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Sonia Marcela Vargas Varela ID 669053


What do you think about the coronavirus regarding health, economics, politics, and

Firstly, the coronavirus comes to change the world and make a health and social

catastrophe in the XX century. Considering, where the virus began and how it developed,

countries get different ways to protect their population which affects hard health. In this

way, if people do not care about themselves, they will probably die. Also, people get in a

panic because it seems like the world's end where society must stay at home as a mandatory

law. While people shut in the house, get sick and stress. Not only healthy people look for

well-being, but also sick people wait for a treat.

Secondly, the economy is also one of the most affected in each country because

companies, universities, shops, hotels, and hairdressings have been closed their

establishment. After all, the virus may kill thousands and millions of people in seconds. In

that way, owners must lose a lot of money and sales, employees lose their payment to give

at home, pay public services, food, and internet. Otherwise, people who do not have a job,

they get in the most difficult situation without a deposit to supply their needs. Most of them

go out to steal and hurt people for collecting something to buy food for families.

Furthermore, both corrupt people and politicians have taken advantage of the situation

not to give real information about killed leaders in different villages where the government

does not want to explain that. Besides, food and money never were given to poor people by

the government. Due to not receive it, society thinks the government or corrupt people steal

those help for people with social classes one and two. Likewise, sensationalist does not
help to clarify those incidents because they are bribe and afford irrelevant and false


Last but not least, families have been the most affected with the coronavirus but

especially the children because they must preserve their life because they are our future.

And, if they continue going to school such a teacher as students could be risky to get the

virus. For that reason, teachers work from home and students get online classes. Although,

education is not the same because the interaction and learning outcome is different and

parents must be their teacher and supervise the process. Nowadays, families get closer

between them, spend more time together, eat and play in different parts of the day, and

have time to talk and solve problems.

In my opinion, people must take care of their health, take all the preventions to go out

and buy something in the street, not to receive guesses at home, and use a surgical mask

and antibacterial gel. As a suggestion, people should not watch sensationalist news because

it takes fright and gets in a panic listening to false information. I agree if nobody takes care,

we must take care of ourselves.

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