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CHAPTER 1 1.1. Given the vectors M= —I0ay + day ~ Say and IN = 8a, + 7ay ~ 2a, ind: ‘4) 4 unit veetor in the direction of —M+2N. M4 2N = Wa, — tay + Say + 16a, + Hay — ta = (26,10-4) ‘Tus (26.104) _ (9.99, 03600 = Jap toca ~ (2220.86.08) bb) the magnitude of 5a, +N — 3M: (6.0.0) + (8,7, 2) — (-30,12,—24) = (43, ©) IMIBN(ME+N), |(-20,4,-s|16,34,—2)(-2 5.5, 319%, — 2902) 11,10) = (18.4)(21.6)(-2 1.2, Tho thc vertices of triangle are located at A(-1,2,5), B(—4,—2,—2), and C(1,3,—2) 1) Fn the length of the perineter ofthe triangle: Begin with AB = (-3,—-4~8), BC (5.51), and CA = (~2,—1,7). Then the perimeter will be = |AB|+|BC) +|CA| = v9+ 16+ 64+ Vine Ber i+ Var Te— 2a8 b) Flad a unit vector that fect fom the midget of the side AB to the mldpoot of se BBC: The vector fom the rg to the midpoint of AB is May = 4(A+B) = f(-30, +2.) ‘The vector fem te origin tothe kp of BC's Myo = §(B+C) = 4(~da, +a, —Ba,) ‘The weetor frm milpont to midpoint now Mian ~ Mpg = 3( 28, — ay + Ta,). The ont = Mag =Moe _ (28-8478) gor ota, +095 au = Ree Me] i 0.27a, —O.14ay + 0.95a. where factors of 1/2 have eae. ©) Show thot this unit vector multiplied by a scalar oxual tothe vector fons A to Cand thatthe unit veetor is therefore parle 1o AC. First we fuel AC = 2a, +a, —Ta,, which we recognize 5 ~7.35ayi9r- The vectors aze thas parallel (but opposiely-dinected) 41.8. The vector Rom the origin tothe point 4 is given as (6,—2,—4), and the unit vector directa from ‘tho origin toward point is (2,~2,1)/3. Ifpoimts A and B are ton units apart, find the coordinates cf point B. 1a. 16. Lr A citle, coutetel at the origin with a rains of 2 units, les in the sy plane, Determine the unit vector in rectangular components that les inthe 2y plane, is tangent tothe citele at (V3, 1,0), and {sin tho general diretion of increasing values of A unit sector tangent to this etele in the general increasing y direction is t = ay. ts x and y components suet, = ya, ——sing, ad ty = agra = cond. At the point (V1), 30" find wo t= ~sin Sa, + cos30"a, 05 (—a, + vSny) |A vector Held is speciiad as G@ = 2izyay + 12(22 + jay + I8s4a,. Given two points, P(1,2,—1) and Q(-2.1,8), find: '8) Gat P! Gil,2.-1) = (28.86.18) ') a uni vector in the dimmetion of G at Q: G(-2,1,3) = = 8,72, 102), 0 8,72, 162) 8,72, 102) = (-0.20,0139,0.88) ©) a unit vector dieeted frm Q toward P P-Q _ (G11) _ 50.909, -o7 Fre gym ae = (0.8.020, 0.78) 4) the equation of the surface om which (G| (ay, 21+ 4,324), so the equation is 6; We write 60 = [(24ry, 1260" + 2),1824), or 10 Boy? + dat + 16s" + 16 1 ais a unit wetor in a given divection, Bisa scolar constant, and ¥ = ray + yay + 2m, describe the surface ra = B, What isthe relntion between the the unit vector a and the scalar B to this sunface? (HINT: Cousider fist a simple example with a = a, and B= 1, and then consider axy a and B) We could consider a general unit vertor, a = Aya + Agay + Aaa, where AZ + A3 + A ‘Then ra = Ave+ Aay-+ Ag? = f(a.) = B. This i the equation ola planar surface, where {4J=B. Th ceation ofa vo the surface becomes elenr in the special ensn in which =a, We obtain r-a= f(z) =2 = B, where iti evident that als unit nonnal vector to the surface (as lok ahead (Chapter 4), note that taking the gradient of f gives a). Given the vector field Jess than 2, in! a) the erfanne om ehich EL. ={. With R= Qeuain evcos 2a, + 2aysin ea, + yin 2oa, forthe region [a pl and [| © hs ciucincee ace 1) Che lane 1.8. Demonstrate the ambiguity that results when the cross product is wed to find the angle between ‘wo vectors by dng the angle between A= 3a, —2a,~ da, and B= 2a, +a, — 2a, Does this ambignity exist when the dot product used? ‘Wo use the ration A x B= |A([Bjsin dn, With the given weetors we find VOF ET VETT FA sing where n is Kdentified as shown; we see that m ean be positive or negative, as sin@ ean be postive or negative. This apparent sign ambiguity is not the real problem, however, as we ‘wally want the magnitude of the angle anywas- Choosing the positive sia, we are left with sind = 7V3/(VBv9) = 0.900. Tuo valos of 0 (75.7" and 104.3) satisfy this equation, and Dpence the real ambigwity 1 using the dot product, we fd AB = 628 = a= |A|B|eoss = $y eos, oF cosd = -4/(3VB) = -0.248 > @= —75:7. Again, the minus sign isnot important, as we care only about the angle magnitude, ‘The main point is that only one 8 valne results when ‘using the dot produet, so no ambiguity 1.9, Af is given as * = tnt tom eae te) Pn 8) ni eto in the dinction of Gat PS, 4-2) Have Gy =25/0+ 18) (3,40) tid Ges. Tins y= (20.0800) b) the angle between G and ae nt P: ‘The angle is found through ag -Ay = ¢os0. So cas ((46,008,0)- (1,0,0) = 0.6, This #= 52", 6) the value ofthe following double integral on the plane y = 7: f [oa coo (@)-fnm lar Any 350 w , Fo ds L.A. Given the points M(01, 02, 0.1), N{-0.2,01,038), nnd P(04,0.0.1), find fi) the voctoe Rar? ary = (-02,0.1,08) ~ 0.1, = (-0.8,03,08) b) the dot product Ryyar Rea Rye = (04,0,0.1) ~ (04,02, 0.) = (03,02.02). Rew Ryyp = (-03,0.3,044) - (033.02,0.2) = -0.00-+ 0.06-+ 0.08 = 0.05, ©) the scalar projection of Ryv on Bp: (0,02.0. FEOF OE OL VOT Ruyy ane =(-034,03.04) 4) the angle between Ray aad Rare Oy (Gsm) 11.12, Show that the vector fiekls A = pos +psingdag + pas and B are everywhere perpendicnlar to euch other We find AB = p#(sin? d+ costo) =p peosibay + psinday — pas |AI|B| cos 2, ‘Therefore cos = 0 or 0 = Sor 1.49. 4) Pind the vector componeut of F = (10,~6,5) that is parallel to G = (0.102, 0.3}: FG g _ (00,-6,9)-(01,02.09) 6, Fie= tgp 1 + 0.04 + 0.00 02,03) (0.98,1.85,2:79) bb) Bind the vector component of F that is perpendicular to G: Be = F-Fye 10,-6,5) ~ (093,1.86, 2.79) = (9.07, ~7.86,221) ) Bind the vector component of G thot is perpendicular to F: Gr 13 Gp =6-Gyp = G- EFF - 01,0203) - (10, 6,5) = (0.02,0.25,0.26) 1.14 Show that the vector fee A ‘atallel to each other Using the definition ofthe exats product, we find (sin 28) 22a (sind) (2 and B= rom Ba, ray ate everysere uy ae decay, LAB, Three vectors extending fom the origin are given as ty (0.2.3). Phu: 4) anit vector perpendicular to both ry and ry (9,-4.1) and ry es ») a umit vector perpenctcula to the vectors ry ry and ry “rs: F112 (2,56). Sort — ea vers rs = (19,52,82). Then (0.90.0181,0.50) 1) the area ofthe trimgle defined by the heads of r, 2, and ry 1 ‘Aven = 5l(ea—ry) x (69 ra) = BIB, 1) 2 1.46. The vector field Fl = (2/p) a, whote B is constant, isto be translated such that it originates at the Hine, x =2, y= 0, Write the translated form of Ein rectangular components: First, transform the given field to rectangular components _ 8, # Be ” eae?" Jaap leap ee Using stile reasoning: 2 B a B= Baye, sing = BH ye gt ag NO ae ‘We then translate the two components to 2 _ Blle= 2a tua, Ben= "ena 1.17) Find unit veetor inthe plane ofthe triangle and perpendicular to Ray .406,0.761) ‘Then x aay = (0664, —03 (0.507, 1.406, 0.761) = (0, os2,0.077) TThe weetor inthe opposite direction to this one i also valid answer, ©) Bind a unit voctor in th plane ofthe triangle that biscts the interior angle at A: A nom-unit sector in the rite dinction is (1/2}(aaar + ay), where = (0.007,0.627, -0.338) (0.607,0.627,~0318) + (0.507, 0.406, 0.762)] = (0.095,0.516,0207) Finally, (0.095,01516,0207) 6 = T0095, 0.516,0207)] 0.168,0.915,0.367) 1.18. Transform the vector Geld spherical ordinates: (Ajpras where A is a constant, from eylindtical coordinates to First, the unit vector does not change, sinee ay is common to both coordinate systems. We ‘only icd to expres the elindrcal rdivs,p, a8 p = rsind, obtaining Heo 1.19. a) Express the fold D Have 2 (2 + y2)"*(za,-+ yay) in cylindrical components and eylidsical variables: ea, y= psig, and 3? ‘Therefore 1 D=“(easca, +singay) 3 7 Thea 1.19b) Evaluate D at the point where p= 2, = 02s, and == 5, expressing the rest in cylindrical and cartesian coordinates: At the given point, and in eyindsieal coordinates, D = 0.5ay. To express this ay) + 05a) -Ay)ay = 0.50830", + 05 sin Ma, ta, $0.29, 1.20. A cylinder of radins a, centered on the 2 axis, rotates about the © axis nt angular velocity 2 rad/s ‘The rotation direction is coanter.clocewise when looking inthe positive = direction. 4) Using eylindrical components, write an expresion for the velocity fel, v, that gives the tan- sential velocity at nny point within the eylinder ‘Tangential velocity is angular velocity times the perpendicular distance from the rotation axis With countersdockwise rotation, we therefore find v{p} = pay (p < 0) 'b) Convert your result from part @ to spherical components Ti sphorical, the compenent direction, ay is the same, We obtain V(r 0) =—Rirsindang (esind < 0) ©) Convert to rectangular components = Bly omy = =F = Po and) = 80? ye = My iiaty ty = Popa ay = 2" + ¥?)" eos. att yy a 7 y= Pi Se? + (cone) = -0(8" 9)? ay = Finally v(x.) [yan ~ way), where (2? + A)" = 4/2, which puts it at Sem distance from the other four. By symmetry, the fore on theft charge will be s-ditecte, and will be four tines the = component of Fovce produced by each of the four other charges. 4, Vi * treo 4, aoe Yo" TRS F 2.2. Two point charges of Qy coulembs each are leate at (040.1) and (0,01). (a) Determine te loens of the possible postions of a third chasse Qe where Qs may be aur positive or aegative wie, suc that the total fed E = 0 at (0,10) ‘The total field at (0,0) from the two Qs charges (wire both are positive) will be 201 ends ay = B(0,1,0) = Ge any = my where R = V2. To cancel this fold, Qz mst be placed on they axis nt positions y > 1if Qa > 0, and st postions y <1 if Qa <0. In ether cas the Held frou Qa will be 00) = ay ad the total lis then Qld Bonita Tarehne fel el yoy gus fll ve y= eye where the plus sign is used if Qa > 0, sd the minas sgn is used if Qa < 0 (b) What isthe locus if the two original charges are Qy amd ~Q 2.8. Point charges of 5OnC each are located at ACO. space, Find the total force ou the charge nt A. "The force willbe: B(-1,0.0), €(0,1,0}, and D(0,—1,0) in fee (00 10-"? [ Roa, Roa, Ros reo (iReal® * TRoal? * Tsai ste Ro = gay, Rig =A ty ied Ring = 24, The gts a [Re |=|Reo3| = V2 In Ryat'= 2 Subtitle to Fr ae ” laa ae ae ae ‘where distances ae in meters. 24. Eight identical point charges of Q C each are located nt the corners of a cube of side length 0, with ‘ne charge at the origin, aud with the three nearest charges at (20,0), (0,2, 0), an (0,0,a). Find fan expression forthe total vector free on the eharge at Pla,aa), assuming free space: ‘The total electric fell at Pa,a,a) that produces a force on the charge there will be the sun of the fields from the other seven charges. This is written below, where the charge locations ‘sociated with each term are indicated (0,a,0)= 1 Ste at ay tw +(e ae ee ‘he force ie now tae product of this fd and the charge at (a, 4,0). Splifvig, we obtain 1.098 (0,0,0) = Byee(ava) = 2 [+ + 5 41] (ae tay +a.) tata) Fo,00) = GE wes [dat atte tte EES ata, in whic the magnitude [P| = 3.2042/(4re002) 2.5. Leta point charge Qi25 nC be located ab Py(4)—2,7) and a charge Qs 4) Bee, find B at Py(L,2,3): This fed will be = 60) nC be at Py(-B,4,-2), 10 P2HRyy oR, | ne [[RiaP * [Rasy fa where Ruy = “Say ta, dan, and Re Pay +5a,, Also, [Rus Se VAT ana [Rs 10°" (25 (Sas + day — 4a.) 60% (las — 2ay + 5a,)] vB. EB ‘To obtain £2, = 0, we roqnire the expression in the lage brackets to be zero, This expression simplifies tothe following quadratie: .45y? + 13.92y +7210 whic yields the two values: 2, au 2.6. There point charges, each 5 x 10°° C, are located on the is at ) Find Bat =1, 0, at 1 in fee spe. 5: Ata general location, of [the ke levFT? Et) +p * Ate snd with q = 5 x 10-® C, this becomes Ble = 5) = 58a, V/m, bb) Determine the value and location of the equivalent single point charge that would produce the same fel at very lange distances: For x >> 1, the above general field in pata becomes Bix >> 1) Bee De eat "Therefore the equivalent charge will ave vale $= 1.5 10-* C, and wil be at location = 0 ©) Detormine E at x= 5, using the approximation of (b). Using 39 the part b result gives EG 5x10 C and e = 5 in Seta Vm, oF about 7% lower than the exact result. 2.7. A2 pC point charge is located at AUA.3 5) in ree space. Find 8, £y, and By at PCS, 12,2). Have Eg, ‘Thon, at point P, p= vOF TR M4, 6 = tan-(12/8) = 50.3", and == 2, Now, By) = 659(a, a) + 1485(ay-9,) = 05 e[563") + LAS Fain O03") = 150.7 and Be 659(a,-m4) + 108314, -a4) = -059sin(SB.P) + 830503") = IT Finally, E, os Vn 2.8. A cmde device for measuring charge consists of two small insulating spheres of radius a, one of which from which Q = 2d shrek. bb) Determine the maximum charge that can be measured in terms of ea, and dy and state the separation of the spheres then: With inereasing charge, the spheres move toward each other unt ‘hey just tonch at yg, =d—2a, Using the part @ ret, we find the maxinnm measurable chante: Qner = dayevat(d= 20). Presumably some frm of stop mechani is plac ot £5 Fpge 1 provent tho sphore from actually touching, ©) What bappens if a larger charge is applied? No further motion is possible, so nothing happens. 2.9. A 100 nC point charge 5 located at A{—1,1,8) ta five space ‘8) Bind the loens ofall points PL. y, 2) at whicl B= 500 V/m: ‘Phe total fel nt P il be 100 10° Rar aro [Ral Ep= where Rup = (e414 Any + (23a, nel where |Ryp| = [leH1)? + y— UP-4(2-32 22 ‘The = component of the fel will be 100 104 (e+) 500 Vim [er TPS WTF = 9FPs ‘And so our condition becomes: (+1) = 056 (e+ pF + yp + e— 384 bb) Find ys if P{—2, 44,8) lies on that Joes: At point P, the condition of part a becomes B19 [1+ (m— 1" from which (yy 1)? = 047, or y= 1.69 or 31, 2.10. A postive test charge is uel to explore the fed of a single positive point charge Q at Pla,bse) IF ‘the test charge is placed at the orig, te force on i sin the dizection 0. ay ~ 15a, and when the test eharge is moved to (0,0), the force isin the direction of O.6a ~ OSay. Find eb and We firs construct the fee nsing the form of Eq, (12). We identify r= ray+ yay + 2a andl any + ba, +e. Then Olle wa +l +t a ea w We obuerve immediately that © = 0. Also, fom (2) we find that 6 = ~av8, and therefore Va BF = 2a. Using this information in (3), we write for the x component tea cor Ade? + 1.280 — 0.64 = 0, s0 that 2s (ERPS TOATOR) a 495 0r — 3.348 ‘The corresponding b values are respectively ~0.758 and 5.703. So the two posible P enordinate sets are (0495, 0.758, 0) and (—3.44,9.799,0). By dict substitution, however its found that ‘nly one possibility is entirely consistent with both (2) ane (8), al this ee BAL. A charge Qy late at the origin in free space produces a field for which B= L RV at point PU-2,1,-1) 48) Find Qo: The tld at P will be Siuce the 2 component is of value 1 kV/an, we find Qo bb) Find at AY(1,6,5) in coetesian coordinates: This field will be treo 5 10? = =1.68 pC. sy I at eae or By ©) Bind B at (2, 6,5) in eyladkical coordinates: At M, p= yTFI6 = 608, ¢ = tan“"(6/1) = BUSI, and == 5, Now S0.May ~ 180.68, ~ 150.58, Ey = Bua, = ~80.L1. cond ~ 180.63sin6 = ~188.12 Bay ay = —0.11(—sin 4} ~ 180.63 08, 0 (as expected) 2.12. Electrons are in random motion in a fixed region in space. Dring any: ys interval, the probability of finding an electron in a subregion of volume 10°! as? is 027. What volume charge density appropriate for stich time durations, show be rssigaed to That subreon? ‘The finite probably effectively reduces the net charge quantity by the probability fraction, With L602 % 10! C, the density becotes 0.27 Lone x 10-1 a 883 pCi’ 2.43. A uniform volume charge density of 0.2 yC/u* is preseut throughout the spherical shell extending fom r-— tem tor Sem, If p, ~ 0 eleerhorc ‘) find the total charge present throughout the shell: This will be [L [Soremvane woos)” by) find ry if half the total charge is Located in the megion Seam = 0, the goneral field will be ov [ly+2}ay— Se Bre ara | ta Fe We reine |B.