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1. Write C for countable and U for uncountable. (15 marks)

1. sugar ____ 6. flower ____ 11. tiger ____

2. pencil ____ 7. jam____ 12. bread ____
3. biscuit ____ 8. juice ____ 13. butter ____
4. rice ____ 9. slice ____ 14. plate ____
5. cup ____ 10. paper ____ 15. chair ____

2. Label the pictures. (20 marks)

3 _ _ _ _e_ _o_ _ _ _
11 _o_ _ 2 55

__i____ _ _ _a _a_ _ _ _
_ _ _ e_ _ 99
_a_ _a_ _
77 _i__ 11

88 e_ _ 11
_ _ _ _ _ _e 00 _e_ 11 33
11 _ _ _ _e_ 11 11 _a_ _
44 66 _ _ _a_ 11
_o_ _ _ _ 22
_e_ _e_ 00
_a_ _ _ 55
77 _ _ _ _o_
3. Read the dialogue and circle the correct words. (16 marks)
1 10
Lucy How about making a / an apple pie? buy a small tub / bag, too.
2 11
Alan Great idea! Have we got some / any Alan And how much / many eggs do we need?
apples? 12
3 Sue Four. And we also need some / any
Lucy Yes, there are some / any in the
4 butter and some / any sugar. Oh, we
bowl. How much / many do we need?
A lot, about a kilo / litre. haven’t got some / any butter.
6 15
Lucy We haven’t got enough. We can buy Andy We can buy a bar / tin of butter in the
some / any in the corner shop. shop, too.
Alan And we need some / any flour, too. Look
at the recipe. How much / many flour do
we need?
Lucy About half a pound. And we need three
knives / spoons of sour cream so let’s
4. Put the words in the box in the correct group. (15 marks)

biscuits bread cereal crisps dog food fried tomatoes ham lemon oil salad sardines
soup sugar water wine

____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________

5. Circle the odd one out. (10 marks)

1. bowl plate glass knife

2. beef trout lamb pork
3. lettuce carrots bananas mushrooms
4. buy market shop supermarket
5. cup carton bar bottle
6. some many any a
7. sandwich juice milk lemonade
8. lemon water fork egg
9. onion apple orange bean
10. tuna cola grape pasta

6. Order the dialogue. (8 marks)

Tom _________________________________________
 Just a bottle of mineral water, please.
Tom _________________________________________
 Are you ready to order? Waiter_________________________________________
 Would you like a dessert? Tom _________________________________________
 Yes, can I have some mixed vegetables, please? Waiter_________________________________________
 No, thank you. That’ll be all. Tom _________________________________________
 Anything else?
 Certainly. Do you want something to drink?
 Yes, I’d like chicken with rice, please.
1. sugar U 6. flower C 11. tiger C
2. pencil C 7. jam U 12. bread U
3. biscuit C 8. juice U 13. butter U
4. rice U 9. slice C 14. plate C
5. cup C 10. paper U 15. chair C

1. chicken 6. tomato 11. tea 16. potato
2. pork 7. lettuce 12. cabbage 17. bread
3. tuna 8. cheese 13. salt 18. carrot
4. grapes 9. egg 14. water 19. pepper
5. banana 10. rice 15. butter 20. onion

1. an 6. some 11. many
2. any 7. some 12. some
3. some 8. much 13. some
4. many 9. spoons 14. any
5. kilo 10. tub 15. bar


tin bottle bowl packet slice

dog food oil cereal buiscits bread
fried tomatoes water salad crisps ham
sardines wine soup sugar lemon


1. knife 6. a
2. trout 7. sandwich
3. bananas 8. water
4. buy 9. bean
5. bar 10. grape

Waiter Are you ready to order?
Tom Yes, I’d like chicken with rice, please.
Waiter Anything else?
Tom Yes, can I have some mixed vegetables,
Waiter Certainly. Do you want something to drink?
Tom Just a bottle of mineral water, please.
Waiter Would you like a dessert?
Tom No, thank you. That’ll be all.

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