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8402 Bahasa Inggris

- - | DESCRIPTIVE | - -

Text 1 "Rafflesia" is derived from the name of the

RAFFLESIA ARNOLDI British Governed and General, Sir Thomas
Stamford Raffles, who once governed and built
The vast archipelago and the great number the Botanical Gardens in Bogor. Thought it is
of island has made Indonesia the home of called Rafflesia after Raffles, the man who
variety of plant life. The Indonesian flora discovered the plant was Beccary, an Italian
ranges from the tiny orchid to the giant rafflesia botanist who visited Sumatra in 1928.
plant. No wonder many botanist are curious to
study these plant. Translate into Indonesian :
Translate into Indonesian :
World : dunia
Height : tinggi
Vast : luas Derived : berasal
Archipelago : kepulauan General : umum
Island : pulau Governed : memerintah
Variety : keaneagaman Built : membangun
Ranges : jarak Gardens : taman
Tiny : kecil sekali Thought : pemikiran
Orchid : anggrek Discovered : menemukan
Giant : raksasa Visited : mengunjungi
Botanist : ahli tumbuh-tumbuhan

The rafflesia arnoldi is the biggest flower

in the world. It is unusual because of its large
size. It has a flower almost a metre India meter
and 1.40 meters in height.

8402 Bahasa Inggris

Rafflesia consists of two parts : the stick- Text 2

like part which grows in the middle and the MISSING
petals around and below it. While the flower is
blossoming, it has a very unpleasant smell
which affects insects, especially green flies.
They seem eager to explore the flower. But if
the flies touch the bottom part of the sticklike
centre, they die.

Translate into Indonesian :

He is in his mid-twenties, of medium height
………………………………………… and quite stout. His face is oval-shaped and
………………………………………… unshaven. He has crew cut hair that looks like
the sharp spikes of a porcupine.
………………………………………… Translate into Indonesian :
………………………………………… …………………………………………
………………………………………… …………………………………………
………………………………………… …………………………………………
………………………………………… …………………………………………
………………………………………… …………………………………………
………………………………………… …………………………………………
………………………………………… mid-twenties : pertengahan dua puluhan
stout : gemuk
………………………………………… face : muka
………………………………………… oval-shaped : bentuk oval
unshaven : tidak dicukur
Consists : terdiri crew : pekerja
Grows : tumbuh looks : kelihatan
Middle : tengah sharp : tajam
Petals : daun bungan spikes : paku besar
Around : sekeliling porcupine : landak
Blossoming : kumpulan bungan
Unpleasant : tidak menyenangkan When he left the house, he was barefooted
Smell : bau and was 'wearing an orange T-shirt with a red
Affects : pengaruh collar and a pair of black shorts.
Insects : serangga
Especially : khusus Translate into Indonesian :
Flies : terbang / lalat
Seem : nampak …………………………………………
Explore : menjelajah …………………………………………
Touch : menyentuh
Die : mati …………………………………………

8402 Bahasa Inggris

Left : meninggalkan …………………………………………

barefooted : jejak kami besar
'wearing : memakai
Orange : oranye …………………………………………
Collar : kerah
Pair : pasangan
Tan Seng Huat was reported missing by his
family when he did not return home after he …………………………………………
had slipped out of the house at about eight in
the morning.
Afraid : takut
Translate into Indonesian : Might : mungkin
Happened : jerjadi
Twice : dua kali
………………………………………… Seldom : jarang
Often : selalu
Harmless : tidak berbahaya
………………………………………… laughed : ditertawakan
reward : hadiah
pick : menampung / mengambil
Reported : melaporkan
Missing : hilang Text 3
Return : kembali I love dogs very much. I keep some dogs in
Slipped : menyelinap my house. They are Casper, Midas, Brwonie
and Dottie. Casper is a dachshund. He’s short
with long body and four strong legs. Brwonie is
They are afraid that he might have a collie. She has long and thick fur. What color
forgotten where he lives as this has happened is her fur? Brown, of course that’s why I call
twice before. He seldom smiles but often talks her Brownie. Dottie is a Dalmatian. She has a
to himself. He is harmless but can get angry if slim body and four long legs. She has thin fur
he is laughed at. A cash reward awaits the and dots all over her body. The last is Midas.
person or persons with information about his He is a bulldog. He has a large head, a short
whereabouts that would help the police pick neck and thick short legs. He’s very strong.
him up. I always take care of my dogs everyday
Please contact 01 - 5417532 and ask for
Inspector Translate into Indonesian :
Translate into Indonesian :