| = -|26, so 2(y-+ 2) = 8. Ths y = 1/2, andthe fickd becomes: be ara 2.5ay — Sa (25+ |= 2m 10 ‘Then, with the given values of a, and, the Field evmhaates Egy: = 20a +73, — Oda. Vion bb) To what value shold p,, be changed to eanse Eto be zero at (0.0.8)? In this ease, we ouly need scalar addition to find the net eld be Brea) So Treo? * Treo (0,0,3) ‘Therefore 1a oft] “e 7 eg Dow 07g = 2:75 uC fn 2.40. A uniform line charge of 2 #C/m is loeated on the 2 axis. Find Ein cartesian coordinates ut P(1,2,3) if the chargo extonds from. ‘8) ~oe <2 < 2 Wit the infinite line, we know that the fie will have only radial component in eylndrical coordinates (or 2 and y components in eartesian). ‘The Held from an infu line com the ani is generally E = [pr/(2aeaplg. Therefore, at point Ps x Rap _ (210-8) ae 2a Beara iRare~ 2m 8 Pap + May kV jn ‘where Rp 6 the vector that extends from the lie cha tho = axis i0., Rp = (1,2,3)~ (0,0,8) = (1,2,0) b) “ag 2 <4: Here we se the general relation rge to pont P, aad is perpendicular to a B, sear ‘where r =a, + 2ay + Sa, and x’ = 2a,. So the integral bocomes 2x0) ft ae $28, + sha, ao ty BeOS ‘Using integral tables, we obtain Vim = 40a, 4 98a $499, kV/mm 2.20. The portion of the = axis for which |2| < 2 caries n nonuniform Tine charge density of 1 and pz =O elsewhere. Determine E in free space a: 4) (00,4): The general fori for the differential field at (00.4) fs n/n, pads (er) where r= day and of bt = N0)2| nC/in, the total eld is * y0"Msidea, _ f? 10-Szd [iets Latte I trot 10 resets {i 0a. (0,04) = tat] foot ) (0440): fn this ease, fy and r= 20, as before. The field at (04.0) isthe > 1O-S|2|dz(4 Bonne fete Note the symmetse liits on the integral. As the = component of the integrand changes sign at = = 0. i will contribute equal and oppesite portions to the overall integral which wil ean cel completely (the 2 component integral has aad parity). This eaves only the y component integrand, whieh has even parity: The integral therefore simphifis to 2 a 10-Sed =2 10a, fy Trea( 6+ =3)82 ~ FRSA RTO (0.4.0) ic 2:21, Two identical uniform line charges with ey = 75 nC/m ane located in fice space at = Os sn. What Force pe unt leg dors each ine charge exert onthe other? ‘Fhe charues are parallel to the = axis and ace sepaxated by 08 m. Ths the field fro the cogent y = —0.t evaluated atthe locaton ofthe change at y = HO willbe B= /(2re(08)]oy. The force on a diferent length ol te neat the positive oration is AP = dg = pls,“ the or per wt length eting {he linet postive arising fom he argent negative y is 8 ds 4 Ba fee ay = 126% 10-ay Nim Lay uN 2.23. Given the susface charge density,» 0, and is zero elsewhere find at a) Pa(p = 02 = 05): First, we recognize from symmetry that only a = component of E wil be resent, Considering a general point 2 on the 2 axis, we have r = 2a,. That, with t = pay, we obtain t= 2a, my, The superposition integral fr the = component of E will be =: [ya- vera 0.5 m, the above evaluates as Ba,r, = 8. EV/in a! 0.5 m, we evaluate the expression for Bs to obtain Bi ry Cm in the region p < 0.2m, 2.24. For the charged disk of Problem 2.23, show that; 4) the Beld aloug the 2 axis weducts to that of an infinite sheet change at stall values of I general, the field ean be expressed at FO [At small =, this reduces to E, = p,/2c, which i the infinite sheet charge fd. b) the = axis fold reduces to that of a point charge at large values of =: ‘The development is as iors — a ea vet +O0K] — 2e0 T+ 0.05; eo 1+ (1/2(0.08)/22 ete the tapi vai >>, Contin ip, (02% ~eym(o0n 2) = 2 11 ayayannye = Sites = Op ‘This the point charge fd, whete we identify q ow Tooke ike «pont (02}%p, asthe total charge onthe disk (whieh 2.26. Find B atthe origin ifthe following charge distributions are present in free space: point charge, 128 aOR OA; catia: Ten kage aig. Ma ak 2 canes wc aaa 2.26. An electric dipole (sessed in detain See. 47) consis of two point charges of equal and oppeite Inagalte £0 spoced by distance With the charges ang the» aul at positians = 44/2 with, {he postive charge atte poste © Ioeation), the eletie fs spicaleoorinat sae by E(r6)= [Qu/(éaeor)] eomla, +sindae) where r >> o Ung retangular everdinats, deteraine expressions forthe vector free pont charg of mage 8) a (002) Here, 0=0,a¢ = ayy and r= 2, Therefore (0.0.2) = b) at Osx): Here, 0= 90°, ag = a, ane = y. The fore is = alas F090) = Ss 2.27. Given tho cletrc ld B= (4 29), — (22 + 4y)ay, find ‘) the equation of the streamline that passes through the point P(2, 34): We write dy _ Ey _ (2244) aE ry) Thus 2.28 A fel is given as B = roa, + 20(28 + I)ay. Find the equation ofthe streamline passing throngh ‘the point (13-1) Ls ada s Ao Asamese Ab (13-1), the expression is sotiied if C= 0, ‘Therefore, the equation forthe strealine js ar (hg PoP some 2.29, IPE = 20e~ (eassira, ~ sin ray), find 8) [Bl at P(/6,0.1,2): Substituting this point, we obtain Ep = —10.6a, ~ 6.tay, aud s0 [Bp] = i a unit veetor in the direction of Bp: ‘The unit vector associated with B is (cas Tay ~sinSzay) ‘which evaluated nt P becomes ae = —0.8Ta. — 80a, ©) the equation ofthe divetion line passing throngh P: Use ‘Thus y= fIncosSir +C, Evaluating at P, we find C = 0.13, and v0 Incos 2 + 0.18 2.80. For fies that do not vary with 2 in cylindrical coordinates, the equations of the streamlines are obtained by solving the diferentinl equation E/E, = dp(ai). Find the equation of the line passing ‘rough the point (2,30°,0) for the Held E'= peos 2¢a, ~ psin2p a, ET Integete to obtain 2p 2440c= ml) + psinzd sinc =a [5] = oh = Ar the given pola, we have 4 = C/sin(60") > C ‘the streamlino is g# = 23/ sin 2a, {sin 60° = 2/3. Finally, ehe equation for CHAPTER 3 BA. 2 ‘Am empty metal paint cau is placed on a marble table, the ld is removed, and both pasts are tlischargedl (honorably) by tonching then to ground, Aw insulating avin thread is led to the center of the lid, and ponny, a nice, aud a dime aze ged to the thncad so that they are not touching each other. The penny is given a charge of + nC, ane the nickel and dime face discharged. ‘The assembly is lowered into the can so thot the coins hang cent ofall wall, ‘and the li is secured. The ontside ofthe ean is again tonched momentarily to ground. ‘The ‘evce is carefully dissssembled with insulating gloves and tos, ‘8) Whot charge ate forme om cach of the five metallic pees? All cots were insulated during the entire procedure, so they will retain their original charges: Penty: +54: nickel rime 0, ‘The penny’s charge will have indeed an eqial ate opposite negative d/2. Asa rel, the calenlation is nearly the same as before, with ‘the only change being the lanits on the total ehaege inteyrl: ean forisasf’ freind [0% ff anit Solve for D, to find the constant values (ooa/tia, (2 > 4/2) (pod/2)as (2 2) (ley ‘Volume charge density is locate in fe space as pe= Melzer. "S) Find the total charge enclosed by the spherical surface : 10 YC for © < F< 1 ma, and 41mm: To find the charge we by) By using Gauss law, calculate the value of De the surface r= 1 um: The gous surface isa apheria sll of radi 1 mi. ‘The enclowed charge isthe est of art Wo tus write 4rr2D, = Q. or @ Pe ar 4010-9 TeCOOTE 2 1074 uC ja 3.8, Use Gants la in integral form to shor’ that an inverse distance field in spercal coordinates D = Aay/r, where Aisa constant, requizes every spherical shell of 1 thickness to contain “tr conlonibs of charge. Docs this indicate a continous charge distribution’ If, find the charge density variation with 7 ‘The net outward flux of this fel through a spherical surface of rains r is ae fosase f° [Saat ananae tear Qn Wm hi Aa ih nn yo mh nod inne {En nest yong te eg th re chgh y ‘nea eGo ff [orvepsnearaes To obtain the correct enclaed charge, the integrand must be wr} = Afr eet = 4AN wf never 5.9. A miform yolume charge density of 8) C/m? is preset throughout the region Siam < r-< ran. Let pe = 0 for 0 << Simm, 18) Find the total charge inside the spherical surface y= 10 mm: This will be 1.61 10-!°C = 164pC by) Find Dy at r = 10 man: Using 1 spherieal gaussian surface at r= 10, Gans? Ine is woltten as 41D, = Q= 164 x 10-4 or 1 x 10 “Ro > D,(10 mm) S11, In cylindrica coordinates, let pe = O for p< 1 mm, = 2sin(2000rp) n/n? for um < p< Luu, and p, = 0 for p> 1.5umn,. Find D everywhere: Since the charge vaties only ‘with radius, ond is in the form of a eylinder, symmetry tells us thet the fx density wil be ‘aially-dineeted snd will be constant over a eylindrieal surface of Axed radios. Cats kaw applied to sueh a surface of unit length in = gives ‘) for p <1 min, D, =0, since no charge is enclowed by a eylindvieal surface whose radius dics within this FARE b) etm < p< 18mm, we have apd, = 2x f” 2 10-4 sin(2000E odd Sar? 1 —_— aa # (2000) — sag (20007) or filly ut Bp sin(2000%9) + 2x [1 ~ 10% pcos.2000p}]] Cfm® (Umm < p< 151mm) 81, (contimed) ¢) for p> 1.5mm, the gpussian cylinder now le at radius p ouside the charge distibution, tho integral thot evaluates the enclosed charge now includes the entire chargo distri ‘ution. To accomplish this, we change the upper Unit of the integral of part # trom p to tam, inal obtaining fm? (p> 1.5mm) 5.12, The sn radiates a total power of about 2 108 watts (W). If we imagine the sun's surface to be marked off in ltituie and longitude and assume uniform radiation, (a) what poser Is radiated by the region lying between latitude 50° N and 60° N and longitude 12° W and 27° W? [b) What is the power density on a spherieal surface 93,000,000 miles from the sum in Wit? 8.18, Spherical surfaces at r = 2, 4, and6 m earry uniform surface charge densities of 20 nC fur, “tnC/in?, and po, respectively: fa) Find Dnt r= 1, 3and3 m: Noting that the chargos are spherically symmetric, we ascertain that D will be sadialy-diected and sill vary only with radius. Ths, sappy ‘Gauss lnw to spherial shells in the following regions: r < 2: Hero, no charge is enelase, and so D, = 0. Qereds dsr2D, = 4n(2}*(20 x 10-%) So Dele x WW? Cj Wwe Aer 6: AnD, =An(2°20 x 10%) + nC)" 10-9) De = So Dy (r= 8) = 64 x 10-9C/? bb) Determine an such that D =O at r = 7a, Since fields will decrease as L/r?, the question oul be repiuased to ask for such that D =O at all points where r > 6m. In this region, the total fel will be 16x10"? Der >6) Resin this to be zero, we fd pa = —(4/9) x 10-®C/n 8) Calenate the total charge Wed 1 pe pe rly eH LL fe soedodoas = Shit -10°%| ne in the region D

O. When # =O, we have a sigulaity in, so is diverge fs ot deine vD= b) Replace the point charge with a uniforin volume charge density py for 0 008 x (note A (5.004) = 20 mC? ‘which when evaluated at r= 0.05 yields po(r = 06) = 1.20 mCi bb) Bind py for r= 0.1 ms ‘This in the region where the second field expression is val The 1/12 dependence ofthis Held yields a zoro divergence (shown in Problem 3:28), and the volume charge density is zexe at OL, ©) What surface charge density old be located at r = O08 mi to conse D = 0 for r > O08 sn? The total surface charge shonld be equal and opposite to the total volume charge ‘The Inter is| a ff mrincim A saténde 257 10 me= 257 Some _[as lz 0s} 3.28, Repeat Problem 3.8, but we 9D ‘aul take an appropriate volume integral 3.29. In the region of foe space that includes the volume 2.< 244, 2-< 3, b= Agen, rem 2190) Ont ‘8) Evaluate the volume integral side of the divergence theorem for the volume defined above In cartesian, we find V- D = &xp/2". The volume integral side is now pow. PPPe... ANN and right surfares, since Dy docs not vary with y. This loves only the top and bottom sutfaces, where the faxes ate: foo [fam [ [am =H dody = (9 4)(9~ 4) 5.80, Let D = 20p?a, C/an?, (a) Wht is the volume charge density st the point (5, 60°, 2)? (0) Use two diffrent methods to ind the amount of earge lying within the cloned surface hounded by p = 5,0 2 <2, BSL, Given the fs density 2 cattn Ciak ma'Tc oct i ewe te dope then adn dun ts ase SSMS ION tite tenable cus ees fous— f° Bontyranyando~ f° [°Beotsrsna dnd 16 fest) sin) ~ en) in) -sa1¢ We next evaluat the volume integral sido of the divergence theorem, where inthis ease La 14 vp (0 8D) = 5 ag 16 fom 26ome a [anon - 2 . [onan] = 28 ate We now evaluate [,vPe The integral saplilis to [£3 2SR2-2 9] eon CHAPTER 4 4.1. The value of E at P(p = 2, ¢ = 40°, 2 = 3) is given as E = 1000, ~ 20a, +3000, V/m. Determine the incremental work required to move a 20, charge a distance oF B pn: ‘8) in the direction of ay: The incremental work is given by dBW ewe, dL = dpa, = 6% 10-%a,. Ths =a dL, where in this 10-°) Sod ©) In the direction of G = 2a, — Sa, + 4ay: In this case, dL = 6 x 10-P ag, where 2a, ~ Bay + 4a. prow cepe Sila, —05sTa, +074a, So now ay (20 10-4) 1008, — 200, +3009] (07h, ~0.57ay + 0.7Ka,|(6% 10%) 1) 10-4) [37 1ap me) ~ 5. ap) —TE2(ay me) + 11 Alay) + 2229) 610) 42. An clectic fel is given as B = —10e"(sin2e a, + rsin22a, + 2reos2za,) V/u. 44) Find Bat P(S,0,x/12): Substituting this pola lao the given fel produces Ep = 10 pin(x/)a, + 5sin(z/0)a, + Weox(r/6) a ~ [ba +250, +50 ») How much work is done in moving a charge of 2.4C an inevemental distance of 1 mm from P in the direction of a,? This wil be aw. gB dba, = -2« 10-%(-5)(10-4) =10"" J = 10 pd ©) of ay? 4) of ar ©) ofa, +a, + Wye ees 4.3. 1B = 1200, V/m, Gud the incremental ant of wor: done im mowing a 50m charge a stance of 2's 4) P(L.2,3) toward QQ2.1, 4: The vector along this dretion will be Q— P= (1.1.1) from whidh ang = [ne ay + a4]/V3e We now write (50 10-*) [120a, (eoatey @x10-%) aw = ea. =o HAM 8 Opa HOI) At P, 6 = tan"(2/1) = 63.4". Thus (ap ae) = eos(63.4) Sin( 63-4) = 0.804, Substituting thas, we obtain dW = 3.15 ) Q(2,1,4) toward P(1,2,3): A litle thought isin order here: Note that the fled has only ‘radial component and doesnot depend on o oF =. Note also that P and Q arw at the sane rads (78) fom the = ai, but have different @ and = coordinates. We eotld just ‘ex well pootion the two patate at the sam z location ancl the pecblen would not changs O47 and (ap +a) = 44, Tt is found that the energy expended in carrying a charge of 4 4 from the origin to (x00) along the 2 axis ig diretly proportional to the square of the path length. IPE, = 7 V/m at (1.0.0), determine B, on ther axis asx fanetion of. ‘The work done i in general given by where A is a coustant. Therefore By mnst be of the form By = Byx. At so By = 7. Therefore By = expended LE, 2 Van, Note that with the penitivesrdirecte Bi ergy in moving the charge from O to x would be negative 4.5, Compt the vale of {2 Gl for G =2ume with A, 1,2) and PIE 1-2) sing the pt a) stihl septs ACL 1,3) to Dc 1-2) to PEL. In sen we onl have [cow [wie ‘The change in x occurs when moving between B and P, doing which y Tins b) straight-line segments A(1,—1,2) to C(2,—1,2) to P(2,1,2) In this ease the change in 2 oceuts when moving from Ato C, during whieh y =. Thus [com ff avie- f'x-one 416, Determine the work done in carrying a 24C charge from (21 B= yo, +20, along '8) the parabola = 2y#: As a look akend, we ean show (by taking its en) that Bis conservative. We therefore expect the same answer for all thiee paths. ‘The general expression for the work is weap’ eanne[f nies [2a] 212, and 90 ) to (Bel) im the Geld In the present cave, JPR, Substituting the e and the charge, we Wau on0rt lif Jemase. Pigtagl [v2,s0)" 4 Zar] 19 4460, the straight ine » = By — 4: Here, y = 7/6 + 2/3, and the work is -anio+[f' (S42) e+ f'o-oa] =a ALT. Let G = dey?ay + 2omy. Given on initial pot P(2 1,1) and final point Qld. 3.1), ind [Ga si the pats 4) straight He: [ove fsotacs fred 1, 2= 1: We obtain: ateteayites [20d 48, Given E = —2a, + yay, tnd the work involved in moving unit postive charge on a elreular arc, the eirle centered at the origin, from x= ato z= y= a//3. In moving