Lynch Et Al-2017-Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety

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Harnessing the Potential of Blood Proteins as

Functional Ingredients: A Review of the State

of the Art in Blood Processing
Sarah A. Lynch, Anne Maria Mullen, Eileen E. O’Neill, and Carlos Álvarez Garcı́a

Abstract: Blood is generated in very large volumes as a by-product in slaughterhouses all around the world. On the
one hand, blood generation presents a serious environmental issue because of its high pollutant capacity; however, on the
other hand, blood has the potential to be collected and processed to generate high-added-value food ingredients based
on its exceptional nutritive value and its excellent functional properties. In this paper, we review the current state of the
art for blood processing, from collection to final recovery of protein isolates, the functional properties of blood, impact
of processing on functional properties, and potential applications as food ingredients. Furthermore, future challenges are
outlined for this underutilized and abundant product from the meat industry.
Keywords: blood processing, food additives, functional properties, protein

Introduction: Legal Frame and Potential Use of Blood either because they are parts not normally eaten or sold commer-
Blood, in European legislation, is defined as offal; which is cially; blood obtained in slaughterhouses falls within this 3rd cate-
the “fresh meat other than that of the carcass, including viscera gory. Federal Regulation (2015) in the U.S. (9 CFR 310.20) states
and blood.” Blood is subjected to the same regulations as car- how to collect and process the blood when intended for human
cass meat as outlined in EC Regulation nr 853/2004, which lays consumption.
down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin. How- In recent years, there has been growing global pressure on the
ever, blood that is not intended for human consumption, and food industry to try and minimize the environmental impact of its
has not being hygienically collected, but has been subjected to activities and to improve sustainability. This has led to increased
veterinary inspection, is then classified as an animal by-product interest in the more complete recovery and optimum utilization of
(ABP). According to European legislation (Article 3 of Regu- by-products from the food industry (Otles and others 2015). Eu-
lation [EC] 1069/2009), blood collected in slaughterhouses, not ropean Directives are focusing on implanting the triple philosophy
intended for human consumption, is defined as an ABP. Specif- of reducing raw material, recycling, and reuse of by-products. In
ically, this regulation defines ABP thus: “entire bodies or parts particular, the 2008/98/CE directive encourages waste prevention
of animals, products of animal origin, or other products obtained and promotes recovery and recycling; this document defined for
from animals that are not intended for human consumption.” This the first time the difference between waste and by-product. Hence,
includes a multitude of different materials such as catering waste, a by-product is defined as “when substances or objects resulting
used cooking oil, former foodstuffs, butchering and slaughter- from a production process not primarily aimed at producing such
house wastes, blood, feathers, wool, hides and skins, fallen stock, substances or objects are by-products and not waste.” According
pet animals, zoo and circus animals, hunt trophies, manure, and to this directive, a by-product differs from a waste because (i) it
ova, embryos, and semen not intended for breeding purposes. will be used after the main process; (ii) it can be used directly,
This legislation classifies by-products into 3 categories, based on with no ulterior transformation different from the regular indus-
the risk for human health. Categories 1 and 2 are considered the trial practices; (iii) it is produced as an integral part of an industrial
highest risk, while category 3 is considered as low risk. Category process; and (iv) its ulterior use is legal, for instance, the substance
3 includes parts of animals that have been passed as fit for hu- or object meets all the requirements for the specific application
man consumption but which are not intended for consumption, relative to the products and the environment and health protec-
tion, and it will not produce negative impacts either on human
health or the environment. Within this same directive, the Euro-
CRF3-2016-1880 Submitted 11/14/2016, Accepted 1/3/2017. Authors Lynch, pean Union has proposed a 5-step waste management hierarchy
Mullen, and Álvarez are with Teagasc Food Research Centre, Food Quality and based on waste reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery, and finally
Sensory Science, Ashtown, Dublin 15, Ireland. Author O’Neill is with Dept. of barring all other steps of disposal. Until very recently, the potential
Food and Nutritional Sciences, Univ. College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Direct inquiries to of food by-products to create new opportunities and markets has
author Garcı́a (E-mail: been underestimated (Otles and others 2015); blood is one of these

C 2017 Institute of Food Technologists®

330 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 16, 2017 doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12254
Blood processing and food applications . . .

underutilized materials and it has been identified as a key source of Table 1–Chemical composition of whole blood from different species of
extractable high-value molecules for applications in sectors such as livestock. Adapted from Gorbatov (1988).
the food, biomedical, and pharmaceutical industries (Lafarga and Components Components g/100 g
others 2015, 2016; Mullen and others 2015). Cattle Pigs Sheep
Animal blood produced in slaughterhouses represents the most Water 80.89 79.06 82.17
problematic by-product of the meat industry because of the high Dry solids 19.11 20.94 17.83
volumes routinely generated and its very high polluting power. Hemoglobin 10.31 14.22 9.29
Other proteins 6.98 4.26 7.08
Liquid blood has a total nitrogen content of approximately 30 g/L, Sugar 0.07 0.07 0.07
a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of approximately 400 g/L and Cholesterol 0.19 0.04 0.14
Fat 0.06 0.11 0.09
a biological oxygen demand (BOD) of approximately 200 g/L Fatty acids – 0.05 0.05
(Moure Fernández 2000). These values exceed the legal limits es-
tablished by European Directive 91/271/CEE (further modified
by 98/15/CE directive) that quotes a maximum COD value of methionine and isoleucine, can be used as a source of high-quality
125 mg for the treated waste. Even more, environmental legisla- proteins for both animal feed and human consumption (Tybor and
tion of the European Union (Commission Decision 2006/12/EC) others 1975; Imeson and others 1978; Duarte and others 1999;
encourages the recovery and use of by-products in order to con- Prata and Sgarbieri 2008; Lee and Song 2009; Ofori and Hsieh
serve natural resources. A comprehensive review about European 2011; Bah and others 2013; Parés and others 2014).
regulations regarding ABPs can be found in Leoci (2014). The
volume and polluting potential of blood make it a prime material
Blood Collection
for recovery of value. By 2001, it was estimated that only 30% of
The method of blood collection varies according to its final
total blood produced in slaughterhouses was used as food ingre-
use. Blood, which will be rendered or used for compost, is col-
dient, mainly in black pudding and related products (Ofori and
lected following less stringent hygienic requirements, often using
Hsieh 2012). According to these authors, the use of blood in the
an open-drain system. Blood collected in an open-drain system
food industry has increased; however, there are no data to confirm
drains from the animal into a centralized vat. In this type of system,
there are many opportunities for contaminating the blood (Parés
As described below and highlighted in a number of pa-
and others 2011; Bah and others 2013). When blood is intended
pers (Tybor and others 1975; Ramos-Clamont and others 2003;
for food, research, or pharmaceutical purposes, it is important to
Selmane and others 2008; Álvarez and others 2009, 2012a; Furlán
collect it in a more careful and hygienic way, using a closed-drain
and others 2010; Parés and others 2014), blood has many func-
system. In this system, contamination is reduced (Parés and others
tional and nutritive attributes. While some products will use whole
2011), and blood is not exposed to air. At slaughter, it is collected
blood, many applications require some degree of processing that
directly into a hollow sticking knife that is connected to a flexible
ranges from separation of blood into fractions through isolation
tube to direct the blood flow to a collection vessel. The blood is
of individual proteins (Yang and Lin 1998c). Multiple new tech-
often collected in a batch-type manner from several animals and
nologies have been developed in recent years aimed at recovering
is then passed for use when the corresponding carcasses have been
purified proteins from blood: liquid–liquid extraction (Selvakumar
approved by veterinary inspection as fit for human consumption.
and others 2012), chemical precipitation (Imeson and others 1978;
The knives can also be fitted with disposable bags that hang from
Moure and others 2003), salting-out (Parés and others 2014), or
the end of the knife and collect the blood directly. While gravity
chromatographic techniques (Howell and Lawrie 1983). Recent
is normally used to draw blood from the animals, vacuum sys-
publications have highlighted potential applications for blood pro-
tems may be employed to speed up the bleeding process (Knipe
teins, in particular in the food industry (Di Bernardini and others
1988). Blood can be drawn directly from the carcass to a refrig-
2011; Ofori 2011; Parés and others 2011; Tarte 2011; Jayathilakan
erated storage vessel. Drawbacks associated with some vacuum
and others 2012; Leoci 2014).
systems include larger capital investment required for pulsed vac-
Taking these factors, legal framework, new technologies, to-
uum pump equipment and a slowing of the slaughter line, which is
gether with increased industry research interest in capitalizing on
particularly obvious in pig slaughter (Parés and others 2011). One
the inherent value of blood (Galanakis 2012), this approach can
study from the 1980s, which compared closed drainage systems
lead to enormous economic, societal, competitive, and environ-
with or without pulsed vacuum pump, suggested that a vacuum
mental benefits, in terms of new jobs and opportunities in the
system confers no special advantages (Gorbatov 1988). In some
global food market (Ofori and Hsieh 2012).
cases, they may collapse the blood vessels, thus hinder the flow of
blood to the knife (Ockerman and Hansen 2000). Two types of
Nutritive Value of Blood closed-drainage systems exist and are distinct for the knife used:
Blood has excellent nutritive value, not only because of its
flat-bladed or hollow-bladed knives.
high protein content, but also because of the bioavailability of
the nutrients (Parés and others 2011). Chemical composition of (a) Flat-bladed knives consist of a metal cup fitted around the
blood from different animal sources is shown in Table 1. It is base of a standard sticking knife attached to a flexible tube
important to note, however, that blood is deficient in the essential that carries blood to a covered receiving container. The cup
amino acids methionine and isoleucine (Parés and others 2011) is placed against the animal and funnels the blood from the
(Table 2). Blood is a rich source of iron, which is contained stick wound into the flexible tube. This method may still
in the hemoglobin of red blood cells (RBCs), and this heme pose a risk of contamination, as the cup may come into
iron has a high bioavailability as it is more easily absorbed than contact with contaminated hides or carcass.
nonorganic iron from plants or the ferrous salts commonly used (b) Hollow-blade knives are available in several varieties: the
in the fortification of foods (In and others 2002). It has been Rizzi knife, the Esktam knife, and the cannula knife. The
well reported that blood protein, despite the lower amounts in Rizzi knife consists of a 1-inch-diam tube, 1 end of which