8402 Bahasa Inggris

………………………………………… …………………………………………
………………………………………… …………………………………………
………………………………………… Leopards : macam tutul
Mammals : mamalia
Young : muda
………………………………………… Deer : kijang
Sleep : tidur
Solitary : sunyi
Dachshund : anjing pendek kakinya Passes : lewat
Collie : anjing berbulu panjang Animal : hewam
Slim : tipis Jump : melompat
Dots : bercak / titik Pull : memukul
Fur : kulit
Text 4 Expensive : mahal
Leopards live in many part of the world,
from Siberia to Africa. They have a very Text 5
beautiful yellow skin with large black spot. Mr. Johan is a soldier. He is very tall. He is
They live for about 15 years and eat small not fat. His wife is a teacher. She is thin and
mammals such as young zebras, monkeys and not tall. Her hair is black and wavy. She wears
deer. They sleep for about 12 hours a day. glasses. Mr. Johan has two children. The are
Leopards are very solitary animals. They spend Elly and Ridwan. Elly is thin like her mother ,
most of their time alone in trees. They wait but her hair is not wavy. It is straight like her
until a small animal passes. They jump on the fathers. Ridwan, Elly brother is very tall. He is
animal and then pull it up into the tree. They fat. His skin is black like his father. Mr. Johan,
eat it there. his wife and his children like sports. They
We can not find many leopards now usually do sports in Sunday morning.
because people kill them. People kill them
because their fur is beautiful and very
expensive. Translate into Indonesian :
Translate into Indonesian :
………………………………………… Soldier : tentara
Tall : tinggi

8402 Bahasa Inggris

Fat : gemuk hello. When it is curious it sticks its whiskers

Wife : istri straight out and twitches with excitement.
Teacher : guru Sometime it approaches something carefully
Thin : kurus with ears pricked forward. This shows its alert.
Wavy : bergelombang When it stalks a bird under the banyan tree
Glasses : kacamata beside my house it waves its tail. This shows
Straight : lurus that it is trying to make up its mind whether to
creep or pounce. As soon as it makes up its
Text 6 mind the waving tail usually stops.
Keket has soft white fur and likes to lick
its paws. It is also curious and likes to explore Translate into Indonesian :
its new surrounding. It seems like milk and fish
a lot and wait eagerly as I prepare its meal.
Translate into Indonesian :
Besides : disamping
………………………………………… took : mengambil
lesson : pembelajaran
purrs : mendengkur
Lick : menjilat expresses : memperlihatkan
paws : mengais bumps : menabrakkan
curious : penasaran whiskers : sungut kucing
explore : berjelajah twitches : berkedut
surrounding : disekitarnya excitement : kegembiraan
milk : susu approaches : pendekatan
Fish : ikan ears : telinga
eagerly : tak sabar Pricked : mencakar
prepare : persiapan forward : kebelakang
meal : makanan alert : tanda bahaya
stalks : menguntit
Besides the cat that my father took from banyan : beringin
the road is very important for me. It give some tree : pohon
lesson about “cat talk”. When it is near me it whether : apakah
always purrs. The expresses friendship with creep : mengendap
me. When I do my homework it often bumps pounce : menerkam
its head with mine. I know this the way to say

8402 Bahasa Inggris

Of course, I sometimes get angry with Latihan Soal KODEK 8402

Keket. When it feels threatened it hisses and
spits. It thrashes its tail and its fang. Its ears lie Text for 1 – 4
flat and its eyes dilate. The Titanic was the biggest ship in the
Keket seems like me very much. I know world at that time. It had good facilities such
this because it always follows me wherever I as: a fully air conditional cabin, restaurant, bar,
go. I thank Got for giving me such nice cat. mini shop, recreation space, ship’s band and
Lick paws curious explore surrounding singers, medical facilities, telephone, etc.
milk Fish eagerly prepare meal When the Titanic sailed from Southampton
to New York in April 1912 with 819 crews and
Translate into Indonesian : 1316 passengers, it sank after it sailed for four
………………………………………… days. It happened in North Atlantic Ocean. It
hit a very big iceberg.
………………………………………… Because there were not enough lifeboats
………………………………………… and all the passengers or the crews were very
afraid, the ship sank rapidly, no one was safe.
………………………………………… 1. Where did the tragedy happen?
a. in the high way
………………………………………… b. in the sea
………………………………………… c. in the harbor
d. In the air
………………………………………… 2. It had good facilities. The underlined word
refers to ….
………………………………………… a.the ship
………………………………………… b. the world
c. the time
Sometimes : kadang-kadang d. that biggest
Angry : marah
Feels : merasa 3. Which paragraph tells us that all people
Threatened : diancam died?
Hisses : desis a.Paragraph 3
Spits : liur b. paragraph 2
Thrashes : mengirik / memukul c.paragraph 1 and 2
Fang : taring d. paragraph 2 and 3
Dilate : membesar
Nice : baik 4. Where did the Titanic sink exactly?
a.Southeast continent
b. North Atlantic Ocean
b.Atlantic ocean
d. in the sea