slong the are, we start at = O and move to @ fee f" 4. The setup is w -["e ade Far ay +H ayagade where 089, and y= asin. [Note that the field is conservative, so we woul got the same result by integrating long fa tonsegment path over 2 and yas shown: fue [faery] an 4.9. A uniform surface charge density of 20 nC/? is present on the spherical surface r = 0.Gem eee by) Find Van given points Afr =2cm, 0= 90", 6 = GIP) and B(r = Sem, 8 = 45", 6 = 0"): ‘Again, the angles do uot matter because of the sphetical syammetry. We use the part result to obtain 1a ost |g ~ ats Lao 4.10, Express the potential fed ofan infinite lie charge 1) with zero tefnence nt p= ay: We write in general oi tp Cy =~ PEt [abit mam a p= my Therefore oe 1 = PE tnlpo) sand inally aL PE Amp) — 0] Vee) = ee by) with 7 = 16 at p= po Using the reasoning of part, we have Vitoo) = No im Vy PE Imi) +2 = Ca = Vo + Ilo) fen (®) +5 6) nt ro cc ea at nny? Wig? Anse: Nese we wo ae Fechinte nyspentet rete HSH or sand inally 41, Let a uniform surface charge density of 5 uC/in® be pres charge density of 8nC/m be located at 4, and» point charge of 24C be present at P(2,0,0). IF V = 0 at Mf(0,0,5), find V at N(1,2.8): We need to find a potential funetion for the combines charges whic is zevo at AP, That for the point charge we know to he @ Trop ft the £=0 plane, «uniform ine Val) ‘liaritial sal eces'der hen senlt- one Wn: tteerenen eee Siar ten te niles Sahtih cilia ‘Thetotal potential function willbe the sunvof the thre. Combining the integration consti, wre chtai Vie 8 ty Tear Brea oa nip) free ‘ho terms in this expression ate not refered toa common origin, sinc the charges axe at fees postions. The paruncters rp al = ae sealer dates fon he carzes ll he rately such bev. To evaluate the constant, C, we st lok at point Af, whete Vp =D VOB, p= and 25. We ths have aeurt Area v38 VUFTFO = VT, p= V2, andl © 20 su? oN At poiat N, The potential at N is thus bw? Bea Inv) ~ (3) ~ 1.98 « 10° = 1.98 « 10° = LoskV 422, In spherical coordinates, the reference ay 2r/(r? + a2}#ay Vm. Find the potential at any point, using a infinity: We write in general vine [ te+es st wae wa t© With a zero reference at r= 96, C°= 0 und therefore Vir) b) V=Oat r=0- Using the general expression, we find Wares vo ‘Therefore ‘Therefore 4.14, Given the electri eld B= (y-+ Ia, +(e ~ 1), + 2a. Bind the potential iference between the points 8) (2-2-1) anil (0,00): We choose « path along which motion occu in one coordinate etion at atime. Starting at the origin, fist move along 2 fom 0 to 2, where y = 0 ‘then along y from 0 10 ~2, where ris 2; then along = from 0 to 1. The setup is w-n=-[ora) je [ev], or f 3) (82¢4) and (2,38: Fellowing snoring wee fe -»| 4.15, Two mniform line charges, 8 nC/m each, are locate at in Tree space. If the potential at the origin i 100 V, find V at PL fietion forthe two charges woul in general be: oo na Pint — 52 na) + At te origin, Ry = Ry = V5, and V x10, 100 V- Thus, wit Inv5)+C + C= 306 Ab P(A AB), By = (4, 13)—(0s 1,2) = TD ana a = |, 13) 1,23) (Sx 107) fac) + 1n(v 28] +3910 Vp + 4.16, The potential at auy point in space is given in eylndieal coordinates ty V = (fp) cox V/om, where and b aro constants 48) Where is the zoo reference for potential? his will occur at p+ oe, or whenever cos(d) =0, which gives = (2m ~ H)a/2h, where sn bb) Find the vector electric Held intensity at any point (p, 6,2). We use B(p,0,2) = -WV “a & Ma, = ¥ preog)ay + bsn(bo) a a= F Besbo)ay + lato) a) 1) p=T em Here we integrate piecewise form p= 410 p f 8p Loe With the given values, this becomes 246 41-7] (9) _ [conte 10*) +40), (7) (os +b), oP 9078 4.18. Find the potential atthe origin produced by a line change py = ke/(a# +42) extending along, ther axis fiom r =a to +00, where a > 0, Assime » nero relerence a infty ‘Think of the line charge as an array of point eharges, eaeh of charge dq having potential ut the origin of dV = pyar /(Anegr). The total pot ‘then the stm of all these potenti ot LE Bee Laas ra "tee 8) = ae 419. The annular surface, 1am < p< Sem, = = 0, eames the nomniform surfice charge density pe = SpuCjn?, Fine V at P,0,2em) iV = 0 at infinity: We nse the superposition integral = ve ft where r= sa, and Y= pay. We integrate over the surface of the anmilar rion, with da= pdpdo. Substituting the given values, we find [ [0 meee x 1w-ptdode on Aro are? Substituting x — 02, and wsing tables the intoral evaluates ae v= [2222 [saree LE ay vers” = sy te, and en tial nt the origin is Vp 4.20. A point charge Q is located at the origin. Express the potential in both rectangular and cylindrical coordinates, and use the gradient operation in that eootdinate system to find the tlectric Held intensity. The result may be eheckel by conversion to spherical coordinates, 4.20, (continned) ‘Now, converting this Held to spherical components, we fd @ [essen ag) + rain sin ay ay) + reossia, ay) Coming By = Bay [eetetaeteecesd rn Peale) eremeea el] = _@ [sind end on? + sinBeonB sing — cond si ire e Pinay Converting to spherical components, we find & [en + reals =o 2G, [mates roti a = 2 intent eet-emo) AML Let V = ny? + ine? +24? at P32, 1: 2) V in fe space. Evaluate each of the folowing quantities 421d) [Bp tokking the magnitude of the parte result, we find [Ele ©) ay: By definition, this will be = 629, pom’ De Tukk D, = ob, = oesa, + 20 4.22. A cortnin potontial field is given in spherical coordinates by V = Vo(r/a) sind. Find the total ‘charge contained within the region r [At Py tis is par = —449 pC’ bb) How muah charge Hiss within the evlinder? We wil integrate over the volute to obtain ° Pe 08 pdpd de = 2e(0}0(2) uc 4.26, Let us assume that we have a very thin, square, imperfectly conducting plate 2m on 1 side, Toeated in the plane 2 = 0 with one corner at the origin such that les entirely within the first quadrant. The potential at any point in the plate is given as V = —e-*siny ‘8) An electron entors the plate at =0, y= 7/3 with zo initial velocity; in whot diretion isits initial moweient? We frst fd the electric field associated with the given potential: WV = -e°*hinvar —emyay] Siuce we have sn electron, its motion is opposite that of the fel, so the direction ot entry is that of ~B at (0.7/3), ot vB/2a, — 1/2a, bb) Bocouse of collisions with the patices in the plate the electtom achieves a relatively low ‘velocity and litle acceleration (the work that the fel does on itis converte Inge into heat). ‘The electron therefore moves approximately along a streamline. Where does it Teave the plate and in what direction is it moving at the tine? Considering the result of part a, we would expect the exit to over along the bottom edge ofthe plate. The fxiation of the streamline is oul throng Ey _ dy __emy desing 2 2H- flannty+0=blons) +6 tn ny pa 3, hn 0 =e) +, fm wk C= 068 Sow, sence G3 aha 6a al Ge a Bo ORL a theo pl edna SHEET 4.27, Two point charges, In€ wt (0,040.1) andl —1 nC ut (0,0,—0.1), ae in free space, 4) Calenlate V at P(0.3, 0,044): Use Veo eg] FR] where RY = (3,0, .3) and > = (9.04.5), 0 thot | wep fre [ai 8 0.424 and [R-| = 0.589. Thus wy bb) Caleutate Bat P: Use (a, + Sa.) ads + ne) Trea(43a)? > dee (583)? 10° agouti Vi 4.28, Use the electric field intensity of the dipole (See. 4.7, Bq. (88)) to find the difference in potential between potats at nnd 4, each point having the same r and ¢ coordinates. Under ‘what conitions does tho answer agree with Eq, (SH) for the potential at 8? ‘Wo perform a Tin integral of Eq. (86) along an are of constant rand 6 a asnoas a - | Fagg Beostay + sna] agra =— f loost, —cosé4) "This ceault agrees with Eq (34) if, (the ending point i the path) 490° (they plane). Under this condition, we note that iF8, > 90°, postive work is dane when moving (against ‘the eld) tothe ry pine: H€ 8, < 90°, negative wore i done since we move with the fel 4.20. A dipole having a moment p = Say — Say +10a, nC mis leated at Q(1;2,—4) in free Find Vat P(2,3)4); We use the general expression forthe potential in the far field: (ev) » where r =P-Q=(hh8). 80 fe )x 0 s+ 100,) fan + ay +5 deel? + P= SE Vp 4.30, A dipole for which p= 109, C+m is located. at the origin, What is the equation of the surface on whieh £, =O but E07 Fist we find the = component: og Reus! 0 sino] 10 Be = Bay = its [Beosd (ara) +s ay as] = 525 ‘This wil be zero when [2cc8? @ —sin®@] = 0, Using identities, we write 2 20 = 11 + 3c0si 2eos? 0 = sin? = 31 + Beas} ‘The above becomes zero on the cone surfaces, 0= 54.7 and @= 125.8" 4.31. A potential fold in free space is expressed as V = 20/ (292) V. 14) Find the total energy stoted within the cube 1 <1,y.2 < 2. We integrate the energy 43a, (contimed) ‘The feral evaluates as follows Tarts (50505, ‘This, multiplied by a cube volume of 1, produces an energy sale of 207 we = a6) 07 10-1 3a? 4.32. Using Bq. (86), find the energy stored in the dipole Bld in the region > a We stast wit (8) - Pease, +n “Tregrt Boosh a + si 04] ‘Then the energy will be (ody? Bread f [Seos? 04 1]sind do = 'b) Why can we not let @ appronch zero asa limit? From the abowe result, a singularity nthe vray ocents as a — 0. Mote importantly, « cannot be too stnall, o the original far-field ieingline tan tavdaded Bg (90) (0) wil eek ed, ed ie 4.880) Caleulate the total energy stored in the electrostatic field: Use we= [gow f" [f° E SR snodeaas (6210-9 fdr 25 10-7 = (3) Siar fi ae or Bald @#/(2C) to caleulate the capacitance ofthe isolated sphere: We have @ ©" aw 2asty 4b 10" B= 4A pF 4.4, A sphere of radius « contains volume charge of uniform density ~p C/m*, Find the total stored. energy by applying 18) Bg. (48): We frst need the potential everywhere inside the sphere. ‘The electric feld inside and outside fs readily foun from Gauss’ law: ‘he pote a poston ride the spe is ow the work done i ong, wit pate pit chat fan iit t poston [seerer— [Ba = & [renee [Baar Ve PB (302 2) P2sin Deans = 722 f (a2p2 — 8) ay = AO Wabi ere snotcnes = 28 [ren a= bb) Bq, (45): Using the given fields we find the energy densities 2 ‘We now integrate these over their spective volumes to find the total energy 4.85, Fone 0.8 0€ poi sluarges are locate i free space atthe comers ofa square 4m on a side ‘4) Bind the total potential energy sted This will be given by Save ‘where Vin this case isthe potential atthe location of any one of the pola charges that arises from the other three, This willbe (Tor charge 1) ee Vata ttn tengo [tate Taking tho summation produces a factor of 4, since the situation isthe same at all four points: Consequently 1 yy; S20 3H = Gar Trop b) A fifth 0.8nC charge is installed at the center of the square. Again find the total stored energy: This wil be the energy found in pact a plus the amount of work done in moving the fit charge ito position from infil. The later Is just the potential at the square conter arising fromthe original four chargns, times the new change valve, or 48 «10~" AW Fee (03/2) sta a ‘The total eneray is now Worn = Welparta) + AWe = 779+ S13-= 1593 CHAPTER 5 5.1, Given the current density J = —104fein(22}e~*¥a, + cos(22}e~May|A/m* 4) Find the total current crossing the plane y = 1 in the ay direction in the region 0 << 2 2.6% This is fond throngh ~swraybante [f * ot eon(ta)en2 ae de 1.20MA by) Find the total eurentlnaving the rion O py=d/e=M-t2-®9 Cf’ Af 5, Let Be ox 001 inthe ay diection for p < 04: Use 1) Bind the total current ercssing the plane © Pf [ros LL eines is 2)|“(or) = ~() nmin + 020 = aetna 'b) Cateuate dp, /0t: ‘This is found using the equation of continuity: Bp. ‘ince the integrals will cancel each other 4) Show that the divergence theorem is satisfied for J aud the surface specified in part b Tn pat 6, the net outward fx was fond to be zr, alin part, the divergence of J ‘was Found to be zeo (as will be its volume Integral). ‘Therefore, the diveigence theorem is satis 5.6, The current density in a certain region is approximated by J = (0.1/r)exp(—10't) a, A/a in spherical evordinates a) At = 1 gs, bo i5)80.1/5)e bb) Repeat for r= 6: Aging at ps Ja = Ar(6)*0.1/)e~* = Bde! = 277 A. At the given time «) Use the conimity equation to find p(t). under the assmption that yO as tos 1.8 ( 01, yi) _ 01H Ome Wale Se (- = ' ao Sa fe o1 1077 antes) =— [ demmteats si) = ea + sin) Now, py +0 a8 #00; ths f(r) =O. Final answer: prt) = (10 14) Find sn expression forthe velocity of the charge density: 4B _O1de "a, ray m/s 5.7. Assuuning that there & no transformation of mass to energy of vice-versa, itis possible to ‘write a coutimity equation for mass 2) If we use the ontinuity equation for charge as our model, what quantities correspond to J ‘and py? These would bo, respectively, mse fix density in (ey/t? — s) ad mass density in g/t). 'b) Given a edo 1 em on a sce, experimental data show that the rates at sehich mass is leaving each of the six Toews are 10-25, 0.85, 1.75, 200, -L05, and 445 m/s. I we ‘ssumie thot the cube is en incetnental volume clement, determine an appsimate vale for the time rate of change of density at its enter. We may write the emtinuity enti for mass as follows, also invoking the divergence theorem: f Fem foy me di.-as 58, The conductivity of carbon is bout 8x 108 S/m, 4) What size and shape sample of carbon has a conductance of 3 x 108 8? We ka that ‘the conductance is G = 0/6, where 4s the erosesretional area sad fs the leat. To inake G = 2, we may use any’ regular shape whowe length sequal 0 its mtea. Ebamples include a sqaare sheet of dimensions ¢ and of unit thickness (where conriuctance i teased eti-tovend), block of square cros-seetion, having length fan with eros section dimensions Vé x vt ov asokid evinde of length & and radius a= y@/. 'b) What is the conductance if every dimension of the sample found in part is halved? In all thnce cas mention in part, the conductoner is one-half the original vale if all izaensions are reduced by one-half. ‘This is eal shown tsing the given formula for 15.00, Using data tabulated in Appendix C, ealenlate the required diameter for @ 2-m long niehrome ‘wire that will dissipate an average power of 450 W when 129 V rms nt 60 Ha is applied to it ‘The required resistance will be a P a(n) ‘Thus the diameter will be [aP__, [21450 ae {) a jxca0y? on? bb) Colenlate the rms current density in the wine: ‘Ihe mms cument will be J = 450/120 375A. Thus 5.10, A solid wire of comictvty oy and rds «ace of material having condtvity fd whow incr radius wo and outer di ib. Show that the rato of te creat dense inthe two mterials independent of an. ‘constant voltage between th two ends ofthe wire men tht the fk within nn be Constant thoughout the wicecseetion, Calling thse, we have Alb Shion ‘which independent of th dimensions ‘5.11, Two perfetly-conducting cylindrical surfaces of length fare loeated at p = 3 and p= 5 em, The total current pasing redislly outward throu h the medium between the cylinders is 3A. 5.1ta, (contimed) "Then the elect eld is found by dividing this result by 0 3, _ 955, Reopl Vim ‘The voltage between evlindens is now by) Show hat integrating the power dissipated per unit volume aver the volume gives the total disipated power: We calculate We also find the power by taking the product of voltage and current: 488, Los 7 ve w ‘which i in agreement with the power density integration, 5.12, Tyo identical conducting plates, each having area A, are loeated at == O and = =. Tho ro. sion betwen plates is ill with a moteria! having #-dependent conductivity, ‘shee oy is 8 constant. Voltage Vo is applied to the plate at 2 = di the plate at = evo potential. Find, in terms ofthe given parannters ‘) the resistance of the material: We start with the diferntial resistance of a thin slab of Jaf b) the toral eazent flowing between plates: We use ds _ et od ~ “od so that ey 5.18, A hollow evlindcical tube with a rectangular cross-section has external dimensions of 0.5 in by {in and a wall thickness of 0.05 in. Assia that the material is bras, foe which a = 1.5% 10" S/n A exrrent of 200 A de is flowing down the tube, 44) What voltage drop s present across a Lm lenath ofthe tube?” Converting all measurements to meters, the tube resistance over I'm length wil be: A> Tax iy[emesgy xo — Bs — aaa |x 10) a ras 10"! a ‘The voltage drop is ow V = FR = 200(7:38 « 10-4 = maT V. b) Find the voltage drop ifthe interior of the tube is fle with a conducting material for which ¢ = 1.5% 108 S/n: Tho resistance of the filling wil be: 1 Tax TRTAASHE x 1-H, aera ‘The total resistance is now the parallel combination of Ry and Ra: Rep = MRa|(My + Ry) = 7.19% 10-0, andthe wltagedrop isnow V = 2007ty = M44, 5.14, A rectangular conducting plate lies in the ry plane, oecupying the region D << e,0- yasiation it Bat also ‘ote that the line integral of between the bottom abi top plates must always give Vi. Therefore B= —Vifday Vin 1) the total arent flowing betwen plates: We have Using this, we find re faw-[ fl bac capaeay= tg oy 5.8, Let V = 10(p+ 1)=*cos6V in free space, 1) Let the equipotentil surface V = 20V define a conductor surface. Find the equation of ‘the conductor surface: Set the given potential function equal to 2, to find 2r ond 2 = 1.5) At bb) Find p and H at that point on tho conductor surface where ¢ the given values of @ and =, we solve the equation of the surface foun in part for py Then obtaining “ap” p08 a wneeonoe, +10! atng ay B94 sem, Then B(.10, 25.1.5) =182ap +145 ay = 26.7 Vin ©) Find p.| ot that point: Since B is ot the perfectly-coniucting surface, it will be normal to the surface, so we maw waite BE Ba oe lutace = TB VER = ep (82S (MBE UTP = 1.2 nC be 5.16, In cylindrical coordinates, V 1000, 4) IF the region 0.1