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Blood processing and food applications . . .

Table 2–Amino acid profiles of porcine whole blood and various blood proteins in comparison to myosin from muscle. Adapted from Gorbatov (1988).

Amino acid content of blood proteins (g/100 g)

Amino acid Whole blood Fibrin Hemoglobin Serum globulin Serum albumin Myosin
Phenylalanine 10.7 4.6 9.6 4.7 6.6 3.2
Tryptophan 1.5 3.5 2.0 2.8 0.7 0.8
Arginine – 6.7 3.5 5.8 5.9 7.0
Histidine 8.8 2.3 8.5 2.1 4.0 1.7
Lysine 9.7 9.0 10.6 6.3 12.8 10.3
Methionine 2.4 2.6 1.2 1.0 0.8 3.4
Threonine 4.8 7.9 6.0 7.4 5.8 3.8
Leucine 13.2 7.1 14.9 9.5 12.3 15.6
Isoleucine 0.9 5.0 0.0 2.0 2.6 –
Valine 8.7 3.9 11.0 9.7 5.9 2.6
Aspartic acid – 11.9 10.0 9.0 10.9 8.5
Glutamic acid – 13.8 7.4 12.5 16.5 21.0
Cysteine – 1.5 0.9 2.3 5.9 14
Tyrosine 1.4 6.0 2.9 6.7 5.1 2.2

is formed into a sharp point and the other end is connected mixed; hence, if any carcass is condemned the volume of blood
to a flexible tube that carries the blood into the holding that has to be rejected is not excessive.
container. The Esktam knife consists of a hollow 2-sided
knife with a rod or a 2nd knife set in the arched space at Collection rates
right angles of the butt of the hollow knife. This second Approximately 5% to 9% of animal (live weight) is accounted
serves to hold the stick wound open allowing free flow for as blood, with the actual amount varying with species (beef
of blood; it is probably the best system for reducing the 8%, pigs 5%, and sheep 8%). Up to 50% of the total blood of an
contamination of blood. The cannula system consists of a animal is in circulation, 16% is present in the spleen, 20% is found
0.5-inch hollow tube at 1 end, formed into a sharp cone in the liver and, 10 % in the skin. Bleeding after slaughter will yield
shape with slots cut into the tip of the cone for blood to 40% to 60% of the animal’s total blood with the rest remaining
enter. in capillaries and organs (Gorbatov 1988; Ockerman and Hansen
2000; Parés and others 2011). Again, blood yields will vary with
Some companies have developed rotatory systems for blood breed, degree of fatness, and stunning and bleeding method. Yield
collection based on hollow knifes, and such a technology permits of edible blood is approximately 3.2% for beef and 3% for pigs
collections up to 85% of total blood from 1000 pigs per hour, based on live weight (Gorbatov 1988). Cattle bleeding will yield
addressing all the regulations regarding the hygienic collection 12 to 15 L of blood with 11.4 to 14.5 kg collected within 60 to
of blood and the traceability of the final product. One example 120 s, while in pigs, bleeding yields 3 L with 2.7 kg collected in
of such rotatory systems can be seen at the Butina home page 30% to 40 s. The yield can be maximized when the time between
( stunning and sticking is reduced (Knipe 1988). Standard bleeding
Hemolysis during bleeding and collection needs to be mini- times used on the slaughter line are 6 min for bovine, 4 to 5 min
mized. If hemoglobin is released, due to the disruption of the red for ovine, and 6 min for porcine animals (Ockerman 2000).
cells membranes, the quality of the plasma may be compromised.
It can be prevented by rinsing all equipment with an isotonic an- Immediate blood processing
ticoagulant solution. This will create an osmotic pressure outside After bleeding, blood will begin to clot within 3 to 10 min de-
the RBCs, equal to the pressure inside the cells. If the osmotic pending on the environmental temperature. This clotting process
pressure is not equalized, higher pressure inside the cells will cause is a natural process, due to the action of the enzyme throm-
them to lyse, releasing hemoglobin leading to lower quality plasma bin converting soluble fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin, in a 3-
(Halliday 1973). dimensional network together with platelets and other proteins
In the event, 1 animal’s blood is contaminated, or if a carcass (Mosesson 2005). As blood is a rich organic medium, it is im-
is condemned after inspection, then the blood from that carcass, portant to chill it as soon as possible to 2 to 4 °C to minimize
and any other blood with which it is mixed, loses its edible status microbial growth, which would lead to blood spoilage. However,
and the entire blood collection line, from the knife to the batch it is important to note that blood refrigeration has been reported
holding tank, must be cleaned and sanitized. Blood that has been to lead an enrichment in psychrophilic bacteria, such as Pseu-
contaminated from contact with the surface of the animal, or by domonas species, which are able to promote protein degradation
other means, should not be collected for use in foods (Dill and (Parés and others 2011). Thus, rapid processing to stabilize the
Landmann 1988). With this regard, the European legislation is product is required. Several researchers have demonstrated that
clear: “The different categories of ABPs must be kept separate common downstream processes, such as spray drying, ultrafiltra-
from each other at all times, to avoid cross-contamination. They tion, or low-pressure evaporation, do not reduce significantly the
must also be kept separate from food for human consumption” microbial load (Parés and others 1998; Dailloux and others 2002).
(Regulation [EC] nr 1069/2009, Article 26 Implementing Regu- When serum is the final product, collected blood is allowed to
lation [EC] nr 142/2011). The carousel system, where blood from clot at the same time that it is chilled, after which clots can be
individual animals is held in containers mounted on a carousel, removed, for example, by means of centrifugation or decanting.
can maintain correlation with individual carcasses as the carcasses Under controlled conditions, the red cells become trapped in the
progress down the line on slaughter floor. If individual storage fibrin net and are removed with the clot, yielding a serum free
is not possible, it is a regular practice in small-/medium-size of red cells. More frequently, liquid blood or plasma is required
abattoirs that only the blood from a small number of animals is for further processing. In these cases, anticoagulants are added to

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Blood processing and food applications . . .

Table 3–Key quality parameters of plasma processed for biotechnological purposes. Data proportioned by SeraLab S.L. on February 2015.

Protein Osmolality Hemoglobin Endotoxin Glucose

Type g/dL mIsm/kg H2 O mg/dL ng/mL pH mg/dL
Bovine serum 7.0 to 9.0 270 to 340 <50 <1 7.0 to 8.5 30 to 80
Chicken serum 3.0 to 6.5 270 to 340 <80 <10 7.0 to 8.5 80 to 200
Fetal calf serum 3.5 to 4.5 260 to 340 <20 <1 7.0 to 8.5 80 to 200
Horse serum 6.0 to 9.0 270 to 330 <50 <10 7.0 to 8.0 <140
Pig serum 6.0 to 8.0 260 to 350 <50 <5 7.0 to 8.5 35 to 85

