C, Gold
____4, chemical rxn D, for molecular compound
____5, C+O 2 CO2+ Energy E, new substance
____6,2AgO 2Ag+ O2 F, Orginal substance
____7,Formula unit G, for ionic compound
____8,Molecular Formula H,Chemical Change
____9,Product I, Decomposition rxn
____10,reactant J,Combustion rxn
PART III Fill in the blank Space (10x1=10pts)

1. The formula which contains the least number of atoms is called ______________________________.
2. The chemical formula of a molecular compound is called___________________________________.
3. A short and method of representing a chemical Change (reaction) is called___________________________.
4. One mole of any Atom is equal to 6.02x1023, this number is called______________________________.
5. The Chemical Formula for calcium carbonate is __________________________________.
6. The Name of the CaCl 2 Compound is ______________________________.
7. A short hand method of representing an element is called____________________________.
8. A group of atoms having its own charge is called _______________________________________.
9. A rxn in which two or more substances react to produce a single substance is_________________________.
10. What is the state of matter in this formula O 2(l)______________________________.
PART IV Short answer & Work out Questions
1.State the law of Conservation of mass?(1Pt)
2,How Many types of chemical reactions are there? Mention each one (2Pts)
3, Write the Chemical formula for Aluminum Chloride (At No of Al=13, Cl=17) (1Pt)
4, Balance the following Chemical Equation?
a, P4 + S8 P2S3 (1Pt) b, Na (s) + Fe2O3 (S) Na2O(s) + Fe(s) (1Pt)
5. Calculate the mass of the following?(H=1,O=16,Ca=40)
a, 3.01X1024 molecules of H2O (1Pt) B, 3.01X 1023 formula unit of CaO (1Pt)
Succinic acid is a substance produced by lichens. Chemical analysis indicates it is composed of 40.68% carbon,
5.08% hydrogen and 54.24% oxygen and has a molar mass of 118.1 g/mol .Determine the empirical and
molecular formula for Succinic? (2Pts) (C=12, H=1, O=16)
Answer Sheet
PART I Choose the correct answer (10x1=10pts)
_______1 ______2 ________3 ________4 _________5
_______6 ______7 ________8 ________9 ___ ______10
PART II Match column A with Column B (1x10=10pts)
_______1 ______2 ________3 ________4 _________5
_______6 ______7 ________8 ________9 ___ ______10
PART III Fill in the blank Space (10x1=10pts)
_________________________________________1 _________________________________________2
_________________________________________3 _________________________________________4
_________________________________________5 _________________________________________6
_________________________________________7 _________________________________________8
_________________________________________9 _________________________________________10
PART IV Short answer & Work out Questions





Good Luck
Chemistry department

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