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9014 Gingoog City


Subject: ENGLIS 123 Term: PRELIM Schedule: M-TH 5:30-7:00

GENERALIZATION OUTCOMES Core Values/ Social Across Scriptural
Related Values Orientation Discipline Text

November Apps for Students will be able Let’s Try It

, 2019 Organizing and to: Apply skills in the Apply skills in the
Teaching development and development and The class will try and explore CV: The government ICT subject
Language Classes: utilizing of ICT to utilizing of ICT to the app. Excellence puts ICT as one Different
1.5 hrs.
a. Explain the utilize findings to utilize findings to Quiz of the curricula electronic
concept of World enhance instruction in enhance Let the paper rollin’ RV: and has become gadgets that Proverbs TV
World with Friends with Friends app; the light of Christian instruction in the (by pair) Competence a major issue in can be used 12:18
Education. light of Christian education world. in a language Laptop
b. identify the Education. Updates class. There is
Journal Writing 1. One paper will be passed
function of World (Given that
from one pair to the other. knowledge and The use ICT is a one whose Hand out
with Friends app; 2. Each pair will write one skills in a process trend. We need
learning, what advantage and one rush words
of life-long learning to keep up.
promote quality, would you do disadvantage of the app. are like
c. list the like the Beatas
differently as a 3. The last pair will read swords
advantages and relevant, and they helped one
would be teacher?) aloud what have been written thrusts, but
disadvantages of sustainable on the paper. another to develop
World with Friends promote quality, their skills for the tongue
educational practices.
app; and relevant, and better service. of a wise
sustainable (Rubric is brings
d. appreciate the use educational KISS healing.
of World with practices.
(Keep it short and simple)
Friends app in the In a slogan, state the
language learning importance of Words with
and teaching. Friends app.
Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

TEP Coordinator

Noted by:


VP for Academics
Motivation: Research shows that________________________- or what do you think is the inclusive classroom looks like?




I learned that_________________________________

I will use this by _________________________

Are you going to discriminate your students with disabilities?

5 points (Excellent) 4 points (Good) 3 points (Fair) 2 points (Poor)
Content Presentation had an exceptional amount Presentation had a good amount Presentation has moments Presentation contained a little
of valuable material and was extremely of material and benefited the where valuable material was to no valuable material.
beneficial to the class. class. present but as a whole content
was lacking.

Mastery of the topic The group demonstrates total mastery of The reporter demonstrates The reporter demonstrates The reporter demonstrates no
the contents of their report. knowledge of the important knowledge of some contents of mastery of any content of their
contents of their report. their report. report.
Delivery and presentation Group was very confident in delivery and Group was occasionally confident Group was not consistent with Group was unconfident and
they did an excellent job of engaging the with their presentation. The the level of demonstrates little evidence of
class. Preparation is very evident. presentation was not as engaging confidence/preparedness planning prior to presentation.
as it could have been for the class. he/she showed the classroom
but had some strong moments.
Organization The presentation was well organized, The presentation had organizing There were minimal signs of The presentation lacked
well prepared and easy to follow. ideas but could have been much organization or preparation organization and had little
stronger with better preparation evidence of preparation.

Collaboration/ The teammates always worked from The teammates worked from The teammates sometimes The teammates never worked
Cooperation other’s ideas. It was evident that all others’ ideas most of the time. It worked from other’s ideas. from others’ ideas. It seems as
group members contributed equally to seemed like every member did However it seems as though though only a few member
the presentation. some work, but only few are certain people did not do as worked on the presentation.
carrying the presentation. much work as others.
As a teacher, what is your role in the development of your students?

(takes full responsibility for the development of one’s potential)

(uphold Christian values w/o regard for personal gain

Gives honest praise and appreciation for the good done by others

With Jesus’ actions toward His disciples, what is your challenge now as a would be teachers towards your students

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