Wind Load Calculation As Per ASCE7-05

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The basic wind load as per ASCE-7-05 is given by

qz = (0.613)(Kz)(Kzt)(Kd)(V^2)(I) Eq-61-5
V = design wind speed = 40m/s
Kzt = topographic factor = 1 (can be taken as 1.00) (Cl
Kd = Directionality factor ( 0.85 as per table 6-4)
Kz = Exposure factor = 0.57 for “C” for ht: 3.15 m (Table 6-3)
I = Importance factor =1.0
qz = (0.613)(0.57)(1)(0.85)(40^2)(1.0) = 0.475 KN/m²
As per ASCE 7-5, the wind loads on open structures can be calculated ,

The basic wind pressure F = qzGCn (Eq 6-26)

Gust factor, G = 0.85 for rigid structures.
Cn = Net pressure coefficient as per Fig: 6-18B
Load Case: 01 Case:A –Clear Wind flow, Wind 0
Suction on the wind ward side = qzGCnet =0.475x 0.85 x 1.3 = 0.524 KN/m² (Pressure)
Suction on the lee ward side = qzGCnet =0.475x 0.85 x 0.3 = 0.121 KN/m² (Pressure)
Load Case: 02 Case:B –Clear Wind flow, Wind 0
Suction on the wind ward side = qzGCnet =0.475x 0.85 x -0.1 = -0.04 KN/m² (Suction)
Suction on the lee ward side = qzGCnet =0.475x 0.85 x -0.9 = -0.363 KN/m² (Suction)
Load Case: 03 Case:A –Obstructed wind flow, Wind 0
Suction on the wind ward side = qzGCnet =0.475x 0.85 x -0.7 = -0.282 KN/m² (Suction)
Suction on the lee ward side = qzGCnet =0.475x 0.85 x -0.7 = -0.282 KN/m² (Suction)
Load Case: 04 Case:B – Obstructed wind flow, Wind 0
Suction on the wind ward side = qzGCnet =0.475x 0.85 x -0.1 = -0.04 KN/m² (Suction)
Suction on the lee ward side = qzGCnet =0.475x 0.85 x -1.1 = -0.444 KN/m² (Suction)

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