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IIMB Management Review (2012) 24, 95e103

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A framework for managing customer knowledge

in retail industry
Sourav Mukherji*

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bangalore, India

Available online 16 March 2012

KEYWORDS Abstract Customer knowledge can be a critical source of competitive advantage in retail
Knowledge business. In this theoretical paper, three sources of customer knowledge are identified in
management; the retail environment, namely customer transactions, customer interactions and customer
Customer knowledge; communities of practice. Lessons for managing these three types of knowledge are derived
Retail business from knowledge management practices of knowledge intensive service industries such as
management consulting and software development. Finally, a decision model premised on
consumer behaviour and purchase characteristics is proposed. The model would enable
retailers to focus their knowledge management efforts to leverage the potential of customer
knowledge for both productivity benefits and product innovation.
ª 2012 Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd.
All rights reserved.

Customer knowledge as driver of success in Indian regulations do not allow foreign direct investment in
retail business retail, preventing participation of multinational enter-
prises. But experts believe that it is only a matter of time
before such regulatory restrictions are removed. There-
The retail industry in India is poised for explosive growth.
fore, Indian players who want to have a substantial stake in
Traditionally the ‘kirana’ or neighbourhood mom and pop
the retail business feel the need to create a stronghold in
stores have dominated the Indian retail landscape. Of late
the market before it is opened to foreign competition.
large Indian conglomerates such as Reliance Industries and
Moreover, some international players such as Metro AG have
ITC have started to make significant investment in the retail
already started to operate from India by working around
industry while professionally managed retailers like
the regulatory framework that does not prevent foreign
Pantaloon or Shoppers Stop have started to expand rapidly.
participation in ‘wholesale operations’, while Wal-Mart has
announced an alliance with Bhatri Enterprises.1 Overall, it
implies that in the immediate future the Indian retail
* Tel.: þ91 80 26993145; fax: þ91 80 26584050.
industry is going to become intensely competitive with
E-mail address:
a significant change in the nature of competition. Instead of
Peer-review under responsibility of Indian Institute of Management
Bangalore. the erstwhile competition between local or regional players

‘Wal-Mart enters India with Bharti Tie-up’, The Hindu, November
Production and hosting by Elsevier
28th, 2006.
0970-3896 ª 2012 Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
96 S. Mukherji

who had marginal scale, the competition in future will be to derive lessons that would enable retailers to deal with
between big national and international players who will such challenges. We classify three sources of knowledge in
seek value by relentlessly building up scale and driving the retail environment, namely customer transactions,
down costs. customer interactions and customer communities that
The customer is likely to gain significantly as a conse- retailers can leverage to build a robust knowledge
quence of this changing business scenario. Competition and management system. Thereafter, we propose a typology to
lower costs would translate into lower prices for the determine the focus of retailers’ knowledge management
customer. Moreover, professionally managed retail organi- initiatives depending upon the behaviour and purchase
sations would adopt superior processes and best practices pattern of the consumers. The contribution of this paper is
that would translate into a better shopping experience for discussed in the concluding section.
the customers in terms of choice, availability and conve-
nience. Given such conditions, what would be the drivers of Data processing in retail environment
success for individual retailers? On one hand the kirana
shops would continue to offer convenience, such as prox- One of the biggest advantages of the retail industry in
imity or home delivery and customisation, by knowing in terms of developing customer knowledge management
great detail the purchase habits of the neighbourhood. On systems is the availability of data about customer purchase
the other hand national and international players would behaviour. However, with the advancement of information
offer large variety and high quality at a low price, technology, organisations today have enormous capacity to
leveraging economies of scale and scope. In order to store and process data and generate information. Specifi-
succeed in such an environment, retailers will need to cally in the retail environment, because of extensive
invest significantly to build scale. At the same time they automation such as deployment of point of sales (POS)
would need to attract and retain customers in large terminals, or radio frequency identification (RFID) tran-
numbers such that there is adequate return on investment. sponders, today it is possible to capture data about
Given the wide choices available, customers would prefer consumer behaviour at multiple points. This has led to large
retailers whom they perceive to be most suitable in terms retailers worldwide running sophisticated applications for
of meeting their purchase expectations. Retailers therefore processing the data that is captured, such as data ware-
would need to have a superior and fine-grained under- house applications for decision making or data mining
standing of the customer and ‘customer knowledge’ would applications for obtaining hidden relationships among
emerge as a key driver for commercial success in the apparently unrelated variables.
fiercely competitive environment that retail business in As illustrated in Fig. 1, a data warehouse is a repository
India is shaping up to be. of data collected from multiple transaction processing
The importance of customer knowledge is well under- systems. Such data might originate within the organisation
stood and emphasised in the world of business. It has been (e.g., from the POS terminal within a retail shop) or outside
realised that customers can be sources for innovation (e.g., data on consumer purchase and credit history
(Thomke & von Hippel, 2002) and customers can provide
perspectives and suggestions that might have been over-
looked or not seen by the organisation. The challenge in the Transaction processing
retail industry is to develop a superior understanding of the systems
customer along with the creation of large scale of opera-
tions. It is easy to understand customer preferences and
Customer database
accordingly customise products or services when the scale
of operations is small. The kirana or mom-and-pop stores
epitomise such customisation on a small-scale. However, External
the retail industry needs customisation on a large scale in databases
order to attract and retain its customers. This would only
be possible by adopting a systematic and process oriented
approach towards acquisition, storage, analysis and appli-
cation of customer knowledge e an organisation practice
that can be broadly described as ‘customer knowledge
management’. This paper talks about the critical issues
pertaining to the customer knowledge management system
that is relevant to the retail industry.
In the following sections, we discuss how retailers Data
worldwide are leveraging data captured from customer warehouse
transactions. However, there is a growing realisation that
such transactional data needs to be complemented with
data captured from customer interactions in order to
develop insights that can translate into product and service Data
innovations. Since acquisition and management of inter- miner
active data is challenging, we look at the knowledge
management practices of two knowledge intensive indus- Figure 1 Decision support systems in transaction intensive
tries, management consulting and software development, environment.
Managing customer knowledge in retail industry 97