Les 7 b) Find Vip and ye: Use 56, aarti perce: 64, Consier a composite material maule up of two species, having, number densities Ny and Na ‘molecules /in* respectively. ‘The two materials are uniformly mixed, yielding a total unmber density of N= NM; +Np, The presence of an electric feel B, induces molrewlar dipole ‘moments p, and pz within the individual species, whether mised or wot. Show that the liolctrc constant ofthe composite material is given by €» = fern +(L~ fers whe f i the ‘uber fraction of species I dipoles inthe composite, and where ¢,, and ¢-z ate the dilectrie constants that the unmixed species would have f each had number density We may write the total polarization voetor as P, (Nip, 4% 4 4 Nips t Maps = N (Sip. + Ps) = Nise. (Apa = £2 + (= Ps In terms of the susceptibilities, chi beccames Pigg and Xe2 aro evaluated at the composite number de exer + = Pel B, where xa ity, N- Now D =e roB = 0B + Per = coll + fer + 1 ral EB enaitying & as shown, we may rewrite it Wy adding and subracting f +s —F+ Frat Snes Vea + Sea] QED. [f+ xa) + (1) eal] 5.5. The surface # = 0 separates two perfect dileeteis. Far # > 0, lt 6 where 7 <0, If By ~All, — fia, — 0s, V/s, fl ‘8) Ey: This il be By a, = S0V/ while 2 =5 bb) Bry. This has components of By nat wormal to the surface, or Bry ©) Ens = VG (OF = BrAV/m GOFF TF = 104.4V/m, 0a, V/n a) By ©) The angle @y between By and a nonnal to the surface: Use Epa 80 By Wag > — se cost = £) Dua = Dur = ereoar (885 % 10-!2}(80) (S85 x 0-071 556, The poteatal fed in a slab of clelectie mera Fae which « 1) Find D, B, and P in the material Fist, B= CV = s000a, V/m. Then D = «4 = L.ep(5000) a, = TO.8a, nC/a Then, x 0,6, anv so P= eoxoB = 0 69( 500) = 26.64 uC/u bb) Evaluate 9, yan gy the material. Using the results in pate o, we find p, = V-D = 0, » and py = VE = 0, Bis given by V = ~8000r. 6.7. Two perfect dielectrics have relative permittivities ¢,y = 2 aud ey = 8. The planar interlace ‘betwren them is the srfaen x y-+22— 5, The origin los in rion 1, TE = Ulta, +2008, — Sia, V/n, find By: We need to find the components of By that are portal and tangent t0 ‘the bowery, and then apply the appropriate boundary conditions, The tormal eamponet Isl bey By Tg fry 42, the eter th fe rial oh mac Ly = = Splat 2m] ‘This normal will point in the direction of increasing J, which will be away from the origin, or into region 2 (yo ean visualize « portion ofthe surface as a triangle whose vertices are on the three coordinate axes at 7 = 5, y = 5, and 2 = 2.5), So By = (1/6100 ~ 200 ~ 100 =SLTV/in, Since the maguitide is uegutive, the norual component points into region 1 fom ‘the surface. Then 1 i Now, the tangential component wil be Ezy = Ey — yx = 133.38, + 166.7a, + 16.670,. Out Doundary eontitions state that Eg = Bry and Bye = (¢n/e)Bx1 = (1/4)Byi- Thus By: = 81.65 ) neat, 88 Vi = aha, 4 1T5ay W/m 68. Region 1 (x > 0) Is a dieketric with ea = 2, while region 2 (2 < 0) ba a = 5. Let By = 20a, ~ Hay + 80a, V/m, a) Find Do: One approaci isto first ind By. This will have the saume y an = (tangential) components as Es, but the normal component, Ee, will difer by the ratio éri/ea: this arises from Daa = Dug (normal component of Dis continuous across a nose-charged Inteafce). Therere Bp = 21(¢y/ér2)y — Way +S0a.= Say ay + SDa,. The Hus ses sth 159, Let the eylnrical surfanes p = 4 em an p= 9 em enclose two wears of perfect dieecties, en =2 for 0-< 9c x/2, and eq 8 for /2-< Gc 2x. IE Ey ~ (2000/p)a, Vm, fin 's) Bg: The interfares between the two moda will ke on plane of constant to which By 4s parallel, This the fed Is the same on either side of the boundaries, ad so Eo 0) tl cna ce oe nn at of et Tn gral we ie wedi! ine Ap 1 eaon0)? om (9) 20 ‘The capacitance, equal to Q/p, is therefore zt 6.21, With reforence to Fig. 6.9, lot 6 = 6 m, h = 15 m, and the conductor potential be 250 V. Take ¢ = eo, Find voles for Ka, pus ay and C: We have gy — [eee _ [5+ YOO ji $ 6 Velie reas _ 470250) _ 5 org Tak ~ tua) ~ SStChm VEE = 15} 16F = 138m. Finally ore 2x00 TTH/W) ~ cosh 7576) womb 6.22, Two #16 copper conductors (128mm diameter) are paallet with a separation d between axes, Detertine dso that the eapaeitanee betwen wires in air 30 p/m Wo me © «go pejm= 2 L700 Bela ST) ‘The above expression evaluates the capacitance of one ofthe wires suspended over plane at witspan, A= d/2. ‘Thevefre the capacitance of chat structure ix doubled ovee hit reautirl (om 30 tid p/m). Using this 8 co (289) a (2289) <6 ‘Therefore, d= 2h 625, A 2 em diameter conductor is suspended in ir with ite xis 5 em from « oondueting ple Let the poteutial of the eylinder be 100 V and that of the plane be OV. Fld the sirfice 6.28a, (contimed) ‘and sr3nC fn? Pomoc hobta habe On [G40 0a] bb) plano ata point nearest tho cylinder: At 2 = y =O, 0.0) = BE [#82 — =8te] = ea, @ Ora frou which 0,0) ae = 2 = 15.800) Pe 6.24, For the conductor configuration of Problem 6.23, determine the capacitance per uit length, ‘This is a quiek one if we have already solved 6.28. The eaparitance per unit length will be C= pi)Vy = 2.3 [aC)anl/100 = 243 pe fe, 6.25 Construct a curvilinear square map for a coaxial capacitor of 3mm inner rads and Sn outer rains, These ditensions are suitable for the drawing, 1a) Use your sketch to calculate the capacitance per meter length, assuming ¢x = ks The sketch is shown eka. Note that only a 0 sector was drawn, since this would thes be duplicated 40 times around the circumference to complete the drawing, The capacitance is this 59 pF 6.26 Construct » curvlinearsquare map ofthe potential field abont two parallel circular elinders, each of 2.5 ci tadius, separated by a cente-to-center distance of eu, ‘These dinensous ate suitable fr the actual sketch ifsymmetry i considered. As a check, compute the capacitance per meter both frou your sketch and from the exact formula. ASSN « Spmmetry allows us to plot the field lies an equipotentials over just the fst quadrant, as is done in the sketch below (shown to one-half seale). The capacitance is found fom the forunila C= (Ng/Nveg, whece Ng is twiew the ruber of sqeares arornd the perimeter of the hlfeinele and Ny twiee the umber of squares between the halfeizle an the lft vertical plane. Tho result is We choc this result with thar using the exact forum se ro ‘ostr(072a) ~ conte 6.27, Cons ders, eevilinenr square map of the potential fick between two parallel circular ein u radius Inside one of fem rans, ‘The two axes are displaced by 2.5 cm ‘These dimrsons are suitable or the drawing. As « check on the accuracy, compute the capacitance per meter from the sketeh and from the exaet expression: OF coats DV CAaD) ‘whee and b re the conductor radi and D is the ais separatin, ‘The drawing is shown below. Use ofthe exact expression above yields a capacitance value of C= 11.¢9 Bin. Use of the drawing produces: (628, A sold concactng eylnder of em rans iscentered within a roctangubar conducting cylinder ‘with a Kein by 20-cm eros-sction ‘8) Make a Fllsize sketch of one quadrant of this configuration and construct a curviinear. Ssauote map for its interior: The result below could still be Suiproved a lite, but is neverthelms suficint for a rewonnble capacitance estimate. Note that the fiv-sided :egiow inthe upper right corner hasbeen partially subvivided (dashed line) in anticipation ‘fle it world lok when the next-level snbvison is dane (doubling the ruber of Geld Tines and equipotentias). 7 bb) Assume «= ¢g and estimate C por meter length In this ease No the number of squares round te ful perimeter of the circular conductor, or four tines the mumber of squares Soe in the drawing, ys the numberof squares between the cite an the rectangle or 5. The capacitance is estimated to be bes a = Wsdey © 90 p/m (629, The inner conductor of the transmission Tine shown in Fig, 6.14 has sqpare erosesoetion 2a 2a, while the outer square is 5e x Se, ‘The axes ate daplaced ax shot, (a) Construct, ‘8 good-sized craving of the transmission line, say with «= 23 em, and then prepare a ‘curvilinear spare plot of the electrostatic field between the conductors. (b) Uve the map t0 caleulate the enpaeitince per meter lmgth ife= Lrg. (e) Howe won your result to part 6 change if a= 0.6 em? '8) The plot is sluwrn below, Sone improvemmt is pnsible, depending om bow mich tine cue wishes to spend by) Brom the plo, the capacitance is fond to be wx, a) (1.6)e0 = 12 8e9 = 110 p/m ©) Ta is changed the rest of pat b would not change, since a dimensions retain the same relative see 6.30, For the consial enpacitor of Probl 6.18, suppose tha the delete i leaky, allowing ctrent to low between the imer and outer conductors, while the eleetie fed is sil uniform with aan 16.30) What parameters remain in the product, RC, where the form of C, the capacitance per unit distance, has been detertined in Problem 6.18? With © = 2ng/(b ~ a) (from 6.18), we have RC = glow, (6.31. A two-wire transmission line consists of two parallel perfecty-condueting elinders, cach hav: ‘ng a rads of 0.2 min, separated by centerto-ceter distance of 2mm. ‘The median sar rounding the wires has = and = 1.5 mS/m. A 1O0-V battery is connected betwen the ‘wires, Calenlate: ‘) the magnitude of the charge per meter length om eaca wire: Use me _ x34 8.85 x 10" wah") ~— cosh* C02) ‘Then the charge per unit length wil be Q= CVs = (3:61 % 10" (100) = 8.64 x 10-9 fam b) the battery current; Use < 3895 10-8 Rom > RT 0 Maer ‘Then CHAPTER 7 Ta. Let V = 2ry2s4 and ¢= ¢p. Given point PUL, 2,1), ind ‘a) V at Ps Substititing the coordinates into V, fad Vp b) Bat P: Wee E=—9V 1. — Anysta, — fry2s2a,, whieh, when evaluated at P, becomes Ep = Sa, + Say — 24a, V/m ©) pe at Ps This is pp = 0-D = ~eoV2V = trast +842) Cf 1) the equation ofthe esipotentinl surface passing throngh P: At P, we know V se the equation will be 2922 ©) the equation of the streamline passing through P: Fist, 5 = ly _ deyst _ 2 Pe Tine hy = eda, ond 90 $y? =22 +C;, Byalnating at P, we find C; = 1. Next, Tus Evaluating at P, we find C) = 1. The streamline is now speci by the equations: vas =2 and 2! £) Does ¥ satisfy Laplace's equation? No, since the charge density is not zero 7.2. Given the spherically-symmetrie pote '8) fe at r= Use Peisson's equation “Boast = eE al fel in free space, V = Vie", iu VV = —pofe, which inthis ease becomes 7.2) the total charge: The easiest ay ist frst find the electric fue density, whieh from part 6 is (eaWi/aje-"/*a,. Then the net outward flux of B through a sphere of radius » Br) = Qenale) As ron, ths reult approaches zero, so the total eluarge i therefore Ques, e2D = dneghr?e"l" C 7.3, Let V(nyy) = 42 + fle) ~3y? ina region offre space where Ey and V are zero at the origin. Find fz) and V(2-y): Sine py 0. Tes known that both 0, we know that VAY =, ane OV OV yt ge PEP a 4 Lou ‘Therefore 16 46 > Ort Cr Aor w a Fen gy te sl tthe rg, the becomes « £,(0)=8+ 2) | = oa given) Ths det 8, and so t follows that C =0. Integrating again, we find flew Mtoe 4 8284 Cy ‘which ab the origin becomes /(0.0 $0.0) = 4 and Ce = 0. Finally, fo ay? = ala? v4) =44 Cy. However, V(0,0) = 0 = 4+ f(0.0). So se + 804, and Vg) = de — $e + Bet 74. Given the potential eld, V(p, 4) = (Vap/d) cose ‘8) Show that V(p,6) stistes Laplace's equation: ay 10. (,0V) , 18°V_10 (Yan vv = a (Pom) + (Fo @ @ bb) Describe the constant-potential surfaces: These will be sufaces on whieh peas ik a Given the potential eld V = (Ap! + Bp~!) sind: Tn eylindrieal coordinates, a (ory ev op \" ap) ~ FOF 1 aay Bp ))sin 4 ~ A 6(Ap! + Bpr*)sinas into =0 8+ pyninto— eat + : 7 b) Select A and # so that V First, 100 V axa |B] 500 Vi ot Ply =e 2 y-v, tav B=-w =a, 1M a, = -A[(4p? — Bp) sindo.ay + (Ad! + Bp) emdoras] A(A~B). Abo, Vi = A+B, Our two and at P, Bp equations are =4(A~ Bh ay, Thus (Bp) 4{4- B) = £500 and A+B=1m We tins have two pats of values for A and B: A=125, B 125 or A=-125, B 7.6. A poralle plate capacitor has plates located at 2 =) and + = d. The sexion between plates Js filled with « matcrinl containing woheme charge of uniform donsity py C/m®, and which has penuittvity ¢ Both plates are held at ground potential 1) Determine the potemtial fold betwoen plates: Wo solve Poisson's equation, undor the assumption that V yaries only with ev iw, ae cost 2 vy BOSH O,and so C2 = 0. Then, at = (us/20}|d~ 2 'b) Determine the electric Bold intensity, B botweon plates: Taking the answer to part a, we Seid teen a, V =O as well, wo we find Cy = p26 7.8) Repeat a and b forthe ease of the plate at = = d raise to potential Vo, with the = =0 plate grounded: Begin with mt at +0 with C= 0 a befor, since V(2 Phew =n =%= 20 ced > c= ley mt Vir =a)=to= OE pea > c= by ae So thot \ = May MEd vee)= Ses Baa) We recognize this asthe simple superposition ofthe voltage a found in part @ and the voltage of a capacitor carrying voltage Vi, but without the charged dielectric, The electric field is now Ma 4 i act Bae dae Vim 1.7 Let V = (cos2)/p in free space. ‘a) Find the voluine charge density at point A(0.5,60°, 1): Use Poisons equation: pea oeV «(sin (Cin) * pine) p) e So at A we find: ag = He) = 1g = ~106 96/8 'b) Bind the surface changedensity on a conductor surface passing through (230°, 1): Fist, wwe find E) At point B the fel becomes con 60° 2sin0= oO? ot ay Es 0.1250) + 0433.05 78. A rmiform volume charge has constant density pe = py Ci, and lls the region r <0 ix ‘which permittivity es assumed. A coudneting spherical shells located at r=, aud i held at gronnd potential. Find ‘a the potential everywheve: Inside the spore, we salve Poisson's equation, assum radia ‘sition only 1d (WV) _-m yy) az(' =) wee Vt te v We requice that Vis finite ab the orgin (or as r — 0}, ane so therefore Cy = 0. Nest, V=Oat r=a, which gives Co = pou?