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CPA Exam

There are a ton of different CPA exam study tips,

tactics, strategies, and techniques, but I have to be honest: none of them are better than mine.
I developed these tips while studying for my first accountancy exam section. As I was about
halfway through the process, I realized that I was spending way too much time reading things
over and over without actually comprehending the information.
Best CPA Exam Study Tips
So, I took a step back and analyzed my study habits and changed my ways. I implemented these
CPA exam study tips and aced all four sections my first time, successfully becoming a Certified
Public Accountant. Here’s the rock-solid study plan I came up with.

Keep It Steady
You can’t study erratically or occasionally; it just doesn’t work. You have to be in the right
mindset to study financial accounting properly. Think about it. What are you doing when you
study? You are trying to cram as much information into your mind at one time as you can.

This doesn’t happen occasionally. You need to set a regular routine and stick to it. A study
schedule is crucial to effective exam prep because it allows you to prepare mentally for the dump
truck of CPA information to unload in your head. You know when you are supposed to study and
you can prepare for it mentally.

You should pick times each week where you study and do nothing else. My CPA exam study
schedule looked like this:
 Weekdays: 2-3 hours after dinner
 Saturdays: 4 hours in the morning
 Sunday: no studying
That was my study schedule and I stuck to it.

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