blood as close to the collection point as possible. Many hollow Different combinations of speed, time, and temperature can be
knives are designed to facilitate this (Ockerman 2000) or, alter- used to obtain a good separation, and examples from the literature
natively, anticoagulants are sprayed onto the blood in the open are presented in Table 4. It has been reported that increasing time,
drain collection system. Anticoagulants, such as sodium citrate or speed, and centrifugation volume increase the yield of plasma
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), function by converting obtained; however, the hemoglobin concentration in plasma is
the calcium present in blood into a nonionized form and inhibit- increased as well and hence the plasma quality is reduced (Moure
ing its role in coagulation. Proteolytic enzymes have also been Fernández 2000). On the other hand, when higher volumes have
used, in place of anticoagulants, to prevent clotting. Blood is then to be processed, continuous centrifuges are the best option. It
subjected to centrifugal force to separate it into the plasma and is possible to separate 150 to 1000 L of blood per hour using a
cellular fractions (Ockerman 2000). plate-type separator; however, these will require periodic cleaning,
While dried whole blood can be used, for example, to obtain resulting in downtime for the equipment as well as the possibility of
blood meal or can be directly used as a food ingredient (black introducing water into the blood (Knipe 1988). Several companies
pudding), blood utilization by the food industry is minimal due to (AlfaLaval, GEA Westfalia, and Eppendorf) have designed specific
the darkening of the products to which it is added (Mielnik and blood centrifuges able to work in a continuous process. In this
Slinde 1983). Thus, whole blood often is separated into the plasma type of equipment, the plate speed is approximately 10000 rpm
and cellular fractions by centrifugation (Tybor and others 1973; (8000 × g), though these values can vary. The capacity of such
Tybor and others 1975) (see next section). While this can give a centrifuges varies from 50 L/h to more than 4000 L/h and the
plasma fraction with important functional proteins, many proteins most recent models feature a CIP (clean-in-place) system, which
and iron are present in the cellular fraction that is more difficult allows for reduction in the downtime of cleaning and maintenance.
to use due to problems such as unpleasant flavors and unwanted Centrifugation of 100 kg of blood can yield 66 kg of plasma with
color (Caldironi and Ockerman 1982). Once plasma, serum, or a protein content of 8% (5.3 kg of plasma protein) and 33 kg of
red cells are obtained, they need to be frozen or dried to preserve the cellular concentrate with a protein content of 38% protein
quality and safety. Those not intended for human consumption (12.5 kg of cellular protein) (Wismer-Pedersen 1988).
can be treated with chemical preservatives (Ockerman and Hansen As it has been stated by several authors (Gorbatov 1988;
2000). Ockerman and Hansen 2000), differences exist between the species
with regard to the ease of separation of the fractions and the qual-
Blood centrifugation ity of plasma obtained. Bovine blood appears to be less sensitive
For the best results, separation should be carried out as soon to hemolysis and mechanical disruption of the cellular fraction
as possible to minimize the hemolysis of RBCs. If high-quality than porcine blood. This may be due, in part, to the composition
plasma is required with minimum color (color is due to the pres- of the blood; porcine blood has a higher content of the cellular
ence of hemoglobin released when hemolysis takes place), the fraction than ovine or bovine blood. Another possible factor is
plasma is usually separated as soon as possible and prior to chilling. the difference in the characteristics of the erythrocytes of blood
In this case, the chilling of the separated fractions is carried out in the different species. In porcine blood, the diameter is largest
directly after separation (Knipe 1988). This can be carried out at 6.2 μm, while in ovine and bovine blood, it is 5.0 and 5.1
with either a continuous or noncontinuous process. For small vol- μm, respectively. In addition, the difference in the specific gravity
umes (up to 3 to 4 L), discontinuous processes are more suitable between the plasma and cellular fractions is greater in bovine than
as they result in higher quality plasma in terms of low hemoglobin in porcine blood, making centrifugal separation easier.
content. Table 3 summarizes the specification that plasma has to
have to be considered of high quality for biotechnological, clinical, Fractionation of Plasma Proteins
and lab uses (according to SeraLab Industries, personal commu- Plasma proteins are highly functional and can be prepared as
nication, West Sussex, U.K.). When plasma is employed for other crude or purified isolates. When isolating or fractionating pro-
purposes such as pet food, or food ingredients, just the total pro- teins, it is important that yield and functionality are maximized.
tein content, hemoglobin content and the pH are considered as The conditions that proteins are subjected to during processing
quality parameters. From a microbiological point of view, blood will affect the functionality of the recovered protein (Tybor and
used in liquid form as an ingredient has to be heat-treated. While others 1973; Ockerman 2000). Numerous methods have been re-
the European legislation (EC No 2073/2005) on microbiological ported for plasma fractionation and can be classified in a number
criteria for foodstuffs does not mention specifically blood prod- of ways: (i) differential solubility where a precipitant decreases the
ucts, in general terms, the absence of salmonella bacteria in 25 g attraction between protein surface and solvent, resulting in in-
is used to define the safety of these products. When not employed creased protein–protein interactions and ultimately precipitation;
for human consumption, regulation (EU) No 142/2011 imple- examples include alcohol fractionation (Cohn and others 1946),
menting Regulation (EC) nr 1069/2009 is applied; it requires the polyethylene glycol (PEG) fractionation (Lee and others 1987), or
absence of salmonella bacteria in 5 samples of 25 g each, and no salting-out (Parés and others 2014); (ii) different interaction with
more than 300 enterobacteriacea per gram of sample. solid media or chromatographic methods (Ramos-Clamont and

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Table 4–Examples of conditions used to separate plasma and cellular fractions from blood.

(Imeson and others (Del Hoyo and (Duarte and (Parés and others (Álvarez and (Lee and others (Silva and
1978) others 2007) others 1999) 2014) others 2012a) 1987) Silvestre 2003)
Time (min) 20 30 15 15 15 15 10
Speed (× g) 22000 20000 5000 2530 3000 1020 1000
Tempertaure (°C) 20 4-6 10 4 8 6 Room

others 2003; Moure and others 2003); and (iii) differential inter- difficulties with stirring and pumping (Ingham 1990). Usually,
action with physical parameters such as temperature or membrane buffers are employed in both protein and PEG stock solutions, to
filtration (Del Hoyo and others 2007; Del Hoyo and others 2008). control the pH and ionic strength. A disadvantage associated with
this method, however, is the effort required to remove PEG from
Differential solubility the supernatant fraction. Techniques such as ultrafiltration, gel
Ethyl alcohol fractionation. This method is the principal permeation, or electrodialysis can be employed to overcome this
method for albumin production for pharmaceutical use. It is based (Ingham 1990). By using PEG fractionation, 91% of fibrinogen,
on differential solubility of plasma proteins in ethanol/water mix- 88% of immunoglobulin, and 92% of serum albumin have been
tures (Cohn and others 1946). Organic solvents interact with apo- recovered. The parameters employed for precipitating fibrinogen
lar protein groups, displacing water from the protein surface. This were pH 5.5, PEG 9.06%, and NaCl 1.4 M. Subsequently, PEG
leads to protein aggregation and a decrease in solubility leading 12.6% and NaCl 0.35 M were added to the resultant supernatant
to precipitation of the proteins. The concentration of any solvent at pH 8.22 to precipitate immunoglobulins and to obtain albumin
required to precipitate a protein depends on the intrinsic proper- in the supernatant (Lee and others 1987).
ties of the target proteins (Moure Fernández 2000). Plasma is first Precipitation of plasma proteins using anionic polysaccharides.
diluted to 50% with distilled water giving a protein concentration It has been demonstrated that proteins in blood plasma, like those
of 30 to 35 mg/mL. To minimize the risk of denaturation due to in cheese whey, can be recovered by precipitating the protein from
ethanol the separations should be carried out at temperatures as solution using another polyelectrolyte such as a hydrocolloid. Pro-
close to 0 °C as possible. Phases can be separated by centrifuga- tein from cheese whey can be recovered using various materials,
tion with the precipitated target protein(s) in the sediment and the including sodium alginate, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), and
remaining proteins in the supernatant. This supernatant is used as polyacrylic acid (Hill and others 1982). Interaction of CMC and
feedstock for the subsequent fractionation(s). The main parame- whey proteins has been extensively reported, and it has been ob-
ters that drive the differential precipitation of plasma proteins are served that the amount of protein precipitated is closely dependent
pH, ionic strength, temperature, and protein concentration. The on the pH, ionic strength, as well as the degree of substitution of
fractions that are obtained are: fibrinogen (8% ethanol, pH 7.2); γ - the cellulose derivative. With optimum conditions, more than
globulins (19% ethanol, pH 5.5); α, β-globulins (40% ethanol, pH 90% of protein can be removed from solution, and the recovered
5.5), and albumin (40% ethanol, pH 4.5). After extraction, precip- protein has excellent functional properties (Imeson and others
itated proteins are easily redissolved in phosphate buffer at pH 7.2 1978).
to give an equivalent volume to the original plasma used (Álvarez Anionic polysaccharides have been used to extract other proteins
and others 2009). Although this method was developed mainly from solution besides whey protein. They have been successful in
for clinical applications, it can also be applied for processing blood the recovery of soy proteins, casein, yeast protein, and sunflower
collected in slaughterhouses into these fractions (Moure and oth- seed albumins. Sodium alginates and sodium pectate are the 2 main
ers 2003). The advantages (safety, cost of reagents [ethanol can be polysaccharides used to precipitate proteins, because they possess
reused], and ease of scale-up) and disadvantages (temperature con- the ability to form thermostable gels, a property that could be
trol, protein loss, and risk of handling flammable solvents) of this beneficial in the utilization of the recovered proteins in processed
method have been previously reviewed (Denizli 2011). By using meat products (Imeson and others 1978). When using anionic
this method, a complete protein precipitation can be achieved, polysaccharides for protein precipitation from plasma, sodium al-
yielding 4 protein-rich fractions and a protein-free supernatant ginate appears to be the most efficient and also the least affected by
rich in ethanol that can be recovered by distillation and reused increases in salt concentration. The higher charge per unit residue
in the next precipitation cycle. Ethyl alcohol fractionation can be for alginate, compared with pectate and CMC, may contribute to
coupled with chromatographic processing to obtain more pure the greater protein recovery yields achieved at high ratios (Imeson
fractions and to remove salts and low-molecular-weight organic and others 1978). A recent patent (Van Alstine and others 2014)
compounds (Moure and others 2003). refers to the use of polyacids, such as CMC, polyacrylic acid, or
Polyethylene glycol fractionation. PEG is a nontoxic, water- polyvinylsulfonic acid for plasma fractionation. According to the
soluble synthetic polymer that has been employed as a protein authors, this method can be employed in a selective manner to
precipitant. PEG holds several advantages over ethanol as a separate specific abundant proteins by the rigorous control of pH
precipitating agent as it results in less foaming, is less expensive, and salt composition.
is not flammable, and does not require strict temperature control Salting-out. Salting-out occurs with solutions of high ionic
to prevent denaturation (Lee and others 1987). In addition, com- strength, where the salt draws water molecules away from pro-
pared to ethanol and other precipitants, PEG requires less time to tein surfaces, thereby encouraging proteins to interact and coag-
exert its effects and its precipitation curve is relatively unaffected ulate. Since proteins differ noticeably in their solubility at high
by temperature changes. PEG with an average molecular weight ionic strength, salting-out can be used to separate proteins from
of 4000 to 6000 Da is the most commonly used; no significant a mixed solution such as plasma (Parés and others 2014). When
differences are observed when higher-molecular-weight PEGs using salting-out as a method of protein fractionation, the larger
are employed, but the viscosity is notably increased resulting in