/de. Outside, r > a, we know the potential ist bbe zero, sine the sphere is grounded. ‘To shor this, solve Laplace’ equation: 1a (aa = (°%) snd at infty leads to C4 = C2 won fRrL 0 = Ve exiting V =0 at both + ‘To summatize by) the electric field intensity, B, everywhere: Use w a =e re aa ree =-W= Outside (7 > a) the potential is zero, aud so = 0 there as well 7.9, Thefanetions Vi(p, 6,2) and Vo(o,¢,2) both satisfy Laplace's equation inthe regione < p = By so that both Vand D are continous there. By solving Laplace's and Poison's equations, find 18) V(@) for 0. <= < dt: In Region I (2 variation only +0 ed) In Region 2 (= > 6), we solve Laplace's equation, asswaing = variation only: eM), Teno = Bact ern At this stage we apply the fist boundary condition, which is continuity of D across the ‘Knowing that the electric Held magnitude is given by dV + -abiC=ne, = Substituting the above expression for C{, and performing a second Integration on the Poisson and Laplace equations, we find Wes scs4e G Ci [2 (SESB]a wim co a. Vim TAL, The conducting planes 2e + ly = 12 and 24+ dy = 18 ate at potentials of 100 V and 0, respectively. Let ¢= eg nnd fi: 18) Vat P(S,2,6): Tho planes are parallel, and so we expect variation in potential in the Using the two boundary’ condtions, our general potential deetion normal to then, fmcton can be write V(2su) = Ae + 8y— 12) +100 = Ale +3y ~18) +0 1006, We then write and x0 A 100 Vou “20+ 3y —18) 5ihy +00 Po) by) Find Bat P: Use 7.12, The derivation of Laplace's an Poisson's equations assume constant permittivity, but there are cases of spatially-vnrying peruittiity in wich the equations wil still apply. Consider the vector identity. V- (GG) =GVer+ y-G, where w and G are scalar and veetor functions, respectively. Determine a general rule om the allowed directions in which e may vary with respect to the electri fl In the oriinal evivation of Poisson's equation, we started with VoD = py, where D = eB: Therefore veD=T (a) AO Teer ‘We see from this that Poison’s equation, W2V = —po/e, results when UV We= 0. in ‘wort, € is allowed to vary, provided it dows so in directions that are normal to the local -V-GRV) We seee pat which 10 Vand thie we td to se n.012/) Ina) 2 00 ) Boma! We have wo “dp pini2.a) ‘whose maximum value will occur at the inner eylinder, or at p= 5 em: 100 Frmee — Ob aa) = 2.28 x 10¢V/n 2.8 KV ©) 6 ifthe charge per meter length on the inner cylinder is 20 Cam: ‘The capacitance per eter Ing Breors _ Q bed % We solve for 20 10) (24) ‘20(100) a TAA, Repeat Probless 7.13, but with the dclectsic only partially filling the volumc, within 0-< 6 < ‘and with free space in the remaining volume. We note that the diclotric changes with ¢, and not with p. Albo, since B is zadially: lire and varies only with rds Laplace's exation for this ease is valid (sce Problem 7.12) and is the same as that which led to the potential and field in Problem 7.18 ‘Therefore, the solntions to parts a and & ate unchanged fom Problem 7.18 Part c however. i iferent. We write the charge per nuit length as the sum of the charge aon, ‘oel ball of the center condictor (of rats a) = 66 Bnraae( #0) + CoE pmsl €8) = FE pmaelPAN(L+ 6) Cf Using the ammbers given or found in Problem 7.18, wo obtain 20% 10" Ch (ESD TYR LF Vn (5 1 ap bab Bal ee Subtracting one equation from the other, we fine 00 « 108 A180 = C188 17) > C= Then 20 = 200 101188) + 2.0 x 108) 6+ 3.78 x 0 V 78 x10 Finally, V() b) B(p): Use 1aV _ 200 10! Ey) =-Wv 2 Vim wo) bib pW ©) Dip) = eoB(p) = (2.00 > 10a fo) ay Cha 4) px om the upper surface of the lower plane: We tse 2.00 18 20010 Gye BODE gag = MOAI cy, ».=D-a| iu? , 2 lansece =p ©) @Qom the upper surface ofthe lower plane: ‘This wil be 1729 200 10% 200% 1 an a= fe fog ee £) Repeat a) toe) for egion 2 by letting the location of the upper plane be 6 = 188 — 2s, land then find p, and (om the loner surface ofthe lower plate, Bad to the beginning, 2.00 10% 1) (320) = 8.47 x 10-* = C{(A88—28) +0 and 200= Cf(179) 4.6% ASE (continned) Subtracting one from the other, we find 180 = C{ (000-25) + Cf =287 Thon 200 = 283.179) +f Ch = 1919, Thus V9) = 2874+ 194.9 m rogion 2. The B=—*7q, vim and D= ae Stoo BB a, Cy ae 00 the loner fae of the loner plane wil now be 2370 ° 28.700 Gy? be aay) = 22 Gat ‘The charge on that surface will then be Qs = 28:eo(-1)In(120) = 122 pC, 1) Find the total charge on the leer plane and the expacitance between the planes: Total ‘age will be Quer = Qi + Qy = SLT UC $1122 NC =RLS nC. The capaeltance will be sis am 20 0471 uF = 471 pe 7.16. A parle plate capacitor is made using two ereula plates of radius a, wit the bottom plate fn the zy plane, centored at the origin. The top plato is located at = = d, with its contor om the = axis. Potential Vp ison the top plates the bottom plate is gromded, Dicletsie having radially-dependent pormittvity fills the region between plates. ‘The permittivity is given by e(p) = eo + pa) Fina a) V(2): Since ¢ vores in the diretion normal to B, Laplace's equation applies, and we 0 > v% 2+, ‘With the given boundary conditions, C, bb) B: This wil be B= —UV = —aV/dea, ©) @ First we find the electric ue density: D charge density on the top plate i then ‘this we find the charge on the top plate and C; = Vofd. Therefore Vis) Noda. V =o + o/a)(Vod) a, Cf. ‘The De =a, = toll + pfa)(a/d) C/m*, From EF [nore ose b) Find Bemus Use w Yo 100 & )* = (af) ~ B= Pam) 26.7 V fn 6.7 kV jm ©) Find ¢, ifthe surfuce charge density on the inner sphere is 1.0 pC/i wil be equal fm magnitude to the electric is density at r — a. So pe — (267 10" V/m)even 10-6 C/im®, Thus e- = 4.28 Note, in the first printing, the given éharge density was 100 sC a, leading to a vidiulous answer of ey = 123 TAB. The hemisphere 0.< 7-< a, 0.< < /2, composed of homogeneous conducting material of cconduetivity 9. The flat side of the hemisphere rests on a perketly-condueting plano. Now, ‘the material within the conieal region 0 << a, 0-< " P= UT? (the cone surface at degrees) 21, In five space, Jet ge = 2000/74 44) Use Poisoa's equation to find V(x) if ti assumed that 28, —+ 0 when —+D, and also that Vo Was roo: With r watiation only, we have 1d (adv oa (tf) = te =m @(2lV) — ogge- & at) a0 Integrate oe: (082) =e, -mart ec, * we nu Oh gy 5 Ho ssge tS = ov (wt cay = 8, ‘Our fast boundary condition states chat Integrate again to find: Ee, + 0 when r+ 0 Thatefore 333.8, ver) Fron our second boundary condition, 40 V +0 as r 20, wo sto that C =0, Finally V(r) = sae“ v » [Now find V(r) by wing Gauss? Law ond «Tne integrals Gans’ lar opplied toa spherical surface of rads gives: * aes 42D, =e [20 (HyPar = 0c fy ieee @ toe D, _ S00rear® Go 6(d)egr® ~ BTM Vin Now La smiamty, 7.22, By approprite solution of Laplace's and Poiswon's uations, determine the absolte potential at the center ofa sphere of rains a, contaiuing uniforn volune charge of deasity pj. Assutve permittivity everywhere, HINT: What most bo trie about the potential nd the electri eld at =O and at ra? Sat pe ny Pt’ on plo be meta (al voice was (af!) AE cy Ws week (tl wun ng (MG) Now, as r+ 2c, Vj — 0; s0 thorofore Cy = 0. Ako, as r —+ 0, Ve must be finite, so ‘therefore Cy = 0. Then, V must be eottious across the boudlary, r= Boe Mins = win=See, 20) Mil = ae e S008 Be +S wa vin Finally, since the permittivity is «a everywhere, the electric fied will be eontinuons at =a, This is equivalent to the cortinaiy ofthe voltage deivntves al wa _ Cy Then oe ~ So the poten in thet final farms are vin PY aad Vln) = ‘The requested absolute potential atthe origin is mow Vile = 0) = poa/(2eo) V 7.28, A sectangular trough is formed by four conducting plaues located ot 2 ~ 0 and Sem and y =O fand Sem in al The suraco at y = cm is at potential of 100 V, the other three ste at 2070 potential, and the necessary gaps ao placed at two comers. Find the potential at 2 =3 ct, y = 1 em This situation is the same as that of Fig. 7.6, except the aon-2er0 boundary potential appears on the top surface, rather than the right side. ‘The solution is find from Eq. (88) by simply interchanging x andy. and 6 and d, obtaining Mme Infmsy/d) mae inwasbjd) a cn, We wll se the View) = fist thre terms to evaluate the where Vp = 100 V, potential at (3.4) 4g Psinhte/2) . . 1 simb($w/2) . . 1 simh(Sx/2) Sem, and 6 7.24, The four sides of a square trongh are held at potentials of ©, 20, -80, and HD V; the highest and lowest potentials ate on opposite sides, Flud the potential st the center of the tough: ere se cas make good ase of symmetry, The solution fora single potential on the right side, for example, with all thor sides at OV i given by Eq. (39) vee) = He SS A sine + Daya sinha) Tn the enrrent problem, sw cam necont for the three voltages by superposing teen solutions of the abowe form, suitably modified to account forthe diferent locations of the boundary potentials, Since we want V ot the center of a square trongh, it no longer matters on what DDoundary each of the given potentials is, ad we ea spy wete V center) = sinmnx/2) = 125. ‘Tho sores converges to this value in thr terms, In Fig. 7.7, change the sight side so thatthe potential varies Iinealy from 0 at the bottom of that sie to 100 V at the top. Solve for the potential at the center of the troughs Since the potential reaches 2er0 periodically in y and abso is ze at 2-= 0, we use the for: Vie) = 3 Vn sinh (2) sin (EY) Now, at 0/8). Ths root We then mtiply by sin(nny/b), where n is a fsel integer, ane integrate over y from 0 tb [vain (GP) t= Svan (BA) (G8) an) TThointegal on the right hand sde peks the nth tenn out-of the series, enabling the coetficents, Vos tobe soled for individually as we vary m. Wee ind in general 7.25 (continned) Thus 2o0(-1y42 ‘xb sre) 200 SS (= 1)" sin (meme /6) may wh, Saas ® (7) 2 Now, with a square trough, set Von) = 2S CY le 1, and 90 _=12 "The sceond eooiclent is fing +0 Bay —1-142 “Dhl ccselfheiene. 7.27, [his known that V = XV isa solution of Laplace’ equation, where X is a function of alone and ¥ isa function of y alone. Determine which of the following potential fanetion ate also solutions of Lapla’s equation: ‘a) V= 100K! We kao that VEXY Oo a a nai + exh Goa =0 > YXTERYT=0 > ‘Therefoe, V2X = 100K" 40 — No by) VS BOXY: Wonk ave V2V = 50V2X7" 6) V=2X¥ 42-3. AV =208x¥ 40-0 a) VaexY! ay = OXY, PEXY 8 yy civ 4? fax’ Tae a pg AV aL GAY] SIN 4 2[X"V + XY" 40 — No Vax XVEXY + XYVEX =04.XYVEX ~ No, 7.28, Assnie «product solution of Laplace's ecuation in exlindial coontinaes, V = PI, where Viisnot a fetion of 2, Pa funtion only ofp, and isa function only af 6 1) Obtain the two separated eqtions tho Spasatio constant in". Salect the sign of rf wo that the soliton of the d equatlon eas to trgonsmetiefunctinar Bogin th LLaples's equation ia cyindsical coodiate, im hic there suo = wuraton a/v) 10 forty) (i) + a=? We subset the product solution V = PF to obtain: £4 (it) PER _ PAP, EP PER pap Pap ve qe =o oda p dp Pape * oo ae Next, multiply by 9# and divide by FP to obtain pa eer ee Pao* Page Fae The equation is now grouped into two parts as shown, each a fmetion of only one of the terete ends ail icanlartintarsnloane” txlatiesial Wankatusilene 7.28b, Show that P= Ap!" + Bp™® satisfies the p equation: From part a, the radial equation is EP AP ap 08 +o ate Substituting Ap", we find BPa(n—1)p2 + pnp"! — np = np" — np + np — np Substituting Bp-™ An{n + 1)° (2) — pnp So it works ©) Construct the solution V(p,4)- Faetious ofthis for are ealledetrealar harmonies. To semble the complete solution, we nced the radial solution for the eas in which n = 0. ‘The equation to solve is Let $= dPhdp, ane so dS /dp = a2 Pd? The exuation becomes as pBasa0 > Integrating, find ciptindyans > ws=() > 34 7 where Aa is @ constant, So now dp _aP pas > = Aolnp + By ‘We may now construct the solution in its complete frm, encompassing a > 0: Vio.9) (Avia p+ Bo)( Coo + Da} + Solano" + Bue "lICn cos(ng) + Dr sin(nd)] 7.29, Refrsing to Chapter 6, Fig. (14, lt the inner conductor of the traasmssion bine be at 8 potential of LOOV’, while the onter i at ze0 potential. Constmuet a grid, 0.5a on a side, and tse iteration to fine Vat a point that is 0 nits above the pper right corner of the incr fcondhietor. Work to the neat vl "The drawing is shown belo, ancl we icentify the requested voltage as 38 V. 7.30, Use the iteration method to estimate the poteatils nt points andy in the triangular trongh of Fig. 7.14. Work only to the wearest volt: The result shown belaw. The miso image of the vale shown occur atthe points on the other side ofthe line of samt (dace! tine). Note that Vy TAY and V, — 26. SL. Use iteration methods to estim © the potential at point « in the trough shown in Fig. 7.15 Working to the nearest vol is suficient The result is shown below, where we identify the voltage at to be ADV, Note that the potenins in the gape are 50 V. ae ze 7.92, Using the grid indicate in Fig. 7.16, work to the nearest wit to estimate the potential at point A: The voltages at the grid pains are shown below, where Vs found to be 19V. Half ‘tho igus is draw Tine sv snee minor images ofl wales opewr acres the ine of syminetny cashed 7.38, Conductors having bondavies that are curved or skewed sally do not permit every grid point to coinelde with the actual boundary. Figure 6.16aiustrates the situation where the potential at Vp & to be estimated in terms of Vj, V3, Vj, and Vj, and the unequal distances iy Igy, ad '8) Show thst v (8) (Be note error, ccrtected here, in the equation (second term) rr) Referring to the figure, we write ov, Belin Then @V) i= Viy/n- WoW _ Ma ant hy (h HG) = Fadia +h) * Bah, 479) ks We perform the rame procedure along. he w axis to obtain: eV) (Wa Vi)/ha—(Vo— Vay 23 24 ava al ir Fh Taka Fh * Tala Fah ~ ake Then, knowing ae ath, * pls ‘ew etn or he seal dats ie ada ge mi as mm (aia) ‘The other Rill +a) * Balbo +a) * Rally 4%) * Bl +B) Solve for Voto obtnin the given equation. 'b) Determine Vy in Fig. 6.16b: Referring tothe figure, we note that J ‘two distances are found by writing equations for the circles (0.504)? +02 =(1.50)* and (a+ Au)? + 0.50)" = (1.50)? 