obtained from a credit card agency). Data warehouses are knowledge is the most critical resource for their business
intentionally kept separate from transaction processing value proposition and successful knowledge management
systems because they are designed specifically for query initiatives form the basis of their competitive strategies.
processing. For example, while transaction intensive Both these industries, possibly more than any other
systems would typically avoid any redundancy of data, industry, have been at the forefront of knowledge
a data warehouse intentionally builds in certain data management.
redundancy to ensure faster response to queries. Some Among the practitioners, strategy-consulting firms like
organisations also run sophisticated query and analysis tools McKinsey & Company were probably the first to realise that
on the data stored in the data warehouse. Such tools often information technology focussed knowledge management
deploy algorithms based on artificial intelligence or neural systems have limited ability to capture certain kinds
network principles to find out hidden relations among of knowledge (Bartlett, 1996). More often than not,
variables (such as the fabled correlation between sales of knowledge that provides competitive edge to individuals or
beer bottles and diapers) and are known as data mining organisations is complex and embedded in a specific
tools. Collectively, data warehouses and data mining tools context. Such knowledge is difficult to articulate and
form part of the repository that organisations, especially therefore difficult to be captured in documents or data-
retailers, are now deploying extensively for creating bases. While scholars like Polyani (1966) had explained the
sophisticated decision support systems. difference between two kinds of knowledge e tacit and
While such decision support systems are extremely explicit, consulting organisations have put into practice two
useful in the retail environment, they suffer from two kinds of knowledge management systems to leverage the
limitations. First, data warehouses have minimum efficient tacit and explicit dimensions of knowledge. Explicit
scale, i.e., they become useful only when an organisation is knowledge, which by definition can be easily articulated
able to digitally capture very large amounts of data, often and captured in documents, can be managed using infor-
running into terabytes. While several organisations have mation technology, e.g., computers, relational databases
experimented with smaller volumes (often naming them as and communication networks. However, tacit knowledge
data marts instead of data warehouses), generating statis- cannot be articulated or documented. Organisations can
tically significant relationships between variables have only create facilitative conditions such that tacit knowl-
remained quite challenging. This leads to the second limi- edge can be shared through personal connections, by
tation of data warehouses, i.e., while information tech- means of direct communication between experts who
nology driven decision support systems are efficient in posses such knowledge. In their celebrated paper, Hansen,
capturing and processing transactional data, they do not Nohria and Tierney (1999) distinguished between the value
necessarily generate rich insights that can be used by proposition of two kinds of consulting organisations e those
organisations for decision making (Davenport, Harris, & like Anderson Consulting that were driven by ‘re-use
Kohli, 2001). Transaction processing systems can effi- economics’ and those like McKinsey & Company that were
ciently capture data about customer behaviour, but they driven by ‘experts economics’.
are not adequate to capture the knowledge that the Consulting organisations whose value proposition is
customer possesses (Gibbert, Leibold, & Probst, 2002). based on ‘re-use economics’ deliver standardised solutions
Thus, a robust information technology infrastructure is to customers. They benefit significantly from the ‘people to
a necessary but not sufficient condition for aiding decision document’ approach of knowledge management, which
making, a limitation that can be generalised to most involves articulation and codification of explicit knowledge
enterprise wide knowledge management initiatives and disseminating the same across the organisation as ‘best
(McDermott, 1999). practice’. Such organisations discourage their employees
from ‘reinventing the wheel’ because the strength of their
practice lies in identifying the best way of performing
From data processing to knowledge activities and replicating the same everywhere. They build
management large data and document repositories and develop sophis-
ticated classification and search algorithms to ensure ease
It is necessary for retailers to understand the important of use, data currency and relevance. However, strategy-
levers beyond information technology that would enable consulting firms such as McKinsey or Bain do not base their
them to derive maximum benefit from customer data. They practices on delivering standardised solutions. Their value
need to understand the best possible ways to collect, store, proposition, instead, lies in providing unique solutions to
analyse and deploy knowledge from and knowledge of problems faced by their clients. Therefore, the purpose of
customers so that such knowledge can provide them with their knowledge management system is not replication or
sustainable competitive advantage. One way in which this dissemination, but synthesis of knowledge from experts and
can be achieved in a relatively short period of time is in the process, development of new knowledge (Ofek &
through the knowledge management practices of other Sarvary, 2001). Their knowledge management systems
industries e especially those that have been experimenting facilitate people to people connections and subsequent
with and evolving their knowledge management systems collaborations and as a consequence, these organisations
and processes. In this paper, we analyse the knowledge do not focus significantly on building large document
management practices of software service and strategy repositories. Instead, their knowledge management
consulting firms in order to derive lessons for customer systems create directories of expertise and project ‘snap-
knowledge management initiatives in the retailing industry. shots’ where employees, individually or collectively,
For both the consulting and the software industries, declare their areas of expertise or write briefly about the
98 S. Mukherji