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the molecule, the more readily it is precipitated (Allen and others occur, which may negatively affected protein functionality (Del
1977). Ammonium sulfate is a commonly used salt that is diluted Hoyo and others 2007).
to the concentration required to selectively precipitate the protein The main drawback of chromatographic methods is that not all
of interest. The aggregated protein is then separated by centrifu- chromatography media are suitable for large-scale use. However,
gation, leaving the remaining proteins in the supernatant (Parés new composites based on agarose beads have been developed,
and others 2014). Plasma proteins can be separated by salting-out which enable scaling-up of the process. It can be employed either
using a 100% saturated solution of food grade ammonium sulfate for size-exclusion or ion-exchange chromatography. Such material
in 10 mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.4, by adding it dropwise to fresh has the advantage to be easily scaled-up due to the fact that agarose
plasma. This increases the ionic strength and progressively precip- bead performance is not affected by a high-flow process or by high
itates each fraction. Saturation percentages of ammonium sulfate internal pressure.
to precipitate the protein fractions are 20% for fibrinogen and 60%
for globulins. Serum can be obtained by removal of precipitated Membrane filtration
fibrinogen after centrifugation. Finally, albumin is recovered in the Membrane technology has become an important separation
supernatant after other proteins present in the plasma have been technology in recent decades. Some of the main advantages asso-
precipitated (Parés and others 2014). ciated with this technology make it suitable for industrial and, in
Aqueous 2-phase extraction. An aqueous 2-phase system particular, food applications; features are: no chemicals required,
(ATPS) is a gentle liquid/liquid partitioning system based on 2 relatively low use of energy, low processing costs, and easy to
types of phase-forming components. The 2 immiscible phases are scale-up (Muro and others 2013). Membrane separation tech-
formed by mixing, for instance, a polymer (usually PEG) and a salt niques have been used for human blood processing to recover
(such as phosphate, sulfate, or citrate) or 2 polymers and water, and human serum albumin and immunoglobulins (Legallais and others
they can be effectively used for the separation and purification of 1994; Wan and others 2002; Mayani and others 2009). Membrane
proteins (Nath and others 2015). The partitioning between both filtration has been used for protein concentration and demineral-
phases is dependent on the various physicochemical properties of ization of plasma, and also to reduce the salt content introduced
the proteins and on the properties of the 2-phase system (Asenjo as anticoagulant. After plasma demineralization, it was reported
and Andrews 2011). Typically, the 1st stage of extraction yields a that approximately 80% of total ions can be removed with no
lower phase, containing contaminants and cell debris, and an up- appreciable protein loss (<1%) when a 10 kDa molecular weight
per phase containing the product of interest, in this case protein. cutoff (MWCO) membrane is used (Del Hoyo and others 2007,
The 2nd stage involves concentration of protein in the bottom 2008). Ultrafiltration may also be used after ethanol precipita-
phase. This phase is further concentrated by ultrafiltration to yield tion for protein concentration in the supernatant; however, it was
a protein concentrate (Rito-Palomares 2004). ATPS extraction found that ethanol reduces the flux due to lower protein diffu-
(using PEG and phosphate buffer) has been successfully employed sivity, and membrane-fouling is noticeably increased (Jaffrin and
to isolate and recover 85% of bovine serum albumin (BSA), and an others 1997).
overall protein recovery of 65% for hemoglobin subunits (α and Membrane dialysis is frequently used for desalting following
β) and Immunoglobulin (IgG) (Rito-Palomares and others 2000). fractionation of plasma using salting-out procedures, but this is
This shows its potential for the generic application as a primary only useful for lab or small-scale production. Parés and others
recovery and partial purification process of target protein solutes (2014) proposed to replace dialysis with tangential-flow filtration
from a complex biological suspension such as blood. (TFF), since membrane dialysis at industrial scale can take several
days and also requires large volumes of water and much sample
Chromatographic methods: ion-exchange chromatography manipulation. TFF can overcome these issues with the added ad-
Protein separation and purification by differential interaction vantage that protein solutions can be concentrated and diafiltered.
of the soluble protein phase with a solid medium is certainly the A pilot-scale system was employed using a 30-kDa MWCO and
most common method used at laboratory scale. Affinity and ion- 0.32 m2 active area modified-polyacetonitrile spiral module mem-
exchange chromatography are the most important of these pro- branes followed by a diafiltration process to complete salt removal.
cesses (Burnouf 1995). Ion-exchange chromatography has been After the process, 92% of total salt is removed with no loss of
selected as a method of plasma protein fractionation by many protein.
research groups (Howell and Lawrie 1983; Tomono and others
1983; Goheen and Hilsenbeck 1998; Moure and others 2003), Processing of Cellular Fraction of Blood
because of its high binding capacity and the absence of denatu- The 2nd fraction obtained from blood after centrifugation is the
rating agents such as ethanol or solvents, thus leading to proteins cellular fraction or RBCs, with hemoglobin representing around
with properties of relevance even for pharmaceutical applications 31% of total fraction weight. Based on its abundance of highly
(Moure and others 2004). Of the various modes of chromato- bioavailable iron, protein content, and technofunctional proper-
graphic operations available, the most suitable for proteins has ties, this fraction is interesting from a food ingredients perspective
been shown to be adsorption onto the whole column followed (Toldrà and others 2004). Table 5 shows the chemical composition
by stepwise elution with buffered salt solution (Leaver and others of red cell blood from different animal sources.
1987). Ionic-exchange resins may also be used to remove inor-
ganic salts from plasma, as a previous cleaning step for protein Hemoglobin extraction
applications in the food, pharmaceutical, or cosmetic industries The 1st step in hemoglobin extraction is to disrupt the red cells,
(Noordman and others 2002; Simon and others 2002; Benhabiles allowing release of the protein to the reaction media. Three main
and others 2012). In such cases, salts were removed in consecu- techniques are commonly employed: (i) osmotic shock; (ii) ul-
tive steps by using strong anionic and cationic resins; and up to trasonic disruption; or (iii) enzymatic procedures. Osmotic shock
a total 80% of total present salt can be removed. However, loss requires water and a disadvantage is the dilution of the final prod-
of protein (approximately 14%) and a significant pH change may uct (Álvarez and others 2009). Ultrasonic waves are able to disrupt

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Table 5–Chemical composition of blood cellular fraction from different or adding ascorbic acid (Tybor and others 1973). The addition of
species. Amounts expressed as g/100 g. Adapted from Gorbatov (1988). acidified acetone will remove the heme group, and the globin pro-