7.34, Consider the configuration of conductors and potentials shown in Big. 7.18, Using the method deseribel in Problem 7.38, write sn expression for V, (not Vj): The result is shown below ‘whore V_ = TOV. 7.850) After estimating potentials for the configuation of Fig. 7.19, uso the iteration method with asa ag eon le find beter timate at the seven i pint. Work to te 2% 5 7% 50 2% 0 4s ims 0 0 2 me 0 pw 0 bb) Construct 0.5 em grid, establish new rough estimates, and then ws: the iteration method. fon the 0.5 cm grid. Again, work to the nearest volt: The result i shown below, with ‘values for the original grid points underlined 25 30 5 50 TS BD 50 50 25 0 32 50 6s Im 6x 50 gO 0 26 48 72 mT 4 m0 7.850. Use a compater to obtain values for a 0.25 em grid. Work to the nearest 0.1 V: Values for the left half ofthe configuration are show in the table below. Valles slong the vertical Iie of symmetry are inelided, aid the orignal grid wales ate nnderline, Pe ee 0 mS KD aT 100 0) ko gD wor at 813100) ° us Tk RL aR TG L100 ° es 24s 2 aT SSS TLD 100 ° M71 Sa STR TSO 100 ° WS 218 54S HS aM 100 0 mo) HA gH HHL 100 0 paso 76 57TH 00 Ce ee 412 dsr 0 68 is mts 82s a 0 56 112A OHA HS 0 44 88 ke at a2 tH ad ° ee 0) 8k ads ° tt 22 ae ae no oa CHAPTER § ‘Sa, Find H in cartesian components at P(2,3,4) if there is acumen lament on the «axis carrying SA in the a. dncetions Applying the Biot-Savart Law, wo obtain a [7 Meena f° ea s[on ty 0 Using integral tables, this evaluates as ‘Then with 1= 8 mA, we finally obtain Hy, ~ 20a. +1964 HA 1, Repeat if the flament 36 locatod at «r= —1, y = 2 Tn this ease tho Biot-Savart integral ‘becomes ~ Lesa, «(24a + (8a + 428) sie [a Evaluating as before, we obtain with = 8 mA: A pe—s)Gay ag) (= a+ 2677) = Bo (3a, a. = 12a + 882ay pA © Find HEAP both Slaments are present: This wil be just the sum of the results of parts a and bor Hy =H, + Hy = —W2lay + 578ay AJ ‘This problem ean alo be done (somewhat more simply) by using the known sesult for from fan infinitely-long wine in evlindical components, snd transforming to cartesian components ‘The Biot-Savart method ws used here forthe sake of istration, 82. A filamentary conductor is formed into an equilateral triangle with sides of current Z. Find the magueti feld intensity ab the eenter ofthe tangle T will work this one from serateh, using the Blot Savnrt Ins Consider one side of the ‘wiangle, oriented along the = axis with its end points at z = +/2. Then consider « Doin zo, on the «axis, which would correspond to the center of the triangle, and at ‘which we want to find H associated with the wire segment. We thus have [dL ~ Idza., nash carrying 8.2, (continned). Now, xo lies at the center ofthe equilateral tviongle, and ftom the geometry of the trlangle, we find that 19 = (£/2)tan(30°) = ¢/(2V). Substituting this result into the jjstfound expression for Heals to HE= 31/(2x¢) a. The contributions from the other to Sides ofthe angle elfatively mip the above rest by three. ‘The final answer is therefore yer = 91/(2r1) ay Aon, It ako possible to work this problem (somewhat mor easily) by sing Bq, (9), applied to the triangle geometry 83, Two sembinfnite laments on the = axis lie in the regions ~=¢ < = < —a (note typographical cecrorin problem statement) and a <2 < 90. Bach caries a eunent Fin the a, dveetion ‘8) Colelate HL nea finetion of p and @ at = O- One way to do this st te the fell from ‘an infinite Tine and subtract from % that portion of the Meld that would arise from the current sogment at ~a <2 component i antisymmetric in y bont the origin (odd parity). Since the limits are syuumetti, the integral of the = component over y is zero, We are lft with ty wef [atin Ss oma se [geese (OL 4 (2)059)ay = -1.0ay Am ‘8.10. A hollow spherical conducting shell of radius a has filamentary connections made at the top (r=, 8=0) and bottom (r=, = 7). Adineet curent I flows doven the wppe filament down the spherical surface, aud out the lower filament. Find H in spherical coordinates (a) inside and (b) ontside the sphere Applying Ampere’ circital lav, we wwe a circular contour, centered on the = axis, and fin that within the spre, no earent is enelosed, and so HL=0 when 0) [S1, Aninfinite flament on the 2 axis corres 20h mA in the a direction. ‘Thor miorm eyinical ceurent sheets aro also present: 400 mA/mm at p = Lem, ~240 mA/m at p = 2 em, and —0 mA/m at p= Bem, Caleulate Fle at p= 0.5, 15,25, and 3.5 em: We find Hl at each of the required endii by applying Ampere’ excuital law to izeular paths of those tadiz the paths are centered om the 2 axis. So, at p= 0.5 frrsintm teestp= tna = 2002 Ur24 saz Following this method, at 2.5 en Hey = 240 [2x 10-8)(250) ae 150 mA fn and ot 35 ex 10-+ 4.00 5.00 ~ (3 10-2} (300) ‘35% 10 He In Big, $22, let the rorions 0 < © < 03) mand 0.7 < 2 < 1 m be conducting slabs carrying ‘uniform current densities of 10 A/m in opposite directions as shor, The problem asks you to find H at various positions. Belore cotinung, we nee to know how to Bnd HL for this type of current configuration, The sketch belewe shows one of the slabs (of thickness 1) oriented ‘withthe enrrent coming ont of the page. The problem statement implies that hoch slabs ane of infinite ength and width, To find the magnetic field iside a slab, we apply Ampere’ cirenital Jaw to the rectangular path of height d and width was shown, since by symmetry, H should De orientad horizontally: For example, if the sketch below shows the upper sab in Fig. 822, current will be in the postive y ditection. las HX will be in the postive x direction above ‘the slab midpoint, and will be in the negative x direction below the midpoint Hos = + 1900000 L Hox In taking the tine integral in Ampere’s law, the two vertical path segments will cancel each other, Ampete's cizcnital la forthe interior loop becomes fra Hin X10 = Ianet = Dw eH 8.2, (continned). Find Hat ‘4) 2 = (2: Hete the fells from the top aud hottou slabs (eatrying appenite currents) sill cone, nl so = 0 bb) = 0.2m. ‘This point les within the laver slab above its midpoint. ‘Thus the fe will ‘be ovate in the negative eetion. Refersing to Fig, 8.22 oud to the sketch on the ‘revions page, we find that d= 0.1. ‘The total Ged wil be ths Bel plus the contribution Fron the npper slab enrreat: w=), 100.9). 2 ©) = = dm: Here the feds from both slabs will ad constructively in the negative Abicetions : w= 209), sa, Ayn 7 t= xis Aim 41) = = 0.75: ‘This sin the interior of the upper slab, whose midpoint les at 2 = 08. ‘Therefore d = 0.2. Since 0.75 lies below the midpoint, magnet field fronn the upper slab will He in the negative 2 direction. ‘The fll fm the lower slab will be negative elite well, Ieding to: 1002), 10403), . = OO, - ND, = -2 ae Af ©) == 12m: This point lies above both slabs, whine again Fields cancel completely: This Heo. 1815, A hullow exindrical sell of rains « is contere on the = axis nl caeres a form surface courent density of Kany. 4) Show that 17 is not a fanetion of @ or 2: Consider this situation as illustrated in Fig SSL, Thote (ee. 82) se was stated that the fk! will be eutiely s-diswted, We cau see ‘this by appling Ampere’ eireital law to a elas loop path whos orientation we choose seh that current is enclosed by the path. The only way to enelase enrrent isto sep ‘the loop (wibich we choose to be rectangular) such that it is oriented with two pall ‘opposing seaments lying in the = direction; one of these lies insice the eyinder, the other ‘side, The other two parallel aqgments le inthe p direction. The Joop is wor cut ly the ‘eeraaavamaanranse-arait eaunietete mamearemtenareresaraeal Bicananeemmemerean S18) Show that Hy and Hf, arc everywhere zero, Firs, if Hy were to exist, then we shonld be able to fiud a closed loop path that enclaves current, in which allo o portion of the pat lies the @ dieetion, Thi we eanot do, nd so Hy mst be vero, Another arguaent is ‘that when applying the Biot Savart law, there Is wo eurent elem that would produce ‘so component. Again, nsing the Biot-Savart law, we note that ral eld components twill be produced by individual current elements, bit such components will enced fom ‘vo clement that ie at symmetric distances in + om either sido of the observation pois. Show that. = 0 for p > e Suppose the retangular lop was drawn such that the coutside s-dieeted segment is moved further and further away from the cylinder. We ‘would expeet H. outside to decrease (a the Blet-Savart law would imply) but the samme amontt of cieut is alors enclosed no matter how lar war the outer segment is, We ‘therefore mist conchide tht the Reld outside i ero @ Show that Hl = i, for p 6) the Geld wil he zero, 8.14, A toroid sing w eras section of rectangular shape is defined by the folowing surfaces: the vlinders p= 2 and p= $ em, aud the planes 2 = 1 and = 25 em. The toroid earvies surface curent density of ~Bla, \/m on the suriace p ~ dem. Find H at the point Pp, 0,2) ‘The constauction is suilar to that of the toroid of round exo section as done on p23. Again, ‘maguetic fed exists only inside the toroid cross section, and is given by Jon 2a Hj inside) = 2 0"as Am Just ontside the current shect at -em, Ampere's lar bocomes np, =7 10-# — 2n(05 x 10°43(02) > Hust outside) Bx 1-®ay A/mm b) = 15 em: Here ll three currents ate encened, so. Ampere’ law becomes 2e(L.5 MA = 7 10 628 109 4 2(102).0 SA 10as Ain ©) p= em: Aupere’s law as used in part b applies here, except we replace p = Lem with (p= 4am om the TeR nd side, The result is Hip = 4) = 1.8 x 10-!ay Am, 14) What euront shoot should be Tocated at p = em so that st H= Or all p > 4em? We reqite that the total enclosed current be zero, and so the wet eurzent in the propose cvlindor at dem must be nogative the right hand side of tho fst equation in part b. This ‘will be -3.2 L0-2, wo that the surface enrrent density at 4 em mist be 13 10-%ay Af 8.18, A vite of eum radius i made up of a inuer material (0-< <2 mm) for which @ = 167 Sn, alan outer material 2am < p © Sm) for whieh 9 = 4 10" Sf, I the site cartes ‘total cutrent of 100 mA de, determine everywhere as a function ofp ‘Siuce the materials have diffrent conductivities, the current densities within them will lifer. Eleetre field, however is constant throughout. The current can be expresses = x(.002)sh + x[(,008)? — (.002)*|Js = m [.002)F01 + 008)? — (002)2|o] 8.18. (continned): Next, for the egion 2mm < p< Siam, Ampere's law becomes np = (8 10-8)(U?) + (9 — 4c Vx 0 Hoa = 27 x 0p — SOM jay Finally, for p> Sona, the isd outside i that fr long, we 1610 4, 810, Calelate Vx (O[V- @)] if G = 20%yeae —2Oyay + (2? ~ 2)a.: Proceing, we Hist Gd VG = drys = 20-—25, Then V(T+G) ~ dyn, + dasa, + (Ley —2)a,. Then vx Iv) (de 4s). ~ (ty dy)ay + Ue ‘8.20, A sold conchictor of citclareros-section ith rains of 5 ma las conductivity that varies ‘with radius. The condnctor is 20 ma long and there sa potential diference of 0.1 V de between ite two end, Within the conductor, H= 10° Pay AY, a) Find os a function of g: Start by finding J from HC by taking the curl With HL ‘izected, and varying with radius only, the eu! becomes 1a 14 ays pits) a, = 24 (ung) a, = 3x 10 pm, Af? (ott) = 25 (a) pa. A) oem ede Then E =0.1/20 = 0.005, V/m, which we then we with J =o to find J _ sx 10% E> 105 =6x 10% S/m bb) Wht i the resistance between the two ends? ‘The current ia the wire is *) > 10P(0.005)° 79.4 Finally, R= Vo/E = 0.1/0.079 = a 8.21. Points A, B, C, D, E, and F are each 2 mm from the origin on the coordinate axes indicated 8.21, (continned) Bach of the four segments ofthe contour passes throngh one ofthe given points Along each seginent, the fed i assumed constant, aud so the itegra is evaluate by staan ‘tho products ofthe field and sequent length (1m) over the four segments, The x eompanent of the eu thas sew, = lie = Me Heo Hy 24109) oe 10-7 = (15.604 13.88 — 14.35 — 18.10)(250) = 530 A/n®™ "The other components are (ao Ha = Ha ~ Had 10° OxBy Tax = (15.824 111 ~ 14.21 ~ 1088)(250) = 460 A in? and s (vcr, = Mla Hise ~ Hw) x 10 Gx 10-3)? 17S — 10.40 + 12.19 4 11.49)(250) = —148 A nally we assemble the results and write VxHe Sia, +4600, — 148, ‘8.22, A solid eylinder of radius a and length L, where L >> a, contains volume charge of uniform density oo C/m?. The eylinder rotates about its axis (the = axis) at angular wooeity £2 rad/s. 48) Determine the current density J, as « fintion of postion within the rotating cylinder: Use d= pow = poatang A/an? bb) Determine the magnetic field intensity HL inside an outside: Tt helps initially to obtain the field on-axis, To do this, we use the result of Problem 8.6, but give the rotating ‘harged disk in that problema diflrential thickness, ds, We ean then evalnate the ne ‘axis lel in the rotating cylinder as the superposition of feds fom a stark of disks whidh exist between 1/2. Here, we make the problem easier by letting Zs (since L >> «) ‘thereby specializing our evaluation to postions near the halF-ength. ‘The ons eld Is ‘hero noono= [me [Hoe aaa « at at i +a -nlas 1522, (continned), To find the fel asa Sanction of radius, we apply: Ampere's crcital Ia to rectangular loop, drawn in tvo locations deserTbed as follows: Flest, construct the rectangle ‘with ono side along the 2 axis, and with the oppeste side lying at any rains outside the ‘ylinder. In taking the line integral of HL around the rectangle, we note that the two seguents that are perpendienir to the evlinder axis will have their path intgrals exactly cance, since ‘the two path segments are oppositelydierted, while from syrunetry the Held should not be different along cach segment. ‘This leaves only the path sorment that coindides with the axis ‘and that lying parallel to the axis, but ontsce, Choosing the ket of these srsinents to be {Ampere ezeutal law becomes: [os [ [nwa sete fed = tp = 096+ tho> abt pote? z But we found eavior that H.(p = 0) = pfe*/2. "Therefore, we identify the outside eld Hip > a) = 0. Nest, change the rectangular path only by displacing the central path component off-axis by distance p, but still Iying within the eylinder. The enclosed current is scot, a tee fra [a 1s= [ff ouitaravset z (OM + Hulo> ae pol = (=p!) =H (ep?) Af ©) Cheek your result of part b by taking the cul of H. With Ht zdvected, and varying only swith the curl in exTindreal coordinates becomes a ag = oMpag Afm? =I VeH ay ss expected. 15.28, Given the fill H = 2072 ay A/a ‘a) Determine the eurtent density J: ‘This is found through the eur of H, which shuplifies to asinge term, since HE varies only with p and has only 6 component; 1d 24 (ony) a, = 60a, A/a pam) b) Integrate J over the circular surface p = 1, 0 < ¢ < 28, 2 =0, to determine the total ‘current peasing through that surface in the a, direction: The integral is: 15.24, Evaluate both sides of Stokes’ theorem for the field @ = 10sina and the surfice r= 3 0S 0.< 90°, 0 <9.< 90°. Let the surface have the a, divection: Stokes’ theorem reads fea | [rvorau Considering the given surfice, the contour, C, that fora its perimeter causists of thre joined arcs of rains 8 that sneep ont 90° in the sy 12, and 2y planes. Their enters are at the frigin. OF these three, only the are inthe xy plane (which les along ag) i in the deeetion of G; the other to (in the ~ap nn ap ditetions respectively) are perpenslcular to it, and so will not contribute to the path integral, The left-hand side therefore cousists of only the xy plane portion of tho closed path, and evaluates as foa To evaluate tho right-hand side, we fst find “singly a6 as 36nd do La eon v6 = 15 (nsyinsing a, = The surface over which we integrate this isthe onecighth spherieal shell of radu first octant, bored by the throe ates dewribed ensier, The rightshand side beeames [ [2-0 ndan [7 [2208 yo 0 sn040d It wonld appear that the theorem works 8.25, When 2, yan 2 ate positive and les than 6, a certain magnetic field intensity may be expressed as H = [ey2/(y+ I) +8r*2ay — [ry2"/(y+ jas. Find the total current inthe ‘ay dgection that cross the atti, 2 = 2,1 y£4,3< 2 <4, by a method utili 2) a surface integral: We need to find the current density by taking the eul of the given HL Actually, sineo the stip lies parallel to tho y= plane, we need only find the component of the current density, a8 only this component will contribute to the requested current. This ie OH, aM) 3p 7 ‘The current through the stsip is then Je (vx H). S25) a eel ine itera We ntegrateconmtenlocrn ro the stip body in the Tiglchand conventin), where the pat nora spine a. The cent then ra fra f'sertstavs [20 as f'sertartans [AOE ae 8 +) = tosis) — & (4-9) +1921 -4) 8.26, Let G = 157A, ‘8) Determine § Gall for the citcular path r = 5, 0= 25°, 0 < 8 < 2x ) sin(25°) foceat= [ r596)0, -25(6)sa(25") do = 2 b) Bvaluate g(x G)-A8 over the spherical eap r= 5, 0 < @-< 25°, <6 < 2x: Whe evaluating the curl of G using the formula in spherical evordinates, only one of the sx 1_a(Gssind) 1 rind 0 rain vxG= Treas Bay = Leot Pa, ‘Then sinddde fovea fF [° sauna) =x f° 15 6(25) d@ = 2x(15}(25)sin(25°) = 995.8 ‘8.27. The magnetic fel intensity i given in a ertaln region of space as 18) Find P2cHL: For this fil, the general curt expression in sectangular coordinates simplifis ctl, 4 a, MEE 4 a aj iad oS 827d) Show thar the same result is obtained using the other side of Stokes’ theorem: We take fH dL over the square path at z= 4s defined in parte. This involves two itegrals ofthe 1 component of Hover tho range 8 < y <5. Integrals orce; to complete the loop, do not fexist since there iso 2 eompouent of HL We have r= fu Bays [ aztay 8.28. Given H = (39? /sinP)ay + 5trcos fay A/a in fee spare ‘s) find the total enrent nthe ay direction through the conical suxface @= 20°, 0 < <2 Or <5, by whatever side of Stole’ theorem you lke best. T chose the line integral side, where the intogration path isthe circular path in 6 around the top cdg of tho cone, at r= 5. The path dimetion is chosen to be elochisse looking down on the zy plac ‘This, by oonvention, leads to the normal from the cone surface that points im the postive ‘ag ditetion (right hand rule). We find fava "This roult means that there Is a component of enrrext that enters the cone surface in ‘the ~ay direction, to which is associated « component of H in the positive ay dieetion [fe tsntiae + 54rcsta = =2n(51)(28) eos(20") sin(20"| 20 Ssin(20")d6(—ay) =-27 ia 5 Check the result by using the other side of Stokes theorest: We frst find the current ‘density thnongh the entl ofthe magnetic field, where thee of the storms inthe spherical ‘coordinate forma survne 1 VAN ino a0 prota ae 12 tent) aoe! 2 (208) a= Thus o I= Beat Bay — 108c0say + 5 ay "The caleulation of the other side of Stoke theorem now involves integrating J over the suniace of tho cone, where the outward normal is positive ay, as defined in part a [vests ff [oones,—soscva + 2 vn fT ana eka dite ag] cagrsin(20") dr ato —2e(84)(25) cos(20") sin( 20°) 5.29. A long stenight nonmagnetic conductor of 0.2 mm radius carries a niformlydistribted current of 2A de ‘s) Find J within the condictor: Assuming the current is +2 ditected, Aim? bb) Use Ampere's citeital lave to find Hl onl B within the conductor: Inside, at rads, we have Anplly = nh > 7.96% 109g A/m ‘Then B= pull ©) Show that UHL 4 < 107Y(7.96 « 1)pas = pay Why ‘within the conductor: Using the result of part b, we find, 1d (159 x up papa vxH=1ipn,)a. a, = 150. 10 ay AV? ede ) = 4) Bind H aud B outside the conductor (note typo iu book): Outside, the entie current is ult by a close path at rads p, and x0 root ie epee Nm Now B = 19H = po/(r9) a5 Ws! 6) Show thot V 2 He= 820% 10 L 9 aim (10m b) Lem