problem that their team had solved for the client. The Table 1 as ‘document repository’, ‘experts’ directory’ and
organisation, by means of incentives and other cultural ‘collaborative platforms’. The document repository and its
interventions, ensures that consultants in need of knowl- associated management system focus on collection, storage
edge or confronting a problem on behalf on their clients can and access of data and information. Organisations intend to
identify the expert or project team members who can gain efficiency from such management of explicit knowl-
provide them with insights or help them solve their prob- edge, and the purpose of such knowledge management
lems in a collaborative manner. systems is reduction of costs by locating previously gener-
Hansen et al. (1999) advised organisations to choose one ated solutions and adapting these to solve clients’ prob-
of the two knowledge management strategies e codifica- lems. The second component, an experts’ directory,
tion or personalisation, over the other because they felt intends to make connections between employees. This
that the two approaches do not mix well. However, this is repository, instead of maintaining documents, contains
not what has been observed in the software development contact information of experts, their profiles and brief
industry where organisations create knowledge manage- descriptions of their expertise in specific contexts.
ment systems that can accommodate multiple modes of Employees, when confronted with a problem, can post their
knowledge sharing and generation activities. For example, queries that are either directed towards certain experts, or
two of the largest Indian software services organisations, open to the entire community of experts. While the
Infosys and Wipro have built up knowledge management experts’ directory is not as scalable as the document
systems that not only have a large data repository but also repository, its value lies in communication of tacit and
support applications equivalent to an experts’ directory complex knowledge that would have been very expensive
intended to bring about collaboration among experts. Such or impossible to codify.
organisations do not intend to choose between one kind of Service organisations have also started building and
knowledge over another. They believe that for competitive experimenting with a third component of knowledge
advantage, both explicit and tacit knowledge need to be management systems, namely ‘collaborative platforms’.
managed simultaneously, with equal focus. Given the This is intended to serve the function of synthesis and
knowledge intensity of software development activities and generation of new knowledge, rather than dissemination of
the rapid change of technology, the shelf life of stand- knowledge and is focused on innovation and creativity
ardised knowledge and best practices is limited. Therefore, instead of efficiency through reuse. By leveraging the
part of the knowledge management initiative focuses on power of information technology and communication
synthesis and generation of new knowledge and insights networks, organisations are creating virtual platforms
while the rest focuses on building codified knowledge and where employee groups with specific interests discuss and
libraries of reusable components that can increase the collaborate on a topic of their interest while a coordinator
efficiency of software development and project delivery tries to provide some direction to the discussions. Since the
(Mukherji, 2005). entire discussion is conducted over an information tech-
In its steady state, a knowledge management system in nology network, it is possible to track, categorise and
a knowledge intensive service industry is likely to have collate such discussions that sometimes lead to generation
at least three critical components. These are depicted in of collective insights. Collaborative platforms intend to