Cattle Pigs Sheep tein precipitates allowing for easier recovery by filtration, before
Water 59.21 62.56 60.48
being washed with an ether ethanol solution. The globin protein
Dry solids 40.81 37.44 35.92 is dissolved in water and the pH is readjusted to approximately
Hemoglobin 31.67 32.68 30.33 pH 7. Globin isolated using the acidified acetone method was
Other proteins 6.42 1.92 7.85 found to have a crude protein content of 88% to 92% (Tybor and
Sugar – – –
Cholesterol 0.34 0.05 0.24 others 1975; Yang and Lin 1998). Analysis of the protein showed
Fatty acids – 0.01 – that it contained all of the essential amino acids and the levels of
lysine, leucine, threonine, valine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine
are indicative of good nutritional value (Tybor and others 1975).
the cell membrane; however, this can raise the temperature and A modification of this method has been reported: acidic ace-
lead to intense shear forces that can alter the tertiary structure and tone solutions, containing 10% of hydroxide peroxide, are able
potentially have an impact on the functional properties of proteins to produce insoluble discolored globin (Moure Fernández 2000).
(Jambrak and others 2014). A continuous process has been recently In this process, a rich hemoglobin solution is added slowly to a
developed (Garcia and others 2015), where 91% of hemoglobin stirred acid acetone/H2 O2 solution, to a final proportion of 1:3
was released using 48 Kw/L of acoustic power density (APD) and hemoglobin:acetone; the size of the drop and the speed of addi-
short ultrasonic residence times (300 ms). Short residence times tion determines the size of the protein aggregates formed, which
will limit protein denaturation as there are no increases in tempera- is larger at higher addition ratios. In such conditions, globin is
ture. Enzymes are often used to promote the formation of pores in extremely insoluble and can be easily recovered by filtration or
red cell membranes by cleaving the membrane phospholipids; such centrifugation. In order to minimize the denaturating effect of
enzymes, known as hemolysins, are generally toxins produced by organic solvents, which negatively affect the globin solubility and
pathogenic organisms. However, these are more oriented toward other functional properties, a low temperature is applied during
laboratory research (Moraveji and others 2014). When high-purity the discoloration process. Lactose has also been shown to have a
hemoglobin is required, cell membranes have to be removed. For protective effect on the functionality of plasma and globin pro-
food and pharmaceutical applications ultra-high-speed centrifu- teins. (Tybor and others 1973; Tybor and others 1975). Overall,
gation can be used since it does not involve the use of solvents the recovery of globin using acidified acetone is problematic not
(Toldrà and others 2004) unlike other methods, which include only because of the reduced functionality of the protein, but also
solvent extraction using chloroform, or by filtration (Chang and because of the risk of harmful residues (Yang and Lin 1998).
others 2007). Heme sequestration. Recovery of globin from the cellular por-
tion of blood using adsorption has been proposed as an alternative
Hemoglobin color and processing to the separation using organic solvents. Examples of adsorbing
Despite its potential for use in human nutrition, the dark brown- agents that have been investigated include carboxymethylcellulose
ish color that hemoglobin imparts on food formulations greatly (CMC), activated carbon, silicic acid, and manganese dioxide. For
restricts its use as a raw material or ingredient in the food indus- example, a hemoglobin solution shifted to pH 2 is mixed with di-
try (Fontes and others 2004; Fontes and others 2010; Pereira and luted CMC, after addition of CMC, the mix is centrifuged, with
others 2014). With a view to extending the use of hemoglobin, the globin protein in the resulting supernatant and the precipitated
various efforts have been focused on its discoloration. Most of CMC-heme in the sediment. The pH of the protein solution is
the techniques are based on transforming heme iron or ferrous readjusted to 3 and concentrated using ultrafiltration before spray-
(Fe2+ ) ion into nonheme iron or ferric iron (Fe3+ ), as the later drying (Autio and others 1984; Yang and Lin 1998). Isoelectric
has a bright yellow color that may be more suited to inclusion focusing, carried out on blood globin recovered with the CMC
in food formulations. The other approach to hemoglobin discol- process, showed that the protein retained its ordered structure even
oration is removing the heme group, leaving behind the globin after spray-drying. One advantage to the use of CMC for heme
protein. Hemoglobin contains a heme prosthetic group that has separation is that the CMC-heme precipitate may be used as a
an iron atom at its center, which is responsible for the color. source of heme iron. Others have employed alginates to obtain
The heme group of hemoglobin is bound to the globin chains by colorless globin (Lee and others 1990). Optimal conditions for
noncovalent chains, and an equilibrium exists between free and globin separation were pH 2.25, 0.348% NaCl, and 0.107% al-
bound heme; addition of acid will shift this equilibrium to favor ginate; about 65% of total protein was recovered free of 97.6%
dissociation (Anson and Mirsky 1930). Traditionally, the prepara- of heme. Other polymers of interest include chitin, chitosan, and
tion of a colorless globin has been based on the splitting of the pectin. Some of these have been used for protein recovery from
protein and pigment moieties of hemoglobin. Organic solvents different sources, such as surimi waste water (Wibowo and oth-
with acidified cold acetone are the most commonly used due to ers 2005) or whey (Li and others 2012; Souza and Garcia-Rojas
their efficiency in removing heme; however ethanol, butatone, and 2015).
methylethylketone have also been used (Wismer-Pedersen 1988). In order to avoid the use of organic solvents or extreme pH
Acidified acetone discoloration. Acidified acetone has been conditions, a method for globin discoloration, which involves the
used to extract the heme pigment from the globin protein (Tybor use of ion exchange resins, was developed by Yang and Lin (2000).
and others 1973 1975; Yang and Lin 1998). A brief overview of It was considered that Amberlite IR-120 (strongly acidic cation
the process is presented. The pH of a hemoglobin solution, with a exchange resin) was the best one in terms of color reduction.
maximum protein concentration of 12%, is brought to less than 4 However, this process is limited by the saturation of the resin and
by the addition of ascorbic acid. The hemoglobin is converted to the need of regeneration to retrieve its ion exchange capability.
choleglobin (separation of heme and protein is more easily carried Discoloration by hydrolysis. Several attempts aiming to sepa-
out in this form) by bubbling air through the mixture for 1 h rate the heme group, assisted by enzymatic hydrolysis, have been

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carried out. The method is based on cleaving the hemoglobin it has minimal negative influence on characteristics such as flavor,
molecule from the globin and subsequent and further separation color, or functionality.
of the heme group by precipitation, chromatographic techniques, It is usually more economical to first concentrate the protein
centrifugation, or membrane filtration. It has been reported that in blood plasma before subjecting the fraction to the drying pro-
the use of single proteases (Alcalase, trypsin, or pepsin) was un- cess. For the most part, concentration has been achieved by the
successful for hemoglobin discoloration; only the combined use evaporation process, but membrane filtration is a method that is
of trypsin and pepsin was efficient for hemoglobin discoloration also used to concentrate proteins in solution. Membrane filtra-
(Toldrá 2002). However, the degree of bitterness in the final prod- tions will allow the removal of water and salts from the solution as
uct was extremely high and the functional properties were neg- was previously discussed. Finally, concentrated or whole blood or
atively affected. The use of enzymatic hydrolysis assisted by high blood fractions can be dried by spray-drying, freeze-drying, flu-
hydrostatic pressures (HHPs) was able to produce a degree of dis- idized bed-drying, ball-drying, or roller-drying (Parés and others
coloration by using trypsin as the unique enzyme, but only after 1998; Toldrà and others 2004; Polo and others 2009; Ishwarya and
24 h of hydrolysis (Toldrá and others 2011). When pepsin was others 2015).
used, the discoloration was higher when compared to the control
after 30 min of hydrolysis. However, the protein loss was increased Evaporation
as discoloration increased. There are 2 main methods for concentration by evaporation: the
The use of subcritical water hydrolysis has been reported as a falling film evaporator and the centriterm evaporator (Ockerman
tool to generate discolored hemoglobin (Álvarez and others 2012b, and Hansen 2000). Falling film evaporator involves a vertical bat-
2016). In this case, the hemoglobin hydrolysis is a result of high tery of steel plates enclosed in a steam jacket. Plasma flows down
pressure and high temperature. The released heme group was ox- the inner margin of the pipes as a thin film, which is spread out by
idized in the process, achieving discoloration comparable to that the steam evaporating from the liquid. The evaporator normally
following the HPP-assisted method. Protein recovery yield was operates under reduced pressure, this gives the plasma a boiling
80% in form of small peptides. According to these authors, oxy- point of around 36 °C, which is below the denaturation tempera-
gen injection was more effective than nitrogen for hemoglobin ture of plasma proteins (Knipe 1988). Plasma is concentrated from
discoloration. about 85% water content to between 25% and 27% (Ockerman
An issue with discoloration is a loss of functional properties in and Hansen 2000). Centriterm Evaporator creates a thin layer (less
the resulting globin fraction. In addition, a bitter taste can be de- than 0.1 mm) of the product on the surface of the evaporator and
veloped as a consequence of a higher exposure of the hydrophobic it is spread out by centrifugation. The protein solution is driven
amino acids present in the hemoglobin. from the center of the cone to the edge by the rotation of the
Color stabilization by means of carbon monoxide. The methods cones at a speed of about 600 rpm. This gives a short drying
previously discussed present various disadvantages, such as the use period (around 1 s), which will reduce the amount of protein
of reagents that must be subsequently removed, thus decreasing denaturation (Ockerman and Hansen 2000).
functional properties and reducing the nutritional value by
eliminating heme iron. A method that can overcome these is
based on saturation with CO, resulting in the conversion of
During spray-drying, liquid blood is forced through a nozzle
hemoglobin to carboxy hemoglobin that has a cherry red color
under pressure, this pressure releases the liquid in very fine par-
(Fontes and others 2004; Fontes and others 2010; Pereira and
ticles that dry as they are passed through a current of heated air;
others 2014). Such a method was applied to whole blood, which
common parameters for this process at pilot plant scale are: air
was placed in a reactor where pure CO was bubbled through
flow 64 m3 /h; compressor pressure 2 bar; inlet 180 °C; outlet
a porous disc (1 L/min) with gentle stirring until complete
80 °C; and input flow 800 mL/h (Toldrà and others 2004). To
saturation. It was found that lower pH leads to shorter times
avoid denaturation, the dried blood should not be subjected to
to completely saturate the hemoglobin. However, the red color
high temperatures for longer than a few seconds. Spray-drying is
can be lost during storage due to an oxidation process. A recent
probably the most widely used method of drying. Spray-drying,
paper reported how blood, which was color-stabilized by this
however, is not without its disadvantages, including the unfavor-
method, can be applied in the formulation of mortadella (Fontes
able alteration to the flavor and functionality of products (Knipe
and others 2015). The final product showed good protein
1988). Spray-drying can be used for both plasma and cellular frac-
availability and what the authors considered excellent nutritional
tions, but due to the possible color crossover, separate equipment
is used for each fraction. Advantages of spray drying include