= Lem, and > Al surfaces mst carry equal currents. With this requirement, we fitd: K(p $a. kA/m. Next, tho current densities on the 2 = Land += surfaces mst triton Detween the current deity values at p = 2 and p = 3. Kuowing the the radial current density will vary a 1/p, we Gnd K(z = 1) = (60/p)ay A/mm with p in meters. Similan Ke by) Find Fl everywhere: Outside the toroid, FL= 0, Inside, we apply Ampe in the manuer of Problen 8.14 sem, os rei law feta = anptty= [wip =2)-a, 2 A}d0 _2(9000).0) a oH 0) A/a (inside) HL ‘8.38, Use an expansion in rectangular coordinates to show thatthe cul ofthe gradient of any seat fold Gis identically equal to zero. We bogin with enjonyoe (2) = asa 22, 2, 4 22 ay Oe (@)-2 and [534, A filamentary conductor on the = mx earties a current of 164 in thea. dnection, a concueting shell at p =6 caries a total current of 12A ta the a, diretion, and another shell at p = 10 tries total ensrent of 4 in the —a, direction. ‘4) Find H for 0

AL =30p02 + Ce ‘Then 0 = 30j9(0.1) +Cz > Cy= 3g. So Analy A = yp (1 Sia, Whim 8.40, Show that the lie integral of the vector potential A about any closed path is eal to the ‘maguetic fix enclosed by the path, of f A-dL = fB dS. We se the fact that B= Vx A, and substtite this into the desired teation to fd fran [owns ‘This is just a statement of Stokes theorem (aleady proved), so we are dome S41. Assume that A = 502a, Wh/m in a crtnin region of five space ‘s) Bind Blond Bi: Use 100) Wh/a? ‘Then I= B/ye = =100p/soay A/m b) Find J: Use 1a (olla (Eo ae 8p pa ©) Use J to find the total current crssing the surface 0

) om] om A plot ofthis continues the plot of Fi. 8.20, in which the curve goes negative at p= Sa an ‘then approaches a minim of — 0941/5 at p= Ta, at which point the slope becomes zero c [25 — psin(sa) Finally A ‘Sd, By expanding £458), Soc. 8.7 in eartsian coordinates, show that (59) 6 cortect. Ba. (88) con be rowstten oe VA SUVA) UK VA 544, (continned). Now and the component of Fx > As eA, dy ~ Oy [Px Ux Ale Then, using the underlined results aA, BAL PAL ‘art ~ IM(V-A)— x Ale = att oe ilar results will be found forthe other two components, lesding to V(V-A) Vx VK A= Vida, Ta, + Ta, vA QED CHAPTER 9 9.1 A point charge, Q= -0.8 pC and m= 8 « 10-"® lg 6 meving throngh the Geld E =a, V/s. Use Eq, (1) and Newton's laws to develop the appropriate diferntial equations and solve them, sbject tothe inital conditions at £0 v = 3 10? my m/s at the origin, At t= inl ') the position P(x, y,2) ofthe duarge: The free on the change i given by F = gE, and Newton's second Law becomes 0 x 10-4300) describing motion ofthe charge in the = dircction. ‘Tho intial velocity in z is constant, and 9 no force is applied in that direction. We integrate once ‘The intial velocity along 2, vs(0) 2600, aud so Cy = 0. Integrating a second time yields the + ooorinate Ea Bese ‘The charge is ofthe origin at ¢ = 0, and so Cs = 0. Introducing the given values, we fd 033 « 10°80) p 285 WIG 15 «108% mw Abt = 3 ps, 2 =~ (1.5 x 108)(8 x 10-4} ‘eloity in 2, the charge in 3 ys attains Tn simmons, at € = 3 os we have PCy — ssc, Ne considering the initial constant s coordinate of = vt = (3310 )(B310-®) = 90m, (90.0, —185). bb) the velocity, vi Aftr the frst Sntegration in pant a, we Hind = =(8 1°)(3 x 1078 =8 10" m/s Including the intial directed velocity, we finally obtain v=3 x WF a, — 9° 10a, m/s ©) the kinetic energy ofthe charge: Have 1 1 x 10-8Y(1.13 x10? = 15 KE. = Jnl? = 29 = 10-4)(L.48 « 105 = 1.5 10-8 82 (contimed) Motion along negative y through the field would cause farther deflection into the negative x disection. We can construct the difeentil equations forthe forces iu z aud In y a8 follows: ya Ba, = 9Buyae ~aBusa, a and @ ‘To solve these equations, we frst liferentiate (2) with time and substitute (1), obtaining Puy gle, (9B)? Bm at Gn, Therefore, xy = Asin(qlt/m) + A" cos(gBt/in). However, at t= 0, ty sin t/m). ‘Then sing (2) mde, one ven 3 Gt - ~am(@) Now at €= 0, ve = top = 8% 10%, Therefore A = —na, and 50 ve = van con(gBt/m), and ‘osin(gBt/in). ‘Tae positions ate then found by integrating v aud ey over te: [osm 2) asc = an (2) 26 Then a(t) where © =, since #(0) w= [con 8) aR (on We require that y(0) = 0,80 D. Summarizing, we hove, using 9 vp = 8 10 m/s (ey) (QB), ad finally aft) = amv QB — cos (Bt /) “3X10 Cm = 3x10 kg, B= Wx 10-8 T, and 10°? sin(—8 « 10-72) 82 (contimed) The answers a) Att b) ate xls, 4.5 nn, and 2 x10 5 ue 1.3% 10° m/s, ty =27 % 10° ms, and so v(t = Sys) = 1.3% ha, $2.7 UP, me ‘whose magnitude is 6) Kinetic nergy is KE. % 10° m/s as would be expected. 1/2} 45 atoll times 9.8. A poiut charge fr which Q = 2 10- C and m = 5 x 10-4 kg, moving in the combined els B= 100, ~ 200a, + 800, V/m and B= ~Sa, +2a,—a, mT. Ifthe charge velocity at t=O is (0) = (2a, — Saya.) > 10? m/s ‘8) give the unit vector showing tho dircetion in which the charge is aceolerating at ¢ F(t =0) = gE + (¥(0) x BY, where vB (2a, ~ Bay —4a,)10° x (Bay + 2ay —a,)10“* = 1100a, + Hay ~ 500, So the fore in nestons became FO) (2% 10-¥)[(100-+1100}a,-+(1400 ~200)a, + (300 ~500)a.) 10 [ba Hay a, “The unit vector that gives the acceleration diteetion i found from the force to be = May + Tha, ~ 12a, suey of the charge at = 0: ml) = M1639 10° 9.4. Show thot a charged particle in a uniform mognetc field describes a circular orbit with an orbital period that is independent of the radius. Find the relationship between the angular velocity and nctic Hx density For nn chetron (the eyeltron frequency). A circular orbit com be established if the magnetic foree on the particle is balanced by the centrpital force amociated with the ctcular path, We assume a clrcular path of radius, in ‘which B = By a, is normal to the plane of the path, Thon, with particle angular velocity 9, the selocity iy = Flag, Tho magnetic force iethen Fy = qv B— gha,% Bia. — gh2By my, Seeds ie cepa Ueu-zttomii en: deel lien Gow eee tise teommennt Lie eat ec col tem el cin aes 95, A rectangular loop of wire in fee space joins points A(1,0, 1) to B(B,0,1) toC(8,0,4) to D(1.0,4) to A. The wive cartis a cunent of 6 mA, flowing ia the a, diretion fom B to C. A flamentary current of 15 A flows along the entire = axis inthe a, direction. 12) Find F on side BC: Tous Poe [own b) Find PF on side AB: The fold from the long wire now varies with postion along the loop segment, We inchde thit dependence and write 15g. _ 45 «10-8 Bae [tei deare Boy wo ln a, = 19.80, aN ©) Pind Piaqt on the loop: This will be the vector sum ofthe fees on the four sides. Note that by symmetry, the forces on sides AB and CD will be el and opposite, ancl so will eanc "This leaves the sum of forces on sides BC (part a) and DA, where Fou ff oxen The total fore is then Pri = Boa + Pac 9.6 The magnetic thx density in a region of fee space is given ty B= —3en, + 5ya, — 20, T. Find ‘the total force on the rectangular loop shown in Fig, 9.15 if it lee i the plane © — 0 and is Ddounded by x = 1, #= 3, y= 2, and y 5, all dimensions in cm: Fist, note that in the plane ‘0, the = companont of the given fed is zero, so wll not contribute tothe free. We use re [tae ‘which in our case becomes, with J = A: B= [sca (Bea, Sheen) + fy x (Basco a +500) +f. Bien, (ms +) + fy x (Selo mem 96, (continned) Simplifying, this becomes B= fm imactes [99K 99K-n 47 + eyyactes [0 -syayany-asy=(+ om = 190— ha, ¥ 2 Ulm cess ain seg filo fin ay =D. Aa and ta, A/m at y= —1. Find the vector force por meter length excrted on a euent filament carrying 7 mA in the ay, dveetion ifthe filament is Jocated at: 4) £0, y 0.5, aud ay = a,: We frst note that within the rion —L < y < 1, the magnetic folds from the two onter sheets (coming —4a, Am) eancel, kaving only the eld from the center shict. Thovefore, H= —ta, A/m (0-< y < 1) and H= ta, Afm (1 <4 <0) Outside (y > 1 and y < —1) the fields fom all three shoots cance, Ieaving = 0 (y > 1, <1). Soat 20, y= 5, the fee per meter length wil be By = da «B= (7 10a, « —Huoae = —85.2a, wN/n Dy) y=05, 2=0,and ay = ays F/m = Fae x Aya =O, a= 0yad ‘a: Since y = 1.5, we aro in the segion in which B = 0, and so the force mentary eurrents of ~25a, and 25a; A are orate in the x = 0 plane in free space at y= ~L Im respectively. A third lamentary current of 10™%a, Ais located at x =k, y= 0. Find the vector foree on a Lem length of the mA filament and plot |B] seas A: The total B fl arising from the to 254 filaments evaluated at the oeation of the Lm filament is, in eantesan components Zino m+ P) The foree on the Im length of mA line is now ” Zor, _ 5x WALK), 10% Way Pewee Se) ae) ase) eS 99. A curent of —100a, A/mm flows on the coneucting cylinder p= 6 mm and +500a, A/a is present ‘on the conducting cylinder p= 1 mm. Find the maguitude of the total face acting to split the fonter cylinder apart nlong fs leth: ‘The differential force acting om the onter eylinder arising, frou the eld of the iner cylinder iF = Kgs > dy find the force of repulsion per aucter of Jength between the two conductors. ‘Take the current in the top plate in the postive = direction, andl so the bottom plate enrrent is directed along negative =. Furthermore, the bottom plate is at y = 0, and the top plate is ty =d. The magnetic fel stength at the bottom plate arising from the enrvent inthe top plate is H= K/2a, A/m, where the top plate surface ennent density is K-= /ba, 8/un Now the force per unit length on the bottom plate is Pe [) [wots where K, is the surbee emtent density on the bottom plate, and By is the magnetic the lemsity arising from the top plate enrent,evalinted at the bottoms plate location. We obtain pol? raf [fag Hl gas = 10 a san 9.110, (contimed), Let =. indicate the © coordinate along Ii, and 22 iniente the © coord ate along Fe. We then have 2 = yizy— =) + and [a= sF + ey ‘The force expression now becomes sme f pga tine see] oS? [fete Note that the “outsde”inegal le taken coer a unit length of cure J. Erauating, obtain, salt, ) sf b) Show how a simpler method ean be used to chek your result: We nse dP ‘where the Bld from current 1 at the location of current 2 is poh a) ld ay N/mm as expected, "This second method is really just the fist over again, since we recognize the inside integral of ‘the frst method ss the Biot Savart Ine el to id the Rel from current 1 at the extrent 2 location. 9.12, A conducting current strip camying K = 120, A/m lies in the x ~ 0 plane betoreen y = 0.5 and 15m, Thee is oso a current Slament of 75 Ain the a, dinection on the © axis, Find the Force exert on thes 1) Blan y the cuaent stip: We fist wed to Sd the ld rom the eurrat stip a: the flamer cation. Consider the scp as made up of many’ adjacent strips of will dy ea coving enrrent dla, = Kay. The fel olong the = as fom cach differential stip wil ‘ve dB = [(adyua)/(2xy]ae- The total Bld om the stip eat along the = ess ay 7 os Nem 9.18, A current of 6A flows from M(2,0,5) to N(5,0,5) in a straight sold conductor in ftee space. An Infinite curent filament es along the 2 axis and carries 308 in the a, diertion. Compute the sector torque on the wite segment ising ‘2) an orgin at (0,0,5]: The feld from the long wite at the shart wine bs B = (fay) (22) Then the force acting om a diferential length ofthe wine sax ea tydk B= tare, x May = Mara, 8 Now te feta te to (405) ie trate ahaa, Mara, = Me doa, The net torque is now found by integrating the ciferential torque over the length of the wire segment ban origin at (0,0,0)¢ Here, the only modification isin Re, which is now Rip = ray +5a, 80 (ID = Rep aP = [ry + Say) x ale goq, = Hilal om, Byorything from here is the same asin pant a, so again, T= 18 % 10-fa, Nu la, + Sa, and the dflerential torque is ©) am origin at (3,040): In this case, Rep abel pslwls(e 8) ane is (@— Sac + 5a,] x Maza, Ore Thus paleo) gy ae [tele =8 any 08 9.14, The rectangular loop of Prob. 6 is now subjected to the B fold prodaned by two current shoots, Ky = sha, A/oa at 2 =2, and Kz = 300, A/a ay =0 in fe space. Find the wetor torque on the loop, reformed to an origin: ‘8) at (000): The fells from both eurrent sheets, at the lop location, willbe negative directed. They will add together to give in the loop plane 9.140 (contimned) ‘The force acting on the segment farther fom the y axis will he ya % —B50una, = S15H9a, N ‘Thetorque abont the origin is now T = Ry xP) +R, xP), where Ry isthe wetor deed from the ‘origin to the midpoint ofthe nearer yeltected stament, and Ra is the vector joining the origin to the midpotat of the farther yedtected segment, So Ry (et) ~ a,-+3.5a, and Ra(cin) ~ 3a, +3.5a,, ‘Therefore x S15 9a, + [(Bay + 8.5ay) x 10-4] < 315p9a, N. Taan = [lve +394,) x 10~ = ~6.iyciay = ~7.92 « 10 by) at the conter of the loop: Use T = 1S x B white $ = (2 x 3) x 10~ T= ANG x 10~%a,) x (—B50)u9ag) = =7.92 x 10 0. This 9.15, A solid conducting flament extends from z= —b to 4 = b along the lie y ‘lament comes a curent of 3 A in the a, direction. Au infzite flameut on the Ain the a. direction, Obtain an expression for the torque exert on the fie conductor abomt fan origin locate at (0,2, 0): Tho diferential forgo on the wire segmaest arising fem tho Geld from ‘he infinite wie is spor de le A Daye” So now the differential torque nbout the (0.2.0) origin is oP = dea. x Wyords | _ V5yords a MDa ele ea) Ry dB The torque is then 2am [ae (010° fo atau" (2) a Noam 2 9.16. Assume that an election s describing aeteular orbit of rains a about n postvely-charged nucleus. 4) By selocting an appropriate current and area, show that the equivalent orbital dipole moment ia ex%0/2, where w ls the eleetron’s angular velocity: The current magnitude will be I =, 9.16, (contimed) ) by equating the Coulomb and centrifugal forces, show that ws 4zymqat/e is the electron mines The fore balance is written ae 49, wre mg ie mata + w=(( 4) Bind values forthe angular velocity, tongue, and the oxbital magnetic moment fora hydsogen ton, where ais abont 6 10-1! my: let B= 0.57: Fist 1! rad/s (600-2 ba Fe(SS XI F911 ER IO Yi s.aa x a0!) 