I have a new member in my family. It is a

cat. I call it Keket.
Keket has soft white fur and likes to lick
its paws. It is also curious and likes to explore

8402 Bahasa Inggris

its new surrounding It seems like milk and fish slim body and four long legs. She has thin fur
alot and wait eagerly as I prepare its meal. and dots all over her body. The last is Midas.
Besides the cat that my father took from He is a bulldog. He has a large head, a short
the road is very important for me. It give some neck and thick short legs. He’s very strong.
lesson about “cat talk”. When it is near me it I always take care of my dogs everyday.
always purrs. The expresses friendship with
me. When I do my homework it often bumps 7. What kind of text is the text above?
its head with mine. I know this the way to say a. Recount
hello. When it is curious it sticks its whiskers b. Narrative
straight out and twitches with excitement. b. Descriptive
Sometime it approaches something carefully d. Report
with ears pricked forward. This shows its alert.
When it stalk a bird under the banyan tree 8. The generic structure of the text is … .
beside my house it waves its tail. This shows a. description – identification
that it is trying to make up its mind whether to b. Identification – description
creep or pounce. As soon as it make up its c. Orientation – events – Reorientation
mind the waving tail usually stops. d. Reorientation – events – Orientation
Of course, I sometimes get angry with
Keket. When it feels threatened it hisses and 9. ‘They are Casper, Midas, Brownie and
spits. It thrashes its tail and its fang. Its ears lie Dottie’ . The sentence is the …. of the
flat and its eyes dilate. text.
Keket seems like me very much. I know a. Description
this because it always follows me wherever I b. Identification
go. I thank Got for giving me such nice cat. c. Orientation
d. Events
5. What is the text about?
a. Some cat talk 10. ‘ He’s short with long body and four
b. A cat name Keket strong legs’
c. Some favorite pets The sentence is one of the ……… of the
d. The way to get good cat text.
a. Events
6. The following statements are true about c. Descriptions
Keket, except …. b. Orientations
a. It is a cat with soft fur and and likes to d. Identifications
lick its paws.
b. The writer thinks it likes him very 11. How many dogs does the writer have?
much. a. 1
c. When it makes up its mind it waves b. 3
its tail. c. 2
d. The writer’s father found it under the d. 4
banyan tree.
12. What does Casper look like?
I love dogs very much. I keep some dogs in a. short with long body and strong legs
my house. They are Casper, Midas, Brwonie b. Brown, with long and thick fur
and Dottie. Casper is a dachshund. He’s short c. slim body, long legs
with long body and four strong legs. Brwonie is d. thin fur and dots
a collie. She has long and thick fur. What color
is her fur? Brown, of course that’s why I call
her Brownie. Dottie is a Dalmatian. She has a

8402 Bahasa Inggris

13. Why does the writer call the collie, 17. Based on the second paragraph, the correct
Brownie? The writer calls the collie, information is ….
Brownie a. the room had a lot of windows
because …. b. the food was not delicious
a. she likes brownies c. the doctors liked to work there
c. she has brown fur d. the hospital is dirty
b. she has brown ear
d. she like it 18. What information can you get from the
third paragraph?
14. What kind of dog is Dottie? Dottie is a … a. the writer is not allowed to eat spicy food
a. Dalmatian b. the food was spicy
b. Daschun c. the doctor was on diet
c. Bulldog d. the writer didn’t like spicy food
d. Collie

In The Hospital

I was in hospital last week. The doctor told

me that I had to have an operation. I had to stay
in the hospital for a week.
The room in which I stayed was facing the
garden, so I could see flowers outside from the
windows. But I didn’t like the food there. It
was tasteless.
The doctor told me that I had to have a
special diet. I mustn’t eat any spicy food in the

15. Why did the writer stay in the hospital?

a. because the writer was ill
b. because the writer was asked to do so
c. because the writer had to have an
d. because the writer likes it

16. From the first paragraph we know that the

writer …
a. didn’t need the hospital
b. had an operation
c. didn’t have to stay in the hospital
d. had the hospital

8402 Bahasa Inggris

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