(1) Easy to design to any capacity required.

Processing for Storage Stability (2) Operation can be done in a continuous way.
Protein preparations may need to be stored for an extended (3) It can be applied to heat-sensitive products, meaning that
period while retaining their original structural integrity and/or proteins are not denaturized and they can preserve its orig-
activity. Depending on the nature of the protein, the method used inal properties (Patel and others 2009).
for stabilization and conditions of storage “shelf-life” can vary
from a few days to more than a year. When isolating proteins for It has been reported that spray-drying is not suitable for reducing
use in the food industry, it is best to prepare them as a dry product. the microbial content in blood; however, the microbial load of the
The dry state optimizes the microbial and flavor stability during powder obtained can be decreased my means of other techniques
storage and, also, is most economical for transport and storage such as HHP (Toldrà and others 2004). A slight decrease in solu-
of the product (Dill and Landmann 1988). Drying reduces the bility at the isoelectric point can be found in blood proteins, this
moisture content from up to 90% to 5% to 10%. Any method may be due to the occurrence of slight heat denaturation during
generally used for drying liquid foods may be used provided that the spray-drying process (Etheridge and others 1981)

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Table 6–Functional properties of blood proteins based on type of purification process.

Emulsifying(% of retention or g Foaming (Foam
Solubility oil emulsified or H2 O/g of vol. regarding
Protein Processing (%)(pH 6) EAI in m2 /g) protein) LGC (%) Tgel (°C) solution vol.)
Plasma Centrifugation (1, 5) 86 77% 56% 6-7 71.4 1
Ultrafiltrated plasma (2) 85 78% 65% – – <0.5
IEX demineralized (2) 55 90% 65% – – <0.5
Red cells Spray-drying (3) 92 30 m2 /g 45% 10 – 4
SD-HHP (3) 80 nd 46% 10 – 3.5
Fibrinogen Ethyl fractionation (4) 7 100% – 4 56.8 2
Globulins Ethyl fractionation (4) 100 77% to 81% – 2 44 to 57 1
Maillard modification (5) 10 100% – 10 69 to 72 nd
Albumin Ethyl fractionation (4) 80 30% 44% 4 67 2
Maillard modification (5) 50 40% – 12 82 Nd
Hemoglobin Centrifugation (4) 80 57% 3.27 g H2 O/g – 59 1
Maillard modification (5) 80 100% – 14 77 nd
Red globin Acid acetone (4) 65 92% 5.5 g H2 O/g 10 – 1
Yellow globin Acid acetone (6) 5 5 m2 /g 4 g H2 O/g 10 – <0.5
Hydrogen peroxide (6) 35 7 m2 /g 4 g H2 O/g 10 – <0.5
Acid acetone/H2O2 (6) 32 15% – – – 1
Enzymatic hydrolysis (6) 38 18 m2 /g No retention – – <0.5
CMC sequestration (7) 28 9 m2 /g 4 g H2 O/g 10 – <0.5
Ion exchange (8) 5 to 6 14 m2 /g – – – 1
Succinylated (8) 12 38 m2 /g – – – 1.2
Acetylated (8) 4 9 to 10 m2 /g – – – 0.5
Sources: (1) Furlán and others (2010); (2)Del Hoyo and others (2008); (3)Toldrà and others (2004); (4)Álvarez and others (2009): (5)Álvarez and others (2012a); (6) Yang and Lin (1998); (7) Autio and others
(1984); and (8)Yang and Lin (2000).

Freeze-drying gen. Whole blood and cellular proteins are limited for use as food
Freeze-drying is based on the sublimation of moisture in the ingredients due to the unpalatable flavor and color they impart to
blood. The liquid blood is frozen to from ice crystals; then the final foods. The plasma fraction has more desirable characteristics
pressure is reduced leading to a sublimation of the ice crystals at in that it has little color or flavor, making it easier to incorporate
a lower temperature and thereby protecting the integrity of the into foods without altering the sensory properties of the end
protein. The prerequisite for sublimation is that the vapor pres- product. For this reason, plasma has gained more attention and
sure and the temperature are held below the triple point of water use (Tarte 2011). The main functional properties and, hence, uses
(0.65 kPa and 0.01 °C) (Mumenthaler and Leuenberger 1991). of plasma proteins are as emulsifying and binding agents, gelation
After ice sublimation, a porous structure is formed, which confers under thermal treatment, and as solubility, foaming, or leavening
to the product a very high hygroscopic ability. Particles obtained agents (Etheridge and others 1981; Tarte 2011; Parés and others
generally have a high product quality, but the long drying times, 2014). Hence, the use of blood proteins as ingredients in the
batch nature, low temperatures, high vacuum, and the resultant formulation of processed foods is an obvious choice for adding
high operational costs limit the usage of the freeze-drying tech- value to these products (Lawrie and Ledward 1988). Functional
nique in a processing environment (Lopez-Quiroga and others properties affect the sensory characteristics of food, but they can
2012). Usually, freeze-drying is applied only in very high added- also influence its physical behavior during preparation, transfor-
value blood products such as thrombin or plasmin enzyme (Jayathi- mation, or storage (Ramos-Clamont and others 2003; Silva and
lakan and others 2012). In order to reduce the time required for Silvestre 2003). The main desirable functional properties and im-
freeze-drying, a new technology has been described: spray-freeze- pact of processing conditions on blood proteins are summarized in
drying (SFD) (Ishwarya and others 2015). SFD is a 3-step process Table 6.
that involves a liquid or solution being atomized into droplets, Many publications focus on assessing protein functionality at
solidified by contact with a cold fluid, and sublimated at low tem- a fundamental level, as, for example, testing of pure protein so-
perature and pressure. SFD is thus a unique drying technique as it lutions or very simple ones (salt buffer or water/oil mixtures).
is a combination of both spray-drying and freeze-drying (Leuen- While the definitive understanding of protein functionality must
berger 2002). This has been demonstrated with BSA (Wang and be arrived at through inclusion in an accepted model system or in
others 2006) and trypsinogen (Henczka and others 2006). While the final product, these observations give us valuable insight into
this technique results in more stable particles, with a regular size downstream applications for the protein (Hettiarachchy and others
and employing a 60% less time than traditional freeze-drying; the 2012). Table 7 shows the potential application of blood proteins
cost and the complexity of the process are currently prohibitive based on the functionality displayed at a fundamental level. Fur-
unless used for very-high-added-value products. ther information about meat and nonmeat usage of blood proteins
can be found in a bibliography by Ofori and Hsieh (2012). Once
Blood Proteins and Derivatives with Functional assessed at a fundamental level, testing in a real food system is es-
Properties sential as processing conditions and other ingredients can interact
Functionality to modify protein functionality (Foegeding and Davis 2011; Kudre
Research on the functionality of blood proteins has been and others 2013; Arfat and others 2014; Heertje 2014; Intarasiri-
carried out since the 1970s, and their excellent technofunctional sawat and others 2014; Rocha and others 2014). This section will
properties have been shown to be due to the combined effects of mainly focus on technofunctional properties of isolated blood pro-
the 3 main protein types: serum albumin, globulins, and fibrino- teins as few studies have been published on real food systems (Polo

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Blood processing and food applications . . .