Table 1 Three components of knowledge management in knowledge intensive service industries.

Managing customer knowledge in retail industry 99

create technology-mediated ‘communities of practice’ why they chose one product over another. It would be
(Lave & Wenger, 1991) that are deemed essential for important for a retailer to know what prior knowledge
innovation in knowledge intensive industries. In their a customer had about a particular product when s/he
research on knowledge management systems in profes- stepped into the shop and how such knowledge was modi-
sional services firms, Ofek and Sarvary (2001) found that in fied based on the shopping experience. Transactional
a competitive market, organisations derived greater systems would not be able to identify the compromises that
leverage from their knowledge management systems if such customers make during their purchase or the levels of
systems were geared towards synthesis of knowledge and satisfaction associated with their purchase decisions. While
services innovation, rather than towards reduction of costs such information about consumer behaviour is invaluable, it
and increase in efficiency. can only be captured through a process of interaction or
socialisation with the customer. Therefore, customer
Managing customer knowledge knowledge management in the retail industry would need
to develop systems and processes that would be tuned to
facilitate generation and capture of interactive data.
Unlike the services industries just described, where the
Interactive data adds the ‘human element’ (Davenport
focus of knowledge management has largely been on
et al., 2001) to the transaction data and the knowledge
employees’ knowledge, the retail industry needs to focus
thus captured can be effectively utilised for customisation
on customer knowledge for creating competitive advan-
or even for product innovation. While qualitative market
tage. However, like the software services and consulting
research techniques such as in-depth interviews or focus
industry, the retail industry needs to evolve multiple sub-
groups were intended to capture interactive knowledge
systems of knowledge management in order to derive
from customers, these are often sporadic events, extra-
maximum benefit from customer knowledge. While explicit
neous to the regular business activities. What we are dis-
data generated out of transactions, such as those collected
cussing here pertains to organisational routines that
from the POS terminals, can be managed through databases
capture interactive data and utilise knowledge thus
and applications running on top of such data repositories,
generated for decision making. Just as service organisations
organisations worldwide are realising the importance of
have been able to design their knowledge management
data that cannot be collected through impersonal means.
processes for capturing tacit knowledge, retailers need to
Over and above transactional data, the retail environment
institute systems and processes that can capture interac-
has a large potential for generating data through customer
tive knowledge in a systematic manner.
interactions. Data generated out of customer interactions is
This is however easier said than done. Organisational
likely to be rich in its tacit content and as a result, might
hierarchies have been found to be more efficient in solving
provide organisations with greater insights than those
agency problems than markets (Barney & Hesterley, 1996).
generated from analysis of transactional data (Garcis-
Therefore, it is easier to capture tacit and complex knowl-
Murillo & Annabi, 2002).
edge within organisational boundaries by mandating or
Let us first understand what kinds of information can be
motivating employees. The challenge for retailers is to
generated from transactional data. Such data can inform
ensure the same beyond the organisational boundary,
the retailer about a typical customer’s purchase basket e
because in their case rich data needs to be captured from
the quantities of products purchased and the prices the
customers whose relationship with the organisation is not
consumer has paid for them. This could enable retailers to
conducive to sharing or collaborating. Traditionally,
arrive at some measures of price elasticity. Analysis of
customers have been perceived as a source of revenue
transaction data can also reveal complementarities
rather than a source of knowledge. As a consequence,
between products ethe products that are purchased
organisations need to devise suitable incentive mechanisms
together, which would help the retailer in deciding location
e financial, social or moral, to induce or motivate customers
of products. If transactional data is linked to information
to share their knowledge. On the supply side, organisations
about advertisements or trade promotions, it is possible to
need to understand why customers would spend time to
identify the impact of such initiatives on purchase behav-
provide information to the retailer and whether customers
iour of consumers. Time series analysis of transaction data
would deem solicitation of such information as invasion of
can also indicate seasonality and cyclicality of consumer
privacy. On the demand side, organisations need to train
purchases and help retailers make decisions about inven-
their employees such that they can elicit information from
tory management. As was mentioned earlier, large retailers
customers through meaningful interaction. Socialisation e
use various decision support systems for conducting these
the predominant vehicle for sharing tacit and complex
kinds of analysis. And just as service organisations have
knowledge is premised on depth of relationships between
made significant investment in data codification, retailers
individuals (Nonaka & Konno, 1998). The challenge in the
need to make significant investments for capture and
retail environment would be to develop such relationships
analysis of transactional data in order to improve opera-
with the customers within a time period that is long enough
tional efficiencies.
to create meaningful interaction, and yet not so long as to
make a customer uncomfortable. Organisations also need to
From transactions to interactions act on the information collected and show visible impact of
such interactions to the customers in order to motivate the
Data captured from transactional systems would not be customers to share information multiple times. Davenport
able to answer questions such as why customers did not et al. (2001) have also warned that not all information
purchase certain products even if they had intended to, or provided by the customer is valid. Therefore, organisations
100 S. Mukherji

