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Principal: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.
Principal: Let us lift up our hearts to God in praise. Let us pray that God will show us his mercy so that we
can acknowledge our call from God.
Teacher: Lord, you call us to be light for the kingdom. Open our minds to act with justice. Lord have mercy.
All: Lord have mercy.
Teacher: Lord, you call us to be hope for the hopeless. Open our hearts to love tenderly. Christ have
All: Christ have mercy.
Teacher: Lord, you call us to walk with each other as sisters and brothers. Open our eyes to serve one
another and walk humbly with God. Lord have mercy.
All: Lord have mercy.
Principal: May almighty God have mercy on us, open our minds, our hearts and our eyes to his enduring
love and bring us to everlasting life.
All: Amen.

Teacher: My brothers and sisters, with Christ as the reason for our school let us pray for His Light to guide
Student: The response is: Christ be our Light!
All: Christ be our Light!
Student: For light unto our path of knowledge, let us pray,
All: Christ be our Light!
Student: For light to care for all in need, let us pray,
All: Christ be our Light!
Student: For light to accept all as our brothers and sisters, let us pray,
All: Christ be our Light!
Student: For light to guide us to justice, let us pray,
All: Christ be our Light!
Student: For light to shine in our hearts, let us pray,
All: Christ be our Light!
Student: For light to lead us to peace, let us pray,
All: Christ be our Light!
Student: For light to brighten our faces and souls with a smile, let us pray,
All: Christ be our Light!
Student: For light to heal all wounds, let us pray,
All: Christ be our Light!
Student: For light to take away our blindness, let us pray,
All: Christ be our Light!
Student: For light to help us forgive our enemies, let us pray,
All: Christ be our Light!
Student: For light to help us to trust in God, let us pray,
All: Christ be our Light!

Teacher: Loving God, we thank you and praise you for your gift of Light. We ask you to bless us today with
that light that will help us each to be an instrument of your peace and love. We ask this through
Christ the Lord.
All: Amen.

Teacher: Let us join together to pray in the words that Jesus taught us:
All: Our Father…

Principal: May the Lord who lights our way, help us to use this day to fill our minds with truth and our hearts
with love. May almighty God bless us: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
All: Amen.

Principal: Immaculate Heart of Mary

All: Pray for us.

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