1.60 + 10-19)0.5)(6% 10-1)? = 498 0-2 Na Finally z 0 Amt Epis x 108 A 9.17, The hydrogen atom deseribed in Problem 16 is ow subjected to a magetic Bl having the same direction as that of the atom. Show that the foees caused by B result in a decrease ofthe angular velocity by €B/(2m,) and a decrease in the orbital moment by 2B /(Grm,). What are these ‘creases for the hycrogen atom in parts per milion for an external mastic flux density of 03 17 Wo fst sto down all foes om the elaetton, in which we equate ts entoa fren terre the ‘nucleus tothe sum ofthe centrifigal foree and the free associated with the applied # Bald. With ‘the field applied im tho seme diseetion as that of the atom, this would yield a Lorentz force that is racially outward ~ i the same direction asthe eentifigal free. Fes Fe +E With, B= 0, we solve foe w to find Then with B presoat, wo find 9.17, (continned) As for the magnetic moment, we have et Neat Nga S= Gert = peat = "(a ls for a= 6 10" mB Fi 0.5, we have Be Bl. eB 1.60 10-9 05, @ ~ Bineay Bric iny TXT MPH SA x TOS 3x 10-8 whotey =3.4 x 1 se found rom Problem 16, Finally am eb, 2 eB “a Sm me “Bea? ~ Bisy SX 9.18, Caleulate the vector torque om the square loop shown in Fig, 9.16 nbout arn origin at A inthe ikl B, given: ‘8) (00,0) ond B~ 100, 20: Te fed is uniform ond so docs uot produce any translation, OF the loop. ‘Therefore, we may we T = 18 x B about any origin, where = 06 A and S$ = 16a, m!. Wo find T =0.6(16)a, « 0.100a, = 0.96 a, Nm. ») A(0,0,0) ond B= 2000, +1000, mT: Using the same reasoning as in part we Sn T=06(16)a, x (0.200a, + 0.10044) = ~0.96a, + 1.92ay N—m ©) A(L2,3) and B = 20a, + 100ay — 3000, mf: We observe two things hese: 1) The field is ‘again uniform and so again the torque is independent of the origin chown, and 2) Te fekd ‘lifes ftom that of part b only by the addition of a2 component. With 8 in the 2 divetion, this new component of B will produce no torque, so the answer isthe seme as part b, oF Q A(1,2,8) and B = 200, + 100a, — 300a, mT for x > 2 and B =O elsewhere: Now, force is Acting only on the y-diveted seginent at z= +2, so we neal to be eareUl, since translation vill occur. So we must nso the given origin. Tho differential torque acting on the differential ‘ie Segment at location (2.7) = Ry) dF, where ae. dL O.Gdyay x (02a, + O.tay ~ 0.8, [-0ut8a, — 0.120.) dy and Ru) = (2,y.0) ~ (0,2,8) =a. + (y—2)ay — Bag. We tins find 9.19, Given a material for which Yu = 8.1 and within which B f4) HE We use B= jo (1 > (yJHL oF Dalya Be tar Daya. 7. fi ym, KA b) f= (1+ 3A) = 5.15 « 10° Hn ©) p= (484) = 4a, A) M= XFl = (8.1)(77.69a,) = 2Alya, kA/ 6) DV x H= (dH,)/(dy) 9g = Tag KAY Ha 2) Jn= 0x Bin VM (aMl)/(dy)a. ‘isa. KAJ 241m, kaj 9.20, Fine H ia material where 4) 4p = 42, there are 27x 10 atoms/m’, and each atom has a dipole moment of 2.6 10-® a, {Au Since all dipols are identical, we may write M-= Nan = (2.7 10)(2.6 «10-ay 70a, A/m. Then M__ oa, " wl 42-1 Ray An Toa, A/a and a, (1-59 — 1) 07 and BK Howe 96a, Aim 2a, T: Use B 2a. © Hol Xn) GIO n/a = (2% 10-8) (4 « 10-7) = 1.59. Thom = 26a, kA/n 44) Bind M in a material where hound surface current densities of 12a, Afi aud Sa, Afi lexi at p 0.3 m and p= 0.4 m, respectively: We ase FM dL =f, where, since currents fare in the = diction ad are symmetric about the 2 axis, we chose the path inzepals to be ‘drcular loops centered on and normal to 2, From the syimistes; M will be o-diracted and will vary only with rads, Note first that for p < 0.8 m, no bond current will be enclosed bya path integral, so we conelude that M = 0 forp Mm Pay Afen (05.<9 <.4m) inal, for p > Ou, the total enclosed bound current is Jo ‘eeaueiagud easaeliceranet (0.3) (12) —25(04}(9) 2b) the magnetic field intensity i 1200 Armand the relative permeability i L005: Frown B= yo( + M) = oH, we write M= (yi, ~ 1} = (.005}(1200) 6.0 A/m ©) there are 7.2 102 atoms per cubic moter each hoving a dipole moment of 4 L0-% A au? in the same direction, and the magnet susceptibility is 0.0003; With all dipoles identical the lipole moment density becomes we nm-= (72 10)(4 x 10-™) 0.288 A/in 9.22. Under some conditions, it is possible to approximate the effets of ferromagnetic materials by assuming linearity in the relationship of Brand HL Let j, = 1000 for a eortain material of which ‘\evlndical ize of madiae Imma is made, WJ — 1A and the current distribution i uniform, nd 1) B: We apply Ampere’ cireital law to a cecular pat of radius p around the wire ais, and where p< 0 sept = nm Zt OOo _ (WPM 10-TC)p Bet exe 2 = 200pa5 Wo/m? 0) gt = Bj = fay An os B= Bly tt POD ha, = 120 pa A oa 1 Da Nm 6) Sets the ve savant 18 10 a, A/a? 9.28. Caleulate values for Hy, By, and Me at p = efor a cousial cable with a if eaercs eurent J 212 A in the center conductor, ‘gu: l nllfm der 35 <9<45 um. ends 5 mum ond b~ 6 mam B pHljon for 25

2em. Find ‘8) everywhere: This result will depend on the current and not the materials al 11s 2 im W 2em) = (1)po(11/¢) lag T whore pix in meters 9.26, Two current sheets, Koay A/i at 2 =0, and Kay A/mm at += dare separated by two slabs of magnetic material, ie for D< = < ad jug fora <2 1, while, In region 1, Hy = 5a, ~ Wa, +200, A/m. Fin: 48) Hy: Gormal component of HY at the boundary}: We fist need a unit vectar normal to the snface, found through fn rogion 2 where 2o-4y 42 <1, Vr sy— te) IW r+ 3y—4)] Pac + Say 4a. va Since this vector is found through the gradient, it-will point in the direction of values of 22+ 3y —42, and so will be civected into region 1. ‘Thus we write ay ‘normal component of Hy will nw be Hy, + 5a, = 74 (Hy -ayalana: 8.27. Hizy (tangential component of Hy atthe boundary): Since tangential components of Hare con- ‘nous across a boundary betwen two media of diferent permeabilities, we have Hrs 410.840, A/m 1) Fly (normal component of Hy at the bounidaty): Since normal components of Bate comin ‘ons across a boundary between media of diferent permeabilities, we write ,Hy1 = jusHiys a 2 Hiya = Mb Hy = FASin, 72a, + 0.060,) = 1.990, — 20004 43.8605 Amn ©) Oy, the angle between Hy and ayy: This will be a. — ay +200, Tt | (me + 0ay — 4a.) = ~0.21 Hy coats = EE aya = iy Therefore ®, = cos"{—21) = 102, £) 4, the angle between Hy and aya: Fist, Hy = Hyp + Hye = (54.884, ~22-7ay +10.84a,) + (1. May ~2.40ay +8860.) 52a, — 25.66, + 14.200, A/a Now co Sn (37a, + 5a, i "Therefore Bs = e0s-"( 09) = 952 19.28, For values of B bolow the knco on the magnetization curve for silicon steel, approximate the curve Dy a staight line with j= 5 mnH/im. The core shown in Fig. 9.17 hns areas of Ler? and lengths of 10 em in each cuter log, and au onea of 2.3 cam? and a length of 3 cm inthe central log A coi oF 1200 turns earying 12 mA is placed around the centeal le. Find 5 i the: ‘) centr leg: We use mmf =X, where, in tho central les, xu? Be yesx wy Lin + 24108 H In each outer leg, the reluctance is 9.28a, (contimied) "The fix density in the center ley i now & 1.06 x 10-4 Baa 3510 bb) center log, if «0:3: nie gap is prose inthe eenter leg: The air gap reluctance ads to the total reluctance already ealeulated, where 030-8 Pow = Gees x1 Now the total reluctance is Race = Re + Ras sho im the center legis now 8.56 « 104 + 9.55 « 10° = L 04x 10. The 19.29. In Problem 9.28, the linear approximation suggested inthe statement ofthe problem leads toa density of 0666 T in the center leg. Using ths value of B and the magnetization eurve for silicon steel, what eurent is required inthe 1200-tumn coil? With B = 0.665°T. we ead Hip = 120 A t/a in Fig. O11, The fax in the center leg is = 0.606(2.5 = 10-*) = 1.60 « 10-* Wh, This dives ‘equally in the two outer legs, so that the fu density in each onter kg is 1) Mie 1-4 te (8) MEE a wp Using Fig. 9.11 with this rel, we find Hoye = 90 A t/an We now use fra (120)(8 x 10-4) + (9oy(10 x 10-4) 1300 vr 10 find 1 T= J alin + Tale os mA Pe ee a ee ee ee ee ee ee a 9.3, (contimed) r(6 10 ~ (BoO)CH = 10-F}CA IO) 2, from which HT = 400, wd so BT = Rm Las x 10° Ht 0 Hf, where jis fond from Pig. 11, using B= ‘The eluctance ofeach gap is now OA ge ge yt s= Geo e roe We now construct Ny =9R=124 0-9), +R 4284) (174 10) /4000 = 435 ma. bb) Find the ux density inthe core iff) = 0.8 A: We are not sure what to use for the permittivity of sire in this ease, so we mse the iterative approach. Since the current is dow from the vale ‘obtained in part a, we cau try B= 1.0T and seo what happens. From Fig. 9.11, we find = 200 A/m. Then, in the linear materia, 10 > pai] 98% 10° Amn and i cach gap, 7.96 « 10° Aus Now Aupere's citenital law around the toroid becomes Ny = #(06)(200 43.98 « 10!) + 2(7.96 « 10°)(4 10-8) = 1.42 x 10° A-t ‘Then fy = (1.42 « 10°)/4000 = 356 A. ‘This is tll anger than the given value of A, so we cam extrapolate do to fel a better vale For Be 2 356 o-a2-10){ Using this value in the procedure nbove to evaluate Ampere's crit law Tead toa value of 4, of 0.306 A. The result of 0.86 T for 2 is probably good enough fr ths problem, considering ‘the limited resolution of Fig. 91, 9.31, A toro is constructed of a magnetic material having a crosescetional area of 2.5 emi? and an effective length of 8 cm. There is aso a short airgap 0.25 1am length anal an effective area of 2.8 ce, An munf of 200 At is applied to the magnetic eienit. Calculate the total flux inthe toroid it ‘8) the magnetic materials rssume to have infinite permeability: Inthis ese the core reluctance, V/(wA), i ero, leaving only the gap neluetanee. This i a 0.25 x 10-9 f= oa, ~ Gee 10-25 x Now umf 200 R, ~ T1x1D by) the magnetic material is asmed to be lina with pe = 1000: Now the core reluctance i 0 longer zero, but sx? . Re Gronnyta 10-23 x 10-8) ~ 26% 1H The fluc is then 5 on me 0a wt wy +R, OT x oe ©) the magnetic material is silicon steel: In this case we use the magnetization curve, Pig. 9.11, and employ an iterative process to arrive nt the fal answer. We can begin sith the value of 4 found in part a, assuming infinite permeability: 8°! — 28 x 10-* Wh. The fx density in the core i then B= (28% 10~4)/(2.5 x 10-4) = 1.1 Wh/n?, rom Fig, 9.11, this comesponcl to magnetic field strength H! = 270 A/a, We ebeck this by applying Ampere's dreuital law to the maguetiecicut: frtea niin mya 22, and where Hj!'d fra ‘whereas the acta result in this rst ealeulation is 199 + 2 4 second tial, we reduce 2 to Bi dnd thas 2 25 5 10- Wh. Now where He = (270)(8 10 190. But we require that Ry = (28 x 10-17 19) 2m Ast 221, which is tow high, So, for Wo/m?. ‘This yields 412! = 200 A/m fom Fig, 9.1, 9.32, Determine the total energy stored in aspherical region Lem in radi, centered at the origin in fee space, in the uf fel ‘s) Hi, = 600i, A/in: First we find the energy density 1 Bi = Foot 0.2064 (4s x 10-7} (600) "The energy within the sphewe is then Wai= ma ($e) bb) HL; =6iXia, + 12009, A/m In this cose the energy cenit is 1 ? + 1200)2] = Sy(600)? re [0098 + (120094) = 3yu(o00) cr fve times the energy density that was found in part a. Therefore, the stared energy inthis fel is five times the amount in part a, or Wing = 4.74 ) Hy = ~600a, + 1200ay. ‘This ld dirs from Hy only by the negative z component, which is a non-Ssue since the component is squared when Binding the energy density. Therefore, the stored energy will be the same that in part 6, Wy = 4.74 ju A) He = Hy + Hy or 2400ay A/mm: The energy density is now wane = (1/2}qu(2400)° (1/2)s9(16)(000)* J/on2, whieh is sixteen times the energy density in yest the one energy therefore sxc times hat real, or Wyn = 100.947) = 152 ©) 1000ae A/m-+0.00Ine The energy density i ans = (1/2) [1000+-001/p? = 2.08 Ja Then gs = 2OG(4/3}= + 10°] = Bl oh 1989, A toroidal cove has a square cross section, 25 cm < p < 35 am, 0.5 om <2 < 05 em. The upper half of the toroid, 0 < =< 0.5 em, is consteuted of a Hnear material fa which j1, = 10, while the lower half, -0.5 em < = < 0, has iy =20. An mmf of 150 A. establshos a ux in the a direction, For = > 0, fn '8) Ho(o): Ampere’ cecuital law gives: 150 2aplly =NI= 10 + Hy = 82 = 5.9/9 Am bb) Bolp): We use By = pyjakly = (1OXax x 10-7)(28.9/p) = 3.0 x 10 ©) Beso: This will be 8.84, (contimmed) Finally, since By i twice that of part a, the fx will be intense by the same factor, Since the area of integration for 2 < 01s the same. ‘Thus dp = 10 2 10-* Wh, ©) Find agi: This will be the sum of the values foun for =< O and > > 0, oF Bias 130" Wh, 9.34. Detornine the energy stoned per unit length in the internal magnetic fied of an infinitely-long stright wire of radius a, eaerying nniform current 1 ‘We bein with H = Zp/(2ra) ay, and fine the intezral of the energy density over the unit [pwr ff [eB oni 9.85. The conos 0 = 21° and @ = 150° are conducting surfaces ond carry total eurents of 40 A, as shown in Fig, 9.18. The curreats return on a spherieal conducting surface of 0.25 m rads ‘8) Find Hin the region 0 <7 < 025, 21° < 0 < 159", D << 2x: Wem apply Amper’s circa lave and take advantage of symmetry. We expect to soe H in the my direction and it ‘would be coustant at a given distance frm the 2 axis. We thus perform the Kine iutegral of Hover cite, centered on the > axis, and parallel to the xy pla w Pata [tag rsa tag do= fn = 08 Assuming that Mf, is constant over the integration path, we take it outside the integral and salve: 40 2 Bers > seen! wana Af 'b) How amb energy is store inthis region? ‘Pis will be ar = [LO f° tla sm oda = bf" asx uty a5 sf) wa21/2) 9.36, The dimensions of the onter conductor ofa conxial cable ate band ¢ where ©> b. Assaing = fo: Sena ne er er eer ee a ee Perea Be 9.36, (contimned) So that i ' wo [S28] sam were "The energy within the outer conductor is now sl n(e/d) — arrayed ifs co =22 +] edadente = ae - Fey 9.37, Find the inductance of the cone-sphero configuration described in Problem 9.35 and Fig, 9.18 "The inductance i that offered at the origin between the vertices ofthe cone: From Problem 9.35, the magnetic fixe density is By = 20ji0/(xrsin®). We integrate this ver the crosectional area defined by 0 << 0.25 and 21° <4 < 159P, to fad the total xs ee 674 x 10" Wh Now £= 0/1 = 674% 10-*/40 = 0.17 pi Second method: Use the encray eamputatin of Problem 9.85, and write a tt 9.38, A toroidal cove has a rectangular cross section defined by the surfaces p= Bem, p = 3 em, 2 =4 ‘a ted = = 4.3 em, ‘Tho cove material las a relation permeability of Sh Ifthe core is word with ‘col containing S000 turns of wit, find its inductance: Fist we apply Ampere's azeuital law 10 ‘8 cigcular Joop of radius pin the interior of the toroid, andl in the ay dieetion, fitaatnna1 > m ‘Tho fh in the toroid is then the integral oer the eras section of Br I 2 “Tie Gam [ileus fa t}uem eivem bo ND. ame) the feeluctamee ie. 9.39, Comiueting planes in air at + =0 and > =d camry surhice curren of Koa. Aa, 44) Find the energy stored ln the magnetic feld per unit length (0 < 2< 1) na width w(0-< 1y | wm CHAPTER 10 10.1 In Fig. 104, let B of the resistor is penfict, It may be assumed hat the magnetic Reld produced by T(t) is os 1%rt T, nd assume that the conductor joing the two ends lil, Fin 4) Va(t): Since B is constant ove the lop area, the ux is # = y(015)*B = Lal x 1o-Poom et WH. Now, emf = Vil!) = AB at = (1202). x 10 Then Vol sin 120 Sin INV. b) 1) = Ylt/R 5.38sin( 120/250 sin(120=t) mA 10.2. In Fig. 10.1, replace the voltmeter with a resistance, R 18) Bind the curtent F that flows asa result of the motion of the siding bar: ‘The current is acon 1 L fea Taking the normal to the poth iatosral as a., the path dizection will be counter-clodkwise 1am i ‘when viewed from above (in the a, direction). The minns sgn inthe equation indicates ‘that the current will therefore fl clockwise, since the magnetic fix i incroasing with ‘uime, The fx oF B is By, = Bile, an so 1 dy _ Bde In) = pate = PAP (aockwise) bb) The bar current rests in a force exerted on the bar as it moves, Determine this free , “ an ey ee ©) Determine the mechanical power requlted to maintain a constant velocity ¥ and show ‘that this power is equal to the power absorbed by R ‘The mechanical poser Is

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