need to have powerful analytical and triangulation knowledge management systems because degree of
processes to ensure the validity of the information that they customer involvement would determine to a large extent
collect from the customers before they can act on such the ease with which data or information can be collected
information. from the customer. The greater the customer involvement
In effect, capturing interactive data from customers with a purchase decision, the easier it would be to generate
would be both difficult and expensive and organisations and collect interactive data from the customer. When
need to be conscious of the returns that they get from such customers are not involved significantly with purchase
investments. Given its potential, it might be tempting for decisions they are unlikely to get into a meaningful
every retailer to start making investments for capturing engagement with the retailer to provide interactive data.
interactive data. However, as it is difficult to collect such Collection of transactional data is facilitated by greater
data on a continuous basis, managing interactive data frequency of purchase. The more number of times
might not be cost effective for every kind of retail business. a consumer purchases, the greater is the possibility for
Just as service organisations need to choose when and transactional systems to capture data related to the
where to deploy a people-to-document based knowledge consumer purchase process. Therefore, frequency of
management system and where to utilise a people-to- purchase forms the second discriminator for customer
people based system, retailers need to develop some knowledge management in the retail industry. Combining
understanding regarding the utility of transactional and these two variables, i.e., frequency of purchase and
interactive data as contingent on specific kinds of business. customer involvement in purchase, we propose a two-by-
This is discussed in the next section. two matrix that can act as a decision framework for
customer knowledge management initiatives. This matrix is
depicted in Fig. 2. In an ideal scenario, the two dimensions
Contingent theory for knowledge management of such a matrix need to be orthogonal, which is not the
in retail environment case here. In other words, it is possible that frequency of
purchase and involvement in purchase might be correlated
Research in consumer behaviour indicates that customers to one another. For example, the purchase of an item like
do not spend equal amounts of time or attention on every soap, which is likely to be high on frequency, is a low
purchase decision and their involvement with purchase involvement purchase for the consumer because it is
decisions varies across a continuum. Degree of customer a routine purchase. But purchasing a watch, a relatively
involvement is a function of the product, the context and infrequent purchase, is likely to get the consumer involved
the attitudes and values of the customer (Bloch & Richins, significantly. However, there are frequently purchased
1983). Overall, researchers concur that customers’ items such as food for the calorie conscious or even soap for
involvement with purchase decisions is a function of the the beauty conscious that can be a high involvement
value that they attach to the product (Zaichkowsky, 1985). purchase even though these items are purchased
Customer involvement can be a discriminatory variable for frequently. Likewise, purchase of a digital watch can be of

Figure 2 Typology of knowledge management in retail business.

