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Compound Sentece:declarative

Testing Teaching of Teachers Who Test: White House Examines Teaching

Gerund - Ind Obj - prep- subject -relativ pron- noun – subject -Main verb in pres - noun

Adv Ph Sub Cla S Main Tr V D.O


The folks who brought your kids more testing in schools and testing of the teachers
prep-subj-relat pron–main verb -pos adj-noun-adv-gerund-prep-noun- coord– gerund– prep- art- noun
in past
S Sub Compl I.O Adv phr


who give your kids the standardized tests Embeded Clause

pron–main verb–pos adj– noun-art- adj- noun

Sub C I.O D.O Complex sentence: declarative and indicative.

now plan to bring you tests

ADV- pres verb- Infinitive pron- noun

Main Tr V D.O I.O D.O

to see how well teachers are being taught before they enter the classroom.

prep-infin- adv- adj – subj –linking verb–verb pres participle- verb past –prep- pron –verb -art -noun.

Compl Adv Clause Subor Sub Conj

Manner Conj

Subordinate Clauses: 1.Who brought your kids more testing in schools

2. Who brought 3. Who give your kids the standardized tests

4. How well teachers are being taught

5.Before they enter the classroom

Simple Sentence: Declarative Compl

Education Secretary Arne Duncan today announced a White House plan

|-------------------– subject--------------------| adv –main verb in past– art- Noun

S Main Tr V D.O Main S

to look at

Subor Clause
-infin verb- prep Sub Cla Compl Agent

how well teacher training programs actually prepare people to work in a classroom.
Adv- adv |---------------Noun--------------------| adv- verb- noun- infinitive – prep- art- noun.

Adv Clause Manner

ce: complain about not enough actual classroom experience,
tive main verb- prep- adv- adv – adjective- Noun

N V Sub C

Duncan said on a conference call yesterday with reporters.

Subject-past verb- prep-art-|------ noun---------|- adv- prep – noun

Main S- Main Tr V Adv Phr: Place Sub Cl I.O

There is “lots of theory of education, lots of history of education,” but not enough

Adv- aux- “Adv- prep- noun- prep- noun, adv- prep- noun- prep- noun” adv- adv- adj

There Is Noun -->

teaching how to use technology or how to manage a group of unruly 10-year-olds.

gerund- adv- Infinitive- noun- conjun- adv. Infinitive- art- noun- prep- adj- noun

Manner Adv Clause Embed Clause

Main Sentence: Duncan said

Sub Clauses: teacher complain about not enough actual classroom experience
*He said that is not enough to teach theory and history of education to teachers
Adv Clauses: *Who test *Teachers need to learn how to use technology *Teachers need to learn
how to manage unruly 10-years-old
Complex Sentence: declarative
“Poor programs, what they do is produce teachers who are unprepared or ineffective,”

Adj- subject- adv- pron-verb-LV- main verb- noun- pron- to be- adj- conj adj

Noun Sub Clause Verb Sub Clause

Duncan said. Indicative Object

subject- past verb

Main S Main V ->Sub Clause

“Too many teachers aren’t ready to teach important subjects like science and

adv – noun- subject- Linking V - adj- Verb adjective noun- adj- noun- coordinat

S V Compl


technology and engineering and math.”

noun- coord- noun- coord- noun


Simple Sentence: Indicative

The Education Department’s work on finding a common denominator for teacher
Art- |-------------Subject-------------------| prep- gerund- art- adj- noun- prep-|--DO------

S Adv Phr: Manner

training programs has gone in fits and starts.
------------------------| verb- participle- prep- adj- conj-noun.

Main V Sub Clause

Pres Perfect D.O
In 2012, education groups asked Duncan to update rules governing teacher-

Prep -noun-|-------subject------| main verb in past- Noun- infinitive- noun- gerund- |-----noun

Adv Ph: time Subj Main V I.O D.O

Compound sentence:
Prep Phrase
Indicative, Declarative
training programs.


Adv Phrase time

They sent their request after talks collapsed between regulators and educators

Pers pron- past verb-poss pron -noun- Conj- noun- past verb- prep- noun- conj- noun-

S V D.O Sub Sub Clause

about new rules earlier in 2012.

prep- adj- noun Adv- prep- noun

Adv Ph: Manner Adv Ph: Time

Better preparing new teachers would increase retention in the profession,

Adj- noun- adj- Noun- modal verb- verb- noun- prep- art- noun.

Sub Clause
Adverbial Clause manner

Duncan said, citing an Arizona State University program that places students in

Subject -main verb- verb|---------------------------- Noun-----------------------| conj- verb- noun- prep

Main S-Main Tr V Adv Ph: Manner

urban teacher residencies.

Adj noun noun

Sub Clause-> embedded und


Sub Compl
Eighty percent of graduates of that program are still teaching after three years,

Noun –adv- prep- noun- prep-conj- noun- to be- adv- main verb- Adj- Noun

Subordinate Clause Adv Phrase: time

compared with only 50 percent of all new teachers nationally.

verb- prep- adv- noun-adv- prep-art- adj- subject- adv

Linking V Sub Clause

Subj Complem

Co Sub Clause - embed

ou Teach for America program, which places top students who are recent college
se |--------------subject--------------------|| pron-main verb present- adj- noun- pron- to be- adj- |------
ce: Subject Sub C D.O Subordinate - embeded
ica in classrooms in impoverished areas for two years,
---subject-| prep- noun- prep- adj- noun prep |----noun-----|
Adv Phr: Place Adv Ph: time

Adv Clause

famously gives its teachers only five weeks of training before throwing them to the wolves,

adv- main verb in pres- art- subj- adv- |---noun---| prep-gerund- adv- + gerund- pron- prep- art- noun-

Main Tr V I.O D.O Adverbial Phrase

er, putting them in a classroom.

exclam- verb -Pron- prep- art- noun.

Subord Adverb Phrase


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