Table 7–Potential application of blood proteins in several foodstuffs according to requirements.

Food Functional property required Optimal blood protein

Salad dressing Emulsifying, viscosity Fibrinogen, demineralized plasma,
conjugated globulins, conjugated
hemoglobin, red cells
Meat products Water absorption, gelation, fat absorption, Plasma, globulins, fibrinogen, conjugated
emulsifying hemoglobin
Cakes and pastries Foaming, color, fat absorption Red globin, fibrinogen, plasma, hemoglobin
Biscuits Solubility Plasma, globulins, albumin, hemoglobin
Yogurt Solubility, gelation, emulsifying Plasma, globulins, albumin, hemoglobin
Beverages Solubility Plasma, globulins, albumin, hemoglobin
Ice cream Emulsification, foaming Fibrinogen, demineralized plasma,
conjugated globulins
Simulated meats Fiber formation Fibrinogen,
Protein shakes Foaming, solubility Plasma, yellow globin
Gelatin, gels Gelation Globulins, fibrinogen, albumin
Soups and gravies Solubility, gelation, viscosity Fibrinogen, demineralized plasma,
conjugated globulins, conjugated
hemoglobin, red cells
Feeding formula Solubility Plasma, globulins, albumin, hemoglobin
Animal feed Nutritive, Plasma, red cells, albumin, hemoglobin,
Pet food Palatability Plasma, red cells, hemoglobin, globin.
Adapted from Hettiarachchy and others (2012).

and others 2005; Polo and others 2009; Hurtado and others 2011; Whole hemoglobin is soluble across a broad pH range. As the
Pereira and others 2014; Fontes and others 2015). preparation of hemoglobin does not involve thermal, chemical,
or aggressive processes that can alter its structure, its solubility is
Processing influence on functionality in general very good. Globin, however, which must be separated
Assuming the product meets all legislative and regulatory re- from the heme group, is more susceptible to denaturation than
quirements, plasma can be used directly as a food ingredient and hemoglobin, and hence, tends to be less soluble (Autio and others
only requires stabilization by using concentration or drying, for 1984). Solubility of plasma proteins is only mildly dependent on
example. While, as discussed above, drying can negatively impact pH, displaying a high solubility over the pH range characteristic
functionality, it has been reported that ultrafiltration and freeze- for processed meat products (pH from 4 to 7), making them ideal
drying can affect positively the functionality of plasma, in par- for inclusion in formulations (Tybor and others 1973; Parés and
ticular solubility, emulsification capacity, and foam stability (Del others 2011). Plasma proteins isolated by the Cohn method have a
Hoyo and others 2008; Furlán and others 2010; Parés and others solubility of >50% over a pH of range 3 to 8, with the exception
2014). Adding salt can also improve functional properties such of fibrinogen that has lower solubility (>20%). Albumin, the most
as gelation and foaming (Oshodi and Ojokan 1997). If plasma is abundant plasma protein, has an isoelectric point of 4.8 to 5.7
fractionated by ethanol precipitation, the proteins are reversibly depending on the attachment of fatty acids to the molecule (Fort
unfolded and the isolated fractions shown better functional prop- 2010), and it is very soluble in aqueous solutions and reasonably
erties than those reported for whole plasma (Álvarez and others soluble in salts solution. The solubility of porcine albumin is
2009). The functionality of freeze-dried serum and globin proteins negatively affected within the pH range of 4 to 6, which may
is improved by addition of lactose before freeze-drying; such effect be a result of polymerization that the protein exhibits in an acid
is more pronounced for serum proteins (Tybor and others 1973). medium, or because the isoelectric point of the protein. For
The influence of discoloring conditions on protein functionality globulins, the minimum solubility is seen at pH 4; beyond this
was described above. pH value, the overall solubility of plasma protein is between 80%
and 100%, with the maximum at pH 3 (Álvarez and others 2009).
High solubility is desired for protein application in numerous
food formulations. Solubility is the ability of a protein to be dis- Gelling properties
solved and to form a homogeneous solution of the solute in the Protein gels are defined as structures in which polymer–polymer
solvent. As pH varies across food products, solubility of proteins and polymer–solvent interactions occur in an ordered manner re-
is an important prerequisite and indicator for protein functionality sulting in the immobilization of large amounts of liquid by a
(Etheridge and others 1981). Solubility is highly affected by pH small amount of protein. Cross-linking is essential for gel forma-
changes, and it is usually the most affected functional property tion; which together with the fluidity of the immobilized solvent
due to processing, hence impacting on other functionalities (Ty- gives gels their characteristic elasticity, flow behavior, and strength.
bor and others 1973). Solubility is highly dependent on a protein’s Important characteristics of a gel include water-holding capacity
3-dimensional structure and it can be nonreversibly modified by (WHC), the least gel concentration (LGC), as well as the rheo-
chaotropic reagents (ethanol, acetone, urea, strong acids, and al- logical behavior of formed gels. Testing a protein’s gelling quali-
kalis), high pressures, and extreme temperatures (Smeller 2002). ties provides useful information regarding texture and palatability
When protein solubility is plotted against pH, the graph has a U- (Kinsella 1979). Due to their good gelling properties, blood pro-
shape; the lower solubility corresponds to the isoelectric pH or iso- teins have been used extensively as binders in the meat industry;
electric point (pI), which is the pH value where protein molecules they can be used as an alternative to the traditionally used egg albu-
have no net charge, thus facilitating protein–protein interaction men (Hickson and others 1980); although plasma powder showed
causing the protein to aggregate, which means reduced solubility. a lower binding capacity.

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Plasma proteins exhibit both excellent gelling and water- For hemoglobin and its derivatives, red globin and yellow
binding capacity, properties that are used to improve the texture, globin, the emulsifying capacity increases with an increase in pro-
sliceability, and yield losses of processed meat products (Wismer- tein concentration. Globin has an emulsifying capacity equal to
Pedersen 1988; Parés and others 2014). For example, plasma or greater than hemoglobin for concentrations of 2 to 6 g/L, this
has been used as a phosphate substitutive in frankfurter-type may be due to the structure of the globin. As the heme moiety,
sausages (Hurtado and others 2011). The final product had which usually resides in the hydrophobic pockets of the protein,
improved WHC, lower fat, and higher protein content compared has been removed, these hydrophobic residues may be available
to controls. While hardness and chewiness were slightly higher, for interaction with the oil phase of the emulsion. The reduction
they were still within an acceptable range. of emulsifying capacity, when globin is compared to discolored
Globin gels are softer than plasma gels; however, they have a globin, is an indication of the effect of the discoloration pro-
greater capacity to bind water (Autio and others 1985). WHC cess had on the protein functionality and structure. The protein
of globin is reduced with the addition of NaCl, as salt enhances is denatured and so its ability to bind to fat is lowered (Álvarez
the tendency of the protein to form random aggregates (Autio and others 2009). However, a very good emulsifying ability was
and others 1984; Bah and others 2013). Bovine globin has bet- reported for discolored globin prepared by ionic exchange chro-
ter gelling capacity than porcine globin prepared by the same matography, probably due to a low denaturation degree (Yang and
method; also, the WHC of bovine globin is higher than porcine Lin 2000). Other authors reported that globin isolated by means
globin (Autio and others 1985). Globin recovered using CMC of acidified acetone or CMC performed better than sodium ca-
was found to have superior gelling ability when compared to en- seinate (a common food industry emulsifier) in the absence of salt;
zyme hydrolyzed globin, because peptides are less able to gener- however, in the presence of salt, caseinate was superior (Silva and
ate sufficient protein–protein interaction to form a 3-dimensional Silvestre 2003). When globin is compared to ovalbumin or whole
structure (Yang and Lin 1998). hemoglobin, its emulsion capacity is remarkably higher; however,
in its isoelectric zone, globin is not a good emulsifier, because of
the aggregates formed (Nakamura and others 1984).
Emulsifying properties
An emulsion is defined as a 2-phase system, consisting of at least Foaming
1 immiscible liquid, intimately dispersed in another, in the form of Foam may be defined as a 2-phase system in which a distinct
droplets. These are thermodynamically unstable and tend to col- gas bubble phase is surrounded by a continuous liquid lamellar
lapse. Proteins, as amphiphilic molecules, are used to stabilize food phase and is characterized by high viscosity. The foaming capacity
emulsions by reducing interfacial tension (O’Riordan and others of a protein is the amount of foam formed per unit of solution
1989). Emulsifying capacity is usually determined by measuring volume; it represents the interaction between the protein solution
the amount of emulsified oil per gram of protein employed. The and the air. To maintain the foam surface, agents are needed. The
response of emulsifiers in foods is complex and is influenced by stability of the foam is also an important factor, and is determined
many variables (Tybor and others 1973). by the length of time the foam maintains its volume. Foams are
The globulins have high emulsion capacity, with γ -globulins inherently less stable than emulsions, because unlike emulsions
showing a better performance than α- and β-globulins, possibly the volume occupied by the dispersed phase (air) is greater and
due to the increased hydrophobic regions available for interact- there is a higher interfacial surface (Penteado and others 1979).
ing with the oil phase of the emulsion. The emulsifying capacity Protein foams exhibit good stability close to pI. It is important to
of fibrinogen reached 100% at all concentrations; this is note- note that foaming may be a desired (as in some food products as
worthy considering the low solubility of this protein. This may meringues) or undesirable (excessive foaming during processing)
be due to the structure of the protein that contains 29 disul- characteristics.
fide bonds (Allen and others 1977) capable of hydrophobic in- Blood proteins are able to create notable volumes of foam, but
teractions. Strong emulsifying properties are observed for whole these are not stable over time. Freeze-dried red cells produced 4
plasma, with fibrinogen and globulin appearing to have a greater times the foam volume compared to the nonfreeze-dried (Toldrà
affect than albumins (Álvarez and others 2009). For some proteins, and others 2004), although the foam destabilizes rapidly. When
especially albumin and globulins, there can be a reduction in emul- compared with egg albumen, plasma is able to generate the same
sifying capacity with increases in concentration. This may be due volume of foam; however, more stable foams are formed using egg
to an increase in protein–protein interactions, leading to an ag- proteins (Tybor and others 1975). When compared with casein,
gregation process. Such protein–protein interactions are stronger or whey and soya isolates, blood proteins are able to create more
than hydrophobic or hydrophilic interactions, which are required stable foams and higher volumes (O’Riordan and others 1989).
to stabilize the emulsion, thus less protein is available to form the
emulsion. While porcine albumin is very soluble, its emulsifying Modification of functional properties
capacity is low (emulsifies 25% to 30% of added oil) (Pearce and Food proteins do not necessarily possess the required func-
Kinsella 1978). The low performance may be due to the globu- tional properties when they are in their native form. Structural
lar structure of albumin, which prevents its hydrophobic residues, modifications, by physical, chemical, or enzymatic means, are fre-
buried in the center of the molecule, from interacting with the quently used to improve functionality (Hettiarachchy and others
oil phase (Álvarez and others 2009). However, addition of dried 2012). Moreover, there is growing interest in modifying proteins
serum albumin into processed meat products serves to stabilize for industrial food applications. Most common modifications are
the fat content of the products. In some cases, the albumin and acylation, alkylation, phosphorylation, cross-linking, deamidation,
fat are processed separately before addition to the product, in this and glycosylation. Glycosylation is the preferred mechanism as it
way, the fat is added in the form of a stabilized emulsion that can occurs naturally under controlled conditions of temperature, time,
be added at any stage in the processing and still remains stable pH, and moisture, and it does not require addition of chemicals.
(Halliday 1973). Such modifications have been widely studied on vegetable proteins