Managing customer knowledge in retail industry 101

low involvement because of its commoditised nature, even existing products do not fulfil their needs. They can be rich
though customers might not be making such purchases very sources of new product ideas and also useful in identifying
frequently. Therein lies the strength of this matrix, where new usages of existing products. For example, restaurant
all four quadrants would be relevant for differentiating owners in some of the northern states of India use their
customer knowledge management initiatives in the retail washing machines to clean vegetables such as potatoes, or
environment. to blend edible liquids such as milk or curd on a large
It is proposed that for items that are high on frequency scale.2 While this was common knowledge among the
and low on involvement, customer knowledge management restaurant owners, the manufacturers of the washing
systems should be focused on collecting transactional data. machine came to know about this only when a large number
High frequency of purchase will generate significant quan- of washing machines were returned for repair with
tities of data, but because such purchases are of low ‘strange’ defects. Once the retailers realised the novel
involvement, it is unlikely that customers would be in usage of their product, they communicated the information
a position to provide rich data even if it were possible to to the manufacturers, who then modified the washing
interact with them during the purchase process. This is machines so that the machines could act as industrial
because low involvement purchases do not involve exten- blenders or vegetable-cleaners. If the retailers of washing
sive search, neither do they involve comprehensive evalu- machines were connected to the social networks of
ation of choice alternatives (Olshavsky & Granbois, 1979). restaurant owners, they would have identified the novel
On the other hand, for purchases that are of high involve- usage much earlier than it was done in this case.
ment but of low frequency, customer knowledge manage- Retailers can use customer communities of practice to
ment systems would be focused on collecting interactive identify emergent consumer profiles such as ‘lead users’
data. High involvement purchases are likely to be the (Von Hippel, 1986), ‘opinion leaders’ or ‘market mavens’
consequence of active information processing by the (Feick & Price, 1987) and can target certain marketing
customer and the products thus purchased would have efforts towards them. Retailers can also use virtual plat-
significant relevance for the customer (Greenwald & forms for trials of prototypes or experimental products and
Leavitt, 1984). It is also conceivable that the customer tap into the customer knowledge and experience to
would devote a lot more time to the purchase process, develop their product or estimate the market potential.
which would provide the retailer with enough opportunities Overall, such a collaborative platform provides the retailer
to extract rich data from the customer by means of inter- with a useful tool for generating data on consumer behav-
personal interactions. iour, attitudes and desires beyond the traditional boundary
The decision quadrant for purchases that are both high of the retail organisation. However, such a virtual space
on frequency and high on involvement poses a unique needs to be carefully managed even though participation
challenge. As such purchases involve active information by the customer may be voluntary (Gibbert et al., 2002).
processing by the customer, they have the potential to First of all, customers need to be motivated enough to
generate interactive data. However, given the high participate and contribute to the discussions without
frequency of purchase, it might be difficult to extract such feeling constrained because their discussions are being
data from the customer because the customer might not be observed or monitored by the retailer. Second, retailers
devoting a lot of time to the purchase process within the need to selectively mediate the discussions in order to
retail environment. For example, purchase of breakfast make them valuable for the organisation. In this regard,
cereals for consumers who are conscious of their weight some of the best practices from Internet based organisa-
would be high involvement purchases, because consumers tions or those from the service industry who have instituted
would prefer to make informed choices about the cereals in collaborative platforms for employees need to be consid-
terms of calorie and nutrition content. However, given that ered and modified according to the needs of the retail
breakfast cereals are purchased frequently, such informa- industry.
tion acquisition and integration might not be made every Fig. 2 depicts the matrix classifying consumer purchases
time the consumer comes to the retail outlet. Rather than in the retail environment along with the suitable customer
discrete information processing during the occasion of knowledge management system. Table 2 summarises the
purchase, purchases that are made repeatedly and functions of the three components on similar lines as
frequently involve continuous information processing observed in the knowledge intensive service industries.
(Hogarth, 1981) very often over a series of purchases or at While organisations worldwide seem to understand the
locations away from the retail space (Hoyer, 1984). need for collecting, analysing and disseminating knowledge
As a consequence, retailers must device a knowledge for creating competitive advantage, several organisations
management system that can pervade beyond the physical fail to get significant mileage out of such initiatives. One of
retail space in order to capture determinants of consumer the reasons for such unmet expectation is the inability on
behaviour. Such a knowledge management system would be the part of the organisations to link knowledge manage-
similar to employees’ collaborative platforms, the third ment initiatives to specific business objectives. The classi-
component of knowledge management systems in the fication presented in this paper is intended to address this
service industry. Like many of the Internet or ‘click and issue in the retail environment. Segmenting different kinds
mortar’ companies, retailers dealing with high involvement of customer purchase behaviour and identifying definite
high frequency products need to create virtual meeting and
discussion places for their consumers. Such customer
‘communities of practice’ would discuss product attributes 2
‘Innosight in India: Five Lessons from Five Years’, H Nair, V Raju &
that are present or those that are desirable because the A Mehra, Strategy & Innovation (newsletter), Feb 2012, Vol 10(1).
102 S. Mukherji

Table 2 Evolving components of knowledge management in retail business.

features of knowledge management systems suitable for Most organisations in knowledge intensive industries
each kind of purchase is a necessary first step towards such as management consulting or software development
linking customer knowledge management with commercial have deployed knowledge management systems to leverage
objectives of any retail business. Such segmentation would the collective knowledge of their employees. In this paper,
also enable retailers to have a better idea about the returns we analysed their knowledge management practices to
that they get from investments towards management of understand how they overcome various tradeoffs such as
customer knowledge. For example, retailers might decide management of tacit and explicit knowledge or focussing
to exclude low-involvement-low-frequency purchases, the on knowledge exploration versus knowledge exploitation
fourth quadrant in the matrix, from their knowledge (March, 1991). We classify three sources of customer
management efforts because given the commoditised knowledge in the retail industry e customer transactions,
nature of such products, the returns from such investments customer interactions and customer communities. These
might not be adequate. As the retail environment has large three sources are likely to pose different tradeoffs before
potential to generate data, knowledge management the retailers because the nature of knowledge generated
efforts, unless properly focused, might get lost in infor- from these sources or their possible usage are going to be
mation overload. The proposed typology would help retail different from one another. It is here that lessons learnt
organisations to understand what data to collect, how to from the management consulting or software service
prioritise and how to measure the effectiveness of various industry would enable retailers to institute different
knowledge management initiatives. knowledge management practices that are best suited to
the varied data sources.
However, the uniqueness of the retail environment and
Conclusion specifically the additional challenges involved in collecting
customer data limits the generalisability of knowledge
This paper was motivated by the changing competitive management practices of other industries to the retail
scenario in the Indian retail industry. The entry of estab- industry. Therefore, we develop a typology based on
lished players and the subsequent increase in competitive consumer behaviour and purchase characteristics that
intensity will compel retailers to develop deep competen- would enable retailers to segment and focus their knowl-
cies that would enable them to survive and win in the edge management initiatives. Herein, we believe, lies the
marketplace. If customer knowledge, as is widely believed, key contribution of this paper. While researchers and
is going to be an important determinant of success, practitioners have realised the benefit of differentiating
retailers need to develop competencies and organisational knowledge management activities to get maximum returns,
processes to manage customer knowledge such that such differentiation has been based on the logic of value
customer knowledge can translate into business insights creation (Hansen et al., 1999) profitability earned from
that would enable retailers to attract, retain and capture customers (Davenport et al., 2001) or industry best practice
maximum value from their customers. Retailers therefore (Gibbert et al., 2002). This analysis complements such
need to develop an appreciation of both the challenges and approaches by identifying the important dimension of
the advantages of customer knowledge management. consumer behaviour as a contingency variable. In the
Managing customer knowledge in retail industry 103

process, this becomes one of the early attempts to syn- Gibbert, M., Leibold, M., & Probst, G. (2002). Five styles of
thesise the field of consumer behaviour with that of customer knowledge management and how smart companies
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