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as those from faba bean, pea, or corn; and animal proteins such as More efficient and higher value use of blood proteins faces
milk, fish, or egg proteins (Stanic-Vucinic and others 2013; Chen several challenges that science and technology need to address.
and others 2014; de Oliveira and others 2014; Perusko and oth- These challenges somewhat match the processing steps as dis-
ers 2015). It has been reported that solubility can be remarkably cussed in this review. (I) More efficient and easy-to-use tech-
improved, and hence, thereby improve other properties such as nologies for hygienic blood collection are required. (II) Improved
textural (gelling ability), foaming, and stability (Oliver and others (such as low hemoglobin content and high protein content) pro-
2006). cesses for industrial-scale plasma production. (III) Greener, more
Regarding blood proteins, research in this field has been lim- feasible, and more sustainable processes for protein separation and
ited. It was reported that plasma conjugated with galactomannan purification need to be developed. Current processes are based on
(Matsudomi and others 1995) displayed better solubility and en- the use of organic solvents, ethyl alcohol fractionation, or chro-
hanced emulsifying ability than native plasma, and emulsions matographic techniques. (IV) Efficient and effective discoloring
created 10 times more stable than those made using unmodi- of hemoglobin. (V) A better understanding of how novel pro-
fied plasma. Dextran (high-molecular-weight carbohydrate) was cesses, such as ultrasound, pulse electric fields, cold atmospheric
used to modify ethyl-fractionated plasma proteins and hemoglobin plasma, or high pressures can affect protein functional proper-
(Álvarez and others 2012a); with results showing improved emul- ties is required (Saravacos and Kostaropoulos 2016). (VI) Build a
sion ability, better thermal stability, and higher temperature gela- knowledge database on functionality in real food systems and how
tion. However, glycated proteins had a remarkably lower solubility. the common food processing procedures affect their final perfor-
Oliver and others (2006) published an excellent review on protein mance. (VII) Development of novel products, based on formu-
modification by the Maillard reaction in which it was reported lations that include blood proteins, targeting consumer demands
that only very specific degrees of glycation produced a better pro- for “healthy,” protein rich, and tasty products. (VIII) In depth
tein solubility influenced by variable (inherent) properties of the consumer studies can be applied to evaluate consumer perception
native protein. Recently, it has been reported that the structural and acceptance of blood and blood derived products to develop a
changes in pure BSA after dextran conjugation protect BSA from suitable strategy to promote the excellent nutritive properties of
denaturation and aggregation during dry-heating (Xia and others these components. (IX) Application of blood proteins in the de-
2015). velopment of new biomaterials such as biofilms or food coatings,
Chemical modification of globin was investigated by Yang and and focusing on good rheological and emulsifying properties to be
Lin (2000) who reported that succinylated globin was 50% more imparted in carriers or encapsulants used for delivery of bioactive
soluble than the control. On the other hand, acetylated globin compounds such as antioxidants or antimicrobials.
presented a lower solubility when compared with the control.
The succinylated proteins showed an improvement for emulsify- Conclusions
ing activity and foam capacity at neutral pH. Emulsifying ability This review presents the current state of the art for blood col-
of globin was improved after acetylation in the isoelectric zone lection, processing, and downstream purification and modification
(pH ࣈ7), unlike in the acidic zone where it was 50% lower than techniques to generate functional blood proteins for use in food ap-
native protein (Nakamura and others 1984). The same authors plications. The influences of processing conditions on the protein
reported that globin digested with pepsin in the presence of 1.0% characteristics and functionalities are presented. Blood represents a
CMC displayed improved emulsion ability and stability in the key resource for extracting additional value from the meat sector.
acidic range. While there are some examples of it being utilized in an optimal
fashion, a concerted approach is lacking across the sector. Current
Future Challenges for the Blood Protein Industry legal and political frameworks, along with new funding initiatives
Currently, major efforts are being carried out in food waste re- focused on waste reduction, are helping to set an encouraging sce-
covery from pulses, seeds, and the dairy industry (Galanakis 2012). nario for more research groups and food companies to join efforts
In spite of the high nutritional value and potential high added- and invest time and resources on improved blood processing. Con-
value opportunities for blood, it remains an underutilized prod- sidering the need for implementing more sustainable and higher
uct. It has been estimated in 1999 that only 15% to 20% of blood value practices, coupled with the global protein demand, many
produced in slaughterhouses was destined for the food industry opportunities can be exploited by the sector through focusing on
(Gómez-Juárez and others 1999), while in 2001, 30% was used, blood proteins.
another 30% of blood was also used in the pet food sector (Gatnau
and others 2001). To the best of our knowledge, no real estima-
tion of blood usage has been reported recently however. While Acknowledgments
blood can be used for higher end applications such as diagnostics This work forms part of the ReValueProtein Research Project
and medical sectors, it is likely that a high volume is currently (Exploration of Irish meat processing streams for recovery of high
used for low added-value products. Of course, there are consumer value protein based ingredients for food and nonfood uses, Grant
concerns that need to be taken into consideration with regard Award nr 11/F/043) supported by the Dept. of Agriculture, Food
to use of animal blood. According to Ofori and Hsieh (2012), 3 and the Marine (DAFM) under the National Development Plan
main factors are concerning the consumer: fraudulent usage, reli- 2007-2013 funded by the Irish Government.
gious and ethical reasons, and health reasons. Strong legislation is The authors declare no conflict of interest with the information
in place (European Directive 1333/2008 regarding food additives) shared in this work.
to prevent fraudulent use of blood and ensure clear labeling of
ingredients. This EU legislation also protects the consumer from Author contributions
a health and safety perspective. Finally, clear guidelines exist to Sarah Lynch drafted sections Nutritive Value, Blood Collec-
instruct nonusage of blood for food purposes according to Halal tion, Processing of Red Cell Fraction, and Processing for Stor-
and Kosher dietary laws (Regenstein and others 2003). age. Eileen O’Neill reviewed the drafted manuscript and aided in

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